25 TAXI andC Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime Stand: Exchange Building MATT VIDECK. Prop. Vol. XVII., No. 150. TWO AIRMEN LEAVE RAILWAY EMPLOYEES GET WAGE VANCOUVER MAN LOWEST BIDDER Foreman For Dan King Was Ir City Yesterday liut Contract Not Then Signed It u understood that the bid of Dan King, manager of the Vancouver Pile Driving Company, was the lowest o: Hfi.se submitted tor the construction o the 4'm mile of road to Oallowa; Rapid across Kaien Island. Ill forema a in the city yesterday and looked pver the ground but up to that tlm the contract had not been algned. I tu reported that Mr. King might- ye withdraw and drop the 1 15.000 deposit as n la understood his bid was gocx deal lower than at least some of the ethers II j understood that three local firm-submitted bids. SLASHING ROAD FORHIGHWAY Two Gang Arc Operating One Near Uok and Other at Kitwanga VSK .Tin 28.--Two British Col urn hi prortnrtml road gang are today work slashing the right' of way for the totem pole section of ttie Skeerm nivet ii .'hwiy One la operating opposite 01Wu Indian village of Kitwanga, commonly called the Westminster Ab bcr jf ,,t Indians; the other Is on the soi"h VK) of Skeena River between Usk and Ki-oelaa Canyon at the head of w .ikU is the site of the old orbraltar of the Kltscta Indians. The Pacific H i.wsv will here pass five totem pie.- and from It will be seen totem pole, and carved house post to the number of fourteen which now lie between the Canadian National railway Rd Kltselas Canyon. KILLED WHEN PLANE CRASHED Flight l.ieut. Anderson of Bran don Killed at High River Air Station CAlmitY, June 38. Flight Llcuteu ii O, 11, Anderson, R.C.A.P. wm killed th: morning when his plane crashed at the High River air station. The flyer we: a Brandon Man, 33 years of age, un rcarrlcd. ARLINGTON, OREGON, CHOKED WITH MUD FOLLOWING WASHOUT ARLINGTON, Oregon, June 38. Burled beneath an avalanche of mud nd debris, wreckage of all kinds choked the streets, carried there by the wall of water as It meed through the town. Urge sections of the highways and railways wet uriuthiri out. Police are patrolling the stricken area. Lnrgo areas of "wheat acreage was ruined by the hailstorm and livestock were killed. Several hundred chickens were drowned. CHILD WAS DROWNED WADING IN POOL TRAIL )in,i bn-lWhlle wading be lde tlT(jK(jtOS:T'1fJ,a Vcrnon highway. Vernon Martin, seven years of Ke. slipped into deep water and was drowned yesterday afternoon, dcsplto the efforts of his companions to save him. CONSERVATIVES WON ELECTION IN ENGLAND IONOON, June 38. Conservative won Iby-electlon yesterday In the Brixton division of Lambeth. The election was necessitated by ith elevation Sir DsvWn Dslitlel to the peerage. ..... If .1 '""'iRs r v . yjxF' y. k is k a 1 h I A 1 N 7 111! I 1 II f I II t. ' I A. I I ' i S 1 II n 1 -J 11 i!i II f ( .l P- J : ! VISCOUNT MONCKon Railway Co. Employees Retroactive to May 1: awH SMB Spokesman for Brotherhood in central region says strike is imminent following result of vote MONTREAL June 28. Increased rates of pay for C.N.R. clerks and freight handlers, stationary engineers, firemen, station, store and shop laborers effective on May 1 last was announced here t f t T I .... TUn.tnna ntfina vnoforrlfl V. trom oir item iu"" Monthly rate employees receive an increase 01 tnree cents an hour and those paid by the hour an Announcement Is made that negotiations win De carriuu on in connection with failure of the company to accept the majority award of' the board of conciliation committee to accept the minority award. The statement issued by the com pany adds that the offer of the company j U In the aggregate very substantially In eicess of the minority award and on the same basis. The total Is slightly 1,1 excess of the Increase given by the i C.PJl. In a recent tettlcmefit with the same clasa of employees. MTHIKK IMMISKNT MONTREAL, June 38 (noon). Despite the offer of the C.N.R. to give Increases to 18.000 employees, a atrlke la Imminent, stated J. E. Magulrc. general chairman of the central region Canadian Brother- hood of Railway Employers, mv taken In that region recently overwhelm ingly favo'ed a strike. In Prince Rupert the railway employees are Just tsking the strike ballot. TO CONTINUE STUDIES AMONG INDIAN TRIBES ii. ' M.krln iLirhriui. Authority on Natlte rlklire, M"lc ! Totem Pole, Here Dr. C Marlus Barbeau of Ottawa, prominent authority on Indian folklore and muslo aird on the meaning of totem poles, arrived in the city on last night's train. Dr. Barbeau. wlo has been conducting research work among the natives for several seasons past. Is here again to continue fols studies among the Tslmpsean and Nlshga tribes. Dr. Barbeau was the moving spirit in a French-Canadian musical festival recently put on In Quebec which was at-tended by musical experts far and wide. . r.N.ui.t m .i All members of the Legion and oher retturn men are Invited to fall in at the Club Rooms at 0 ajn, on Friday, July 1, to take part In the Dominion Day Celebration. 141 Northern and PRINCE CANADA'S a PLEASURE JAUNT THE Grants an Increase j -- increase of two cents. and the refusal of the mens NATIONALIST ARMY BEATEN Southern China Forces Lose 30,000 Men Says Despatch to London I.IIMMIN. Juim is. A Shanghai ilcpitcli mijs the Chinese National Mi admit Hie litMnlo-t reverse of the war at Mi CImiw I'll In slung Su irnliue. They evacuated the city alter four li) during which they lost 311,(11111 men, mostly killed. FISHING PARTY IS STILLON ITS WAY Irnnk Fortune and lull) llett, Kit itoiilp lo Klmlnila. Tied up on Skcrnii Itlvrr Prank Fortune and Billy Blssett set out last Friday In the laitera email own boat for a fishing trip to KlwUada Lake. According to reports received In the city they are null on their way there. In fact, after striking the most of the sandbar In the Skeena River, ll.clr engine broke down and now they are tied ud on the beach about half way between Bkcena City and Tele graph Point. When their rations run out. they will probably board the train and return to town. STEPPED INTO DEEP WATER AND DROWNED SWIFT CURRENT, Bask., June 38. Stepping Into deep water while wading In the river, a young man 'believed to be Q. Stevens of Vancouver, who was unaoie lo swim, was urowum (nm- day. Advertise In The Pally News PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE THREE SCORE YEARS OLD RED RIVER CART : TO HE FOKTNIUIITLY Meetings of the Nclty council and Its committees will In future be held only' every fortnight. On motion of Aid. Perry, who felt that business requiring atlentl'.n of. the council did not warrant weekly" meetings, with Aid. Brown seconding, the city fathers last night decided to alter a custom which has been In prsctlco ever since the Incorporation of the city. The motion came as a particularly pleasant surprise to at least the city clerk and the long-suffering scribes. CARDINALS ARE . VERY NEAR TOP Pirates' Lead in National League Reduced Yesterday to Half a Game NEW YORK, June 38. By defeating the leading Pittsburg Pirates 7-S yes tcrclay, the St. Louis Cardinals are now but a single half game away from the supremacy of the National League. Chicago also Improved Its hold on the third place by winning 11-4 over Cin cinnati. The New York Olants were defeated ""by Philadelphia 8-0. In the American League, the New York Yankees checked the week end onslaught of the Prlladelphla Athletics, the Mackmen going down to defeat 8-3, Cleveland and Chicago split a double- header while Detroit and Washington won from St. Louis and Boston res. pectlvely. Paul Waner of the Pirates made his 100th hit of the so son and Frankle Frlsch of the Cardinals stole hla twenty-second base. Waner leads both leagues for number of hits and Frlsch Is the top man of both In base stealing. Coombs and lzrr made homers for the Yankees and their iteammate, Lou Oolirlg, got his ninety-ninth safe hit. The day's scores were as follows: AMKKKTAN I.KAIlt K Clevenland 3-13, Chicago 7-4. Philadelphia 3, Ne wYork 6. fit. Louis 3. Detroit 4. Washington 0, Boston 8. NATIONAL I.K.U11K Chicago 11. Cincinnati 4. New York 0, Philadelphia 8. Pittsburg 8. 8t. Louis 7. LKAdl K STAMllMIS 'utlonal W. L. Pot. Pittsburg 38 33 .623 8t. Louis 38 t. 34 .613 Chicago ) 38 . 36 .504 New York 33 -''. 31 .508 Brooklyn' 31 ;J ! , 34 .478 Boston 33 , 33 .436 Philadelphia 3t 38 .400 Cincinnati .. .. 34 43 .364 Amrrlran New York 48 30 .607 s Philadelphia 38 ao .567 Chicago 37 "31 .544 if," Washington ...... 33 30 .534 Detroit 30 30 .500 Cleveland 30 33 .462 St. Louis 37 34 .443 noston 15 47 .34 Newspaper 28, 1927 FOR HONOLULU ADVANCE; MAY STRIKE OF NATIONHOOD - A STYUSH TURN-OUT daily mail is ASKED FORCITY J. Council, at Suggestion of .Mayor, Decides to Take Matter up With Postal Dept. The matter being -brought up by Mayor Newton, the city council decided last night to press' for a daily mall eenflce In and out of Prince Rupert at least during that part of the year that dally trains are operated by the railway. In suggesting that the council take the matter up, Mayor Newton stated that If their voice was not heard the thing would continue to drag along as It had so far done. He pointed out that' North Vancouver was being given a city delivery service. If other parts of the province were given conveniences along this line he felt that the council would be well Justified in bringing the matter to the attention of the postal department In the hope that some considera tion might be given. It would not only benefit the city but the district as well. North Vancouver was on much the same status as Prlrfce Rupert and. It the fifrmer could get a city delivery, he saw no reason why the latter should not be Ziven a dally mall service. Aid. Perry approved of the suggestion which was put: Into "effect by a motion from Aid. Jos. Oreer and Aid. Larsen authorizing the city clerk to take the matter up through the proper channels. STARTED FOR HONOLULU IN FOKKER PLANE Malt land and Hegenberger off This Morning on Non-Stop Flight OAKLAND, June S8 A Irl-motored army Fokker monoplane piloted by l.ieut. J. Mult In ud, and with Lieut. Albert Hrgrnbcrgrr us nuvlgutor, left ut this iirtirnlux on u non-slop flight to Honolulu. At 7.20 the plane passed the tlolilen (late of sun Francisco uinl swung out over I lie Pacific. SAN ITtANClMCO, June SK. At 10.33 the iinny plane was reported 300 miles off the oousl headed westward. SMITH KKTl HNEII OAKLAND. June SH. Ernest Smith, civilian pilot, took on from Honolulu at D.3H this morning but returned when Ills windshield blew In. WEATHER ItEI'OUT Hazclton Cloudy, calm, temperature 55. . Telegraph Creek Cloudy, west wind, temp. 60. Burns Lake Showery, west wind, temp. 60. Terrace Cloudy, windy, temp. 50. Rosswood Cloudy, windy, temp. 51. Alice Arm Cloudy, windy, temp, 63. Anyox Rain, windy, temp. 54. Stew-art Heavy Rains, south winds, temp. 61. ' Transportation VISCOUNT WIViJNGDON OUTF0RASPIN '"FINE ST1IX FEW COPIES jutiLi:E tnmos t'OU M.ULIMl AYVAY A large number of messages of congratulation have been received already on the publication of 'the spectal Jubilee rium-. .ber-ycsterday..A good marry re .mslllng. awsy copies to thelr friends and to former residents of the cRy, Copies may still be obtained from the Dally News office, a few extra having been printed to provide for extra demand. The total edition was 3,-500. It took slightly over an hour to print this number with the duplex press running at low ; speed. FISHMIVALS Total of KDOil Pounds of Ilallliut Sold at Fish Exchange Thh Morning American A total of 89,300 pounds of halibut was sold at the Fish Exchange this morning, three American vessels dlspos lng of 63,000 pounds at bids from 11. 4c and 6c to 13.5c and 6c, while the same umber of Canadians sold 27300 pounds it fr;m 11.4c and 6c to ii.ee ana oc One Canadian boat, Inez H.. not satlv sd with the price offered today, decided to await tomorrow's sale with her. 11.500 pounds. Arrivals and sales today were as fcllowa: Sitka. 50.000 pounds, Canadian Fish ft Cold Storage Co.. 11.4c and 6c. Lumen, 13.000 pounds, Booh Fisher ies. 13.4c and 6c. Hazel 11.. 30.000 pounds. Pacific Fish eries, 13.5c and 6c. Canadian Selma. 7.000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 11.6c and 6c. ProsDerltv A.. 18.000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries. 11.4c and 6c. Nornen. 3.300 pounds, Canadian Fish He Cold Storage Co, 11.5c and 6c. EIGHT HOUR DAY IN SHIPBUILDING PLANTS VICTORIA. June 38. Shipbuilding operations will In future be governed by the eight hour law, according to an order In council passed at a recent cabinet meeting. VANCOUVER EXCIIAMiE Bid. Asked 1.50 1.57 14.85 15.75 .06 1 i .0714 1.44 1.46 .08 .08 K .33 K .28 .08 .0? .07 , .08 .18 .19 3.07 2.09 .13 .15 .06 .06 H .80 DC. Silver ... Coast Copper . Cork (Province Dunwell . .'. ... . Olacler Gladstone . . . Independence L. ft L. Lucky Jim ... Premier Porter Idaho 811ver Crest . Sunloch Mrs. C. B. Flewln of Port Simpson a passenger on the Catala today bound for Bella Bella where she will visit with her parenV. Dr.iajttdMrsJC, Spencer. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Price Five Cents ' -ill !a V i All v -- ' VI ADDITIONS HALIBUT FLEET Two New American Schooners Marketed First Catches Here After Maiden Trip Two fine new American halibut schooners, both of Seattle registry, marketed first catches after maiden trips to the banks at the local Fish Exchange yesterday morning. The Pacific, which brought 55.000 pounds. Is 75 feet long and Is powered with a 165 h.p. Washington Estep diesel engine which gives her high speed. She U owned and skippered by Capt, Ole Larson, formerly of the Kodiak. The Ventura, which had 35,000 pounds, la 55 feet long and, has a 110 p. Washlngton-Estep engine. 8he is owned and skippered by Capt. Charlie Ness, formerly of the Polaris. STILL QUESTION Amendment by Senate Makes it Practically a British Ensign CAPETOWN. June 38. The Senate of the Jjnlon of South Africa changed the flag bill by amendment to make It practically a British ensign before giving the bill its third reading, but It is ex pected the change will be refused by the Assembly. It appears Inevitable that the bill will have to be re-passed by both houses. RUPERT SCORED AT RIFLE SHOOT Malcolm Lamb Tied With Two Others For Second Place VICTORIA. June 28. Scoring 34, Cadet Wilkinson of the 112th Bittallro. an eighteen year old Vlctorlu boy, won the tyro event on the opening day of the British Columbia Rifle Association shoot yesterday. M, M. Lamb of the Northern BX3. Regiment at Prince Rupert tied two others with a score of 33. DAMAGE AT WALA WALA RESULT OF CLOUDBURST . ... II" .' 1 ' il.'I.M t I T I . . , . WALLA WALLA, Wash., June 28. Damage from week-end cloud burst and resultant floods In the Walla Walla valley did damage which Is estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars Nine carloads of halibut went to the eastern market In express refrigerator cars attached to this morning's train. Most of the fish had, been sold over the Fish Exchange yesterday morning and packed during the' after nopr and night. ,