25 TAXI and '. Boston Grill Ambulance Service) Anywhere at Anytime Stand Exchange liulldi MATT YIIJECK. Prop. . ( V 20:; RIGHT I n us as CHURCHILL TO BE NEW PORT i nrinrcr SuVM Cost of Makini? Terminal.'. Only Third of Port Nfl.son ,V. V Auk 30 That Churohlll ' be Miected affording a ; ;;. which shipping faelll- jir.ividsd m calm water. ' mi .til the stunns of llud-ii Ural couduaiou I Din the r i in of Frederick Palmer. i. m engineer, mi ww port ' lluuxon Bay. r wa engagei d the gov-upon the irutiv.- menu ii "inM and Por' NeUon and now nude puuuc Ik- say rrukuiK a port at Churchill inrd i ( the amount uui No.xim terminals. r r mi tj rr a ir hi a n bN V AY WAS AMONG VICTIMS ,'t Kwn lliifliim tin In 1'liif.tfinl In Hay and Men Clinging to Wreckage ;s. Nfid.. " m to the tonaulr.eta - Tnuraoajra. storm i ' ! he loss oi ue acnooner ! rrrw of six men. Over lust In the Placeatla Sevpra! boats were alghteri the bay Two man ware wrerkae of a rabetstaad wan impossible to fuhnix boata were lost U .issci. bank 1ST FAVORS AGE PENSIONS Hon, Pcler llenan Sayn Scheme ill lie in Operntion in Near Future WT.VNlPEi i Aim 30 Kncouraeed by ; ' !' ministers of the weat-ikc- iMvr given the propoaato tin l- .in of the federal old-age '-tu- Hon. Petal Hciian, mln- Ottawa predicted that 1 ' ilil be In operation In the wpstorn provtncea before veal and the old age pewaon bt m oeratlon in Brlt-:mli, itiitide of a month. BRITISHERTO PILOT PLANE Hinchcllffe to Have Charge of Columhln on Return to United Stales LKVINTI.' ltc t -ivt.' ---....,.4 j iiiiWiu rnOYDON. Enn.. Aug. SO. Charles A. announced today that Captain iinuif, a urituh artator, iwo Kic-tcd to pilot the monoplane "i'.iiui baric to the TTnitj-rf. kiiIm -M1 Who jenmn Hm. 1 ,I4K . ... -...v u(v i it " aabcri.un on the Columbia from New - ' Germany, astonished the world K :'-a.T ey suddenly taking off from "1. all:: riiln.iH.. . .i- i.wi.iiiK nn macnine arono to Kin LOCAL MAN NAMED MEMBER OF LABOR EXECUTIVE OF B.C. 3 Qllll atid Prank Derry. reprcsen " ui ';ne local Trade, ci ec uiuur Un convention of the Ubur Congress of Canada In "ii. returned to the cltv on ves afternoons train. At the meeting. L' ! appointed a member of ' c 'J'ive lor Bntlih Columbia which j 'it three members. It was de-iiniu the next congress in 'A a-jb . n CHICAGO CUBS BEATEN TWICE Lust Twn fin mew In f. nntu Vnu. terday Philadelphia Athle- tie Are Kunners-up NEW YORK. Aug 30. The l. irl!i; Chicago Cubs last bath game. doubtefceaoer to the Nw Yoru Gia;. In the National League yesterua) r: Loula Cardinal and Brooklyn rjodr.:i divided honor In a doubtebeader whd' the game between Pittsburg and Fli;i sdiphia was called at the end of tn mxth limning on account of rain win a scire of two all The Cardinal and I l'lrate are nuw tied for second place. Cincinnati Ked took both games of u doubtoneader from the UMtoti Bruins. Philadelphia Athletics made safe their hold on ecLnd place in the American League by defeating Detroit Tiger 6 to nil. The sweeping New York Yankees, now assured of the pennant, defeated St Loula Browns 84 while the lowly Hostonlan overwhelmed Cleveland 10 to 2. Lou Gehrig got hi forty-first hornet of she season when the Yankees beat Bt Louis tor the eighteenth time this year. Washington piaper drew for places In an eeTort to gat out of a thirteen- game losing streak with the result that Harris. Speaker, Hue! atts Blvist sat on the benches bat sain MtarnsMed ttie - sme wttta feW'w lawTIHH of cond Innlna with the Seaa tors leading two-one. Heaulta of the games were a follows: nation i, i.iani i: Chicago 7-1. Now York 8-4. Bt Lotus Brooklyn S-l. Cincinnati 4-6, Boston 3-. Ptttawurg 3. PJuladelphla 3. called end statu, rain. .tMKiucAN Liatin: New York BvW. Lotus 8. Boston 10, Otevetand 3. rblladslpMa 8. Detroit 0. ChtOMo-W4bJitec rain. I.KAdl Ii MAMUM1S National Inline W. L. Pet. OMnago 18 49 rtttaburg 66 49 Ml Bt. Louis 68 49 Ml Nw York .89 M JS79 Cincinnati S4 88 AH Brooklyn 81 69 .410 Boston tO 68 .434 Philadelphia ..... 44 77 MO Anirrlruii league New York ....T. 88 37 .704 raUadelptuK 71 83 .873 Detroit 68 58 Washington 86 87 jm Chicago 69 64 .479 Cleveland 86 70 .440 Bt. Louis 47 78 .336 Boston 39 84 317 BETH NUTIIALL IS PLAYING TODAY IN THE TENNIS FINALS Sixteen Year lltil (llrl Won Itljlit to Meet HHrn Willi by lleiitlnr .Mr. Cliupln POIIBBT IltLLB. N.Y.. Aug. 30. Miss Betty Nuthall, the sixteen year old English girl meet Helen Wills In the final of the United States women championships tortay. baring won that right by defeating Mrs. S. H. Chapln in the semi-finals yesterday 0-1, 4-6, 6-3. Helen Wills defeated Helen jacooa 0-0. 6-3. VANCOUVEK EXCHANGE Bid. Asked ' 1140 1.55 "IS 15.00 00 10.50 .60 .67 -i .OOK ,H .19 .07 ,07V, .0814 jm .0814 ,04 .0614 ai si-, ,J0'a .13 230 3.43 ;31 22 .16 33 .05 .0014 J3' 23 .73 4 'MI -i.U' B.C. Silver Coast Copper Dunwell O lacier Gladstone Independence Indian L. and L. Leadsmtth Luoky Jim Marmot Metals Premier Porter Idaho Richmond Sliver Crest Silversmith eunloch Northern and ail PROSPECTS rUINCt; m m i a ana u ! l.DY DIANA MANNERS Engluh beautv. who sik reed n. an actress. POSTMASTER AT STEWART DEAD . C. Cameron Succumbed to Heart Attack While Engaged in Household Task Last Night Word was brought to the city on the steamer Cat la today af the . sudden Uam C- Oameroa. poatmastr and ous- tonrf orfJosr He StsCtrhdVMBlil'nis home spparanU to a haart attack whlls engaged In repair work about the house. The latMr. Cameron went to Stewart in the early days of that camp and was wUMy known throughout the north. He was the first Government Telegraphs telephone agent there. He was married and, besides hsi widow, is survived by a family. Funeral arrangements had not been announced when the Catala left Stewart. INQUEST ON FIRE RANGER INVERMERE. B.c A coroner's Jury last night found that Roderick Munro. assistant tire ranger, kled near here on Saturday, oame to his death from a bullet presumably fired by William Morpeth, an aged and eccentric recluse. Munro la u posed to have spoken to Morpeth about a small fire he had started and the hermit apparently resented the Inquiries. FLOATING CANNERY GOING TO JEDWAY Kiimertlllr Cannery Co. Will I'se Liiurrl Wlialen a Kuttrry fur lint of SruMm The Somervllle Cannery Co.' floating cannery Laurel Whalen. which has been operating at Barnard Cove down the coast from here since the talmon season opened. Is now being towed by the tug St. Faith to Jsdway. at the south end of the Queen Charlntte Islands, where she will be Used as a saltcry. Tug and tow at 8 o'clock last night were reported tc ba In Carmano Sound. CRUISED TO ALICE ARM IN SMALL BOAT Mr. anil Mrs. J. W. MrAiilry Home Allrr rieuviint lilglit-tlay Trip North Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McAuley are back from a pleasant .eight-day omlse as far north as Alice Arm on their 31-foot cabin cruiser Dolphin. The first day Out they made Qulnemass Bay near the mouth of the Naa River, continuing the next to Alice Arm where piey spent four days visiting with Mrs. McAuley's brother. William Stephen. Coming home a stop of a day was made at Anyox and then on to Warke Canal via Kin eolith where last Saturday a big native wedding was being held with a thousand or more Indians from all parts the Naas Valley in attendance. A call was also made at Port Simpson Iwfore returning home Sunday night. AtM-rtise u; Th Dally News PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper Ul'PEKT. B.C.. fKsDAY. AUGUST ;!0, 1027 FOR RUPERT v av av m m l art m FISH ARRIVALS I HEAVIER TODAY Tntnl of 206,000 Pounds of Halibut Sold at Kxchange This Morning A total of 209,000 piunds of halibut wa- told at the Fisrf Exchange, -the ar- r.vau nm being mrtly Awer(n boats which landed 184.000 pound fui bids ranging from l'iir and tr u, i.i a and tic Two Canial'an vrsel- i. 33.000 pounds for 12,1c and 6t and U.U and Sc. I Arrivals and silea ye're an folliws AMtltKAN Western. 43JM0 po4..d.,. Paiifi' Pis ertcs. liLfic and 6S. Coostltut: n. 49jO90 pmnds. Atlln Pur nies. 11 Be and Atlai. 81.000 pou4f. Booth Fisheries 2ii and Be. A!.uUn. bf) A jOUBds. Canadlan Fish A Ciid Storage Co.. 2.7r and 6c J. P. 1 Kid II.. 10W pounds. Booth Fjhcrlev 13 and )c. Daly. 16.000 pou4. Canadian Flab cV C'ld Stcrage Co.a'13c and 6c. . CANADIAN Kalen. 13.000 pounfls. Canadian Ftsh & C' id Storage Co.. 12.4c and 6c. Inpred H . 1).000 pounds, Atlln Fisher- lea. 12.6c and 6c. LONG SWIM Preparations Complete for Toronto .Marathon Young and Summers Favorites TOIION'TO, Aug. 30. l'rrMiratloni for the g.Vl.lKMi Kwlniinltig marathon here tomorrow lire pructk-ally com plr'trd. Onircr Young, svilnunrr of huuta Catullna Cliannel, hait asked for Number Thirteen and, ait nobody else kerin anxious for it, he will probably get It. Byron hummers of California Is eprtrd lo give the loot I boy a battle for the honor In the big raer. Competitor must Hear bathing Milts at the start but may discard them In the water. IHXKN WHXN IS TENNIS CHAMPION BEAT BETTY MTII.M.I, FORK6T HILLS. Aug. 30. Helen Wills defeated Betty Nut-tall, the sixteen year old English girl 6-1. 6-4. in the finals of the United States women's tennis championships today. DISTRICT ENGINEER FOR FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERE With J. P Forde. district engineer for the federal department of public works on board, the departmental cruiser Wal-ronda arrived In port at 330 yesterday afternoon from Victoria. Mr. Fordo stated that he was merely on a trip of departmental inspection. Eight days were taken in coming up the coast and calls were made at various points. Tomorrow morning, departure will be made for Skagway. Mr. Forde being on his way to the Yukon. Mrs. Forde is accompanying him. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL KMH.ISII I.i;.(H X. IHv. I. Birmingham 3, Huddersfleld 1. Leicester 3. Sheffield 1. The Wednesday 0. Manchester U. 2. Division .II. Blackpool 1, Oldham 3. Clapton 2. Southampton 0. Leeds 3, Barnsley 2. Manchester City 7, Swansea 4, Notts Forest 7, Fulham 0. Preston 4, Hull City 3. MOKEPATII AltltKHTKIl INVERMERE. Aug. 30 The name of the man arrested in connection with the shooting to death of a fire ranger i '" ' Wll'i '-ii Morepa'li m qli "s, aw ai mm jagsssflssssV ssaHlaK eSaassssssssH IgsssssssssssB PRINCE8 MESSENGER. Frank V'nren: of Empress of Australia, diminutive bellhop, waits on prince ALASKA SALMON FISHING ENDS Will Not He-open This Year Says Commissioner O'Malley SEATTLE. Aug. 30. While Oovernor Hartley was reported to be considering the advisability of extending the salmon i fishing season on Puget Sound slmul-1 taneously with the order reopening fishing off the west coast and Queen Charlotte Islands. Henry O'Malley, United States Fisheries Commissioner, declared that the Alaska season had cloeed to stay. He said he took no stock in re ports of belated gigantic runs. TRAGEDYON TILLAMOOK Man Found on Hoard Well Known Vessel with Throat Cut VANCOUVER, Aug. 30. With his throat slashed, an unidentified Italian wys found dead this morning on board the fish carrier Norco. formerly the Tillamook, which recently arrived here from Ketchikan. He had been, taken on at Seattle. FATHER AND SONS DROWNED IN STRAIT PORT ANOELES. Aug. 30. Henry Mc-Kelvle and two sons. Philip aged 16, and Oe'Ttrr 8. were drowned In the Strait of Juan de Fuca last night when an Indian canoe is which they were fishing upset. LECTURE BY COLONEL McLEAN INTERESTING "lorty Vrars Arross Canada With Salvation Army" Is Title "Forty years across Canada with the Salvation Army" was the title of an interesting address given last night In the local citadel by Col. J. B. McLean of Vancouver, divisional revivalist of the Army for Western Canada. There was a good sized attendance and Capt. Sto-bart presided. Sergeant Major J. ,Sto-bart of Nanalmo, father of the local commandant read scripture and the meeting was opened and closed with prayer by Rev. W. F. Price, pastor of First Baptist Church. Col. McLean, who has been In the north for the past three weeks, sails this afternoon by the Cata.la on his .return to headquarters in Vancouver. Dan Llndcborg, well known pioneer mining locator of the Portland Canal district, is a passenger on the Catala today bound from Stewart to Vancou- av h a-i n ih i vm PROSPECTS FOR FAIR BRIGHT Exhibition Hoard Makes Final Arrangements for Hig Show Next Week at Meeting Last Night Optimism with regard to prospects tor the success of lite annual Prince Rupert Exhibition next week pervaded a meeting of the Fa r Board last night when considerable time was spent In arrang ing final details for the big event. Pre- i j:a'. .:t Frank Dibb was In the chair and j director present were Dan Jabour, S. E Parker. Bert Morgan. Ben Best. Oeorge j B Caey. Joe Brcwn. Olof Hanson, W. F Vance and Aid. O. P. Tinker. Tlit. report of the finance committee wax of particular inteiest. Whereas the year was started off with obligations tctalllug M.764 due ..ju.e seventy ersdl- tors, the board :hw hat only seven creditors with claim totalling IS60 ! Very shortly. , it u ex;ected. that these last of outstanding accsunts from 1326 '.li be liquidated. Oood response was reported to hare been met In canvass for funds and. If nly weather Is favorable, the board has no doubt of ending the current year on the right side of the ledger. The board set its schedule of price for the gate to the various feature of this year's Fair. The charge to the Stamr-ade wUl be 11.00 tor adults and i 50c for children. There will be sn extra ' charge of 38c for certain grandstand seats. To see the Stewart-Prinoe Rupert baseball gsmes It will cost 50c while ' the charge to all other games, including Gllhuly Cup football, will be 26c. Entrance charges to the building will re- : main the same as last year 25c for , adults and 10c for children. Pro- grams will also be sold. A letter was read from II. P. Hill offering to stage in Prince Rupert an historical Diamond Jubilee of Confedera- tion pageant similar to that which was j put an at the Vancouver Exhibition. As ! it would be impossible to stage this un- . til after the Fair. It was decided to iro ' further Into the project which would require some 300 or 400 local people to participate. LEADING MINING MEN WILL VISIT RUPERT Delegates Yrom Empire Mining & Metallurgy Conference Will be Here Next Mont h Following the Triennial Empire Mining & Metallurgy Conference, which opened I in Montreal last wees: ana is noiaing sessions in various principal cities of Canada, a number of delegates to that important gathering, which has attracted mining men from all parts of the world, will visit Prince Rupert next month. They will arrive from Vancouver by Canadian National steamer on the morning of September 17 and proceed that night to Anyox. where they will inspect the smelter and mine, returning tc the city on the Sunday evening following and proceeding east by train the next day. Preparations are being made both here and at Anyox for the reception of the dtetlngutshed visitors. INSPECTOR TOWNSEND DEAD IN A BATHROOM REGINA, Aug. 80. Inspector Town-send of the RjCMP. was found . dead, shot with a-service revolver In his -bathroom today. A verdict of "accidental death," was returned by the coroner's Jury. WKATIIKK KEI'OUT Prince Rupert. Raining, light southeast wtnd: temperature. 54. Terrace Cloudy, calm. temp. 55. Rosswood Cloudy, oalm. temp. 54. Alyatuh Cloudy, calm. temp. 54. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm. temp. 56. Anyox Cloudy, calm. temp. 58. Stewart- Cloudy, calm. temp. 66. Hazel ton- -Cloudy, calm, rain during night, temp 56 Telegraph Creek -cloudy calm, temp. 50. Smlthers Cloudy, calm. temp. 52. Burns Lake- -Cloudy, calm. temp. 53. l A .: mi iu The Oa:!y News Larue Uptalr Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 457. Price i'ive Cents FAIR mm wr- w an n FEW NAMES IN POLITICAL POT Question of Leadership of Con hervative Party Being Discussed in East TORONTO. Aug. 30. The question ot who. s to be ehoecn tor the Conservative leadership is Mill aglUMng the people In this part of Canada. It was recently stated In Winnipeg that a loader had been agreed upon and that the man chosen "might be described as s westerner." This has made the doubt greater than ever. The term would never have been used for Hon. R. B. Bennett, who is cut and out western. The general feeling here Is that Hon. Hugh Guthrie will win out but Sir Henry Drayton. Hon. Bob Rogers, and Charles A. Magrath. chairman of the Ontario Hydro commission, have all been mentioned. VANCOUVER IS GIVEN FRIGHT Humbling and Ilattlings Make People Hush From Their Homes to Streets -VANCOUVER. Aug. 3tAecompanied by a plainly audible rumble, a shock of mysterious origin shook houses and other buildings and rattled windows, dishes and furniture In greater Vancouver area last night. It was of short duration and Investigation failed to reveal the cause. No damage was reported. When the rumbling was heard many people rushed Into the streets from their homes. Office buildings also felt the rumble, which apparently was of local character. ASKING FOR QUARANTINE Epidemic at Trail and Hossland Causes Alarm at Neighboring City ROSS LAND. Aug. 30. Two more cases of Infantile paralysis have been reported here and another possible case la under observation. NELSON. Aug. 30. The city council will apply to the provincial board of health for quarantine for Trail and Rossland In which the Infantile paralysis epidemic Is claiming a number of victims. The application Is made In the Interests of the health ot residents ot the Nelson district. APPEAL NOTICE Court of Appeal will be Asked for Change of Venue for Second Trial VANCOUVER. Aug. 30. Notice of appeal has been given by J. E. Bird on behalf of Joseph Sankey charged with murder at Port Esslngton last year of Miss Loretta Chit holm from the order of Mr. Justice Marrlson refusing to allow a change of venue for the re-trlaL It will be again argued before the court of appeal that Sankey would be prejudiced by the trial at Prince Rupert and that the trial should take place either at Vancouver or New Westminster. EARLY RE-OPENING OFUU FISHING ON ISLANDS OFFICIALLY DENIED The report that salmon fishing would reopen Thursday on the west coast of Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Islands seems to be Incorrect. Neither Major J. A. Motherwell, chief Inspector of fisheries or Adam Mackle. the local Inspector, knew anything of it. They atlte that fishing win be resumed on the Queen Charlotte Island as is other parts of Oniric. N- J on September t at 6 pjn. tub