V Page tvo v THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday. June m NUMBER OUT SUBSCRIPTIONS A Soldier's Wound is Healed at Last TO LECTURE1 JUBILEE FUND Remarkable test proves the exceptional llfJIBDwer of Dr. Chase's' OintmentJ For years this ex-service man had suffered with a running wound which Army Surgeons and regular medical practitioners failed to neat. It is only natural that he should cow be enthusiastic about the healing power of Dr. Chase's Ointment for he has obtained complete relief by its use. Read his letter. Mr. Samuel Hozman, Looma, Alta., writes: "I had been bothered with a running wound for the last teren years and was treated by Army Surgeons and Civil Practitioners, but could get no relief. I was in despair, thinking that all my hfe I must be content to suffer my lot. I had a brother who knew about Dr. Chase's medicines and on his advice I started using your OinUhent. I obtained excellent re-' suits from this and am now finally relieved. I have nothing but praise for Dr. phase's Ointisent and would reconmiend it to any ex-service man troubled as I was with' a running wound." Wherever there is irritation of tht. skin or a sore which refu-s to heal you ran depend on Dr. Chase's Oinfflient to afford prompt and lasting relief. 60 cents at all dealers, or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto. The Daily NewsV PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited,' Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: . City Deliver by mail or carrier, per month .75 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year.. ... . .' ;i $5.00 . lo all other countries, in advance, per year -......... $7.50 ' - Advertising and Circulation Telephone , 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone ' 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION TAKES FORWARD STEP Tuesday, June 28, 1927 Yesterday the Daily News took a step forward when it issued a special twelve page Jubilee edition and on the same day announced a reduction in price" from a dollar a month to 75c with a still lower rate for annual subscriptions. This change has been made possible through the ability of the News to purchase its paper in car load lots of approximately twenty tons at, one time and by every mem ber oi the staff working at capacity all the time and giving good service. The work is done by seven employees, two in the editorial end, two in the business section, and three In the mechanical. It is not intended because of the lower price to in any way dimin- . ish the quality of the paper but rather to improve all the time, as has been done in the past. .Prince Rupert people deserve a good news paper. They use it a good deal iind it is expected they will use it still more as the city expands. Practically everyone in town reads , the Daily News and there is a lurge country circulation extending .from Prince George to Queen Charlotte Islands and from Atlin to ucean rails. i What will Mussolini do for enthusiasm when he 'has licked the world and finally silenced every one of his former red co-patriots? PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND ELECTION The election Jn Prince Edward Island will be construed by many as a straw indicating the, rising of another Liberal breeze. So every gain on the other side is interpreted by those who take a keen interest in party politics and who rejoice at every victory for their party and gloat over every gain, no matter what particular local policy happened to affect it. In Prince Edward Island the election was carried because the people of the island want prohibition and the Conservatives offered a substitute. Most of the people" there are farmers and they prefer to be without the liquor traffic. Liquor promises to he a factor in elections for many a year. So much money i made out of it that immediately there is a seeming settlement, agitation commences again and an effort is made to sway the people. So it will be in Prince Edward Island now. But Liberals must not take too seriously this gain in 'Prince Edward Island, just as British Columbia Conservatives must not take too seriously the recent victory in Okanagan. ' Both were influenced by local conditions. It would be just like our luck if we were to have a bad cold during.the'holiay.,and?not;,be,abIe to attend those ball games. 0 RIG BURLY VANCOUVER . Vancouver seems likely to' become a big burly city busy, bustling, and yet beautiful. It h taking In, some of the adjoining municipalities and will "likely; take in yet more' before the city is properly rounded out. " The move to buiW ? big highway through Stanley Park to connect with West Vancouver by a bridge is also a move in the right direction. If West Vancouver is connected by a bridge it will experience a boom such as has rot been seen in and around that city for some time. A beautiful new district will be opened up and later if this, too, is mlded to the ci' r, its extent will indeed be great and its population large. The Kamloo8 police chief says they feed hobos' meals at nine and'a half cents each and they have a fine . time. Let's see, where is this Kamloops? The man who does poor Avork Is wcrkini? for his competitor, MiaWHBHWVBM,MBaMWnMSMMmiaSWaSMSSMWsaWHSVWBMWBMBMMMMMWHB Delightful summer nourishment lSHREDDED WHEAT JJeady without cooking Tempiing'crisply flavorsome with cold milk and berries, Chri riMiancience. uoje. o, in- Additional .Awning Subscribed v r .s.vj . w l Since rirt List Was ',cllle J. Published A large number turned out to trie 1 . . Y. . I .. n CIaMAA In , . plete within himself. And Christian Science teaches that since he is within himself divine, that he Includes only that which Is divine; divine strength, wisdom, health, happiness; all that Is good and harmonious. To gain the faintest understanding of Ood as life, Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, Mrs Eddy writes: "Jesus beheld In science the perfect man, who appeared to hlai where sinning mortal msn appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Bav-lous saw God's' own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick." Let us see what Is the correct view of man. First of all, the BIbie declares that Ood created man In the Image of himself. Then if man is created In the Image and likeness of Ood, he reflects all cj-God's qualities. Ood Is mind, man, then, as Ood's idea or reflection, eipretses always, for Is 'infinite, this one mind. Then natural conclusion from the correct view of man la that he Is spiritual, because he Is the reflection of his Father. Mother, Spirit. Man Is Intelligent, because the one mind. Ood, is supreme and eternal, lll'ALIMl Christian Science, the way of full salvation, has come to bring "peace. Joy. happiness, and success to the whole world. It Is the truth that reveals and makes clear to human comprehension the all-mlghtlness of Ood, that he Is Infinite, all-Inclusive good, the sole creator of the universe. Also, It makes clear that man, made In his image and likeness, must and does reflect Ood' perfection. As mortals cling steadfastly to this truth about Ood and man, the light of rptrltual understanding will dawn upon human consciousness and penetrate f nd destroy tne mist of materiality, thus revealing to human apprehension the man of Ood's creating, the glory of Ood's perfect spiritual creation. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert T;tt As an observance of the fiftieth an niversary of the Confederation of Canada, a mass meeting will be' Kefd in the Wei t holme Theatre next Sunday! afternoon. Hon. F.' Peters. K.C., city solicitor, will tell the story of An enjoyable function yesterday was the picnic to Dlgby Island organized by Mr. and Mrs. F. R. C. Brown, Hostesses were Mrs. F. H. DuVernet, Mrs, J. H. McMullln. Mrs. A. M. Manson, Mrs. F. O. Dawson, Mrs, 'A. T. Parkin, Mrs. W. E. Williams and Mrs, C. A. O, During the month of May last a total of 3.823,060 pounds of halibut was landed at Prince Rupert at com' Dared wLlh 3 D1I nun nhimif.1 i cm. B28,ooo pounds at Vancouver and 80,0001 pounds at Steveston, PRINCE RUPERT IN LONDON PUBLICATION In a supplement to the Canadian CUrette published in London, England, Healing with' the foodstuffs produced' In Canada Is a reference to Prince Rupert as follows: The Pacific terminus of the Canadian National Railways, Prince Rupert, is Canada's new Pacific sesport. IU harbor, la open the year round and owing to Its being the nearest to the Orient It holds an Important geographical position. Prljice Rupert claims to be the largest halibut fishing port In the world and is the centre of Impotiint salmon fisheries, Lumbering and mining are amongst the chief industries of the district A new grain elevator has tnn added to the port equipment by the Dominion government, Further subscriptions for the D.'amond ... .... . t . J . ... ' Jubilee Celebration have been received ""JZTTll?.!"?- nce.tbe,lr,t. 1st was pushed: The i-Ai. . , ..i lists at the banks and newspaper office sldinr. and Ut proved most interesting. ,. . ,.,,-',. ,: It.'". , , - r , are still being held open for anyone elf The following Is a brief summary: J L hn' . Christian Science makes clear to Us' .d.g .. ,.. that Ood is "the same yesterday, and to-, HvdTr,n.fPr day. and for ever." It also makes clear 3 , n.rnH. , us the " availability of this changeless ,, "'J,' ' . , , . ... i Barry's Home Furnishings 8.00 cause who Is the maker, sustalner, and ruler of the universe, forever the same. bestowing all good upon his perfect, spir itual creation. If this first cause or Ood Is changeless, always the same as the Bible states, he could not be corporeal or material In the slightest degree. An in telligent creative cause could not proceed from or Include non-Intelligent mauer. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd 25.00 Smith & Mallet Ltd. 10.00 Dybhavn & Hanson .., 15.00 Sllversldes Bros. 5J0O Alex McRae & Oo. Ltd. i.' 5.00 Northern Shipping Co. Ltd 5.60 John L. Christie , 5.00 Brackman-Kerr Milling Co 5.0O A, W. Edge 5.00 Dr. L. W. Kergln 5.00 Dr. 5.00 j ui . W. vv . TV a Kergln rviv in .............. o.i Ood Is infinite, that is, entirely com- , ... w. rvii; .iuivu a iiu 0.1 .00 S. C. Thomson 5.00 v Chess Bros 5.00 C. O. Rowe .j. 5.00" Geo. . Rorie j . , 5.00 Special Donation 185.00 J Field Strang, .Sunnytlde Can neries ..iX...- 35.00 truth and Jove, and man as his per- M.tllu3VUS SJW feet reflection, will give to all hope and . . .. : . assurance. Now the question is, how may we un- t derstand man? . We need vpnly turn tp ; the Bible to learn the truth' about man. In the first chapter of Qenelsl we red, "Ood created man In his own own Image, : In the Image of Ood created he him;" ! and that God gave man dominion over j all things. Reasoning from this true basis will disclose to you, and to all who seek salvation, that everything pro-, ceedlng from Ood must be Ood-llke, gcod, complete, and perfect. j In the Christian Science textbook. X G CITY BUILDINGS TO " BE DECORATED FOR DIAMOND JUBILEE The city council last night accepted a recommendation from the board of works providing for the expenditure of (150 In decorating the city hall, fire hall and reading room for the occasion of the Dlaimond Jubilee of Confederation. The money Is divided Into S100 for "Science and Health with Key to the tpecM lighting of the building, and 50 for bunting and the work will be in charge -ef the city engineer and the su-perlnlndent of utilities. Aid. W-J. Greer and Aid. - Larsen pointed out that the $150 would not be a dead loss. It was expected that about (50 would be salvaged. STORESTO CLOSE EARLY THURSDAY: OPEN ON SATURDAY Acceding to a request made by a delegation representing the Dominion Day celebration committee and the Retail Merchants' Association, the city council decided last night to issue a proclamation requiring stores to close at six o'clock Thursday night of this week with the privilege, however, of remaining open all day Saturday if they so desire. Speaking for the delegation and ex plaining that be represented the Retail Merchants' Association, L. M. Fuller stated that a telegram had been received from the acting premier of British Columbia announcing that Saturday, In eplte of a Dominion proclamation to that effect, would not be a legal holiday. In order that the staffs of the stores might be enabled to see the baseball game Thursday night, the merchants were willing to close at 6 o'clock providing a proclamation were issued to govern all. As far at the Saturday holiday was concerned, It would be the first of the month and the most of the merchants did not wish to close. A. J. Prudhomme . of the Dominion Day celebration commltttee would have liked to have seen the stores closed all Saturday but the merchants had been liberal with their donations so It Was not the wish of the committee to Inflict a hardship upon them. Aid. Perry and Afd. Llnzey submitted the motion requiring the atorea to dose 1 TO r - kJ floaty. -"j This advertinement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the; Government of Uritlsh Columbia. Put OgdetVt in your pip end smoke It. The law of compensation says that the right tobacco and the right pip can, together, make a man feel good from the tim- he throws off the blankets in the morning to the moment he dowse the glim at night OGDEN'S CUT PLUG at 6 pjn. Thursday. ! Other members of the delegation were Dan Jabour and Mr. Ross of the Retail Merchants' Association credit bureau. Advertise in The DaUy News LAND ACT. NOTiri; or intention to aitlv to LEASH KOKKKIIOItC In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen ,'harlotte Island. TAKE NOTICE that Kellev Loeemir I "ompany Limited, of Vancouver, II C i ccupatlon Timber Merchants, intend! , o apply for a lease of the follow '.ag described foreshore: I Commencing at a Dost oUnted anoroz- imateiy 8 chains south, 20 degrees evst irom the northeast corner of Lot 72, Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island; thence following the high water mark In an easterly, southerly and southwesterly direc. .lon to Its Intersection with the easterly , wwuumij iAib men saumeriy and easterly to the northwest corner of t .TX. 6216 P.; thence In a tiar.hwestertj direction to the point of commencement, .iud containing 43 acres, more or )ws. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for Keller Logging Co. Ltd. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO ArTtV TO Lt.tVE f UKt.MIIOKE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and si'uatt at Sewell Inlet. Moresby bland. Queen TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Xkglng ..jiiiiuy liijuibca, ox Vancouver, u.c.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends La annlv for a I,m rf ts. trii,.u,in. r i ' r. . IWU". I... described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at Inlet. Moreibv Iilinrt Oumfi rhirimi. Islands; thence In a northeasterly direction, following the high water mark to he southeast corner of I,ot 469; thenrs In southwesterly direction to the point oi commencement, and conta'nlng 140 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLA8 WTLSON. Agent lor Kelley Logging oo. Ltd. Dte1 JBth Anrtl 1627 LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAM) KK I.MX STKML Pl'IIPOKEft In Prince Rupert Land Renrdlng District of Prince Rupert, and tuate at Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen x-u Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley LugRlna Company Limited, of Vancouver Be occupation Timber Merchant, intends to apply for a lease of the following described land; Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 470 Bewell Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands; thence north 80 chains; thence east W0 chains, more or less, to ahore; thence following the ahore line In a southwesterly dlrec-tlon to the point of commencement, M "ontalnlng 190 acres, more or leas JOSEPH DOUGLAS WIL.-'ON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd nted 29th April. 1&27 LAND ACT NOTICE Of" INTENTION TO APPLY TO " LEASE LAND. In Rantre S fVuut T..n n.. -4. . . tReoordlng District of Prince Rupm. and situate on the south shore ef Evans (Arm, B.C, TAKE NOTICE that Qosm V.z-Hr. Co. Ltd.. of 32S Howe st, Vancouver B.C.. occupation FHh Packers, Intends to apply for a leas of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 3 chains distant In .an easterly dlrec. tlon from northeant corner Lot 740 Range 3; thence south 10 chains; thence west 18 chains; thence north to shore1 1 thencs easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 1 acrea OOSSE PACKING OO. LTD. Per Chas. L. RoberU.A?SnAtnt Dated AprU 7. 1927, Save the valuable "Poker Hands" Backward : Season Sale now in full swing BARGAINS all over the STORE Acme Importers Third Avenue I'.O. Hox CC7 Canadian National Qjc Largeft Railway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE N WI.INOM from PKINCE HI I'KKT for VANCOI VEK. VICTOKIA, hEATTI. r ftrll .MO.NII.W and Till ItMlAV, l.tKI iun.. NATI'KIUY. .H pin. lor MOX and HTEUAKT MONOAY. tTttllAY, P"1' lor U.iKKA f HEONEMIAY, 4.K1 pn- lot Jl.tKhETT INLET MONDAY. 4.WI p.n- lor -KIIIKOATE INLET and MOUTH IM EIC.V CHARLOTTE IM.ANIH. Irl- ilghlly. PASSENOER TRAINS LEAVE I'KINCK Kt'PEKT . 1(lV II III V EXCEPT MtNDAY at U.30 a.m. for I'KINCE IIEOKflE. EDMON 7N. MTNNII'EU, all iwlnls Eastern Canada, I'nlled htte. JAKPEK PA UK I.ODOE OI'i.N MAY II 1 0 KEPTEMHEIt NEE CANADA IN CANADA'H JCIHI.EE YEAR IS67 IW7. AOENCY ALL OCEAN HTEAMMHIP LINEN, tse Canadian Nallonal Ewress fr Money Orders, lorrljn Cheque, fir lo lor )our nest shipment. CltV TICKET OIHCE. 628 Tllllll) AVE, PRINCE IlLTERT, ri'ns t ICrWDIANj Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coaat Service Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. U'raneell, luneau, and Magna) lime 13. 17, 3. 1o lanrouter, VMorla and heattle June II, IK, 22, W. 17. . PRINCENH REATKICR. for llutedale, Eait Bella Delia. Oreau Kail". Nsmu, Alert Hay. Campbell River, and Vaiiwiner every Saturday, II n.m. Agency for atl Steamship Lines. rull Information from W. C. OKCII4KD, Oenersl Agent. Corner of 41b turret and 3rd Aenue, Prince Rupert, B.C,