PAGE SIX, ssssssaissBBikBii I'lils advertisement Is not published or displayed by the 1 Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. 95c 9r DC Specials On a few of Heinz well-known Goods Tomato Soup, l's, 8 for 95c Tomato Soup, 2's, 5 for 93c Pork & Beans, l's, 7 for 93c Pork & Beans, 2's, 5 for 93c Ketchup, 3 for 93c Spaghetti, l's, 7 for 95c Spaghetti, 2's, 4 for .... 93c Nabob Tea, 2 lbs. $1.1.- Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-123 Fifth Avenue East Phones 18 and 81 Perfect Sight A matter of foresight. Many cakes of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses- Present neglect may mean future trouble. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. (Opposite G.W.V.A.) WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load ... $6.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack ... 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 637 'PLANS ALASKA PLANE SERVICE hksiiik r.sM:.(;i-u and mail car. uvixu iiimvixx sot Tiir.itN tiTii;s, mniii:i contk.m-ruTi:s NOKTIIEUS VICTORIA, Feb. 4. According to ad vices received from Seattle, construction I of airplanes for service over the air mall route between Chicago and San Fran- Cisco Is well under way and machines will be ready for service July 1. The ! Boeing Alrplance Company, of which C. C. Egtvot. cf Seattle. Is vice-president, and with which is associated Pilot Eddie Hut bard, pioneer air mall carrier be tween Victoria and Seattle, was granted a contract -by Postmaster-General New yesterday to carry majl over the "hew route. Passengers and express will be handled In addition to the mall. How Important this new contract Is to Victoria will be readily seen. With the establishment of the Pacific poast air m&U route, connecting Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle with Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles, the transcontinental time for mall delivery to New York was cut considerably. With the establishment of the express service from San Francisco to Chicago, special mall will be delivered In even shorter time. ALASKA (SERVICE Apart from this new development Pilot Eddie Hubbard Is contemplating the construction of three passenger planes, of the enclosed type, for using In trips to Alaska and services between Seattle. Victoria and Vancouver. It Is planned by Eddie Hubbard to establish a dally passenger and mall service between Victoria and Seattle. In a Jetter to Mayor J. Carl Pendray. Deputy Minister of Defence O. J. Des-barats suggests a public air harbor for Victoria. Mr. Desbarats extends to the city the services of an officer of the Royal Canadian Air Force. If It wants t look Into the situation. This offer Is 5000 Bars of Laundry : Soap to sell We Offer for a Few Davs Only 24 Bars of Royal Crown Soap 93c 1G Bars of Sunlight Soap .. 93s 1 places, or from the Department of Lands II Bars Fels Naptha Soap .. 93c !at Vlct0rla' BC- t bars of 1'. & O. Naptha Soap! Deputy Minister of Lands. 93c I 10 Bars Preservene Soap .... 93c ' 3 Bars Klondyke Soap 93c OUR FRUIT SPECIAL IS STILL ON Malkin's Best Pears, Apricot-;, Loganberries, Peaches, and It.A. j Cherries. i Your choice, 3 tins for .... 93c; Beekist Honey, 5 lb. tin . . Sunkist Oranges, 3 doz. for 93c 93c George rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNT-ANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 Z43 Second Avenue West, Prince Rupert Gold Dust Washing Powder, large package, special 29c Royal Household or Five R6se? Flour, 49 lb. sacks $2.49 Malkin's Best Tea, 2V2lb. pack- ages, special $1.69 Otter five string Brooms, special each 39c Scrub Brushes, . special 25c Stove Brushes, special ...... 25c Spring Clothes- Pins, C dozen 25c Self Wringing' Mops, complete with mop cloth, special .... 45c Pure Olive Oil, 8 oz. tins ... 32c Pure Olive Oil, 1C oz. tins . . 55c Pure Olive Oil, quart tins $1.00 Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211 and 212 here. TIIE DAILY NEW3 looked upon by some as an excellent opportunity to re-establish the old air base here. MORE IMMIGRATION IS PROMISED FOR WEST OTTAWA. Feb. 4-Largely Improved prospects for Increased Immigration during the coming' year from Oreat Britain and from the nlted States are reported by W. J. Egan, Deputy Minister of Immigration and Colonization, who has Just returned frcm a tour of Inspection of the principal offices of the department in the United States and who has also received what he regards as highly encouraging news from representatives In the British Isles. During his visit to the United States. Mr. Egan said he found promise of an Increased movement to farms in Western Canada from the middle and northwestern states, activity being particularly noticeable In Nebraska and adjoining states. Another movement to develop Is that of tobacco growers from Virginia and North and South Carolina to Western Ontario. A considerable number of these are expected to come In the spring. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE Application for (Irazlnc I'rrmlts for the fawn of 192?. Application for permits to graze livestock on the Crown ranges within anj grazing district of the Province of Brawn Columbia, must be filed with the District Forester at Fort George. Kam-loops. Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, or Williams Lake on or before March 31st. 1927. Blank forms upon which to submit 5 Bars of White Swan Soap 93c : KSfiSfKL . .bln 'ro? Jh5 Department of Lends, victoria, B.C., January 4. 1927, Week-end Specials JUST'ARRIVED :Peak Frean's Shortcake, in tins, Canned Tomatoes, large tins, C K"'r o. special, to clear ai tins for 93c ; y Also pure Plum Jam, 4 lb. tins, 2 leak Frean assorted Creams in tins for . 93c' 8ea,ed tlns regular 85c. Spe- Raspberry and Apple Jam. 4 lb. c' r at VI . , tins 2 tins for 93c uovJ ones are iresn siock ana 111 a genuine snap at these prices. 8.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 374 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. 25 boxes Grimes Golden Apples, jumble pack, while they last, per box : $1.00 Sunkist Navel Oranges, small size, IS for 25c Sunkist Lemons, per dozen .. 25c Florida Grape Fruit, 2 for . .. 23c B.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs arriving Saturday, .1 dozen for .... $1.25 Ayrshire Roll Bacon, machine sliced, per lb 35c Peameal Back Bacon, machine sliced, per lb 43c Bulk Lard, 2 lbs. for 33c Malkin's Best Marmalade, 4 lb. tins ,).jc Sally Ann Cleanser, 3 for ... . 25c PRINCE GEORGE Mrs. Laura Sylls, wife of Berlin P. Sylvls, died suddenly at her home on Monday evening as a result of a paralytic stroke. Rt. Rev. W. R. Adams, blehop of Ctrlboo. will visit the city at the weekend, conducting services In St. Michael's Church oh Sunday. Mrs. Sandy Oraham. Miss LUa Oraham and Matter Spencer Oraham have returned to Prince Oeorge alter having spent three months In Vancouver. Inspector O. It. Oowcr Is on his annual trip of Inspection to the schools In the Peace River section. WlltKI.KSS KU'tlltr. R a.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Rain, fresh south east wind: barometer. 29.04: temper ature 40; sea moderate. BULL HAnBOR, Cloudy, fresh south: (btt wind; barometer 29.62; tempera-; ture 42; sea moderate: 8 pin. spoke i tug Lome, at China Hat, bound forj Vancouver; 8 pjn. spoke tug Pacific! Monarch. weatherbound In Takush Hsrbor; 8 p m. ' spoke tug 8t. Faith weatherbound In Takush harbor: 10 pjn. spoke 'steamer Catala, In Mllbnnk Bound, northbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 29.-18; temperature 43. ( NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Squally, strong 8.E. wind; barometer 29.54; temperature 38; J sea rough; u a in. steamer Prince Rupert outbound for Vancouver. BULL HARBOR Sleet, heavy southwest squalls; barometer 29.72; temperature 41; heavy swell. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 29.-28; temperature, 48. Advertise In the Dally News. I m:TIIKIt KEI'OKT Prince Rupert- Raining, fresh" south- .east wind, temperature 40. The northern part of the district! Terrace Cloudv. calm. temn. 37. bordering the city known as Plnevlew! rtosswpcd Cloudy, calm. temp. 30. will. It Is expected, be merged with th Alyaash Partly cloudy, calm. temp. 31 city school district In the near future.) Alice Arm -Cloudy, calm. tern. 33. Transportation of the pupils to the Anyox Cloudy, calm. temp. 31. city schools would be provided and thej Stewart Cloudy, calm. temp. 29. area Involved would be subject to city. Hazeltoa Par' uloudy. calm. temp. IT school taxes. It may be the beginning above. of a consolidated school plan for the! Telegraph Orrfk-Cloudy. calm, temp Immediately surrounding districts. ;j below. - i Smlthere Clear, calm. temp. 27 above. The Prince Oeorge Agricultural & Burns Lake-dear. calm. Jemp. 23 Industrial Association has elected of-i.y. fleers as follows: president. Fred D. whltehorse.-Clear. south wind. temp. secretary. W. J. Matheson: treasurer, W. L. Hornsby; directors, J. B. Turnbull. Itaac Spaner. II. Ellis. F. A. Matheson. J. H. Johnson, A. E. Sibley. It. C. 8. Randall. W. M. Skinner. H. B. Oucet. Chris Nelson, Oeorge Porter, John Henderson, 8. E. Van Busklrk. Mrs. E. Moore (Newlanda),' E. II. Haman (Isle Pierre); P. A. Yuckno (Mud River). In order to raise money, the Association will hold a celebration oa Dominion Day. It Is planned to . hae a Fair again this year but expenditure there with will have to be reduced. At the Ice carnival held last Friday, the following were adjudged the wearer of the best costumes In various classifications: Miss Marjorle Renwlck, Miss Vera Foot, Miss Kate Renwlck. Miss Maude D. Renwlck. Miss Rose Jackson, Miss Betty MUburn. Gordon Hunter. H. Harper. "Churck" WlUlams, R. Carson and J. S. Robertson. 'There was a list of races and the event was a great success., Erlck Hann, who has been prospect Ing In the Hlxou Creek district for the past seven years, arrived In town last week with 1700 in placer gold. He reported making 111 per day In a sluicing In decomposed matter on a ledge. He speaks highly of the possibilities at Hixon Creek. The Catholic Women's League here has elected officers for the year as follows: president. Mrs. C. MlnsJcer. vice-president, tors. E. Taft; second vice-president. Mrs. J. B. Lambert; third vice-president. Mrs. J. Hill: secretary. Mrs. J. w. Wilson; treasurer. Mrs J. C. McKenzie. The teachers of the Prlr.ce Oeorge public schools have made arrangements to hold a valentine program dance It. the Ritts-Klfer hall en February 14. C. C. Wright arid family have arrived In the city from Medicine Hat and will take up residence here. Mr. Wright is opening up a Jewelry etore 3- Dawson. Clear, south wind. 18 below. Stewart River 20 below. Advertise In the Dally News. TIMBER SALE X6830 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minuter of Lands at Victoria. B.C. not later than noon on the 1 4 th day ol February, 1927. for the purchase of Licence XS830. to cut 4.120.000 f.bJn. ot Sprue. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on the North Shore ol Sewell Inlet. Q CI. Two (3i years will be allowed for removal of timber. - Further partleulara ot the Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B O LAM) ACT Skeena Land District. District of Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that sixty days after date. I intend to- apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands tor a licence im prospect for coal and petroleum over 640 acres ot land bounded as follows: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner ot Section 36, Township 3, Orahara Island, and marked "AJ.O.'s southwest corner": thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; thence south 80 chains to point of commencement, being Section 36. Township 3. Oraham Island. B.C. A. J. GORDON. Locator. Dated December 17. 136. LAND ACT NOTICK Of I VI KMIOX TO ArTI.Y H to i kam; i.anh ' In Prince Rupert Land Reoordln District of Prince Rupert, and altuale o.i the north abore of Crescent Inl Moresby Island Queen Charlotte Islands. In the Province of British Columbia, and being about one and a half miles, from the head of the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that James Ftold. ot Prince Rupert. DC . occupation Marine Broker, attends to apply tor a leafe of the following described lands: Oorameiclng at a post planted on tbt north shore ot Criwent Inlet, shorn one and a half miles from the head of the inlet: theoee northwesterly 20 chains. Ibttice southweter)y 20 chains; thence southeasterly 20 chains: thence north- estaterly 20 chains, and oontalnu.g lorn itu) acrea. more or ices. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dled November 91. 1036 LAND ACT j MITK't: Of INTIATIOV TO AITI.V T i TO I.KISK l.M In Prince Runert Land Recordlne Dli.-. trlct, end situate at Huston Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. Currle. of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Ilsh packer. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: - Commencing at a post planted at northeast corner about 1.000 feet wri.-terly from miners' csblns at head of Huston Inlet; thence westerly 2) chains; thence southerly about 12 chain, thence easterly 20 chains; thence northerly about 12 chains, and containing 2t acres, more or less. ROBERT M. CURRIE. Applicant lApprecia'cd Patronage Ill it t i yyig VWfItll Jim. T. Johnson of Vancouver hag written a Jetter to Pacific Milk, which we are lad to ack-nowledtfe. She says: "One day about a year ajro a neiifhbor lady and I went to the grocery toxether. She bounht a tin of Pacific Milk and so did I. It was my firot tin. Our family liked it and we kept on using It." PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver. 1'iiflurles ut IJiclnrr anil Alibuliford. ii mmm m npn m n r t ,, r.i GET THAT DIAMOND WE Heiib at roner s Our policy U to give customer the utmii.t ( value and mtvUt. Ileal satisfaction is assured for those who buy a diamond front us. We have some specially goutl values in unii ,uav fine diamonds, mounted in pierce! eighteen carat while gold at S:!3.0U, $30.00, $75.00 and $100X0 Max Heiibroner Mlnmimrl Klux-ill I til .V? r.'Ml 'I'l. I-l . STHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATL'RDAY. 7 nnd 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 3 p.m. RICHARD BARTHELMESS "The Amateur Gentleman" A fast moving storv v.tth numv thriMnjr DOROTHY DUNBAR, NKiEL HAIIIHE, IHIANDON BUST EDWARDS DAVIS, RILLIL' DENNETT and distinguished cast MACK SUNN ETr COMEDY "CI KITS TODAY PATHE REVIEW Violin Solo "Traumeral," by William Halacno Admission 50c and 25c DEMAND "Rupert Brand" o Ivippe rs "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C W 1'rince Rupert, B.C. Ran ad ian National Hlic Largcfl Railway Sylem in America Steamship and Train Service a I'HINCK III l-MCT Mill Irme ritIM I..III ll ltf lr VAMoniK-'" TOIIM, M:TTI K. ami ltilrrnirIUIr mlu rath, I ItllHV al .. riiiM-i: niTr.iiT it kimvakt hh.i ano. vi:im;-hv " .. I'ltISC K JOHN fr VtMdIM II tin Qt.V.KS t lltHI-OIlI l.MH, fotliiljlitlj. I'AKHKMIKIl Tlims l.i:.W; IMIIM K III I'l.UT ..., i:ut1t ,'HIMHV, UM;IiV ami NATI IthAV al Man a.m. '"'..J tllnildi:, MlMOVrON, VtlNMI'MI, all ' iMilnls Ijflrrit t'aiwtU. " Males. AOKM'V A I.I, OIKAN I rMMHIIII' I.INKH. I'e l':nuillatl Nallmul Impress for Money Ortlrm. I orrl; I"1! elf.. alo for )tmr lieu shipment. SWW-4fV "l. :ity iii kiit on h i:, sjh tiiiiih aw:., piiim i: iutwct rW mmM SAVAGE Jog ELECTRIC WASHEU AND DHVKIt Wanht'8, Illucs, KliisuH and Dric- W-'" u wringer or havlnjr to put your h;";d-the water. Ciifth Price S"'0 AUo Easy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO. JANUARY Clearance SALE EVEUYTHLN(J HEDUCED Ilarj;nlns In all Departments The H. S. WALLACE Co, Lti Phone 9. 3rd Ave. Ave. and " FuH