PAGE TWO XmomBimdandBettevBreai puRiry FLOUR 9itll f mllkbiuldiiu. Qualities. .l:B:?..ll..ln,,a,?j;jIW,i;,vri;ya The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - . Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $100 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the u'nted ' States, in advance, per year (j00 To all other countries, jn advance, per year $7 50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations! DAILY EDITION. Thursday, June 9, 1927 HEAVY HAND. OF PREMIER MUSSOLINI The heavy hand of Premier Mussolini is on Italy. The latest law there is that the people are not allowed to swear. If caught! the swearer must pay a fine and he does it direct to the policeman on the spot unless he wishes to be haled into court and have the fi very greatly increased. Think of the sad condition nf hr.oo Toi. 1 . tn (U ulji r 11. 7, Hunan men who nave ueen " I f, 2f,cf,,,tn on the name of creator and all his saints ... -" .h a..u irnoious manner and who now must use the commonplace language of women and children. Think what would happen in this part of the country if the men were allowed to say "dash if Ui Ux') winner msieaa 01 the rather picturesque anguage often heard. Happily jn this free country we do not feel fl ah!"d. .1 " 5" Af the Poce do some- " " "arrow pain wnicn the law requires. One of the greatest things in the world is the power -to appreciate beautiful things. Without it this life is not worth living. Woman may not be able to reason well but she has a way of arriving at the truth that is very annoying to many of the husbands. POLITICS I MAUITIMP nnrivi ..v. I ll7 I IllVI.O It does not often hanrwn thnt "'S0?.?.! Edmonton Journal. The Con-' ;. "";ioral .ew urunswick, have, however, taken this very unusual course. The constituency was carried at the . .. . . . List tun (ronofol nln.'.. u.. ir. " "n- J- hemming, his w-mK T majority in September being a substantial one. But by a unanimous vote his .T i -k copvention the other day resolved to leave the ua" u,e Djeecuon which his death has made lTT;en!"n I! ord "the present VL 3 lacimy 01 carrying out the recommen-aation H.n 01 the DtinpAn mnnrf w th ...1 n. ji..., . - .. nto.,Aj 1 7 " aiu "'e reaajusiment 01 the Internationa freight rates with respect to lumber and other ship- ..... . 7 ...... w. maun,,,,;,, .1U me iaKing over of the St. John valley There was no division of opinion with respect to the report be-tween ,the two principal federal parties. Indeed, the Conservatives 7Z T rTe.ct .in f?,Vr 1 the adoption of ,ts neral principles be-tZl l3' tm S "0W, then the government be given any fur-over recommendations by the handing to it of - this1" seat?' iha ,7ixilttM.0ihlt extraordinary incident seems to lie in the fact that the administration has not yet decided to take over the railway mentioned in the convention's resolution. The constituency ? particularly, interested in having it do so and the local ConseTv?-Inn? I ?ec,ls!0"' apparently think it expedient to have a supporter of the administration as their representative. In other words, they are prepared to forget about other issues in the hope of 'advancing this one object. The example that has thus been given of the all too prevalent desire to stand in with those who happen to be in office is an extreme one. Wrong a- man and forever after you will hate him. That Is the punishment. " " The normal man is too nearly related to the ape to be very clever or brilliant. It is the abnormal man who makes a name for himself In this drab world. The disappointed people of the world are'those who expected gratitude, uuTllere'S a,ways one in the class that cannot keep up with the rest. There was Judas who never learned even from the Great Master. MALKINS MOTHER BEAR CHASED MEN TRAPPERS If i EXCITIMi AIIVEX- Tl'RF. WITH L.UV III! 'IN AMI TWO nil. "Coyote" Cliff Falk. Entrance 'trauDer. gained hi name among the fraternity who follow the fur-bearers, on account 1 of the ardor and success with which I he engaged In the pursuit and capture of the" elusive coyote. While -Others! cussed 'em. Cliff caught 'em. In the 'summers, he added to hii:. store ofj ; mountains for Stan Clailt. efjihe Cucle At the time this story opens. Fa Ik, was propped up against one of the' fences surrounding Mr. Clark's estate, moodily munching a moosemrat sandwich. Beside him was Charles Smith, another wracgler. Suddenly there was a noise of drum. jning noors, the barking of dogs and wild yells, and a bobbing figure on horseback came into sight through the brush, going m a high rate of sueed. "I wonder if that Is the boss! come out to Inspect our work?" asked Falk. turning paJe beneath his tan. "It It is, he is moving a lot faster than we have done this morning," uneasily replied Smith: "but It looks. to me like some settler pursued by red skins," SANDWICH OR WKAN(II.EK then we have nothlne to worrv about." said Falk, leaning back against the fence and resuming his attack on the sandwich. Before- he could swallow his bite, however, a large black oear, with a huge red mouth, came charging into the opening. It was not clear to Mr. Falk whether the bear was making for the sandwich, or himself. but the two wranglers rose to their feet with wild yells of alarm and made a simultaneous move for their bronks. The bronks moved slightly ahead of ineir owners, leaving the two wranglers aioot. They made for trees, which nave the virtue of being stationary, inougn Dears can also climb them By this time, the bobbing figure aisa made its appearance, and thev nctea with relief that there was lariat around the bear's neck, with 'the other end snubbed around the saddle horn of George Foley, the gentleman ... wno nad started all the excitement. The bear ran around a tree. Falk two steps ahead, stlil going strong. He failed to notice that the rope had tangled around the tree, and it took considerable shouting on the part of ine otner two to bring him back. Get the axe and stun the bear yelled Foley. "Yeah, then we can capture it alive George says that there are also two euns coming through -the brush, and we can get them as well." said Smith, maik vit-mt's Mviri: rant secured nis axe. and made s vicious swipe, at the bear's head, with ine result that he cut the rope and -he bear was free again. Only the nounds saved Falk'a bacon that time -hey attacked -the bear, which turned and ran to where the cubs were howl ng in" the bush. On foot, the three wranglers followed aiit keeping a death grip on the axe while Mr. Foley tried to make another no? in the ruined lariat. Soon thev reached the scene of the batUe. to dis cover the mother bear and one cub had gone, but the other was up a tree. valiantly, Falk swarmed up the tree. The cub made a vicious swipe at him tnd Jumped. As It landed on the ground, Falk dropped astride of it. yipeel Whoopee! ride 1m. cowbovl- yelled the other two, rolling around on tne ground and screaming with Joy. lll-l.rl.Ks WITH MIRTH But the bear refused to Dlav fair Ignoring the .savage jabs of Mr. Falk'a spurs, it rolled over, ninnlne its rider beneath It and raking him right mer rily with it claws to the accomuanl ment of delighted veils and whnnn. from the two wranglers, who rolled on me ground htlpleoa with mirth. Finally, when the bear decided that it had completely ruined Falk's haberdashery, complexion and cuticle, and made It practically Impossible" for him to sit down for days to come, It tore Itself loose and ambed off through the orusn in search of the rest of th family. Mr. Falk Is now In the citv. outfit. jiing at uncle Ben's exchange and consulting various doctors who guarantee " skin like new." PREMIER WILL BUYPROPERTY I('I(I:ASIX( CAI'ITAI, STOCK ORDER TO TAKK OVER ADJOINING CUUMS VICTORIA, June 9-Capital stock of the Premier Oold Mining Company will be Increased from A 4 nrwi vm I " t,vv,vw AJ 7,5oo,ooo and the, new, stock, issued' in' payment for certain claims' bf the ad-Joining B.C. Silver and National silver 'groups, according to a statement Issued by the Financial Post of Toronto and the tendon Stock Exchange Gazette nd received liefe "by w. 8. Campbell, president of the Victoria Stock Exchange. I "Premier Is Interested only In the clslms that are known to have the ! north extension of the rich replacement! deposit of the Premier." the statement ays. "The Quggenhelms would be con-' THE DAILY NEW3 .Thu'8d Ju,ie9. 96D0C nHE future of Canada lies in the Home. In their honest arid loving endeavors to build healthy homes, thousands of Canadian mothers are handicapped by lack of knowledge. Three years ago, the Red Cross organized its nrst class in Home Nurs' ing. Since then, 12,000 women and girls, in 800 groups, have received in struction. They have gained a sound knowledge of the principles of- good health . . . care of the sick . . . feeding of babies and children. They have become better managers of their homes ... enabled to instruct less well-informed neighbors. Since the War THE RED CROSS has disbursed With the aid of local leaders, doctors, women's organizations, the Red Crpss Organ izing Nurse forms a class. The course of 12 lectures comprises instruction by a nurse . . . practical demonstration . . . talks by the local doctor. It is simple but thorough. Nor does the Red Cross forget our new citizens from other lands. rwrwana canal promises .to rank lni. v' TV "f l"? Pi"1 tommence- the front of B.C. -mini "na 30 acre,, more or this year. Bush Consolidated has been Incorporated to tair in mm . .- practically surrounding the groups we nave been discussing. Premier Extension mikes up the balance of the eirrio. and Is believed to have the dip of the n-emier ore rone from the Premier. Vancouver Interests have recently ac quired It and will start development. Anorner lmDortant deal ririncr. Kill the MosquU toes. Fly-Tox XtA rooms before retiring. Enjoy repoee free from the buz nd sting of 'mosquitoes. Fly-Toi ,will not stain. A yorthirnt Product FIX I.4MJ.I. I ,,,, ij --(5 Jfl iiiri. ! l -nj sssf. ill Sleep SJb Iriif M JUE9.MOTH KOSOUITOES HBUC.AXIS IWA JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILDOII, . Agent for . Kelley Logglni Co. Ltd Dated aath April. 1937. LAND ACT. NOTIfK OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE UNO IOK INIHSTIUtL ITHPO.HKN In Prln Pnnpt T bmj n the'Drtct ff Prince P.upert, and situate Charlotte' W.nV ' QUen TAKE NOTICE that Kejley Loeirlne Company Limited, of Vancouver Be it umiiu, inienas to apply . for a lease . of the following "1B i described lands: i Commencing at a post planted at Inlet. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Island, north. 31.43 chains; thence east 81.17 chains; thence In a southwesterly direction. lololng the shore line to the point of commenceaitnt, and containing 30 acres, more or less. J08EPII DOUOLAS WILSON. ,, . Ajent for Doted 29th Tlhl09' 00' LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO ' LEANE LAMI. I in Rang 4 Coast Land District, Land I Recording Dlatrlct of Prince liuocrt TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packlnj Co. Ltd, of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver B.C, occupation Flih Packers, intends :de,'.0nds2eaMO, the Mi& wummencing ai a post planted abot J4 mile distant in a northerly dlrectlo irT .Lot .I"3' "! : thence north 8 chains; thence east 20 chains; thence south to shore; thence west slona shore t?in?oll,J01 commnnt, nd con! talnlng 10 acres, mors or liw. OOS3B PACKINO CO. LTD Per pas. L. RortsXnt"1 DaUd n. A " April 7, 1937. Worn Served by E RED CRO At Halifax, Quebec and St. John it maintains Seaport Nurseries. Here immigrant mothers and children, are made welcome. For the babies and young children, nourishing food . . . baths ... a restful sleep. For the mothers, a few quiet hours in a comforting 7 Million Dollars for the Soldiers, Women, Children and Frontier Families of Canada. " STILL SERVING " nome atmosphere . . , encouragement for the next stage in their journey. A Registered Nurse notes any needed medical atten tion. "Follow up" cards are sent to the Province where they arc going. On arrival, the Red Cross puts them in touch with health authorities . . . they are started at once on the road to healthy living. During the past few yearsthe Nurseries have served over 84,000 women and children, with "follow up" work for over 12,000 families. In these and other ways, the Red Cross is supplementing and supporting the work of health authorities and doctors, with untold benefit to thousands of Canadian homes. To YOU it appeals for support in this great task. Contribute generously to the Canadian Red Cross Society National Appeal Empire Day to Dominion Day Send Contributions to: British Columbia Division, Canadian Red Cross Society 626 Pender Street West, Vancouver, B. C tent to take their pick of B.C. Sliver's noicungs, about seven claims, and the twelve claims of National Silver, which, with Premiers own twentrseven. would make forty-slx claims of fifty-one acres. eacn. They are content that the two companies continue to hold their remaining claims.' which, they can explore and develop, if they wish, and can hold or distribute the Premier stock they would receive for the claims taken over. Consolidation is desirable. motlT because of the high cost of oner.tinr in the Portland Canal section, and because the Premier already has a 400,- ton mill operating and in the hands of man wno has the aDDroval of sll The Ixjndon people will undoubtedly safeguard-against the enlsreed one. tion becoming : feeder for 'the Tacoma 6melter. which the Guggenhelms con trol, wnjch has been the uurchaser nf Premier's high grade and much of its other ore. Woodbine and other properties under tue company, while Colsolldated Smel-:irs has also Just acquired ImporUnt holdings in the camp." Advertise In the Dally News. LAND ACT. MTICK Ol INTKNUON TO APPLY TO UMI t OK IMIl'STHIAL ITKPOSES Tn PHnr.. T7.rt ff . n . . n tt.u. . . ii. ... . . vi riiuce uupen, ana siiuait v ocweu imei, Morer.oy Island. Queen Charlotte Island. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging .jmpany Limited, of Vancouver. li.c "ccupatlon Timber Merchant int.nn o apply for a lease of the followlur 3-crlbed lands: Commencing at a post planted approx-Unately S chains south 20 degrees eait of the northeast comer of Lot 47S, Sewel Inltt. Moresby Island; .thence follow ing the shore line in an easterly, southerly and southwesterly direction to It Intersection with the eastern boundar Ql I. fit 179 tVlsVnia MAst. 4 n . . ! DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgeraon Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointment FOIt KENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher 512.00 per day Lot us know the day you want itl Kaien Hardware Co. I'hone 3 Some Summer Season Suggestions Window Screen Door Screen Itubber Hose, Ire Cream Freezer Sprinkler Sprnycr Hose Nozzcl Fly Swalleris Wiilerless Cookers. Easy Vacuum Electric Washing Machines Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Ave. Prince llutrt, H-C.