dav. June 28, 1927 Stationers Prilltos iationery . OFFICE SUPPLIES SCHOOL SUPPLIES KODAKS AND FILMS COLUMBIA AND BRUNSWICK RECORDS DENNISON CREPE PAPERS, WAX, See Window Display of PHIZES I'OK BEST DECORATED FLOATS AND CARS Dcnnison's Crepe Paper and Streamer-, in National Colors UNION JACK AND CANADIAN ENSIGN FLAGS Limited Supply Only Telephone 231 Never A shall we celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation but a KODAK will mai.e a record of thin historical event which will inrrease in interest and value as the years pass. If you haven't a Kodak f t"ir is the place to get one. Come in and select from . ur -loi-k. Priced from $5.00 up ' W" have a complete supp'y of film in all sizes and a six h tir '-rvice on developing and prirtitig. LET KODAK KEEP THE STORY 35. &&ai I 77 tf Uinnffr Ijrttnriiuls I THIRD AVE tt SIXTH STr TtLEpHONES io200 I DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments Prince Rupert Auto Company Agents for Hudson and Essei Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite Prince Rupert Hotel. Phones 75 and 273 Sovereign Life Assurance Company uf Canada Head Office - - Winnipeg, Man. The SECURITY afforded by this Company to its policy holders is not exceeded by any other company in Canada. The high rate of interest earned on our ..vestments, coupled, with dividend rate to our favorable careful manufceMhtl assures a Twlfryhrrtder!rrifl-THtrst ONE of the advantages of insuring Willi fie'SbTefeTpr; .: , . .... 1 m C P. TINKER, District Representative UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED V.KVl' -ITS '. or VAM'Ol'VF.Kt Jr Vancoi vr.u. v.ctokia. mtr Nl'"111' '. tor I'OKT KFMI'SON, AI.ICU AK.W. MX' " ThroS WZvrt. soU fMSJS'Ji'd Veu.l.e a, . re.lu.ed rate and "mcme tlirtie.l through to dentinal!'"'- Local and Personal SC. Undertakers. Phone 41. Oet the Big 4 habltl When thinking -it a Taxi. Dbcne 4, tf Arthur- jbhoe Store.' tf A. T. Parkin left on this morning1 train for Smlthers on a business' trip, Acropolis Hin Improvement- Whist Drive and Dance j.n Moose Hall, July is. ronaer orchestra. Mrs George Bryant and Miss Alice Du Veruet are among those appointed to the Red Cross Executive. AUDITORIUM DAKCB July 1 and 2. Bob Orecntield's Commanders engaged to supply the music. Doors open at 8 Ladles 25c. Gentlemen SOc. 152 Dr. M. Lorenz, German consul at Winnipeg, alter spending a couple ol diys In the city, sailed last night on the Prince Gsorge for Vancouver. Mrs B. Walker of the local public school leaching staff and daughter sailed last night on the Prince George or Vancouver (or the swjaoter vacation. An oner jroiil aits, uiy Auuerwu vi siua lor tax sale lot ts, nioex, a, section 7, n saecepted by the city council last night on recommendation ol the finance committee. CNit. steamer Prince George. Capt. Harry Kedden, which sailed yesterday itfteraoon for the south, on her arrival at Vanodttver Wednesday morning, will li.ive completed her 700th voyage on 'ins coast.. Mi- Mary McRae. daughter of Mr. urn1 un. D. C. McRae. returned 4o the rity on last night's train from Bums Lake where she has been teaching school and -will sail next week for a visit in the south. In response to an invitation to take part In the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation festivities in the city. Hon. T. D. Pattuno. minister of lands and member of the legislature for Prince Rupert, will arrive in tbe clfty from VWtorta aboard tbe steamer Prince George tomorrow morning. Keenly delighted with the scenic beauties of the Alaska trip which he said was the best be has ever seen In his extensive travels. Prank G. Grant. Oirdena. California, nonagenarian, re-teurned to tbe city from Skagway on the Prince Oeorge yesterday and oon- tir.ued Booth on the same steamer en route home. ' M" D H UcDnnsM and son. Angus, are sailing this aft?riron on the Catala tor Vancouver enroute to Spokane Washington, and Wallace, Idaho, where they will spend tee next couple of months visiting with relatives. Fire Chief McDonald will probably go south In August to meet them on their return home. Yerterdayls rerular pasaengar train which mas delayed on account of bridge I repnir la the Biilkley Canyon, arrived i mm int cast Hi is ogiuck anawgm l.it nifM. Both steamer tPrtnoe Ch crier icr Anyox. Stewart and Massett Inlet, and Prince George, for Vancouver, were held pending the arrival of the train and departed soon after mid night. Several Eartern Canada police officers who attended the recent convention in Vancouver of the Chief Constables' -As-eolation of Canada, arrived on the Prince 'Charles yesterday from the nonth to entrain here for tbe Bast. Antor.g' them were Chief Constable Donald of Saskatoon, who was elected pre sident of the organization; and Chief Constable J. P. Smith of Wakervllle, Ontario. They were accompanied by their wives. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Pmbyterlan Sunday School Picnic to Dig-by. July 7. St. AnilTiw' Pv:ik. July 24. K.C. Picnic. July 31. Canadian Lesion Picnic Annus; 21. This advertisement 15 not published or cli jplayed by Die Liquor Control Doard a by the OcWrrimcnt of British Columbia, THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE a reservoir t IKE the camel which stores up large quantities of water when it can, because the opportunity may not occur soon again, it is wise for mankind to nro tin some provision V tvW W -f ' - , for the future danng productive earning years. The safest and easiest way to do this is to purchase a Confederation Life policy a Guaranteed Pension Bond, for instance. Then you have a reservoir that no future hazard of fortune can empty. An intre$tin$ pamphlit, TA Key to Happiifti," will & senf upon reqattt. Confederation Life ASSOCIATION District Manager, HOWARD FARRANT, Rogers Building, Vancouver, B.C. M. K. STEEVES, Gen. Agent. Prince Rupert - B.C. Arthur s Taxi. Pbons 78. Dentist. Dr. J. R. Oosae. Phone 688. Hyde Transfer now agents for Lady-smith-Wellington CoaL Phone 680. tf Canadian Legion Picnic arranged for July 17 has been postponed until August 21. Miss Margaret McLean, daughter of City Engineer and Mrs. H. A. McLean, returned to the city on last nights train from Rose Lake where she has been teaching school. , F. O. Dawson recelvedj word' that Dr. Rothwell, MJJ. of New Westminster, is seriously ill In the hospital ait Ques- nel and Mrs. Rothwell and a nurse are on their way from Vancouver and. win arrive there today. The Oanidlan National Telegraph Have Issued to the offices on their sys tem ome verr striitlnz four color minted diamond Jubilee headings for their forms and envelopes. Such work is bound to attract attention. Rev. Evan Baker, who has been trans ferred in the United Church pastorate from this city -to Cowlchan. Vancouver Island, sails htls evening on the Catala for Vancouver. He will go on annual vacation before assuming his new post. George E. Llghtheart, well known Vancouver apartment house owner and Mrs. Llghtheart arrived In the city on Sunday afternoon's train, after a visit to Jasper Park, and sailed yesterdsy afternoon on the Prince Oeorge for the south. James R. Mitchell, vice-principal of the Anyox High School, passed through the city at the end of the week en route to Vancouver where he will remain for a few days before returning to the rlty i sfend the holidays. Mrs, Mitchell and child are already here. The city police have been unable to obtain Information Uirowing any fur ther light on the bottle message from Vancouver which said Oeorge O. Clyde was drowning there and '.that his wife and family lived In Prince Rupert. The message may have been a hoax as so many of Its kind are. Passengers arriving In the city on he Catala today from northern points Included Sam Mickrtby. F. a. LeOrue, Mrs. Gazzala, John Francnwlts. J. A. Kuzek, O. Moffatt, C. Larson, J. Kruzlk. Harry Chapman, H. Day, E. A. tunder-vllle and L. McAdsm from Anyox; J, Fadool and Miss Wray from Stewart. A. tukman. Carl Beck, P. A. McPee and Mr. and .Mrs. N, Fleming from Alice Arm. The Moose will line up tlie following earn tor the league football game .this venmg with the Regiment: Peacock! ErskUieand Skinner: O, Mitchell, S. Curre and Hoppers; A. Hodgklnson, Bye. T Black. J. Murray an F. Hodgklnson; spares, W. Murray and' Lobllc. The Regiment team wUl be aa follows: Corbett: MacKay and Hunter; Wallace. Harris and Dohertyl J. 8, Wilson, Rus sell, Rom, Walters and Norrlngton; reserve. " Btracltan. -', Union steamer Catala.' Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port at 12:15 noon todayand will aallat S o'clock this evening tor Vancouver and way ports. Passengers booked to saU for Vancouver n the vessel from here Include E. A. Tfrrlen. Mrs. J. W. Smith. Miss Irvine. Miss L. O. James, Mrs. D, H. McDonald j and son, S. O. Portner, MUs Margaret Scalfe. Miss Ferrler, Mrs. Drew, Wll Itam Cooper, E. F. Turnbull and Rer. Cvau Baker. ' FORCED SALE STRICTLY CASH AT THESE PRICES. NATIVE SONS TO HAVE ELABORATE FLOAT IN DOMINION DAY PARADE One of the most elaborate floats In the pageant on Dominion Day irtU be that entered by the Native Sous of Csnada. It wUl depict the Fathers oi Confederation and a good deal of trouble Is being-gone to In order to make It a lilting Illustration. Final arrangements .were made for it at the meeting, of the, assembly last uUht. The meeting also discussed resolutions for submission to the convention to be held next month In Calgary. One proposal to allow other than Canadian born to become members of the organ, button was rejected. Other resolutions as well as the appointment of a dele-gate to the convention wUl be dealt with at another, meeting next Monday. of Mens Furnishings :: and Clothing :: at Thor Johnson's Store Here is an opportunity to get better value for your money in Men's Clothing and Furnishings than you ever had before. My creditors have forced me to put my $20,000 stock of high grade merchandise on the bargain counters to be sold at less than cost.. This is in order to raise a considerable amount of hard cash in a limited time. This stock consists of nothing but the best makes of Men's Wear, bought direct from the manufacturers. Nothing is shoddy or shopworn. Convince yourself that there are some real bargains here by dropping into the store and looking around. You are welcome whether you buy or not. Sale Opens Wednesday Morning, June 29, at 9 MEN'S TWEED SUITS For summer wear, nothing beats a Tweed. Tweed lets you do things you wouldn't do in a worsted. Regular ?28.00 value. Sic?15.31:.... 814.95 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Gold Fleece "Viking" Underwear Made in England and a grand quality. This brand advertises itself. In Combinations. Regular $14.25 value. L0Sd.Sa!e...Sio.95 In two piece suits, regular price each garment $7.75. Forced Sale QCZ QIZ Price vfUU SHIRTS FOR MEN Tooke's, Pecks and other makes in the latest styles and patterns. Regular $2.00 value. Forced Sale '85C MEN'S SERGE SUITS For wearing qualities, serge is the big favorite. In blue and gray and colors, guaranteed fast. Regular $40.00 value. Forced Sale Price ....... value. Forced Sale Price $31.85 HATS for Men THE BILTMORE AND BROCK'S make with plain and fancy bands. Regular $8.00 value. Forced Sale Price $5-K RAINCOATS Men's English Gabardine Raincoats. A dressy coat for all seasons. Regular $25.00 $15.95 Second' Avenue, Prince Rupert. and the crop Is not expected to be a heavy one. i TERRACE BERRIES ! AREBEING SHIPPED Later I'rult Kxxi trcl to lie I teller Than Thooe Now on Market TERRACE. June 29. Small shipments of Terrace strawberries are now being made. These are of the Alaskan variety and while somewhat earl'er are a poor sample of what the district csn produce. Under favorable weata., conditions, the Msgoon strawberry should be on the market by July. In both flavor and coloring It Is a big Improvement over the earlier berry. Many of the local berry patches autfered severely from frosts POST OUKE HOLIDAYS At tbe post office Dominion Day and Saturday win be holidays consequently the general delivery wickets will be open only from 9 to 11 In the morning of each day. The public lobby with access to the boxes will be open from 8 am. to 8 pm. I Its bite Danger ia not only through transmission old isease germs; but also by infection caused by scratching the itching .pot. Fty-To kiua mosquitoes. Will not stain. mt( ittU tumrnl4. A AWthtees t Product EH 4, tk trinitfc fciMt Mat lK.1 m intltpti IhSiukwI (llil'Ck t JE3L .KILLS fUU.MOTH MoSQUiTOCt 5a.siwf Mir IIIA MEN'S WORSTED SUITS Fancy Worsteds always have a dressy appearance, even when the suit is worn old. Regular $37.50 value. Forced Sale 29 75 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Turnbull's Cee-Tee Underwear Canadian made and known from coast .to coast. Regular $9.00 value. $6.65 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Balbriggan Underwear is in a class by itself. Regular price 75c per garment. Forced Sale CT Price MEN'S CAPS A big assortment in the newest patterns. Regular $2.00 value. Forced Sale QCn Price These are only a few of the many bargains that await you here as every garment in the Store is included in this sale. Nothing reserved. THOR JOHNSON STRICTLY CASH AT THESE PRICES. Canton Crepe DRESSES from $12.50 Smart little Wash Dresses sizes 7 to 1C From $1.50 to $2.25 BENT'S LADIES READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue ' is m fir m ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. Every garment tried on be fore finishing. 223 Sixth Street