8;; -rdav. January 8, 192? A PERFECT DIAMOND 9 eassajjBaajssssaawaajis. of sparkling brilliance If you are planning to purchase a diamond for yourself, or the engagement rjnjfi we invite you to consult us, A an authority of precious .tones, your purchase from in, if a diamond, is your assurance of getting the best Our selection of diamonds are set in beautiful mount- liu nf latest iloalirna tar. feet diamond In a range at f23.00, J.10.00, $12..00, and $130.00 TOHNfiULGER i (Jewellers SALE NOW IN rui.1. SWIM, E? LLWZ STOKE Willi THE CLOCK Closing : Out I .Many Ilargnln in COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT UdirV Heady-to-Wear Third Ate. Phone 631 lRTO ECONOMY-RICMfl, .THIS WAY-CIVS. USYOUOOROtR wtnouT ' petAV -y v 1 piece of our coal ii t ie to Economy. It shows nvt you can get more ' ut of every on you It has a saving tendency to keep you headed ' Sard a cheerful home k h' Ut increased cost NAXA1.MO WKI.I.IM.TON and AI.IIEKTA SOOTI.ESS CO A liS Albert & McCaflery Phone IIC nnd 117 'Pernors" January Clearance SALE NOW ON Phone 27. P.O. Hox 32'. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cnrtnffe, Warehousing, nnd Distributing- Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel, We Specinlire In Plnno nnd Furniture Moving.' ftlARKET BUREAU HERE PROPOSED It. It. .Ml MlO, Of MMI hKTTLKMKNT IIOtltM, UUilM (O.OI-HtATKtS ! m:ri.i: mty deamkn ami i IMHIMOIl I'ttlllll tMCH ! Sutitt( the establishment of a marketlnf bureau In connection with th Prince Rupert Board of Trade s ( one means of beneficial cooperation between the dealeri In the city sod the producer in the adjacent agricultural mmeu or the itterVar. Duncan D. llurtro. district repreaentetive of the Land Settlement Doard with headquarters at Bmtthers. spoke briefly at the annual meeting of the local Board of Trade laat rugbt. OocrfratulaHnc the retiring president on the manner In which the work of the board had been despatched during '.he put year. Mr. llunro declared that in the t write months there had been quite a etoasge of feeling for the better on the part of the interior farmers to -ward the City of rrtnrt Rupert. There was Mill, however, a great deal to be done in order to estaollah the right letting between the producers of the district and the dealer of the city and give each s fair show. There was still discrimination which worked to the disadvantage of both partleuiarly In the matter of price. To remedy this, by cin eo,operattoo. a flsed basis might , be eatabtMbed for produce oomlsvf le -he c:iy II the Board of Trade eatab ! llshed a marketing committee or bureau it would be possible to set market prices Then the farmers would know ; what they were going to get and price I rutting would be largely eliminated in .ue'clty Such a bureau would provide ! reliable Information for both producers and dealer to that they might deal on proper grcubda This would go a long way toward removing nsmnoerttandiaws between Use people of the city and the country. Ur. Uunro alto espreseed the belief that prodtsoe should be bought on grade instead of haphazard as In the past. Tnis would be swttatactory to the aroaueei i and uve aonouintri would be permitted to buy according to value. Mr. Monro felt Usat the proposed As sociated Hoard of Trade for Central DrltMl OolumWa would be of great a aiautoce to the district generally. He urged the Prtne Rupert Bsard. however wtssn the interior peeps would not be i to busy. Appro lag the Mrs of a marketing bureau President Pulton wonder id II It w uM not be posmble 10 pubrtah whole-ale produce, prices here as was done In ' aiiro-n r: TH0RNT0N0N TOURIST RATE irii,H hut niiMi: iitriuT m mi Ki:to TO COMM.A1N ur rKii;vT i.tr. or run: iiuiti i:tTiuv tu I Ttzt Prises Rypcrt has r-assa b-satisfied with the present summer ex- curs son fares from Eastern Canada and that further agitation on lass matter 'may lead to a more advf.se rather than s more favorable scale waa the opinion submitted by Sir Henry Thorn I ton. president of tte Canadian National Railways. In a letter read before the Hoard of Trade last night. Sir Henry gave assurance that It wai his desire' in every wsy possible t contribute to the growth and development of Prince Rupert a a trade and travelling centre but he bad gone Into this matter pretty thoroughly and he could not see where anything wss to be gslned by pursuing the subject further. The Causdlan National was unable to dictate to United State railways in connection with the agreement on thea rates Already the same rates were offered to Prince Rupert over the trans, continents! from the East as o Van-rouvrr and Peat tie and (pedal Induce-menu were made to have tourists take the water voysges north kftd south of Prince Rupert The "Trlsngle Tour" wss becoming Incresslngly popular and was drawing the attention of tourists to Prtnce Rupert Sir Henry felt that the present rstes were to the best sd-vanue of the city PRINCE RUPERT IS ASKED REGARDING PUBLICITY FUND A communication fwm Hon T. D. Pattullo announcing that the government was favorably disposed to co-oper- ate with the request made by er and Victoria Hoards of Trsde for s grant pt gaa.000 for publicity purposes and saking If Prtnes Rupert desired te n.i.iAin.1. (. mow fimrf bv maklnc I WV 1 . V ... ' H - Iths spproprlstion necessary to receive Their teeth are of a t'sh ns which msUssthemholJ Ihrlr keen rutting edgs miller every usage. aiMONOS CAHAO SW CO. tvo. MONTR SAW VAMCOUVSR. ST. . H.a, TUKONTV 7HS DAILY KET73 PAGE FIVE Paris 5 Bonds (LOAN OF 191S) Tli:rOirXIKNI City of Paris 5 nocdsotlfilO. WE We advise the immediate purchsvaej of tin-' Hin'-ies which tnsy now l louiht t a fraftion of their normal rtchinge Value. 's''-' These bonds are ysUo in French money (francs). ut as Canadian muriWpsl and Amerkran niuiuc-ipal bonds are paj-s!le in Canadian money (dollars) and Amt'iican money (dollars). French moixy (francs) bceausn of the conditions arirfng out of tln grwit war. is cheap irf lenni tit (Janadian or American money. Hence! these City of Pans bonds are slxt cheap 'n U-rms of dollars. IMore Hi) war FrencJi flwemment or Municipal Hand were quoU-d at lr, The French investor iaid 10.0U1J francs for a lO.OOO-fmnc bond. Ik-fore the war French money or French francs were worth tlw-ir full gold value. The Ir value of the Fnwh franc is l'J-3 cents in terms of Canadian or American money. ConiuenUy More the war 10.W French francs were worth Jl.OTttOO in a dollar eunfnry. Today the Fn-nch franc is eonrfdprablv ietow par. It is worth around 4 cnts. ConsMiuently lO.WW Frtm-b francs are worth sruuui $400 W) in a dollar eum-ncy today. A few months ago the frane was worth only l.UI renU; then 10.UX) francs were worth xdy Illfl.lXl. Hut the franc is reeovmng rapidly. Its value is inerVa-injr. It is becamiiie dearer in twins of a dollar currency. Tie total amount ut the City of Paris & loan of 1910, the bonds of which we reeomin-nd to far-slvhtcd investors, was issuid in denominations of .WO fraaes. In other words all the txinds that make up tb Ixuin are fXSJ-frsne londs. City of Paris bonds are not quoted at par at the rwnt time- Thereore to buy 10,000 francs 1-e. twenty TnV franc bonds, in the h Ixjsu of 1919 the investor does not have to y the exchange value of 10.UO0 traces French money. In the same manner as Canadian and American fSnv-rn-Blent s-curiti-s wre a few years ago quoted lie-low r. these Paris bond arc now at-lling below par in Paris. Not locf agu a Canadian Oovtrnment V .etory bond was quoUl at vH"t. In o'Akt words a SlOOJ-bond could le bought for rjjatxjL Paris bonds are soling around 70 of tbeir par value ' A .VlVfrane bond costs about 3-V) francs. Twenty .'. XV frsne bonds or a u&it of 1U.UUI) francs then-fore eot 7. f ranci At the present time we are K-llinj; City of Paris Z bonds of 1919 at the rate of $14.00 pes- iOO-franc bond. The price, cf twenty WXMrane bonds is then fore 210a These tionds are expeeted to go to par in terms of francs More very long owing to the iisrresuiDg demand, la tlat vw.t twaty SttMause beais 5H haw tV-same valus as 10.UJ0 francs Freneh money. The frane should etl at .Scents within the rwarfulsn-. The value of 1 (!,( J fmnos Fnach money UI tiwc Ut 1300.01 Etw investment of 32flL00 in Paris Lord made today will show a set profit of S22U0Q. From S cents per frane to 10 cents ir franc will I- a natural step. The vslue of 10.000 francs will tlnen be SI.UJ0.OU. Tseaty 50(Mrane City of Paris bonds wW be worth SI.OOOlUO Today the same number a' bonds may be bought for SZ'O.OO. Kvwy invertment made today will show a net profit vt 1711 WJ when the frane is at 10 cents. At 15 rents it frane the vshr of a 500-fraw I"aris bond quoted at par will l S7&.oa Twenty SuWrane bonds will be worth SIOOUl Today twvnty JUJ-frane bonds ran tie bought for $U1UX and this invest ment will therefore show a net profit of JliiUJ shea the frane is worth If. rents. When the franc is again at par it will be worth IM rents, consequently every 500-frar I"aris bond quotol at par (oUJ francs per 500-franc bond will be worth t'.m.iJ. Every investmeut oisw a lur prmui pffc will bare iDcntased in value by 7K2.S0. City of Paris 5' bonds are Bilt-edge municipal securities, Vccal iMrrmeiii ir Imsl JuhJm and son; touts in Fros iust a City oT Toronto aad City of Montreal bonds in Canada, and City of New York and City of Chicago lionds in the United States, are legal investments for trust funds and savings bank. listed on the Tirimipal stock exchanges in France and traded in throughout the financial centres of the world. City of l"aris bonds always find a ready market. TIk-v ran be sold again instantly for spot cash at any time through our bouw-. We noummend City of laria 5 ft bonds not only for the opportunities for profit wlflch they present, but also tiecause of the attractive interest income they return. This interest is paid by means of rouions which ctm be cashed at any bank in the world at the prevailing rate of exchange. I Every twenty 600 franc bend (IfXttM francs) rf the. City of Paris 5yi Loan return an interest income 600 . francs jct annum. This interest is paid nerni-annually,: ; 550 francs on February' 1st and 2.W franco on August 1st. . ; As the valoe of the frane ries Uiei interest, coupons, ; also incn in value, thus giving investors a larger yield on the original investment. ( The InU-rest eoujwns ran U runwrted into American or Canadian money at any tank in North America. We rash interest coupons for clients without charge. Another exceptionally attractive feature of these bonds is the provision for tho payment of various bonuses at the drawings w hich take place six times a year until the loan has been completely ndeemed (10S0). Thiwn who have their bonds redeemed with any of the major bonuses will find themselves made comparatively wealthy through their investment of a few dollars today. These bonuses are fully dewriU-d elsewhere. '1 hat Uie French frane will return to its old gold value of 19J rents or S 1,930.00. er 10,000 franca is the contention of many of Franco's most prominent statesmen and financiers. An ex-premier has said "Tlie frsne sill ImproNe loly but surely liko the wine of our country." ssslaUnre was read at last nigh fa Board of Trade meeting and referred to the publlcttv and finance committee. A reply has been sent to Mr. Pattullo atatlng that the question will tie tsken up by this Tear's board and suggesting that the city council be communicated with on the matter. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INSTEAD OF BOARD OF TRADE NAME SUGGESTED Letters were rrad at last night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Hoard of Trade from the London (Canada) Doard of Trade and the Canadian Doard of Trade submitting the proposal that, In line with the custom of all other English j spcakins countries in the world, Uoards bf Trade In the Dominion should be known, instead, as Chambers of Com- j meres. Such a Changs In name, it waa j suggested, would tend to remove con- j fusion on the psrt of foreigners as to ; the purposes of these bodies. The Csnsdlsn Doard of Trade asked ' that an opinion be expresaed aa to which or .the three following names was favored tor the Dominion body: First, Canadian Chamber of Commerce: second, Canadian Doard of Trade; third, Canadian Doard of Trade and Commerce. After aome discussion. It wss decided to refer the mstter to the legislative committee of the Incoming board . JTederlck William Leeper. C.N.R. division engineer, wss elected a membel of the Prince Rupert Doard of Trad last night. D. O, Stewart moving and W O. Fulton seconding that a Unanimous ballot be cast lu his favor. France Is now ptrroing a policy of deflation uhleh can have only one remit: a rWng exchange rate. Tim reeurw-rative powers if I lie r'n-nch peopts were well established after the Franco-Prussian war. Although burdened with huge indemnities Frane quickly put her financial house in order and md off all her oCUiralions. French Government bonds which had depreciated to 7 of their normal value during the period of depression, ratjidly reveml their losses and soared above par. TAey sriH i the tame again. The record of the exchanges of other countries In reeent J"ears substantiates ilm belief that great nations always recover from the eecnomic and finencial depree-ion caused by a war. AHOTNT OF kuNDS 1 2 3 4 5 10 "29 5 lie DENOMINATION'S 500 franc bond 500. franc bonds 500-franc bonds 500-franc bonds 500-franc bonds 500-franc bonds 500-franc bonds 500-franc-bonds 500-franc bonds 500-franc bonds NEW OFFICERS OF BAPTIST LADIES' AID TAKES PLACES At a largely attended meeting last night at the home of Mrs. Frank Morris, Second Street, 192T officers of the Duptls' Church Ladles' Aid were Installed as follows: President Mrs. 8. W. Hammond. Vice-president Mrs. Frank Morris. Treasurer Mrs. P. II. Llnrey. Secretary Mra. J. D. Thurber. Pianist Mrs. Lemon. Preas correspondent Mrs. Frank J. C. Schrrk waa a passenger on the Catala arriving last evening from the south, An Investment With Fortune-Making Possibilities CITY OF PARIS 5 we were to consider the Canadian twenty-five cent piece as the conn try's monetary unit, as has been done with the English shilling in the above illustration-. then we may say that the value of 10,000 Canadian twenty-five pieces has increased by $375.00 since the Armistice. The Swiss franc, the English pound, the Swedish krone, the Dutch guilder and the Danish krone have risen to par. The Spanish peseta, the Japanese yen and the Norwegian kror.e are quoted so close to par aa to make a purchase of them unattractive now. It will be admitted that France's losses In the late war were greater than those of any of the countries mentioned above, consequently the recovery of her money is taking longer, but there can be no doubt that 10.0U) French francs will again he worth $1,930.00. 5,960,000 FRANCS EVERY YEAR IN BONUSES One 500-franc Bond A Year h Redeemed At 1,000,000 Francs, ($50,000.00 With ' The Franc at 5 cents, $193,000.00 With The Franc At Par) MANY OTHER BIG BONUSES ARE PAID A YEAIt a portion of the City of Paris j Loan of 1919 is drawn for redemption at par, be. 500 francs TWICE pev fyJ-f ranc bond. t Sit times a year (Felmiary 22, April 22. June 22, August 22. October 22, December 22) a portion of this Loan " is drawn for redemption -nth bonuses. y The t-14e iUustrctes the bonuses pud every year. The figures at the left indicate the amount of 500-franc botids and those at the right the number of francs which will be paid on eaeh. 1 Bond will be redeemed at 1, 5 Bonds will be redeemed at G Bouds ill be redeemed at 0 Bonds will be redeemed at 24 Bonds s ill be ntieemed at 36 Bonds will be redeemed at 2,490 Bonds will be redeemed at ,000,000 francs. 200.000 francs each. lOW O francs each. 50,0 X) francs each. 10,000 francs each. 5,000 francs each. 1.000 francs each. Kvjry lond Is nuralered. and after each drawing takes place a list of bonds drawn to receive bonuses is pubaKidsa. We keep a ncord of all bonds sold by us. and in the event of client's bond being drawn, he is immediately advised. Th-) tortxne-Baking possibilities in Paris Bonds, beause of their bonus feature require little comment. With the : aac at only 5 eeeili the value or the 1.000.000-franc boaus would be $50,000.00. Yet a 5004ranc bond which conk, rwecive this bonus can bo purchased today for $14.00. fSneo tfc) Armistice the following recoveries in the rse (if varioui exchanges have Uken place: The value, of 10100 Spanish pesetas has increased by $0U.0i He velne of IttOOD Barbs fraaes h Increased by $430.00 : Tl vaJue of 10.000 ftegiish shillings but increased by The value of 10,000 Swtdkh krone has tn-reased bv $915.Jd. The vnlne of 10JXJ0 Duteh gu&rs has inn eased by 5I.02UOU The vain of .10,000 Japanese) yen has increased by Sl.lMirju Tho valce of 10.000 Argentine sos hit Incret-sed by $1,230.00. The vwIbo of 10,000 Danish krone bzs increased by 3l.30M.00 The vchie of 10,000 S'orwegxan krone has Increased by SM0Z.0U liven tVniaslisn dollars suffered a fairly styero depre-eiation Tter the war. If, for the purpose of illostraUon, During recent months the French Government has Instituted drastic deflationary measures. The floating debt is being consolidated. Notes in circulation are being eciwrtently reduced. The .Stale is making heavy repayments to the Bank of France. The natural result of these measures has been, and will continue to be, a rising rate of exchange for the French franc It is, therefore, a" question of time only before every 500-franc City of Paris bond will again be worth $90-60, or every twenty 500-franc bonds $1,930.00. We recommend City of Paris 5 bonds while they are a genuine investment bargain. The table below shows the present prices and future values of various units of I"aris bonds. These prices include every expense. Now, while they are ctiD comparatively low, is the tfane to buy these excellent securities. Use the order form provided. Sale will be confirmed upon receipt of order with remittance to cover amount of purchase- Bonds are forwarded by registered and insured mail. The present prices are subject to immediate acceptance. Invest in Paris bonds before thev are out of reach. We will advise you when yuu can sell and take your profits. BONDS OF TOTAL FACE PRESENT COST VALUE OF BONDS ( 500 francs) $14.00 ( 1,000 francs) 2S.00 ( 1,500 francs) 41.00 ( 2,C:o francs)! '. 54.00 ( 2,500 francs) 70.00 ( 5,000 francs) .140.00 ( 10.000 francs) 280.00 t 25,030 francs) 700.00 ( 50,000 francs) 1,400.00 (100,000 francs).. ........ 2.800.00 THE. INVESTMENT HOUSE OF 1A1A PRESENT PRICES AND PROFIT POSSIBILITIES VALUE OV BONDS (OtJOTEO AT PAR) with Frnxh Frinc advknrini to: K CENTS $40. SO. 120. no. 200. 400. 800. 2,000. 4,000. 8,000. W4Ue.4M. CORDASGQ COMPANY SPECIALIZING EXCLVSirUT IS FORlCX OOVBXXUEST ASD UVMC1PAL fiOXDS MARCIL TRUST BUILDING. MONTREAL 14 CENTS 292 ST. JAMES STREET CANADA ACCEPT VANCOUVER PORT WARDEN RATES AS COAST STANDARD A letter from the Vancouver Doard of Trade auggtatlng that the present port warden's fees at the aoutherif port be accepted ss the standard for all British Columbia ports was received by tbe Board of Trade last night and referred to the port committee. The opinion was expressed In the communication thst the rates referred to were equitable and might well be made to apply generally. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. nils arrived from the south on the Catala last evening and will continue to Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. Ellis Is In the employ of the Shannon Day cannery. $70. 149. 219. 2S0. 350. 700. 1,400. 3,500. 7,000. 14,000. rASt I' 3 irrs. IH.50 19J.M 289.50 386.00 482.50 965.00 1,930.00 4,825.90 9,650.00 19.300JO LAND ACT M . j cash I I enclose herewith accepted cheque f for $ ....In full payment for the purchase, from you ' ;i ' tmoney order J . of 500-frano bonds of the City of Paris 5 Loan of 1919, Stale amount of Sou-franc bonds required. . which you are to forward to me by registered and iiuured mall. Name.. Address. 1 1 t - 1 1 I 73 I NOTICE Or INTENTION TO API'LV TO to rrum.iKE land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, snd situate on the north shore of tbe South Arm of Tnsoo Harbor, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, rmviacs cf British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. D.C., occupation Marias Broker, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described landa: Commencing at a post planted on tbe north ahore of South Arm of Tasoo Harbor, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of British Col umbis. about S chains from the end of the Government trail; thence 10 ehslns northesstcrly; thence 10 chains northwesterly: tbsnc 10 chains southwesterly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, snd containing twenty (30) seres, mors or JAMES FIELD, Appllcsnt, Dated November 39, 1938.