Tuesday, June 28, 1927 Older D Th an The ommmn Closely associated with the growth of Canada is the Sun Life Assurance Co., whose charter was granted jn i8CrJ( two yeuni boforo Confederation. When the Company completed its first fifty years of business, it produced its JUBILEE POLICY which is an elastic contract adjustable to individual purposes and conditions. It is ideul for the man who wishes immediate protection but who is unable at the moment to determine the exact type of .policy that will ultimately prove best suited to his needs. Full particulars will be gladly submitted. Sam Jabour Northern H.C. Representative THE SUN I.II'K ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANAJ)A Head Office: Montreal CAMP -FIRE PERMITS This year it is necessary to have a permit from some Forest Officer before any camp-fire na be set in any forest or woodland Be sure to get a permit for your camp-fire and follow the instructions printed on the back of it BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP ' DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers A THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., IM Prime Rupert, H.C Help the Fair! In order to liquidate last year's Indebtedness, the Fair Hoard is conducting a membership drive. Membership Ticket $1.00 On or before the opening of the Fair In September, a drawing will bo held, and the holderof the winning number will be presented with Lot 7, Block 18, Section 1, on Second Avenue, near Mcllrido Street. Assessed value, $2,070.00. BUY YOUR TICKET NOW HEW HAZELT0N Mr. and Mr. Dornberi of Vancouver i and Oeorge Chrlitle and Dr. Schupe of, nlllr.nk. . - ..... -. . . ' - B.wm sjiib h kw aays nere lasi week as the guest of W. B. Harris.' The men Inspected certain mining pro-! Parties and were reported to have been well plowed with what they saw. A. 8. Uray of Cedurvale. well known Bkeena valley fruit grower, was here last week on business In connection with 1 placing his strawberries on the local market. He reported that the apple production In his district would be only about half normal. Hon. Dr. 8. P. Tolmle, leader of the British Columbia Conservative party, spoke in Terrace Saturday night; In Hazelton on Sunday; and New Hazelton this morning. He will make Telkwa this afternoon, Smlthera thla evening; Vanderhoof, Tuwday; Prince Oeorge, Wednesday and then on. to Williams Lake where he will open the stampede on July X. He waa accompanied through this district by J. C. Brady, M.P. At Mlngalone, staff cameraman of the International Newsreel, New York, was a visitor here last week. He took pictures In various parts of the district. Having motored rlght( from Winnipeg, 11. W. ltouden, accompanied by his wife and three children, were here last week tnroute to Terrace where they will The first of the hay crop was cut at the Hazelton Hospital last week. Timothy In the district Is In head now and will be ready to cut in, time. The crop will not be heavy this year although fodder crops are giving better promise. Miss Parfltt was presiding examiner at the entrance examinations held here last week. Tom Marshall has returned after spending a year In Hlglt School at Vancouver. E. A. Ooddard has returned from Vancouver where he spent the past year attending Normal School. Winners of honor rolls at the Alice Arm public school were a follows: reg ularity and punctuality. Alice Kergln, Kathleen Bruggy, Ellen Anderson, Oen- da Falconer and. Leah Kergln; deport- n nnvDir Sandwiches are Delicious and Easy to Make Very Nice, Too THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVE I with waste fafs nrd GILLETT'S PURE I VC FLAKE LYL full Direction for trtoMng hard cnu oft coop with every ca. IT SAVES YOU MONEY! E.W.GILIETT CO.LTO. T0ONTO, c. 3. O. Steen of Prince Rupert has been awarded the contract for the convert- ment. Alma Evindsen. Ing of the Hazelton Hospital heating system from wood to coal. A furnace Improvements In Alice Arm streets will be Installed large enough to heat anc residences are exciting favorable the entire building. : comment at the hands of visitors. A bond has been taken on the Silver Basin property, belonging to the late James Wells of Usk, by Jack Hoar, S. A. Davis and a Seattle man Work la to be Anyox, instituted on the claims at an early date. Jack Sargent has returned to his home In Hazelton after completing another year In High School at Vancouver. J. D. Oalloway, formerly resident mining engineer here and now provincial mineralogist, Is expected here today tor a brief visit following a trip to the Atlln ftlatrtct on official duties. Mrs. Oalloway Is already here. After visiting here with his granddaughter, Miss Jean Burns. K. J. Mc-Donell of Stewart proceeded today to Smlthera where he will be the guest of his son, Clarence Ooodacre. i H. B. Porteous has succeeded P. T. Larson as secretary of the Alice Arm Development Co. whose offices are at W. O. McMorrls of Vancouver, piesj-l 'dent of the Kltsault-Eagle Silver Mines' Ltd. Is here Inspecting the progress of operations on the Eagle, Silver Cord; ,and LeHoy properties.' i A communication has been received from H. Browning, ' secretary of thej British Columbia Chamber of Mines requesting that Alice 'Arm send an ore exhibit to the Vancouver Exhibition in August. Alice Arm's observance of the Dia mond Jubilee of Confederation will Include a gathering at the school house where speeches will be made, a proces sion headed by the band, field sports and dance. William Mcllvlary. an old resident of the camp, has arrived from Anyox and Is operating the locomotive at F. L. Housley's logging camp. James R. Mitchell, vice principal of the Anyox Hlgb School, presided at the Entrance examinations held here last week. w wim. h. f.! Mrs. Oscar Gray arrived here last week from her vlslt on aS Everett. Washington, where she will business In connection with the dls- visit for some time with her dauehter. 01 her hMbamtt estate. iP081 Mra. D. Donaldson. . On the . eve of her departure from New Haeelton, Miss Richardson waa the Inspiration recently for several social events. Mrs. John Newtek has left for Sas katoon to visit with Mrs. Pakely with whom she soon expects to motor west. There ltfa'itTnhfylr;tespo'ru(c to the appeal ofj'Che; Alice iArm Chamber of Mtn for newmemberi. Every day lire being 'enrolled and It Is the aim -of the organisation to have every resident of town signed up before many weeks are past. H, W. Hcldman has arrived here to commence his duties as superintendent of mining operations for the Victor Spencer interests of Vancouver who are developing the Red Point, Vanguard. Homestake and Copper Cliff mining properties In the upper KIWault country. Mr. Heldman Is well wnown In this district as a mining engineer. For many years he held a hesponslble position with the Oranby Co. at Anyox and. more recently has been In charge of operations at the Oolkelsh mine near Anyox. William McNelsh. auditor of the Workmen's Compensation Board, was a jrlsltor here last week. J. B. Robertson, who la Interested in business here, has arrived from Prince Rupert for a brief visit Fire, brpke out.' )s$t,v Tuesday at the Residence of Mr,' andMrj: L. O'Connor. The.' roof was; Waiting . When;, discovered b'e'.f Oust Anderson, who ,'extlngujshod Vtie "blftwe. before, much 'dmiae.Vas done' VV SMITHERS As a result of considerable development work they have carried out In two tunnels, Messrs. Campbell and Loveless have opened up some very fine ore on the Olacler Qulch group of claims three miles from Smlthera In ,the shadow of Lake Kathlyn glacier. W. Robertson's home at Telkwa was totally destroyed by fire recently. A , smouldering piece of cloth was fanned Into a blaze by a draft from the door. I Preparations are being made In Van couver to open aeveiopmcni wont on the Little Joe group of mineral claims lii the Dablne mountains and a com- , pressor and engine for the work has already been shipped to Smlthera. The property, which Is one of the best i known of the older locations In that I section was acquired recently by- Ed ward O. Brown of Vancouver. Pete Johnson has been laid up with a sore foot as a result of Jumping from a car on the railway and landing on a spike. The lltle son of Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Brewer Is suffering from a similar mishap. O. M. Stewart of Calgary, Dominion Seed Inspector, was present at the annual meeting of the Bulkley Valley Seed Growers' Assocf&tlon which waa held at Telkwa on Sunday, Everything la now in readiness fot the observance of the' Diamond Jubllet of Confederation In Smlthera. It will TEN DAY SALE Ten Day QAl F of TEN DAY SALE Seasonable Merchandise Starts on Wednesday, June 29 , These items have been carefully selected from our stock at this time to help you choose your holiday requirements at a big saving.' FOB LADIES Ladies' Cotton Combinations. Regular $1.35 value. Ten Day CAn Sale Price ow' Ladies' Cotton Vesta. Regular 40c value. Ten Day Sale Q-i A A l.UU Price, 4 for ..... Ladies' Cotton Bloomers. Regular 55c value. Ten 3DXr"a!:.Pri.c.e:..Si-00 ladies' 4rt Silk Vests. Regular $1.45 value. Ten Day g AA Sale Price PA.UU Ladies' Art Silk Bloomers. Regular $1.75 value. Ten Day O-i Off Sale Price Ladies' Art Silk Hosiery. Regular 75c value. Ten Day Sale Q-f A A Price. 4 for Ladies' Jenny Lind Hope. Ten Day Sale Price iOX' Ladies' Silk Holeproof Hos-" iery, black and brown only. The. $1.75 line to clear at Ten Day 7?P toXj Sale Price Ladies' White Panama Hats. Great for picnics. To clear at Ten Day 9n Sale Price ........ AOX DISTINCTLY SPECIAL', 45 pairs of Running Shoes assorted, including a few pairs of men's. Regular $1.50 and $1.75 value. Ten Day Qtl. Sale Price 75 pairs of Ladies' White Canvas Slippers. 50c SHOE DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Children's white and brown Fleet Foot Slippers. Sizes 4 to ioy2. Ten Day 7ffp Sale Pried 1 U1 Sizes 11 to 2. Ten Day QO Sale Price Ladies' Tennis Oxfords. Ten Day fijf Off Sale Price Men's White Tennis Shoes. Regular $1.85 value. Ten Day Q-f QC Sale Price K1'03 SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON RUNNING SHOES for Men and Women 20 per cent For Children 15 per cent FOR CHILDREN Children's Socks. Colors castor, brown and fawn. Re-, gular 35c and 40 value. Ten Day Sale jfl A A Price, 4 pairs for Children's White Buster Brown Stockings. Regular 75c value. Ten Day Sale " 'JlZp 1 OK Price, 2 pairs for. Children's Woollen Bathing Suits. Sizes 22 to 2G. Regular $2.75 value. llfL $1-50 Children's Cotton Bathing Suits. All sizes. Regular 85c andDOc value. Ten Day fSO 00 Sale Price .......... Boys' Cotton Jerseys, khaki and blue Sizes 24 to 34. Regular 75c value. Ten Day Sale Q4 Aft Price. 2 for ..... Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. Regular C5c value. Ten Day 1An Snle Price-.:....;.. Men's Balbriggen Shirts and Drawers. Regular $1.00' value. Ten Day UUi fAp Sale Price Jabour Bros., Ltd. be the most elaborate celebration ever held here and local people are entering unanimously into the spirit of the oc casion. A line new ore borty ha been opened up on the Topley Consolidated properties at Topley. Three shifts on the new showing werft opened during the week. There has been an Influx of unem ployed miner to Smlthera recently. Many -of "them have come from Anyox where, one. of .the smelter furnaces has been.. shut (jdown.;' ... , ',. . ' . - . V..'.eJ'.V , ' . vv uru nas peen jtwitcu ujuv a. McMartln expected to return toSmlth-ers' shortly. He Is now engaged In bUiiding a Some for 1)U sister and brother at St. Eustaohe. Quebec, and when thivt la complete the trains will not be able to run fast enough to bring him back here. The marriage took place quietly here of Miss O. L. Reno and Frank H. Taylor. The ceremony was performed In the presence of a few Immediate friends and Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Wall were the witnesses. Frank Conway, local hotel keeper, left last week to visit his former, horn In New Brunswick. He Is being accompanied as far as Ottawa by Pat Carr, son of Mr. and' Mra. J, N. Carr. Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Walton of Prince Rupert paid a brief visit here last week while earoute to Jasper and Vancouver, making .the tlrangle trip. . Miss Madelon Rolston left last week for Chicago where she will spend a Want Good Health? "Tktaki I 'Fluit-t-tirn' I kr woittd ttfdily iot taut fit without a tick dMfm limtOytut tli ttti sr lilt bttltt." lit. Thorass Graham; Oihiwi, Ont. "Frult-a-lives" overcomes constipation, indigestion, etc, Substitutes radiant health for sickliness. It is made from intensified fresh fruit Juices and tonics. Try "Fruit--uvei". 25c and 50c a box, everywhere. BETTER DENTISTRY Over Ornies few months visiting with her cousin. Miss Rolston was accompanied as far oa Winnipeg by Miss Ajnes Robinson end Misses Thelma and Erma Stone. Miss Marjorie Roberts presided at te ehntrance examinations at Topley. Mr. Wallace supervised at Forestdale and V. Crockett, at Houston. Frank Rendle was In charge here. Mra. R. 8. Steele has returned to her home at Fort Fraser following a sue ccssful operation In the local hospital. Mr. Steele came, down to take her home. Sam loveless has bee awarded the contract for the clearing of the new High School site at Columbia and Second Avenue. There were three ' George E. Hanson of Ootsa Lake waa a business visitor here last week. A daughter was born in the Bmlthers hospital on Wednesday to Mr. and Mra. Frank Wade. 'MrV.'F, E. Page' la vUltlngfn Prince Rupart with Mrs. Euilty. PLATES that gives you a natural appearance and lend' beauty' to the contour of the face.. Always Dr. MAGUIRE pl one 525 Ladies Hose SILK TO THE TO Pa Chiffons or'sltMnaTTcoTors 3 TO THE PAIR Special $2.50 The Louvre 31C Third Avenue Next lloynl Hank