PAGE F0U3 CHILDREN'S PARTY BRINGING UP FATHER HELD AT TERRACE , 1 1 1 f 'f lM 1 TKl'i tS A PR6TTY VOO HAD MO I NOW fOU TAV I CUTtKC M "1 T THAT'S FtME J forty-five Yoiuigtrr (lathered In lliuinr FtTj BlK.iMr'.V-ro IN THERE OMTT tl 50HETHINC , OUST put r-rr OM'.VOUDW of iMvId Toomm-II. Leaving lor LOSE THEM- "KINDIGOPt; Si? f CHAJK.THHKC ' J IS, .v " OP HOseV VOO-NO THCX:c. Ya n router H.r WHISKERS- r I'VE COT AM -it i j I- 4 : - Ifl bUMK'. f 1 DEAl "TO Co ' v- 1 TERRACE. March 23.-Mtss Enthop TO V- Ht 10 Badminton hall -at a. delightful children's party given as a ntrev-etl for David Monsell before his departure on Tue day for Vancouver. Her guests were all her school pupil, some forty-five children being present. Teams were chosen and many Interesting contests in racing, skipping, marbles, etc.. were carried through amid much merriment. During the evening the children formed a circle around the guect of honor and sang "For He's a Jolly Oaod Fellow," and wishes were expressed for a Joyous and prosperous life In the etty. Abundance of delicious "refreshments provided by the hostess were thoroughly enjoyed by the children. Miss Easthope was assisted In entertaining her young guests by the Misses! Slbary Malott and Peters. ROY CLOTHIER BUYS PROPERTY IN SLOCAN Purchases llartlrnrlle (irmi of Claim Xrar Sainton TuiiuneiK-r () In June Roy L. Clothier, of Victoria, well known In the north and especially Stewart, where he resided for a number of years, has bought the DardeneMes group ' of claims near Sandra, in the Stocan. The Dardenelles was formerly owned by Sir Charles Hlbbert Tupper. of Vancouver, and the late Captain Charles Clarke and Edward White and J. T. L. Meyers of Victoria. The workings were closed down twenty years ago owing to lack of demand for lead and sine. Mr. Clothier Intends to start operations on the property in June. CHURCH CONCERT IN ' USK SUCCESSFUL I'iiikH of .Marsh Memorial Churrli llene-fit to IMrnt of 13 TERRACE, March 23 The concert I held In Usk on Saturday evening In aid of funds to be used for the Marsh Memorial Church was attended by a very large crowd. The program which had, been arranged by the Usk Women's Auxiliary was of a varied and interesting nature and provided an evening's en tertainment of a high order. As a result about 135 was added to the church fund. FORMER TERRACE MAN DIESIN VANCOUVER M'ord or Irnile of A lira 111 Johnson, f armer. Is llrrelied TERRACE. March 23. Word has been received by friends here of the death In Vancouver on March 10 of Abram . Johnson, who spent several years here, prior to going to' Vancouver last summer.' He was a" native of Sweden and; came here from Walnwright. Alt. He owned a small ranch south of town while here. ANYOX COMMUNITY LEAGUE OFFICERS It. O. fuller Is President ami O. CI. Me-Inljrr urnl S. (Irlmam, Vlre-I'reMdrnts ANYOX. March 23r-R. O. CuUer has been elected president, of the .Community League for the coming year. O. O. Mclntyre was named first vice-president anri,S. Grlmascin, aeosnd vice-president. STEWART It Is reported In reputable mining circles that a consolidation of the Premier. B.C. Silver and Sebakwe mining properties Is being negotiated. Such a consolidation haa been predicted for I many years by those who know the dls trlct. the properties being adjoining. iTie situation Is such that it would appear to be a logical move. Directors of the Porter-Idaho Mining Co. deny published statements that the company has completed arrangements for financing construction of two and a half miles of tramway during the coming woson. According to the officials. It is the Intention to construct a tram aUsome future time but not un til such, time as the mine shall provide the requisite funds from Its operation The Stewart Board of Trade held 1 dinner on' Friday In compliment V Robert Stewart, president of the Dun well mine, and departmental hrorin nt the company. Another dinner uftjelng planned In lionor -of the managements of the Premier. B.C.' 8tlver. Blsff Missouri and other operating companies in the district. For litis sn Invitation will also bo exUdd to the manage ment of the a ran by Co. at Anyox, O. B. Bush left for Vancouver last week. He says he has some good mining news up his sleeve which Is not jet quite ready for publication. The Union steamer Catala, paying her first - Visit to Stewart last week made s favorable tmnrrwlon and there was a, large crowd 4at the. wharf to view! tit vessel. In order to -give Btewirt For Real L-a-s-t-i-n-g Refreshment Get Nips delicious Peppermint flavored gum in sugar-coated form treat clc0 mouth "After Lcwry UmT A daylight sen-ice, the Catate has eliminated Anyox as a scheduled rw-t at call. Dune Mclaaae has returned to Stew art after having paid a visit to his brother. Jim, proprietor of the Burrard Hotel at Vancouver. It was his firs; visit outside In 26 years. John Wander, who had a barber shon in Stewart for several years and w&o ts ww located In Prince Rupert, renewed acquaintances during a brief visit In Stewart last week. Miss Mildred Janeowsld has returned to Stewart after an absence alnce last fall visiting In California and Mexico. Dalby B. Morklll Is on a trip to Vancouver to attend a meeting of the board of directors of the B.C. Land Surveyors' Association . St. Patrick's Day was celebrated here with a successful dance, under thai auspices or the hospital board. A three piece orchestra furnished splendid muclc and the punch bowl and supper were under the direction of J. H. WU ion and Waiter Scrungcour. There were a number Of raffles, winners in. eluding C - Ryan, W. Anderson. J. Sehweoter, A. S. McDonald. Mrs. P. Jancowsfel. Mr. L. U. Behnsen. Mrs. W. B. Hnll. Mrs. W. JaaeowaU. J. Burnett, P. WMsen, C. Jackson. R. T. Crosby. J. Thornton. E. Peterson. M. Armour. H. Hooton and Mr4. William Bunting. DanweU concentrates are now pacstnz threugh Stewart steadily on their way to t.c isinelter 80 far the oonoentrates avc been produced from the lowest garde of ore during the "tuning up" gtfocets but tk mill ts now Tunning perfestlf and aettlhia down ta nanoHtv rodt64c. 7 The Stewart Board of Trade has de cided to invite Hon Dr. W. H. Suther land. Han T n Pnltull trn nr M- Sloan to visit Stewart during the oflihlijgununer. 1 n inrna is one wno can fortrive vnu.'m'Vin Knn nnii, n,ni , a , for everything except cllubtna above W letel. M Their ii- -h r:.-tf f a touah M m nM ii-' mtikcsthtmliokl j their k . a lUtitiis; edge m jHfi mimmis ' !". saw ea.Lio- zmKt SPORT CHAT The Bart Simpson basketball team. .'Men defeated the Prince Rupert men .nd carrtBd 0.1 u nonois for northern British Columbia, has been beaten by a team from tiio Tonng Men's aaues tkmai Asaoeiatlon of Port Siropaoe by a score of "39 to B. The new chjuaptdbs rt willing to all comers In de .cues of Ustir. i.r ly acquired title. Displayed' in the windows of Smith's Pruesefl's sportina goods store Is a tandsorn variety of basketball cap rhteh. for the most part, bare been ioaated by local dtisens tor eampeU-loa. Iactaded in Us diaotav is the MUbum OVp. smaieaaaUc of the ladles riwmpssmnip of M3.C; the Oilhui Cup. ssaMiiiiaiic or the awn's city hsssptnnsnlp. the Or-jf-3 cup. awardeo a the Intern-.ediate city cbampiusu: the McKordie Cup donated to tht Junior ctfy champions: the Hellbraiirr Top. swaHled to Uvr ladles champion uam for the city: and the Benson Cup. ow owned by the UstMe Leafs a or- mer city champions in the Ladles' Lea- S. Because ol V'aanse trouble with his 4ft." Jaft Dcxapsry has given up sji hope of rttarnlng to the prise nag In the lmnsedlate future, the fomet hesvywetgbt champion admits, lie may have to undergo a serious operation to correal the ailment, he sided. "I haven't been feeling myself for some ttaae." the sx-ebamptan said. "After na ttctors tu examined me thoroughly n even y. they adrlasd. me to aavt in operatKMt for some trouble with my ?plne. They tcld me that I weula sever he in shape to cater the ring again If I don't have the operation That ends my hope of an sarly return to the ring for some time, at least because I so not going to have my operation until I stuolutaiy have to I'm spins to establish a . camp somewhere in the mountains snd go Into Ught training. But the training will not be to regain my lost crown, It wW be to get back my health.'' Word rrunes from the spring training mp of the St. Louts Cardinals that Is rot well with the club. Aseord one orrue wwo Das waaisd bse bail and tile stea tsfclng prt in tlx ame toi Sears, th Oartluisls were all fhrhtlna for Issisra.IlorvMbf. Without the "Rajah of Rap" the team Is only sn ordinary lusehall dhib. The owner. Si'm .Bi-ra.ion, has not yet come to trm iwnmv tt-mimmm ik. youmt an.) brt:i:an short-eton Tbeve. ,h )i kiins out for a tC.OOO con- . . .. . . . ... . Iran nig DOSS OI UM UardS , .... . .. t. . .... ais. ml v mjs uuiii LmStM uiaa uv usssa rnun Always keep a bottle in the nouse. Your grocer nas au sizes 16 oz,--30 oz. 6 oz. flask. Children's Puxsle72 pieces sent FREE un receipt or capsule from s 16 ox. or 20 ox. bottle. ALICE ARM I St. Patrick's Day was fittingly ob-!rved In Alice Ann. In the afternoon. : he children of the town were the j quests of Mrs. L. O Connor and m the evening Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham en-jtertolned at a dance in the Alice Arm Hotel. Bridge was also played, the winners being Mrs. M. Smith and A) Falconer. T. W. Falconer returned here last week alter ha Ting spent two wrecks at the Aayoz Hospital where he was suf fering with an attack of tnfluensa. A. DavMson has left for the Silver Board property In the upper KItaault Valley where he wlU extend the present tunnel. J. M. Morrison, who has speat the Inter at Anyox. baa returned here to main for some time. P. Gallagher returned here after hav-ng spent a week ,at Anyox receiving sedlcal attention. Weather conditions have, lmnrovert here lately and the snow premises to be-all the ground oulte as earlv a In lrevloui years. Bare ground Is already sommenclng to appear on the wha.1 ead. .TERRACE Oacar O Under returned on Saturday titer spending a holiday in Vancouver. Tom Lever spent a few days in Wthce Iqpert W week returning home M Saturday. Walter Warner. Government tele-jraph operator from Kalum Lake, was n town on Monday. Mrs. E. Mansell and famllr left on Tuesday for Vancouver where she expects to locate. She was accompanied south by her father Mr. Ressner, at Los Angeles, who has spent some time atre with her and who will return to lallfornla after Mrs. Monsell and family ire settled In the city. 3. Garland of Kalum Lak rtnmi ?h Saturday from Prince Rupert, and tptnt the week end In town. Miss J. Donald was an afternoon tea hostess on Friday. George Little left on Tuesday on business trip to Prince Rupert. ' LONG BEATS PYLE IN BILLIARD GAME Iji't Vear's flump Ion IMInilnaleil From Imllildual City ni:iinplniltlj In the Yeml-flnst Individual billiard I shamplorshlp game last night between f '7 ana w. m. Long, tbe Utter tatnered In the 500 points while his tn- bbnrni, last year's champion, wasreaeh- uix iik iiv mars oniy 10 be eliminated. It was the closest game In the serlei so far with the high ireak being made by Long with a run of 40 The final zame will nnv niiwi between W. H. Long and Col. S. P. , HMord.e surtlng on Thursdsy night ...... f...... yB juajni iliu OBO- ttnued on Frldav nlht fnr ti unn no nts. " W aV CORDIAL Just a tcaspoonful of rich v. v,oruiai in a cup fill with boiline water stir and drink. What a delicious warmth! What delightful llavourl 0X0 LIMITED, 351 St, Anoint Street. Montreal Manufacturers of "0X0" Cubes 17 4 V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. r 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fo leu than 50c WANTK1) WANTED. YOUNO fltsWON WTTH practical know ledge ot bnokkeefrtnr; tn take charge of store. Apply Box 39. Dally News Office. WANTED SMALL PURNlSlfRD HOtWR or furnlsneO hoinr keeping mom Apply Boa M.JOally News Office. 71 WANTED. OIRL PO QKNKRAL bouetk. PtMsae 213. To ARKNTS WANTKI) MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVsX AND apjidtnt local reprmnUdrea ail weekly average and expenses, and commtosion besides. faperteiK un-aeeeesary. Write for particulars Winston co. Toronto. 7j FOIt SALE HOTEL POIt SALE. TfW -PIO.MIER Hotel. Queen Charlotte City. Seventeen rooms, large dining room, lobby, kitchen, large range, wed equipped Power laundry, mast noose, new etee-ute light ptant: all well Itrraished Two stores downstairs, one rented, also s eotues rented. Two large lots Plenty of garden spare, smsli fruit and s nke pleasure boat The ositr hotel la the district, near two large csnaeties. Hesdauarter for fisher men, loggers snd cruisers. Bawmlll st present shut down but may reopen shortly. If you can utrure s beer license, this is the best buy In arras Columbia price com perl. 7 .000.00 cash. Invoice tiork Snpulre n. a. MeXeaate. Queen Charlotte City. B.C. fa 1COW FOR SALB.- -M PERT x S3 FlaT. Scow has steal house as feet by It tret which can be detached Suitable In present oandltlon for houseboat, amp. cook house or (or transporting perishable freight. Vulcan Ironworks Limited. Vancouver. DC 71) rOR SALE. TWENTY HORSErOWBR Kermath marine ermine in first class running order. Price reasonaaia Terms cash. Apply to Dr. Largs, port Simpson. M TOR SALE. SIX ROOMKT) HOTMI snd lot. 311 Seventh Avenue West. Apply Prank Derry. BSS Bordsa St. Phone Blue 2&8. 73 OPPORTUNITY! 15.00 A MONTH NCAV buys your future howmite. Walker's Music Store. FOR KENT FOR RENT. -PIAJCOS, PH0KO(fRAPMI and Singer Sewing Mscbiues. WslkerN Music Store. FURNISI1FD SUITK8 FOR nwrr. Apply Musssllem Orocery. nians it. ROOMS TO RfcffT.-PHONB o7. tf FOUND FOUND. TAKE NOTICE THAT I. L K. Dutton, Intend to hold one mare and colt strayed to the (arm. for reed coirts. L. K. Dutton. Kltwaaga B.C. LOST LOSrr Child's rslnhat. dronned tram huggy. Finder plesae rettjrn to Inlander. that with the oomlna of anniri Frlsch. the fonoer New York Qlsnt second baseman, the Cards wiu h strong enough at the middle station bat without There now to work with Frlsch .the Cards will be handicapped considerably. Inetdentally. St. Lout will start the some tram in Anrtl. with the exception of Thevenow, as they nnishcd the world's aeries. Pniri Thcvenqw will he back In time. However., he has lost many valuable prao-Uce kcssIoim. Only seven remain of the mni.hinh. tribe of major league snltball mti.rr. out of 17 permitted to i um the moist delivery when baaeball juled out naliva in 1820. Of the four survivor, m .k. American League, Qulnn of the Ath - letlcs has been In the majors 18 yeurs. Faber of Chicago IS ym ann n..v.i. nkle of Washington ami Shocker of New xork 11 years, m ti- Nstiomu. Mil- fhell of PHtladtlphia has been .. ..... leaguer II years and Di.ak of nr, .vi... ml Orlme. of New VoVk 14 sar. Doak returns to Urooklyn this after s ptrtQl of rtitlnnieiu wli.u i. was s Florida real dinUr. J TV1 AUCTION 8AI.H -: INKShVRVtD AUCTION SALE AV ing resvlecd ttwtruclkaw from Con -1 ;alj .1 A Ar.ilrrsun. who U km'l;.g th.s city for Vaucoum laiaiicl I wui sell took-avoa. tarcb 4. hut -.i- : lire hoiarhold effevU ; , that valuable eumtr lot !'ii two rasidini 1 , faring Ma Itlghtt A..-H-U Wsat ami 7H Tsltow U'nri Tkik- -vaidmrrs are modern id m r l rvjstir: sre ocnipled ooti: nuoiKijy nti rtng a ' revenue iA tXi mun'tily This pro MAIL SCHEDULE" will jc sold Ji.m prosapt '" I" Terms and r01.1l t.aiiA ka an- n. 1 noufuttt at time of Kt'.n I of rtir:'.t ir as ftti ' Hi-taixman 1 pian j. lilt.- new. beautiful -.nte; buffet in dark q-tarter rut nak: full ninety :ke rhin.i dinner s:id tea t; atee-1 tt:r lixtansj and laie n; aril id ''-k morris rh:r. ar:a chair I - .. . iiirt n 1 i lit.. and (entre table: carpet u tre s M : y semgnui -sy chair. tmUx. table ! Otur brliK tUstd heater rut pipe.' ,s ttrniinjtvo.i portable typewr.ter in rase, i . . illMH IRf IJiM rteVJ d . rh'na: . . tun-Mr cabinet rotary trains: machine, .w'd book. eiectr.r hla machine, lis new ttmm Vsat.ti..r complete with ironing hoard, vrtngarj guridass and drop lesr tuMe. -b Vtftrwlov Reeeitt rn.-jge with Iwt water eon-' Pr.rt.rn iirrgotM. kit.-hen cabinet, tine In CPU, M.r ball: two living room cliairs: brass! I" tstv in ' w bed . hlfTcnler. drmlnc tnnia: tbree Ifemlet liesvy bel complete 1ht muk. bruet'-1 ' ""ti-n uteit.iU and nuaf oUsar article liok f-r Rrltir Had Psag j Property .pen for inspect son jhm m ur ':! hour of sale O t. Bmsv. Auctioneer. Phone 774 . liOAHI) HOARD - THi unju(tm ata SsenM Avaaiss Phone 3t nKMKrrrniiNf; . - - i i .... r - wm HMttTrrcrHtNO PtCOTrNfJ SCALLOP-i U. Avr M I)()J.I.AI STORK Wr Itave dLronlltiurd the MOtO:VH KXCIItMii: See our line of HOI R UHIrOHKK for SI. SKI Nothlag over s dollar IMU.tH ktoki: jo iiomimun n nm ne i:rtitx-.i: liewmrdy Oacams. amtirlvtses 144 Third, Avenue Phawe niark ill Purnrttire of all sorts bought 1 aoM or schsnged ! rutnmmi RMPAiaiNO 01'lrOL- i staring of att . kinds ChesMrfMds recovered and mudr to irrrler. All , 1 work s-uvanWed. I'honr nreati' M9 I O M HiptT.j I WOOD A. lrns Seal Cove. Mlxrd Wood Hloek per load fl W Kindling, per load td SO Furnace Wood, per losd MfM Iteltvered Salt irrtng PlMtne Ithtk ll ICIstrrAIIKANTS j OOOII KtT.H CtlT. j Mrs Dnger, Pmprtetreu i Third Avenue. Neat 0. W. V. A. 1MH Hume Cnnlie.1 Meal". Phone , nisek tou I TAXI Phono f.7 Taxi (Cull Gwirjrn, Paul or Gtut) Six nnd Severn PnstotiKcr Stijtle-bakert nt your ltHpotil any tfino ItOSS IIKOfi. POOL .IMMMJ . Across from Kmnrosn HntnM PltIN(!H IMIPMirr TIDKS 1 4 ft4ftt Mlll.VKHIHY. MtllCII W ' itih 3 6.m. 18 8 ft U:49 p.m. 10 0 " Low 10;8B tan. 00 " 33 SO. p ro. " " " 1JII llll tV. MtllC II II . ISA fl Ill.-li 4:34 s m. 17:36 pin. 1B.7 1 ioW. At il4 s.m fl.A j 33 i j pm I f I, ! .( in. Ksl-: iy v.. f 1 1 on . r 1 ... - iy Kit, I. -a S,' u ! It U .1 Ha. . a .tin. ma Hut..;.. r -: i l.. it lii.. . Hull. I jr lo XIj-Ioi f... ii M. 7 Tu-- 'iy : , - u is TtSMwtsy Pll.l: r . IvatM n aimt-" ' TuewlBVS IIimw .trots r. iM- Mar. II II ! Irxn ((een f hsfWIf M .r. i 1" mix c (1I tio 11 M Orhm a ... 3 t -. A. A r 3 llth Kl.. 1 Ilth II tb i v fltl. I at I (Ml A. A : Ml. Mr. A a PrjV IW ii U'rv f)v it TP Wli a fl l P 'lst l :.rt A." 0 irtl ' r 0 3rd '- - A" ' r uii tsy d.j- nly STEAMSHIP HOiW i.r t .i.roMter I ... . : ..I m iy M ll 37 uMWitrr Si... ' W 1 ' sis v Kr ft. i l'-'1 ' ' ft.'u.iMy M... (1 7- v ' M '. ' 31 ' ' ir r..rl (liilK"'H " Miliil:. ' t mni l'"f T'lr-Ml.ty- ' ' tr' ..1 : I'nr sirwrsrl. An" .,..,!. 1 C1 ., i'lMtdn An)i gnJ ri Nlew c . isy Hrlil.V- I'm lr ijiieen (imrl''"" Mn Ii 13 '" M;.rfJi 90 " '", ' hms re h iiMars"0 " ' -Hr -vfnirlll ,liiika ...... h t n I1' " Math 11 jiarth an Pllli from .tlnan Marert II C.N.R. TRAINS rP i:st MnndiV- aj'.urdsys l.nn. TUf'(lr niiiiiiv l( lltllf A.nertus in