23, 192? SEE HOW FAR a AD M A in a Modern : Ford Service Station . ..Sc-, clean carbon, clean spark plugs, i natal 1 new 1 1,, tall commutator case and brush, clean U line : bulb, $5.80, (Parts extra), iron! end, tijrtneii yteerinir, line front wheals, i rods and ateerinif rods, oil and grease all around ,:. ! and adjust bund., $1.00. (Parts extra). n:t k change bands replace emergency brake pawl, iru-.. grease differential, 1X00. ( Parts extra). , uii-k change transmission bands, IXM. (Parts i nick change bands. 92M. (Parts inclodad). :u ,:or. overhaul ignition, repair lights, replace wir- honi. oil and dean generator commutator, advance ncci'Knasj . ui! fan, 92.00. (Parts extra), .ill polish car. tighten all around, oil and- grease. il and change grease in differential, lube oil and grease). NTON Supplies Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 (In- DON T SPOIL YOUK CLOT1IKH AND TBMPXS GiFfTINO UNDER YOUR CAR ' your FORD amongst friends; that's the FORI) DEALER S. & Parker, Limited FORI) SALES AM) SERVICE, i Atrnuc Ea.st Phone 83 Stationery! THE PRACTICAL GIFT ' who are looking for a gift, useful as well as caarai-ottiring a splendid selection of Boxed Stationary. THE DAIMLER A prettily decorated box containing White. I Pink Nou paper and Envelopes, and white Cor-l ug Card with Gilt Edges $." -YMI'IIOXY ANTIQUE In cabinet with Feather metal pen. w.'.r.. Antique paper and four drawers of envelopes. ' useful for Glovea and Trinkets after paper $1.00 SYMPHONY LAWN White Lawn paper and envelopes, Gilt - I 1 orrespondence Cards $1.00 TASIII a new paper in various styles, White Deckle i $a.r N with lined envelopes Z1W and J51-"0 KASHA Bright Christmas red calrfsat Containing a high-grade , i tr paper and envelopes PAMi'OLA- jrey Deckle-edged ." Whit.- untl Mauve $1.00 IVhitu- with lined envelope $l.ftO QRI) BALTIMORE White paper and envelopes in a conve-..ien' stand-up cabinet !1.7." iUlE.MARLIv .rey Paper with lined envelopes . $1. yfic Pioneer DrttocZsis WlRDAVE. f SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES P?t,200 WILL YOU be a Member? of our "HOME LOVERS CLUH" THIS CHRISTMAS 1 now while our selection of House Furnishings is at Barrie's Home Furnishings enue l,;.,,- ,. I ...) .1,11.1. 1'hone 123 Local and Personal 1 ir"' rwi m jig BO UMmtltri. Pbsne tl. IliatM TW I - ... . beat it T Annan, an enclnesr. naaead throuah ' last evenlBg on tbe Oateia for Fort! taapeon where he wUl aid in tbe float- tag of the Cataia. Hat for the Canadian National Rall- way. returned to the city on yeetardajr This now article is good quality silver plate and the handle screws off so it can also be used with a small glass dish in the centre for olives or crackers and cheese, or a,plain cake or sandwich plate. Send for our new catalogue. 11 1 CJEYVELLLKP TOE STORE WITH THE CLOCK THE DAILY-NEWS PXGE TEHEE For quick and satisfactory work brine ! Xanaa bseastltcbing to Dollar store it , Akx nix left this mrninn for Terrace on bualniss la eennecuon with 11m Impart! CMI Oa. Owing to bad weather, both Elks' Btu), ff when tamiia, V" 01 T"osii. tf wuiuin OoMMoois returned to the ' kity on ifMeagt aftsrasan tram trum 9fJ Telkwa cost tod lMtp develop L brtof business trip to Um interior Cwtosl BC lit setter ooal. f- - I UJ nyoe master u iur ai- .!. Mellln. a mining man ol Stew- Alhrt AantlM. and Pembina Peerless art. was In the city laat evening re- U, Mm ufidff saver, don t buy, turning tram visit south. 1 I-.., water, w bey seaL all a ton can vou I June H. Mafce, wpertnteodent en- ICineer for the rarest Bnuttit. armed In the city from Vkrteda on the Oaeao- aun laat algbt, fceftH aere on offlclal Sly fur buying eaaeon atarto In a '"ldutfc, day and from now until the tint of oc,h am oBering one third off . ,1,, of aU aiy COaU. Wm. Ooldbloom. fit .,. ik. . t rw Club Rnnm. in ' tbe Helgenon Btktk oa Tuesday night A. a a ltoltUf. B. and B. ataMftoteit- -. ixnnnr.. ,a ... p m be dlaetuaed. mwrao-na train suioaing a trip to the R strachan. who hM been In the latarMr oa atoelal dutica. c.N.R diYiaioa-l e-pertatendeafa office bete lor tbe peat two yeara. left on tali amid UeSwen. C N R dleltlon morning train lor Swtthera to which tielght aeent, returned to the city on polnt he has heem traneferred. yesterday afternoon ! train foUowUtg trip to the Interior as far aa Prince Motoriblp Belliafhaw. Capt J. E. Qaarae oa coma ny bualDeee. ArMin mine nort on fiaturdav from KeteMkM wtth three carloads of Itonnan Feasiaii . local preaenutivc tromn tlth traanWpment Eaat over of the Intenaattonal -laherlea Oommla- the l. jat-K-l RaUwaya. Uaa. ealled aatwday afternoon on the , Prratem Mary tor Ketchikan where he c.Sl. iteamer Pitfiee Charlea la atlU wm spend a few days on oommlaton on y,, pontoone at the Prtnoe Rupert tM'u'' dry dock unilaigiii tanual overhaul. It to expected that the reeeel wUl be O. 0. Miller, deputy collector of eu- Mkcn tbout tba end of the week. toma at Bkagway, iu a paaeeager on the Prince- Uary Saturday afternoon w M w, otM maoager for rns-returnln? north foUowtni? bis annual Eelr, viarke rttomed laat even-vacation trip to Seattle and other lng on !nKn a vUlt wltb polnu In the south. bu panu t LocTlew. Washington. He went aa far on the trip aa Portland, laaac C. Taylor, prominent pioneer SMrenant of -Whltetotee. and Mrs. Tay- w . Harrla. well known Haatlton tor sad family were paawengcra aboard mi-ag man. and Beward O. Brown of the Prtnceea Mary aaturday afternoon Vancouver, whom he Km lntereated in returning north following a vlalt of two jnlng in the district, reached the city months in Vancouver and other points on -taterday afternoon tram from the in the aoutn. Interior. Capt. John Irving, pioneer shipping wmun rjoucett arrived In tbe man and navigator of this coast, ar- frtuem, af-nved clty on tDe Mary Saturday in the otty oa the Prtnosea alary Irom s,, to Join her hue- Baturday afternoon from Victoria and lmad pt. Doucett, master of the hal-praoeeded hy tms morning's train to tbut Umt Bitttm Try are uktng up tbe Francola Lake district where Beaa. m ApalUnnU. baa mining Interest i. I Most of the witnesses in the Ernest Mr justice w. a. aucoonaia ana at. Love Vi international Electric Co. case S. Byran. court stenographer, left on at tn supreme court Asslree returned this morulas' '? 'or Prince Oeorge)to suvt Qn the Oaanosun last night. where the ran session or tne ewpTerae;Th, BnnclDals. Etneet' Love and E. R Ceurt Asehwa will open on Wednesday, workman, will return north on WedV Iks will net en tot ha WUStoaas Lake. it aa orlgtnaiiy piannea. tor a special sea slon of the assises there has-now been called off. ajeaamer- Cataia. which arrived last Sandwich Plate $6.50 Capt. James Morrison ,waa elected rloe-presldent for the Prince Rupert branch of the Merchant Service CJulld at a meettna Saturday nbrbt. Other evenlrj soon after S o'clock, brought pontine buslneee was dealt with at the for Prince Rupert H. C. Douglas of !ratherlns wntah was attended by local Vancouver. James N. Blake from Vic toria. W. M. Watt from Vancouver. D. L. Bow from Englewood. and Mr Weaver from Buteoela Pttr Stewart there were D. J... M ulcere and wife. !.. C. Kckart. R. O. MeUtn and R. O. Holmes Per Port atmpeon T. Annan. The boat sailed later In the evening for Portland Canal points. - ' ' ANNOUNCEMENTS .- First United Church Bazaar December 1. "Adam at Eva." Weatnolme Theatre. December 6 and 7. Adair Cans I.OJJi. Hoeelty Baaaar Oeomher 9. Play by United Church Ladles. December 15. Special Value master mariner. Capt. J. J. O'Brien of Philadelphia, who has been In Smlthera for tbe pavt month or so during which time he has become etenslvely Interested In mining In that d tat riot, will leave Smlthers on tonight's train enroute home to Philadelphia via Chicago, Mlas Irene Bouraasa. who has been on the staff of tbe Government Telegraphs In the city for tbe post three-and-a- half years, sella tomorrow night on the Camoaun for Vancouver to which city she has been transferred. Mlse Bou raasa has been popular alike in bust ness and social circles here nnd many friends wlU regret her departure. The Chinese gambling cases which bad been remanded until today have been further remanded . until Wednes day at the requeat of the defense. The accused are Yen Chee. Wong Wan, Wong Go, Man Foy. Man Woy, Man Wye. Oo Foy. See Fu. Wong Yee, Wong Hul, Charlea Kwang. Charlee Kee, Wing Lee. Charles Fu. and Ah Chong. There Is a Japanese also connected with the case Yuske Sato. Owing to stormy weather outside. C P.R. steamer Princess Mary. Capt. Arthur Slater, which arrived at 3 o' clock Saturday afternoon from Vancou did not continue her voyage to until 4 Sunday morning when she sailed for Ketchikan. Tbe following passengers arrived here from tbe south on the Princess Mary: E. W Hards. C. R. McMillan. Capt. John Irv ing. Mrs. W. Doucatt and Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall. Coastwise etemshlp & Barge Co.'a steamer Amur left Port Simpson at 8 o'clock last night for Stewart after having called at the former point to unload material which will be used In the rebuilding of the dock for which John Currle & Son have- the contract. In tow of the B.C. Towage & Lighterage Oo.'s tug Salvage Princess, the Currle pltodriver left on Saturday for Port Simpson hut has been weatherbound inside of Tugwell Island. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED. MAN OR WOMAN TO SELL signed oil painting, popular prices. First olasa work; British Columbia and other scenery. Big money for the right person. Good chance for grocery or medicine salesman going Writ A r n I 4811 Fanning Ave West Point Grey.! 280 Need Tubes? Try Peanuts or DX-221 Waor TaaunJ VUrfitne Compry tr .ii.ii.i lionircaJ "'Hi, GO NORTH SAYS T. D. PATTULLO Minister of Iands Points This Way and Urges Young Men in Southern ILL. to go VICTORIA. Nov. S8. It I an insult to tbe Intelligence, initiative. Ingenuity and application of the young men of British Columbia to say that they cannot go out and make a living In thla province which richly abounds In natural resource.' declared Hon. T. D rvHuyu, provincuii mia.vcr vi iim. in ape king la members of the Victoria! Kl wants Club at their weekly luncheon In tbe Chamber of Commerce audi torium. Mr; Pattullo said he was entirely at variance with those who believed that there were no longer great opportuni ties for the young men. He was cognisant of tbe opportunities awaiting development In tbe North, and for that reason be bad chosen for his theme: "Oo North, Young Man." The speaker said Vancouver Island possessed wonderful possibilities and was an Empire In itself. If this Island were contiguous to Eurpce, It would have a population of several mUllon people, for It has a diversity ot re sources that would make It possible, lie recalled that Belgium, with leas ter ritory than Vancouver island, bad a population of 8.000,000. While Vancouver Island compitBed only one-thirtieth Of the whole area of British Oonimbta. it nevertheless possessed one-third of British Columbia's timber. There was an abundance ot fishing, fanning and mining on the Island, which also had unsurpassed scenery and a wonderful climate. Great development could be expected on Vancouver Island In the future, tbe Minister said, adding that there were Industries "In the offing, which In tbe next few yeara will be developed and will become permanent, beyond a per-adventure of a doubt." Mr. Pattullo discussed tbe steady expansion of agriculture, and spoke of the clearing of land Incident toy logging operations. He said a great dla- rlbntlon of business followed from the establishment and operations of such Industries as tbe Powell River paper plant, and the conversion of logged - off lands to intensive agriculture which Is now In process In that territory. With the creation of similar areas, the population will be Increased and more agrlcltural lands will be developed. DEVELOPMENTS TRACED The speaker traced the developments whlota were taking place in the - Fraaer Valley, In LUlooet. around Prince George, In tbe Peace River Country, the Bulkley Valley, the New Haserton country, Stewart Lake dlatlct and ' Prince Rupert. The mineral and agri cultural resources of the northern sec tton of the province were sketched , showing the great opportunity awaiting settlers. "If 'the Queen Charlotte Islands were contiguous to Europe, they would have a population of 1.000.000 people," be asserted. Tbe Minister said that If a person wanted to make a colossal fortune he could make It much faster In New York or Chloago than In Victoria but It didn't say that by living In New York or Chicago he .would be any bet ter off than residing right here. In closing. Mr. . Pattullo emphasised that thrNorthland was a land of vast possibilities and great opportunities. His advice to young men would be, "Go North." he affirmed amid prolonged applause. President Harold M. Dlggon. In con veying thanks of the gathering to the speaker, said that Hon. Mr. Pattullo has. convinced us that opportunities for adventurous and aggressive young men etlll - exist, and "If given proper encouragement they will convert the Northland into one of the most pro gressive regions on earth." Safe for ClULDRENS Coughs sum! I Tlie elfthtccn Inch standard R-540 Cono is made specially to ftlveyou breadth of reproduction. Picksupallthemuslcpos-sible to ftet - not just a small part of it. Bestinsetsof fire tubes orofer. Realmualc whether from local or distant stations. No sound lost because of fancy housing. Ask you r Dealer. Victor'rirJI 'Northern Electric Cone aflPb -n-rwitf.i .anitatlon in Speaker The laundry Hygeia, March, 1927 A kitchen is properly a food shop and should be used for little else. It is distasteful to think of the possibilities attending laundry work in the kitchen in the winter when doors and windows are closed to keep out the cold and when steam from the boilers, and later from the drying clothes, mingles unchecked with the foods that are being prepared. THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION Send it to the Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners 515 Sixth Avenue AV. of Phone 8 Canadian National Steamships Co. L mited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O.T.F. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock tinujneers. Machinists, Boilermakers. Blacksmiths, Pattern-makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S5 HE DISPOSAL Geo. D. lite s Stock IS Continuing : Today HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS Insist on .C PRODUCTS They Lead in-Quality ' UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from rrlnre Rupert, lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanson Itay. Alert Bay. etc, Tuesday, S ' p.m. For VANCOl'VF.K. VICTORIA, Rutedale. Wert Uaj. etr Saturday 8 a.ni. lor PORT SIMPSON, NAAS KIVEIt POINTS, ALICE ARM, AN VOX, STEWART, Wales Island. Sunday. 8 p.m. 123 2nd Avenue. R M. SMITH. Arent. Prince Rupert. U.C Through tickets told lo Victoria and Seattle at a reduced rate and baggage checked throcgh to destination.