PAGE SIX MM This advertisement is not published' or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by Hie (overmnvnl of llrilish Columbia. For the Best way to health We recommend to you "Dr. Middleton's Food Products." Whofe meat Flour, 10 lb. Nticiks TOc Whole Wheat Flour,' 24 lb. sacks $1.6.i Whole Wheat Flour, 49 lb. sacks $3.00 Whole Wheat 'Cookies, per package 15c Sugar Cakes, per package 15c Ginger Cakes, per package 15c Macaroons, the best, per package 20c Whole Grain Cerial 40c Pancake Flour 23c Mussallem Grocery Co. Lid. Phone 18 Phone 81 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST I s Iniaiil Have Your Eyes Examined Poor eyes and- poor glasses are a pitiful' combination. Good glasses will make good eyes of poor eyes. , If your present glasses do not suit your eyes for any reason, you are criminally negligent of your future if you do not secure the proper glasses at once. lowest prices. Expert service. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack" Pine, Cedar, Hirch and Spruce Per load $6.5(1 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE HUY BOTTLES. DISAPPROVES BOBBED HAIR or.(ii:it koval ladies ix km. lani comou.m to kixu's wishes ami retain I i.ovii ii aii: LONDON, March S. (Canadian Tress Despatch.) Many observers may have wondered, at a time when the younger royal ladlei of ao many countries, such as Spain and Rumania, have bobbed or shingled hair, that no English prln wi have fallen to the- fashion. The rearon according .to .the Manchester Guardian Is the King's strong prejudic? against short hair for women. While the Queen merely thinks the fashion ugly and recognises Its practical ad vantage, me Kings reelings are ao strong on the matter that he refuses ta sanction any of the ladles attached to the court appearing with shorn locks. No exceptions are made from the rule The other day a certain notable lady on her appointment as lady-in-waiting to the Queen thought to smarten herself up for the royal duties by having her hair shingled. As soon as she appeared at Court, however, it was intimated to her that she must at once let her hair grow, and while that was happening employ some art of- the hairdresser to hide the fact of her unwisdom. Other ladles of the Court have had to wear 'switches" to provide the necessary length of hair. Although, of course, there is no of ficial ruling in the matter, tt ts notlcc- PACTFIC CHEAT EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY TK.NKKI Scaled Tenders endorsed "Tender fur Steamers" will be received by the undersigned up to noon Thursday. Mirth 3'. iv i. at ine oirices of the Company. 573 Dunsmulr Street. Vancouver. B.C.. for the. purchase of the hulls, machinery and equipment of the two steamers "Operator" and "Conveyor." lylns on the south side of the Nechako River at Prince Oeorge. uners snould be tor the vessels a they stand, complete. To arrange for Inspection, communi cate with Mr. A. A. Belbeck. Prince Ocorge.i B.C. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROUT WILSON. Ast General Msnazcr. Vancouver. B.C.. February 23, 1927. TIRED EYES START the week right, have your eyes attended to. Nothing is such a handicap to efficiency as tired, aching eyes. SUITABLE Glasses stop eye troubles as if by magic and their cost is insignificant. THE excellent results we obtain in our work are admitted by all. WE devote our energies to one ideal perfection in glasses. MAY we expect you to consult us today. Fred Joudrv Room 3, Smith Hlock, Prince Rupert ... R.(.:, THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS KKONM HOV A IYoO V,HtN t LrVUNOR-V g .SPOILS HS COU.AK.& . B WELL, he won't holler with anything but praise when his collars are returned from this laundry. There's a feeling of comfort and newness when he puts it on and he smiles again when- he sees it in the mirror. When you have your collars laundered our way just once, you'll wonder why you hadn't enjoyed real comfort bebore. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 MICH IN'TKISKST CHEATED IN Ti:i;ioii ovki: kkcovehv H KNNEL WOMAN or QUESNEL. B.C March 3. "Chinese Mary.' 'of Stanley, near here, has had her sight restored after twenty years of blindness and her recovery has created much interest throughout the Interior ol the province. Chinese Mary Is the wife of "Big Mouth" Jack, also a Chinese, and both have been in this country since the early sixties, when they first settled In the Cariboo region. For mere than fifty years the two have been living at Stanley, a prosperous camp In the NAVH2ARLE WATER PROTEC TION ACT, IL.S.IL IIIAITTK 115. MASSETT CAHNERS. LIMITED, hereby give notice that It has. under Seetlcn Heven ot said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works at OtUwa. and at the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District ot Prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert. B.C.. a de scrlptlon of the site and plans of the wharf and pier proposed to be built on the Masett Indian Reserve. Number One. on Qraham Island, Province of British Columbia. AND take notice that after the expiration of one month from date of the lirst publication or this notice: Masett Canners Limited will, under Section Seven of said Act. apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office In the Cltypf Ottawa, for approval cf site and plans, and for leave to construct said wharf and pier. DATED at Prince Rupert this 20th c.3y of February, 1927 MASSETT CANNER3. LIMITED. By its Solicitors, Williams Manson & Oonzalet. Garden & Flowei SEEDS J Have arrived, per pkg 10c Registered Optometrist and1 Optician iieliow Newton and Red Hen Davis Apples, good stock per box ' .$2.25 Perrin Sodas, ,. pkg. .... 23c Malkin's Rest Canned Fruits, ;5 tins for D3c Sunkist Oranges, siicclal value, 2 doz. for 75c Heinz Catsup, 3. bottles for .. 05c ; Sterling Catsup, a few dozen left, j While they last, bottles for C3c FISH FOR, THE SEASON Smoked Cod, Haddie, Kippers, Acadia Salt Cod. Our home-cured IJacon Is in great demand. Four or five lb. in the slab, per lb. 17c Large tin Aunt Dinah Molasses 25c Fresh Pullet Eggs, a doz. for $1.23 i Royal Crown Soap, 24 bars for 95c White Swan Soap, 22 bars for $1.00 If you could save ,iOc on a five pouq'djpail of pure lard by buying it iiflbulk. you would do It. We are selling 5 lb. Pure Lard for . .. 93c W. C. Little, of Woodcock, ships us fresh Milk every train. Let us deliver you a quart daily 20c B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 THE DAILY NBTTS Thur jfi- M 53 Sold ctetyiohcre - W able that most of both Princess Mary's and the Duchess of York's intimate fiends wear their hair long In deference i early days of the gold rush. While the husband prospected In the creeks, Chinese Mary, a quaint-looking to the King's wishes. In these days j little woman dressed in a wide-brimmed when dresses are so much alike, andj.hat, loose bodice and wide pantaloons princesses or working iris all wcar'suen as wcrn by the native Chinese simple garments long hair instead of i women, tended the wood pile and split magnificence of attire is one of the cw distinctive signs of being at Court. CHINESE MARY'S SIGHT IS BACK firewood. In view of her blindness this somewhat perilous work required an exceptional sklU on her part, but she never failed to perform her part ot the chores without accident. She was regarded as one. of the human wonders of the Cariboo country. And now. after twenty sightlev years. he can see again. Her explanation of how her sight was restored Is vague, but sne claims tnat she bad been using a IX. j potent mixture concocted from a recipe discovered In an old Chinese doctor's book. Only a few application were nec essary, she aaya. JAP DISAPPOINTED BECAUSE NOT MORE SNOWIN CANADA WINNIPEG, March 2: Klnsaburo Hashlma, of Bupporo. Japan, is disappointed at not- seeing more snow in Canada. Mr. Hashlma, who U a mechanical en gineer with, the Japanese government railways. Is In Canada to study the operation of snow-fighting apparatus used by the Canadian railway companies. S far. he says, he has aeen nothing startling In the line of snow fighting. In the northern islands of Japan, the snow beeomra quite deep In the moun tains and trams frequently have to make tbelr way through ten-foot drltta. Mr. Hashlma aald. .In some places during the winter the snowfall reached a depth of sixty feet. Mr. Hashlma Is on his first visit to the North American ccntlnent and from Canada he will sail for Europe, studying methods employed In Sweden and 8wlt ierland, where similar conditions to those prevailing In Japan are en countered. BLACKSMITHS STILL GOING STRONG TEG CONVENTION PROVES WINNIPEO, March 2 - Those who la ment the passing of the village black smith with, his muscled amis and musi cal anvil,' will Ary their tears when they larn that the business of the vil lage smithy was V.ever better than It 1 today. r, This fsct wis brought out at the an nual convention of the Manitoba Asso ciation of Blacksmiths. Horscshoen and Woodworkers, here. Although the old grey mare la -giving way to the new "tin lizzie" the black smith stUI finds his brow damp with honest perspiration. Instead of fitting dobbin with a new set of Iron shoes, he is called upon to fix a broken gadget on the two-tractor and other mechanical repairs. Business Is good In the blacksmith trade but It 1 difficult to get the ris ing generation to take It up. Black smiths Immigrating from Europe must be relied upon to keep the business go ing In the next generation, it was said. FLINGS INSULTS AT MONTREAL JUDGE Coiulriiitird Man Mi.iul That tVlliirM- Are 1'rrjurers MONTREAL. March 3.- Painful scenes were enacted In the court of king's bench here when Oeorges Merle, who was sentenced to death by Mr. Justice Wilson, after having been found guilty of murder of Andre Marrclle on Decem ber 21 last, flung Insults at the Judge and was overcome by a fit of violence. Merle, who hsd appeared quite composed throughout the trial broko out In a tirade Immediately after the formal question had been put: "Haye you anyth'lDg;to ssy before the sentence Is Imposed, according to lawr "res, I have," tshouted Merle. "I want to say that two witnesses came lure and perjured themselves. One was Madame Wllsun and the other was a young girl, Madame Wilson was my mistress for some time, and she wanted vengeance. Do not condemn me. If you do, you will make a mistake, as you have already made several." Merle will hang on June 10. Qene Tunney Is stilt a marine, but h unt wcrklmj.stwry hard. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S SURE WAY CATCH FISH All Hut l Nrctlril U Urjilmk full ol Wafer unci rump tit Empty It VICTOniA. March 3.-Jhn P. Torde. district engineer for the Dominion department of public works, claims to have discovered the surest mean of catchjng fish that has ao far been devised, Alt the equipment that Is necessary consists of a drydock full of water and pumpa to empty the dock. Recently the new Songhres drydock at Esquimau, second largest In the world, was pumped out by the dock master and when the last of the water had been sucked out of the graving basin, a large run of sslnicn was found on the bottom ot the dock. In addition to a number of large codfish and asm perch. Every time the deck Isemptied some fish are left in the bottom, according to Mr. Forde. although the most recent opera tion saw the first of the salmon catch. The salmon caught In the dxk aver aged from fourteen to, fifteen pounds in weight, and as the dock holds 43.000.000 gallon of water some Idea of the num ber of fish which can be caught by thl unique method Is passible. The only disadvantage is. that the process of fill ing and emptying the gigantic dock l rather expensive. A daule-llght for tigers ta part of the equipment of a rajah's new hunting car The same device has. of course been used successfully against uedea- trtana Week-end Specials Fresh Pullet Eggs, ier dozen tOe 3 dozen $1.10 Sugar Cured Streaky Racoii, ma chine sliced, per lb 3'Jc Capitol Creamery Uutter, per lb. Combination Special .1 for 50c 1 jar Orange Marmalade 1 bottle Mixed Pickles 1 bottle S.1X Sauce. Combination Special 3 for 50c 1 bottle Chow Pickles 1 bottle Tomato Catsup 1 bottle Worcester Sauce. 13c Combination Special Nu-Jell Jelly Powder, assorted. k.t dozen 90c Aluminum Jelly Mould free with each ttozen. - Combination Special .1 for 23c 1 bottle 2-in-l Shoe Polish, regu lar 15c 1 tin Cold Dust Scouring Powder. regular 15c 1 Fairy Soap, regular 10c 1 Classic Soap, regular 10c. Combination .Special I for 23c 2 bar.4 Wool Soap 2 bars Sunny Monday Soap. Alber's Ruckwheat Flour, self-raising, large tube, Bjtecial 3'Jc Combination Special 2 lbs. Soap Flake 33c 1 only Earthenware Howl free Wenton's Criam Sodas, regular SOc tin, spctlal ' 3'Jc Whllo Cooking Figs, social 1 lbs 33c Jutland Sardines, key opener, fpcclal, 3 tins for 23c Combination Canned Fruit Special I tins for 95c Your choice of the following: Malkin's P.artlclt Pears, 2's (Juaker Red-Pitted Cherries. 2'a Aylmer (; reengage Plums, 2's Ensign Red Plumi, 2Wh Malkin's Sliced Peaches, talis, l's Malkins Apricots, tails, l's Standard Empire Loganberries, 2's Sunkist Oranges We have a few more left, 13 fur 25c Florida Grajm Fruit, each 12'2c and 15c Rhubarb, per lb 20c Head Lettuce 20c Celery 15c, 20c, 23c MEAT I) KIT. . Try our home-made Reef Suusuge. Regular price per lb 15c We are making an average of 50 pounds a day. Eastern Herrings, 3 for 23c Dry Salt Cod, 2 lb. bricks, special 33c Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 21 1 and 212 A New and Better Optical Service (J. R. Mutrie, late of Toronto, has taken rhar-. t Optical Department. Mr. Mutrie I- an experienml , ('ptomrtrM with 28 Km practical experience. I t close, and intimate knowledge of practical filUm: an 3 , . 1 and giu-H pcclal attention to children. lt'ut We haw one of the flnit and mot tip ldd ,u n .. Parlors In Canada, with nil the latest appliances. P iral We keen faith with the nubile. Remember that n guarantee U only ns good as oWliiv resources make It, e make goou! ' Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist. ij, 'jlr(j WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT OM.Y. 7 and J p.m. Fred Thomson in "Hands Across The Border A rapitMiri- Woj'ifrn. Strong RI-SS FLOWERS, TYROMr, POWERS. Willi M t il WKKillT. CLARENCE CELDERTH, TOM s, T in and "SILVER KINC.M COMEDY "PACE MIL" Admiion Tin Phone 15 Agents for aieoi's i ii m mux .'!jt and I .: Brushes at Cost We are overstocked with Urunlies and n them, we will sell any Hair Brush in the store a Ladles' Hairbrushes ivory backs, ebot.y i... natural wood backs, Military Ilrushe, Nail l-i . R rushes. OSRORN BRUSHES The Utility Rrush with the blue handle. l held in a twisted wire frame and there is a t parpoM. JiJ&itf ORMES LTD. The Pioneer Druggists Three Registered PhnrmacM 3rd Ave. and flh St. Phones : 51 Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd. Ladysmith - Wellington and Peerless Soolless Co! Coal to null ctery Mow or healer and prices 'Uil ttf pocket. j Phone your next order to us. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd- Ranadian Natiqnm Largel Railway Sylem in Amcr bteamship ana Train barvice t, s.s. I'lllM K lU'l'KUT Mill Irate HUNtX ItLITHT lr VAN "'.V', ' "Ml I A, m:.TTI.I:. and liitrrmeilUle wlnU IH'"' " p.. s.s, l-ltivrt itl i'i:itr fur kti-haht and anviiV. VHM""1... is- s.. HHNCK Jons fr VANCOUVKIC Oa OfKK C LAM'S, (iirtnlglitly a If I 111 I . . PASNKNOril TIIAINH UlAVK I'KINt'K UWIHJ ,.trf Kai-h MONHW, WKI1M HIIAV and H ATI IIIIA V at 1IJU "!' I M il;)l((li:, UlMOMU.V WI.VMl'Hl, all points KuHitii Males. AflKNCV ALL OCEAN MTI'.AMSllll' LINE". fhf)U Vt Caiiuilian National Kxres for Monrj Orilrr", 1'of" etc.. bImi for lour next hlnmrnt. V roo.. . . i.l llT u" IIA.KET lirtlCE, RU Tllllll) r... I'll I.Mr, mi""-