PAGE TWO TAP. DAUV SRv?3 ;-JJii..i.. , . '...a: ! l .' . . i J - 1 - The Daily News sssBSBBasssssssBssss PillXCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA t'nMifttH4 Every Afternoon, except Sunday, bjr l'rine Rupert Daily Nw Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - Manaring Editor. 'Advertising and Circulation -Telephony J Editor uWI Jfteprter -fpIyhon jj Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Wednesday. Dec. 1-1, 1927 FISHERMEN AXI) XKW REGULATIONS A j?reat many titihermen do not ye. aeern to understand the purport of the proposed new fishery regulation. Two points eem to stand out clear. One is that the tithing must be conducted in much a way that sufficient salmon will get to the spawning grounds each yeer to insure continuation of supply. Another point is that no government can step in and say one Canadian citiren can have a license arid another cannot. Then comes the question, how is the fishing to be kept within reasonable boamla without at the same time doing iajuatice to anyone and so that the best possible ue may be made of the product? The department has made a proposal. The coast waters wHl be divided into fishing areas. One of these, let us say, wWl be the Skeena River including Prince Rupert harbor. Suppose the normal number of gill netting licences to be one thousand. With that number fishing, the weekly clone season will be 48 hours. The moment the number exceeds one thousand, the closed seaion jumps automatic I ly to GO hours. That would make fishing leas productive to fishermen and canners and the tendency would be to lower the number of fishermen who would operate there. If the fishermen numbered twelve hundred, the close season would again jump to 72 hours. This is prely an imaginary case. Licenses would be issued for Skeena River district only and before another license to fish elsewhere was issued the Skeen River Hcwnse would have to be cancelled so as to keep track of the number issued. Under this scheme fish caught in the Skeena area would have to be marketed at one of the canneries in that area unless sold to the Cold Storage for f reeling or to anyone shipping them fresh- to the market. The chief idea in the scheme is to reduce the number of fishermen pperating in order that the river may not be fished out. CHIEF OBJECTION OF FISHERMEN The chief objection to the scheme by the fishermen is contained in the clause which prohibits fish' being sent from one area to another. That has already developed very clearly. We are not taking any part in the argument except to point out that the clause does hot eero essential to the scheme, no matter how desirable it may or mar not be. The fishermen think they get a better price with the market open but to that the canners dissent. It will be for the fishermen to lay their views clearly and plainly before the department in this regard forgetting everything that has gone before. If they have a better scheme they should propound it, but It must not be one that will interfere with the rights of. a citizen to fish 4f he so wishes. REGRETS DEPARTURE Many expressions of regret are heard at the fact that Lieut. R. P. Ponder is leaving the city and on that account is forced to give up his work in connection with the Royal Canadian Naval Vol-, unteer Reserve, which he organised here. He was Most enetgetic, i painstaking and courteous and carried out his onerous duties und$rt ' r difficulties which might have daunted one with less perseverance than be. j Both Mr. and Mrs. Ponder will be missed here. It seems a pity that arrangements could not have been made to keep such good ; citizens here but the powers that be have ordained otherwise. The good wishes of all will go with them. CHRISTMAS IN LOCALLARDERS Opportunities to Uuy Almost Everything Needed for Propel Holiday Celebration ' With Christmas only tn days away, the f torts dooiilu:i are now acquiring . Uiit expectant, anticipatory atmosphere so much asu catted with this time of the year. The mingled odors of the grocery atom arc gtastatortly easlting and the gaily decorated windows full of toys are a Joy to behold, bringing up visions of all the past Chrlrtmiui mornings when alf t us were on the verge of re titration of our unknown m-lohes This week nets the local stores all well itockM with all the mafcinV for a Merry ChHsOnsn dinner. Among the fruits available are grapes, pear. Florida grapefruit, bananas, navel and Jap oranges while there are also good supplies of cauliflower, lettuce tomato?, cucumbers. radishes. green onions, sweet potatoes, parsley. Brussels sprout celery, spinach. Hubbard squash and Spanish onions. One of the things noticeable this year, however. Is the wastage in the Jap oranges which perhaps partly accounts Tor th higher price than last year's. At the beginning of the season this is rather unusual and so far baa not been accounted far. Raisins are now aa cheap as Uiey probably will be Utla ! season, and an Increase in price Is promised tor the first of Use year. Christmas being yOver by that time. hoawrei. most people should worry. Cranberries to go with the Christmas turkey promise to be short. They are scasee right now with the price at 35c per lb. Batter took another rise In price yesterday and afaould soon be retailing at 56c a pound. Beef prices bare been steady for the past two weeks and will continue high. The retail price this year la roughly ten cents a pound higher than It was at this time last year. Live cattle are still coming Into the ccal sbbatolr and at the end of this year fully 300 head will have been 'jroiiuht In from the Bulkley Valley. A nice bunch of live lambs also arrived Um week from Houston Just east of Smithern and they were M nke hH of fed lambs as could be wished for. Eggs .his week are slightly cheaper with supplies more plentiful. Supplies of pork are however rather disappointing, the quantity offered at Edmonton during November being only 3S per cent of those offered In November 192fl. The consequent scarcity wUl doubtless have the effect of causing all pork pro ducts to go higher. Turkey promise to -etail at from 56c to 60c, geese from 38c H. S. WALLACE CO., LIMITED Silk Hosiery Of Outstanding. Value Penman' Full Fashioned Silk to (Jry-ter $Vlt, in sixjiew shade -t pair . . iX . , . . . J. fi.ft Mercury Full Fashioned, Silk to the Top, in newest shades, pair Lady Betty, Circular Knit, pure silk, pnir , .. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9. 3rd Avenue and Fulton Street to 40c. roastiiit! chickens at 48c and duck at 40c a pound which alter all does not put the usual Chrlatmas cheer out of the reach or most foHca thU Christmas. tlz In The Letter Box ..NtHY llAIUO KTH. fcdltW'patlr.'Newa. Tor the iat week or two In Prince Rupert several radio seta have been making the night hideous with Interference, consisting ot howls, roars, shrieks and long continued low and high whistles With the exception oX one or two sets causing a steady whistle moat or the disturbance la from a number or one to three tube regenerative sets. A great number of these sets are at present being sold very cheap In Vancouver, all terrifo!-. noisy li: reception (causing noise m se up ;o five miles away) and win not give good reception here, so rar from trie broadcasting a taste ns People using these seta possibly do not realize that their set la acting like a broadcasting station, as rar as their n!gbbrs are ooBcernrd. sod ruWilog their reception. The government rad-lo department have warned all uses against these noisy sets. People using tttem get little or nothinK themselves, but often ruin a splendid program for those having good sets. Practically all sets that receive good are absolutely quiet and do not bother other users and It Is a shame that the noisy w's continue to be used. I suggest t.irtt ii interested in good reception hem what a good quiet set will do, auu endeavor to either get a good set or learn to operate the noisy set quietly, as hy careful handling It u possible. Several k people who cannot get any othir an uement have set', and I believe pe' pi.- using sets should keep this in mind: especially tbmt young children be not permitted tc apertment with the dials, to the annoyance of other users. RADIO OWNER. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert ,tlon, at a public meet in in th vtv.t. i hnlir. TV, u , . . 4 i . . j . ... itiEaiir ujliuwu w. v. hLiyncn. etialrmsn. O H. Nelson. J. S. Oowper. MPJ rnd Sergeant Major Jimmy Robinson. OWln? i snowslides near lie pasneniser t,;,;,, h... from tfie Ea.- i.s : ea.n tiur-;. tiouis laie J i lite - - l ' . ,-Pk-,,,anfa 1 CAN LOVE BE ' fm 'Love is of man's life ,a thing apart 'Tis woman's whole existence!" was very proud of his beautiful young wife DAVID .... and he really loved her .... yet .... he allowed himself to be luretf by the eternal song of the siren She was pretty this siren with the pharmaceutical blush and peroxide coiffure pretty in a cheap sort of a way .... and she knew how to handle men! Of course, she made her appeal through David's innate vanity ignoring his weaknesses, lauding his virtues. And Doris, busy with her manifold household duties, never even suspected disloyalty. But after the private detective had verified neighbourly gossip, did the disillusioned wife go into hysterics and then sue for divorce? She did not! Doris merely invited her rival to dinner, turned her over to her husband . ,. . and then quietly disappeared into the night! Other Remarkable Stories THE SALVATION OF A BANK BURGLAR THE DIVIDENDS OF SELFISHNESS THE TWO WOMEN HE WANTED 'Je2eA INSIDE A MflTHt?.P'5 1TFAPT THE CURSE OF PREJUDICE STRONGER THAN PRIDE WHEN THE TAST CALLS WHISPERING TONGUES HE WANTED CHILDREN TRAPPED BY DESTINY PLAYTHINGS OF FATE CANADIAN MAN WONT FORGIVE HER LAST MOMENT HELL'S HIGHWAY DID I DO RIGHT? MOVIE MAD An old proverb says: "To hurt is easy, to heal is hard." But a woman's heart, once fully possessed by love for a man, is like a strong box without a key. For three lonely years years fraught with misery and suffering Doris remained away, trying to tear from her heart the great love that had so brutally cast her into the nocturnal depths of despair. Did . Doris act wisely in permitting her mind, instead of her heart to rule? Should she have fought for her mate . with the weapons available to a good woman? All these vital, pertinent questions, so puzzling to the present generation, are faced courageously and answered fearlessly, impartially, in a true episode from life, entitled: SHE COULDN'T ESCAPE LOVE which appears in TRUE STORY MAGAZINE for January, 1928. Its poignant drama, elemental realism and soul-stirring pathos will move you to tears. Truth Leads the Way Every righteous cause has its bitter enemies those who fatten on innocence and ignorance, and on the evils of life in every form. But there is a power mightier than all the forces of evil and that power is the strong and glorious light of TRUTH ! Now, as always, Truth leads the way tot freedom freedom from error, folly, and the penalties of sin. True Story Magazine leads the fight for this freedom, bringing forcefully home to thousands of readers, by actual example, the truth that only right living, right thinking and right acting can ever pay. $24000 in Prizes for True Stories Each year True Story Magazine pays many thousands of dollars to its readers for stories taken from their live. In your life, probably, there is a story for which we are willing to pay hand-sornery. This is the time to cash in upon it, for right now True Story is offering $24,000 in pruts, ranging from $200 each up to $1,000 each for true stories of the sort you have to tell. You will find the full particulars in the January itue. , JANILAR Tlie Greatest Newsstand Sale in the World I TaOJtVSTORY MAGAZINE jftMth Street and Broadway, T New York City. U.S.A. 1 I want to take advantage erf your pey I I 4s h-rtu.-ith tl 00 Cane dollar) f I 1 plewe enter my ' name on-ye STORY .n MAuf y, i TOTtV reteive issues w , 1 ZINB. beeinrdnr. wh the January . nvr. I f ..Ssu . r. . it, tntrt'.Tt1'. bzl" I tubtertbfng. simply mall us 30 cents .... j will tend you a copy of the January once). I I NAME. I I STREET. I CITY....... .PROV-j-. 'n.tStTTXTf. On account of the increased -cost tit previsions, an advance or preee la announced by the White Lunch, Self's Cafe and the Royal Cafe. Speakers on behalf ot Col c. W.Pcck. Unionist candidate In the federaU ir. Dr. MAGUIRE Phone 525. p.m. For VANCOCVI I'or I'llM.T Dentist Over Orme's Drtiff Store Office Hours-9 tcftO AfflhttBl UNION QTFAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnit from Prince lrt- . ,... Tartdaf, lor VANCOUVER. Vlt'TUKlA. Swanton Day. " ER. VICTORIA. "''IW.;Ma"ARA,i'0 RIVER ,0TS' huy MIMPHflV MPSON, ir.ij. NAAS aC fil-lll Iff i.l.n annilflV. S ,,,,,,11.1, If all IBiauu, a 'V7. a & , prince "P"'" "ieJ 1IJ ina Avenue, R. M. ','"" Seattle ,,, ana ,aa u baiss.e . anil Through H.keM oM lo Victoria through lu destination,