VBklT llltOKK Tlllt MOKMM Al- il .11111111 if iiiiiii in Tlllt iMOHIk0-i:Kir. It A WAV HOW N nnrtif nn nrv L I F 1 1 1 I A III. I I 'II ir. miiiu rr.ai.n :i GETS BIG POST "i. M..W i on riiiLAinxrim llllU.H Kill OtElt son.iwo A Mtt- II Mil: Kt'TII IlKTTIMi AMIIITIOO 4 Hi W yiMC TDICC ' " IB T.B1r)J UNDERWORLD YENDE1TA I IN NEiV YORK RECENTLY ' UNCOVERED BY POLICE! - 1.-JC Feb. 8 -pcujUw raU- KBW VOIIK. Feb. 9- Detail of , . alter tU'sWTmj ' nign " trM orta vendetta MfcugSt :: :d a decided setback u- on by the nliune Uw were recently tJi open break occurred In uneowm by detective Investigating j revert favorite. Wheeling & tht tnystarlou killing of Tat Joe- Bin- j t .i ommon broke thirty-nine 'el. haU bond runner, the Evening World Wm! Maryland common. 14 V I t l Northwestern, common and The young man entered ie office each seven, and down of .where Blnlsi. to whom the paper refer! 0 to flTr a "vice president of the pickpocket 1 HUH, CWHl W WUUU RHTWIIi not la Jail." and ahot htm down. DetoctlTM Investigating the mystery. ttM World My, made the following dl- nintel has grown rich by peddling : hril bonda to acquaintance of the un rlcrwortd When the Diumtt Law be ome errsctlv n nad treat wmi om money out in band for criminal who ware watting trial and who aa fourth (-Mender would be tent up for life under the new law. The-c men brfan Jumping their ball V ,iw the rtor of " l-" 3JIIIA Feb 9-T1 Oobb has "rt Wplay STphU-r BUI wa. fated with "taking the with a grin" or "turning hU A lcana at a .alary betwwn 1 $75,000 a year. It la o erou a- Tru Bpeaker will ree.lv. k heu"r"'" WMnTnton and became what the unrworld -.h. m aub. Dabej-W- "" "uealer. And the U or a uid to be Mklng 1100.000 for ... . .V vw underworld ha but one method of . ware in nm nrw iwi itrMting rau. nd that I the memoa employed by the two young men who I appeared In Binter doorway for a moment to leave their message of death. OUT POLAR I LANii Oarkne. of their .hadowy h.unU. Mulilne In he l'rl In Anllr l'lnil()i .mu ling Umiiuuv' 5:naiT Mich.. Feb. 9. A runway al -:o feet ion will be needed for a lsc tt at point Brrow. Alaska. r :' Ocorge II. Wllklns un-' i second Arctic aerial epedl- ' spring, ' ; al teu on ice-covered lake St. ' :a plane Captain WUktns will ue - ...atcd lla ability "to rrrv a load t 5-flA . . ... - i"juum. anowea i 15 ' me however, tht equipped with - required a surface dash of 1.- . . - uriora it miM nn oi : Was amnnort In Undine but t;2 I a: wa undamaged. r.)i'd with wheel the plane ha 1 1 able to rise with lt Inari about - "om me atartlng point. , c,?-m Wilkin said the condition . - m:n the teU were made were -- raenucai with those he antlci- vn Arctic. VniM.. Z' 1 CANOE AT VICTORIA ni-l'"tlm uiril U,t .t, iMht MK,t nil t'er 1'ulitt When Dug-out Overt iirned Kited Wi "wviiingvoH wm, 1, drowned off Clover Point t ,rom dug-out canoe. The ml 1 ""'d bfore the eye of two mPmon and II. n. Fletcher, who en- HILL 60 CHAPTER ELECTS OFFICERS At a meeting of Hill 60 Chapter. Imperial Order Daughtera of the Empire, at the home of Mr. C. Dalagno yester-day afternoon, report ere read how-ln that the chapter had a very uc-restful year. Offlcer elected for the ensuing year were a follows: Honorary Itcgent Mr, n. Honorary Vlce-Itegent Mlsi D. Mc Donald. , Regent Mr. 4. Mnon. , Flrtt Vlce-Kegent-Mr. B. Walker. Becond Vice-Regent Mr. R. Davie. Secretary Mis C. Mitchell. Treaiurer Mis Will Dyer. Educational Secretary Mrs E. Marh. Echoes' Secretary Ml McOuire. Standard Dcrer-Mr. C. Balagno. VANCOUVER IJXC1I AN B Bid. IM Wheat DO. Silver Dunwell Glacier MO Oladstone Independence u Indian K Marmot 10 Premier 33 rorter Idaho 14 Silver Cret 06 W 8urf Inlet Richmond . 13 Cotui Copper 855 Asked 1.80 y 1.S3 .U U JO .131 .0914 .13 3.28 .15 .07 ,18 80S TOIiONTO. I'rb. 9l"remlrr lirorrr II. I'rrciiMin li.i' annuunrril that l. II. Iluiina, fnriurr prr-lilrnt and llulrinmi of the f'aiiadlan National IUII, will lie the hruil of the Outiirlu l.liUor Comiiilokliiii, The iiIm r li member, will be Mewart .M(i.entliun. former inrmlier of uir-llainent for Ottawa, and Hun, lr. It. J, Manloii, mrinlier for Tort Wll-ll.mi and former rnliliirt mlnUtnr uiKlrr IU. Him. Arthur Mriglien. Mr. HiiuiiM I rjllnujiiuu, Mr. MiLrnnglmu, lunjrr, anil Or. Mmilnn. a li,velclun and suritroii. Hr. Mmilon's urptaurr of Hie new pro hirlal Mt will. II I umlrrMoml, not lfr I hi slundliij u a iiirnilH-r of the federal house. TRELLE'S VICTORY ADVERTISES PEACE rroiliirlul (internment' Piiblliil) Office At liilinonlon KnrhrN Many Jiirlr EDMONTON, Feb. 9 I By Canadian Pre)v Herman Trelle'a victory with hi wheat and oat entry at Chicago In ternational May and Oraln 8how, promise to make good advertising for the Peace River country. The provin cial government' publicity office has al ready received number of Inquiries about that part of the province. Farmer In varlou parts of the west ern state, "wno nave read aoout ine prize-winning grains, have written for further Information about the country and tht opportunities for aettmenemt. It I anticipated that the Inqulrln will re sult In actual Immigration next spring and officials ot the department of agriculture are looking for a substantial movement from the United 8tates next sprn. , , , HOCKEY. Montreal Maroon 3, St. Patricks 0. New York Anierlcan S, Pittsburg 0. Bo? toil rl, Detroit 0. cse troop, who mutinied last Wednesday et Manehang ln Klangsl province after killing several of.'lrcrs. looted and4 burned one section of the city accord-1 ing to a story broujht here yesterday by Dr. O. T. Beldenberj, superintendent " , . I of the Methodist Hosplttl there, which 1 Ml l.t.NA- 1 , . , . , . 1 imonstrslton. Eeidcnberg said that the I : troops mutinied when they were paid off ' with depreciated paper Instead of silver 'which they had been proml4. Other missionaries who arrived laid that business as well as missionary activities ln Honan and Klangsl provinces had b:en suspended on account of military operations. Many wealthy Chinese, who re fused to disgorge, were executed, thej missionaries reported. City clerk, E. F. Jones, received by veitcrday's mall the order from Judge Robertson unseating P. It. Unzey as alderman. The natter of a new election will come before the council next Monday night TAXI Boston Grill 25 Ambulance and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere nt Anytime floor, for hire. Exchange Huilding NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Stand; PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VI HECK, Prop. least Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper "tit 'I. I.. xvii., No: -.', k-0L PRINCE IlUPERT, D.C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1927 Circulation 1637 Sales 556 Price' Five Onta TTAWA VOTE FOR VATOR SITE API AUI A V h VsH (II IS I.AI N( HINIi INIII KM) II UN and on Which Local Grain Plant Located Valued at $165,000 ot ;i: 01 COMMONS ON opening day makes apphopuia. TION TO KEIMIIUItSB (IRANI) TRUNK RON!) IIOEDEItS, COMPI.VIMJ WITH AGREEMENT 11 WA, February 9. The House of Commons 8jcnt Tuesday upply. There wa some opposition to a vote of $105,000 landholders for the Grand Trunk Pacific Development for : rn which the Prince Ruert elevator stands. The minister ? explained that the land had been valued originally at $75 and that, when the Canadian National Railways took over ; ic of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, they stood bond V purchase price of the elevator site. After a few minutes ;n n which Conservative and Progressive members took G SLUMP IN RAILWAY STOCK: -part, the I Urn u passed The auai ot 1141.000 wa voted tor public building in Brttlab Columbia and 1134.000 wa pasted for uw In har bors and river of the Pacific coast pro- ;ne. AMERICAN FLEET in gunnery prar ice on the Fa i o,c January 10, wher60 iships fired force practice. Twenty miles off a two-mile earing of target rafts were towed L; de royer These represented the enemy and they launched torpedoes at the ba tleships. China Remains Obdurate as Equalization of Canadian British Troons Are Landed: Duties on Farm Products Mutiny in Cantonese Army1 . Would be Unwise Barrow LONDON. February 9 said that the Chinese cabinet had refused to reply to Britain's latest proposals for a settlement of the Chinese problem until Britain replied to the government' protect against troops being sent to Shanghai. Eight destroyers left Sheerness yesterday for the Far East and a British cruiser squadron of four ships and a battalion of the Gloucester Regiment has arrived at Hong Hon?. The regiment pro- ceeded to Shanghai. LIQUOR BOARD FOR ONTARIO II. IL lltN.VA, hTEW'AKT UIIAN AMI Ml. MANIOX AltE ai'I'oimi.ks, fi:r.Mii:u an. NOIME 1 SHANGHAI. Feb. 9 Several Canton- 4. Way l,ands Rudget Debate is Continuing at Victoria VICTORIA, February 9. Equalization of Canadian duties' . , r . re e 1 . . i j. ., t i U.S. PARTIES HAVE TROUBLES ANOTIIEU SMITII-MrADOO UATTLE r OUTCAST IN 19-JS WET AMI ItKV Is.Hl E Til HE ' WASHINGTON, D.C.. Feb. 9. William O. McAdoo and hi friend have no In-ten'.lon of beating a retreat and reXuslng to fice Governor "Al" Smith of New York and hi backer In the fight over the Democratic nomination for president In 1923. Tbi 1 the Information that U reaching Washington, despite an Impression In Mine quarters that Governor 6rnlth l the dominant factor In his party and will capture the nomination. McAdoo, It 1 gsut.aUy felt, la not as icrcug with his party u In 1924. Nevertheless, those In touch with him declare he 1 'ull cf fight, and Is determined to make war on Smith to the limit. But that Is not all. McAdoo and the men supporting him Intend to force the .dry luue on the Democratic party lnss-muca as smith 1 pressing the wet l&sus. .They make no concealment of their I plana. They -propose. If need be, to j split the Democratic party on the dry :and wet Issue and seme of them even 'talk a third party If Szxlth and the wet j capture the Democratic national What the McAdoo forces believe Is thit they can align the south and west on the llaucr. Issue the wet and dry 'isfu'e aiainst Smith and" bftelf ' "his Latest reports from Peking laat night Premier Oliver Pleads fcr Unanimity in Fight for Return of Rail- nomination, indications are they will oppose abolition of the eld two-thirds 'rule in the convention. Any motion that hatmnfv l hnvrinir n,r tHm rvtrMyrtttll party . and wlU rest on the national con- wan lureign lariiix on iurm prouucis ai ine prefent time wouiu uo vent0Q ls formulated without know- more harm than good and would probably bri. American retaliation ied;e cf all the facts, that would seriously affect this country's business, Hon. E. D. Bar-j However, the Democratic party is not row, minister of agriculture, declared in the legislature yesterday iaione in its internal troubles, if the in opposing the resolution of T. G. Coventry, Conservative member !c?P0iltlon oi the Cooiidge admintatration for SnaniL-h. which asked the House to endorse seasonal tariffs, (defeats the farm relief legislation de- equality of dutiesvand the re-enactment of the federal anti-dumping. f'f, th'cora another ? term for gBn1? t . rtn . , r, l , l it., r , 1 law oi jyi. .ur. uarrow conienueu vnat uanaaian prouueers were1 wUl ... h FLORIDA IS INDIGNANT MIAMI MOltKKHl.ms 1KTS Mr. YEN HAYS Kill KXI'KKSMNU III IDEAS I'l I.I.Hi, V .MIAMI. Ilorldii. Fell. 9. For bunging out a l;;n In a notrlly Minp rruriliijr: "Selling out. doing bark north whirl iiirn are men and mil are reasonable." II. I Kaufman ua roniti-l of dlHirilerly rondurt and entrnrrl to ten iIjji In ill. The Jiiilee lnllril tliat crowd around Kaufman's store ereatrd ti illtiirrwiiicr anil lie liiimitc rliril the lgn n a slur on Hie (lly. Extension of Butedale Plant Involved in New Plans of Cannery Work Prince Rupert Liberal Association ANNUAL MEETING Will be held in the Metropole Hall on Wednesday Evening, February 9th At 8 p.m. Uusiness: Election of officers tdolng pretty well now. The debate on the budget was continued by O. A. Walkem. Provincial member fcr Richmond-Point Orey and W. A. Mackenzie. Conservative. Sim!!-1 kameen. Premier Oliver pleaded for the withdrawal of the emendment by H. Dcspard Twig?. Conservative. Victoria, to his I (the premier's) resolution asking en-J donation from the House of the steps j the government ls taking toward the re turn to British Cilumbla of railway lands which he claimed were properly the property of the province. He pleaded with the opposition to unite with him ln his effort. "I am trying to do the best I can for 'British Columbia's Interests." said the premier, "and I think It would be Inadvisable to put the amendment to a vote." The Premier took the ground that It was not expedient to Introduce Into representations that would be made to the federal government anything that. would be of a controversial nature. He believed that the claims of the province for the return ot railway land were perfectly good and valid. At the same time, however, the Introduction of anything controversial that might be refuted by the other tide would be unwise. C. F. Davie. Conservative member for Cowlchan-Newcostle. adjourned the MONTREAL SLUMS ARE VANCOUVER, February t. It was announced here yesterday that the Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd. would enter the fish reduction! SHR JFPT ftF fflMPI AINT business on the coast this spring. Nearly $300,000 will be expended' UUU,LV' UI v,w" n"'1 as an initial outlay for plant and equipment at Korpino Harbor, 1 , Quatsino Sound, on a combined salmon and pilchard cannery. This Kn"n ,v"-v ,w la sl,ouM reduction plnnt will have a capacity to handle 125 tons of pilchards; '" ' nnH linn ta itnlrriAn nwlww.. .. ..H1 1a ttiuf irt iflfllftnTi ' ; "'""'" ....v ...... CMUIJIHI--.M, K v MONTREAL. Feb. 9. - The company will also add a fish reduction plant at Butedale PreM).rrotesU egaint cannery near rrince i.upert to take care ot salmon onai. .front (By Canadian the state ot houses In the slum was voiced In the report ot the honorary secretary. Miss Lily K. F. rurrjr, before the Catholic Uocial Service Oulld. "There Is absolutely no reason why a person who la poor and honest should be condemned to pas hi life and bring up hit family In dirty, unhygienic and dangersu surroundings. Until this problem ls taken up In earnest, there remains this hideout blot on our civilization.1 him be much enhanced ln the agricultural stales, with far-reaching political consequences probable. FOUR PERSONS WERE GASSED TWO .MEN. AND TWO WOMEN AKE AM'IIYMATKD AT LOS AMIELES. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 9. Police who Investigated the deaths of Joseph Winters, Ralph Sperry, Mary Klstler and Ruby Vallon, whose bodies were found yesterday In Winter' cottage near here, said that the victim had been aaphyx-Is ted with fume emitting from a gas range which had been burning more than fortw-elght hours. ELECTRICITY PIRATES IN WINNIPEG FORCE AUTHORITIES TO ACT WINNirEO, Feb. 9. Pirating of electric current In Winnipeg has reached auch proportion that the authorities have declared war on the culprits and announced that court action will be Instituted agelnst those who have been fcund tampering with meter connection. Loss through theft of current I said to be considerable. "People who resort to such petty and despicable methods should, be severely punished. They are merely placing an additional burden on honest citizens, R V. Slavtn, Hydro sales manager FORTUNE TELLER IS.. r , SUMMONED TO1 COURT EDMONTON. Feb. 9. Charged with unlawfully undertaking to tell fortunes, Mrs. A. Fontaine, 10707 83rd Avenue, has been summoned to appear In police court following complaints made to the city police. The American halibut schooner 8um A complaint from a local tailor sty Iner, Capt. Soriano, arrived lat evening. that hi wife hat been receiving read- i I up for the winter and will leave short-'a hospital suffering Iv for the fishing banks. ' breakdown. from nervous