i th 4% ye 4? es - CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ARTS 4:30 PM ee Classified Rates AGENTS WANTED ehh DAY PREVIOUS PoMotaMeMaMeMet ete eee Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, November 5, 1952 bridge BLACKWOOD on ences geeemamee — BBC BANS ‘HANDCLAp TUNE; HARMS MACHINE LONDON (AP)--The BBC has or Tred dige t “Musie While You Work” program for fartor . stop piaying a top-hit tune “Sugarbush one Said the BBC: “Sugarbush features intr as @ part of its rhythm and some Pts ns machiy aes 1240 Kiocycles | 5 reportedly have been hitting machine ry with ine a Closure. un 4:30 p.m. Gay pre- RADIO DIAL |t with the handclaps.” Pir Nols ing vious to publication : Classified, § cents per word per By EASLEY BLACKWOOD ‘There have béen some disastrous results” gil sertion; minimum charge 50 (Subject to Change) ' . y i admitted ruefujly Bie, — ws Best Bid Is Not Always 4 — o 1 ae aati “ Me * Birth ) cents; Cards nt ". na Based on Suit Strength NO WASTE HUGE Pp hanks, Death Notices, WEDNESDAY i ; * af ikicce. Mavelais wnihi 3 c PM ‘ . td biddat B BEVERLEY. England (Cp) STOCKHOLM ¢ ND Funeral Notices, Marriage ar about 900 : gene ba sal Dale’s spade suit was strictly biddable. But ,When fire broke out in a 600-| The nationg fend ba ng emeny An InscemMelts, a ; .. i } Har a mai bein £2. our n - —, dh, - : ae Q B SAYS WIFE ALIVE = George a“ 2»? ae not to respond WwW ith one spade, The reason os oan ‘a trl d as gift to King 3pecial Display double pric gre Pc os, Mig cote hate er Lemay, Montreal re : 7 s z, On Nis 70th birt 81 r i price. Satisfa tion suaren ed inane aan ue .- a eats was that he corr ectly figured his hand was W ort! 1 coal and rushed it more than has passed ‘the Na ‘ y refundec le —— ? ‘ wy alma. - ut SOSNCREENS ve Generous commissior ; wife magnets. whe, waliied only one bid, It was therefore his duty to make that ~~ - Mace a6 oa vee mark (about $iiqqqr4 : gifts ete We 4 hile they were holidaying in Ya a wee we a be Used for some culty ( ely the ones who Piorida 10 months ago, is alive. one bid as useful as possible. What could be more paces , , t ir Represent ; “ i re Ts ; vant » Fall Bazaa Sat oles Gan twas 4 He Lold reporters be plans @ interesting and helpful to partner than an immedi-| ne still offe he lowes Be iverce actor r : Jevember 5 our 4,000 satis ‘ However, members of her ate raise in a suit in which partner had already | . ) /) g tative by writ Mi ‘ . . : tree? on family and Florida police who) wn interest ? So Mr. Dale bid two hearts. usiness ~probessi Nov Bg moh A enon : é estigated the disappeare Shown inter st? Nothing. tr, Dale bid : POPES ~ Cathed ! I cos e St.. M ONTRI Al. ‘ ance believe the woman is This is a point goo ia often : Ca . , r = RE dead (CP Photo; missed. If you do respond one South dealer — M ——— pade on Mr Dale's s cards and) Both sides vulnerable FOR YOUR ROCK John F.L.H LODE. Fa waa em et ° wrtner then rebld two hearts North AND CONCRETE WORK CHIRC ughes ber 20 BC Ne " ?p ans ry you must pass. Partner is then co. a) pei ots eatinnidiviain i ora » * = i Ms € ik denied the knowledge that you H—@ 10 9 : EVERY JOB GUARANTEED Hrs. 10 0 12 0 bm oe ' i ‘ 0s have ample trump support for D7 6 4 i We Pour Cement For Less Eves.: by appointment Ne Fix , heart suit C--@ 7 6 | 1. 9s . M heart suit i ‘ 21 + 23 Besner e Sonja ‘ M in For 2\st Against the four-heart con og ee | Phone Blue 939 Phone Blye a nv. 0 ; e t Mrs. Keen made her nor- Ss onan ' tue 44 Con I \ BBM ws & 7 pe of the king of H—A KJ ; F Mi rM al opening 9° a 21 : Parliament spades. Now, it Mr, Muzzy were D-J 9a ‘PRECISION SAW FILING|| FReoe DOWD : ying the hand, he would un-| we. : kant La i : Se e a “I wn Mowers Sharpened Ty Cisure ; vi ” OTTAWA @®--Government of- | d lly have taken three, (Mra Keen) (Mr. Abel) r | OPTOMETRIGT =~ a ficials are completing plans for rounds of trumps and banked : KQJ = :. > - 215-—~Ist Ave. W. Room 10 Stone Bull Presbyterian Bazaar, ‘ A the seventh session of the 2ist| on the clubs breaking 3-3. He; ,, "em r " ‘ Jer 27 $8000 WILL BUY ab Mi . parliament ; would have seat thre diamonds a ; BS 3 C > si Phone 909 We men of ti rl Ba . - ped I The session, possibly the last/ and a ; 7 or : seth Rest Pp Oo Box 721 Nov . on ” ne ncerr We R efore a general election, will be — Ses aH Pass | om: w © Mc i ned Noy. 20 by Governor 7 4H All pas HELEN'S Orange I I N 19 : 4 eral Vincent Massey T d y St k ae see _ - - H. G. HELGERS P é 4 \ : oC 3. MELOERS ae ; i ~ : PM abinet has been Working oO a S S Mr. Abe) would have played a BEAUTY SHOP y Ss ae ; - ———— )—Mid-Day’ M several weeks on a legislative (Courtesy & D. dohustem Co. Lt@)/ 111). better He might have Permanent Waving os cen * °S CBC Ne progr is expected to keep oe 7 ‘ essai smas « : ; BOATS FOR SALE 2 : c — ted ooo — taken just two — rt a np Beuuty Culture in all REAL ESTATE & INSUS United Church V A ‘all FOR SALE—Tenders wi ‘ a eae " laa ther led three rounds of ciubs its branches Phone irae Bazaar, De + eived by “the indersigned up t nat me s me ag A y ANC OUVER is hoping the opponent who WA5S/) on4 4th street Phone 655 sane 96, Evenings B : noon of Thursday, November - “ es eo mee Ng nis short in clubs also had the short CARD OF THANKS 20th, for the purchase of the en? SS ae $00 | trump holding. He, too, would : —— hereunder described 1 r ves- P » * " ae ; 2 *"2 have been down one pan . LING THE TA We 5 ther wit! nd! 3 R Queen Elizabeth June 2 Cariboo Quartz 1.45 Shipping and General : i . —_ a a - ; I ia ( oe a _ 05 Mr. Masters played the hand | Moving, Packing, Crating ert fon e¥ : I Prime Minister St. Laurent sneatin Sick oo%, Tight, as follows. He won trick Cartage and Storage Tailoring - Alt ind be i } i Me ‘ hinted several weeks ago there Cronin Babine 5]. one with dummy’s ace of spades, | « and exten ; would be no election until after as — - on led a spade back and ruffed it.|] Complete, Reliable and Effi- Clothes Made- nent i Q the copumation. Bowetny. eer = an Next came a small heart toll clent Service. Also agents for 220 Sixth 8 te the wake of a meeting of the poniaier Border 14%, dummy’s nife and another|) Canadian Liquid Air Co Lid HP National Liberal Federation se ce 04 spade, ruffed with the ace of || tor Oxygen, Acetylene and all BUSINESS PERSONALS en last week there has been specu- ete ald 329 |hearts. The jack of hearts was|| weiding supplies 3 BEER bott a eee, seein I F t HH d iation that the government Reeves. MacDonalé om (ieee te demas qarent SCOTT MctAl Black 937. ——_—¢2 TAD) necetan — Fores ry ea ae so so | Co aan 39 [and the last spade led and ruff-|| LINDSAY'S prt vtainen: CHARTERED ACCOR . ’ ecessa accepted tion Siibe r ue : } t he ” Ty ve o7 (ed with the king of hearts 1 pb sell ee otor Sak a b th bE t i However, most* observers still a _ 3 Mr. Masters now entered | . ers. yy oa , : : or vessel can with 10V : ser us =Vananda ste | ar ar nee Rupert, rep . B.C. Packers Ltd., Seal ¢ nrou e ere to the fall of 1953 as the gaimon Gold 02% | dammy again with the queen of) on tain . Phones 60 and 681)| phone om POs G. F FORBES | ‘ r ikely time f in election Spud Valley 04 | clubs. On the lead of = vot - i} PHone - — Se eee ‘ resent parliament ends) Siiver Standard 139 | of hearts, which picked up the r ne ee o eo lan F. Bu oe ee From interior 5, 1954 Western Uranium 490 (last outstanding trump, he dis-|- " by fe aa Court oon a nment departments have’ oi. carded a diamond. If the club ide1 ; a a Srince Miner: BO 2660) Fi i er to it: been asked have legislation A P Con 35 | suit had broken 3-3, he would Luxury Steamer eT vn ‘it I I Prince Rupe ectio {f reacy for presentation as soon Calmont 1.38 have taken 11 tricks, But when | ’ 4 % ws FOR SALE—GilMet boat ry|the SociaP ¢ i nmen t session open CaH 11.50 it didn’t, he still had his 16 3 and ble 1 ‘ et i heap. Owner, N 9 Float-'H R. E. & ul The government may propose Cinnt . p and Vv 1anie pal R : . house. New Float 262) | ‘ ‘ : oa : othe Sa . sth : ; Central Leduc fo 51 : xi ‘ 3 eK rge \ ( . ul A ha he usually lengthy debate Mercury SAILS FOR Va i ppg : eheae CAKS FOR SALE ; iress in reply to the) QOkalta — 438. P.O Be : 5 i ) O pet fron the thron e he! Pacific Pete xt Bu SSP) FOR SALI E Mark é ty mini hrone be shortened or possibly . lan V = 4 ’ Roval Cansdiar . FOR I R BRUSH 0 F ; h Van e de drivi po , after legislative ancouver VANCOUVER 51 Black 0 183] Excellent buy at $52 May) th it y Young ’ ires have been adopte TORONTO via Wayport = ns ciincamii be seen at Bob Parket 263 } ict f Terrace . neech fr any the th o Athona apd Intermediate Ports a NATIONAL Machin ery C mM FOR SAI 194¢ ' They attended the PGE cek 6d at the Goenine ceremony fi Aumaque d SUNDAY it Distri for FOR SALE—1949 Ford pi t P are ae | ad at tl pening remony by avneiat Each Thurs ay 88. Camosun Of f ndition. $9 OO. d i al ince CVrge if the iovernor -General orecast “ale — fai yndition s 00.00. isited Bars e ¢ ’ rnor-General : recast Buffalo Canadian at 11:15 p.m. ; wilh re ph Poin 1 iy ISLE ri much of the government's legis- ° ; pat " a k und other cities enroute | jatioy Consol. Smelters For KETCHIKAN I . g Ii* ” rr} ‘ n a B " -_ 6 *e F 7 I On some occasions in the past Denaita WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT AL ICE : ane sn . ; : ” 998 oe Yeates Purpose of the trip is to ac- the debate—it sometimes lasts a Eldona fas Comfort and Service Priday, Camosur PLUMBING, automat heats) __<~P' | quaint the new minister with the | month—has been postponed after| "ast Sullivan FOR ORTH @ in heet metal work Phone FOR SALE—1949 Mercury, two-. | confronting forestry | jeaders of all parties have spok- Giant Y¢ llow knife For Reservations FC niortt f 543, 630 6th West. Letourneau door, in good conditi ul Ww is part of the pro- ep Goss bam Write or Call = 5 9 anda tf)| equipped. Apply 1621 8th Ave.| y 7 [a a a Hardrock ri RO. 9. 2 es . — Py san) If agreem nt is rea hed On @) parricana cITry OR DEPOT §§ Chilcotin, mi RECAP y worn tires with hl sl micheal postponement, the government: sev, OFFICE FOR SOUTH 301 ¢ Winter Tread - saci nega is expected to be ready with othe 4 laa . ' ¢ re a Ww _-. © aa , FOR SALE (OR RENT . ¥ ; ch ‘ mn ready = = ' . Duvex PRINCE RUPERT CHARLOTTE Northern 7 Rub CO. | aan FOR work. The eabinet has been 712 Second FOR SALE—Radio combinatio set ; 1 tian for several; Jolt Quebec Bc — aaa a a and bathtub basin SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent) studying legislation for several Little Longe Lac ae v1 Electrolux ( Ltd. Green 960 ndows ; ad B2¢ 260 portable machines. Phone week am Parts < Sales Service spe , P! 864 (ce) There have been s0me reports es -- Red Lake « r.Y 4 y.. 9] i AWN FRANK J. 5 Be : . 3 Rec 2} ‘ th: inance .Min ) 1 Bees Pr van hdeee oe ee ROOM FOR RENT — Board if ‘ ie = ede Eee: pane McKenzie Red Lake a FS ny nek nae GALLEY CAF formerly Len Phone Black 890 (262p) os a. Girl peemerred inns thar ane al possibly in late Feb- a Cockshutt 7 i oI L \ ~ L j nard’s Thir vé place Ww 56 PO oS gh oneta 37 ‘ it good food : 268) F 3 - yuble > hi ruary or early March. In recent vd we A (288) | FOR SALE — Double ocd.) ||FOR RENT — Sleeping room,| years he has brought down his - oa 654 MAGAZINES, novelties. Eddie’s See : se ay (265) close in, Blue 433 (261) budget during the second week oo : 20 — GEORGE DAWES News Stand (¢) ‘ . . oe . f April Louvieourt 2 25< per doven paid bor empties Please NEER Py /) new ‘ . : era ; FOR RENT — Furnished room, ° “Pru Pickle Crow 152 | AUCTIO ese ¢ - FOR SALE—One double bed slat ' | have them reedy when the driver calle. °F ain NEARLY everybody uses 99. (c) uring. two men’s suficaess housekeeping privileges if de- i Petrol Ol) & Gas si | | Phone Blatk 846 and Red 127 ‘ Spree . et sired. Box 542, Daily News i Sherrit Gordon sm fT ertivament a not published or diepleyed by PERSONAI Green 610. (261p) (261p) unger, 0 Sloop ack i ass | be Liquor Contwel Board o by he Government Chop Suey - a . € SALE—One 5-tube auto-| ¢ ay ea oe aur? ' \ of Sad ; : ‘ oot Spe cialist . relic Galante ridin, 16-. vos al men dennt U d A , t | — eee: ~ : " i Train Schedule Open 6 pa Pedicure Manicure 7-, 12-inch recorder. One 9-|__®h Wes er se gains | - ow : STANDARD TIME Calcul Th nee tube radio. One V8 engine and FOR RENT—Sleeping room. 221 } i For the East e Corns, callouse ingrown twoe- transmission in running or- lst St (260) M | | ihe se ay r (| nails, massage. For appoint der. Miscellaneous parts. See utineers | |, Daily except Sunday....8 pu HOLLYWOOD ments (also evenings) phone Grahame 2 Ridley Court,;RENT a sander or have your From the Bast— : Blue 249 or Blue 192. Mrs. E.| after 6 pan (260p)| floors sanded and finished by| COLUMBUS, 0. «P) — Twin; Dally annens Monday 9:90 P| 1 qutside Onde Zasmussen, 654 4th Ave. East.|_ - prot . experts. Phone 909. Greer & | weapons of hunger and cold! (280p) =. fae oe ee Bridden Ltd (283) were used today against 1,600 Try Daily News Wont Ads LOST AND FOUND tove (coal and wood), one WANTED pean a ag Bay age | REFR ( ~—_—_———- - ~| kitchen buffet and one bed- ANTE p SUTALe~vOW » State pele bet rOUN Y wate Owne e proMens hrs « 5 ( aisha — oe st a g ,, e C 2 . ul FOUND -— One watch. Owner) chesterfield. Blue 602 (204) Casi for scrap brass, copper, | entiary. where police have kil-| ae For the MEAL that Black 169 and paying for this} FOR SALE—Three-piece chest- batteries and radiators. Phone | ~~ : “ge soi the 7 I ; 543. Ca!l 630 6th Avenue West, | Victs and one policeman have advertisement (261p) erfield suite; Beatty washing City vas cf been wounded | 3 , ~ - machine. Good condition. 1042 , , eg ; . | SITUATION WANTED 9th East. (260) ae Ralph P Alvis said PLEASURE BES f a ; 7 re ve had 35 surrender notes from | COMPETENT, well educate od FOR SALE 14” band saw on| _ REAL ESTATE oe _|the embattled prisoners, but! OF general accountant and office) wooden stand with motor and) FOR SALE —11% lots, cleared.| declared “when we get the right! IN manager with wide field of| six blades. Can be seen at| Good harbor view. Phone Red| feeling, we'll go in and talk to| SPARKLING NEW FOOD experience desires change of Mattson’s Mink Ranch, 11th 198 (260p) | them.” ” position. Central or Northern Ave, East (260) — ‘a oa SURROUNDINGS ORDERS PHONE B.C. preferred. Outstanding | ————~ A FAMILY. HOME He also said some of the more FOR TAKE our B.C. references as to character,| FOR SALE—One full-sized bed,| spacious home on three lots| Peaceful convicts would be Commodore Ca @ AY CA qualifications, etc. P.O. Box! spring-filled mattress, like with four bedrooms, double | transferred from the prison to | BROADW 204, Prince Rupert. (260p) | _ mew. 1049 ith East. (261p)| plumbing, oak floors, fire-| other Ohio institutions 1 ai peace oe zs lace, dinin m, smartly- | ——————- teh HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED TO RENT oad tin a” Oe - a styled _ kitc ‘he n plus utility | LAND REGISTRY ACT BLONDIE ’ STENOGRAPHER or typist, with| WANTED TO RENT—By gov- room. Purnished self-contain-| EE DOCUMENTS FILED No. 10889 seas mm [(no-e or without experience. Apply| ¢imment employee, 6-room| 4 sulle in Basen ne th tes * / — DID you ASK LUT SURE} PUT TOLO Him HOW HARO TT Was) [HE BROKE DOWN AN 0) Northern B a Power Co. Ltd house, unfurnished. Phone| @ buy at only $9500 with terms|Re- Certificate of Title No. 25661-1, YOUR BOSS FoR) (ore co GET ALONG ON MY CRIED LIKE A BABY-- Room 15, Besner Block, (260)| 664, 9a.m. to 5 p.m. (265p) arranged. . oe alc ae ae Baga? RAIS 4 f a oe ’ IT WAS Orne te , lccsesscinabegedis Armstrong Agencies Ltd.| 1s, °“watt. Map ssa 4 TODAY ? E ME. STRUGGLE TO HAD TO BORROW : SINGLE lady, employed, requires WHEREAS satisfactory proof of X WANTED — Experienced book-| 5 , ploy 4 . Nie ~ MAKE BOTH MY HANDKERCHIEF . 7 housekeeping room or small| Phone 342 — Blue 192 evenings | 088 of the above Certificate of Title ENDS MEET keeper-clerk for Construction ba bg a9 ti (260) | 8suied in the name of Allan Carolan, Company office. Must have | = ae ee SUrTOUnGINgS, Dre- me a has been filed in this office, notice shorthand. Good wages to an close in, Box. 543 Daily }poR SALE—Wartime four, con-|!8 hereby given that I shall, at the right person. Phone Red 593) ews. (tp) |" crete foundation. Full ase-|@*Piration of one month from the RK 7 os ve. 1448 5 - date of the first publication hereof for appointment. (265) WANTED TO RENT—Four- or| Ment, Barage. 1446 8th aoe tsstie a Provisional Certificate of¢ Title a | five-room house or suite, Rent (264D) jin Meu of sald lost Certificate, uniess WANTED — Desk clerk, f fe male. | no object. Phone Dominion Pine _ it the meantime valid objection be Apes Savay “Hote nce Bridge, Watson Island. | Ask REPAIRS made to me in writing. i for M . Bo se. (260 ) saab - at the Land Registry Of- __ ACCOUNTANTS ___|_for M. Boyse.__(260D) | S5eRT WATCH AND JEWEL- fee, Prince Rupert. HC., this 10¢h PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income IT PAYS LERY REPAIRS, Dave McNab, |“ ° go Tax specialist. 8S. Q. Purk ’ TO ADVERTISE Besner Block, phone Black | Deputy Registrar of Tittes. Stone Building. Red 693, :20m) 367, (268) (2660)