PAGE SIX Agreeably aged, smooth, fragrant congenial company anywhere to IP Jyy YEARS This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liijnor Control Hoard or by the (internment of llritish Columbia. Dress Materials j At greatly reduced prices, I including Ginghams and Prints for Housedresses and Rayons which are suitable for afternoon wear. Ginghams, reg. 35c per yard, sale, 4 yards $1.00 ; Ginghams, reg. 25c per yard, i sale, 5 Vi yards $1.00 Ripplette, reg. 30c per yard, sale, 4Vj yards $1.00 Prints,- reg. 40c per yard, sale, 3 yards $1.00 Komper Cloth, reg. 40c per yard, sale, 3 yards . . $1.00 Uroadeloth, reg. COc per yard, sale, 2 yards $1.00' Crepe, reg. 25c per yard, sale, 4V2 yards $1.00, Crejie. figured, reg. 35c per yard, sale, 3Vj yards $1.00 Ginghams, reg. 40c per yard, ' 3 yards $1.00 Our stock consists of several patterns of each price. It is not necessary to buy. Come in and look around mussa Hem i s Have Your Eyes Examined Rev. E. G. Turner, one of our many satisfied customers, in a letter received from Nelson, B.C. says: "Many thanks for fitting me up. I can truly say it is the first time I have been really fitted. There is a world of difference, an advanced degree of comfort in reading, with a shariKjr definition of object. I appreciate it very much. "Sincerely yours, "Signed "(Rev.) E. G. Turner." 27 years' practical experience fitting glasses assures you the best for less. A. El IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite GAV.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Kirch ' ' y nni Spruce PeVibad $6.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. TWO SURPRISES IN BASKETBALL IIANKMCH IV IX OVEK CKOTTO ItY DOIKLINU SCOItK TKUMIXALS K.T ELKS Tuxls 18; ColU IS. Elevator 28; Terminals 48. Grotto 16; Bankers 28. Elks 24; Terminal 37. Two surprises were sprung ' on the fans last night In the regular basketball fixtures. The Bankers smothered the champion Orotto team by a score of 28 to 16 and the Elks went down to defeat before the Orand Terminals by a- score of 37 to 24. Interest was keen thyutfhout the while evening but possibly1 the Grotto-Bankers 'tme 'aroused the. greatest amount of enthusiasm. All gimes were very well contested and , the Elevator boys, although left on ; the short end of the score, were serious I contenders and showed marked Im provement In their play. On Friday evening It is expected that a team from Port Simpson will visit the city and play with an Intermediate team. Results of Individual scoring were as follows: Tuils. H. Jl'MOIC Hellbroner. B. Hunt. 10, W. Patmore 2, J.Currle 4, E. Smith 2, Total 18. Colts. E. Ratchford 3, H. McDonald Week-end Specials Swift's Premium Bacon, per lb Me v The above price applies only by taking' side. Average weight 5 to G lb. each. H.C. Granulated Sugar, 13 lb. for $1.00 Limit 2G lbs. to each customer. CANNED FRUIT SPECIAL 4 tins for 93c Your choice of the following: Malkin's Dest Pears, 2's. Malkin's Best Sliced Peaches, l's. Malkin's Best Apricots, l's. Standard Empire Loganberries. 2's. Greengage or Red Plums, 2,'a. Quaker Red Pitted Cherries, 2's. - Cowan's Instant Cocoa, lb. tin. special 19c All lines of Cocoa and chocolate have advanced. This price will not be repeated EXTRA SPECIAL. 100 lb.s Evaporated Peaches While they last, 2 lbs for ... . 45c Weston's Arrowroot Biscuits, fresh stock, kept in tins, special, 2 lbs. for 73c Campbell's Pork and Beans, 2's, special, 3 tins for 40c Campbell's Tomato Soup, special, 2 for 25c Market Day Raising 2 lb. pkg. 29c Sunkist Oranges,. 13 for 23c Imperial Valley Grape Fruit, spe cial, 3 for 23c Imperial Valley Grape Fruit, spe cial, 3 for 25? California Celery, 20c. 25c & 35c Head Lettuce 10c, and 2 for 25c California New Cabbage, per lb. .MEAT DEPT. IOC Mexican Tomatoes, per lb. ... 35c Straw berry Rhubarb, 2 lbs. . . 45c Large Ripe Bananas, per lb. 20? Fresh Spinach, per lb 15c Cauliflower, 35c, 40c and 45c New Comb Hojiey, per section 30c Try our Home-made Sausage, per lb 15c Veal Stew, 2 lb 25c Veal Steak, per lb 25c Phone your order here for fresh or smoked fish. Quick service. Ruperl Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211 and 212 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST George rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 243 Second Avenue West, Prince Rupert 8. J. Scott R. Irvine 3, R. Stalker 3. O. Vlercck. Total 15. O. Mitchell, referee. iNTKUMHtim: lkaoi e levator. T-Biack 6, R. Moore 18, B. Ofass, J. Stevens. F. Blggans 4. Total 28. Terminals. R. Smith 14. 8. Ourvlch 4, J. McNulty 22. D. Frlzrcll. C. Thomp son 8, R. Stalker. Toul 48. Lee DclL referee. Orotto. D. Gurvlch 4, W. WrathaU. V. Meagher 4. J. Sim. D. Stalker 8. T. Fraser. Total 16. Bankers A.E.' Walters 10. O. HUls 2. R. Mortimer II. O. Hill 5. F. Smith. Total 28. R. Smith, referee. .T.MOK I.KACtK Elks. E. Smith 2. G. Mitchell 2, S. Moran 12. M. Budenich 4, O. Balfour. J. Sims 4. R. Smith. Total 24. Terminals. R. Howard 12, A. Slocomb 4. D. Ourvlch 7. J. McNulty 14. C. Thompson, D. Frtzzell. Total 37. Referee. 1 Dell and W. Wrathall. I.KACIK TAKI.KS. The league standtlngs to date are as follows: W. D. D. L. Pts. Elks 10 0 0 2 20 Terminals ..7 0 0 8 14 Native Sons ..2 0 0 10 4 Intermediate Orotto 11 Terminals .... 0 Bankers 2 Elevator 0 Ladleo' Maple Leafs .. 14 Adanaca 1 Junior Colts 9 Stars 8 Tuxls Boys ... 2 league 0 0 0 0 Lea ;ue 1 Inutile 0 0 0 .Reason or 19i7. l isnarTmsrtr nne Victoria, B.C.. January 4. 1927. Bars of JUST ARRIVED 3 3 It 3 1 14 3 S 8 22 18 I 5000 Laundry : Soap to sell ' Wc Offer for a Few Days Only 24 Bars of Royal Crown Soap 115c 25 Dars of White Swan Soap 95c 10 Rars of Sunlight Soap .. 95c 11 Bars Fels Kaptha Soap .. 95c 12 Ears of P. & G. Kaptha Soap 95c OUIt FKU1T SPECIAL IS STILL ON Malkin's. Lest I'ears, Apricots, Loganberries, Peaches, and B.A.' Cherries. ' . , . , . Your choice, a tins for . . Beekist Honey, 5 lb. tin . , Sunkist Oranges, 3 doz. for 'J3c 95c 95c Canned Tomatoes, large tint, Ci tins for , ,, 9oc 3 tins Tomatoes. 2 tins Corn.. 1 tin Peas, the C assorted for 95c Also pure Plum Jam, 4 lb. tins, 2 tins for 95c Raspberry and Apple Jam, 4 lb, tins, 2 tins for B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 Dr. THE DAILY NtfWS Wednc day FeSru..- , x J i From breakfast to bed if SPORT CHAT SHREDDED WHEAT for any meal all the year 'round the whole wheat in a digestible form -all the bran you need. before the Basketball Association for decision as it is understood to be a violation of the rules. GROneEfEAIED- GRAND TERMINALS ."(OKK OK IIII.LIAKI) IIXTIUK l.tST NKillT H AS S19 TO 8i8 IX l.lVOIl OK TOIMC('OMTN The Grand Terminals suffered another defeat in the Billiard League last night when the Orotto took their measure, to the tune of 879 to 828. The tobacconists won three of the five games and also had the highest break, Oeorgi Waugh making a run of 48. The individual scores were as C. Balagno (Grand Terminals) 8 J; Oeorge Waugh (Orotto) 200. Frank Zleman. 200: J. Andrews, 123. Dick Howe, 200: Oeorge Howe. 1S8. H. Corbett. 160; J. Hamilton. 200. W. Stuart. 173: Dr. J. A. West. 200. The league standings to date are as follows: Oames Terminals 13 Moose 12 Gyros Orotto St. Andrew's 12 13 12 The Colts basketball team have en- w- Wllliscrott (St.A.i tered a protest against the Tux Is plsy- fne an unreffltrrd nlzvpr In their D. Howe ( Terminals)... lISU last nieht. The mstfer will Mm. W- in Total 11850 10.653 10.626 11470 10.549 P. OTJonnell (Terminals 10 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS 8 D' u st a.) 9 J. Hamilton (Orotto) .. 13 NOTICE Application lor Grazing Permits for the Ben Self lOyroi 10 ,C. Balagno (Terminals). 13 West (Orotto) 13 Application for permits to graze live- a, Waugh (Orotto) ... 13 stock on the Crown ranges within an7 erazlnz district of the Province of Brit S. Darton (St. Andrew's) 2 ish Columbia, must be filed with the W. H. Long" (Oyro) 12 District Forester at Fort George. Kam- j Drown' (Moose) 11 loops. Kelson, Prince Rupert. Vancouver. . .... or Williams Lake on or before March J" (Moose) 11 31st. 1927. t 3. Andrews (Orotto)... 13 .ni1f..rm..U5i2.nH.h',ClLt ub7l" H. Corbett (Terminal.). 19 309 applications he obtained from the 7. may . ... .. : . .... D-strlct Foresters at the above named M- MacLaenlan (St. A.). 10 1751 places, or from the Department of Lands , W. Stuart (Terminals) 1 at Victoria, B.C. o. r. NAriEN. Don Brown (Moose)... Deputy Minister of Lands. , Bert Morgan (St. A.).' 8 10 iO. Krause (Gyros) 3 J. McLean (Terminals). 2 J Judge (Moose) 12 A. Macdonald I Gyro ) ... 11 O. Anderson (Orotto) .. 7 Bert Hosklns (Terminals) 2 O. P. Tinker (St. A.) .. 10 j A. Harvey (Gyros) 1 1000 200 2317 2316 1899 2271 1824 1135 2447 2043 1858 1651 2354 1805 2343 2340 2314 358 2124 1951 1347 vs. Adanacs. Elevator vs. Bankers. 2281 173 1378 1654 487 323 1922 1765 1089 300 1511 131 Arer. 912 BSC 880 882 870 4 1 The averages for the players In the ' league to dale are as follows: Oames Ttl. Aver. 2g Geo. Mcllmoyle t Moose S 3 11. Parr (Moose) I J. Hlllmsn (Motwei 12 lg F. Zleman (Terminals).. 12 18 Fred Pyle (St. Andrew's) 10 . Frank Aldrldge (Oyro .. 12 O. Howe (Orotto) 7 6 13 11 IIASKETIIALL SCHEDULE ; IMIKHAKV 1 11 -Tuxls vs. Stars, j Adanacs vs. Maple Leafs. I Terminals vs.' Orotto. Elks vs. Native Sons, i 15 Stars vs. Colts. I Elevator vs, Bankers. Msple Leafs vs. Tuxls. Native Sons vs. Terminals. 18 ColU vs. Tuxls. Adanacs vs. Maple Leafs. Terminals vs. Orotto. Terminals vs. Elks. 22 --Tux Is vs. Stan. Bankers vs. Terminals. Orotto vs. Elevator. Elks vs. Native Sotis. 10 Ears Preservene Soap .... 95c.25-8Ur Colu Rara Klondyke Soap 95c M,ple Maple Leafs uh v Native Bons vs. Terminals. .MARCH 1 Colts vs. Tuxls. , Orotto vs. Bankers. Stars vs. Msple Leafs. Terminals vs.' Elks- ' ' 4 Tuxls vs. Staija. Maple Leafs Vs. Adanacs. Terminals vs, Elevator. Elks vs. Native Sons. 200 200 193 193 190 189 189 189 188 180 186 183 181 181 180 180 178 178 177 177 177 175 17 175 173 17J 163 162 162 160 160 155 153 131 131 Oames will be played In the order given above. GAINS 8 POUNDS SINCE TAKING VINOL "I felt sluggish, drowsy and weak. A friend suggested Vlnol. Now I feel line Last night saw some postponed games In the men whist league played, bringing the schedule up to date. The Moose have firmly established selves in first place with three teams ruing for the second position. Interest in the remaining games of the, schedule which concludes ori March 9 should be keen as all the teams have four .rames yet to play. Interest in the billiard league his temtwhat revived recently due tn part to the two wins of the Moose over the Terminals and the Gyros. Nine games remain to be played extending over five weeks so' that anything might happen before he end of the schedule. The Moose, however, are very much encouraged over their recent wins and should prove serious contenders for the championship If they maintain their present form for the remainder of the series. M. (lirge' MEN'S WHIST (Seal Cine) i f CaiuiU 8t. Andrew's 2 Detent Nli Only one of the four deferred games tn the men's section of the Fraternal Whlit League was played last night. St. Oeorge "s (Seal Osve) defeating Sons of Canada by a score of 3 to 4, The league standing to date is as follows: ' Moose SteOeorge's (SO.) . Elks t. O. O. F K. P Sons of Canada . . . St George's (City). W. Pts. 8 6 S 3 4 4 3 2 The radio ahow Is a new attraction, and, unlike an older form of entertainment specializing in "aerial exhibitions.'' it has Its loud speaker In-Mt Instead of outside. TIMBER SALE X68.1t) There will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the orilct of the District Forester at Prince Rupert. B.C.. at 10 am., on the 26th day of February. 1927. the licence X8630. to cut 4.120 000 f bm of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an aea situated on the north ah art ol Sewell Inlet. QjC.I. Provided anyone unable to attend the auction tn person may submit a sealed tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated ' one bid. Two 12) years wilt be allowed for removal of timber Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Vletorls DC or District Forester Prince Rupert. B.C SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vsi-ont. unressrved, s-irvsyed I'rowii lands may be pro-empted by Britain utW: over II years of ags, n by aliens on declaring" Intsntloo in lrunm llrilish subjects, conditional ui-on residence, occupation. Jid li.irovmtnt for agricultural uriiones Full Information concerning rsgv-atlona regarding prs-emptlons ts given In Bulletin No. 1. Land Herios, "How to Pre-empt I .and," copies of iihlclt can be obtained fres of chsrgs ly addressing the Department of Lands, Victoria, B.C.. or to any Oov-eminent Agent Itecords will b granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purpnaes. and which Is not tlmbtr-land. I.e., currying or M.OOO board feel ,er acre west of the Coast I tan is and J.000 feat per acrs east of tbat Itanc. Aptillratlona for prs-emptlons are to tw adlrrasod to the Ztnd Commissioner of the Lend Recording Division, In which the land applied for Is situated, and are made en printed forms, copies of which can be obtain! from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements mads to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. t-'or more detailed Information ss the Ilullstln "Mow to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Application are received for purchase of vacant and' unreaarved Crown lands, not being llmberland, for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arabls) land Is IS per acre, and second-clsas (grating) land I2.S0 per acrs. Further Information regarding purchase or lease of Crowr. lands Is given In Bulletin' No. 10, Land Series, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 49 acres, may be purchased or Issued, the conditions Including paymsnt of stumpags. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding ! acre, may be leased as homssltsa, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement conditions srs fulfilled and land has been surveyed. LEASZS , fer grating and Industrial pvr- twiaaa Iran nnl Airi1lf! SAS . may be leaaed by one persoa or a company. QRAZINQ m Under the Grating Act the Pror- . 93c nd h4Te Klnd 8 pounds. B. H. ncs Is divided Into ermalnx districts Bailey. The very FIRST week you take Vlnol, you begin to feel stronger, eat and sleep better. For over 2S years, this simple, strengthening Iron and cod liver compound has been helping nervous, run-down women, tired men, and pale, sickly children. Contslns no oil-pleasant to take. Onnes Limited, Drug-3!tU. ' . 4 and the range administered under a Orating Commissioner. Annual grating permits are Issued bated ea numbers ranged, priority being gives to established owner. mar form sss clt Hons fer range management Free, or partly tree, permits are available for tetlUrt, svnper and traveller, uy te tea I . sv GET THAT D Heilb at IAM01 roner s Our policy is to rIvc customers Hi? ulimi n value and service. Real Pitt infliction Is a: sured fur those who buy n diamond from us. We have some hpeclally Rood values in unutually fir.e diamonjH, mounted In pierced eighteen carat white gold at $25.00. $50.0(1, $75.00 and $l"IMio Max Heilbroner Diamond .Specialist 427-529 Third ,Unm WESTHOLME THEATRE and nay new WEDNESDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. Buster K "Go W eaton est A riotou. rip-snorting comt'! KATHLEEN MYERS and large ctst COMEDY 'iMU.M'S THE WOPD. Admission 35c and 0c Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Making every record do it bcKt. This new Brunnwick quickly won the heurts of mUKic lovers everywhere The cave, m, too, too, is is beautiful beautiful beyond th 7? f-re i he usual. Come in CAs I want to hear the CGltMlSWiCK SHOWOOaASMI AMI HtOltV J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street Ran ad ian National Q7je Lnrgeft Railway Sylcm in America Steamshio and Train Service ,K .s. NtlNCK llt r;UT will lexie I'KI.NO: lll l'I IIT lr -.M-ll TOKI.. hKATlU'.. anil Intrrinnlliilr wlnti each I Itll'W si .m I'HINCK lillT.UT f..r H I.U.tKT and ANVOX, MlliM5" Jt. I'ltl.Nfi: JOHN for lU UIIIA I.AMIH, rorllilKlitly. :iiKi.orie iMHscMiui TittiNK i.ii tti; rm( i: m n iu , ..iMt li MOMiW. l:ilNi:slV and HMt IllttV nt II l a Mi, r"'.rf n:i)l((ll i;i.(iM((. WINMI-IO. all point liilern far ;.;i!. ' AOKNCV AI.I, OCKAV HIHAMNllir I.INKH. I'ae (unudlm I'.xprpM r Money Orders, l'rr;ja "'I rlr.. bImi lor jour net! shipment. , ticki:t on iik. s tiiiiid v... i'iiim k ui i'i ht CanadianNational Steamships Co. JjmUed Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OpenttlnB (j.T.I'. 20,000 Ton Floatlnjf Dry lck EnKlneiTH, .Muchlnlsttn, Hollermakers, Illacksmith'S ,ltU'rn" makers, Founders, Woodwoi kertt, Etc. EI.ECTIUU AND ACETYLENE WEEDING Our tilziTit Is equipped to handle nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK. PHONES 43 and 383