rsday March 3, 192V J i azyi .1 Ever hear people say ft? ' Maybe you .have expert you can get that help. We are graduate opticians and we can tell by examination which gives you no discomfort, just the proper glasses to give you. We can pu.nh those clouds away and let in the sunshine and you need not be afraid you are going to lose your sight. Our pikes are moderate. JOHtmiJIiiliR ll -Irrwni i rcne 1 Z !'. l.l.l.l.lkl v. TT v fif-TltE STORE WITH THE CLOCIS Mint- I'.O. Hot 327. and See our $22.50 Georgette and Silk resses EVERY MANi BUM.T ON THE p-?V- SQUARE OEM ir.J.R.Gosse DENTIST HelgerKon I!lxk Hay Service. Open Events, ings i"' . a Phone CM. LINDSAY'S nil.. nM r " MV, UIIU UlUI UV Phone G.I wnajre, warenousing. and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal fia nil am! Hrnvot Me Silprinll7 n HI inn r it l urniturc Moving. ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to or- er In our shou "i iow as $50 22.1 Slxlh Street 9 . XI -V - J k v ----- " r - i.i . is - . VrT..Z.. - . ,When you want fair and Iquare :oal service you will lo the right thing by your- elf in coming round to us. he quality of our coal and lur conscientious service rill give you a cheerful heat- lull home this winter. UNAI.MO WELLINGTON and McLEOI) K1VEK SOOTLESS In Lump, Egg, Stove and Nut Libert & McCaffery Phones 110 and 117 REVISIONS IN i PRAYER BOOK HrAMOVft WILL (iO IIKI'OKK CON'-' vocation, cm urn asi:miii.v AM IIN.U.I.V . I .MKN'T I V, LONDON, March 3. (Canadian Press Despatch).- t.'est h the new book ol pemmon prayer will uiidtrgo final re .need the sensation yourself.!-" Z'T VT1 1L.I. .ln,. .,,...1 . . 1 Have your eyes examined Those eyes need help and that on March 29, the bishops 'will be able to present the measure and IU schedules to the Convocst'ins and to obtain their consent to Ha being laid before the Whole assembly for final approval, and ao ultimately before Parliament. The Church Assembly meeti In July, ao that If these stages are passed successfully, the new prayer book slJbuld be placed before Parliament In the autumn. In the new Book aettlng forth the CmoreBiwdmidlkttetBreMC PURITy LOUR 1 . tymtforfiMr and Less Shortening by the Bishops of 1663. There Is also manifest the Influence of later develon. iupuwi. wmcn is enjoying an jwer.U 'of theological scholarship, and a immense aale at present, the original prayer book Is given section by section, and following each section are the variations, carefully distinguished, for permissive use. Te Bishops cmphaslre the fact that their proposals are not 'binding. Parishes may still keep exclusively to the book of 1003, or they may elect to use parts of the old and parts of the new. In any case, only one book will be required for Church services, and In one cover Church people may find the old and the new. Trier, are abundant evidences that the Bishops have proceeded on a conservative basis. They 'have given greater elasticity in the form of services and DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NIITICK Vplir.itloit for firming Permit for I lie inn of ISJ7. Application for permita to erase live-nock on the Crown ranees within any graving dlstnet of the Province of Brit lah Columbia, must be filed with the District Poreater at Fort Oeorge. Kam-loops. Nelson. Prince Kupert. Vancouver, or Williams Lake on or before March 3 1 Hi. 1927. Blank forms upon which to submit applications may he obtained from the District foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Lands it Victoria. B.C. O. U. NADEN. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria. DC. January 4. 1927. LAND ACT MITMT OP INTIATION TO APPLY X) TO mum: LASH In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on 'he north shore ol Crescent Inlet. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. in the Province of British Columbia, and being about one and a bait miles from he head of the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that James yield, of Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Marine Broker. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Oornmer-ing at a post plsnted on the north shore of Crescent Inlet, about ; one and a half miles from the hesd of the laiet. tnence northwesterly 20 chains; thence southwesterly 20 chains: thence southeasterly 20 chains: thence north-essterly 20 chains, and containing forty 140) acres, more or less. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dited November 27. 1928. LAND ACT NOTICi: or INTtNTION TO APPLY TO TO I.P.ANL' LM In Prince Rupert Land Recordlnt Dis trict, and altuate at Huston Inlet, Queen , Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. f.rr!e, , of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation fish fucker. Intends to apply for a lease of he following described lands: Commencing at a post planted It 1 northeast corner about I MO feet wes terly from miners' cabins at head ofi ; Huston Inlet; thence westerly 20 1 chains: thence southerly about 12 chains; ; thence easterly 20 chains; thence nor-' Uherly about 12 chains, and containing! I 24 acres, more or less. 1 ROBERT M. CURR1E, land Act., Applicant I XOTK E 'Of INTENTION" TO APPLY TO i'i u Usi; i.wu TAKE NOTICE ThXt I. Arthur RoWrt.' son, Mawett. BO., occupation Mlllman, ntend to apply for permission to pur-' chase the following described land: . Commencing at northeast corner of l ot ions. Q C.I. District; thence south titty chains; thence east forty chains; Hitnce north to shore; thence following lilghwater mark to point of commencement, containing one hundred acres, , more or less. Located this 30th day of December, 102S. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. ' ! LAND ACT I SKeena Land District, District of Queen ! Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICF. that sixty days after date, I Intend to apply to the Chief i Commissioner of Lands for a licence to j prospect for coal and petroleum over 40 (scrns of land bounded a follows! Commencing at a post planted at the isoulhwrst corner of Section 30. Township .1, Oraham Island, and marked "AJ.a.'a southwest corner": thence east ;80 chains; thence north BO chains;' thence i west 00 chains; thence south 80 .chains 'to point of commencement, btlnir Bee-jtlon 36, Township 3, Oraham Island. B.C. A. J. uunuun. Locator, Dated Diwembef 17. I2fl. . NOTICE Under and by virtue of the provisions of Section 28 of the "Mineral ;Act.' nop tlce Is hereby given Messrs. Malcolm Smyth. Edmund Langlif Harold Hansen and Albert Moore, that there Is owing ! o the undersigned for Assessment Work performed on the CordllU Oreup ot Mineral Claln.s, Princess Royal Island, Skeena Mining Division, the sum of ju.1.83. and that unless said persona pay their proportionate share of the coit of such Assessment, together with all cosU of advertising, etc, to the undersigned a'. Butrdale, DO., 011 or before May 12, 1037, application will be made to .the aiU Commissioner. Prince Rupert, B.C., to have their respective Interests in the herein mentioned Mining Oroup of Mineral Clntms vested lu the under- i18""'' DAVID CORDILLA. I JACOB K09KI. provided for an enrichment of wor- by the Bishops that large part are ship that was not considered necessary I non-controversial, and are necessitated more .lofty ;.and merciful conception of the dbd-hcad. They take, too. what may be termed the modern view of the re lations between the sexes In regard to marriage. The question will emerge whether what may be termed a comprehensive central Churchmsnthlp can be rallied to the vote in Convocation, Church A-tcmbly, and Parliament, in order to place on the Statue Book the new Prayer Book measure. Mtititi uii: si i:in: The Bishops have rearranged the whole of the present marriage service, omitted some patriarchal Illustrations and 17th century expressions, and accepted equal declaration from husband and wife. The old clause In the marriage ser.icc. as follows, may Le contrasted with the revised clause below: (Old) "Then shall the Priest say unto the woman" "WUt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to tlve together after Odd's ordinance In the holy estate of matrimony Wilt thou obey him. and serve him. love, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health: and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him. so long as ye both shall live?" , New l "Then shall the Priest say unto tbe woman." WUt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together according to Ood s law In the holy estate of ' matrimony? Wtt thou love him. comfort him. honor and keep blm. In slcknesa and in health: and. forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both !all live?" Orest changes are proposed In the alternative order for the administration of Holy Communion, but it is claimed LAND ACT NOTirr. or intention- to apply to TO PI'HCII m: lam In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north shore of the South Arm of Taaoo Harbor. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, Of Prince Rupert. DC. occupation Marine Broker, intends to apply apply for for to purchase lands: Comroencln north shore tbe i at at a a permission ollowlng described post planted on the o of South Arm .of Tssoo Hsr today by the more frequent communions as compared to .the number of these In the 17th ' century. In the great prayer of consecration, with its musical prose, for Instance, the change Is described more In" the order and structure then In the actual words. RESERVATION The rubrics concerning the debated question of Reservation appear under the "Alternative order for the communion of the Sick." This signifies the Intention of the Bishops to limit Reservation only to special circumstances. On this point the rubric Is definite: "The consecrated bread and wine set ipart under either of the two preceding rubrics shall te reserved only for the communion of the sick, shall be administered in both kinds, and shall be used lor no other purpose whatsoever. "The sacrament so reserved shall not be, brought Into connection with any ".ervlce or ceremony, nor shall it be exposed or removed except in order to be received in Communion, or otherwise reverently consumed. "All other question that may arise concerning such Reservation shall be determined by rules, framed by the Archbishop and Bishops of the Province. or by canons lawfully made by the Convocation of the Province, and subject to any such rules and canons, by the directions of the Bishop." With the permission of the Bishop, Reservation may be adopted when there occurs "grave danger of Infection." It la also enjoined that if questions arise respecting Reservation generally, these are to be referred to the Bishop. Under the conditions laid down by the Bishop, the Communion is to be ad ministered in both kinds the cup as well as the bread and Is not to be Used as centre of public devotions. nor for services of Exposition and Benediction, as in the Roman Church. If the proposals are accepted, It is the intention of toe Blshbpav that Con vocation shall make rules as to the manner and place of Reservation, so that this question will be taken out of the hands of Individual Bishops. Another controversial matter is the question of Prayers for the Dead. though feeling on this question Is probably leas acute since the war. Three cr four forma are given by the Bishops. An interesting proposal by the Bishops is the discretion given to the uw, xurani mana. viueen (.nsnotte tcIercTmsn to use umbla. about S chains from the end of '"Jt'r th conclusion of extempore prayers Morning and the Oovernment trail: thence 10 chains ! Etenlng Prayer, or of any service in northeasterly: thence 10 chains north-, trie book ' ThU U will be UDJ uhirt o an ny weaterly; thence 10 chains southwestcr- . . ly; thence 10 chains toittheaitsrly. and ' direction which the Bishop may give, containing twenty (20 acres, more or j In the measure Itself the Bishops are JAMES FIELD ,l0 Uklns Pwr ,MU aupplemen-Appllcant. ' tary orders and forms of prayers for DstedNovember 29. 1921 i on tpttM occasions, either gener- j alO" or in Individual dioceses. "sJaBftttie MafWfff Direct ai on' am tpttj f As. great (rain to tht Somth Anil . TJn'on Pacific is your logical route to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, 'Omaha and Chicago. Information .B Rss.rvatl.aa I'lilon Million, Seattle, 1101 I on rth .We, Egg g j i NOT PERMISSIVE I Whilst the Bishops' proposals are mainly permissive, powers are sought to! alter the present book with respect to: ' l.--Thy form of making, .ordaining, and : consecreatlhg blsho'ps, priests, and dear cons; 2.-'j"he regulation-of fasts and 'bOlJ- dajs; 3. Rubrics affecting "open .and notorious evlf livers"' whQ present themselves to receive ffoiyiv Communion; 4.j-T1i baptism of Infants, child ren and those of riper years. The vexed question of Saints' Days has not been settled and is deferred until the Commission appointed to go into the matter has reported. DO NOT KNOW OF HOME ECONOMICS rnT is cum: or many iiivoitrt.s. MRS. HENRY ESSON YOl MJ SAVM VICTORIA. March 3 Many divorces are being cauxed today through lack of knowledge of hoine economics, according to Mrs. 1L E. Young, wife ot Dr. Henry E. Young, head of the provincial board of health, and herself an authority on health problems. "Many young people do not know how to furnish a home," said Mrs, Young in addressing a meeting , here. "They buy their furniture on the Instalment plan aud when children coins' along they find It difficult to meet their payments and troublq arUcs." Malnutrition In children is ofter found more prevalent in the homes of the wealthy than In the poorer districts, according to Mrs. Young, who stated that a recent survey showed that, on an average, children In a better residential district of Vancouver, many children were found to be suffering from malnutrition, and this she attributed to too much candy and ice cream upsetting the digestive organ. "Women artf breaking their backs PAOR FIVB BANKRUPT SALE By the instructions of the Trustee of the Estate Entire Stock Must Be Sold! The mightiest sale ever attempted in Prince Rupert Sale Starts Friday at 9 a.m. HAHCAINS IN DKY GOODS 25c Wild Spur Cotton f rf 25c Children's Garters 1."? 25c Cortecelii Wool, 2 for 10 yard packages Cheesecloth oOp Special 10c Cotton Thread rip 25c. Bias Tape, 2 for 25c 50c Cretonne, 3 yards for !Kc 75c Children's Hose :."p 50c Satins, yard 2.V $1.00 Sheetinjr. Special per yard .Oc 70c Khaki and Gray Flannelette :15 $9.00 Pure Wool larpe size Blankets, now per pair J.".0." UAKUAINS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS $3.00 Heavy Flannel Shirts, now . . $1J0 $2.00 Dress Shirts, now J)."r 25c Socks, now at ,. . I Of Fine Suspenders, regular 75c value, now . 40r $4.00 to $5.00 Felt Hats priced at . . $1.05 $(5.00 Jten'8 Pants now 92.05' $2.15 Heavy Khaki Cotton Shirts now $1.40 $1.00 Sport Shirts for 1 .!)." $2.50 Overall Jumpers $1.45 50c Van Heusen Collars, 3 for 1$ 1.0(1 35c Rubber Collars for lOf $1.50 Slicker Hats for 05f POSITIVELY EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD PANTS SACRIFICED Men's Pants, made of 24 oz. all-wool: heaviest weight and strongest wearing pants obtainable. Sizes 34 to 44. Worth $10.00. Price reduced to SjKi.45 $3.50 Men's fine Dress Pants, now $2.45 $2.50 heavy weight Overalls for . . $1.45 $1.50 Caps, now at 05p BOOTS SACRIFICED Men's High Class Dress Boots, worth $7.00, now at $4.05 $11.00 Slater Shoes for $0.05 $3.50 Children's Rubber Boots for $1.05 $5.00 Boys' Leckie School Boots for $.1.25 $7.00 Ladies' Shoes for $.1.05 $9.00 High Rubber Boots for $0.05 Men's Knee Rubber Boots f or . . . $4.05 Get Your Slickers at Bargain Prices MEN'S UNDERWEAR SACRIFICED Men's Heavy Weight 11 Wool Ribbed Union Suits, all sizes. Sold at $5.00 and $G.00. Made by the Stanfield's Mills. Now at $2.05 $2.75 Stanfield's Pure Wool Ribbed Underwear $1.05 $1.50 Men's Underwear 05f $1.25 Boys' Penman Underwear OOf $3.00 Heavy Weight Overall Pants for $1.05 LADIES' UNDERWEAR SPECIALS $3.00 Ladies' Stanfield Pure Wool Vests $1.50 $4.50 Children's Wool Combinations $2.45 $8.00 Children's Coats $2.05 $2.00 Canvas Shoes 75f Ladies' Dresses Being Sold at Sacrifice ' Prices. $2.00 and $3.00 Ladies Silk Hose, pure thread silk, full fashioned; all colors. Now 05f All Ladies' Coats being sold below wholesale cost THE UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. over alnks and laundry tubs," she declared. "The alnks and tuba are Installed at heights unsuitable for all women. We ought to - get after the plumbers and sanitary engineers and see that an elevation, was adhered to which Mould insure the least possible strain on the backs of those using the tubs. HOTKL AI!H1'.I.S. I'rlnre ltiiirrt Charles M. Welncr. Montreal; I Ilcaley, Niagara Palls; E. Woodworth, Smlthers; J. II. Hamilton, R. Whiteside. A. Farrow. A. 1. Baker. J. B. Pltrpatrlck and O. .It. Collins, Vancouver; H. Mscoiiachle. Calgary: Mr. and Mrs. 11. D. Rochester. Portland. Oregon; D. P. Evans, Anyox; Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson Burns Lake,; Dr. W. N. Turpet, Terrace. Sitvoy br. J. P. Magulfe. Portland, Oregon; Cruules Lord, Port Simpson; It. Kllday, Dlgby Island: Mr. and Mrs. O, Wouden ant! L. LelRhton, Inverness. i .. i. Central 1 ' . him: John Lieu and Jalmtr Uen, Klncald, 8itsk.: Johr. A. Carson, Water Hole; W. Caliler and Mrs. C. Calder. Battleford Mars is being . blamed for the unusually bad weather that Europe Is suffering. Even so, Mars Is not causing Europe the sulTerlng that he caused tn 1914-1918. Cuts are told to have nine lives, but mathematicians long ago gave up all i attempt to calculate the number possessed by J. Barleycorn. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." . Smoked Daily by Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., Ijd. Prince Rupert, H.C. E UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Knlllng from I'rlnre Rupert, lur YANCOL'VCN. VICTORIA. SWSnson Bay and Alert Bay, etc., Tuesday, J p.m. for YANCOtlVEK, VICTORIA, Alert bay and Swaftsoa Buy, ete Saturday, 9 a.m. tor I'Oitr slMPsow, aNyox. ALICE ARM. STKWART and Xaas River its I'unnrries, Sunday, 8 p.m. tnd Avenue. R. St. SMITH, Agent. I'rlnre Rupert. H.C.