Ratably Q,i imooth, fragrant com -conaenUl pany anywhero HI 7 W as - - a w , m um . . .grav aw OT OO 10 YEARS OLD 1 r' i c-metit is not pub-j or displayed by the intt-ul Hoard or by iw, vci nment l LiritiMi Columbia THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS Ve LAUNDER SHIRTS AW0iHIRIrV5TA 100 i w.iidt and -hie thirt . i t rip to thin laun-.1 uj-ii. Tiny will de- you our expert .. ptnite manner of ser-' moderate price, u to do thin. ioneer Laundry I'honc 118 YOU ARE INVITED to Kee Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses at The Louvre 31C Third Avenue Next Royal Hank DRY I1IRCH. CEDAR AND JACK PINE -injzle Load $:j..10 Double Load .5(I.rl l.:irj. Sack ."O HI NDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 5S0 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue English. Made -to -Measure Suits and Pure Wool Clolha Hy Mail. AGENTS WANTED to carry cloth patterns and tak. measures for English high-grade Tailoring House. Liberal coram 1s-' n Cash trade. Splendid opening for lUirekeeper. agent carrying "'tier lines or man with large circle of founds. Write, enclosing bank reference, to Dept. C, Com-jneivial Advertising Service. North. Parade. Manohester, 'England, RIDLEY HOME WELL SUPPLIED Larue Number of People Sent (.roceries for Uw of Well Known Institution In .pit of the extreme wthr yr large "Umber .pf tlt4( railt ie Ridly Hum carry!m dor...?. r viu-iou. groceries which helper) a-:. i.'iiuoii very mater ally In its. tiff, ;u i-rrurc new buildlrtifs. Anion,' agisting in receivlnx wre Mr. t -.itlrtw Mrs Russell Soitli Mi. tx I u Mr Pyl and tht matron. Um CUSett. Mra Matthewa mm! Uis Cuiii. Tim v tailor took a great tntreM in 'a ImniM and epenad appreciation if the way In which they ware being Kept and the work done there Th jae ho donated war: Unn-y A Davie. Mrs Ale McKenale. Mi Hkmner. Mra Keltey. Rupert Table Supply. Mra. (too. Ror.e. Mra. E. W Tucker. Buah's Oroeerterta, Mlaa West. Mlaa Davies. lire. Pull an Mra. Ooodaell.l Mra OuVernet. Miiasalltm (irocerv, Mra. 1 Howard. Mm. J M. Oolliaon. Friend. Mra H. T. Croaa. Mra. Homer. Mra. McKay. Mra. Norman Wan Mra. Thcs. Andrew. Mra W. E. Colllsoii. Mlaa Bllett, I Mra. H. Walker, Miss Shirley Llpain. Mra. J, Bager. Mra Robtnaon. Mra. W. J. Oreer. Mra. S. V. Cos. Mra. LePlne. Mra Russell Smith. Mra. Woodland. ; Mra. Arnott. Mra. Pyl, Mra. Brownlee. Mra. Frank IMbb. Mra. Moorboue. WATER NOTICE. IIIVI ItslON ami ir. TAKE NOTICE that E Rouaseau, whoae addreaa la 410 Seymour Street. vcr. B.C.. wUl apply (or a licence to take and um 1 cubic foot of water out of unnanmed atream which flowa aouth-rrly and drain into Port Stephana Bay, about one' mile eaat of Bluff Point, i The water wit) be diverted from th stream at a point aut 800 feet from , the mouth and wUl I uaad for commer-' clal ptupeae upon the land deasrlbed a Lot 3TM. Rang 4. Ooaat District. Tht notice w potted on tha ground on the 2Ath day of July. 127. A copy of I this notice and an tpplloatlon pursuant I thereto and to the "Water Act'1 will be I filed in the office of the Water Re-I corder at Prince Rupert. B C. Objec tion to the application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water RlghU. Parliament Building. Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice Is August 30, 19J7. BVORNE ROUSSEAU, Applicant LAND ACT. soTirr. or ivt'vtov o ,ppi.v to LEASE LAND Queen CharloUe Islands Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Ru- snd situate north of Lot 1068 and rcrt. 887. TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Planing and Packing Oo. Ltd. of Mawett. occupation Canntrs. Intends to apply for a leaae of the following described lands: Oommrnclng st a post planted twenty chains north of Tsn Indian Reaerve and on the ehore of Melntyre Bay: thence north S chains to the low water mark, thence westerly following aald low water 10 chain thence southerly 5 chains thence easterly 160 chatne to the point of commencement, and containing eighty icre. more or le. LaANOAKA mHINO At PACKINO CO. LTD. Applicant Freil Nash, Agtnt. Dated June 37. 1927 LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO i.t am; i..m In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Re- Ha. r,i , -tot Af Prinre nurjert. and Kltuite t Ferguson Day. Omhim Ialtnd, TAKE NOTICE that Somervllte Can -iAM.s rimltMl Vsinrotivr. B.C occurAtlon Packer, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing st a post P'td "?e northwest corner of Lot 1571. Q;.!.. thence east 30 chslns; thence north a .k.l. annra e-as imam t inw water mark; thence weat following low water mark, -. K.n. .Mith o f haln more or JU QllilJIl. hjwjjm. -w . leas, to point of commencement, ana containing sis 101 ac. BOMKRVIUJS CANNERY COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant Dated August 31, 1P3T, I irS Cough Relieved by First Dose La a fueh BackWa Mbtare penetrate an4 clear the throat aae cheat. Tkia Uaaaadlata relief ta dun to the unique aatnre at "BiUrV. Ifa quite different t rata ordinal? eouaa arrvpa. Oh Suae atopa otuhiaa and there are 4 W la a Talent bottle I eCary drucfbt eelia "Bach' V'l" trader a poattiv gwar-aaue. Get kettle today. 1 W. K. totWler. Ll-ifv. Hi Mataal St. Tarsal lay I m BUCKLEYS W MIXTURE t9 AcuUlta lath a tingle lp p fovea It HC. D:Rb) lalancl. Mr A. T Parkin. Mra. UrC . .r.t Mis Webster. Mrs Baa-rett-Jonea Mra J A. Wee:. Mra. Jabcur. Mr. Maauy. Mra. Norruiiion. Mlaa Mercei. Mis, Hart In. Mlaa Roth-well. Rev A. T. Prcctor. Johnston's Orocery. Mr toiy. Mra. 1. O 9 teen. Mra. R. MOUy Mra. JarrU McLeod. CANADIAN LEGION ELECTS OFFICERS NEXT SIX MONTHS Prince R u(.-rt Branch. Canadian, Le-; glen of the British Empire Service' ' Lcu last night elected officer fcr tht coming :x months as follows: i Honorary PreUdent Liut.-Col. C. W.I Ptwk, V.C.. D80. Honorary V oe-PreUfc-nt llsler John MoOeegcr. V.C Praa:dent -S A. Bird. Pint V!i-Presldent-af. M. Lamb. Seccnd Vlce-Prsidnt ftad Hardy. Executive- Sam Matnaall. J. A. AJlan. John May. Janice Parka, J. Smith and Jack Pllnt Auditor- :. V. Evttt. Tnuteea- Di J. A, West. 8. A. Bird. and Thomas Sllversldea. SKIDEGATE While the salmon pack I not large this year, the cannerls did better than was en pec ted earlier In the season. The seiners did not make much 'because there were too many of them operat ing. The run waa fair but the number of boats after them too many. Oapt. Charley Sveodaen, well known skipper of th Chief Legale, left for Prince Rupert a few day ago with a load of ehum front Quen Charlotte City. Tug Lome got away with the two barges which- loaded at Queen .Ohar- lotta City, one with log and the other with lumber. Joseph Stgmund, after having spent the past few day In town on bualnes. returns to Queen Charlotte Otty on the Prince John tonight. IVND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APP.Y TO LMt, l.A.M cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Jedway Harbor, Moresby Is- lana, u w. TAKE NOTICE that Millerd Packing . Company, Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packers. Intends lo apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 88. Q.C.I.: thence northwesterly and along high water mark la cnsins, more or m a wiu 58 37' E. from the US. corner Lot 140: thence north 66 37' E. 1-5 chslns. more it less, to low water mark; thence acutheaatefly along low water mark to a point N. 58 3T E from the location post: thence 3.3 chslns, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing S acre, more or less. MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED, Applioant. Dated September 7. 1937. THE DAILT NEWS GIRL HELD UP ! - BY A BANDIT Screamed When Gun 1'ointed at: Her and Man Was Frightened and Ran VICTORIA. Oct 13 Held Ins; up toe ' m.T.t daughter of Mra. Su.toa. of sOCt r -q.umalt ttoad at the point est a1 g.in hii unMeatlfled man got away! t iti S18 from the cash bos of tsae) candy tore which the only meaas, : eupj. r: tltst Mr Sutton ha, (if! John Artrmaii of XaqulBOjalt, r::ca on th scene live minutes after the hold-up had occurred. He atatad Isst nlgM ttsat a man. dresMd 1st a blue suit and tweed cap, thin faced and about five feet aix inches In height, entered the store snd ordered from th girl in charge a soft drink. Drinking half th contenta of the bottle he placed it down on the counter and made a motion as if to get the nstaey with which to pay for the drink. Suddenly he whipped out a revolver, and pointing It at the cirl within a few Inch of her body ordered her to put up her hand" Me then reached over and took from under the counter th cigar bos containing some eighteen dollars In bills and small change. The girl asrsarned, whereupon the man. agpsajgt frightened that someone vuld taaar. draasjed the gun and ran out Of th store snd down the street toward the city. The ajtrt's older stetar earn out from the back of the rtors) and, Mcatjabjg a hurried and some-whs t AeoaVerertt account of what had hsaaastled. Mle chase. She feilewed the man tar half a Mock, but was tin Mi t kasfi mp with him snd abandoned tha cJVvae to return to the store. Chief Acreman was then called In. Both girl ware rather eielted and unable to give a very detailed description of the man The officer baa taken possession of the gun. which 1 a Oolt of 38 calibre, and wlU endeavor to Identify the maf by tb gun If Some of the money stolen by the bandit was recovered by the girls, a during bis hasty exit he dropped aorne of it on the floor and on the sidewalk. WHAT WILL BE DONE WITH BATTLE CRUISER BUILT FOR GREECE? GENEVA. Oct. 13 -Greece doe not want the Ms battle cruiser of 2000Q ,?ns built for her In a Oerman shipyard luring the war and actually contracted or In 1913.. ' Th Orcclan claim to th 3.0O0.0Q0 already advanced the Oerman firm in tiert payment was supported by the Po- 'Ish delegation recently appearing before '.be Council of tho League of Nations They urged that the money already ad vaaced be returned to 0 recce. Ih Polish delegates argued that the Treaty 'of Veraallis forbids Germany from exporting war materials and that therefore Greece Is not bound to take possession of the warship which has been named the BaUmls. A committee wai appointed to study the problem, which Involves the Interpretation of the military clauses of the Treaty of Versailles. GROUP OF GIRLS ON BE4CH THRILL-LESS AS OLD-TIME SEWING BEE (Vansouveraun) . Primed by representatives of the Local Council of Women. Police Commissioner T. W. Fletcher rises In an anguish of shocked mcdeety to protest against the types of bathing suits worn on the beaches of Greater Vancouver. These suits, declares the commissioner. Ik'' ' Js Jourj&afy ) Steadily faminy? FREE BABY BOOKS On request we will send feeding chart and valuable Baby Welfare Book containing authoritative Information on baby a sleep, bath, clothing, exercise, height, weight and common ailments. Address Th Borden Co. ' Limited Vancouver B927 nt-a--lcM'- tgia i mtuMHi ! 'M ma mm aeeau aanrura. in"? I now at, aawfa: 1 A normal infant shows steady progress. That is natural. If your baby is not doing so consult your doctor. If it is a food problem, Eagle Brand may solve it. For bottle-fed babies Eagle Brand has been the standby of mothers for three generations. It is especially valuable in difficult feeding cases, being such a safe food pure, uniform, easily digested. You will be pleased to see your baby begin to thrive immediately when placed on a carefully prepared Eagle Brand diet. It is'lirghlyendorsed! by doctors and nurses. Sold 13 f Srugglsts and grocers everywhere, EAGLE. BRAND COND.MitD HILK- Some t as; are indecent. This charge is not only a reflection on the natural modesty of half the women and girls In Vancouver, but It controverts a fundamental psychological fact. Mr. Fletcher and the representatives of the Local Council appear to Infer that the emits worn are Indecent because they generate Impure and lewd thoughts in the minds of male observers. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Being women, the representatives of the Local Council are not expected to know what provokes the male to lewdness. . But Mr. Fletcher, being a man. should know. He should know that In no place In the world Is the human form so thor oughly divorced from sex as on a bathing beach, that to the average healthy-minded male the sight Of a group of girls on a beach In one-piece bathing suits is as thrill-less as an old-time sewing bee. Tut I Tut! Mr. Fletcher, Tut I Tut! AFRICA EARLY HOME OF MANKIND CLAIMS ANTHROPOLOGIST NEW YORK, Oct. 13. A male skull declared to be a perfect specimen of the type of man who existed about 25,-000 years ago has been brought to the United States, by Dr. George L. Collie, professor of anthropology at Belolt College. Dr. Oollle. who represented the Logan Museum of Belolt in Algerian excavations, borrowed the skull from M. A. pobruge. Its French discoverer, for examination by United States scientists. This and other recent discoveries In Africa provide convincing proof, salal Dr. Collie, that Africa and not Asia. MAIL THIS COUPON was the early home of mankind. I BRITISH STEAMER- I NOW SHARK FACTORY LONDON, Oct. 13, The British steam- tot0 a "hark 'fjy.il5oistfMd She ts now In London docks with 30 ns offaharjulaboard, but so determin ed are her owners to keep the vessel's business secret that a guard has been placed aboard to keep off Intruders. During the war the Is tar wai chartered by the American navy. Six-Inch guns were mounted on her and 1 She was used to convoy submarines. She was recently fitted up at Antwerp for the conversion of sharks into leather and other by-products. dvcrtWe In Th Dally New THE McCLARY MANUFACTURING CO, LONDON, CANADA. Pleat aand ana nama of naaraet McOarr'a dealer who laaulla Sunshine Fucnacaa according lo Standard Coda. Nam L Addreaa. PAGE PIVB Yam J YOU , too, may fly toParis: A novelty today but a commonplace tomorrow. And when the first passenger plane spans the Atlantic what a triumph for Scientific Accuracy I Scientific Accuracy! The far tor which makes modern aviation possible is the lame which makes Warm Air the efficient heating system. Properly installed, a Warm Air Furnace gives better health, un- failing comfort and great economy. But it MUST be properly installed. It MUST be scientifically accurate. NOW by adopting a Standard Lode based on tried and proven scientific principles governing Warm Air installation, McUary s have raised warm Air to a higher plane than that of any other heating syatem. Healthful heat at all hours, unfailing comfort, remarkable fuel economy all these sre gusranteed to every home owner using McCIary's now "Code Installed rt Sunshine Fur- MrCIary sra Um ealy Caaatfiaa mnnfcan of tha National Waraa Ait Halting and Vaatilatias Awiciauoa a bodf of Uadin manufacturer, who havs adoptad a aciantific cod for irutalling warm air furnaces. By iniiiting cm a McClarr'a "Coda Installed" Sunshia Furnaca you ara guaranteed th mo-t haslthful, afficiant and aconomitfal baatiag plant your homo can accommodate-, at about half tha coat af mora oUborat ytt lata affactiv ayitem. Fill in and mail attached coupon, and we will send you name of the nearest McCIary's dealer who will guarantee a "Code Installed" heating system which gives lifetime satisfaction. WChryh SUNSHINE FURNACE Can Also be Fitted With Miles Automatic Furnace Fan Where Required DEMAND ' 07 Agents for McCIary Furnaces - Ratchford & Shenton, Phone 33 "Rupert Brand" ippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Cq., i Prince Rupert, B.C ASK ME ANOTHER? Here are the National Prizes: 1st prize . . . . $.10,000 4th prize 1,250 8th prize 400 2nd prize 5.000 5th prize 1,000 9th prize 250 8rd prize 2.000 6th prtze 700 10th prize 100 7th prize 500 CANADIAN LAUNDRY PRIZES 1st Prize 12 months Soft Finish Laundry Service. Approximate value $73.00. 2nd Prize 12 months Thrift-T-Service. Approximate value $60.00. 3rd Prize 12 months Wet Wash Service. Approximate value $10.00. For full details of above prizes, as well as 1,200 valuable awards, consult the booklet, "Ask Me Another About the Laundry," obtainable at the Canadian Laundry & Dry Gleaners Phone 8 515 6th Avenue W. Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Phone 525. Over Orme'si Drug Store Office Hours 0 to 9 Lady Assistant