et 6 Prince Rupert Daily News Ce ent "| St kh lol eS Wednesday. November 5, 1052 SCREEN x ocknolders Misintormed by p fete ——— — - Cue NEW YORK ©—Ainual re-) perpetuat, 7 Education io fam . ‘Boland | * FLASHES ports of corporations today were i write-ups in A paper lige g j called financial comic books"! often n his i |by Franz Pick, currency analyst | Pi Shee . CK, publist OTTAWA The federal gov ition and technical training | : pu er ¢ erdibint: h : a" Bigg <0 lo ot “i By BOB THOMAS Pic k in an address prepared | Currency py "port," 1 n as decided to place] of Eskimos |for delivery before the New York! Pick said thas greater health and educational! Eskimos who give evidence of | HOLLYWOOD (AP)—.A new) Society of Security Analysts,| proceeded to ait “lati “jlitie t the sposal of C . . t} necegsar ‘ sivee . . MCh ¢ oe hi a posal of Can-} posses he neces ary qualifi | w yay to analyze your friends: said that financial thinking | the differenes bets U extent 4 ada’s 8,000 Eskin cation be enabled oO pre- | take a gander at their clothes.| tends to be based on the fiction | value of US. b nk dat The resources departmé n= | pare me: eee = Hollywood designer Clinton/of the paper dollar rather than| thelr value», rn ‘ ‘ ‘ y } irses r 1 “ ste ° 4 ei mounces that an _ eight-room | tea arses, OF artisans Stoner claims you can learn) on the real value af the deflated | $88,000,000 ; 000 lo tla school will be buil t Aklavik, | eithe i ng their own people | much about a person's true! dollar bringing to eight the number of/ 01 he settlements in or out jnature by what he wears “7 i i > »s ee Any ‘ aaa re : i ;— . =a hese financial comic books OUTH bei federal schoo! of the Arctic said the depart- Stoner designs and niakes juggline with alread tail.) Mow ’ “ERN Gia | One convalescent ent’s announcement, sports wear for such stars aslempty figures, constitute ‘the | Americ 1 a “68 1 thes . ‘ + ‘ os ae + . * nr ; — . wmeeets 300 Andes 2» be built at Driftpi It add tha os ftpile | Cary Grant, Van Johnson, Joan) moet important matertal of in-| the world’s by, an menu from ( wi -* naaene - ee te ge onggens ae formation for the mtinformed | ou: Mimate ‘oan nother will t r i he centre 1e owe rec Staire anc a ; ‘Nalayg other w re oe et : se = at | stockholder and for the financial "i, 3 Bay, in southe ropes to Ting out bara Stanwyck. He remarked : ; mini for Eskimos from the eastern! Eskim i to return to the that he can judge his custom-/|#"#ly¥8t Who does not hesitate to Classified Ads Poy Arctic. north, are daptable and can ers as well as his non-customers nl The a1 neemer . x adjust themselves to oth occu- by what they wear ’ anied nor th ations i r ther than the Take V . ' . companied , es ( i Take Van Johnson,” he sug All Seats Reserved Ad . first. meeti Ly of a ctl gested. “We make him hand ‘Mission Price te mittee established last spring t Convalescent Eskin r , knit red socks which he wea THE INTEENATIONAL CINEMA GUILD OF CANADA am o IWeleir s f wh : ; ; : : a wit mi ve , t tudy Eskimo pt 1s Ba where CREW RESCUED—Crew members of the 741-ton Swedish vesge] R tp aboard the with formal evening attire. H a 4 : norn . also wea a shoe-strir bow . Ly ea ik » normé . ; ‘ ais al & i g OV The committee, headed by H.| /®@ uy , Swiss freighter Basilea which rescued them afte © collided with tyholm in the St. Law tie and now h taken t 7 } Cwuilain Ce y y nuty mir : f i in ‘ . *- and no ¢S take i rr A. Young, dey y minister Of re ' ence River. The Ryholm was hit amidships and sank in about 25 iter 23 miles east ; : sige He me as + . 4 wsilies req gaiters for formal occasion BOUECES, | SUTesst ae Need FOr a f Quebec city. No lit were lost. The 27 Swedish seamen are ex be returned to | y I ? ’ *tign) "hy ’ ; _ EON 7 . mee ..* = ae — poe 7 — s : Ky x ‘ , “ { cant t unk it 5 rood t ists practical aj o educati 7 ie , ; ied vint , ” ye to grepar a Seattle ie RELATIVE SIZ oe Sweden from Montreal where they were brought following the « (CP PHOTO) It's a gag with him and show al ] Eskim Europe for: about l4th «¢ - on ; ‘ . r complete show Wednesd : witte!’ kar in bis whimsical nature and dnesday at ®:49 nd irface of the fi of tradition Doors open #06 Arctic e€ 0 ance of tradition pen pm Mig wn aid provi saie ae ves occa Naw Act to Thwart Immigration Rackets “Then there's Gary Caepe will have t . for hie rd on On business occasions he hat prend and vnpreve iaunee =e dresses with utmost care- Gented — an opera film done BSE EBESEERSGEGE Sau Saaauae . with aff the richness sad ali * SEGEREEEERS By D’ARCY O'DONNELI immigration department em- In others, the immigrants were strietly Bond Street. But for On the Same Proeram Gea teak anne * a * 7 4d ask + a ‘ I Staff Writ ployees in Montreal, Rome and. | dismissed as unsuitable after the outdoors he goes wild with = opy. witness No. 35 Everything that could be expected \ a OTTAWA—Stift Karlsruhe, Germany they had speni a short time on coral slacks, fancy shirts and sr Pin See ond protey, = ® Se : 9 The RC MP recentiy completed! the farm moccasins, This would indicate £ ae a ve tong Steny s @ | in store for pe ‘ ation of the ilesal ; a split personality 7 yOu See G picture more grammy . ° as é mn I nh legal MC . immigration 6nd luminousiy eedeas P| entrie justice department ; Joan Crawford always d M . ®/ illega t lepi nt! en proved the plans for always dt ~BOSLEY CROWTHER, MY. Tunes . ie the report to se@} oo: nigrar on farms @5 the elegant lady. She Is strict * . The ; : , . whet prosecut hould be w} he arrangements feminine and never wea s : ‘ : , launched. Three immigra n de . . lacks public. Her gan ¢ @ fines ranging to $5,000—are con- | BS" nn — ithe pied ts wig al employees also gave an ehaiinnas, pa ear baie = gt n anew Immigration Act sina! Sree sca tie ; at ' ahaa | aif ctmer to immigra- enisieen a6. Le eee ue vestigation was launched. | é yroun , = Me ve after Jan. 1 se ti } ation Some were . anti some of the immi- ' Marilyn Monin f v ( . . a Se c ne es — a th — | ha e ordér reatived a ee . n ; = at ! 4 4 = i f ent repiace ois . ae a + nee if ome employees eas oh rig — ‘ini . : Pil . Di aepartiment wor Say 1 ; cau Ss teres ¢ ing eT : ' aw ° hich deals m a } a t i : ted. an application pri . BY pte age ye —=_ : ’ ‘ lan lave been < por ad : assets. She would be silly not to “s , es A = a imi penalties ’ have voluntarily returned Or Her attire tabs her as a gir h FS ~ ; F : ¥: volun ly returned r attire tabs her as a girl who a a Ca es t in 4h t j in Germany, de ; gr > . wir country A is ambitious to be well known = O I i ( © regulati It pecia art jloyees issued entry : g s. : ce wh The immigration department | ?* Sa sda , S Marlon Brando's sloppy dre = ‘ we @ part stumbled on what is describes |" : ¢ ee a iis a peerese §6and Calculated ANN ROARS at © Bw ; ' ‘ as the “racket” quite by acci- idee . Bi an¢ making himself a A Das RC a sz y , wel te ’ mmigrant “h ot H one the try mt dent. In the summer of 1951 ; ; RE pubis characte! ; lothes also “ = o e empl : ’ 0 . The depetiinens estimates veal that he wants to proclaim BY JACQUES OFFENBACH a ‘ , an immigration inspector be f pro = B Walla = f , that between 200 and 300 im ' in atin covor sy TECHNICOLOR a B ene Bc general breache of ¢ame suspicious of the docu- migrants gained eral enteg |" ™ if as independent and un . " 6 ™ : ments carried by an immigrant ie Pa CR . ented a ue - i” ie at Dorval airport, near Mont with the help of departniental oner volunteered to nah a ; e The new sections were draft- pee ae Oty ’ employees. Each of the im- best und worst -< . tt x I ( Con ed when investigation disclosed migrants has been or will be in 2 ‘ ‘wltowe * ® : , : Whe gies in the movie Asine A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE s » " vi ' x yere i > i = @ that some 200 to 300 immi oo : checked and questioned “! would have to name Cary = @ grants entered Canada illegally KE estiga Ss i heck } ow! ‘ t * a S| ia: : ; arin ‘ f th pee i rant as the best-dressed, a s ast year with the assistance o j 4 ul quality he observed. “His taste is im ie f rid g so ae , ‘ . - a . a epartme wend Ba : wh : Tete Chas a ir 7 peceable. Not only does he STARTING THURSDAY — Evening Shows q:. ” DOUG WOOD outing Ss ; Vermans, a few reused always wear good-looking . AACL Ci.Al A-G to Probe The inwestication discloses * - * ACR BS NETUGTARLS clothes, he also has something . MEL SKALMERUD In Montreal, some travel agents | on eo i OnMTMUGTAR’ that few men possess—fiair, ROBERT e ee ai ‘ ana Paki msec ' i : Q ro oe : Orson Welles takes the worat » ba MITCH M AS AY Yt) ‘ ‘ . ’ r ‘ AC 1 the . 2 ‘ @ HINNIMA T Nef eh 7A f ada nxi bring 4 m1 Nn : Mircased HONOTS. 4 UNCErstal ; un y a u omo | e . . ’ ry . eo has now taken to wearing whit ( e Wilsor e depa ANN ° 1 g ' f r x nen sujis that are deliberats Smuggieny I ag approa i fart in 04 si 4 o . Ab - Ushi ar uoera iy * : Be. : it af Rony \. Clar ae B J = ene and gave them $50 $100 i the staff in Karlsruhe, Ge arty LYTH a NSO the noveme { a. . : . ” a ace $ ep . ore : a elative fri can. tee ane one ee HISTORIC COLON’ : : ali t ontre af ere : c 2 a V r A, I Br ada as farmhand me Lawrence Sullivan Icela was a indep ¢ wm any . en — = " After the immigrants reach a Cha Anf th on the . v before it . = . ¢ 2 nat ‘ r : SRR RRR SOR ERR STR ROO ed Canada, the agents collect- Mor taf ed vorwa c - ed a commission en their So f th igrar ir os" ee 4 Famous Payers AULO passage and a commission from ved a eing allow o stay RUGGED TERRITORY FOUNDATIONS © ; " those interested in seeing that Ca ‘ Xi atior Trade between Indi and engi z the relatives and friends ar- Some are fi eportation Tibet is largely over mountain omnia OLIVIER KEEP YOUR HOME IN GOOD STANDING me i _ . rived. In some cases, the farm- 0 ure volun- passea at an altitude of 14,000 TODAY ENNIFER JO "WC RRIE” 5 Ou : =>" P , “" €rs never saw the immigrants to 18.000 feet 7 -9:15 in “CA We will ch c phe i Ry ‘ , tng l feet : ve ll ' 1 B ari h “a Renewing of Wood Posts; Installing Concrete Posts. 5 : Wer Concrete Walls, or ¢ omplete Concrete Basements. a } fr. Ta eA bk GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS cts _ ( HRI C [IMA ¢ SFI l IN ENE 7 iat vide Greer & Bridden Ltd. ero ts great cause ft G : pratir i Phone 909 215 Ist Ave. West P.O. Box 721 nd It 1 i conce j fa Pure as sunlight er i 1Or id Mr i Bonner feels, he said, it ave a@ + Coke ‘ is desirable in the public in ‘ terest that immediate consid is x eration be given to the problem > \ with a view to improvement as \ SS quickly as possible. ue ] p ol wal Bennett i1¢ for recon improvement 1 enqguil public dissat a SEE OUR A-1 Used Cars BEFORE YOU BUY A MUST SEE— ‘50 Monarch Fordor. Gleaming metallic green, lots of extras A rea! family car $2125 TRUCK VALUES ‘47 Ford Pickup. Has gone few miles but there are left 46 Dodge around wagon "42 Ford a lois DRINK i CLO, a ent bottler of Coea-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd, Panel—-F air happy hunting $875 ‘)-Ton Pickup— A Excellent, rubber, good motor A very useful truck $625 CALL YOUR A-1 USED CAR DEALER Bob Parker Ltd. 137% ,, NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS. “The home of friendly Phone 132 Prince Rupert, B.C. service” “Coke” is a registered trade-mark } Phone 93 te omc rmereeeemttn ts “ Seeger aS FINE CLOTHES CAMERAS JEWELRY ‘Superb Gifts Such REFRIGERATORS FURNITURE Sometimes Are Never Purchased Except on a Layaway Plan The opportunity for the public to be more selective in choosing gifts and its evident desire fo make its gift dollars produce a happier and longer lasting Christmas for the folks who are going fo get the gifts, opens wide the door of opportunity for promotional - minded mer- chandisers of these bigger items. MR. MERCHANT: If You Have A LAY-A-WAY Plan Why Not ADVERTISE it? DAILY NEWS as de Wome en Ly eaakal To ae M-G-M Exc EN ine (Altes woe na OREW MARTON RICHARD GOL = CApITO 4 FAMOUS PLAYERS Portes Mes by JERRY DAVIS - aunt on a Ste awetnt( PACHA * STARTS THURSDAY Shows 7 - 9:09 NEWS ADS get RESU PRINCE RUPEM Ow TO KETCHIKM Departs Prince Rupert 2:30P.™. J Arrives Ketchikan 3: 15 pm | ROUND TRIP $27.0 LLIS AIRLINE Phone 476 - ce SS li A aie pm oR