REMEMBER Wear A Poppy Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, Novemve: 4, 1952 November 11952 BUY A POPPY PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Poppy Day” On Saturday the people of Prince Rupert will be asked again chase the poppies which make it possible for the Canadian 0 to carry on its welfare work, is | have stated before, this work is important, more an( today than ever before. We all know that the poppy is ol of remembranee ... yes . . | two world wars. . the remembrance of the it is difficult for us to ever-emphasize the loss sastained the widows and fatherless of our revered dead, and it organizations such as our Canadian Legion to help those ed help to protect those who need our protection rhe Canadian Legion knows you will support the Poppy Prince Rupert. We know that at times we are inclined to the sacrifices that have been made in the past, not only e men in the fighting forces, but also by those that are left on in the home front, let us make no mistake, Today in this world there is no r dictatorship. And by that I mean that the rule of hould have ended with the conclusion of the last war, World events a8 they face us at the present time prove that this 0 I believe, and I know that the Legion and YOU believe, that ts the daty of every one, partioularty at a time like this, to think. Think of the past! Think ef the future! Then remember that ing a Canadian we should put forth every effort to REMEMBER.” Kemember those that have fought in the past. Think of e whe are now fighting, think of these who may be called upon teht The future of Canada and the British Commonwealth as a ests in the hands of those who are opposed to the evil es that are trying to split us asunder. Nhe air Legion fought for you, the Legion is prepared te fight for KEMEMBER citizens of Prince Rupert, and when you do i know that YOU will support our appeal on POPPY ALEX HAIG, President, Canadian Legion, Braneh 27, Prince Rupert, fi. LEGION WEEK WEDNESDAY, NOV. 5—Women’s Auxiliary Annual Bazaar—-Opens at 2 p.m. by Mayor Whalen, in Auditorium, Home cooking, fish pond, me-made candy, sewing Tea from 2 to 5 p.m THURSDAY, NOV. 6—General Meeting of Women’s Auxiliary. FRIDAY, NOV, 7—Bring Your Mrs. Nite—Members ind. wives. No admittance charge. Program by ladies—8:30 p.m. to Ta.m ATURDAY, NOV. 8—Poppy Day. Poppy sales down n and district. H.Q. next door to Royal Bank lies’ Auxiliary in charge of Poppy Sales SUNDAY, NOV, 9—Church Parade to Anglican Cathedral. Fall-in at Legion Building at 10:15 Shrine Band in attendance. Pipers in ttendance. Legion - W.A, - Visitors. Medals nd berets to be worn. TUESDAY, NOV. 11—Remembrance Doy Parade. Band in attendance), Fall-in at Legion Building t 10:15 a.m, Medals and berets to be worn. WA. and other organizations attending. Ceno- taph Service (as printed opposite). Banquet at p.m. (Legion only). Tickets $2.00. Legion Auditorium, Armistic Ball (open to public). Tickets $1.50 per couple. Legion Auditorium at 9 p.m, ' we 6 it WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12—Women’s Auxiliary Card arty, —nn«\n«nms [fis TRIBUTE AND APPEAL IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING FIRMS Gordon & Anderson Lid. Gordon's Hardware the Variety Store Greer & Bridden (Contractors) Blain Bros. (Grocers) Rance & Hardy Grocery Lyons Fine Foods Ltd.. Leat We Forget November Eighth . .. The day we pause in silent meditation . «+ @$ cannon and rifles issue their sharp, penetrating salute . . . and sombre, bugled hymns to fallen heroes drift across the nation. A time to rmember . . . and fo resolve for the future. In Flanders Fields Georae Cook, Jeweller Ormes Drugs Rupert Radio & Electric LIEUT.-COL. JOHN McRAE Died in France, January 28, 1998. In Flanders fields, the poppies grow Between the crosses, row on row That mark our place: and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead: short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we tie In Flanders Fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe! To you, from failing hands, we throw The torch: be yours to hold it high! lf ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders Fields. Bud's Lunch Counter Dibb Printing Co. Commercial Hotel . REMEMBER Ce ay Wear A Poppy November 11, 1952 Rull of Hunn Among those dead or killed on active service: NAVY— J, (Sonny) Keays ARMY— ' Charles G. Lord Harry Monkley Harold (Bud) Ponder D. Montgomery Alde Campagnola 4 Jack Campbell D. J. Edjund Whitefield Elder F. E. Hodgkinson Wm. C. Hood David W. Land Thomas P. Phelps Thomas H. Ryan James Suden Rodney Valpey —— Jack Wearmouth Alan Davies John Montgomery AIR FORCE— Wm. Brown iF W. C, Cameron Mike Hudema Alan Leighton Ralph Morin Clarence B. Finley William Haddon Edward Smith Georgé Zbura A. McRae Rudoiph Warne Radford Aves Leonard Lineham Capt. C. A. Nixon Charles Edward Flewin Harry Attree U.S. ARMY— George A. Gilay Louis Arlen Glay Vernon Quinlan James Thompson “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we shall remember them.” “O Valiant hearts, who’in their glory, died.” ORDER OF SERVICE AT THE CENOTAPH REMEMBRANCE DAY Prince Rupert, B.C., November Il ith, 1952 11 AM.—SIGNAL BY CATHEDRAL BELLS 1. THE SILENCE 2. O CANADA - Led by Prince Rupert Shrine Band O Canada! our home and native land! True patriot-love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free, And stand on guard, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. O Canada, glorious and free, We stand on guard, we stand on guard for thee, © Canada, we stand on guard for thee. During the singing of “O Canada” flag will be raised top-jaiaat SPS 3.. CEASE FIRE - Sounded by Bugler W. J. Rance During the sounding of “Cease Fire” flag will be lowered half-mast” 4. LAST POST ~- Sounded by Bugler W. J. Rance 5. PRAYER co Dr. E. A. Wright : (First Presbyterian Church) 6. MYMNG os. “OQ God, Our Help in Ages Past’’ O God our help in ages past, Beneath the shadow of Thy Our hope for years to come. throne, Our shelter from the stormy Thy saints have dwelt secure, blast, Sufficient is Thine arm alone, And our eternal home. And our defence is sure, O God our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come; Be Thou our guard while troubles last, And our eternal home. 7. ROORESS 2.5 Canon Basil S. Prockter (St. Andrew's Cathedral Chureh) 8. PLACING OF WREATHS During the placing of wreaths pipers will play “The Lament” 9. REVERLE |. Sounded by Bugler W. J. Rance During the sounding of “Reveille” flag will be raised top-mast 10. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN In the event of inclement weather, the service will be held in the Auditorium of the Civie Centre. Saanich Plumbing & Heating Commodore Cafe gre oe: