TAG3 F0U3 Neglected Eyes NEGLECT la doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This Is so self evident that It seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are Riving trouble, hare them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most Inexcusable. DONT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 VOU SKOOVO vittr Til ; . "fVUNCr IN MIND J ;. JD sV We sell superior lumber that is the only kind of lumber to be found in our sheds and yards. We have the most complete stock in Northern R.C., including fir and cedar timbers, dimension, shiplap, finishing, veneers, shingles, lath and mouldings, all reasonably and properly priced. Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 15C3 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY KESTl Take a brick home tonight! We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitun; Moving. BRINGING UP FATHER SPORTS GROUND IMPROVEMENTS Fair Roard Has Work Under Way Running Into $1,000, Great Part of Which is Something in the neighborhood of II -000 to being expended by the Northern BrttUh Columbia Agricultural & Industrial AMoetaUon In permanent work now being carried out on Acropolis HUl ground In anticipation ol the outdoo: activities wbleh will be held In connection with the Prince Rupert Exhibition next week. The result of the work w:l. be of lasting value to future user o; the grounds and wlU greatly enhance the appearance and convenience of the field. The main feature U the fence that i betng butlt around the entire field, Some 160 concrete block have been act on the ground and placed in each ol these la a seven-foot upright iron pipe 1 which will support 2 by 8 stringers. Defeated Moose in Second of Gil- huly Cup Series Last Night by 3-1 In the second game of the Ollhuly Cup football serle last night, the Regiment defeated the Moose 3-1, the same score as that by which the Moose defeated tbe Orand Terminals la the first game. Tbe soldiers had all the best of the match, playing in splendid form, while the Moose were ragged and off their usual style of clay. The score at half time was 2 to nil, Campbell scor ing all three goals for the Regiment, while Chencskl male tbe single coupter tor xne anuerea nera in xne second period. It was only a fair-sized crowd that watched the match. W. E. Wllllscrort was referee and A. ciapperton and . Fred Hardy acted, as linesmen, -The-pUyers. lined .up .as(.f ol; lews: Mooe W. Murray: J. Currle and R. B. Skinner, Smllie, Currle and R. Woodg: Smllle, Hodgkinson. Bye. Strachan and Chenoski. Regiment Corbett: MacKay. and Lambe; Strachan, Harris and Tinker; Walters, Russell, Campbell, Doherty and Norrlngton. Tbe standing In the series to date is as follows: Regiment 1 Moose 1 Terminals 0 W. L. L. Ft. 0 1 1 SPORT CHAT With nothing but Senior football going on this week. It is going to be quiet in sporting circles until Fair Week, next week, when there will be tbe one big ,Jlnal athletic splurge of .' I the, season. rA splendid program, as ambitious aa-iAa ever featured In con nectlon with any Exhibition of the past, is being offered Including white and native football, baseball between Stewart and Prince Rupert, the big 8tampede, etc. Men's and ladles' champions of the Alice Arm Tennis Club were deter- I mined last week under ideal weather! I conditions, the competitions exciting 1 considerable Interest. Miss Alice Hog-berg won the ladles' championship with! Mrs, At Falconer running up while the! (winners of the men' sslnglea were Al Falconer and T. Woodcock, second. Charles Schultz of North Vancouver is a patient In the Smlthers Hospital ."uflering from a badly lacerated, leg ustalned from a misdirected blow with an axe In the hands of his partner when they were engaged in fighting forest fires recently. The forest fire menace 1 not ye over in this district. There were fresh sutbreaks last week which necessitated ill available man power being rushed to the scene. Meanwhile, a heavy pall of smoke closed the view In every direction and the sun appeared as a ball of fire. Clever work on the part of Provln Tlal Constable O. L. Hall resulted in the apprehending last week of J. Met' vllle on a charge of forging a time check on the Duthle mine. There was quite a chase before accused wa ar f ' rested. .? ; .- Francis J. Crossland, "Vancouver min ing engineer; has 'been a recent visitor beer for the purpose of making an examination of the Carrol land Matus holdtofe on .-Hudson -BayMountaln.. - - Several homealtes at Lake Kathlyn have recently changed hands, new owners of lsnd In that part Including Dr. C. H. Hanklnson, II. O. Olsen atld C. L. Dlmock. Rev. Father M. Chartlez of Sacred Heart Church. Prince George, wa visitor here last week with Father Val lleres. Tbe marriage was solemnized In St. James. Anglican Church. Smlthers, last Miss Bessie TLamb has bees re-en- caged by tbe trustee of tbe Lake District pubue school to teach her htrd consecutive term. Tbe Tax la Lake Trading Oo.'s ware- ioue at Fort St. Jame la new com plete. Miss Hsrrlss has been re-engaged to each at Pralrledale public school dur ing the coming term. Mr. and Mrs. Burger tatted . last wtek on a motor trip to Omsk, Washington, where they may obtain fruit '.and In trade for their local (tore. Ellmatlng one of the- most dangerous parts of the road to Fort. St. James. he provincial department of public works is about to straighten and widen tbe road In the vicinity of SI wash hill. It will also be graded and gravel led. UltlFn, rlamnlvn hu left rnr. a trip to vihcvei '- 'Si, .' Mr: . and Mrs. Tr Donovan have vre turned-to their -home at Hansard-after spending a pleasant tacatfon 'at StuartJ Mr. George Rush. Mis Bsynes and Miss Rush have arrived from Vancou ver and are staying at Douglas Lodge. Stuart Lake. George Healy Harvey has a bumper crop of oat In' the Elllsby district. The most of It I higher than a man' head.. v, . Mrs. J. W. Pater son ba returned home from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. week. Rev J. B. Olbson officiating, of Mi and iin.. K. c. McCorkell. Mis Miss Violet Ivy Hawkins nnd Thomas M. Andros and Ernest McCorkell left No heavy foods for summer ! HREDDED WHEAT Crisp whole wheat deKciousness A satisEyingly complete meal with fruit and cool milk and cream TERRACE Mrs. Maxsam and daughter Mary, returned to Prince Rupert on Friday after spending several week at their heme here. Js. Richmond, local grocer, returned on Friday after a two month's holiday trip to hi old home In Scotland. Miss Margaret Wltttoeroft who ha spent the past two week hoi ids Tins: it the borne of Mr. and Mr. C. II. rhom, left on Saturday for ber borne U) Prince Rupert. Misses Norma and Beth McCubbtn are spending a short bMlday at Hill Farm. O. F. Monckton returned to the dis trict from Prince Rupert on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Murray of Prince Rupert are holidaying at the Terrace hotel. H. E. Wallace of Telkwa was a busi ness visitor here on Friday. A. J. Cuiron, Prince Rupert, was In town at the end of the week. Lloyd Oreer and Garfield McKenzle who have spent some weeks holidaying at Hill Farm left for their homes in w. BjmpsoD 01 Anyox arrived on Eat urd$r for a short holiday a JIlll Farm, wnere nis aaugnter Helen 1 also gueit. Dudley - Little returned- -home-WSat- urday after spending several weeks a Amesbury. O. W. Ooodwln of Brandon was 1 visitor here at the week end. Mrs. D. D. Munro who spent the past week at the summer camp of Mrs. A h. Barter at Lakelse Lake returned to town on Saturday. Miss Helen Orelg returned on Sat uroay irom Amesoury where she ba spent the past few weeks with Mrs. W, H. Watt. Mrs. R. W. Riley and daughter re turned on Friday from Vancouver where she has spent the summer. 1 was accompanied home by her mother wrs. asyers 01 Vancouver, who ipend some time at the Riley home nere. Rev and Mrs. Wm. Allen and famllv who have spent the summer months in camp at Lakelse Lake have closed their camp and returned to town. Mrs. Danhaur and daughter of Cop per wj speni ounaay in town. Miss Harwell has accepted a oosl tkm on the staff of the Prince Rupert puouc scnoois. -IIIH DK.tlt IRIKMis.- "aT. mf.. greeted many of ns umk irieno wnile at the Hazel ton flower show last Wednesday in teiior News. Advcrtl in Tb DsUy Nsws FOK SAl.K LOST By George McManu. Over this will be placed completely around the rectangular field cattle wire to form the fence. Dates wUl govern the entry to the ground and wUl prevent those not concerned with what Is going on to enter. The seating accommodations on the north side of the grounds Is also to be repaired and extended by the Fair Board. - This U all In addition to the sturdy corralls that are being put In at either end of the field for the purposes of the stampede. Formidable enclosures have been erected with 8 by 8 post with the customary gates and contrivances peculiar to place of such nature. The whole wUl be a stampede ground suitable for the antics of the wUdest bronch and meanest cattle the central interior will have to offer the thrill seeking public around Fair time. REGIMENT WINS FOOTBALL GAME Use MAGIC BAKING POWDER in all your That's way to assure success. Made in Canada JJo 4 urn E.W. GlLLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO, CAN. SMITHERS The attendance at the Smlthers Fall 'air last week created a new record and the merits of exhibits was surprising considering the hot and dry cummer. Horse racing wa bag feat ure of the festivities and the stock ex hibits showed a great Increase over any previous year. The Alberta wheat Fool Is now working out arrangements for the marketing of coarse grains as well ai wheat from the Dulkley Valley. Last year only wheat was handled but It is hoped that sufficient acreage will be contracted for this year to permit of moving the coarse grains as well. Brandon, both residents of the Quick; iistrtct The newlyweds spent a brief, honeymoon in Frlnc Rupert before King up resMettes at Quick. j Ms Msrtoree Roberts is vMttng with i r parents 1st Frlnc Oeorg prior tol Miming her mhool teaching itie j nere. I Mr and Mas. B F Stewart have c-uirrd the stock and futures of the '.oval Cafe est Main Street which they re now conducing in conjunction ,;h uie SmlttKu. lkiW-1 Cafe. The deals occurred at the Balaley alley Hospital last Wednesday of Aired Wsde. twelve-year old soft of Mr. nd Mrs. Frank Wade ol Saaitben, eart trouble being the eauee. Miss Ruth Miller has returned to bee lutle In tbe Royal Bank bar after pending a holiday In Stewart. Mrs. E. Eby and daughter. Zona. 'iave returned .to Smlthers from a trip o Blaine. Washington, where VI re. Eby it tended the funeral of her brother. A. MlUtr and daughter. Ethel, and irs. J. P. Downey and son. Jack, save etumed from s motor trip to Vancouver and other southern paints. Miss Agnes Robinson has returned ram a vacation spent In Winnipeg. Jme. YANDERHOOF The local Diamond Jubilee of Con federation celebration committee has decided to hold a sports dsy at Van Jerhoot on, Labor. Day, , The events to ake place ar mainly those wfeleb were eft over from the celebration on Dominion Day owing to rain at that U anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. tJ2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken' for leu than 50c WANTED WANTED. GENERAL SERVANT. Snail family. Apply Mrs. Norma Watt. tf GENERAL SERVANT WANTED APPLY Mr. Besner. U Saturday morning on a motor trip to Vancouver. Hon. A. M. Manson. attorney general and member of the legislature for Omlneo. Is billed to speak at a number of points m Omlneea district early next month. corapleUng his tour of the xnstltueney which was interrupted by the eaUliag of a cabinet meeting by the tote premier. ' The camping outfit of Messrs. Lester and. Alton at HoUoway Bar on Oer- aaaoson Creek wa recently destroyed by fire. The only things saved were some moving picture apparatus and films . Mr. Leater repreeat the Path News and bad been In this district for some time. Ills loss was an untimely one. AGENTS WANTED A SURE WINNER!- JOIN OUR STAFF of live scents selling guaranteed WIM Monroe values for H6M A '"' Vsnrouw llbaral ownmlasion to you. That's our proposition. Well train you to seU our tailored - to-masure clothes sad make you a sucom. Ow advertising department bring you in dose contact with prospective customer making setting easy. Writ at once, giving reference, to Monroe Tailors. Ltd.. Dept. 41. Sonwner Bids; , Montreal. PERSONAL Q RETT! NO CARDS- Agent wanted to take order lor the ttne. line ever shown m Canada. Regal Art Co. Manufacturers. 110 fasMn Ave.. Toronto. port sale. ciiEvnourr babt Of sod TiAiring Oar. Snap. asjItaMe for Bug: or motor suitable tar bust. Apply Parker's Oarage. LOOT CHILD'S BROWN PUASE WITH gold wrtot-wateh with crystal brokea. on Fifth and McBrlde. Finder please return to Dally New offleo. 304 LOST. CHILD'S GRAY SWEATER. probably on Third Avenue. Finder please return to Dally News ofuee. FOU KENT FOR RENT. NICE LA ROE FURNISH- ed room on Fifth Avenue West with private family. Heated. Fine marine view. Phone Blue M or Black Sll. FOR RENT FURNISHED APART- ment by the dsy, week or month. Phone Red 007. tf FOR RENT. Pianos, phonograph and Singer sewing maanlne. Walkerf Music Store. FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE. HAR- bor view. Apply 315. 4th Ave. E. tf FOR RENT. FOUR ROOM FURNISH- ed Hat. Phone Oreen 13i. 304 UPHOUSTEK1NG FURNITURE REPAIRINO: UPHOL- sterlng of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Green 603. O. M." HUNT. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Paps jopulojfc nd Mara. 839 Third Ave. 'Phone 644' - ' '.' ' t At'CTIONT.EK AMI M COMHIAM) I BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE ANY thing ...of value, ' Phone Brine for business. Telephone 774. K.tlEN fl.tlttflF. Agent for all flE.VKKAL .MOTOKH PKOIIt'CTH Another carload of Chevrolet Just In I Prices: Roadster 1825.00 RoadsUr Delivery 825O0 Touring ; 825 00 Coupe , IS8S 00 Coach 8005.00 Sedan $1,075.00 Landau Sedan $1,120.00 Cabriolet $1,100.00 Commercial Chassis $045.00 Delivery Express Chassis .... $806.00 29 x 4.40 Balloon Tires standard equipment on all models except De livery Express chassis. Call or phone for demonstration KAIKN (ItH.KlK Third Avenue Plmne S3 TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude Lakers at your disposal any time. KOSS HKOS. POOL KOOM Meeker Work. (Across from Kmrirss Hotel) C.N.R. TRAINS ror I he Rant-Dally Except Sundays . Prom 'he East DaUy txetp; Tuesdays.. 1I0 a m. ,...JJ0 PA. Arttt, MtAWSIIIPMOYElilS Monday s prii 3--, , Tuesday s v..,i ! " Pt.ii...j E-.. 3 , as Pr nc B pt; . . Aug. II Pm.cfsa t t Aug. 30 Priiu", A 1 Aug. Jl.- Priiu:.:-; , Aug. 31 - Prli.CfH U a Ironi Vaneourrr Soadyss rvuia Monday as ft :e r u Wednesday ..- Br:- FrMay u Pi 0 E -r " m Cnk:. Saturday ss. pr Aug. 8. Pt Att 16 ss F Aklg 18, Prir,..-Aug. S P:- rr:. l. Aug. .- as Pi ! -res L it.- 3l- 13 E.r- a i- For Port Nlmpsoa sua Nau Iiw- WUi MM I 1 I- . . .. . ul . .. J v . . 1 1 HI II 1 ui rIIHimMi mam mm Saturday For Alaska- 1 j I'nr Anyoi, Klraart, rtc Bundsy ss. Cstalt Monday, m Prlnf CSrfc Flidsy a. Prince Rtip Prom Anyot, Mrsart, tit Tuesday--, CataU ' Thursday ss. Prlnctai Cxf Saturday as, Prinre Ruput ' I1 lr Vorth Oseen rhsrlutte- Mondar ss. Prince- Cart f Prom North (Ineen rtiarfcq Thursday a. Priac Cjr.a imr South tlueen ChsrWt- Attg. 15- ss P I- liu 50. mm Prin,- JC " - l-rom South Hueen rhsrlotl'- , n J I1" 1 " AU. IU Aug. 2i w Pr::ice '-- Wednesday s Print OfT ' Aug. 8, Prtnc ss U Prmrrs- Al .t Aug. 15 - Aug. 19. Prtuces CUart't Aug. 28. -. Prinress U- Aug. 29 -s. Printws Al I'rom Alk Monday . Prince Orerp Aug. 10.--Princess C .s: Aug. 13. Princes U'- Aug. 20. Princess Alt Aug 24 -Princess CtiA:" Aug. 31- Princess WSJ JIAIL SCHEDULE To Vancouver Mondsys Tuesdays Tbursdsys Saturdays aa'" Ai-orsT, for the r.t- Mondays, Wednesd.,.. 8. close rom II" K.st Monday. Wednesdsfi, due : . ti. CPJt. Aug 3. rriJ ii a P Ironi Vancouver ,, P M i P if I1SM if Monday gp WHnHutftVS ... .Atnl Friday 19 To Anyot, .Hire . .Stewart . .vn ' I' fiundav. """ it' n From Anrov, AH" Saturday Tuesdav TO . m," dom Tnursay rrom Naa Hlvrr t ' Saturdays To Alak rolnts-Aug. 1. 8. 8. 19. from Alak P"1"" jl Ai 3. 6. 10. mi" To Queen Chariot" Iwer Islands. Au, 1 r Upper Islands, W",),,'ll I' w iiioniis t n Upper .ir To queen t nsri.- - pV v rrom Quren 0 Lower Islands, Wa