passing Whit Sandy of the ding out Friday 1 Hali have e them accore en Hopkins every- pleted by Wren n have t dance Eileen igman, Jean Maynard dance ina You Hlaine Wrer held who 18 . ncouver Omin ny Fraser on rman Was john Ged Bp ' Louise Ike F Dr. Geddes nual + and B.C Harvey Frank Rupert those when Ripple outh iid he nnual ex us5sen ident com , ffee in time hey “oO their , vecur Ne and 4) » don } OLhes Hee iy, Be i) othe Dunbar, pin Tha nown city - i imu herce wy & Colums nant on Wateon ~™ &nd Erie wey and NEW STAMPA new series Gee! image, likely i the Queen, taken by You if the amp. It. was oneof a QQ embarked on het of will appear next March Kar ¢ries taken by Mr Canadian is” wae Canadian tamp Thi h of Ottawa be used on Karsh before (CP Photo tour in 1951 Trustees Shocked at Size Of School Electric Bill 4 OF Hihg an 1 King Edward cism trom ing last night, Bruce Trustee Brown aid hi f the Mi 10 exceeded the principals , A. M. Hur Fy ol and R. J. Moore meeting iscus ise Of classrooms ‘wend the next to al nad re the this be- mid - iitits about ing on at Booth as iate as Mi uid be Brown aovVised ght said electri Voy if @8 the wil, meet ; ciation to dis mon oi appear Oper at f +} af eling wages and \ ‘ : Mi Edith Prince leachers Asso ior i id a convention granted De- t} iit instail ided to bu i Booth Memo! be dedu UU ott reminded th bow i pewrits ks for tl re questioned bought choo Y wee rincip at th ba advised the board that the desks were » improving Booth School. Dr. R Larne chairman juggested overall pl landscape the ounds be started possible to make the school en trance more attractive and elim of water caused rainy spells ound G n in t “aS SOON Aas huge during the inate pool It was pointed out that citi een have garages on Booth High School property and the board decided to advise them to that effect. Trustee Brown said owners should be informed that day the board will want to complete work on the grounds ind when that time comes the sarages will have to be removed some readers R Music and syllabus new Civie Centre record ¢« (261) District Drama Festival available at the McRae Bros Bs ter, @ Mecting of Friday, *Nov. 7, Election of officers, Silver March Job's Daughters 7:30 p.m, sharp Initiation (98°) the electric light bills at Booth Memorial school brought sharp criti- school trustees at the regular board meet- UNDAUNTED Loy ER—Deter mined to marry his Japanese weetnheart despite two pre- vious unsuccessful ati mpts Able Se hn Kobayash Ce INES Fo return fe) I © abdoar he Can yed Atha baskan fc 4 dur of duty The 23-year-old sailor met a Hiroshima girl, Kazuko Eshe- mura } first trip, when he Was aboard HMCS Cayuga Her parents were killed in thy atomic bombing of Hiroshima A brother oppoves his sister’s nalriage CP Photo Miller Bay, City Nurses Hear Doctor } i i ba ap woth Nu A‘*so tial ‘ ; \ i ‘ 1 i } e Rupe Mil Ba Ww! G na B.C. iwertulos) yt th irses, a live di “ ” followed Dr. Gaibraiti On I Miss Alice Wriazhi ristrar of nurses in B.C. will representatives f-em Te I Miller Bay and Prince Ri pert at a meeting in the nurses hor Prince Rupert General Bedtime Snack solves laxative problem “Constipation made me sullen all day. What a change since | started to use ALL-BRAN regularly! Even my wife notices it!" writes man from Ville Montmorency, Que. If you suffer from irregularity due to lack of bulk, try a bowlful of this toast cereal every night before bed. It may bring back the youthful regu- larity you thought long lost. aLL- BRAN is the only type ready-to-eat cereal that supplies all the bulk you may need, It’s high in protein and iron, Not habit-forming. Kellogg's so sure you'll like ALL-BRAN that you're not completely satisfied 1 ter 10 days, send empty carton to icellogg's, London, Ont., and get VONBY BACK! ;OURLE YOU se “4 it Ia, F Pa, i it ee bearing the photograph the Canadian Pelts Choice By MURIEL NARRAWAY Equally suited as a “top- | Canadian Press Staff Writer coat” for the Slinkiest silk | - crepe dress a i LONDON (P)—It will be hich ve uress ot the latest thing in Scots tweed suits is a model mamed “Canada,” a ranch mink coat with deep collar and diagonal working on the wide, jsummer at the Queen's corona | tion next year, but London’s fu trade is out to take advantage of the occasion by showing the narrow-cuffed sleeves, Un- wide SCupe how possible in fur taxed, it costs £800 styling . Sjnce most of these turs come; 4 suGiul can-jacket ic! ‘rom Canada, Dominion visitors| ®¥S8ian sable is called, surpris- May be especially interested One Longo: rurrier (8. Lon-| ¢ mre ~ - don, Ltd.) says that for every 10 garments he selis, six are mink and “all my vest skins come from Canada He Canadian beaver, squirre}j Previously dealing muy, this direct to the customer also 3 ermine and in trade orders now se] furrier This furrier recently gave a combined show with one of . London's ivremost fashion de- signers (Charles Creed) as part of a move to emphasize th link between modern furs and the latest culture models. Royal ihe Such coats as 2 pasie mink, a development of muta- tion mink that resembles the finest cnaracteristics of wild mink, made an elegant picture won over some of the exquisitely tailored suits and dresse for Which the designer is noted ris Seat eek. new 3 ow width and knee flare, wide Sieeves that cuff deeply to three- quarter length and an easy roil collar, costs £1,475. A North Am- erican itor can buy it u price with a dedu for dollar Sales A must pay £1,475 extra in sal tax ' : : ROYAL PASTEL Air Cadets MINK — One of the most elegant fur coats | t d b which London furriers wil] nspec e y Gispiay for visitors to the Queen's Coronation next year League Heads | i '« teva paste mnt ser vesopment of mutation mink Twe member of the civilian that re sembles the finest char- committee of the Prince Rupe acteristics of wild mink, With Air Cadet Squadron visited th: — Hew Barros width and armories last night to the kper tare, wide sleeves that boys in action Cull deeply to three-quarter LE eae ‘ength and an easy rolj collar. e (Jim) Taylor “9 iirmar it costs £1,475. A North Ameri- oi ee 6 CiVinaNn committles Was can visitor wil] receive ieduc- impressed with the progress th ‘ Se ae an J \ I ion allowed for dollar sales, boys are making in drili and ‘CP Photo Murray Johnson attended a lec etter ture on alr cadet activities given by equipment officer B S j ‘ Bryan aimon’ Pac Forty-four of the 48 ude were on parade First new nem ber to on Drops harply snce € prize was offered for the cedet who introduces the mast’ VANCOUVER (P)— A sharp new members is, Robert Dumas p in canned salmon pack Officers announced that uni is year from previous years at forms are expected’ to arrive tie same date is revealed in fig- next week and at the same time » Fefeased oy the Usheries de- Gisciosed that several pieces of | partment equipment including a movie Only the pack of sockeye, up projector, range rifles and tay 0,000 cas Vet. 25, showed get have arrived from RCAF rease. Chu coho, blue- headquarters on Sea Island DacksS and springs ali dropped. Ten cadet scheduled PRG ee ee ee take medical examinations thi envi - Thursday, which wil] the 7 INDUSTRIAL AREA 30 the number who have com- The great coal and steel city pleted the routine medical. The Sydney, Sape Breton, was est- boys report to Dr. A. W. Large. a a ada medical officer for the quad- ee ee ron FAST FORESTS The original fores ed area Canada has been estimated at ca 2.000.600 quare mil ‘3> PRINTING IS THE GATEWAY TO NEW BUSINESS Call 234 t We'll glady help you plau. your printing and assis} you in every way. Dibb Printing Co. SHOE SALE Men's & Boys’ Oxfords $3.95 Men’s Oxfords $6.95 aides Footwear Coronation Furs | came from the style, not the {ur |The original garment came jn | peatea in other furs | adaptable cuffs, a pastel mink ‘Tall’ Girls ingly, “Alberta.” Asked why (== > “uch a coat should be christened for a Canadian province, the furrier replied that the name | Timely R Isn’t it a joy to make a cake which has a topping baked right A sporty, three-quarter length with it? “Almond Praline Top- ocelot coat with side-slit hem ped Cake” is made that Way and aeep sleeves, and half-belt, might it's a favorite with everyone who well popular in Canada. Other has tried it. How about making styles are a Canadian wild mink it for dinner tonight? wlth p-caved collar and _ split ALMOND PRALINE TOPPED CAKE wild ranch mink and was re ne Re stole with horizontal working : ‘4 Cup shortening showing no joins, a light-weight cup granulated s Lake Superior mink coat, a 1 oe & 4 sugar hale tapering fo Deal cet ini ,{# aso vane extract e tapering to pe mee 1% cups sifted cake flour a dark Canadian mink cape 1% teaspoons baking powder worked like a type of ey. ie teaspoon salt 'cape worn in the Victorian era % cup milk %2 cup brown sugar (packed) tablespoons flour 2 teaspoon cinnamon ° d ‘ 3 tablespoons butter or mar- Recognized in gatias as ‘4 Cup chopped or ready diced Fashion World almonds Cream shortening and sugar Prince Rupert Daily News - Wednesday, November 5, 1952 ECIPES A quick and easy Special fs Golden-brown, BAKED SALMON ROLLS 114-lb. can pink salmon 1 egg, beaten 2 tbs. evaporated milk \% c, salad oil '% tsp. salt “% tsp. pepper 43 cup fine bread crumbs always a good recipe to keep in the back of your mind, for the day when you have to toss to- gether a tasty Supper dish in a minimum of minutes. The saj- mon rolls in the following recipe are very simply made, and the baking time is approximtely 25 minutes. make a delicious, melt-in-your- mouth entree. . 7 whipped potzatoes, green beats and crisp, hot rolls for delectable dinner few lemon wedges for garnish! they serve with a truly Don't forget a most forgotten, ignored, or polit- ely evaded is coming into her own in the fashion world | “tall” designers mean 5 foot 8 }and over mer this year placed additional emphasis on styles for the tall girl, and the fall fashions promise an even greater remedy for the a ‘one al- | ‘gether thoroughly. Blend in A young woman, hitherto al lightly beaten egg and vanilla. Sift flour, baking powder and Salt together. Add to creamed mixture alternately with milk, beginning and ending with dry ingredients. Pour into greased | 8-iich square pan. Bake in mod- erately hot oven (375°F.) about 36 to 35 minutes. Blend together brown sugar, flour, cinnamon and butter until crumbly. Spread over cake, sprinkle almonds on top, and bake 5 minutes longer. Serves 9. She is the tall girl. And by! Fashions for spring and sum- plight of this attractive woman. For too many years now, the Flake drained salmon: add egg, milk and seasoning. Shape into 8 rolls about 4 inches long; roli in bread crumbs. Put in greased Shallow baking dish. Pour salad oil over fish sticks. Bake in hot oven (400°F.) 25 minutes or until nicely browned. Easy? And won- gerful to taste! We predict see- ond helpings, so be ready for them! This recipe serves four. Add ingredients proportionately tall, slender woman has been forced to wear clothes suitable for her smaller sisters, and to try her best to achieve dignity and grace in these clothes. This is no small task. But the tall girl is brave and coufageous, and after a long and hard-fought battle for fashions of her own, at last seems on the verge of victory BRIGHTEST PLANET Venus, several times brighter than any star, may «ften be seen in daylight with the naked eye Chief reason for this is the trend of American designers toward new and sleek styles for the tall girl. Many manufactur- | ers in the US. are catering to this type of woman, and the Canadian giris are fighting for their right to have equally as attractive clothes EXPENSIVE BUSINESS For the most pert. Canadian retailers have found that to carry + Separate line of clothes espec- ialy for the tall girl is an ex- pensive business, since the clothes have to be imported from the United States, and because the number of tall girls. while! 4 rapidly increasing, does not war-: rant such expezse Thetefore, rather the specia] line. than carry the retailer is only too will'ng to order dresses | to the required measurements of | the customer RM This advertisement is n | wt published | Control Board or hy the Government of for additional servings. BIG ADVANCE The first self-binding machine Seagram's Crown Royal Seagram's V.O, Seagram's “83” Seagram's King’s Plate Seagram's Special Old Ke tc be operated in the Canadian West appeared on farms in 1884. or dispiayed hy the Liquor British Columbia. Number of Times ........... Enclesed Please Add four words if bos. number required (3¢ per word per insertion—e.g. Number of words 25; cost. /Sc. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) re a