14 1 Member of Audit Ituieau of Circulation!. DAILY EDITION party they eupportocL BUILT FOR SLEEP Barries Furniture Store PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEW3 JtV.J. Mo s nVve3 ill? UnS . w-w - a ; H3 A really great man is one who does not need the aid of a press agent EXHIBITION RESULTS y v r. ai r. i k bbs The Daily News FRINCE RUPERT - MilTIftH COLUMBIA Published Kwy Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prinee Rupert i Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCKIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per raenth 7 By misil to all part of tfee Britiah Empire and the United States, In advance, pr year $5.00 To all other countries, in advaace. per ytar 7.5o Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 93 Editor and Reporter Telephone - - - 86 Monday, Sept. 12. 1927 PARTY NEWSPAPERS it is sujrjreMed that the Conservatives at their convention next month will have before them a suggestion to establish a chain of party newspapers, either by buying out papers already established or by starling other. Some Conservative papers have objected already to th more and have objected to their being classed as party papers; The carious thing is that party papers do not seem to be effective in winning elections. The only two places in British Columbia where they have strong party daily papers which monopolize the field U at Nelson and New Westminster and both constituencies were won by Liberals at the ..... last elections . held there. Both the sw a a. a a .a .Neinon .News ana the ?iew Westminster Columbian are party papers as much as any papers could possibly -be and yet they were unable to influence the electorate sufficiently to retain the seats for the : As a matter of fact people are very apt to vote the opposite way item what party newspaper advins, largely because they know-thai the advice is not given as the result of an indenenifent nnininn and also becaute of the innate mnlitnness of the race which refuses to be driven or herded in a direction it does not want to go. Party newspapers are a doubtful advantage and they are a Qoutnrui benetu to tne country. The fair this year is now a thing of the part. All acknowledge it was a sueee, especially in regard to finances. It must be re membered, however, that this was due to a great extent to the splendid weather prevailing during the two days of the stampede. In making plans for the future it must not be thought that the record of this season can be duplicated. A stampede will no lofiger be a novelty. What would be a novelty if it could be arranged would be some pony racing. If it is necessary to give any winter relief this year, some work might be done on a short track at the grounds so that the ponies might have a place to run. This would be a great drawing card, probably the best that could be planned. It is useless to expect as good results a second year from a repetition of this. With one or two rodeo stunts and half a dozen good races, the whole city should be attracted to the hill. Everything comes to those who weight, in the fat of the land. They roll RACE SUICIDE The spector of "race suicide" has crept across the English Channel to haunt British social statisticians. The English and Welsh birth rate for 1926. again has shown a decline, following the descending curve which has obtained since 1920, according to figures published by the Registrar-General. The rate for the calendar year was 17.8 per 100,000 of population. v Against this, the official report shows that the death rate, of infants less than a year old was the lowest on record." Septlandex-perienced a higher birth rate as well as a higher infant'death rate tbahi England and Wales. The 1926 birth rate tied that of 1917 and was only higher than the 1918 birth rate. of 17.7. the lowest on record for England and Wales. In France, where the low birth rate has for years presented what is regarded as a grave national problem, the proportion of 1926 was 18.8c for each 100,000. Cancer, heart disease, and tuberculosis of the re-piratory fv. tem led the list as causes of death in Em-land and Wales. Women, the registrar's report indicate, were far more agile in dodging motor vehicles and in avoiding total accidents generally than were men. The women also who committed suicide were less than half those of the other six who met death by ' their own hands. The suicide figures were : Males :,099, females 1,350. Accidental dtaths: Males 9.5:51. females 4,274. VI Sound Ostermnor gK Rp! There are c untlrss M sleep cost no more pt IKm Ostetmooi tnrougb- OiV Ifm than jestW tIcep rm a S fcvT ou-1 -enflda jn At 1W lifeless, perhaps unsan- fe" VfiV 9 -"iiltuu jjt'rf ' JKl &w rtiiiy fuattic tkmc i ,J '" ' 1 en aanl Geo. D. Ute Y FOR SALE BY(gSPiS 3 INDIANPRIZES AT THE FAIR 'Quantity or Material of Etcrtlt-nt j Quality Made by Natives I Shown Here I The native MklMt Uu )v wa very i similar u that at loroMf occasiona I Tbert woro goad many entile sod th ! work wa of aacelleat quality. FaUowing were lb winner ol the prlsei: IMilAN ARTS Beat mtitt Indian :'Jt backet, faaey t. Mrs. Sarah Ingram: 2. Mr. Ed. Rua. Haw atad cedar bark basket, akin-Mrs. Auckland. 2. Mrs. Prctcx.. Bart example of bead work Mrs. Taylor. Beat in wall af natlie weaving. 2 root traya ilia. Bis .Aarahams. 4 en ecamate at native oarvtng. wood 1, listen Wr . Knn Frevoat. Beat example of native carving. stone I. Alfred Adam I.IMV It (IKK Croc (! yak I. Urn. HeSea Hal- 2. Mia. Hotdea. Crochetm dotuaa. aMer IT" 1. Mr. Heian HaUaar. 2. Mre. Ifcataca. Pair of to ate with araehet 1. Hetea Baby baaaet In crochet I. Mrs. Hcea HakUftc. Tea cloth Kb crochet 1. Amy Stanley. 2 Sana) Preoaat. nUow atssa with arccfeet 1. Un. HoMeK 2, Hehm Haldaae. 9m pSfla tn crjchet I. Helea HaJ dase. K Bitted VTatr-Mfa. Taylor. Beat 2 toaree of broad 1. Htien Hal-Ota: 2 Mr HoMen. Bast aan of boaa Mr. HoMea. Beat aude pot of km, domeatle fruite-4. Hstea Hddaae. Bast aaa pot of wild berrr fruit 1. Mm. Pasebe Dirfehon. Btft esMMt of bottled fruit 1, Mrs. Darliaow 2. Un Helen KaMane. Beat made eat I, Mrs. H sides. M IIOOI.M Bnt exaisaSa. driving from nature, calorad 1. Maria Lockerbr. Part Ecstag-imi t. Hetea Starr. Fort Eaalsgton. Beat eumaie freehand driving, under 131. Bartle Neiaon. OreeaTlUe; 2. JtfCrey Martta. areeavlUe. Bet exaasate of drawing, ahaded. under lis-l. Hubert Dootan; 2. Miriam Daagcli. Beat example, model driving 1, Leon-inl Root on Writing eatapaUUun. under 18 1. Kilaa Westey: 2. Doaoo RobituoW. Writing OBmpetKaaa. under tl XUtea Wealer; 2. Hflby Wetley. Wrttlag eomfettuoe. under 11 Edr. Botton. Part EaMngion; 2. Starr. Port Eattngtoa. Writing competition, pupil under 9 1. Roaa Sp)dtB; 2. Queenle Roberta. Writing CbnpetttloQ.pupUi under 8 -1. Emily Stewart. KlacoUth: 2. Sarah Benaon. Beat eiamale of handiwork Awarded to Kltimat Home. hl'WItlj. Beat colored pillow allpa Amy 8 tin- ley. i, i Helen Beat aof a coeldon. erabroWered Helen Haldaae. Beat eeatreattere. In color 1, Sarah Prevoat: 2. Helen HaWtane. Drtaer acarf I. Mra. Preot: 2. Amy I Stanley. Beat embroidered apron Mr. Taylor. Beat made uadenMp Florence Alexander. Bedaprcad. beat embroidered Sarah PrrwMt. Canned aalmon Pboebe Davidson. Cod and halibut hooka Mrs. Young. Bkldegate. NEW' HAZELTON MAY HAVESAWMILL SOON ' A mag around town, a few day last week looking Into trie .poasfbattlw cf eatabllahlng a tawmtn ar tma point. eayf the Omlneea Herald. He lookedl over the tknber and tbe arallable sites for a mllb He has found what he want and It la reported that he U now arranging fc-r the shipping of tbe machinery lnvo Nrw Haze I ton. The timber to be cui iij.da along the foot and lower reaches of Rocher de Boule Mountain. There ta a aupply to lat quite a few years and It la proposed to erect a mill I with a capacity of 20.000 feet per day. It It expected to hare the plant oper-1 atmg thla tall. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert SEPTEMREIl IS, 1917. J J Tynan, manager of the Union Iron Worxs, of San Francisco, writes Z. H Mortimer, secretary of the Prince , lUipen Board of Trade, that It will be mpowible for his company to use tbe :xal dr dock for building ships. ; Tom Birch of Prince George, who eut overseaa with the first Prince Ru- j Prt contingent under CM. C. W. Peck, returned to the ctty thla morning. He saw much service In France. was ounded and won a medal for talorou sen-Ice. ; Jack Keefe received a telegram yesterday announcing the death of hi father. John Keefe. Dmi, Iowa. De- ' "" naa reached the advanced of eighty yeara. . age i C o Strombeck. well known Alice Ann mining man. arrived on the Pttace Charles Saturday night from a business tnp to Vancouver and con-ttoued north on -he CaUU last night. Wan in lAe Moon THE One ha area at It 'Thi time iti a tl auaeh. I SAW tbe:-siasbaU Baft A It was core i Beet of aft the faaaaa It seen tfcu summer, I HOl'E i's not a tonal traveller ;by t,tKdit who atven seating a telegram Wal gtrl patt tt dowa la his expense keek )M ehlekea mfere. THE natrresl lik ta be aaarrie) in Prior. Rupett , bteaus the resident her do not teem to mind the nob. Hour: I haven't a decent to the party lorlfht. frock to I Tottj: Then why not wear that MB deeent ase yoa had on last night. Barber: 'Tear bead la badly In need f a akampoo, atr." Tailor (lo the barber ehairl: "Yea: and your ataahea are decsdaMy ahabby. hut I datuag you about It " The Letter Box Ii rrKH MTio or niiiii. tkam. i Baiter. Dally New. rtWaj ntght at tbe Exhflstiaa (or the nooesd thne I had the plsanire of -e-lag the wejadefful pertortmaee a the. PrlBC Itupen Olrla' DttU 'Team. Ill was ladeed a rrmarkaMe exhibition of) ahyaaoal drttU and tableaux. The tab-' Ieaux being perfDrmed with such exact preetttoa sad qusrkaeaa w aometlUag all worth acting. The uniform added greaHy to tbe peffarmaace. They coaatatcd of a heavy white aleeTelasa aweater. blue eharU sttt ,tha PflflT oa tat let lag. and snort blue They were Indeed a pretty picture to swhwtd and I wouMnt bare mlased it for aaythlBg. One thing which surprUrd me waa the tack f the publics upport. Very few in atlendanot helped tbe OlrU' cauae. Any small donation In the bat would hare helped a great deal. In order to get their new equipment. From a chat 1 had with the trstaer. Doug. Frtscetl and Alex. Mitchell I lerned that the next (shtbttisn siren by the girl would In an probability be club (winging. In eonahuion I may aay that the cltteena should give these girl the aajaport that tbey need. Their abow la worth putjng on tn larger cities and I hope Jgat I will meet these two boy with their troupe in my borne town, namely. Vancouver. Tour truly. R. A. BRUMEL. MORE SEAL SKINS TAKEN THIS SEASON THAN LAST i Juneau Empire) Tbe seal taken at Pribflof Islands thla year exceeded that of last year by nearly 3 XXX). The figure are. for 1M8. 1UM and for 1027. 2447S. There were mare taken off tbe Alaska coast by Indian pelagic sealing this year but not so many off the Waablngum and British Columbia coast. The aeal herd has Jbown another large increase over the preceding year. The four-party treaty which provides for the mnagement of the aeal herd by the United States and diTlskm of the profit So per cent to the Onlted Btate and IS per cent each to Great Britain. Japan and Russia la a till in effect, and will remain my until one sf the parties serve notice of It termin ation. No such notice ha been aerred. and the Indication are that none will be erved for aomttme. If ever. The value of the seal-skins taken this yer. inline 'raw, at prevailing price waa about Hoomx The number taken waa .restricted because of the krw price. The herd 1 targe enough to permit the' tak ing of two or more times as many as were killed without lessening the num ber of young each year. ALTERATIONS NOW IN C.P.R.C0AST SERVICE The Canadian Pacific Coast Steamship Service announce that the sailing of the Alaska service from Vancouver. September 8. Prince Rupert September 10 for Ketchikan 1 cancelled. Sailing of the SS. Princesa Beatrice. Prince Rupert to Vancouver, will be continued as usual. For other sailing, eee advertisement. WATER NOTiCE Dl tltMON AMI TSE TAKE NOTICE that Francia Henry Cunningham, whose address 1 805 Board of Trade Btilldlng. Vancouver, B.C., will apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot per second of water out of unnamed stream which flows noruuut and drain into Humpback Bay. Porcher Dated August ai. 1927. Island, ahrmt inn w.ra ,n,iK..., r. northeast comer peat of Lot 102. The water wUl bt diverted from the tream at a point about 200 yards from the mouth of the river and will be used for iin. cannery and domestic tunose upon me lands SDDlled for. belnz nor- tlon of Lot 102, Range 6. Coast District. Thi notice a posted orv tbe ground on the 25th dsy of June. 1827. A copy of this notice and an application pur-auant thereto and to tbe "Water Act" wiu be filed la the office ot the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B C Objection to the application may be filed with the iid Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water RlKhta. Parliament Buildings. Victoria, BC within thirty day alter the first appearance of thi notice in a local newspaper. The date of the f:rt publication of thU notice I August 4. 1S27. Applicant. I (.'y U rn ha to cxpu U Ot cr and cntr and a again Plain York's really grtat It's tht best chocolate With flavour and quality splendid for Jane. Mothers and fathers who have tried Plain York chocolate realiie at once how pure it is, how wholesome. Not too bitter, not too sweet, but with all the dcliciousness of pure plain chocolate, Plain York is the triumph of 200 years of experience in fine chocolate making. Just try a bar to-day. NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAMt In Rang S, Coast Land District. Land itecerdrisg District of Prince Rupert, and .tuat on Lot 102 Humpback Bay. Porcher Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE tbat T. II. Cunningham, Beard of Trade Building, ot Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Salmon Broker. Intends to apply for a lease of tbe following de-crlbcd lands: Commencing at a post planted ISO yard south-southeast of northeast corner post of Lot 102. Rang 9; thence due futn 6 chains: thence south-aouthra.it is rhatn; thence due north 8 chain: thence wet-northwett along abore to point of commencement and containing 14 acres, mores or leas. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINGHAM. Applicant Dated J5th June. 1027. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAKE LANII Queen Charlotte Island Land District, lnd Recording District of Prince Rurert, and situate north-of Lota 1658 and 1657. TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Fishing and Packing Co. Ltd of Massett, occupation Canners. Intend to apply for a !c! of the following described land: Commencing at a post planted twenty chain north of Yin Indian Reserve and cn the shore of Mclntyre Bay: thence Berth 5 chain to tbe low water mark: thence westerly following said low water 160 chains: thence southerly s chain thence eaaterly 160 chains to the point of commencement, and containing eighty acre, more or less. Ln ANGARA FISHINO & PACKINO CO. LTD. Applicant. Fred Nah, Agtnt. Dated June 27. 1027. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LKAftK LANIt In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Graham Island. QXM. TAKE NOTICE that Somervllle Cannery Company, Limited. Vancouver. BX3 occupation Packers, intend to apply for a lease of the following described land- Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1571 ' QX3J thence eaat 30 chain; thence north 3 chain, more or leas, to low water mark-thence wet following tow water mark 30 chain: thence south 2 chain, more or lea, to point of commencement, and containing six (6 acres, more or les SOMERVILLE CANNERY COMPANY, ""u), APDiicant LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANIi . J5 RuSrt Land Recording Dis trict of Prince Rupert, and altuate on Princess Royal Island at Eaat side Cove from Butedale Cannery. TAKE NOTICE that I. Jacob Koakl of o.. uccupanon a luherman : intend to apply for a tease of tbe fot-, lowing described land: Commencing at a post planted about 600 yard northeast of Butedale Cannery Wharf: thence eaat 5 chains- I thence south 2 chains: thence west 5 chain; thence north 2 chaina to point of commencement and containing one ' acre, more or le. JACOB KOSKI, ! A"lcln Dated August 27, 1927. 3 Certainly, she can have another! . l a f v it ( LAND ACT 1 1 BETTER DENTISTRY PLATES that j;le you a natural spi anre and lend beautr U rontoiir of the fare. AIrys Upen Dr. MAGUIRE Orer Ormes Phone 525 The Last Few Days at Bent's HARGAINS YOU'LL NEVEK F0KGET COATS MILLINERY DRESSES LINGERIE Third Avenue UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ... . . I ii.ihi. I? M nrrt. .if. nailing irwm --v ,,c jn- VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Hwaoiea Bay. Alert BJ. ' ?? l.m. . ... fialarss K.iarday'. .. . .... ..... n.. .ii-.. tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Bnteosir. tt."A Hlr n !!'-lor PORT HIMI'SON. ALICE A KM, ANfOX, UTKHABT, day, s n.m. . . . .f ForsNaa Klter PoInU and Port Blnipaon, rriaay V '"-. rt Haprrt. m.M aunii air (!(.. rill r US 2nd Avenue. K. M. SMITH. Aieiil. dur Throurh tlrkeU sold to Victoria no n" hsrrn fherked Ihroufh to desl Ins I '""v a