xecepuon Seen For ‘S i Concert Guest Star Brish Stylists — ook for the success of the Alaska on Nov, 12 at which Greta Men- to be guest artist was seen last if the Trail auxiliary in the Civic illary tie ind ad ent ub) meet he er ect ny uld filme from worety some t Crash \PPED the njured Kid 'S & Boys’ Oxfords $3.95 Men’s Oxfords $6.95 whion Footwear GRETA MENZEL lyric soprane { District News | Le | STEWART An enjovable cribbage party as held at the Legion clubrooms ‘uring the past week. Mrs Barwise won the first prize and ie sweep, Mrs. C. E. Gibson tak- | ing the consolation prize, Dr. w.| Hick won frist prize, Tom Kirk-| patrick getting tne consolation | prize, in the men’s division. The | men beat the men 7307 to 7146 . . Al. Phillips, owner of the East Group mineral claims on Tide Lake in the upper Salmon River rea, received word during the veek that representatives of the Central B.C. Airways will be here to Investigate the possibility | oon to of constructing an airstrip which an be used by ski-equipped panes during the winter. Com- sloners Of the village, at their t ast meeting, promised their co- yperation by making the neces- ary ground available if it is iid suitable for the purpose Prince Rupert Daily ews Tuesday, November 4, 1952 tat = ony oa lo By CYNTHIA LOWRY hands, how to sit down. For | goodness sake, modern furniture __|New Style Etiquette Favors Elopement, ™ Debunks Debuts, Strict Formalities But her heart is really in portions devoted to informal Breakfast ‘Clubbers in |trict, where silk-clad ladies Sensih, re Neil, By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canedian Staff Pre LONDON (CP)-Since the Queen then Princess Elizabeth, : Leppea on Canadian soil jn high-lacing pumps ,with Sensible” heels, more and more daytime . shoe étyles have een lo sing height. At a footwear exhibition in London's exclusive Mayfair dis- in Louis heels stepped from horse-| drawn carriages in another era, | ‘hoe manufacturers showed press and buyers what smart women! will be wearing vear Writer 1 PRIZE MEMENTO in coronation) possession of blind 10-year-old |} Donald Campbell of Ottawa is Prized For long hours of standing and sight-seeing, part of Royal pag- tantry, the wide variety of town walkeis,” aimed ag smart this football signed by mem- bers of Ottawa's Rough Ride football team in the Big Four | #€cessories for coronation suits | football was presented by backfielder Johnny Wagoner and dresses, wil) be popular (CP Photo) It is no longer necessary otter uncomforatbly on Lon- don’s cobbled streets. Perfect balance and easy walking are achieved by smart court Styles | ° ‘ f Life in Canada with Cuban or médium heels,| ‘ / | built-up leather heels and high | Too Fast Sa ys vecls that are “Just right CWL President GENERAL TREND Even light-weight strap san-! REGINA © dals have lower heels thah were president of th fashionable just after the See-|en’s League, Mrs. Fred Drake of/ ond World War. There are. o! Regina, thinks life in Canada is! course, spindie heeis in day wear,| “too fast.” sandals and evening wear for| . Mrs. Drake, a native of Ireland those who must have them, but| Who came to Canada in 1912.| “mart styles for every occasion,| flew back to Ireland for a visit with heels as low ag one-inch, a few year ate more up-to-date One of the thing Mrs. Drake te | The new national Catholic Wom- | igO. he noticed st ‘ rf 2 And, of course, the latest thing ea bo of Irish fit Said, Was the . ° ris > in backless shoes could not be! ‘©™P? ° ) worn with a too-hith heel. Ever Nobody is in a nurry like they worn with a t -hi i. Even ¢ ¢ . are here.” said Mrs. Drake. “Y«¢ the “nude” look, fashion fad cf Md Bes. Drake: * Fou se don’t rush to catch a train or bus the moment achieved by “win- : 7 because they always wait. Life dows” of plastic leathers, have) here is too fast comfy” heels ‘ "LANE T¢ "AS Gold and Sliver styles, and Pi E TOO FAST yihers with definite emphasis on) Although she enj oyed the light, Mrs. Drake wouldn't go by color, are the most notable cor- ‘ again ¢ reland ‘e at. onation influences so far. Shoes" @8ain to Ireland. “It's too . Z : ‘ . z , | last she commented Mauoween pranksters had a with a tri-color scheme of red, aut : ? glorious time. Gates were re- white and blue, and styles with) The C.W.L.’s new national pre- moved, fences changed, a con- | oronation decorations such as ~ aoe makes her ow 1 hats bakes ¢ ' us cherry pie. likes wood rete mixer Was placed in front crowns and heraldic symbols are |® an nee cher) a likes good f+ . ; ; OOKS and plays id is fond of i the Drug Store with a note to still under consideration by the sae "Fela ‘" Ta h ae. % Sic Specially PLS. 1usIC ase it for making milk shakes, a industry music, pec ally rish music one lie ‘ : ’ Mrs. Drake still has a touch of op Was rolled se the sice-' Manufacturers and retailers) the brogue she brought with her ¥ in, ANG 6 ww Window % " a ai = i OUR Wit i hve asp n ene canes teak fee| that shoes too frankly “cor-\trom her birthplace, Aughrim ‘ fhitig 1a s hK Oo} , Tl . a hee bape "> oie cnation” will be bad business.’ county, Roscommon si et a i PE al b= dh Decorated styles not sold before : p rthe event would have ho Z 7 ; The WA ( the “Angelic he ovee ould h e ©.W.L. since it was first organ- Th A. o 1 ngiican | heavily cut in price ci ge - i oe 2 Ch i busy preparing for a aa : i hegina 2 ae “a home-cooking sale, and FIGHT FOR SALES addition to many offices in the the P-TA is enueavoring to re-| One thing is obvious, said a| Begina branch, she has served organize VANDERHOOF About 400 persons whe have esided in this district for 20 years or more and an additional 200 dubbed as greenhorns, with ess than 20 years here, met for i frontier amboree here last Wednesday, Feature attraction was the feast; eight tables heavily laden with a variety of nrea ts me-made salads, rel- ishes and cakes. Mrs. George Snell was honored as the first lone woman of the district TERRACE Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Buchelz of Cireig Avenue were guests of honor at a party Saturday night when friends visited to celebrate he couple's 14th wedding anni- ersary ee H. J. Graham, member of cus- forms department staff in Prince Rupert is spending a few days here on holidays Mrs. Robert Raynor of Victoria visiting her parents, Mr. and Geoff Lambly . . . Hicks fractured a ankle and left for medica) treat- Mi D Roger bone in his \ nee ysuver for ment Georre Koloed, after visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs, Charles Kofoed here for a month, has force unit in returned to his air bh igat Ont i iety of fashionable shoes is avall- @ money Detuxe Biue Bonner saves trade paper, coronation business 4% President of the Saskatche- will have to be fought for. Re-| ¥®" Provincial council which ailers and manufacturers feel, She founded. that with money still tight, the; -Before becoming C.W.L. na- many calla on the pocket for cor-| tional president, she held various al 1e J : bo onation festivities Will result in| POSts in the national organiza- wlwear becomine one of the | 4On including that of convenor mor neglected items of new | 2 post-war reconstruction, edu- t e i “ C¥ wardrobe cation and organization Despite this, however, a num- ¢r of coronation styles that are EARLY EXPORT not too obvious” will be avail-; Small exports of wood were able }made irom Quebec to France In. gqneral, design and color | 500m after the Colony was foun- wil] be varied in many different | “C6 types of leathefs, plastics, gab- ardines and other materials now} popular for lighter shoes. Prices) remain steady and a wide vari- BUCHANAN'S around $9.00 The influence of television is eeen in smart “hostess” comfortabic slippers that are dressy enough for entertain nent purposes able shoes, In everything, the asymmetric line is still the frontline design It can be seen in “banded” san : : ials without toe or heel and in| @ Distilled, Blended and Bottled in mart flat-heeled shoes of two colors, In closed court shoes the | Line is often achieved by straps or tucks at one side of the front TERMS central LONG Honduras in America | lects its President and Chamber | of Deputies for six-year terms ~~ Mrs. Jim Coleman Puts on Blue Bonnet " ‘ | M6 we Mrs. Jim CoLeMAN says: , Rive Bonnet Margarine is always my first choice for Flavor, Nutrition and Eeonomy! “Like the wife of the noted sports writer, you'll love DeLuxe Bue | Boxnet’s sunny sweet flavor and its ‘luscious golden-yellow color -— just as delicious when melting-hot as when fresh from the refrigerator, And the ‘ie headline news for all who want to stretch food dollars! It’s pte-cut in| handy quarter pounds, each quarter is LTD individually : rapped 2 er E num foil with inner parchment lining, Get golden-yellow Devoxs Biug Phone 46 . Bonnet, for a real taste treat. ans BLACK WHITE Gordon & Anderson Preparation NEW YORK — That funny | is so wide and so big, it’s impos- entertaining, household bud- | In preparation for the regular noise you hear may be Mrs sible to sit down like a lady, and geting, painless methods of /monthly breakfast meeting, nine Grundy spinning in her final} most of the time you need heip setting rid of obnoxious guests | members of the Credit Women’s resting place Amy Vanderbilt, author of the! new “The Complete Book of Eti- queite,” has come of elopments and against debuts She thinks formal nonsense “Etiquette mn bilt “{ bitsy your said Miss an old word manners—-where fort i Jander for itsy- to put Help Teen-Agers Spend : Our Money Says Doctor Wise parents will see to it that their adolescent 1951 Dominion champions. The | S0N8 and daughters grow into the independence and responsibilities of adult life gradually, suggests Dr. in his Memo to Mothers in John Stobo Prichard, Health Magazine. He goes on to cite the hand- ling of money by teen-agers as! an example. “The youngster should have} an allowance of some _ sort} throughout the whole adoles- cent period,” writes Dr, Prichard in the Heaitn seague of Canada| periodical. “To begin with, this allowance should cover only a small part of his needs “A 14-year-old can be expect- ed to budget for his own movies, ice-cream, streetcar fares, etc., but cannot be expected to pay . i for his own clothes and educa- Joe Goscoe managed to get in | SOPRANO tional expenses. He should be sore gusty circuits and bumps. given definite amount at ~ - bi regular intervals which, it is Instructor Bill Harper has : PRICES ) explained, must cover these weer: busy helping on ‘the over- | Miastunrs Miele i specified items. If he finds him- haul job of CF-DEU which is| 1.90 2.35 self with money left over he! progressing rapidly. The two 150 185 may spend it as he likes, but Taylorcraft should be going | |S 1.00 1.25 | he should be encouraged to save some of it for an emerg- ency.’ Dr. Prichard recommends that the things a boy or girl is ex- pected to pay for, and conse- quently the amount of the al- lowance, should be graduaily increased until toward the end of adolescence he is responsible for virtually all expenses Furthermore,” adds the TENOR \ writer, “as he becomes more and more responsible, the in- FALL Phone SEASON terval between the payments RESERVED TICKETS snould be increased until the Green 605 ; young person can be expected at recuced rate for the She has been active in the jto live on a six-month or year- ly “Dasis.” A summer job away from home is also a good idea at this stage TAX woYSTEM Under the French regime anada there was no general tax system.only temporary asse- esments purposes OLD in for special readers t out in favor) is mainly a guide io mgcern liv- i dinners are'to the traditional items such as when to turn down the corner of a calling card, how to address the younger sons of a Duke, and the proper uniform for a chamber- how to hold your| maid. PROP WASH... pwemmmegm Fredericks did their flight tests’ f Inspector Upson last week-end. Written examinations were tak- en the next day. Results should | | be known shortly i | Ciub due strong after the New Year. i —S | Breakfast Club met at the home of Ella Good, Cook’s Jewellers. Plans for the November meet- © get back on your feet.” and other vexing problems. Miss Vanderbilt has written a , She thinks an elopment is a ive-pound tome which she feels handy device if the couple is ex- | ing of the course on Retail pected to have a big wedding Credit were discussed. and doesn’t want one. She thinks Suggestions for Christmas cele- debuts are silly and tokens of brations Were many and varied . , & “ig z "CP ae ce , ‘ 7 ; ' shallow social success. |; each receiving consideration. ng. There are chapters devoted VAST CONTINENE The distance vetween extreme “Etiquette is really a social study of manners,” Miss Van- derbilt said. “Manners are i directly related to economies | north and south of Asia is 5,350 and sociology. Informalty be- }miles, and between east and came important in war time. west 6,000 miles. I think we'll never go back to! stereotyped living.” i : i Miss Vanderbilt—who admits . that the magic name she inheri- ; ted is a good one for an arbiter of manners-~is a wife, mother of WEDNESDAY three, indefatiguavie hostess and iormerly a successful business | November 12 de 8:30 p.m. woman. She Wrote most of ‘he rules in these areas out of her |GRETA own experiences. By LORNE STEPHENS Allard YOUR TIRE MAN SEZ: George and Johnny or Department of Transport FLATTERY WON'T HURT YOU A BIT AS LONG AS YOUR OLD HAT STILL Fits. Little flying has been done ately at the Prince Rupert Aero to poor weather, but MARCH—. PIERRESANCAN PIANIST i Cape. ate Manco te Fesraer Sem SERVE Py 6 bottle carton 36° We still fit the best cors in town with the best tires ever... Dominion Royals of course! DAN’S SERVICE STATION ‘APRIL— | RAYMOND MANTON: BAZAAR Canadian Legion ‘ WEDNESDAY, NOV. 5 2 - 5:00 p.m. three remaining coneerts (iinet » Legion Auditorium dinner}. ~ ™ R. District Music and Drama Festival syllabus new available at the Civic Centre! ana MecRee Bros. record couh- Everybody loves ter (261) a SCOTCH & Scotland @ Sold in 26'2 or. bottles 7-51 *% SO BEAUTIFUL in any room * SO PRACTICAL —eosily deaned with o broom or 0 damp cloth WHISKY : . 8 SHRBURRRRTK EET T ee eee ‘DMhis advertisement ty not puvlishea or displayed by the Liquos “entrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. DELNOR Green Peas PRINTING IS THE GATEWAY TO NEW BUSINESS Call 234 Vell glady help you plan your printing and assist you in every way. Dibb Printing Co.) } : 3 en = a — as | j I ALL-CANADIAN a St eter ate COMPANY that guarantee you satisfaction ‘ i * ww JUST PASTE TO THE WALL A, % EASILY CLEANED . . . Smort in kitchen, bathroom, hell { JPN -¥ GAY COLOURS . .. New marbled tile patterns CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED, Montreal x ; MeBride St, vorclore’s Kaien Consumer's Co-op | A. MacKenzie Furniture HARDWARE - LIMITED Phone 311 Phone 179 Phone 775