iA(E TWO i j . . . , Only Fresh Tea Good "SALADA" minal. TEA Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. SPRING IS JUST AHOUNI) THE CORNER. TM Sealed air-tight. FresH and delicious. The Daily News . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. ' ' i Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince 'Riiperl Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. FridaS', Fob. 4, 1927 IS HUDSON BAY RAILWAY WISE?' The large expenditure proposed by the minister of railways to examine Hudson Straits as an outlet to the Atlantic Ocean from the partly completed Hudson Bay. Railway brings the whole project prominently into the limelight again. Manitoba is pretty solid for this road and it would be the nrovince that wnnM .ilmnat avi. r.i.. benefit. It is very doubtful, however, if the three western provinces, Ceng Spring is the time when all nature is busy and it Js a time In i every person's life when he is glad that he can see it and be in it j as wen. Human beings soon will be breathing in the very spirit of the vernal season radiated by all the animal and 'plant life around them.- It is in the springtime that mankind realizes most how little Carrying a big load ? SHREDDED WHEAT wiU lighten ii by insuring easy digestion and bodily sirength-crisp shreds of baked whole wheat DOCTOR KERGIN TELLS OF TRIP 1AVK IVmtESTIMi AltllltKSS HKtlllti: llOT.UlV U II AllOl'T JAUNT TO . C'.U.IFOKNIa Members of the especially cnusn uoiumuia, see much wisdom in the project. He re' 1 for, further irrigation tn this , ..,, me t-uiuujuoii journal conservative, says about it: area. Cotton was bem- harvested In celebrated with a dance In the I.O.D.E. There are insistent reports from Ottawa that the terminal of tne and he haa ."rni of very! Hall. . the Hudson Bay Railway will be changed from Nelson to Churchill. txtenslve return 10 tho;,e interested lni This morning Mr. and Mrs. Anderson The feeling has been growing that a serious mistake was made in!"1' enterP"- licft for Australia where they will choosing the former port and that, in spite of the laree outlav thati " From 8,11 D"g0, they contlnueI take up their 'residence. The bride's has already been made there4, it shnnM l nh.nJ. i11' Juan ,nd there tott Jame Mc- olc sway costume was a dress of the Rr.'tUh p!PPr. F.l.VL- P.lm ,.T... j " Muty. who seemed to be enjoying hi. rose . o--- f . u i wit. . an uuiiiiiiissiuiieii in nrps. winf. rt. w-.t. . f . . , vsuvs tv a ki vii aJatSV UU the Lite tigate conditions at Nelson, it was stated that it would not be partlcoast to San Diego they stopped at the of his duty to recommend for or against the retention of that ter-!beauUful Spanish Mission and the doc- uut u ne tind3 that it is impossible to establish one of ' a tor was '""pressed with the vision of proper character at that point or that a very much larger expendi- tne missionaries who had located there ture than has been contemplated will be necessary to secure that,ni1 endeaTorea t0 tMcn the youth not result, the government would not be justified in proceeding with the " only the sPnUh 1nu but to edu-nresent nlans ,cate them In various trades. Fresno was VIMTM) HOTAHY fl.l lis The doctor gave a few Impressions of available, and that they would be glad to. have Mr. Palmer inquire In almost every instance, he had list-into the respective, merits of the two ports. But the Manitoba Free 'enel t0 ytTJ lnt'resting and wonderful Press is constantly reiterating the cry that on no consideration :,ddress" b outstanding men . At should there be any alteration in the program. Vancouver an address was given by Pro- In an article this week headed "Port Nelson Without Delay " nT ff the ,?nt!V1erSltT ' BrlU4h that newspaper declares that if steel does not nJtA.-S fore the end of the present year the government "will be regardd as finest addresses to the Portland ciub having broken faith with the people of western Canada and must which the doctor had listened to for be prepared to take the consequences." If it is wavering, this is m "me. The subject under review said to be due to "lack of knowledge of the situation," though just for the day wai "Business Ethics" and what the lack is the Free Press does not explain. It adds that the 'the sPaker "rested the point that there administration "has no mandate to instruct Mr. Palmer or anyone sem'etl 10 " p"u'1 falUng la thf else to choose between the two ports" and that "the decision to go l? If.' werev expecttd ahead witti Port Nelson has long' since been endorsed by the people , me n IT??, . (Rotary in the business life of the com- u. This is all nonsense. The great majority of Canadians, it is munity today, quite clear, are very doubtful as to the wisdom of the who'e H.B.It. j Lo Angeles Rotary club had a mem-project. They certainly have not and will not endorse the spending be"hlP 01 about thre hundred and the of further large sums at Nelson if Mr. Maimer's report is of a char- addres 01 ne daT wa R'Ten by Cameron acter adverse to that terminal. Objection has often been taken toEfc!t 01 w,u 8tr"t' N'w Yort The "the practice of "the nl deal wlth rintnce but representing, people of western Canada" as de.,dfdhre6,,11, raising money for club It teemed to the doctor purposes that all merce. IMPIlEsMONs (lAIVKIl and the Spring, most beautiful of all seasons, is just arbuhd the corner. !Amerlcan club ere ver' tror on mt Soon the air wil be scented w th the redolent fragrance of! Z ..Z mun"" the trees and flowers. The birds will be returning t&&Sm ITS .t'tttZ ','" iiviucn, muru wun new me anu new energies ana preparing fortheir- summer sojourn. Their songs of greeting will be heard from every direction. The trees will be bursting into bloom for the glorious month to come. he understands nature and her phenomena. And it is in this season .'the secretary of the chamber of com inat many men, women and children awaken to an insatiable desire to learn the secrets of the great out-of-doors. Thoreau differed from millions of others only in the degree of his nature-loving. Nature in her new dress soon will be luring people out of their snug homes into the open. Some will respond with fishing rods, others with flower baskets, others with cameras and still others with walking sticks. But all will answer the same call. When spring is just around the corner humanity experiences that Referring to various Impressions gained l en the trip, the doctor spoke very ap- j preclatlvely of the welcome accorded the j tourist , and the excellent cervices ren- j dered. He had found It necessary to stop en route for minor services at garages some of which were far re-1 same thrill of happy but anxious anticipation which children feel onimoved from the dtiea. Not in one in Uinstmas eve and the day before the last day of school. towns visited was Bakersfleld. 130 milts north of Los Angeles, a place of about 60.000 people, altuated In the centre cf the oil district. The club was smaller than some and welcomed visitors in the accustomed gracious manner. .Here the speaker was a bank man and gave an address on the assumption by the American Bank of trusteeship for estates. A hospitable club at Centralis. Washington, listened to an address by stance had be been overcharged and In ievery ca the motto "Service with a jBmlle" seemed to be lived up to. The courtesy shown him had been very (generous and he had reflected on whether the general public was not , overtaking the motto of Rotary, i Another noteworthy thing to ths 'mind of the speaker was. the wonderful facilities provided by a motor car. It ;had become common-place to many but the experiences of such a trip served to emphasize the part played by the i motor car in the life of the country. Inhere seemed to be a certain individual-; ky about every community, Just as each Individual had a different personality. I No two places wtesned to bethe tame ac- ; cording to the doctor who gave this as his concluding Impression. In closing, the speaker spoke of the wonderful public spirit In th various! communities and forecasted wonderful I development tn Prince" Rupert if that' spirit was cultivated here. Nothing! oouid stop growth here If there wai unity and no lines of cleavage and the ' doctor was very optimistic aa to the out j 'look for the future, 1 VRts 1) AIL'S haws! Friday. Febr... WERE MARRIED 1 LAST EVENING MISS li.OKK.MK JOY IIKCOMKS imuti: ok o. AMit:nso at lEIiilMONV IN I'AKKN'TS' I ;J. " . IIO.MK ' s Rotary Club and . visitors listened with a great deal ofi A "pretty -and Interesting wedding took Interest yesterday to Rctarlan W. T. place at 7.30, last evening at the home Kergln's account of his recent motor ; of the bride's parents, . Mr. and Mrs. trip from Vancouver to California on Jack Joy. 549 fclnth 'Avenue WestJ which he was accompanied by Mrs. Kerjhen Miss Florence Joy was united Jft gin. his mother, Mrs. W. H. Kergln, and marriage to a. Anderson of Ireland, his daughter Margaret. Interspersed j the ceremony bejng performed by Arch-with numerous anecdotes In regard to deacon Q. A. Rfx. the motor traffic In the southern repub-. The bride .wore a beautiful gown of 11c and complimentary references to the pale orchid,, georgette decorated with excellent -highways which he found diamond and stiver ellecta and silver everywhere, the doctor described ttvj metallic hat with footwear to match, several cities visited .and detailed hit She carried, a bouquet of pink roses Impressions of the various localities. He and carnations. The bridesmaids were had found It to be a very good tlnv Miss AUta Johnson and Miss Marjorle fcf a trip of this nature as the roads ' Joy who wore pretty costumes of ere excellent with very little snow any- mauve taffeta and peach canton crepe, where although the road at one place with silver bandeau respectively and was 4,500 feet above sea level. In Call- carried appropriate bouquets. I fornla the weather was fine and sunny , The bride was given In marriage by( with the thermometer not recording ex- j her brother Jack Joy. and the groom cestlve heat or cold. was attended bv William Love. The After a short Btay In San Francisco. ' groom's gifts to the bridesmaids were I Dr. Kergln motored to Los Ancelei dawn 1 an onvx rlne and brooch and to the the coast route and while there had j groomsman, a set of cuff links. I teen several former local people. From Following .the" -marriage ceremony, a; Los Angeles they proceeded down the reception was' held where numerous and famcus Imperial Valley which was a costly gifts were displayed. The bride's desert until irrigation had made it pos- Smother wore a gown of crushed violet slble to grow. Immense crops. The lrrl-j crepe with back satin and corsage of gatlon of this valley was accomplished by j pink carnations and freeslas. In the j bringing water back from Mexico and midst of relatives and friends, the at present there was a proposition before toast to the bride was proposed by rcss for the construction of a dam Archdeacon" Rlx. the groom responding Immense . suitably. The occasion was further! corded satin and hat to match with French veloui ' coat trimmed with opossum fur. Congratulations snd best wishes of many friends will be extended to the happy couple. The bride la particularly well-known, having resided here since early girlhood. She has been a mem ber of the municipal telephone depart- A mpmhp'v nf th oal.lno Aftv,m.. Motherwell, ii t i . tnen vl4lte anl the usual fine weatherhnent staff for the pas', few years. niSSk fl a strong believer in iprevalled there which the brother V permitted trip groom, who 1. a of Mr,, thP f the possibilities of the H.B.R., p has the expressed view that Nelson to be enjoyed to the fullest extent. biiuuiu never nave oeen seieciea. une wouia think that all who are ; anxious to have the enterprise succeed would be in favor of whatever' terminal wus iouna ine most suitable by the best expert opinion 'the various Rotary clubs he had visited ESCAPES GRAVE The R. J. McCarthy, McCarthy. Fifth rifth Aver.ue Aver.ue East, East, cam came out from the Did Country a year or so ago. STAR NARROWLY INJURY IN FALL Wild llr4 1'iiyats lllin While Screen ing glaring Mlrrlrrhae fur "Amateur irntlemaii," Current Vrtliulnie Ira I lire "The Amateur Oentleman," Richard Barthelmess' latest Inspiration First National release, showing at the West-holme Theatre tonight and tomorrow. Is a romantic and adventurous cinema tale teeming with spectacular situations and offering the star great op- oprtunltlea for heroic buccaneering and intense love making. One of the highlights of the picture is a great steeplechase, for .which a genuine course was built and pro- mandinir thp rltrrvinif nut nf tho nnliVv ihn St f.n, f.. I " 4l iA , ?. . "-"'o. jJiuuduij improving the condition of the American Ifesslonal riders employed. XUny hun- he part of the astern provinces j there is larger no demand for; boy. The speaker was on leave of .b-ired of people take part m this ene. the completion of the railway, let alone for construction to Nelson isence and was addressing dubs1 andla"i w tt Dick himself rides a reckless at anj cost, schools in California. Riverside Clublrce that is said to make the trtdl- hsd many Interesting and novel ways of tlonal hair aa:id on end. It u In this situation that Barnabas Beverly Barty AN INVISIBLE SHIELD AGAINST INVISIBLE FOES The foes are countless crms that lurk on the many objects you touch, every day, that other lunds have touched. The invisible shield is the antiseptic auality released in creamy Lifebuoy lather that makes such objects harmless to you .... And there is no better Toilet Soap for general use. "T7GIRM diseases ths hwU." -Lift Exleniu iMlirtt LB78 LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects LcverBrUhcrj limikdTuronlo which Ioav ever sine been thank iul and I very toon felt some relief, perseverance with Zam-Huk completely rid ne of the disease. " (played by Dick) proves his right to aentlemanhood in London society. Another brilliant sequence In "The Amateur Gentleman la a fist fight between Barnabas and his father, tne ei-champton pugilist of England, 'In which the son gains a point. The scene In the courtyard of the St. George Inn, London, where Barnabas attempts to ride a highly spirited horse, la one that almost turned out disastrously for the producers and the! star, for Dick Barthelmeas Insisted that! he ride the horse Instead of a "double,"! and he was violently thrown and es- caped with a severely wrenched leg. The scene, however, was photographed while the unlooked for accident occurred and therefore remains in the picture with complete realism. HI'sMAX ItllTlaTlOV MOSCOW. Feb. 3. There are 143.-"00.000 people tn Russia, according to -rellmlnary official estimates. 'This is -.n increase of 38 per cent, since 1897 LAND ACT .NOTICK Ol' INTENTION TO API'I.Y TO LEASE tOIII.MIOKK f In Graham Island, 3ueen Charlotte Island Land Recording District of iTlnce ilupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay, Massett Inlet. Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that Powell Rim ' Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C., ' occupation Manufacturers, intend to ap-oly for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a prat planted at the i orthenst corner of Dl. 1471. thence i vesterly. following northern boundary of aid Lot to the northwest corner of said Ixat: thence westerly, northerly and easterly, following the high tide mark cf Ferguson Bay to the extreme easterly point of Echinus Point; thence south-1 easterly to the point of commencement, .tnd containing ISO acres, more or less. POWELL RIVER COMPANY, i LTD. Agent. J. Douglaa Wilson 1 Dated 4th November, 1026 ( IN PRORATE.- i i IN THF, SITKEMi: COI UT OF illtlTIMIj (OLl'Mllll tn the Matter of the Administration J Act: And :. the Matter of the Estate of William T Mitchell. Deceased, IntesUte. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills itr.nnr. II. E A. Robertson, the 18th day I Oec ember. A D. 1028. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Wil-.iam T. Mitchell, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said e-'ate are hereby required to furnish same, '.roperly verified, tp me on or before the ilnd day of January. A.D. 1837. and all parties Indebted to the estate are re-c'U.rcd to pay the amount of their ln-'iebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official . Administrator. Prince Rupert B.C. IN PRORATE. In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Vagn E. Thelsen, Deceased: Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of the District Registrar of the Supreme Court : of British Columbia, the 18th day of , January. 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Vara E. Thelsen, deceased, and all parties having claims pgalnst.the said estate are hereby re-j utred to furnish same, properly verified, I to me on or before the 19th day of j February. A.D. 1027. and all parties In-' debted to the estate are required to pay ! the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. I NORMAN A. WATT. i Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. D O, Dated the 20th day of January, 1927. IN PRORATE IN THE Ml'rKEMTTnffltT OK HlttTISII CUI.I.MIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter, of the Estate of Alberta Daniels. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order at His Honor. Judge Robertson, the 16th day of December. A.D. 1920, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Alberta Daniels, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estste are hereby required to furnish same. pro. perly verified to me on or before the 16th day of January. A.D. 1027, and all parties indebted to the estste are re- Sulred to pay the amount of their In-ebtednens to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, BO. Dated the inth day of D'cmlr AD 102S, SEVERE CUT HEALED Mr. C. Oaklry of Kaikatecn, ho sustained a terrible cut on hli left, say: "Had I hnoan of Za-n-llak v. hen the ledd-'irt oeeurred, I eould hare aaved myoelf a MO Uor' Mill A doetor sewed v the cut and atUnded ma for lite weeks, but the wound did not heal, and be advird me to go into a hospital "I objected, however, and n.ed Zam-Huk hutttid, and In two weeks' time was back at work." SAVED OPERATION I ' ECZEMA ENDED Madame A. LarivUre of Fall River, Mass., suffered with reteina for three years, and had treatment from several doctors, all of stlioin gave up the case, " Finally,' she ays, "I went to a sjx-elaliit, which tost m anotbert20, tnt I was no letter. "A friend advised ma to Zam-Buk, which I did, and for "Father dteiu.ci a rainf ; sore on hi tutr, " w -j , , Lewis of Kilicr Lake. "Numerous itiurtlirs n . an lit from several ilwt ( . to heat it, and tl.s .. . r l i en operation. Kottie. :e t him to flrst try Zm li ,k A f aj'plWatina brought re! ' ,4 raatrtNrd ue of Ziim link f . hmled the Mtt, sauug 1 .r from an otratinu. " II itM. W is, yiai.tr, , , .Mi An li FREE u. I I eVi.rt ii,n.i.. t si ! i. . IN NERVOUS DISORDERS- Free The Nerves In roues of nerUK di.onlers it in but lojri. .' " . fnrt ithonld be directed to -ecure a proper : mli' iiffrou system. If you know of the science i you will unhesitatingly add that Chiropractic be.t ,i result. For the science of Chiropractic deals directly w vous system. The Chiropractor knows thnt most i - due to pressure upon nerves by spinal bone, am) 1 this pressure by Chiropractic spinal adjustment- fcLTHFOLLOVS I i cHIROffUCTIC (CSRICTS rntssuRE on spihal MRVcsi.'msrAScscr THE FOLLOWING CR6AKS III Vflf US' ML 1 III 11 r HEAD tvts ARMS (ItART K-LWGS f3SjviivT.n Sv PANCnEAS i4v'Nsptrrw fp WKIDNtrS D0WCLS APPENDIX &LA3DER Spml cSTthari-LOWtR IIHIS The lOWEft NERVE UNOEBTHCMAfifllfy. INS CLASS ISPINCHSD By A MISALIGNED JOINT. FlNCHCD NERVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL IHPULSES. CHIROPRAC' TIC ACJj;S TINS RC MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE IS mrrunTiiiiuTti . ...... n iwiw.nnunj. m i In the case of nervou- 6 adjustments go dirotl. source of the trtil.. rare case of this tye t ni.-t an not 1h U'nefilie.i 1 ments. A ease in point-"After the sudden dc hnshnnd, I found mt vous wreck. For two vc not slepl more than tv; hours oat of each The loss of sleep brouv'1 indigestion and m.in ills. I could not di.u ii ness affairs with without 'trofng to V11 could not attend to th ' I was deM?rnte whim friend ?Ujrifested t'h After the first adjuj-tm-' 14 hours without uw.,m ' took about forty adju.-tn before I finished I j-woman, sleeping all nn" ' anythinK I wanted and " to my business affair w lea.it obstacle." Mr M : Itaker. Chiropractic Hurcau, Statement No 2! Your appointment f"t can tc made by telephone D. A. McMillan Palmer firnduatc CHlKOI'ltACTOH HoomH 0 and 7 Htchnpjft Illock. I'allin-Ncuromelcr Service Open Kvenlnj? L Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Making every record do Its best. This new Brunswick - quickly won the hearts of music lovers everywhere. The case, too, is beautiful 1-yonil the usual. Come In and say I want to he.'ir the new J i t i .!,. ! . !ti all I :.; I . ., r.tt ,,'11 r-dirf .it :l , M Phone Ml J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street