Page two PURITy flour ft (illhbuil(linff Qualities The Daily News PKINCE RUl'EKT - 1JMTISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except SuuJay, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLHN - - - Managing Editor. SUIISCRHTION HATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .7ft By mail to all parts of the Ilritiah Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $5.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Uatus on Application Advertising and Circulation Felt-phone Editor and Reporter Telephone Member of Audit Rureau u Circulations. .DAILY EDITION 98 86 Thursday, Oct. 13, 1927 DID MEIfiHEN KILL FERGUSON? Before the Conservative convention opened it looked as if an effort would be made to force the leadership of the party on Premier Ferguson of Ontario. Not wishing to see him elected and seeing no other way to prevent it, Hon. Arthur. Meighen waved a red flag at him and the bull charged. He brought out his old Hamilton speech and dangled it once more before the eyes of the fighting section of the party. Ferguson was at once on his feet to oppose it. and in that opposition went hi chances of ever being leader of me vonservauve party in Canada, remaps ho did not want It, but if he did, her lost it right then when Meighen took a rise out of him. It was clearly seen that Meighen had many supporters at the con vention and a leader would have to be one who was clear of ,all such .sectional squabbles. The difficulty with newspapers is that they usually "haVe'm'ore bad ihan good on the front pag " -' ; ' VANCOUVER PAPERS ON JUDGES Both; the Vancouver Province and the Sun commented on the recent display of puerility among the judges. The Province goes into it at some length closing with the following couple of paragraphs: ; "But it is now most painfully evident that the time has come in British Columbia when public opinion must assert itself in respect to our courts and and judges. The unhappy relations which this incident reveals between our two highest courts may come as a disagreeable shock to most of our citizens. Unfortunately, those relations have long been notorious among all the persons who have frequent business in our courts. If this were merely a personal quarrel between certain of our judges, it would be bad enough. But it is worse than that. Who doubts that it musUaffect the administration of justice? It is a reflection on one or both of these courts, for instance, that altogether too many appeals from the decisions of the supreme court are successful in the court of appeal. "In any case, and whatever may be the merits of the dispute which i3-now aired before the public of this province and which will be seen and heard to the discredit of British Columbia throughout all Canada the time has come for intervention. We respectfully call tthis affair to the attention of the Department of Justice at Ottawa." The Sun seems to think most of the trouble is with the court of appeal and it also asks Ottawa for a remedy. U concludes with,: "The people of British Columbia would like to have full confidence not only in the abilityandthe inte8riU but.';in the jomporU "ment of the justices of both the trial and appeal' court's. "Bur can they have that confidence vhn notrv snifo nnrl ni-nfltlooa fa,Aa ------ - - j' (iw.i,it,oa avuuo nullify these virtues and a vaudeville burlesque of justice brings i 1 i r t i .. i . . , , , .... ... - . me tuurm 01 unusn uoiumuia into riaicuie ana disgrace 7 "Is the Federal Department of Juctiee too remote to be cogni zant of these shameful facts?" The other day a Trince Rupert man was visiting in the south. "Are you from Prince Rupert?" he was asked. "Yes, why do you ask?" Because you dance as if you "had gum boots on," was the reply. People with six cylinder lungs should also be equipped with self-starters. JH Ml uP , 1 h&3 mmm i a w r-s m i w wtc lg'-i I m Our Pcntdgm arc priced at, tjf to J joo A recognized reward of merit The Grucn Pentagon is chosen more often than any other watch to honor achievement in business, the pre fessions, and school or- college life. Colonel Lindbergh, Vice-President Jawes-diiljundredl ! either 1 famous men wear Gruen Pentagons. Come in and see this celebrated watch today. JOHN BULGER LTD. Jewellers The Store with the Clock. JOHN IN AFTER ROUGH PASSAGE C. N. 1L Vessel, From Islands, Drought Bumper List of Passengers and Freight Car-'tyter(by j With a musr psaengar tut j numbering sorue laypersons am) Including all kind and CQtKftMaar or folk from the moti humble Oriental eanney hind, of whtob thr are aplenty, to millionaires and open alngen. CN.R. t earner Prime John. Capt E MaVbs. arrived tn port at 4 o'clock yesterday Afternoon "from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands completing a pusage which the matter of the ves sel stated was about aa rough as he had ever eipeWenced on the run. The cqulnojUa galea of Tuesday and Wednesday morning; made things particularly unootnrarUble tn spots on Hecate Straits and. on the whole. It . was a happy bunch of passengers who. amid considerable tumult and excitement, were able to disembark at Prince Rupert which looked like a pretty good port after the storm. The John also brought a heavy freight cargo, principal Items of wcieti ware 7.000 oases at canned sateen and 300 boxes of mild euied Men. all of which was loaded at Qucau Charlotte Mend points and la tIng discharged far shipment south on other vessels ToaJftU at 8 o'clock, the Prince John will return south via the same route. At virions points on the Islands, she ha further large bookings of freight and paste?ge to pick up and. on reaching Vancouver at the end of the south bound voyage. wlU he quite as crowded a ahtp as she we when ahe arrived here yesterday. LADIES' MUSIC CLUB HAS FINE PROGRAM First Meet In; Mt Prawn YeMerday Af ternoon Well Enjoyed and The opening meeting of the Ladles' Music Club In the Japanese Mission Hall yesterday wa well attended and euccesstul. a splendid miscellaneous program hating been arranged with Miss A. A. Pierce In Charge. The program was as follows: Piano solo "Ramance" i Jean Sibelius), Mrs. E. W. Marentette Vocal solo "Break OTay" Sanderson )w Mrs. Ernest Anderson. Violin nolo "Angel's Serenade" (Bragr.). Mrs. O. A. Woodland. Piano eoto "Flnlandls" i Jean Sibelius) . Miss Marjorle Lancaster. Vocal solo "Oood.Bye" (Toatl). Mrs. h. cr, ytaaer; i : t ,", ' ". Vocal solo-i-'When 'Shadows Oather" (Charles Marshall), Mrs. William Mil lar. Accompanist during the afternoon were Mrs. Morris Blott. Mrs. H. C. Fra- ser, Mrs. E. W. Marentette and Mrs. P. P. Kenny. Man in the Moon THE hardest thing about skating Is the Ice. NOW that winter Is approaching Prince Rupert young people will put away their bathing suits until February, unless one or two more enthusias tic get them out for a Christmas plunge. YESTERDAY I wished I were for tunate enough to have trained myself to go hatless. I just hated chasing the old lid down Sixth 3treet. especially when so many people were watching from Harry Rochester's chalet. JAKE eays that Tolmle leading ' the HJrovlncJal tonseyayvja,. -without- a seat in toe legislature wnxie sua noiding his teat at Ottawa reminds him of a woman driving a car from the back seat. ONE reason why people sometimes do not like the naked truth Is that It Is often bowlegged. PRINCE Rupert's most favorite author is the one who writes the bargain day advertisements in this paper. THE difference between Hudson seal and muskrat Is largely a matter of price tag. JAKE says be likes driving on the Prince Rupert roads because he does not have to take -another driver's dust. "There's an old saying that a man who squeeze a dollar never squeezed his wife." After glancing over the subscription list an exchange remarks: "There are a number of married women in thh community not getting the attention they deserve. It: TenkYeaigo in Pt-lnce Rupert, OCTOIIEK 13, 1917 The Chicago White Sox won (he World Series today by defeating New York Olants by a score of 3 to 3. A lot of heavy machinery is going through to the Silver Standard mine at Hazelton. Miss Annie Slsco of Ladysmlth has graduated as a nurse at the Hazelton I if "pNJOY the perfect fit of a j wj ft l livv tailored-to-measure overcoat. I V I - These cost less! I gCt pcrect' individual fit 1 IsfeSi something rarely possible in a h Choose from superb K&i British wofclens j ready-made. You choose the cloth I We are now showing fine, new .U i R alLwool overcoatin-pciaU yOU like, the COlyr yOU ly imported by Tip Top Tailors ... , . 1 from the world', leading mill. fr, Q Xt mne 111 U DIUPF All one tailored to 'WSjul!iE? price-all thf ?tv1e II I individual mciiire. TnT'cIoinrS l"C St"le y0U vnn 11KC P. CUAVCTTO I m Agent I'rince Hupert 1 B J j Genera! Hospital. William Orant and J. F. Magulre participated In the graduation exercises which were held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Wrtnch. HOTEL .tlIIUV.l Prince Hupert Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Palmer and J. R Morgan. Butedale; L. B. Cook. J. F. Collins, Thomas Adair, S. J. Parkinson D. C. Scott, A. Y. H. Living, Mrs. Main, Miss Maggie Main, Mrs. M. Cowle, Miss Rita Cowle, Miss Margaret Bailey. Mlat Bella Roes, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hogg. Miss J. Hogg and Miss M. Hou. Vancouver: Clarence Martin. A. Robertson and R. Z. Snyder, Massett; Mrs. J. Macdonald, Buckley Bay; R. Bramley, Nanalmo; J. D. Laurie, Mrs. A. M. Orelg and R". C. Burdlck, Victoria; B. E. Morgan, Min neapolis; J. B. Olllatt. Saadsptt: Miss M; Ru4, Skldegate; H. N. Sereth and Emll NagJer. Seattle; Mrs. William. Sutherland; Mrs. Oordon 1L JolUfle. Queen Charlotte City; Mrs. E. Thornton White and two sons and Mrs. W. D. Thornton. Calgary; A. E. Johnston. Port Clements; T. Shaekleton. TJsk: Miss Muriel Stephens. Edmonton; Mrs. Walter Anderes, Ketchlksn; Mrs. S. Benton and Mr. and Mrs. J. Oregson. Telegraph Creek: Miss Ethel M. Pierce. Port Simpson; J. Ward and T. Boys, Fort Selkirk. Central W. J. Bartley. Vancouver: H. Wicks and M. MePherson. city: William Klrk-hof and R. A. Morse. Dawson: Miss Pauline Lincoln. Australia. Savoy Mrs. Rutten. Graham Island: J. Rudd. algary; C. Allend, Mah Wing. Wong ong and M. Carnlch, Queen Charlotte elands: William Qulnns. M. Gallagher. :. Oouthard. L. M. Laycox and O Rob-rteon. Engineer. .N.R. TICKET OFFICE CLOSEDTEMPORARILY Owing to repair, being made, the 'anadlan National Ticket Office. Third .venue, will be closed for the next few layer During that period, tickets may secured and all Information obtain-d at the Ticket Office in the depot, 'bone 349. tf LAND ACT. .NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO Li;.tSK LAM In Atlln Land Recording DUtrlet of the Cassiar District, and situate at the mouth of Warm River, about 500 feet easterly along the shore from the northwest corner of the Skylsrk Mineral Claim. TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Mc-Naughton Fraser, of Atlln, occupation B.C. Land Surveyor, acting as agent for the Engineer Oold Mines Ltd., Inc.. Intends to apply for a lease of the follow-'.ng described land: Commencing at a po'. planted about 400 feet easterly along Uie shore from the northwest corner of the Bkylark Mineral Claim; thence northerly 225 feet: thence easterly 100 feet: thence southerly 160 feet, more or less, to high water mark; thence westerly 100 feet, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing 0J acris, more or less ENOINEER OOLD MINES LTD., INC., Applicant. uaicq auuh tf. may . 1 best J "yat r Sold tverywhete V""" L. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. Raymond Griffith nnii....I Admission - in "Wedding Bills" MALUM COOLEY, TOM S,, (JUISK, JOHN STIIPI UN ANN SIIKIUDAN, VIVIEN OAKLAND and others. CHRISTIE COMEDY "IIODOINfl THOUIILr AESOP'S FILM FA1ILES lUajiAUIAMJ r r n at i nun iuj 35c and 10c Canadian Pacific Railway Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skaxnny October A. 19. ?3. To Vanroutrr, Vlrlorla ami Seattle 11, 33; NUVenilier i. PltlNCESH IlK.l TltlCE. 2n,f,1,,t.,.,i,.e E,,t .Uf.!' '"'"' " N"u, Alert IKij tamplMril Hirer, ana Vanrouier eery MatiiriUv. II a.m. geney for all HUamslilp Lines. Full -Information from- W. C. oitriuui), General Arent. l-orner of lilt street and Srd Avenue. Prime Hupert, UC. riione BADMINTON Suppli les Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3