NiiTHFR grain SHIP IS COMING i at e l Kingdom tt COBUnrnt e specific order for de-i ir. The Innerton despatch, lea than three .sen to toad her. motsrabrp Klnc; Jama u Me the United Krnddsm or 1 !i-mld ft away with a . larger than the Inner ijil vJ daya. Then the i Yogen Uaru. wbtah boa :6 lining at the ocean dost, ad .of for the Orient. j.-a r. celved that another be here within two weefca P? ".S amenta hare not been n her detail, i . ! nnn a m aiii K V h A IW matHikSva mi MowniT EBB, EDMONTON!: : I'll ION Is HUM AIIK AlU.i: uiH or r..n k.y? t niir- or iiu.i( i: i tut DUE TOMORROW I eoMMAMiivn Minrtiiv M tl. INsl l tTION Ol' liltsT NTH ll.C. KECHMENT ;' J M, now, general officer ..i...: Military Dlatrlct No. 11. ' in the city on tomorrow t Stpam.i. , . . . i .. l-'e e? - - m, . . .. ir win conduct the -annual f ;n of the Flrat Dattallou, North ,7' General Roa. will be iu DV M. In. nj-.... ror the district. Both will re- . .v. .....i. '""ise lu the Dally New, wealthy persona who wtah to rralde In Britiah Columbia. Theae reductions will be followed by further atmUar euti next year, the minuter announced, but, draplte the .lower prr capita lee, the financial pro rraa nast year will Include general ttaiutory Increase of all civil aervants. atipropfMUona totaninf SS.OOO.000 allowed for vartou government ' - il ."ON r t. I Crime la at the cijwririiccd in Edmonton fur 4 -iatr Chief OooatoMe A. -lie city police. "It la Kuble at thla Urn of ef v .er month uwallr brlni r ir mild watt of eflme.' a are not firing say trouble 'h(c UtuaJly (he out-of- been one of the oftlom' c "Mca in the winter Umc. ai there arems to be more ' ile Duah-work la abnorb- tue aurplua. ' icr ia t-aualiif a minimum t idcnu. the dally average be-or three auto colllalon re- damage. Tur.STV tin mmi: must iik oii:m:i It I Juat twenty year ago today alnce Prince Rupert a tint bank wa opened. It waa the Oanadlao Bank of Commerce which eatablUhcd Itaelf in a tent on Rupert Road, morlng hortly thereafter Into the building In later yrara known aa the Ark on UeBrtde Street but which at that time wai altuat-ed th old Vlckcnrllle. Since then the bank haa had two homee. the Weatenhaver block on Second Avenue and , Third Street and. for the paat ten year, tu own building on Second Avenue. The tint Canadian Bank ot Commerce here waa opened by E. W. Carr-Hilton who waa followed auccea-.alvely by O. M. ChrUtle. L. M. de Ocx. S. K. Campbell and the oreaent manager. B. J. Melllah. "SEA WOLFS" MATE DEAD IN KETCHIKAN Cnpl. Miillli. lormrr .M.tte Under Alr. Mclun, I'uH Awaj at Agr nf semt) Income tax exemptions for married people and C(( WFATHFR I I . . I UWVI llUllltlUll dependents raised personal property tax abolished succession dues changed increase for civil service i'ORIA. February- I. The annual provincial tax bill will .r.op the next fiscal year by at leant $52o,000. making n reduction of $1,750,000 under the Oliver government in the f,;M, Hon. Dr. J. D. McLean, minister of finance, an- i , afternoon in the legislature in his annual budget Ti;r minister also revealed a surplus of $100,000 and gave hat there would be a further surplus of $300,000 next iiuui'ler of a million the year following due. in the first .. 'u economy and, secondly, to a heavy increase in IrtVMUe following recent txpanaloa In ail I low of buaine. j Too tax reduction U accomplished by a cut tn Income Ux 61 IliO.OOO through IncraaM tn rebate tot married person fium 1M W.IJSOO and for dependent. rr.ea to MW Widow, and wld- or. with dependent children. wU tao be allowed ftmllar rebate a. ' AH.i:i I.AT Ml.HT IOK married pntou. TU personal property t b ;::: MUM :o.m lit lli:Ls , mM wiped out entirely nd In vi, jamo i.utniM, it piece Juainea wUl par a turnover ui m gross Income. Succession d utle u -g . ot 270.000 bushel WUJ a alaabed to the extent of MOO .000 j;led . the Wheal Pool a 1 0) , reduction ot rale and general r i he Scottlah freight In- readjustment of the levy on estimate 6 o'clock H.t evening tae.. vm be no dUaouratcment for tit III; It As .oW;ii THAN UNIQUE POLITICAL " f. dean ocan o; of pre,ltlc TAXI Boston Grill 5 and mtom Ambulance Iarge Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly latfi. dancing Anywhere at Anytime floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. gland; Exchange Iluilding PRINCE RUPERT The latest and bijst for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XVII . No. 2G. PRINCE UUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1927 Circulation 1527 Silt 468 Vrieif Five Cents GOVE RNMENT WINS NARROW MARGIN ONE KILLED AND SEVERAL HURT EASTERN TRAIN WRECK General Reduction in Taxation is Forecast in Budget Placed Before Provincial House Today,, FOR JANUARY To- i OTTAWA. Feb. 1. Unique among political banquet. In Canadian political history li one thit Is scheduled for Friday of thU week In Toronto, when Ernest Lapolnte. minister If Justice, will be tht guest of honor and the entire proceed log will be In the French tan- guage. Thla. tn Toronto Is expected to do much to bring closer together the two dominant race of the country and t.i thow Teronto In a new light to Quebec. There 1 a ausplclon In aome quartern that Quebec look on Toronto which produces nothing but Orangemen and Tories.' A large crowd I expected for thn banquet and Dr. Falconbrtdge. the Ontario law school, will FLYING GAS TANK IS COMING WEST lor (Iriirjr In III II. Vllkln to I t Till Vrur Anile Kxplnrullcni Work OETT.OIT. Feb. J.--The "flying gas tank" lu which Captain Deo. 1!. Wllkinr KETCHIKAN, Feb. 1. Herman Bmltn, plans to explore the Arctic "Ollnd ahot' for year, mate under Capt. Alex Mc-1 will be .hipped from Detroit on Thurs-Lean known aa Wolf Larieri in Jack .day for 8ealtle en route to Point Bar t .!. .tnrv -The Bea Wolf," la dead, row. .Miiwvit here at the age pf seventy. VANCOUVEK BXCIIAM.B Wheat B, C. 811ver . Dunwell Glacier Oranby Howe Bound Independence Indian Marmot Porter Idaho silver Cret . Bid. 1.41V 1.6S 1.51 .09 li 3M 38.50 .n; .03 .13 .13', Aaked 1.75 1.S4 .12 33.00 40.50 .iau .06 .1 .14 .07 HUNDRED-YEAR-OLD VETERAN OF CRIMEA IS DEAD IN ENGLAND LONDON, Feb. l.-81r George Hlggln son, who won fame In the Crimean war. la, dead. He celebrated hi. one hundredth birthday laat June by reviewing the Ormadtrr Ouarda which he Joined elghtf-two year. ago. ' .f' Advertise In the Dally News.. (LICENSES FOR CANNERIES MAY BE CANCELLED ii;uai, tiovKUN.Mr.NT nMii:u- IMJ AOMMIIII-irV OF IOIXOIV- ' imi nnr toM.Mis.sios un- lOMMt.MIATIOS 1 1 OTTAWA, reb. liwhile no d eel ton h. ,e. been reached 'the department of m 1 l.i "rtiMdcriris the grthtr of Ikene I Unron ateamer Camosun, Capt. jceorgescn. la due from the north to- Linden were aoatded aiid bruised and like lnjurira were sustained by Wlllard Rushlcn. engineer of the Limited. A report from Amherst say that the Limited waa drawn ahead on the aiding C.N.R. BACK OF TORONTO HOTEL it it i. iitvi: m nxAM iAi. imi:i:E!t IN M.1V I'KOJM'T IH T II 1. IT- rouT ir niTii timiiic MONTREAL. Feb. I. It la undrrrtobd through the elfort of the Canadian Natlcual ru:tj. a ayedfeate haa b?en formed to construct la the city of Toronto a l&rge and modern hotel on a altc bounded by eimere. RJchrasnd and It is reported tU,al outca street and tacinj Un.verslty arlne and flaherie Aveaue. The hotel will have about hlseoctlnuing al- Knn hundred room and.wai net only Uiat wefe attached th-mn-hl rnmtrm In nm rrwt to canneries mat naq ccasea to exiai bu. In.m, with trie imnonance of LAM K.H lit T UAIM'ALI. WM ! Fclljwlng recommendation .! the t arZe and rapidly crowluz city. Ut AMI MASIIIM; MOItK iDii" ccmatlaalon In 1U2J a cerUm Bum- The Canadian National of January lower than this year wa It wa In the a good deal Ilnd vidua canneriea. tilled but neceaaltated an Increaaed fcll- aame month j S-ue of theao cannenc to wucn toe jt of thla aort In Toronto and. while tlre commercial tupprrt of th raUway. WHEATPOOL MAKES Campaign Fund Enquiry Issue Ends at Victoria with Vote of 21 to 20 Charles Woodward votes asainst his party in 1 - w w most threatening division of session Conservatives say they will not act VICTORIA, February 1. The Oliver government withstood the second and mo3t threatening siege of the session by the narrow margin of one last night when its amendment So the motion of F. ASIC a'Siafti.L4 4 tlvil RaUway ivui;i VI Sy J , , . , . . e Labor member for Burnaby, in the matter of r an Jnvesti- 'bcr of Japanese Ueenwa on toe Siern m ha, for .n,, tim th.t tmiritiA. Drowne, Whlle the temperature for the morrtn ! Elver were iaaued but were attached to lBd commerKal Interests not only jua- gation into campaign fund contributions pa3sed the legislature by a laat year, the mean temperature being : llceasa wee altachM acaaed to exUt. y,. railway will have no financial par-ii t an ecnipared with 43. Prluc nupert out the li-.-enaci attleod ta disappearing tlctpMlcn In the project which wlU be enjoyed a good deal mjre sunahlne and jcanuertej were rctaUied by the owner operated by a well known hotel eom-had mush leaa rain during the paat'who were oytrattnj other canaer.ea. puny of tljh reputation, the bjtel wUl lunl. nf 91 tn Oti TVio talrlnw nf the vntj psmp n the nilmination to a long afternoon and evening session which concluded a debate on the matter which lasted several days. The vote was Immediately preceded by 2'z hours of intense discussion. The government', amendment calls tors 4 select commute or tne legiamure to, month than it did in th corresponding Kew caaacr.e were ejubllabed In tae be in friendly alliance with the Cana-'" a , " " " , , " period laat year. La.t January there J meantime and the dspartment adopt, d ,.,;, K.Ucmal PaJwaya and wUl receive ! f" 7 "nn wi'l the U0 M a n were 10S1 tnchea of rain and but IBij.heoUy of not totuing license ta the frtm that ccm?ny full traKlc aupport. I , , , 1 lund' hour, of aunahtoe where., this" canneea. ,, vlll be called the Canadian National ltuUlcn;.! L! ary the rainfall waa only 7JI (SJI jiklnc anowfal Into condderatloni atche while the aunabine totalled StJj hour j Following are dtla of the Jahuary 327 weather report aa laaucd thla mam-1 ng Ly II. D. Tee. Ocantnlox) meteorolo- ; gtal. Otgby tatand: t. Uaxlmuaq ttnpejalurt-of, on Jan-uary 9. ( - Minimum tmprrtiire-jie on Jantiarf v 30. Mean temperature for month M.6. Hlghett barometer reading at tea level 40.63 on January 8. Loweat barometer reading at aea level 29 SI on January 37. RtlnraU 74 lacbea. Oreatttt daUy rainfall 1 J9 niche on Jantfar? 3. Snow fttl 10 inchea. Hour of bright aunhlnec-43. Wind mUeage for month. S.C03. ol which IJ7J mllea y from the aouth-et. Maximum wind velocity. 36 mllea per haur on January 25 from the aoutheaat. CHINA SPURNS OLIVE BRANCH N A T I X A L I T HOVKIINML.NT UltiaKS Oil' .E(10TIATIO.!t UITII mtlTAIV IOK TKEATY HANKOW, I'eb. 1. The UrIIMi nllte branrh ai iiruel today by " the Cantonrv Vat.oiulWt gutrrn-in r lit which lirnke off negitllatlun lor a treaty through which Itrltaln proposed to crant many of the demand nf the Chines for freedom from forrlgn ilo.ulnallon. The Can-lunv rrfUMil to lcn Hie agreement while llrltaln't armed forces were eoiHentralliig a heavy force at than:luil. ! Hotel Sir Henry Thornton, president of the Ccadan Nitlcnrl Railway. In can- .flmln, th. innwnMnMt at m t n -t th.t I the amendment wa. Attorney-General A. U. Manse n who named aa member ol the ectnmlttce Dr. H. C. Wrlnch. Gen eral V. W. Odium and Dugald McPher- I . . J- . " . .aon. IJberal: W. A. McKenzle. Corner iwt pon. i nere oe maae ciear lira. ' , , .w..Vw. ... , ,.,vattve; and . R. R. H. H. Neelands, Neelands. j Labor. Labor. UMI b ,1,1JUU UAiHiJ. were not Involved financlally.and aecond. that the enterprise w:u!d have the en- Has It t:ok three dlvlslona to go through the ritual ot striking out the Braw-ie nvttlc: for a royal commission. On all vhre-dlvlslon, the vote' was the rjuniit'v-J to 20. Tharle. Woodward. Liberal. VauccfcJer IICP Ar HfCCT DfiIlTl?iTO'e1 S'n- the govemmenfa amend-Lljll Uf TIEjI KUUlLt ment aa alsa did Thomas UphUl, Inde-- j pendent, Fernle. R. J. Burde. Indepen- Alrrndy Mined 3Jiw.K0 lluMiei oil dent. Albernl. did not vote. J. A. Cath- fmln Throuch Ituiwrt Will SI Million .Mark JIONTKKAU February 1 Donald Carruthers of teueh CALGARY. Feb. 1 The Alberta Wheat Pool has shipped nearly eight million bushels of grain from Vancouver this year to date, and expects to move a tatal of approximately twenty million bushela by the close ot the aeason. George Mclvor, tales manager of the pool, announced. Frcm Prince Rupert the pool ha shipped 3 .500.000 bushels of grain. ; night at eleven o'clock and wUl sail mcatly to the United Kingdom, and ex- RANfillFT PI ANI'FnihortlJr Iterw.rd. for Vancouver and pert to reach the alx mUllon bushel IjmIh t,o lie (iur nf Honor at runto: Mill llr All In I rciirlt jway points. mark before the reason ends. Ocean Limited and Maritime Express Collide on Siding; Engines and Cars Smashed New Urunswick, was killed and seventeen persons were injured as a result of a collision at Thompson siding on the Springhill, N'ovr. Scotia, division of the Canadian National Hallways at 6.50 last night. The trains involved were the eastbound Ocjan Limited, which left Montreal at 7 o'clock Sundav nitrht. and the westbound a. a place in which the French language j M UJ KxI,rcs3 which left Halifax at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. I n4jafl tnrm I Innitna and 1 a-waaavwa., ... 1 1..4.. A X. I l 1... I. ? U Alii- aUUIltllKVi a. a ik'iivu tttvu vnv siiuiivu naisvit uo a.' m aa a "mnvii ery on the side-track waiting for the Express to pass. The shock of the Impact amashed both powerful loco- to a point which Just gave clearance motives of the new "6.000" type while for the main track and the brakeman. the leading cara on both train, wereiai U customary, went forward to exam- also reduced to ruins. One engine 1 ine the .witch and make .ure that It turned completely over on its aide. j wa act correctly to allow the Maritime Clarence t MacDonald of Mjncton. i to speed past on the main line. He saw fireman ot the Express, and Englneci i a danger signal act against the main track and, at the same moment, the Maritime came around the curve, running thirty minutes late. The brakeman dashed for the switch to cljse It but waa too late. Thirty-Five Rebels, Including Their Leader, Killed in Battle with Phillipine Constabulary MANILA, February 4. Thirty-five more ebels were killed and an undetermined number were injured on the island of Jolo yesterday In a battle with the Phillipine constabulary under Col. Luther Stevens says a despatch from Zamboanga. After attempts to end the uprising peaceably, had failed, the constabulary attacked Datutahit'8 fortress with rifles and tear gas and Tahlt, the leader, l.lll.l i.h,.imi. 4. 1 t 1 .11 4 41... rt..U4f.. assault it week, was captured. erwood. Conservative. Dewdney. was pair ed with Hon. W. Sloan, who Is away, and G. A. Walkem. Provincial. Richmond-Point Orey. waa paired with C. S. Leary. Liberal. Kasla-Slocan Aa a result of the vote the committee aa named above wUl proceed to examine the transcript of the evidence taken before the federal mustom commission and make recommendation, to the House. The amendment also commits the government to enacting legislation to control the collection of campaign fonda both federal and provincial within the province. The committee will have power to take evidence under oath. Announcement was made by R. H. Pooley, Conservative leader, that hi following were not prepared to appoint their own Judges In the matter. Mr. Pooley also stated, before the vote was taken, that none of the Conservatives would act on the select ' committee were . . store there and exported the amendment of the government car- ! , gu ,nea. R. H. Neelands. Labor, while opposing Moncton, the amendment, said If It carried he would assume his duties as one of the telect committee named In the resolution and act. i: ! 1. !: KHI KItS Ol" -NAUItOHS- I.OSK IN Afl'ILVL COIKT VANCOUVER, Feb. 1. Six month Jail sentences and fines Imposed by Magistrate- Alexander of Vancouver on the two Nar-rowa road housekeepers, following spectacular raids by the pro-provincial police 'last November, were upheld by the British Columbia Court of Appeal, here yesterday when the appeal, ot Carl Dttmar and Paddy Sullivan were dismissed by the court. J. W. DeB. Farrla, K.C. acted for the crown and Robert Smith for the appellant, who. after fighting the case for some months, will now have to go to Jail for conducting gaming houses. ....' CUSTOMS INSPECTOR HAD BEEN DISMISSED PEKING GOVERNMENT nun nuieu, ji-ntiug iwu nuuureu luiiuwers m rnrry un mc naming. 1 PEKING, February 1. The Peking or rrincess lanatia iviram, nis lourtn wile anu a lormer stuueiu at central government of China on Mon- . . II..I li.. f vlll 1 1 1 .1 e . .1.1 1 a. I . . . ... me untverstiy 01 Illinois, wnose presence in tne ion ueiajeu ditmiwed sir Francis Agieu, spector groom) of custom. In BIG INCREASE IN NATIONAL RY. EARNINGS 19-.6 CXCEEIIEU mi HV fll.OOSMiVU, EQUIVALENT; TO tJJH PEK CENT IMPROVEMENT OP.VKATINCI KCSILTS. MONTREAL. Feb. l.-A preliminary itatement of the earning of the Canadian National Railway for the year 1926 show, that the net earnings of the ayaum. excluding the .Central Vermont Railway, amounted to approximately 646.400,000. the increase over 1925 being more than 114.000.000 and equivalent to an improvement of 43-81 per cent J operating results In 1925. BOOTLEGGING . G0V1LIQU0R CONMILir;ATEI notqiiy WHISKEY ntO.M VENDOR AM MIIIPPEII IT TO STATES, ACCOUNTANT TELLS (TSTOMS COM. MISSION CALGARY. Feb. 1. Liquor was purchased by the Fernle Couitolldated Exporter, from the government liquor Fernle territory. : ta customers E. Dicks, ac countant of the firm, testified yesterday before the customs commission. I He explained that the purchases had been made when the Cotuolldated were lout ot brands requested from across trt line. Ha said that bis company jpald the Joseph Kennedy Co. of Van- jcouver fifty centa for each case sold ' in return for a guarantee that the Ken- nedy concern would :ay : HAD BAD TIME M. out of tbe HICKMAN, TltAITKII. SAIK HOsl'ITAI. tOLLOWIMl IIAIt-K'iVUyO KXI'KUIZKNCK IN tVilEKIOK WO(MS IN BELLA BELLA, Feb. 1. M. Hlckmun, trapper. 1. recovering in hospital from the effect, pf a harrowing experience while travelling along his trapllne lu the woods pf the Atrlark dutrlct. eenty mile. Inland, last week. He ; fell from a log Jam twelve feet to the ice below, dislocating his shoulder and wrenching his arm. Suffering Intensely and at times losing consciousness, the I woodsman, partly crawling, after five 1 hours, iuccecdrd In reaching a cabin. I He then travelled most of the way to Bella . Coola on horseback. Some advanced thinker ii always tak-tng the Joy out ot life. Juat as Prince Rupert 1. preparing for a boom. Thomas A. Edison cornea f along and aaya. "The city of today lias outgrown It uterine" Wbatl. tbe uf