- CLASSIFIED ADS VANCOUVER PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER American Standard _. 97 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Carino aa : - ~ ee nee ge % anpnparane| congress pc + Classified Rates BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY sera A eae S aaa aM Giant Mascot ~ - o ridge ss ae 7 UaLAEE © 1240 Kilocycles| Indian Mines . Closure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- 0 WILL BUY _long : tal C if p 4 + Pioneer 2:10 vious to publication arm RADIO DIAL Premier Border ae , Classii : per word per one Privateer - By EASLEY BLACKWOOD . insertion; minimum charge 50 . (Subject to Change) res Mac . ro. — " Box , mae one po Book Learning Alone Won't Birth Notic 50 264) | HAARAARAARIRAAAARRRARRRAR) ce Geet ee Make You a Good Player of Thar D cole . TUESDAY Taku River 07 econ o—W “ fone Ga tH Bridge is not, and (I hope) never will be, an Eng , Na ‘ ) 03! ‘ ‘ $2.04 FOE ees | See Silver Standard 140 exact seience. Reading textbooks on the game will cs T) yible ic oa € ‘ Ele Testern rar ‘ . - en ee ee 262 and Comn sacs Ura <6 help you, but you can read them all and you will st ill 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS ss 7 Anglo Canadian 740 have hands dealt to you where good judgment is ' . CARS FOR SALE and ( ’ A athe . : Ge aan : 7 6 ar FOR SALE—1949 Ford pick-up a . Calmont 125 your only guide, : tals condition tie ae Cc 12.00 What would you do with Mr.| South dealer == Lé 33 B a aos ” (264p Centrs ‘ 940 | Da hand in today’s deal? Neither side vulnerable Neve a opel ee ae aed Mercury 41 His partner opened the bid with | ag ee ae Oe siniomiarnas Okalta 3.25 (one heart. The books say Mr go. oe) £ $1100.00. | Payments available wid EDNESDA | pacific Pete 1050 Dale's hand is too strong to H-—3 a — oe “ =P B Fi ‘ : Royal Canadian 18\4 pass, so that’s out DK J6 a Cat I NO- FOR SALE a oa TORONTO The books also say he shouldn't) yw, SS 442. — Go Ir rt ‘ i Athona 15 bid one spade because his spade cag, Able) (Me. Muzey) LOL I Baza Novem- wi ry ic New : Aumaque 43% suit is not strong enough to . : : aan . “ @ 092 ber 20 Has He B Goo Beattie Duquesne % qualify as biddable Do4 D--10 a6 — — —~ ~-— Mc 7 ’ Beveourt 1.14 Neither can he bid two clubs! Ga io 5 3 C976 Ni I f FOR SALE 45—I ‘ Buffalo Canadian 18% or two diamonds because his South Nov MN i sats or BBC N and ( Consol, Smelters 3335 hand, in general, is not strong bag abet " Si N 21 FOR ° SALE Double bed, A-1 aa a Conwest 3.60 enough for a two-over-one re- HA @ 10 76 a ondition. Phone Green 712 It Donaida 47 | sponse D~A QT Ce mA 259 Time i Eldona . 40 A bid of one no-trump, wWth oa 5 1 . a a East Sullivan 670 « weak singleton in partner’s _ ~~ wn sii ant FOR I nen = ; aetias Giant Yellowknife 910 suit, is avoided by good players ey wae tS Pase | } ; . eile ” 45—M Kitchen God's Lake 58 {what is he supposed to do, 2p All pass Us : : oe ree K A Harricana 0714 | then? — es Presbyterian B Novem-' FOR SALE—One double bed — Heva 06), - - meena The answer is, of course, that ber 2 spring, two men's suitca Message I Duvex 48 Mr. Dale has no good bid at all, a > iin Green 610 ec. I Joliet Quebec 351, : no comfortable bid, no bid re _ — FOR SALE—One 5-tube auto-|/!* " Little Long Lac 60 riter e $ which does not run some chance re matic combination radio, 10 = \ uM Lynx i } of misieading partner. He has ~ Orange Lad Bazaar, Nov. 19. 7-, 12-inch recorder. One 9- C News Madsen Red Lake 1.70 ;% 7 only a choice of bad bids os ‘ tube radio. One V8 engine and | ;2 Progra 1“ McKenzie Red Lake 35 Fantastic and that is where the good| 8S. Peter’s Fall ,Bazaar, D msmission in running or-/| i2 i - McLeod Cockshutt 244 judgment comes in. He muat| rember 4 C i pean” s ee See - ‘ tH Moneta : | ° choose the “bad” biki which is rete —— ora ame, 2 idley Sourt fina ay % ‘. Negus i Sto of Kin least likely to mislead partner a get ches a we s Fall | after 5 p.m og 260p) 2:30 tiene Noranda 74.65 ry g and ened least likely to 7 FOR SALE—Chesterfield suite Sesh 4 eee Louvicourt : 18 land the partnership in an un- 3USINESS PERSON ALS a — = ar bs — — . Man W b S oe a . = For the first time Bruce Hut~ makeable contract E ones : kited et and one bed.| 220—Magsle Muggis ee ee chison, well-known Canadian’ | think Mr. Dale made ths LET US ARE bed-| 44 BC } We Report Senator Rouyn 12 writer, has revealed the full! pest choice. He bid one spade | u Seale I — Q atl ce Sherrit Gordon 4.60 fantastic story of how William on his slightly shaded spade| ' Lyon Mackenzie KMg outwitted/ suit if Mrs Keen rébid two} id Si Ii Sh Opposition Leader Arthur Melgh-| hearts he would pass. If shel id¢ Na ipments New Approa en, Governor-Genera} Lord BYng | renig two clubs or two dia i ca 7 . and a host of parliamentary monds, he would pass. If she 7 . Get Priority . enemies to retain power for the raised to two spades, he would! to §! 7 G A 2 SALE—TI i ¢ In Treatin Liberals in the amazing Consti- tape pig chances there I! she| 6 \ we i rfield suite; Beatty washing 0, R 1] d tutional Crisis of 1926 bid three spades or three hearts. | pe ». BOX machine. Good condition. 104 f al 0a . Writing in Maclean's maga-| he would try three no trump : noe Dee Bricam™ se =. Mono lies zine, Hutchison recalis the great Mrs. Keen's actual rebid was! FOR FULLER BRUSH FOR SALE—14” band saw on| MONTREAL A “highball po Customs Scandal which was two diamonds, which became| phone Black 990 ’, Wooden stamd with motor and Service to give preferential treat- , ‘covered by the Tories soon after : ant ad wus ta tien, blades. Can be seen at| me - n-carload mer-| OTTAWA ?)—The Canadian the Liberal's majority had been aie *aeems aa eevee. : . SS i —_- Mattson’s Mink Ranch, 11th} chandis affie was announced | government's new anti-com s swept away in the general elee- alain the one enacts’ ie in we ahaa ao Ave. East (260) | here t ane by the Canadian Na- erganizaton goes into opera tion, King was governing oniy tieedode oar Rtas ‘dane tractors’ Equipment. Fnquir- FOR SALE—Used lumbes. Call| Dal Railways LL. tee ty, with a new approach fo| with the support of twenty-five went something like this: It's ios Saviied. Genneaiie 2 land + Kk fen 536 6th East Under the new plan LCL the whole system of combines iq- Progressives, and some Indepen- better re isa Wilie ghowk unen Vancouver 1, Bé (tf (259p = will be moved with | vestigation, dents. The great scandal—which oa fii - tle Snaied the a = FOR Tull : , | Sie auspatch as perishable; Wielding wide powers will be showed that customs men were | Sult trength of your hand PI IBING, aut ic cil heat oR vattence ie, and livestock traffic. Distinctive new three-man commissiop,| .nvolved in large-scale smuggling | #!! & or es FOU Ae — oe : ; 7 ; me ae ‘one ecb , fe es of bright ve llow cent- headed by C. Rhodes Smth fof-|—cost the Liberals their cxtra fe tf) ve * eee ee WH on mer Attorney-General of Mani-| pe el bene : = ae Be cua —————— peo piaced on he car and th tobs J rovide “Secorid | Suffered defeats in the He j anes ss WANTED TO RENT @— till receive priority handling at aie ee “Se nt Hutchison says: “It soon ap-, : : et io, WANTED TO RENT—Four- or {7 10ns, treignt 5 1 and Gls-| dividuals accused of breaking the | peared that the Government had hora ia be Cr five-r 0m ho 1s6 or s 7 Pree os bis sae ce Co oe iy to dalend their actions be- ee eae — had | , " no objec Pnone ominion *4 ee " : Tas ng's per t 4 ' Elect ( Green 960 Bridge, Watson Island. Ask The new service fill give L.C1 ore S report & nau — reached rock bottom a@ gov-- 2 Esai. : f M. Boyse (260p) shipmen the speed of sched- sees 7 PUD Stine ernment which could not even ~~ ———e led fast efe Pr Garson ce eee ak » shane no “©? WANTED TO RENT—; or 4 es th s a a pie: shipmer tal Under the old system, com-| an on a ons ee that As . Len- ieeiidlit canal Gate? will be in Winnipeg on the|Dines commissioner T. D. Mac- King played his first master ” oe pe 59g) «References if necessary. Phone fourth morning from Montrea] | Donald maintained the roles of card. He demanded dissolution i : ve? 64 business hours. " (259) Vancouver on the eighth | detective, prosecuting attorney of parilament i MAGAZINES, novelties. Eddie's Horning from Montreal and judge. He had the yates - This was not granted by Gov- i ews Stand Qh . RENT ———— make an inquiry into an alleged | 6 -nor-General Byng. Legend has nar ied BRIGHTER MUSIC : NEARLY everybody uses 99 c) Today’s St SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent . portable machine Phone PERSONAL 864 (Cc) a Foot Snecialict ROOM FOR RENT—Board if Ve HPeclaust desired. Girl preferred. Red Pedicure - Manicure 560. ~ $20 Comns; cai ingrown toe-'FOR RENT < Sleeping roam. Walls, ‘massage. For appoint- close in. Blue 433 (261) ment uSsO evenings) phone . aa Biue 249 or Blue 192. Mrs. BE. FOR RENT —Purnished room tasmussen, 654 4th Ave. East housekeeping privileges if de- (280p) Sired. Box 542, Daily News LOST AND FOUND LOST jlack-and-white cat Hallowe’en night, on Graham Ave. Finder phone Black 472 (1t) it SITUATION WANTED __ COMPETENT, well educated general accountant and office manager with wide field of experience desires change of position. Central or Northern B.C. preferred Outstanding | B.C, references as to character, | qualifications, etc. P.O. Box 204, Prince Rupert. (260p) | "HELP WANTED—FEMALE | STENOGRAPHER or typist, with| or without experience Apply | Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd., Room 15, Besner Block. (260) | WANTED — Desk clerk, female. | Apply Savoy Hotel ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income Tax specialist. 8. G. ¥urk, Stone Building. Red 593. ‘20m) BATTERY SEKVICE WE PAY cash for burnt out motors, any size or make, Wil- ford Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391 (tf) RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 126. Re- nairs, recharging and rebuild- ing. Work guaranted, (c) (261) | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES _ FOR SALE — Or offer—Auto Court site (20 acres). Service station and coffee bar. Stock at cost price. Apply P.O. Box ‘1807, Prince Rupert, B.C. (No triflers please.) (259) \CASH for scrap batteries and radiators. Phone | (261p) FOR RENT—Single room 735 8th West (260p) FOR RENT—Sleeping room. 221 ist St (260) RENT a sander or have your floors sanded and finished by experts. Phone 909. Greer & Bridden Ltd (283) WANTED | WOULD LIKE to contact owner of agency or business requir- ing assistance for expansion. Have a little capital but an abundance of energy and bus- iness acumen. If interested, reply Box 541, Daily News. | (259p) WANTED — TOP MARKET! PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt pay- ment made, Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van- couver, B.C. Phone PaAcific 6357. (tf) brass, copper, OHANNESBURG, South Africa )The wave of “commerc ized religion” sweeping the Uni- ted States and other coun ries threatens South Africa unless hurch music makes a greater appeal to the publi¢ says Roger O’Hogan, loeal representative uf Britain's Royal Schoo] of Churenh Musi "ROPERTY TAX The first general property tax in upper Canada was instututed in 1853 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Wartime four, con- crete foundation. Pull ase- ment, garage. 1446 8th East. (264p) REPAIRS EXPERT WATCH AND JEWEL- LERY REPAIRS, Dave McNab, Besner Block, phone Black 367 (268) WAREHOUSEMEN’S LIEN ACT The sum of $444.00 owing by George McWhinney for stor age charges in respect of which a ware- housemen’s lien exists not having | been paid by October 23rd 1952, pur- suant to demand, there will be sold by publie auction at the garage of Bob Parker Limited, Third Avenug East, Prince Rupert, B.C., on No- vember 13th, 1952, at 10:00 a.m , one 1935 GMC Panel Delivery, Engine Number 15218736, Registered Num- ber 281456. BOB PARKER LIMITED. 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West. | (O06.m8) City. (tf) | ee a emaealaacioonialnlangien LAND REGISTRY ACT REAL ESTATE |\FOR SALE— 11, lots, cleared. | Good harbor view. Phone Red 198. (260p) | A FAMILY HOME |Spacious home on three lots with four bedrooms, double plumbing, oak floors, fire- Styled kitchen plus utility room. Furnished self-contain- ed suite in basement. This i place, dining room, smartly- | | EE DOCUMENTS FILED No. 10852 | — Re’ Certificate of Title Noy 26661-I, covering Lot 18, Block 22, Vil- lage of Stewart, Map 818A. | WHEREAS Satisfactory proof of | 088 of the above Certifiente of ‘Title | Ssued in the name of Allan Carolan, | been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that I shall, at the |expiration of one montiy from the |date of the first Publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title ia lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be 8 a buy at only $9500 with terms | ™#de to me in writing arranged. : Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342 — Blue 192 evenings | (260) | DATED at the Land Registry Of- fice, Prince Rupert, B.C, day of October, 1952, A.D, Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar of Titles, (266¢) this 10th} price-fixing or monopoly opera- tion, to judge whether the law had been broken and to place ¢ harge in the form of a report before Justice Minister Garson Under the mew «set-up, he maintaing his function as de- tective and prosecuting attorney out is sttipped of his powers as} judge. This now passes nto the hands of the commission Authority for him to call wit- | nesses and search offices and company books will be subject to the approval of the commission. Once hig investigation is com- pleted, the new body will hear argument not only from the in- vestigator, but also from the company or individual accused, SECOND CHANCE . This wil give the accused a |second chance to defend their |aetiong . It will be up to the |}commission to judge whether a | case warrants reporting to the | minister or whether it should be quashed, It still will be up to the min- jister to decide whether court action should be launched and jit still will be mandatory for ; him to make a repert public. He |was allowed a maximum of 15 days in which to do so after re- |} eelving the report under the old |set-up. Thig is doubled to 30 days under the new. The new commission will be known as the Restrictive Trade Practices Commission and wilt inelude Guy Favreau of Mon- treal, and A. S. Whiteley, for~ mer Geputy combines commis- sioner, as members, Mr. MacDonald’s new title wifl be director of investigation and research. The new members were sworn |in Saturday and will begin aj- | most immeiiately to hear argu- ment of one combines cage that has been under investigation for some months, The industry in- | Volved has not been disclosed. Meanwhile, other cases in ad- vanced stage of inquiry by Mr. MacDonald will be completed by’ jhim under the old regulations, | (Courtesy & D. Johnston Co, Lta) oo: 4 Prince Ruper Tuesday, November 4, 1952 always heki that King subtiy ;courted Byng’s refusal. But, the Maclean's article points out, King asked the Governor-General three times to grant it. When Byng refused and called on Meighen to form a government King played his ace Im perhaps the greatest parlia- imentary pefformance of his life lhe held that Bynge’s act violated constitutional tradition, in tiat | the Governor-General had re fused the advice of his minister, that Meighen was not in fact prime minister, that there was no real federal government #in existence Hutchison comments: “In such la crisis who would remember a minor Customs scandal?” In any case, King forced a vote through tae House that the Meighen Gov- ) ernment, “if legal had no right; to si in the House, if illegal had no right to transact business.’ He won, by one solitary vote, and Meighen resigned. King won the subsequent election without trouble NORTHERN AREA The “Barren Lands” is the | name for the great sub- arctic! area between Hudson Bay and| Bear Lake. | SYCAMORE WOOD The wood of the Sycamore | tree, found in southern Ontario| is used for cabinet and interior finishing. = BLACKWOOD on t Daily News Lead ; ' DINING PLEASURE SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe rr —Well, Well! Our Daggi Coast Pioneer, Fishey Charles Mathias Carlsen. fish erman in northern coastal Waters for the past 50 years, died hospital here old Born in Norway, Mr Carlsen moved to Canada in 1900, settling yesterday after q lengthy itness. He was 75 years man 0 | Harry of Westview Mrs. Alvide a in| mento, cane mo sisters jp Norway Puneral arrange not been completed. Mt first at Kitimat, site now of the VAST Stren giant Aluminum Company of Canada operations, , lived on the Queen Charlotte! the nor: Islands, For the past 10 yearg he had made his home in Prince Rupert, living aboard his troller He is survived by a brother, | « Canadian Yerrdigry i fram . . : later | 7" Lake Brie 4, lattis “Dole and GREAT Bagny Canadian Tiers wha int ) Hudson Bay drain | 1500000 savare wi #2 ; , I) usiness ¢7 |- rofessio A Eves John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30, 2:60-6:00 by appointment only. || 23 Besaner Block { Phone Blue 442 oy POR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED ee We Pour Cement For Leas Phone Biue 939 HANDY, HOME Sepvice GENERAL Conrp Building ang Repairs kinds ROOPS — Cig OLL BURNERS PHONES: P.O. Box 167 PRECISION SAW FILING Lawn Mowers Sharpened 215—~Ist Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 FRED E. Dowy OPTOMETRisy Room 10 Stone ays Phone Bly a Open Friday Eve 204--4th Street HELEN’S H. G. HELGE BEAUTY SHOP | tnt Perm: t Wavin i : Seu Gullens tx on REAL ESTATE & Iney ite branches Phone 96, By :nings Phone 655 | Est. 1910 Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE oAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN | WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT) Comfort and Service CANADIAN aE Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Sterage Complete, Reliable and Effi- eclent Servier. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co for Oxyren, Acetylene and all weiding supplies LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. and and Park Avenues Phones 60 and 6 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 Train Schedulc STANDARD TIME |For the East Daily except Sunday From the Bast— Dally except Monday 9:30 p.m Try Daily News Want Ads For the MEAL that REFRE BES) FOOD FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS BROADWAY CAFE For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT) OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, | LING THE TAl Tailoring - and Clothes Made-te. i} 220 Sixth 8 Ltd. |) ; |} SCOTT McLAng 1] CHARTERED ACcoU James Block 68- } Prince Rupert, Bf) Phone 347 PO LT STEANS yp VANCOUVER Via Wayperts SUNDAY 8S. Camocun | pal FRIDAY 8S Chilcotin § p ALICE ARM and § Friday, Camosun, FOR NORTH QU CHARLOTTE ISA Nov. 5, 19 am 8S Chicotin, mse FOR SOUTH @ CHARLOTTE IS RC. } 88 Chileotin, Ma Nov, 12, 4, Dea FRANK J. 58 Prince Rupert rhird Avenue a 1G hinese L Chop Suey - Chat Open 6 pan - is HOLLYWO00 © For Outside Orders 8 pm FINES OF cookin pHONE 200 “By CHIC YU I SHALL SERVE WITH COURAGE 7 HAVENT YOU oN I'VE BEEN ELEC! PRESIDENT Ww