PAGE FOTO 1 re The: uaili WtVrd BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManij$ Negiectei ItSf ( 'J? , f A GUIDE I I I 7 fer-LX jf" f WHAT SVA I fuONJ' ) BL TGIJ l HIRED TO COARO jffWCO OUT , THAT ? J L T J Eyes NEGLECT la doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable. DONT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 flNDIAN SUMMErYgET IN YOUPT LL SOON BEICOAIFOP. CONE'-VKOLD CREV rrrs a dawn . eta The Fall months are falling LeTiind and you'll have Winter on before you know it. Join the "don't worry" club today and get your bin filled right away. (tfr slate-free coal will give you a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALIIERTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery Phone 110 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Rox 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW ROATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents. for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN IIALIRUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK -.-PRICE Keaucea to 19 ntnta tnr 7 quarts for l pini ior - SI. 00 .$1.00 ... $1.00 ........ uuou jy atv titrvcia. Mcllride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone C57. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST ANGERI the TAILOR Fiae Imported Serge and .Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low CCC ft A as L ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Slreet HON. It. H. DENNETT CHOSEN LEADER OF DOMINION CONSERVATIVES AT WINNIPEG CONVENTION LAST NIGHT (continued from page on) un tour as whirlwind, one part o. which was whirl: but be was retuniej omfortably by a majority of 2,800. Hh friends and admirers predicted almost Immediate cabinet position for he new member for Calgary. But they eckened without Bennett's outstanding habit of apaaklnc bis mind and the art that Ibe western Pharajb of the jicment, to wit, Han. Ro-ort Rogers, did not, as rt were, know Joseph. When toe war came Bennett fitted into na tional service admirably. As dlrector-;fnerml of national service he performed work which was valuable and appre elated. He was not selected as the Union candidate for either wets in Oal- tfary In the 1917 election and for a while devoted himself to his rapidly Increasing private Interest. MISlNTKIC OF 4l KTiri: When Arthur Meighen. In 1921, re formed his admlnlstrationto which he formed tols administration to which he Union government subsequent to the retirement of Sir Robert Borden, Mr. Bennett was taken In as minister of justice, a portfolio for which he was ad mirably fitted. But the landslide of December that year saw him finally left out of parliament, toeing, after sundry recounts, declared IS votes be hind J T. Shaw. The election of 1925 saw him returned by 4,000 majority for Calgary West and as finance minister cf tJie ephemeral Metghen administra tion in the summer of 192C he gave evidence of his administrative capacity. He was returned in September. 1926, by some 2,450 votes.' Bennett "came to Calgary Just at the time when things In the West were tailing to turn. His association with Senator Lougheed brought 1.1m lnt,o touch with all sorts of financial and 'industrial growth and by the time that the big development period was over In is 13 Bennett was well on the way to amassing a fortune. This has lncrsased considerably since that time and one of, the romance of big business in Canada tjrougfht him to the head of the reat lumber business of the late E. B. Eddy. The late Mrs. Eddv and her brother friends of his school days ! successively left to him the control of the huge business. Mr. Bennett is an engaging person ality. Association with big business and wide spheres of lnfluenoe have not rob bed him of tils Western outlook. If he carries an air of Piccadilly In dress and manner around the precincts of Calgary it does not prevent him from being ap- proaohable. Under him the country will know just what the Conservative party 3tands for. Canada will learn this at the rate of some 220 words a minute em broidered with illustration, adlectlve. simile, and what not. Like Hon. W. L. Mackenzie Klrig, Mr. Bennett Is unmarried. PROMINENT .VISITOR FROM YUKON TELLSORLmINING OPERATIONS IN THAT PART, ESPECIALLY MAYO (continued from page one) Railway to Skagway, and from there down the coast. Some of the ore also goes from Stewart City down the Yukon past Dawson to Nenana. Alaska ana over the American government railway to Seward, and from there down the coast by ship. 'The Mayo district has shipped about 34.000 tons of silver-lead ore. of which 29.000 tons has been produced since the strike on Keno Hill some seven years ago. Production since that stride. however, did not begin until 1921. The ore shipped amounted to approximately 10,000 tons of concentrates from the Treadwell Yukon Company's 120-ton mill, situated on Its rich property on Keno inn. the concentrates averazine about $500 a ton in value, while the remaining yield of the camp Is crude ore averaging approximately 1200 a ton in value In silver and lead. Of the crude ore about 10,000 tons was mined from the properties of the Keno Hill Limited, a subsidiary "oTThe" Yukon Gold Comnanv. controlled bv Gkzzen helm" Interests, whiZp . has a group of about a dozen of the best claims on Keno Hill. The Treadwell company al so has several of the best claims on the Hill, and recently has acquired and Is now opening a new camp on the Hector Morrison properties, adjacent to the company's present, operations. A group also Is held on the same hill by the Reserve Mining Company, controlled by the Marcus Daly estate, prominent In Montana mining history. Some fifteen hundred claims are staked In the dU' Its fine, natural flavour wins friends You never tire of it. Children eat their full helpings. Cooks in 2 2 to 5 minutes. It sustains till noon time. Wrapped, sealed, dustproof packages. trlet and kept In good standing, an: prospecting Is continuous with a number of Individuals figuring' substantially In the production. Good properties in the hands of Individuals give promise of becoming ex tensive producers for years both In crude ore and milling ore, and oppor :unltles are open to capital for exten-,:ve investment and development. Th. l-.lgh grade, zone Is developed to an extent of 20 mile in length by ten ir. width, with a far greater area in the idjacent silver-lead fields of the Beaver Slver district, fifty miles beyond Kenc City. The Consolidated Smelting St Mining Company of Trail, B.C. has an option on a promising group of silver-lead properties In the Eeavef district where It has 'been prospecting durin? the last two summers under direction of J. K. Cram. Mr. Archibald and Mr Warren, Jr., of the company visited th field last year. The same company alar ls investigating properties In the AUIn district, at the head of the Yukon basin, In British Columbia, where it Is understood to have taken options. Ilin Hllir.MKXTS Individual shippers in the Kenc camp have shipped as high as 1600 tons per mine per season. Last year Williamson Si Hargrsves, leasers, on the Fisher claim on Keno Hill, owned by the Reserve Company, shipped 1,000 tons of high grade crude ore, while the Star Mine, on Galena Hill, of which I am one of the owners, shipped 1,500 tons of similar ore. Other heavy shippers individually have been the Shain-ock on Keno 11111, owned by Erlckson, vjcKay ti f'ormo: the Gordon, Moreau md Dubois property on Sourdough Hill: the Andy Johnson property, on Sour dough Hill; the Brefalt & Tolmle pro itken; the Gambler, on Faro Gulch. ad the Lone Star, on Keno Hill. Andy :hnron. on Sourdough, last winter tincd, l.oi&sd; sacked aad shipped ngle handed, or without any help . ba lever on the property a total of 60 ana of high grade which yielded him net profit of (twelve thousand dollars. Promising prospects are being drel-ped on many other properties on Sour-lough, Oelena, Keno and other hills .icludlng the Beaver, where the best nown hills are McKay Hill, Silver HU1, toratshoe Hill and Oray Copper Hill ifany believe the Beaver will prove uj the big ore deposits that will warran. a railway for 'the district from tide water. A wonderful spirit is Impelling tcady development, and various Urge ntcreats are taking an Interest In the country. AlUI'IiANH hEItVK'F, "An airplane service is now being est abllabed between Whltehorse, Dawson Seno City and' other Yukon points b he Yukon Airways & Exploration Com-lany, controlled by Keno City people The plane, a duplicate of the famout machine In which Iindberg made hit historic flight, Is now enroute North to inaugurate the service. Interim Alaska has several planes operating successfully the year round, with Fairbanks as the center, and the Yukon will soon have' similar service, which will be of great aid to prospectors visiting mining men, and to those in ned of quick mail service, means of getting to hosprtsj and other purposes. A fiOOI) r.tTKON "Yukon has contributed largely to the wealth of British Columbia cities and is today one of the best patrons of British Columbia wholesale houses and promises to grow and exapnd In com perty on Galena Hill; the Sliver Klnglpany with this progressive part of the mine, on Gelena Hill, owned by Tom Dominion, and deserves the- moral. Oxo makes yw dishes mre tasty is Concentrated Beef at its Best, it OXO enriches pasties, pies, stews, and all mtat dishes with the nutriment and appetizing savour of fresh lean beef. Oxo greatly improves ordinary dishes, is most convenient, and 'wonderfully economical. The Goodness of BeeS 27 U anted For Sale For Rent intlsh Columbia durtnc two month his past aummer sent a letter from be SB. Montraee on tfce ere of tts leparture to th honorary secretary of be Dominion Lawn Bowling Asuotla- lon exprcMtag pleasure aad gratitude in onneotion with the Canadian trip. rhe letter wai signed by Arthur H. Cnight, captain of the tan, aad O. "homson. secretary, and wa In part s follows: "We return home with happy thoughts nd dear memories of all we have awn. .1 gaaas w have played, lost or ion, It a strong feeling of having done onset hlng In frvternletng. to further urtfy and foster bowling, which the artou associations belonging to it hsvt n mind; the outcome of which, no loubt, will tend to a still greater de- 'etepment of the game In Canada, more particularly by the creation of standard fowling green with bank and ditches ind of regulation else In keeping with the rule and regulation laid down )y the authorities on the game. These -we and regulations have been made or the betterment and for a proper understanding, similar to thore governing her games, which are recognised the sorld over. It Is satisfactory to have often heard expressions with regard to the good-wlir our visit has done, snd In savin tu revolr we wish your association fur- her success and prosperity." SPORT CHAT Doug. Prlzzell and his Junior tenni ilayers are rarln' to go and get the ournament completed for the two cups. :ne for girls and one for boys, which oug has put up. Recent bad weather 'tas prevented the completion of this. -he last outstanding event of the out-W'tWtf aPhw;thtVfipit fftij W tna comesi' along now .will -be ised to' the fullest advantage. A wrestling match ' between Allen JavVancpuver and Dlk Stubba M Maple &r&ttetiti' gam'teXt an a big pugilistic Droeram to he uned off at Anyox on the night of jctober 28. An added event will be a six-round boxing contest between Batt ling Dido Ourvjch of this city and Jimmy Ferguson, the latter of whom says he has something interesting in nia mit for the local slugger. v-nane j. uarmon is doing good work In the Anyox Athletic Club giving Instruction In drill and physical jerks to the children. The classes meet twice a week and are gaining in popularity, .oe parents oi tne smelter town eener ally having their children partake In a pood clean pastime, the value of which ney fully realize. Grand Terminals and 8cots wlU meet tonight in the second tournament of the prince Rupert Billiard League sea son. Flayer win be as follows : W. Long (Grand Terminals) vs. Fred I'yie (Soots). George Waugh vs. J. Andrews. J. Hlllman vs. J. Hamilton. A. Murray vs.' M. Andrews 'WBeasley 1v:,Jbe,:Brown. ' nTlNE'litypEUT TIDES FKin.w. oc'toisi:ii n '8h 3:44 am. 15:38 p.m. 0:34 ajn. 22:15 p.m. n.m himv, OOTOUKK IS '" 434 am. I 16:24 p.m. ,Low 10:20 a.m. I 23:08 pja. 20.5 ft. 22 2 8.0 " 27 " 19.2 ft. 20.9 " 7.6 " 4.0 " WANTED. MEN MECHANICALLY IN-aUaed who would like to work at th world's greatest paying Industry. Autc mechanics, garage work, electrical experts, welding, battery and vulcanhv lag. We guarantee to qualify you for big paying positions. Only a short time required Write or call Hemphill's Auto, Knglneerlng School. 10 Hasting St., E-, Vancouver. S C. CALKHDSB AND ADVsBTUINO 8PBC-ialtgr Salesman Start at once. Exclusive lint, highest commlMtott. Oood contract for right man. State qualification. Apply Box M0. London. Ont. MI ROOM WANTED for two weeks, Box ISM. IN PRIVATE HOMK close in. Apply P.O. tf SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN WANTS WORK AS COOK IN small camp, hotel housekeeper, at institution work. Apply Box 80, DaUy News office. 34 ( AGENTS WANTED 4.00 A DAT PAID MEN OB WOMEN for distributing religious literature until Christmas, spare or full time. For particulars write Mr. Conrad, Sped In Building. Toronto. 2tt I 0U SAl.K FURNITURE OF EIOHT ROOMED FLAT for sale complete. Including linen, etc. Also flat for rent. Phone Oreen 700. 340 FOR SALS FORD CHASSIS IN OOOD running order, with plana for bug: going cheap. Phone 048. 341 FOB SALE. OXO OAS BURNER FOR kitchen range.. Apply Dally New office or phone 08. 240 OREEN SIIINQLE8 ARE BEST. 3D0 a thousand. Seal Oave Lumber 00. FOR SALE. Ing Car. -1M7 CHEVROLET TOUR-Phone 288. 341 FOU KENT FOR RENT. FOin ROOMED FUR- nlahed apartment with bath and water paid. Phone S47. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED APART- ment by the day. week or month Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT.-rlsjv. phonograph and singer sewing machine. Walker's , Music store HOUSE FOR ' RENT..o ROOM3' AND BATH. Apply Munro Dros. tf HOUBBS FOR RENT. 20. UP. .AP . Ply 31A', 4HI . y,,.V xt AUCTION SALE I WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION on Saturday. October 15. furniture, beaters: also balance of merchandise and store fixture In Federal block. O. F. Brine, auctioneer. Phone 774. AUCTIONEER TO BE SOLD A3 A OOINO CONCERN (to the highest bidder by public auction on November 16, store with four roomed suite on two year lease from April 1. 1927 to April 1. 1020, rent30 per month for first year end 35 per month second year, together with that well established business known aa Brln's Auctioneering and Secondhand business, Vsether with all stock, fixtures and effects. For fur ther information, see Brine. Auction' eer. pnone 774. No reasonable offer refused up to day of sale. Advertise in The Daily News Use ielMONDS SAWS BECAUSE guaranteed to cut 10 more timber in eame time, with less labor than any other aaw. SIMOtW CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONTREAL VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N S, TORONTO I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Adveitiiement taken'for leu than 50c xtUUcal and financial support of great neigh boring province to outh." ber the Mr. SettJemler leave tonight on the rlnce George for the south. BRITISH BOWLING TEAM BIDS CANADA FAREWELL (in Eve of Sailing for Home They for mally i:prrft Their Thanks TORONTO. Oct. 13 The team of lawn jowiera from the British Isles which -oured the province of Quebec. Ontario. Manitoba. Srikatebewaa, AJbeata and WANTED Art Lost ix Found,!, LAND FOR SALE THE O.TJ. DEVELClpyrr wtll now C-MlSldCf ; purchase of its hold' site of Prince Rupe i : t , ing acreage For r. U. P. TINKIK (. lTa Ae:i's. Mm i.'ir ln.iTv .. li... a - ... . ..bum, jiunTwiui i : ; . . , Continent Kipert instructor- i i ; haaajty culture Inrt t Ing and permaneir t Moler. 10 Haatlrv f C V B.C. SCHOOLS AND COLLED MEN AND WOMEN LZ '. Experf Instruct, r. paying businesses 1 learn and become or write Moler B Hasting Bt. E Vnr ISOAKD AND KOOM ROOM AND BOARD Section Two la- with spacious cl c Harbor view. Surji people. Transport:!' town. Phone Oreet DANCING i sa sa ii i t aa a iiiriui dsnelng. Children "J c tuition. Intending pupil oti:'- ' c fore Fridy. 0 II riione lllark C!X EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND r, bought, sold and e ' and restaurant fix' . Papadopulo and Muv t. Ave. Phone 646 PIANO TININO NOW III HE roris r. roi.K for many years with Bi dan. Eng.. Martin-Ormr C Mason Si Risch. Toron I adjustments of Plavr' I Orands a specialty Phone Red ICS. UPHOLSTERING rURNITURE REPAIBIKU; stenng of all kinat. recovered and made to ord work guaranteed. d, M. HUNT. KAIF.N OAlttfiK n uTiiKit KF.nrcTioM In riir.vitoi.KT riurr Commercial ' Chassis, ' ,tca delivery Touring Roadster Roadster Delivery Sport Roadster Coach Coupe Sedan Cabriolet Landau Sedan uvauers in ail uer.rri" ' " -v m Pmrlnnts Wrecking Service Day Plume S3 TAXI PhnnA B7 Tml (Call Geortre. Paul Of .91 ,l"' ,H ' Imperial Landau Sedan , Utility ExDres. 1 ton tn: ' wise wneel 123.00 extra .:i ' ' A complex line of 1928 rr. band at present. Phv.t '' ' for demonstration and If '" our eoav nnvmnt ntan. . i j - .. Ford Conno 102 tlOO rain. " 125 ber month. 28 per month. KAIIIN OAlttfiE, tin i- Itnss Six and Seven Paaseneer M" bakers at your disposal any KOSS IIROS. POOL HOO" .Meeker lllork. (Across from Emprraa Ho"1