fdir Augu't SO, 1927 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE :8 Uin Christina Nueicb arrived In th Ity today from Aim Arm pn tb J Local and Personal CaUla J. U. Koektn retarned to the erty Crown Colony on tbc Osteie today from a business Arthur Tul Fbons 078. trip to Anyox. BO Undertakers. Plum 1. Mr. O. K. Ckilkk returned to the Day BETTER VACinc s Away back hi the late sixties thousands of ncrc of Ilritish Columbia's timbor were sold for one cent per acre, which looked like a fair price then. ' Today similar timber is worth from $150 to $200 per . ere. so tremendously has timber appreciated in alue within the scope of an average lifetime. What the young growth of today will be worth ixty years from now is beyond computation if it is protected from fire and allowed to reach maturity. The moral is obvious. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP IJUITISII COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE Putnam Fadeless Byes The original "One-jiarkaKo" dye for all materials and :rprr - Dissolve instantly in water, leaving no undissolved it' i lc to spot your goods. It is clean and harmless will t !: the hands nor injure any fabric that boilfng water ;:if will not injure. The same package will dye silk, cotton, wool or mixed nds no need to rip garment apart. The directions are r- .! simple: Iloil 20 minutes, add salt, boil 10 minutes, then ,." ,e DIP TO TINT. ItOII. TO DYE. AiK for booklet on Tinting, Dyeing and Cleaning. Ormes Ltd. Jic Pioneer Drtnrists THIRD AVE. , SIXTH ST. - 'TELEPHONES 8?6200 DENTISTRY PLATES that rIvcs ii a natural appear-ante and lend beauty to the contour of the face. A1ys Dr. MAGUIRE Open Over Ormes Phone 525 Aluminum Cooking Utensils luminum Salt and Pepper Shakers -"' Muminum Waterless Cookers ''"j-00 luminum Steamers from Jjtti.cW to $:.( 'luminum Roasters from Sj! 1.25 to .0.7. Muminum Tea Kettles from $l"M to f'VJ Uuminum Sauce Pans from r,0k to ' Aluminum Double Doilers from !i,-"0 to -'J0 Ladles, Moulds, Cooky Cutlers, Strainers Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 233 Third Avenue. Vrncc ,ulHrl Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T Tz!k" Wran""- '. ni "Hway - August 1, . . . To Vamou,,r, Vletorla and Seattle Auiiit 3. 6, 10. 13. 20. 3- Bnledale. Ea.t Helta Mto!" llSWK N.mo. . GWXZJSASEZ (U,,,rdiFU.!,.n,fon,ra.t,0n fron,- Corne, , aff 5J!f rK Uupert. B.C I Dentist. Or J R. Oouc. PMOe MS. trip to Anx 0l the Ulg 4 habltl of a Taxi phone 4, WlUiam Murray, prairie hermt city IftSt twt Posf-oaptial Dawson will receive Mtnber i. from 3 JO to 8. I wwu vnu wiu oe few days. Whtn Uifniinif U la ay at having left Inspector g. T Wood of the the r. 0.; Thursday, ep-; irom a trip 10 the Interior oa duties. 9M Until repairs at the Provincial Government wharf have town completed. CFJt. itiwmiri win make landing at No. t aha on OTJ. wharf. tt Canadian Mounted Pol toe returned to the city oa yesterday afternoon's train Master Lloyd Oreer. son of Aid. and Mrs. Joseph Oreer. Ml Fifth Avenue East, returned home on yesterday afternoon's train from Terrace where he spent the past month. - Oeoeroua pvhttc response la by members of the. Fair Board who are Special prim of tl.10 in goods for best layer oaks made with J. R. Wat-kins baking powder to be exhibited at Miss CamtUe Peters, who spent the town yesterday yesterday to to complete complete her her holidays holt- before going south this week end to Ocean Fails where she will teach In the public schools. . their guest for a ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew's Society Concert and Vaudeville show, Wednesday, September 31. Established 1923. Office Hours: a.m. to G p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any eveninir by appointment DIE P Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block. Pstaf Black and his aiater. Miss Hej. tor Black aaf go ttte Cauia this alter1 Par wtuter. riartlnc" peMfcee arriving Wednes day's boat I1.7S twate Phone your or- dst early TaWe, Supply. J.! Hogan X lUreltnn arrived from tbc interior tm yesterday afternoon train and sailed ob the Prince Charles for Vancouver. Fred Joudry. )oel optictan. returned to the city on tefc Oatala today from Stewart where he has been engaged In T,J profecatonal work. of Mooseheert Legion Tea and Dome Cooking Sale at the home of Mrs. O. Whatman. Beaeh Place, on Thursday. September 1. O. A. Woodland, local agent for the Imperial Oil Co., sailed on the Prince John this morning lor a business trip to Quean Charlotte Island points. Malcolm Melewd returned to the city on the Oatala todsv from Arrsadslel engaged with rubacrlptlon Us la tok- whm k been employed In the lng collection for the benefit of the Prince Rupert Exhibition. cannery during the past summer. Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived at 1230 noon today from Anjex, Stewart and other northern nnrt at oall and will aall at Prince Bshlbitioa. Phone Rupert your for 8 ockck cvrntn8 Vancouver, order for baktnfl powder to Black 7S4. 1 Mrs William Manson. Jr. tod Miss Orace Manaon have returned from Vsncouver Island where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bennett at their summer home "Benwaldun." Vancouver Province. A charge against S. C. Thomson of driving a oar with only one headlight in contravention of the Motor Vehicle Act was dismissed with a warning by Magistrate McOlymont In city police court today. Dr. C. Mtrlus Barbeau.. who Is en eased In Indian research work for the week end In town, went to Oeorge- , . , , th. t... momirur from the Naas River where he has been busy for the past few weeks. 1 W. S. Harris arrived In the city on Mrs. P. J. Ryan and family returned catala 'today after a visit to the to me city on yesterday ariernoons gmi, mining property on Hastings train from Terrace where they have Arm m vtUcn ht u interested. He will been holidaying for a month. They . ln Mr t a AtJ or M before were accompanied back by Mrs. T. X. returning to Hazelton. Setneboat Lincoln, with Capt. Des ' mullea and Chief Engineer J. W. Moore- P. H. Ortwn. outside superintendent booee In charge, arffved In" port last AS IT WAS scores of years ago so it is to-day a pipe tobacco of satisfying flavour and mellow fragrance OLD CHUM Ambassador Extraordinary to happy smokers. OLD CHUM suits your taste and your smoking disposition whenever you seek its soothing, restful comfort. Every puff a pleasure in itself . . . because it rings true to your taste. The blend never varies . . . the flavour never varies. Smokers willing to pay any price for quality . . . find that OLD CHUM gives them every good thing . . . they want in a pipe tobacco . . . gives them presents, too ... for the "Poker Hands" now packed in OLD CHUM . . . are good for valuable presents. OLD for the Iyengars cannery, arrived last nt(nt from Meeeett. where she Is oper-j night from Maasett. accompanying Mrs. attog iut of thelungsra cannery, andj " ' Oreert and family who' will U this u aov dry dock for cleaning l.nrt Mr, p nr ,nri f,m.A u,,. afternoon on the Catala for their .-4 Dalntlnc, home In Seattle after having spent the summer with Mr Oreen on the Islands.' c.N.R. steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt. - 'Harry Nedden, Is due from Vancouver MUs Dorothy Tremayne returned to ,t 100 tomorrow morning and will the city on yesterday afternoon's train ,t 4 m the afternoon for Ketehl-from Prince Oeorge whence she accnm-' mm, Juneau and -ftkagway. returning pan led her sister. Miss Pete Tmnayne. here Saturday evening to sail at mld-who was returning to Detroit 'to re- nlght f0r Vancouver via Ocean Falls, ume her nurses' training oouree ln . Henry Ford Hospital. Several Prince Rupert families, who ' have been spending the summer vaca- Mayor J. II. Aihweil 'of Chllllwack. . tlon ln the south, sre expected to re-provincial Orand Master of the Odd-: turn home on the Prince Oeorge to- fellows' Lodge, returned to the oUy; morrow morning. School reopens next on the Catala today after paying official vUlt to the lodge at Anyox. Tc night he wlU vtsH the local lodge, proceeding tomorrow morning to the interior. niTueadav and the school teachers will be returning on boats arriving ln the meantime. Miss HUdreth F. Lennox of Barrle, Ont.. noted Canadian vocalist, pianist WIU Edmunds, formerly of this city land elocutionist, arrived ln the city and now located In Vancouver ,1s aJfrom Vancouver on the Prince Charles prominent member of the Capitol j yesterday on her way to central In-Theatre orchestra of that city In which terior points on a concert tour. She circle his old friends here, when visit-: u accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. lng the south, often see him. Having; a. Lennox. given up his music store business, he Is now the secretary of the Musicians' Union of Vancouver and also conducts a studio on lioboon Street. C.N.R. steamer Prince John. Capt. E. Mabbe, arrived in port at midnight from Vancouver direct and saUed at 3 -30 this morning for all Queen Charlotte Island points as far as Row Harbor, on the very south end. whence Khe will return direct to Prince Rupert. bclt-.R due Friday morning. Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, the vessel wUl clcir again on a similar trip, returning to Prince Rupert Wednesday morning. The latter voyage la specially arranged to bring Queen Charlotte Iiland people to the Exhibition here. H. Qlegerteh of Kaslo, Orand Principal of the Orand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of British Columbia, paid an official visit to Kalen Chapter of this city last night and will sail tonight on the Catala for Vancouver. He has been accompanied on his trip north by William A. Hill of Vancouver, another Orand Chapter officer. Passengers arriving In the city from northern points on the Catala today included Mr. Wlllan. Mri. McMillan. II. Hedstrom, F. COrady. Mr. Miller. Mr. MrOce, F. E. Leach, F. Joudry and A. Knight from Stewart; Roy Fox, W. T. Kennedy. J. A. MeKinncn. Mr. 8ul-crove, Mr. Robinson, Mrs. O. E. Oullck. Helen Blackburn. W. S. Harris, Mr. snd Mrs. David Dean and J. H. Ashwell from Anyox; Dr. C. M. Barbeau. T. K. Edwards and M. McLeod from Arran-dale; Mr. Elo and D. McAiklll from Maple Bay, snd Mr. and Mrs. P. Johnson and child from Alice Arm. C'AKK or THANKS. W. Drader and family, of ouckley Bay. B.C.. desire to convey sincere thanks to their many friends for the kind expressions of sympathy received Ui their recent bereavement. IIOTKL AKKIVAI.S, I'rlnce K 11 pert Mr. and Mrs. H. M; Barns, City; A. B. Codd. Kenneoott. J. S, Symington, Joe Stevens Koda, Vancouver Mrs. J. A. and Miss Hildreth F. Lennox, Kansas Alaska; and K. Lennox Barrie. Ont.: Mrs. T. L. Williams, Port Clements: A. W. Hawkins, M. E. Newman and Oeorge Rlngstad. Port Edward; W. F. Blntu, Balmoral: F. Rowan, New Westminster: Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Forte Phone 109 V;i.-.or;a J. A. Crtdii. Haynpurt. Ml hell. Mrs. Falrbairn and family. Queen Charlotte City. Satoy In O. S. Snldal. Casatar Cannery; Mrs. Frank Johnson. Inverness; C. F. Toombs. Port Simpson: W. Cooper, John Richardson and P. J. Ryan, city: W. H. Thome. CXSl.; Mr .and Mrs. R. C. Oarner, Oceanic! J. D. Sweeney, Pacific. ( KNTKAL John Darrle, Hazelton: A. Morod, Barnard Core; H. M. Halnford, Saskatoon: B. Wassersteln and B. J. Walk-land. ON'.R. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LASH Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate north of Lots 1558 and 1657. TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Fishing and Packing Co. Ltd. of Mauett, occupation Canners. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted twenty chains north of Yan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyre Bay; thence north S chains to the low water mark: thence westerly following aald low water 160 chains: thence southerly 5 chains: thence easterly 160 chains to the point of commencement, and containing eighty acres. mrre or le LnANOARA FISHINO & PACKING CO. LTD, Applicant. Fred Nash, Agent. Dated June 27. 1937 IN PROBATE IN THE SITKKMK COl'IlT OI IIUITISII rOLl'MIIIA the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His E. Peterson, Mr. Harmon, J, M. Hockln Honor F. McB. Young, the 11th day of Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Vasso. F. Simpson. ' aujum. n.jj. iwi. 1 wm ppoimea aq- mlnlstrator of the estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, deceased, and all parties having claim against the said estste are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of September. A D. 1927, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BXJ. 1927. Dated the 24th day of August. AD. .IN PROBATE. IX TUUSITRK.MK roi'RT OF BRITISH ' tOLl'MIIIA In the Matter of - the Administration.' Act: and In the Matter of the Estate Caddv. Deceased. Intestate of John TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 20th day of July. A.D. 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of John Caddy, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 20th day of 'August, A.D. 1927, and all parties indebted to the estate, are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dsted the HUi day of July, AX). 1927. CHUM IDID CHUMl ismoKiNG PnftgH YA 7fl 'ft J gg-.-.:gy COME NOW AND GET YOUR CHOICE while the choice is good ! at arsams McARTHUR'S of high grade Boots I Shoes McArlhur's Shoes are known for quality. Every pair in the store at Sale Prices. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert f)RYDOCK AND SHIPYARD) Operating (J.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Ktc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385