FAGS FOUB SUBSTANTIAL WIN PUTS MOOSE INTO SECOND PLACE, LEAGU Joe Brown brat H. Corbett by a score of 200 to 185 tn the rintl postponed game last night of the Moose-Orand Terminals tournament. This gives the Moose an aggregate of Bfl4 Jo 'the Grand Terminals' 823 In the entire tourna ment and makes the standing of the leagues lor the season to date as fol lows: Gam?a Terminal u Moose i Oyros it Orotto 12 Bt. Andrew's ... 12 Total 11022 9735 9732' 10.502 10.548 P. O'Donnell (Terminals 10 W. J. NeUon (Oyro) ... W. H. Long iQyro) .... S. D. Macdonald (St. A.) 9 J. Andrews (Orotto) ... 12 2158 J. Ilamilton (Orotto) .. 12 2154 Dr. West (Orotto) 12 Ben Self (Oyro) 9 8. Dirton (8t. Andrew's) 2 O. Waugh (Orotto 12 2114 H. Corbett (Terminals). 11 1934 J. May (Moose) 10 1899 1324 2071 1858 10 1846 11 .2012 1651 2140 1605 356 1761 M. MacLochlan (St. A.). 1Q 1751 J. Brown (Moose) 10 1751 Don Brown (Moose) 8 1378 Eert Morgan (St. A.).. 10 1654 J. Judge (Moose) n 1791 O. Krau.se (Oyros) 3 487 J. Mclean (Terminals). 2 323 A. Macdonald (Oyro) ... 10 1580 O. Anderson (Orotto) .. 7 1089 Bert Hoskln (Terminals) 2 306 O. P. Tinker (St. A.) .. 10 1511 A. Harvey (Oyros) I 131 SPORT GHAT Arey. 810 885 WIS 883 879 The averages for the players In the league to date are as follows: Games Ttl. Aver, Geo. Mcllmoyle (Moose) 4 800 , 200 ii. rarr (Moose) i 200 a. Howe (Orotto) 5 979 J. HUlman (Moose) 11 2117 F. Ziem&n (Terminals). 11 2118 Fred Pyle (St. Andrew's) 10 W. E. Wllllscroft (St. A.) 7 Frank Aldrldge (Ovrol.. 11 C. Balagno (Terminals). 12 2248 o. llowe (Terminals)... 12 2247 200 196 103 102 ISO 189 188 187 187 18C 185 189 183 180 180 173 173 178 170 176 176 175 175 172 )65 163 162 162 158 155 153 151 131 MEN'S WHIST Men's Whist League results last night were as follows: 8L George's (Seal Cove) 6; Moose, 3. Elks 4; K. of P.. 5. I.O.OJ. 5, St.- Andrew's 4. 8t. Oeorge's (city) 4; 80ns of Canada, 5. (Postponed Games) Elks vs. Moose. St.- Andrew's vs. St. George's City. 1X3.QT. vs. Elks. St. Oeorge's (Seal Cove) vs. Sons of Canada. Knights of Pythias vs. St. Andrew's. Moose W., Elks s I. O. O. P. 5 St. George's (SC.).. 5 K. P 4 Sons of Canada ... 4 St George's (City).. 3 St. Andrew's 2 Ps. 3 2 Mow that the delayed .game In the Moose-Grand Terminals billiard tournament has been played, the fans are hoping there will be no more such delays. Tonight the Moose and Oyros will meet with line-ups as follows; George Mcllmoyle (Moose) vs. W. II. Long (Gyros.) J. HUlman vs. W. J. Nelson. Jack Judge vs. Frank Aldrldge. Joe Brown va. A. Macdonald. J. May vs. Ben Self. Leading Jumpers of Canada and the United -States are entered for the eastern ski championships today and tomorrow; at Pocono Manor. Pa, with six well-known athletes seeking to wrest the crown from Rolf Moastn. In the field which will oppose-thf lftJS title holder are Norman Bcrger, Canadian champion. Henry LJungmann of New York, holder of the European re cord for distance, and Mrs. Haugen Olympic entrant from this country In 1924. Lars Olson, of the Swedish Ski .club, Henry Hall of Detroit and Nels Nelson, of Revelstoke. The meet will be opened In a cross-country race, the Jumping to follow on Saturday, Tha firm grip that sports have taken on the Oerman people Is lauded In the official report which says that be tween 15 and 20 per cent of the popu latloa between the ages of 14 and M participates In athletics. The figures do not Include students In public schools or universities. Approximately one of every seven Inhabitants. Includ ing men, women and children. Is an active member of an athletic club. The Oerman Turners alone have a member ship of 1,500.000. The sport clubs which are united under the supervision oi me Olympic games committee, sum ber more than 1,000.000 athletes. SMITHERS E. S. Peet was awarded Judgment tn a County Court case here this week against Billy McNeill on an outstanding claim for work and goods supplied come six years ago. Both principals In the case art well known resident of the Wistaria district. There was a wiuel in the police court In which McNeill was charged with, theft and auault. An amicable agreement was reached. Frit Harris, a KUpU, balfbrtad, BRINGING UP FATHER THE PRESIDENT HA, RECEIVED THREE THOUSAND APPU CATIONS FOR THE PNTHENT OF TRAVELING AMBASSADOR, ni T it .Kinr-o. - - - - wax. ' ' - WUf uuw-c -h-i vjt- IVJMO AND At rnn-a A I I a . 1 . . janm.' mm was sentenced this week In County Court by Judge Robertson of Prince George to eighteen months' Imprison meat for a statutory offence. Carpenters, electricians and others engaged In the building trades havei been Invited to attend a special meet ing of the Smlthers council tonight nen it is proposed to revise the build ing by-law with the main object In view of ensuring better fire protection. The next dance to be held by the fall fair association for the purpose ofi raising money to clear off the debtj will be held on February 11. The first ) of these dances last month was very' successful and It la possible that the' bject will be realized within a month or so. Traffic is heavy again on this rail- ray division and freight facilities are pressed to the utmost to handle the movement of grain, ties and Ice. Express business will pick up when the halibut season opens in about two eeks and there will be a demand for running crews on time freights necessitated to handle the business. An essay, contest Is to be staged In the public schools by the Native Sons Canada who are putting up the first prUe. L B. Warner contributing the second. H. L pigglns appeared In police court here this week on a charge of theft of a team of horses and equip ment from A. Norberg of Houston. After evidence was beard by L B. Warner, J.P. adjournment was taken. The Smltherrs town council Is con sidering the advisability of enacting a bylaw to regulate traffic tn the muni cipality. Iter. George Turpln. pastor of the local United Church, has accepted an Invitation of the congregation to re- .naln here for another year. Smlthers fans are being treated to fast hockey games. The Eskimos are leading the league with the Shieka and Tigers following In the orger given. rhc Blnkeydlnks are 'leading In the Boy Scout league with Elks and Bloodhounds following. A Junior division xntalnlng four teams has Just been organized by Rev. George Turpln. Woodlawn Farm, the home of Mr. ind Mrs. George Oulton, was the scene of a pretty ceremony' last week when heir daughter. Miss Myrtle Anrrie Oul- :on, and John J. Paul were united In carriage. The ceremony was performed In the presence .of a Urge gathering jf friends by Rev. George Turpln. The Attendants were Miss Flora Kldd and 'we&lie Oulton. Prize winners at the Catholic Women's League bridge and whist drive Tuesday "to". - J if. n ll " Hi 1 I II 3 "LTT 1 night were: bridge, Mra. W. H. Dood-son, Mrs. D. D. Munro, H. J. Kelly and L. B. Warner, whist. Mrs. Harry 8ch wartr. Mrs. Orsnt, H. Schwartz and Jcmes Macdonald. "Frank Manuel of the C.N.R. dls patching service and Mrs. Manuel have left for Edmonton whence Mr. Manuel has been transferred. The altar boys of Si. Joseph's parish at a meeting here last Sunday, presided over by Father Valllertes, elected officers aa follows: president. Kenneth Warner: vice-president, Pat Cam secretary, Pete Eby. Allan MeGlIl, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. McOlll, entertained his young friends Jt a birthday party Tuesday afternoon While cutting kindling, James Bu'c- halt gave his hand a painful cut' early this week. A son was born tn the local hospital on Wednesday mornlni; to Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Brawarand, who reside on the farm across the Bulkley River from town. On Sunday the congregation of St. Joseph's parish had a short visit from their new priest. Rev. Father Phllllpott. who arrived recently from France. Mrs. E. M. Sales 1 In the Smlthers hospital making satisfactory recovery from an operation for appendicitis which waa pei formed on Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. L. B. Warner and sons returned to Smlthers after having spent five weeks visiting at Victoria with Mrs. Warner's Why does Magi Baking Powder contain no alum? , Because according to the highest authorities, food made with alum baking powder, besides being unwholesome, is apt to have a bitter taste. That's why , Magic Baking Powder "contains no alum" Food made with "Magic" is always white and light and wholesome and never has that bitter alum taste. In- " ist on getting the genuine Magic BakingJPowder. It contains only the finest grades of phosphate, starch and soda, expertly blended. SAVE THE COUPONS AND GET VALUABLE PREMIUMS iHEB TEA DAILY IfflXB . 'ru,r, 1 ID UKE ! CONNA STAND INTMEVAV I CXJT OF JAIL ' TOKKIONv! yOF ME SECOMlM' ' 1 T? r XTPo fi .. .. ' XRlIf JU5T GOT OUTMfj 1 P'ks , ..4M Ja-L . (,M J Smlthers mav well feel nmud of th 'steady progress made with lta fall fair and win ahare in the hope that this event will aooa be established as tht one big celebration in all of Central British Columbia, says the Smlthers Interior News.' The work has been heavv. the struggle hard at times, but Smith-era faces the future with a prospect cry bright In comparison with our neighbors at Prince Oeorge and Prince Rupert. Last yeaf Prince Rupert went behind something like 12.000 In staetne its fair and at a meeting held last week the attendance was divided between carrying on or dropping the fair. This to b decided at a later meetlnr. and until then no officers are to be elected. reverses. Mr. Johnson, the Dresldent. tx created the opinion that Prints Oeorge was too small to stage a atampede on the scale carried out last year and which was responsible for the 11.500 deficit chalked up. Both Prince Rupert and Prince Oeorge are planning a fair on a greatly reduced scale If at ill. Smlthers la setting the staze for an enlargement made postlblc by build lag from the ground up. TERRACE Mrs. Mason of Vancouver, who visited here for seyertl days with her slster-ln-law, Mrs. H. M. Wilson, left on Tuesday .or Prince Rupert where she ha been pending a holiday with ber alster. The Lakelse Valley school ha been elOMd during the past week owing to :ne nines oi the teacher. Miss I. Pearson, with a severe attack of flu. Miss Margaret Martin left on Monday for Prince Rupert where she wilt enter the training school for nurses In the Prince Rupert General Hospital. X. Mrs. J. Warne received word recently of the death of her mother In Ireland. Owlnc to the lllntai of num of h members, the annua meeting of the Women'a Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, which was to have been held Jii Tuesday afternoon has been post- poned until a later date. . ., J. Baker, who spent seVetaV days In rnnce Rupert at the beginning of the ec. received meaicai treatment lor a broken ankle, returned home on Wednesday, R. Tomllnson of Cedarvale was a visitor here during the week. Rev T J, Marsh returned on Wednesday from Re mo. The Badminton Club held an enjoyable social evening among their members on Wednesday evening In the club rooms. Badminton occupied the early part of the evening, after which refreshmenu were served and the remainder' of the evening -was spent in dancing, t ' Tht BD. Bridge Club met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. L. H. Kenney. Mr, C. R. Ollbcrt received word on Wednesday of the death of her brother. Arthur Porter at his horn In San Jose. California. Mr. Porter has been an Invalid for' number of years. Hoyd Frank left on Thursday tot Vancpuver where he will take a short agricultural course In the University of P.O. O, C. McKay, district snglneer In the provincial public work department, I'rlnce Rupert, waa a buslnea visitor here on Wednedy. E. T. Brook returned on Wednesday from Prince Rupert. Mr. Brook, who underwent tn operation on Monday WANTED. - WOMAN FOR KITCHEN help by March 1. The Inlander, tf, SITUATION'S WANTED WOMAN WANTS WORK OP ANY KIND by the hour. Apply P.O. Box TJ. Prince Rupert. BC FOR SALE FOR SALEv TQ CLOSE OUT AN U-Ute. w are authorised to aril several lota, snm corner, harbor ylew, and on sewer. Prices low and terms from 110.00 monthly. Enquire T. McClymont. ' tf FOR 8 ALE. SIX CARS TIMOTHY. one Brome, p.03. Burns Lake. BC. H. C. Shlnn, Willow Spring Ranch, Southbank. Francois Lake. B.C. 14 At Prince Oeorge the fair also suffered ; roR SALE.-PAIR OF BLUE FOXES Apply O. menu. H, Udd. FOIl KENT Seavtew FOR RENT. THIRTY ROOM EQUIP-ped hotel. Oolsg concern. Writ Box 342 Daily New Office - tf t)R RENT. FURNISHED APART-mnt; four room and bath; water paid. Phon 547. tf FOR RENT. STEAM HEATED APART-menu. Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. Telephone 174. FOR RENT. PIANOS. PHONOORAPHS and Singer Sewing Mtchlnea. Walker's Music Store. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT by day. week or month. Phone Red 007. t, FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE. FIVE rooms and bath. Munro Bros. tt LOST LOST-LADY'S SILVER MESH HAD conuinfng cum of money. Finder please return to Dally New office HOARD BOARD. THE INLANOKft. U0 Second Avenue. Phona 1ST. rriiniHTr.Jto FORNITDRE REPAtRINO; UPHOL. jterlng of all kinds. Chesterfield recovered and made to order, All work guaranteed. iPhon drren COS. will be confined to the hasoltal for wveral week. Commencing Sunday. February a Holy Communion will be admlnlsterd1 iv By George McMnn. KJOW-LlftTtN-lPA ) flTS OOwiT 6RICK HOOLD MiT lORMb- 1 JUDGE BLOT-I'D BE Una,; ' THE HAN TO DCCOMEUlMC(-APr. TRAVEUN AMISAADOR ,r there. ten dollar r A WONDERFUL DLSCOVERYI Why worry If you break a Ire or arm. ! or if tht face U scarred or scratched, I can make them look Ilk new. With a little pot of tlue and a little brush or screw -they will surely be admired I ; With a lltlte chamois leather. I will fix them good for rverl I buy. aril, or exchange anything of value. Sales conducted anywhere In Prince Rupert. Phone TI4. O, F. Brine. Auctioneer. U oou ,t. i Hons .Heal fe. Mixed Wood Block per load KJ 00. Kindling, per load HtO Furnace Wood, per load 14 no Delivered. Salt Herring Phone lllark S KESTAUIIANTS fiOOII kit r.iir. Mrs. TJnger. Proprietm Third Avenue. Next O, W V. A. !mm name funked Mealv Phone Black 700 CIIEVKOI.KT COM.MKKCIAL CAH PltlCES I-1H Ton Utility Expre ChaasU s 8U O0 H Ton Ught Dellverr ChasaU 830 00 Touring and Roadster aiSO Sport Roadster esooQ coach and Ccupe 11020.00 8ln ItlJSOO Lniu liuvno I Ford Light Delivery, open oody 7500 1 Ford Lltbt Delivery, panel oodT SI5OO0 I Ford Ught Delivery, starter equipment 2.V 00 I Ford Tudor Sedan, starter equipment ajoooo I Otdasioblle 6-patenger Touring, 122 Ifloo 00 Terms can be arranged on both new and tued ear, to suit the purchaser. m th. A,nr. hK - ; ' r"::. vt or iuiitihh o " , wi L.tr iirsi Sunday of each month, Immediately following the mbrping service. The W.A. of the Anglicn church met on Thursday at' the home of Mr, A. C. Fowler and the Ladle' Guild of Knox United Church met at the home of Mrs. C. Pohle. J. C. Brady, federal member for this dUtrlct was greeted here by a number of friends a he passed through on Wednesday on hi way to Ottawa 4 attend the coming session of P. Forrest of Uuk was tn town on Wednesday. Mr. and Mra. JI. 8. Parker of pnnre Rupert were visitor, in Terrace on Wednesday and Thursday'. rtt ..', PRINCE RUPERT TIDES .1.4 ritintv. i i iiin akv 4 "'fn 3:01 a jn, 1:S p m. kw 8:68 a m. ai :24 pm. SlTI UIl.IV, JlllKt'tltV High s:42 am. : pjn. , 23 06 pm. 30.0 ft. 22.2 " 8.8 " 141 " S 31.1 " 313 " 8.2 " KAIEN RAHAfiB Dealer in Cadllar, MrUughlln. Osklsnd, FnntUe Old. mobile and rheimlet (r. Phone S TAXI I'hone 67 Taxi (Call neorjre, Paul or Rust) Six and S-vcn Pnxaenger FtuJe-b.akers at .your' dfpoA any time. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Rlock. (AcroM from Emprt'M HoUil) IN" PRORATE. In the Matter of the AdmlnUtratlon Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew Aim, otherwise known a Anders Aim. Deceased. Inteatate. Honor. Judge Robertson, the loth day ol 'A. . . ' c- t- I U II sssWH4sVsU I BisssH.sV m I SSH M 1 U 4 f 1. " . Wm WXTOfW , 1 1 1 r 1 ii fcj f ' :. J 1 Hfm aViBk una isaHHsWr I assssW ir 1 .-f' v- vi. J '.liVi v .41 1 lf - T .1 x-- "..I..... 1 isK.. S I : W sssssssY ... . 7TT. U x iBlllW 11 T l N ' f svTI I f .J BUlllllllllllllB . b-I YB X 1 v a ' A .sH l 1 1 ssW -r-"-t" tr '-AiriWi I 1 II ssssV . (J lsssS . j Cough Caused Constant Coughing Mrs. Ii. SI. Nolan, Douglartowt. X.B., writes:- -"Two jears go I had a, terrible cM which settled in nir bronchial tuls and rauscd roastant roughing, anj I could sot day or night. I read about II 1 I ' il .. Ar- W ' ' II ill - . Dr. Wood's Norway Bin 7 Syrup and thought I would giva it a trial. After taking three bottlrl I was rota-j'letely rid cf my cough, and have never had a cold since." 'Dr. Wood's" has been on the mallet for the past SS Years, and its timel.v use may tavt you from suffrriif from some serious bronchial vr lua-r trouble. Price 35c a bottle, larg family site 60c.;' put up only by TU T. Milium. Co., IJmited, Teroato, Oak J I J Cwt tIlM j 1 o . j parents. Mrs. P. Johnson is Uld up with .dislocated knej following a slip on the Ice. Mr. and Mrs. William Angus returned to Smlthers on Tuesday after haTlng j spent a holiday on the prairies. A charge of supplying liquor to In- j named J. Howe following the conrlct ) ton and fine of Duncan David on a ! charge of drunkenness. i ; j RUPERT AND GEORGE I HAVE FAIR TROUBLES; SMITHERS IS IUCKY! V anted For Sale, ror Kent 7 I " ? V.) " i ? DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fo let than 50c WANTED jdlana has been laid against a maniWANTED. SPECIALTY SALESMAN FOUND with car, to demonstrate and sell the! Thompson Hydraullcator. a hydraulic, shock absorber and snubber com-! blued, for all cars. 8plndld oppor-! tunlty tor the right man. Liberal; commlislons. State experience. Write Jermaln and Phillips, Limited. 6TI Howe Street. Vancouver. B c 31 J AUCTIONEEK .Article, Ui tii round,4t MAIL SCHEDULE ot;T.nniKQ For I he lla.t i tam-omer . . . ncuitnwsys tnd Friday C PJt Jan 10 34 in. Fridays jj Baturdsys , UTJl Jan. 14. 21 ( First class null Is also Otfe Vancouver on Mondays, Well,. Saturday by CJJt. train. T n litiit ttlM t a. . . - - . ' - ' ', .-,r.kri HI mler ounaayt ... t weanecaavs To II. Mmunii4 N kJiMp Sunday . . To Alata fulnlt Jan. 10. 21 To tjiirrn hirMIn Jan. IS. 29 Iv-roMiMi Itvm Hie '-( Tueaday. Thursday n icisn at K. From Ya negater Sunday . . . fioni 4n)n, Alter arm, m.im rremier Tuesday . . . Friday Tuesday from .lUka rotat- 1 . A - Irom Qieen i fcsrkxi Jan. II. 37 IM (()IJJ(III4 It nraHm A, Atifn sm. II 1st Ave A th 8t I eth Ave. At Fulton St 19 I in Jw ra Mm -rtM mt mm atK k. , II. a. II L w v- as iiiis wv !!, Csf IIAJS Uirf Vit If OIF. Bfc WtMMI HI t nii.. 1 Pror. Our Whtrf v ft nmri O TJ. Station 2nd Ave At and 8t 3rd Ave A; Fulton Sr 3rd Ave At Bth Kl Sunday colln-tlon asm m r dsy only tmmwmmm aaMsse as m n l frl ill l m. aw aa niiiuaiviiii lor Vanronter Tueaday . Cardena Friday as. Prince Rupert Saturdav- as. CaUla l .il u.f m, I nil. jn j rr:n wu . Jan. 2S sa. Pr.n rei U:rt 1'rnm Vanromrr Sunday - a. Cardena Wndneadsy a. Pr Rup"1 ,J Friday -as Catal Saturday Prlnceim BestrW Jn. 10- as pirncess Utry Jan. 34 as Princess Usrf For Ptt MniHM.n and Nss niinniw aisa i.siuriii Troin lilmptton $ni S " lir mtrl. (ntfli Anil Al DIUIUNI- 4W, Vl" . ji AdmlnlsYratoV of t.".' e.t.T of TndrV'S Wednead.y , Prince B Aim. otherwise known ts Andera Aim Urow Mewart, Anjo n ,HT aalnat thi ..tX 7..'" "'mJ IIZW; W "' M PrtlATln. . debted to the estate are renufred to pay NORMAN A. WATT ... F'Jw Rupert.' B.C. not. .h. ."lclldnlnlstrator. 1928 T ot Dfeor. AD. IN PRORATE IS THE M.TKKMr. rof'KT F llltlTHH '!. Jllll , ,n ll'.."ti'r of Admlnlrtratlon Friday at. Prince Rupert nr IJueen ClnrMles Jan. 18 'rin OhirW Jan. 39 -a Prince Chirl" limn IJuren flurloltr Jan. 3 . Princ Cbarl Jan. 87 a. Prince Chsrtrt For Alaska Jan. 10-a. PrlnceM Mrf Jan. 34 -as, Prince Mrj rrom Ataoks Jn. 14-. rrlnreas Mrf Jan, 88-aa. Pilncw" Mfl CKR. TRAP aaa i.iii r- s t-aM Ahsi. r (r ma . a - m - - I tTrisa... TV ' Vil I r1lT ' a Ann: rjf n irr ttiai . - u - -. --ww t(nv ut ornp nr iriM i . . V""?0?! r"D. the itth dsv or ""' . . ' Xrtm SSV.tJ?S-1 PPolntedTrora Ea.t--Tueaosy. Edward Bronson , Sunday hvln claims .i.t TT."1 " 2 P"'" s? herebv reoi.i" "'." perly'verlflid 'iV,.,u, TO- Pr?' Lulrerf . re re- NORMAN A. WATT, Officlsi AdmlnUtrutor. Datel ihs m.K Hubert. BO h -..PrPp" ' 1978. ' Dt Member. A D. PAIN in n t nn L.. ff ,',IJ 11