rsday March 8, 1927 when. Tin of 4 cubes, 15c. l. V f I mm - . I I I I gland. as much neck corrects RJSf of A ITU ... I v UHUUI "For a goitre. " ' a ' " oterated .-atr "V ft J. b-. . an of AW several Thc lower nervo to tmdorthc niajjnify-in 1 have glass is pinched for by a misaligned joint goitre rincheclncrm cannot that I tmnsmit healthful merits impulses. Chiropractic !U' search adjusting removes the pressure t The upper nerve b free as nature intends. tin cf 10, 30c. The Affliction of Big-Neck" .f .a. ii'l.'lv Koitii'- l,'ir-r.eil. ..oinc jifople call it, in ill- ,x un ,.t Diction in itselt'. hut in certain tyjtcK of taiOH he ml' runner of wry nerioun, sometimes fatal, Due to a deficiency In the nerve nup-jly to the thyroid gland a din-eased condition deveiopr- and swelling occurs, sometime entirely upon the surface, without datiKerous consequence, some-times inwardly with strangulation and impaired sifht following. A ( if -Chiropractic spir al adjustment remove the interference with nerve line and jtennit normal functioning of this Cases are upon record allowing j a five inches reduction in circumference after thrce month adjustment. It FOKTV YEARS WITH A GOITRE forty years 1 have suffered with 1 had been advised to have it upon, but would not hear of oHmtion. After witnessing the result chiropractic adjustments with member of my family, I decided see f I too could be helped. now been taking adjustment several months and can sec my reducing almost dally. I feel cannot say too much as to the of Chiropractic for human ailments." Mr. A. Powell, Chiropractic Bureau, Statement No. 2(7r-li YOIR APPOINTMENT for health ran Ik made by tilt-phoning. D. A. McMillan Palnu-r Graduate chiropractor liiiimi; ( anil 7 Exchange Rltirk. Patlio-Neutonicter Service Open Kvt-ninKK "TRY A Nil' Phone (ill I TO.NtC 'IT" -X--x- i), Jlr'lsrKfW rscouci or jcotlano v BEST PROCURABLE ff V.. M Ir.rV .... Tl Original Label look for it at th Vendor's and insist on CHANT'S' "PEST PROCURABLE" Tin; ndverliscinent is not iiililidierl nr displuyml by the biqiuir Control Hoard or by, llip Government of llrilish GUiimiWa. Local and Personal i - i Arthur Tut. Phone 678. t BO. Undertakers. Phone 41. A. 7' Shoo rebuUt like new at McArthurv Shoe Store. tf OeiTheiB!g 4 habit! Wheu thinking of il'axljphoue. 4. tf Our shingles cost less and last longer Beal Cove Lumber Co. tl The train from the east, due at 3.30 this afternoon U reported on time. S. Darton la sailing tomorrow for Vic toria aboard the steamer Prince Oeorge on a brief holiday trip. The Goodness of Beef Sisters St. Cyprian and M. Angela are sailing for the south on the steamer Prince Oeorge tomorrow morning. Meeting of women of all the churches in the Anglican Church on Friday, at 3 p.m to pray , for world-wide missions. S3 Cooper Wtlneh arrived from Hazel ton to today' train and will sail tomor row for Victoria where be will meet hi rather. Dr. H. L. Wrlnch, MX.A. 11. Roberts, charged with concealing money from his creditors, was commit ted for trial by Magistrate McClymont this morning. ' The accused will appear in the County Court before Judge Young for election. I Lighthouse tender Newlngton, Capt. Harry Ormlaton. returned to port at 5 o'clock last night from week's trip to Cape St. James and. after eoallng. proceeded this afternoon to Maasctt Inlet where a light is out. R Whiteside, representative of Kellogg' cereal product,' was among the ' Arrivals tn the city from Vancouver yesterday afternoon. He Is a hrother-tn-law of W. E. Balllle. chief engineer of the steamer Prince Rupert. After an extensive repair Job in the local dry dock where she has been for well ever a month. CO .Mil. freighter Canadian Ranger. Capt. Bannerman. sailed at 7 o'clock last night for Union Day where ahe will bunker and raeetro orders. Mr. C. T. Partington, wife of the i late Major Partington who lost his life I in service at the front. Is now residing In West Vancouver. Mlsa Dorothy Partington is finishing her last year In University and plans on becoming a High School teacher. R C St Slalr. assistant chief forester tot the' province of British Columbia arrived In the elty from Victoria jester- day afternoon and proceeded by train for the Interior to hold rangers' examinations at Terrace, Bmlthers and Burn Lake. District rc renter R E. Allen. Is accompanying htm on the trip through Prince Rupert district. I T. C. Duncan, formerly superintendent of utilities In Prince Rupert and for the last few years located in Vancouver, is l about to become Identified with a power project up the Pacific Oreat Eastern Railway. Mrs. Duncan will leave next iweek to visit her home In New Zealand. Their son. Cedrlc. has been engaged in accounting work 'at Vancouver. After having undergone annual overhaul In the local dry dock, C.NJt. steamer Prince Charles, with Capt. K. Msbbf in command, sailed at 10 o'clock this mcrnlng for Ladysmlth where she will load coal before proceeding to Vancouver to take over the run of the Prince John for at least one trip in the service from Vancouver to the Queen Charlotte Islands and Prince Rupert being due here next Thursday. MANY POOR TEAS NOW SOLI) A lot of vtry cheap tea has recently been placed on the market. This tea Is mostly very Inferior In quality. PACIFIC STtiVEDOIUNt; & CON TK ACTING CO. l.TI). (IN Ol.l T.UV I.KJI'IK ATIOS) .NOTICK TO (itl.llllOUM TAKE ' NOTICE that a Meetiiut of wraiura win oc nr a hi sou union JlulltlliiH. Victoria. B.C.. on Monday, the Jl't day of March. 1027. at 10 a.m., and that nil claims against this Company must be filed with me before that date, after which I shall distribute the assou of the Comuany havlnz regard onlv to such claims as have been dulv filed. VINCENT C. MARTIN, Liquidator. 87 firm Union Bid?., Victoria, B.C. KtUuhlishcil 1J23; Office Hours: K a.m. to G, ft: 3 a oaiuroay: i .-a 3 .9. a.m. to 1 p.m. 4 Any evening by ajijiolntment DsEP Kenny DENTIST lfcchnnsc Block. l'hune 109 THE DAILY NEWS PA.3E THEEB 1 I I U-L-SLU Sharpens Morning Appetites and sustains through vital, busy hours Sonic "Appetites don't waken till the morning is half spent. 'They do not welcome breakfast, and so they take little of it. A day that is not started with an active digestive system is a day that is badly begun. Start your day right by having Quaker Oats. It sharpens morning appetites. Its tempting aroma arouses a welcome as friendly as the genial Quaker himself. "Warm, appetizing, gratefully soft, it is pleasing to the stomach. A breakfast to enjoy. It wakens dormant digestive organs. Because it assimilates .so easily, body and brain quickly reach high capacity for work. For busiest hours, Quaker Oats satisfies and sustains. It supplies the fuel the body needs. It contains 1G protein, the tissue builder; (55 carbohydrates, the energy producer; and the all-important vitamiues and mineral salts. QuakerOats you have always known QuickQuaker Is Tllllti: . OOlif You bellete there l WHY? This question wUl be discussed at TIIH II.UTIT CIH ItCII Next Sunday evening, being the first of a scries of addresses by the Rev. W. F. Price on Hjlo'MMlallmiH of tlir Kullli ; ! .as follows: -( Mirch 6. "Is there a Ood." March 13. "The Bible U It the Word of Ood" March 20. "Is Jesus Christ dU vine?" March 27. "What la meant by The Holy . Trinity .' " April 3. "Is Man Immortal?" April 10. "Why did Jesut Christ die." April 17 "Did Jesus really rise from the dead?" There addresses will state In plain language the solid sub. stantlal reasons we have for be- llcvlug the gTeat truths of the Christian religion. In these days of doubt and questioning, we all want to know what foundation there Is for faith. Come and hear! hcrilre commence at 7.3U p.m. Women of Maoneheart Legloa whist drive and dance. March 3. 52 Customs and excise collections for the month of February .totalled 33.-360.10. Denny Alien Co. Annual March Bale Two .weeks only. Your 80c buys 1.00 worth crockery, china, glassware, kitchen wardwarc. 62 PROMOTER OF LOCAL COLDSTORAGE HERE U. II. Collin. YMtliig City Knrmite from Vuiumnrr to New York O. II. Collins, who was a resident In the city In the early days, havlnc Dro nioted the plant of .the Canadian Fl.h & Cold Storage Co. here, arrived from the south on the steamer Prince Oeorge yes- (eraay aitcrnoon and will be In the city until Saturday morning when he will leave for New York. Mr. Collins spoke very optimistically this morning as to the future of the city and said that one had to really get away from the place' to appreciate the opportunities here for development. The natural resources of the" district, which were Immense, would be sought after by the outside world and the es. tabll'hment of Industries here would naturally result. Mr. Collins, who last visited the city about two years ago. spoke appreciatively of the Improvements made. A ..vornble Impression was left with ar 'Uvula by ur larite elevator plant on the V"te,.f,, -cooks in 3 minutes PERSONALLY CONDUCTED ! EUROPEAN TOURS Personally Conducted Tours bavebeen arranged this Summer, under the joint supervision of the Canadian Nationa Railways and the Cunard Steamshij.' Company to Great Britain and Europe and return. All transportation. , hotel and sight-seeing expenses Included lr fares. Call at City Ticket Office. Third Avenue, or phone 260, for particulars and descriptive literature. Eternal smashing of fanatics la the price of liberty. -re JKOr 1 ..71. TIMHER SALE X 8 813. Tliere will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 10th day if March. 1927. tn the office of the District Forester at Prince Rupert, the teence XB815. to cut 1.020.530 f.bjn. oi .emlock. Balaam. Spruce and Cedar or m area situated on the Ve.t shcre o: iurr Inlet, approximately 4 miles Iron lead. Range 4. Coast District. Three (3) years will be allowed fo: -rmoval of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auctVn and treated as one bid." Further particulars of the Chief For ester. Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. IN PROBATE. in tiii: mti:i:mi; coi kt or iinniMi , (III.l.MltlA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph F. Bowman. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, F. McB. Young, the 24th day of February. A.D. 1027. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of JrjKcph F. Bowman, deceased, and all parttca having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, pro perly verified, to me on or before the .4th -day of March. AD. 1027. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 24th day of February. AX). 1B37. Duick Quick' V Relief Relief From BRONCHITIS Dwtrfsiina' bronchial cold ar tamdia((tf relieved by Buckley's Mutur. It penetrates, clears and bl tb bronchial pawaaea with a speed thai U remarkable Bronchitis urTcrera overywhero tmUfy to this unique, flaah-lik action of "Buckley's". Whoopinr Couah and Croup are relieved with equal rapidity and immUIv. rni. Prumrtata vrywhro aU and guarantee Buckley's Mixture. W. K. Buckley, Limited, lit Mutual tU Toronto 1 RUCKLEY mm MIXTURE es Acti like ..inol. .I " "-" "f It a IuiK proves it A Tteo Kinds You can get Quaker Oats in two forms the large plump whole flake or the half flake, rolled thin, and partly cooked, lloth arc of the same Quaker Quality, famous in 58 countries. '' If you wish to make porridge while you boll the coffee or make the toast, use Quick Quaker. It cooks In 3 minutes. Every package bears the nain,c and picture of the Quaker. No other is "just as good':'. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited PrincerRupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ojn-ratinj; G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers Machinists, Roilermakers. Blacksmiths Patternmakers Founders Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our jilant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S5 Six Choices New Brunswick Phonorajih $115 to J);tS," New Sonora PhonoKrajih ." JS UW to $T New Columbia Phonograph Sjl2." to "$K7, New McLaj;an Phunoraph $110 up New Gold-Medal Phonograph $!(), Consul New Amjiliphonic Phonograph $1)0 All new reproducing models, see our floor disjilay. You are cordially invited to come in and hear them. Terms J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Mason & Risen Pianos Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street SAVAGE ELECTRIC WASHER AND DRYER. Washes, Blues, Rinses and Dries without a wringer or having to put your hands In the water. Cash Price $lt)0 Also Easy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO.