The Daily News PRINCE RUPEHT - BRITISH' COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - r Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. ALL WOODS CAN BE USED NOW. 93 S6 It FA(!E TWO THE DAILY NEws .11 8 jm m .ttw BOVRIL Repels colds chills and influenza USE PACIFIC ! COAST PORTS TO llKVU.OI1 .TRADE RELATIONS , FOR IIKITISII (OI.IMHIA ONE , Of MAIN OIULCTS OF VIC- TOHIA .MKETIMJ WILL URGE UNITY i VICTORIA, Feb. 9. When the' .Foreign Trade Council of the Pacific j Coast convenes in Victoria next sum-mtr it 1 hoped to have representatives of the principal British Dominions pre-' sent. j The chief program before the con-: ventlon will be the .development of; trade relations between the seaports of . the Pacific ports of Canada and the ! United States and those of the Far Enst and Australasia. The question of co-operation among the various ports of the coast will also be dealt with. It is expected that from 1,000 to I,- 500 delegates wlU attend the sessions. The entire coast being represented by financial and commercial leaders. According to William, A. Pigott, of Seattle; president of the Foreign Trade Council, the slogan cf this year's convention will be Pacific, Coast trade unity for world trade expansion! "Men engaged in the same line of business were competitors to the extent of almost being enemies a few ,,., 'years .ago. "said Sir. Pigott. in descVtb- ttednesday, reb. 9, 1927 jlD8 the aims ot the convention. "Now- adays business merr solve their prob-llems together. Their problems ot production and marketing are adjusted by I men engaged in the same lines of eri- Woods which few years ago were regarded as useless for that;deavor ,n n effort to avold duplication, purpose are now being successfully utilized in the manufacture of ; iTcZZtnl pulp in British Columbia pulp and paper plants. iheid in all lines of industry in the Several of the large pulp manufacturing concerns of the coast ! United states and Canada and by de- have been experimenting with new woods for some years, and the i development of international co-oper tests in the majority of cases have been surprisingly satisfactory tojtlon we re brln?ln abut business ex-chemists and engineers in charge of the work. ipansion that knowt no border and no According to nn!n .. ' restrictions. The vast and growing some Piwrt !t will h J years to use large quantities of fir and cedar in the manufacture States is striking proof of the value of pulpwood. Hemlock, spruce, and balsam are now being used prin- of such friendly relationship, and an cipally, but the range of species usable is steadily being widened ! unanswerable argument for the spirit as a result of the experiments, If fir and cedar can be used for the manufacture of nuln on a practicable basis, it will mark an important step in the industry lIJEOTrD M DD A MPU because these species are obtainable in greater volume and much VYr..ll r.KIl I lK A 11.11 mnra okIIu Ikon tk Di9t .f V,:.. ..:i:.j r, HUUllllUl year the pulpwood logging contractors are forced to go further afield for their supplies of raw material. Cottonwood and poplar, which grow extensively in the northern interior regions of the. province, may be used in the event of a pulp mill Kaincr o c f 1 KM u Vi 11 fl noli PrinpA f'nnn.n v Dv!nnA t. O I. ' ... , ii.iiivm 11 V. Ul UIU(C Ul 1 JIUIC llUJJCIk. OUCH proj'ects are now aidto be live issues, likely to materialize during the next few months. CHURCHES SHOULD Y r ' ' FIGHT BOLSHEVISM. Bolshevism and Communism are being taught in the foreign sections of AVinnipeg, and the people of European nationalities are of co-operation in developing trade." INDUSTRY DEPT. PLAN'S EXTENSION OF ITS ACTIVITIES ALONG THIS LINE accepting the teachings because they are not iriven the oDnortunitviarrl,red ln Winnipeg of learning Canadian ideals, states Mayor R. H. Webb, of Winnipeg. Pbl"'Pl- h0 u ""J"1 the a . . .... . . 1 flirfv Mntal iUtM t vH that tn,t tCt hm IrtHitst ndustn,l rt 1 According According to to Mavnr .Mayor UVhh. U ebb, thi this is i in the greatest .rrnnW problem ,-nMo con- " i 7" a4rry ',' " WINNIPEG, Feb. . The extension of the activities of the Industrial depart men't of the Canadian National Rail ways to the lines of the western region Is fa-shadowed by William Phillips, manager of the department, who has from Montreal. u .... i . . . ... . .. . . development of western Canada ..., .iw w.fcj ' hiiu trivotuicu a iuciiai.c n...,.., niiiui niiuuiu suuu.u iianicu lany suefc imrucuiariyjaaHcg nplA progress that, with . 41. ..V.......1 u i .tt TI. 1 1L.. it. . . .,w..n J-t uiuuoc mc tiiuiviics m tfniuu. ne ueuiareu ma; ;ne money Deingi, Xltw to assisting, the Canadian Na-spent in foreign mission work would be much better devoted to re-jtionai Railways have decided to es-medyihg local conditions. 'tabllsh an office in Winnipeg to auper- The mayor stated that foreign born of Winnipeg wanted to (vise industrial development and to en-become Canadians and to be treated as loyal subj'ects. He believed !rourae the establishment 0f new in-that great strides would be made in relieving the problem, if the lu"rte throughout the west. The aP-churches put aside their "petty jealousies." - jpointment of a commissioner to take I charge of this- w ork will be announced rOMPI IMFVT IS shortly. Iin rlv Commissioners of Industry, employed 1 ;U" to IXJ An AU ni A. the located by company, are already lji Canadians will not fail to recognize the compliment which nas Toronto and Montreal where they have been paid to Canada by the "United States in the appointment of Mr. 'been co-operating with industrial or-William Phillips as the first minister to represent the neighboring ! Raniaztiona, boards of trade, chamber! republic in this Dominino. It is probably unique in the annals oft0' Corameree an other gncies seek-the diplomatic service for ,ng to e,ubUah industry on a sound a high official of such a great country as the United States to exchange the position of Ambassador at one ta'cLdl ft reign capital for the lower rank of minister at another. genera, pollcy of the Apartment Kecogniring, as it so clearly does, the necessity of selecting. is to asut new concerns to find the the best possible man, the Washington government invited Mr. Phil- location which win be -suitable to all lips to consider a transfer from Brussels to Ottawa, without any ' their requirements. The soundness of obligation to accept, and he has decided to come to Canada. Thethl" policy has been demonstrated dur-State Department declared officially that he had taken this course i past three years by the fact because he realized "the importance of the position and the great !that. where the dPartmnt ha further servicp hi. run rpnHpr tn hf irnvpfrimpn " ctlv ,n ,u,tern Canada many nw Witb Mr. Massey in jVasliington to relieve 'the British Ambas T TVZ sador of those many details of purely Canadian concern, and Mr. have enjoyed expansion and ar. now rnnilps in uttawa to attend solely to those questions in which the on a firm commercial footing, two countries are directly and exclusively involved, it can be pre-1 alctea that a new era in the economic and social relationship be- 'PA T)Ef CIUC tween Canada and -the United States is about to dawn with con-i III Kr.l.r.lVr. Numerous complimentary references were made by British statesmen and by the British press on the happy choice which Canada made in Mr. Massey. No doubt their recognition of the compliment which the United States now has paid to Canada, in sending IMMIGRANTS so able a man to Ottawa as Mr. Phillips, will be none the less hearty.;""1' ' AT "'ixsimi to nr. oi-eneii ! HCIUAV MOKMMl IIV Silt NESTLES I NESTLES in Canada by the molten of NtslU'i Baby food on porridge cereals-fruits pudding i IIENItV TIIOItNTON i WINNIPEQ, Feb. . On Friday mom- jlng at 10:30 o'clock Sir Henry Thorn ton will open and turn over for oper jatlon by the Immigration department of the Federal Government the new ' Immigration Hall which the Canadian i National Railways have constructed tn ; Water Street. The centre L which wilt be used for the assembly and shelter jot immigrants making a stop over in I Winnipeg has been completed after I months of work and 11 la now ready ; for Immediate use. At one time the building was used aa offices by the Canadian .Northerm Railway but the whole of the Interior has been-corn pletely reconstructed and remodelled to suit Immigration requirements. Thomas Qelley, division commissioner of immigration for the Federal govern ment will accept the key and the build Ing from Sir Henry Thornton who will be accompanied by Dan M. Johnson manager, and E. H. Ourton, assistant manager ot the colonization depart ment of the Canadian National Railways, sponsor of the idea and under whose direction the changes were carried out by the engineering department Tw) Kmils You ran pet QulMrr (af. in ' two, form the larjS' plump whole flake or tin- Iflff ilalce, rolled thin, anl partly txik(vl. Both are of the sSinc Qifr.U'r Quality, famous in Sfc iVnfnlrieS, If tyoti wish to make jMjrrMge while you ImhI the coffee or make the toast, um Quick Quaker. It rooks in 3 iiVniuti:. of the company. ; ihey will join Mr. Naden who has been The building, consisting 0 three ppolnted deputy minister of lands, storeys, has two floors given over to ' sleeping accommodation and one to Capt. C. H. BabbJngton sailed for the j office, kitchen, "recreation and dining JUtb last evening. j requirements. It Is "considered to be - the most modern building of Its kind klr. and Mrs. A. E, Duett-Jones ar- ' in Canada. The second flora is dlvld-'.ived In the city this morning-and will I ed into two large dormitories for men, 1 .ocate here permanently. ; while the third floor, contains a num- i , ' ber of separate rooms for the use of The Deep C Fisheries Co.. Ltd. has women and of families. Both floor 1 rtrchaaed the Haysport No. 1 and the have special laundry and bath room i iaysport No. 3. In Canada. .The aecond floor Is dlvld- the office where the Immigration authorities will conduct their business, rest rooms for the men and women, kitchens and also a lunch counter. With the opening of the new hall, nunlgratlon trains will be run on to Jdlngs close to the hall and the pas sengers will enter the building wlth- Pneumonia Left Her With A Bad Cough Mr. W. R. jVnnrtt, 2307-HUi fit! West, Calgary, Alta., write :" Over a 71 Mot my tirins were born, I bad an attaci of pnenmonia which left ma with a very bad cough. Being" under tha dolor's care, ha triod flrrt ona thing nd thrn another, but I coughed day und night. A friend brought me a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for to try, and after couching; for two months and taking four six otmre bottles of rough medicine, I gvt rid of my rough with one and a half bottles of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Hyrup." Trie 85c. per fwttle, law family 00c'i I"" UP onl f The T. JWluro Co., Uwittd, TonkUi, VmC , Mlss Barbesu and sister, Mrs. It. S. :atgent of Hsrelton. left on this mom-jg's boat for Seattle. 1101 EL AilltlVAlJ. I'rlnre l(Urrt U. H. Uldlaw. A. O. Tdung and K. itDonald, Vancouver: Mrs. W. Hagen, ut having to go out Into the DUblic ; anaradol; A. Flsk and C. W. Borwnell. thoroughfares. In thU way It will be ! rtnc Oeorge: W. II. Watt and Mr. Mssible to take care of their require-! cd Mn- C. U M. Olggey. Terrace: nents expeditiously and the new com-1 tobert McAllister, Edmonton; Mlaa 8. ?rs will not run the risk of falling Into Oudmundson. Winnipeg: H. O. Olsen, ' unsympathetic hands. The building "mlthers; T. Moore. Hyder. provides for the Accommodation of ap-' aoy -roxtmately five hundred people. ! p- Kdy, Kwlnltsa; ifr. and Mrs. Fred Ten Years Ago n Prince Rupert lEIlUl AUV 9, I9U". The blockade on the railway up river due to heavy snow- is ; gradually being removed- lA train reached the city early this morning and another is due at 11:30 in the morning. At a meeting last evening ln the Methodist Church the subject of taxing bachelors was debated. C. C. Perry and Harry Hanson supported the affirmative while C. Murray and W. Johnston upheld the negative. Mrs. Oeorge It. Naden and family sailed this morning for Victoria where Dudoward, Inverness; r. Morrison and P.. C Garner. CJJl.: Ed. Unger. city. LAND ACT NOTICE. OF INTENTION TO AITf.Y TO ' TO UA-iK l,AM In Prince Rupert Land Recording; Dm-1 trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate on ' ne norm snore 01 cresreni iniei. 1 Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, n the Province of British Columbia, and wing about one and a half mile from! TAKE NOTICE that James Field, ot rince Rupert. II C occupation Marine Jrokcr, Intends to apply for a leaM of ne lonowing aescriDed isnai; Commencing at a boat planted on the torth shore ot Crescent Inlet, about me ana a nan mues from ine head of the 'nlet: thence northwesterly 30 chains: hence southwesterly 20 chiina: thence toutheasterly 20 chains: thence northeasterly 20 chains, and containing forty 140) acres, more or less. 'JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dated November 37. 1028. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF iNTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE I.ANO. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Nesto Inlet. Queen Charlotte Island. TAKE IioriCE that John Dybhavn, of i-iiiice iiupcri, u.u.a occupation manager, iuienas 10 appiy tor a lease 01 lowing described lands: ger fol- Commencing st a post planted on the south aide of Nesto Inlet, about one mile from Its head; thence south 0 chains; thence west 10 chains; thence north fl chain to shore: thence eaat 10 chains, more or less, following the shore line to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or less. JOHN DYBHAVN. APPlcnt Dated November 33. 18S. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION" TO AI'I'LY TO LEASE (OltESIIOHR In Oraham Island, iueen 'Charlotte Island Land Recording District ot Prince Rupert, and situate at Fergtuon Day, Massett Inlet, Orsham Island. TAKE NOTICE that Powill River Company Llml'.sd of Vancouver, no., occupation Manufacturers, Intend to apply tor a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a pott)lsnted at the northeast corner of D L. 1571: thence westerly, following northern bnunri.r nt (laid Lot to the northwest corner of said The 4 most important When food must satisfy and . . "stand by" you Mi?if jH'oiilf Iiflvt to ilo more lli.ui Iwo-lliirils uf tliMr nuist iiiljinrlaiit work in Hit forenoon. To supply this incriiy, tlicy nrcil a lircakfast that witislirs anil will "sIiiimI liy" tlicm tlir'oiilioitt tin inoriiiiiK'. That is why health authorities urge W)1 hreiikfasts why the iii:itehle.s llavotir of (naker Oats r;i:ke it the breakfast of millions of people. Its delicious taste awakens lazy appetites ami Huts promotes easy digestion. Its hulk anil tender linm assist in the assimilation of other food and aid in one of iial lire's most important functions. (iti.iker Oats is the most, perfect of all cereal foods. It. supplies tlie elements which liuild tissue and j,'ive enerixy, as well as the iuiporhuil vilaniines and mineral salts. It contains I f f c protein and m carhohydrates. For better mornings, have Quaker Oats for brc'akfYtsl. o ilher is "just, as good", for no other has . 10 years' ex periencf in gram selection and milling behind it. See thai the picture of Hie friendly (junker is on the package. QuakerQats - you have always knouix QuickQuaker cooks in 3 m inures DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers - TIID IIAIXTIKST MtRAKPAKT FOOD." Smutted Dally hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage IM Fllnre Itupcrl, H.C. E UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllni from iTIme Rupert, ... I'r VANCOUVER. VICIOKIt. Nwaun lUy an.l Aleft IUy. Or. Tif' 3 p.m. . For V.lN'fOEVEK. VICTliltt., Alert li.iv and .Swanwin IUy, rlr. l' ' . lor POUT SIMPSftV. ANVOX, ALICE A KM, -MTEtVAKT and Ns Canm-rlr. Sunday. X p.m. . f l End Avenue. il M, SMITH. Agent. prlnre Haiff'. Lot; thence westerly, northerlv and easterly, following the high tide mark of ! rcrgunuii nay 10 me extreme easterly point of Echinu Point; thence south esaterly to the point of commencement, and containing IM) acre, more or lewi. POWELL RIVER COMPANY. LTD. Agent, J. Dougla Wilson. Dated 4th November. 1P2H ' LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO TO I.EASK l.NI In Prince Runert Land Recordlne ni. trlct, and situate at Huston Inlet, Queen inrioit? i minus. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M Cnrrl of Vancouver. DO., occupation fish packer, intend to apply tor a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at northeast corner about 1,006 feet westerly from miners' cabin at head of Huston Inlet: thence mni.ri, 0,1 chains; thence southerly about 13 chains; tiicm-v rtuiirrir u culms; mence northerly about 13 chains, and contalnlna 34 acre, more or lean. . ROBERT M, CURRlE, Land ait Applicant. Akeena Lahd District. District nf rSni.n Chsrlotte Island. TAKE NOTICE that alxty day after date. I Intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Laud for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum over 040 cm 01 laiiu oounaea M follows' Commcncltur at a not niinUn . 4k. southwest corner of Bectlon so. Town. snip s, Graham Island, and marked AJ.O.s southwest corner"! thnn. ... 80 chaliu; thence north BO chains; thence ou .iui mence aoutn 80 chain J? p2Lnt-.r c?ln'nncernent, being Sec tlon 30, Township 3, Orahnm Island. B O. A, J, OORDON, l"tt,r Dated December 17, 1930, NewSupplies of Mens Clothing nrrlvlng rojtularly For Prices nnd tlunliiy Don't ForRel Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. Miller WIf,flf BLADDER SMfiTAL MID, . is, "" Lk for l '