February 9. 1027 f diT w s. IK jLUN6S J LIVER a- ' KIDNEYS r V X APPENDIX GLADDER SFiMlTlunlMOH IIMIS The lower nerve under the magnify- mo CLASS IS PINCHED 11 A MUALICNLO JOINT. FINCKEO NERVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL IMPULSES. CHIR0P3AO TICA0JU3TIN3 RE MCVE31 HE PRESSURE. TMT UfrCIt NEI.VE IS m n i 5 mi If. 11 "OXO" feeds tlie family's needs CHILDREN'S PUZZLE A flight to every cMJii. Two picture p-jIe In one " picceo. Sent to any address on receipt or 30 'OXO" Cube rappers. The family needs good food especially young children. "OXO" is good food, because "OXO" is the concentrated nourishment and goodness of prime lean beef in the most assimilable form. Add "OXO" to your meat-dishes soups, stews, hash, croquettes and see how much better they taste and how the children will enjoy them ! Give the children cup of hot "OXO," too, when they come home from ichool. "OXO" warmi and strengthens ai well 01 feeds. The Great Beef Economy Tin of 4 cubes, 15c. - tin of 10, 30c. iit it it t t f iin r a n r sr. t n r n i II i as, 1 i i ui i id it m i v i auk .1 f. l.rvi. l via r m m w m m m m -w v au s a u m a v A A I & a aaat k a -T aTa Xa M. kVv .k-af M a-- Free The Nerves of nervous disorder it is but logical that all of Ut hi' directed to secure a proper co-ordination of the frm If u know of the science of Chiropractic u.i ht-itatingly add that Chiropractic best achieve this' h !h of Chiropractic deals directly with the r :.rm The Chiropractor knows that most dls-ease is ; -c--u,re ui'on nerve by spinal bones, and he removes c sure by Chiropractic spinal adjustments. .... , In the case'of nervous disorders HEALTH FOLLOWS v ROPftACTICCCJRECTS r "JURE 0MSP1 HAL t .T.XS IN DISEASES Of T" TLLOWINO ORuAffH v HUD T tYlS l UiO-THROAT ARMS Uf 1 BT adjustment go directly to the source of the trouble, and it fa a run- caw of this type indeed which. annul be benefitted by A ca-c in poitrt "After the sudden death of my husband, I found myself a nervous wreck. For two years I had not slept more than two or thfee hours out of each twenty-four. The loss of sleep brought nervous indigestion and many physical ill. I could not discuss my business affairs with my attorney without 'going to pieces' and rould not attend to them at all. I was do'perate when a good Iriend ?Uorested Chiropractic. After the first adjustment I slept 14 hours without awakening. I took nbout forty adjustments, but licfore I finished 1 was a new woman, slcwtlng all night, cat I up anvthinit I wanted and attending to my business affairs without the least' obstacle." Mrs. Mary Miles I'.ii! r. Chiropractic Research Utiit iiu. St'itemi-nt No. 2115-L. iippointment for health I,. ni:idf l tele-phone. D. A. McMillan Palmer Grnduulc CIIIKOPKACTOlt ''Mini'; 0 nnJ7 Exthiingc lllock. Pnadiah VAcinc Palho-Ni-tironu ter Svrvl ce Open Eunlngs Phone 'J1 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 'I .M. l.lkun. w-,8,tl. jWMa. NkJisiMD-IVhriwr) 1. SI. Mjrrli 7. IS. .s Tamoiurr, It-torl.i. uHle Irhnmry II. i. -Munli II. S-. .'": .H. I'KINn.hH UKATUK i: MVII.IMIS In.m ItIimi- . " J :...nrr ,r miur.lav. Irbnuirv iv iiml M. r cimeellH. 1IU ierM ! rrM,mnl satunlay. IVitrimrj 19. 't'lirir fi.r uii Tull luliiriniilloii IriMii - .-..rwiiiniii t.i urn. Corner nt 4tn tttrret snd Sra .Wenur. I'rlnre Ituprrt, lit. SAVAGE KI.KCTItK- WASIIEU AND DUYKU. Washes, Illues. Klnses and Dries without a wringer or having to put your hands in the water. Cash Price Also Kasy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Local and Personal Arthur's Txl. Phone 878. D C. Undertakers. Phone 41. J. WelU of Alice Arm tailed lor the aouth on the Camoiun laat evening. Dig Four Txl. ohone 4. now it vour 1 V JsaaViUaIph Smith. U ' z Buy Rupert manufactured ahlnglei from seal Cove Lumber Co, Ltd. U Boat cedar, any length, width or theknei to your order. Seal Cove' Lumber Co. tf - . -,'.! The orchentra will play in Uie .Com- modore cabaret on Wednesday arid Sat-1 ' UVdaJr ' evenlnga. , ' ', t3y Native Son of Canada whut drive. and danee In Metropole Hall on Fri day, February It. 34 Mile Donald, the Alice Arm mlntnir man. willed last evening for ancouver on the lUamer Carqosun. St. Valentine's Juvenile Masquerade. ' February 14, In Barton Hall, under aiwploea of Knight of Pythias 30 Delayed with rtvy freight handlm- at way porta, C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert did not arrive from the south until 2:30 this afternoon. I Among thce sailing for the south 'last evening on the Oamosun were C. M. Brown. C. Horner, Miss Johnston. Mile Donald. J. Wells, and H. Kemp . j Notice to members of Centennial liebekah Lodge, No. 40. Owing to al terations to IU1L no meeting will be ;bld on February 9. M. McKlnley. NO. j 33 I Mrs. Frank Moore and child returned y the city on yesterday's train from Prince George where they had been on s abort visit to Mrs. Moore's former home, . Cover your roof and walls with our blnflF. If you are not satisfied at the end of thirty years, we will replace tbeen free of charge. Seal Oove'Lumber Company. 33 BfclBe Ntehol and Eric Howard were each eentenced te seven days In gaol this morning by MagUtriU McClymont for stealing a ride on the Canadian National RaUaaya. JUNIOR MUSIC CLUB THE DAILY NEWS P.3E THREE Bronchial GAS POWER IS Buckley's Mixture is different from anything else you've ever taken for Coughs, Colds or Bronchitis, llinstiatly penetrates the bronchial passages, dears the congestion and relieves the distressing cough like a veritable flash! In so doing it wards off serious develop, ments "Flu", Pneumonia and chronic lung troubles. Adults and children find it as pleasant to take as it is positive to relieve. The first dose proves its worth and there are 40 dose in a 75-cent bottle of "Buckley's". Druggists everywhere sell it on a money-back guarantee. . K. Buckley, Limited 112 Mutual Street, Toronto 2 RUCKLEYfe MIXTURE Acts like a flash- a single sip proves it 03: temperature. 41. SOS Qilcly t- ! AID IN LOGGING NEW MOTIVK METIIOIJ ItEVOLl TIOX- 1.IS(J IMHSTKV IN' ISUITISII COM .M HI A VANCOUVER. BX;., Feb. 9, The fog lng Industry of Brltl&h, Columbia la being revolutionized by gas motive power which Is rapidly replacing the 1 logging engine and horse. I On the Pacific Coast, In the days I before the gas engine, little hauling ,was done by truck. There were several reasons. Trucks, In order to hold the mighty tree trunks, had to be of such solid construction that even when empty one of them was a pretty good . load for a team of horses. Good haul lug roads were scarce, and, as' It look imorc than one team to haul a log ; load, truck loading was costly. It was : a good deal easier and less expensive to , build skid roads, grease them well and draic Ioes along them in "turns" that U, i dozen or so coupled end to end In a single line. 1 Last of the Cascade mountains and In the pme country generally wagon and truck played a greater part In the transportation problem of the woods. Tins was owing to the trees being smaller, the logs being shorter and weighing less. But even there most of the hauling was done In winter by sled when snow covered the ground. When gas trucks appeared, expert mepts were made with a view to fitting them Into the log haul problem, both over paved and unpaved roads. The result has been a type of truck e pecially suited to this kind of work. Now truck logging Is a recognized and extensive branch of the logging In- dustry. By the help of gas logging truer.: operators of small means have been able to leg ol isolated patches of tlmebr owned by farmers or other pri-tvete individuals that otherwise would not have been considered as lumber factors, and find a profitable market . for the timber. 45; tea moderate: 9.30 am spoke Logging authorities believe that In steamer Camosun, near Karuu, south-; future gas trucks will do much of the bound. 1 logging that Is now done by loco- DEAD TREE POINT. Di-ronieter, 30.-1 motive As lands are to be logged NATIVES RETAIN BURIAL CUSTOM Now here! Louis F. Coles, pis no ALEUT HAY UM:Jt IKS Hi:CKTI.Y tuner. For many years with Brlns-i i:ETAIi:i MANY AllOKIlilVlL mead. London. England; Martin Orrne.j I CATl Bi Ottawa; Mason and Rlaeh. Toronto, j Repairs and adjustments of player (By C.P.I plasm and iranela a specialty. Central While the tiUtan ahoriilnes of Brlt- Hot4 Phone 18. 37 Un Columbia have. In many instances. . adopted the manners and customs of Trappers! Call and show your fun trie white men. their burial ceremonies to the Old Reliable House. It will pay In; aome of the reservations stlU retain you as we csn guarantee to give yoi. many of. the feature of other days, higher prices than anyone else. We AUrj;,Bay, 0ne of the few coast In- have big orders for all kind of fun . dln ' lettlfmenu that has been little especially mink. Wm. Oolabloom dlsturtW by the advance of ctvUiza-Second Avenue. Thone 523. tf ."on. witnessed recenUy the funeral of a nromlnent Indian woman which bore jthe trappings'1 of savags pomp and splendor. IJ rUIvlliEl 111 Villi panunent of. the moans of paid mourn- - era and tke grave covered by a canopy Ml llrrnlir Ki i lrri.lilrnt of New of wblta cotton cloth. Below pt was OrKJiilutlon ami MM Kathleen !a large plat of glass set on a frame. lluljtrr. Mirrtary which covered a beautiful dlsplaV of - (flowers. These were spread over an A Junior Musical Club was formed snc.ent ceremonial robe, embroidered at a meeting called last night by Prof, j with pearl button and elks' teeth. H. Aubrey Pryce. There were tmenty- All the most pritad posseMioBS of the seven young people In attendance who! dead woman were spread on the ground became members. Mlu Berate Rom' In the vicinity of the grave. Clothes was elected president and Mis Kath- and boots wire ranged In orderly f leen Bulger, secretary. The new or- fashion i near the head of the grave. ganlsatlon will hold regular meetings at regular dates twice a month. Willi l.ls ItKI'OKT. X a.m. While a trunk on which was set a email phonograph, covered by a scalloped cloth, waa. placed at ttvj foot of It. On dlahe placed naarby v.aa rood for the us of the departed spirit In the niuin island. Raining, strong 5 e. nappy hunting ground', wind: bsrometer, 30.41; temperature, I The Alert Bay Indians have their 41; sea moderate; 10 pia. spoke steam- mission house and nearly aU of them ,w Alameda, six miles from Petersburg hve embraced a nominal Onrtettanlty. at o pra,; s p.rn. spoke steamer Tyn-(vtt In their burial custom they appear oareua. 3154 mllea from Victoria, bound' to have clung to their ancient pagan for Victoria: 7 am. spoke steamer tan-1 ritual. press of Asia. BG8 mile from Victoria, outbound. BULL 11AHDOR Cloudy, light SE. wind: barometer. 30.32: temperature, 40: sea moderate: 12:25 am. sndke 1 menmcr Prince Rupert, abeam Sunny! Island northbound. DSAD TREE POINT. Barometer. 30.. 03: temperature, 37. NOON DICIBY I5LND. Overcast, fresh SE wind; barometer, 30.42; temperature, 19: sea moderate. BULL II ARDOR. Cloudy, light S.E, wind; barometer, 30.32: temperature, Kstablishtd f Office Hours: D a.m. to G p.m. Sal unlay: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST. Cxchunru Muck. Phone 109 GYRO CLUC HONORS ITS SECRETARY AND . HIS RECENT BRIDE A a token of appreciation for the secretary of the club and 111 bride aud also to mark thetr recant marriage, officers and members of the Clyro Club, at the regular weekly luiieheon this afternoon, presented Hill Crulckshank with a' handsome mantel clock. The prenentaUoi) was made with spprpprlate remarks by Joe Oreer arid' the recipient replied suitably. The club discussed business pertaining to Its internal affair. James Far-quhar was elected a member. wr.vriii it it mini. Prince Rupert. Raining, strong S.E. wind; tcpiperature, 41. Terrace. Cloudy, calm, temp, 37. Rosewood. Cloudy, calm, temp. 28. Alyaiwh. Cloudy, calrnj,, temp. 22. Alice Ann. Snow, calm'! temp. 39. Anyox. Snow, calm, temp.' 31. Stewart. Snow, calm, temp. 28. llaeUn. Light snow, calm, temp 20. , Telegraph Creek. Snow, N.E. wind, temp. 31, , Smlthers Light snow, calm, temp. 11 Burns Lake.--Cloudy, calm, temp. 9. Whltehorse.--Cloudy, calrn temp. 35. L -Tluudy. calm, temp. 10 below. Si!!::;!. ;i o ' grow more rugged and precipitous through the march of the loggln; camps towards the mountains In search of stumpage. railroad building grows more expensive and difficult. The 1 temptation will always be to use the ugh roads and motor trucks rather an buUd railroads and operate costly I locomoiiTes. iSDRPRISE PARTY FOR MR. AND MRS. A. S. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Dunbar. 1730 Atlln Avenue, last night when about forty friends surprised them on , V am.--Inn nf ttll UV.Ilth WPHtnff! anniversary. The Impromptu host and j hostess assisted In making the evening very enjoyable with cards and dancing j which were continued to a late hour I after which the party broke up with I ffiany expressions of good will for con- tlnued happiness and prosperity. ANNOUNCEMENTS , ) . j Knliihts of Pythias St Valentine's) juvenile Masquerade Ball, February 14. Canadian National Employes Ball, Friday. February 18. LAND ACT NO TICK OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO TO I'lllt'llASi: LANIi In Prlure Rupert Land Recording Dts- -l nt IMn nunnrl nrH tltllatl, nr the north shore of the South Arm of, r.'.no Harbor, Moresby isiana, yueen rharlftte Islands. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of P'lnre Rupert. DC. occupation Marine Broker. Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commtnolns at n post planted on the north shore of South Arm of Tasoo Harbor, Moresby Inland. Queen Charlotte bland. In ihe Province of British Columbia, about 5 chains from the end of the Government trail: thence 10 chains northeasterly: thence 10 chains north-viisterly: thenrc 10 chains southwesterly, tnence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty' (20) acres, more or Icaa. JAMES FIELD. Applicant Dttrd November 30. lSIM. LAND ACT. NOTIt'K OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO PI nCllASK LA Ml TAKE NOTICE THAT I. Arthur Robertson. Massctt, DC, occupation MUlman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described land: Commencing at northeast corner of Lot 1966. 4 C.I. District; thence south fifty chain: thence east forty chains; thence north to shore: thence following hlghwater mark to point of commencement, containing one hundred acres, more or lesa. Located this 30th day of December. 1928. ARTHUR ROBERTSON, SsMONDS SAWS BECAUSE 'guaranteed to cut 10 more timber lit same time, with less labor than any other saw. aiMONO CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONTHKAL VANCOUYKN, ST. JOHN, N.S-, TOHOMTO P RECORDS b The J. LOltNE MACLAREN, LTD. Third Avenue, Corner of Fifth Street i4 ami Little White Mouse tfcUeftflC r Ik&ntwnl (Ii better than no Moon) Fi Trtls Inm "IUriii iMt." ttrn iUrnia and Ilia Kmtt RmfTtlt Orchntrs. Vscal Cborascs. "Hello Bluebird 1 ve uoi uiu vjin Nick Lbcu. "Ike Cwnlnr TmialH," with Caitar. PialM sccanpaniaiciit S7 Eaanr Slept. "1812 Overture" r-, "1812 Overture"(TschaikowSky) ran 2. Clerrland ISym phony Orrh civtra. NikIi Skolff, 3396 3370 50090 11 The Rexall Store The Rexall Store First Aid Supplies Get your First Aid Kits filled for the fishing season. We will make up a complete outfit for you or fill in the shortages in your present kit. Our goods are of the best and our prices are low. Tincture of Iodine Absorbent Lint Hydrogen Peroxide Absorbent Gauze Aromatic Spirits Ammonia Absorbent Cotton Vaseline Boric Acid Hum Dressing L sol Scissors Oiled Silk Castor Oil Adhesive Piaster Safety Pins Epsom Salts Handages Tweezers Prompt attention to cuts and wounds will save you time and money. Ormes Ltd. Three registered Pharmacists 3rd Ave. and Gth St. Phones 82 and 100 Jap-a-Lac Varnish Stains Varnish and Stain combined they produce double results with one application. SATIN-GLO ALAHASTINE An interior paint in eight Its twenty-one attractive different shades for walls, tints make it possible for you furniture and woodwork. to enjoy any color scheme you wish to create. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. IsaaHarj M "TKr K'f T0V,CHr" Best Procurable ri aaarivtssJ (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST N FINEST HIGHLAND MALT DolllaJ A ivaraalraj f ViUiaa, Ciaat a Soaa Umil.J GWiddKll J BalaawCInliol Ouliiltnaa, Dull SawaHJi-Clatraw, Scatlaad. This advertisement is not published of displayed by the i r . . n 1 t n- i i... 1 1 - n . . , i.iijuur uuiurui uuaru ui uy niu uuvurnmem of Urilish Columbia.