PAGE F0U3 THE &AILT NET73 w,..;, BRINGING UP FATHER I By George McM An t Tv I it T A. HOW iH TmwORiD DryCleaning uiu 1WU wcyw That r,.-Otx !?VP V i I tSthecormek yj ir nWe comma ftoM : V J f-rY;W N M THAT WTCHtR' , at . , . . . . Vancouver rj r- s w Tar ir ' i i - m i e i-wi rru i i i i r aaar wn xx i ' ML ism f .... 4..... ' . JM Ill Prices Most Modern Drycleaning Plant in Citj V Thone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and McRride Street get your COAL WrrHGUT UCLttX - KJK OLD CVW Winters on the way You can't dodge Winter but you can meet him with a jrreat heat that will make hu icicles sweat. Just order some of our coal and show the old codger that you're not the least bit afraid of him when he comes. Prepare early. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 Manufacturers Outlet Sale LADIES" HATS DKESSES LINGERIE at The Louvre 316 Third Avenue Next Royal Bank Wood DY niUClL CEDAH AND JACK PINE Single Load $3.50 'Double Load $.5 Large Sack .10? 0 BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, .$1.00 Phone r80 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 129 Second Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Pinno and Furniture Moving, Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST TERRACE MAY HAVE X-RAY: Plans Made to Ue Six Hundred Dollar Fund to I Vest Purpose at Interior Town TtSRACE. Dae. 14 At meeting ot r. th boapttar board held recuuly the! aaaactal attuatton came up lor a ibrouh dtaeuaslon. The treaaurara report atewed a casta land on hand ol alnmt C00. lnclua:e of Women i Hos pital Auxiliary funds. It whs decided that It would b unvlae to attempt to rr-open the hospital at the preaaat time and that the Interest of the community would be better aenred by ualnc the money for some purpose which would tend to aaatat la the treataoot cf more patients Is thekr hcaaes instead of having them make a long, tiresome and often painful Journey to one of ' :b nearest hospitals. Dr. Brummltt was present at ths aMetlnf and told the members thai while be had not been here for s lone enough time to make s very thorough lnvsstigwUon into conditions and so did (nct feel prepared to recommend what jtfce board showM d. he would say that !lf be had that sum of money to expend ' to assist him in his wcrk. he would eonsidoT an s-ray amrhlne the most 'necessary and most helpful pleoe of aatmasat he could buy Hu; of the local accident cases could be treated in their own homes and tbe aauenta would he saved we uaoar CAVtlllAXH KETI RNINC. NIAGARA FAT Jg. Ont.. Dec 14 Last month 92 Canadians returned from the ir I lIcVnV 1 BV, ssasasBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm 1 : " ii.:if.l .iftPT: r " i I f aEasssssrW7BW - Had a Severe Cold improvements to be MADE TO HOSPITAL Coughed Incessantly Mn. a Fehrman, Brikirk, Out, write : 4 Lmrt. viator I tuffcred fiva vfi-r ifmt mM. I wumgmi iaxea Mintlv kirk irriMttj tk gta4 Ukj muard IKkr tintat. "I tried eevertl aHitiart wKUnl uj .but uh dj I lielrj u jrwr ftlui&Br ud rri tbout Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Sole Agents for "I iret a battlt uJWttr Ukkg; rooplr of deaet fh rausa rlive4 sad wliea I had, teitM it xay cold hti simpl.T 4iMpefmL" f "Dr. Wood'" h Ke. a btOf, Urc family bh1 AOc; for at aH inf pat and dtki; It up aaly by TU T. Mafaun Co limiud, Toresto, Oat -nlW Mavw by way of this port, tbm ;e lv othor i datHileni sad t ap-lioants soioctod. In Noveeahar last ar there wosw g sdmtsaioiu and M ejections. sapeoae of railway tare, hospital bOla. apuding a TERRACE Orval Keoaey returned 'rom Prince Bapert. etc. It -would alao undoubtedly pcove - -to e an enuiuiaaamcnt as weU as an-j A Woodawortk jKdaeemeat to a doctor to remain here, hdjali Should the beard decide to expend nine of Kahna few daya la town. of or In torn wet. on Saturday take la was a thq begin- the money in tbtw manner, a machine; " will so doubt be boHsbt on the uuuS-; Oscar Gendroa hi moved ja from ment plan and once it is installed, the 'the Kalum Uike mines and wilt spend x-ray fees charted will be applied on the whiter In town. ' future payments. John and Philip Couture of Kalum Lake are spending a few days in tows prior to leaving for Seattle for the lB ' Theresa last, a style vjLftVtyVAirV-KK AniJ hft i ht mii to Warn Sh h- Liw I t s CEewssBBBS.--a9i?f '" tti hning to A Aiurta dtalet I f;itjSeW"Jttf JSMfa "' M togwt ymadMpUautiKf. I "ASTORIA" Shoes in Prince Rurtert McArthur Shoe Store Third Avenue Mrni. Ward 4IHJ ravrmim la be lir-rfa4ereil ami rwialrd Other Wuf k I adrr Wai The qucatloii uf repainting, the wails and noUingi vt the men's surgical and nodical wards and the raseroom caaae ir for casMhJerable diarusatoa at the nee4teg as tbe hospital soaid last nifltat end it was ttaailjr decided. reosmsnea datloa of tdvr house aammtMee. that ar- iiinemenu be made with Jcha ' campletsjjr relalh and aeeroom and natcb the wnUs of the ards toUowtng which new taadiri wUl if ewjged for their aalnttng. It was asm derided to comply with a c 'mmendatton made by the nre asrshal and lire chief that the -l the kitchen be raised two rom the floar This will neasssitats a haage in the water piping and M was irclded that a new hot wster boiler be nauilsd if neceraary to replace the pre-ant one vhkrh has recently suflersd ne biuwonu other ncommendstions jade by the fire ekucf. it wo by C. H. afclns. ihabwisa of 'naamlttae. had already been complied JrtUi It was alao reported by Mr. Bkis -nnt aa ttsetrlc heater had bean placed n the aaatroom to mppsriannl the Seating asatem of the building and hat acsne'necesaory repaira had been .nade to the i-levstar WOULD NOT ADMIT DRUNK PATIENTS T1ITA ItnPlilTIt XL n. Docnester spoke at tost night's eneetlng of the hospital board against the policy of allowing inebriates suffering from delirium tremens and other aweh eomplatnu being permitted to ea ter the hospital for taaataaeat with reapcrAable patleau. The for such people, he said, wa In the iell. It was mm outrage which he felt fchoold not be permitted. H W. Birch. msiMKlne secretarv. ' pointed out that the hospital was ep-er .ting under government supneaf and regulations provided tor the admission. .. all pattenta on doctor's ontar. save thuse suffering from smallpox. "If that is the case, then the eonsti-', t;.tion should be changed." urgaxt Mr, ; ft,)clveiter in reply. He pressed tha. the ! matter should be taken up with the I government. J Miss Jean Harrison. R.N.. lady super-j lntencvent. iwponed that it was not the general practice of the doctors to send ; in such patient. other members of the board agreed ' with Mr Rochester's views and it iueowa u iiotaing ele could be done, to at le&st rigidly enforce the payment of such patients' accounts. GREAT SALE OF FURS seat too AT B.C COS STORE The Fur Bale ot the season it now on at the store of the ED. Fur Oo. on Third Avenue. Here are fur coat, chokers, scsrves. and fox wrans in enrl- iless variety w siting year c holes. What I woman would not appreciate a fur coat jfor a Chrmtmas presentT They are here in Hudson seal, eeeotrlc seal, muskrat. ; Persian lamb, mole and mink and all ;ood locking garments, j There are ehokers, scarves and wrap 111 white lux. gray fox. sUrer fox. brown ' tox crosh fox. red fox, stone marten. jlliibsoii Bey sable. lynx, aostfrret etc. j There are also trim ruins of ail ktnds. 1 This wlf oners you an opportunity or acquirlna seasenabls ssrments at sale prices And for winter weather nch aa today, what oaa be more com fortable. Drop into the BX. Fur store today and make your botce from the hundreds of fine, fur garments. It will pay vou. AdVt. LADIES' WHIST evening's games in the ladies' of the Fraternal What Leagur. rbetag the fipsl matebes In the flrrt half of the season, resulted as follows: Moose Ladles, 8) Orange Ladles. 1. Canadian National Ladles. 7: English Ladies. 3 Lrnsne Standing W. L. Pts Moose Ladies 4 3 4 ' EvrJtBh ; .flies' S 3 : Or e ,-r- 'nif, 3 3 ., ' ! 'ie 3 4 3 -4 THE rtclal L, - '1 assw lb IWttwn rgar ) i V anted For Sale For Rent My gal Lou Bhe'k sure With a win tarn if hat are all right tan at capacity. little dear at web lor face and figure Art bard ta beat. AXTOMg K the Uon of Christ la the Moua fact taat he at shear wf- ! TJH: ataa who wrttas the "A you ;Piaa wrttos a vats and aswdssasavs jtj caapewMon Here is ths rofae and thei j I aaoaor to tas wsstl J fea appneia- THE dtrncuttr ahma atodera kvfe, la that there is aa little atanay to sprad UHTiii:U Ki l'dKT. Palaoe Huperv-esiowUig. Ugat north- weat whaa: temperature. 34. Hayaport. windy, teaap. 16. Port Slmpaoa. Baowlng. teme. 33. Stewart Light aaow. sakn. .maip. II. Anyax. Snowing, oalm."ifmp. 14. Alice Arin.--emowlBa, caim, temp. 14. Aljranab. Snowing, salsa, 4 below. Rosewooe; Cloudy, cava. temp. 3. 'ftrraoa.--BBWwina. oaba. aera. Hareilon - -Snowing, caka. IS below Seal lsrs -Cloudy, oalm. 30 below. Burns tab. CawMdf. calm. 16 below. Telegraph Crret Cknmy calm. 10 below. White horse Baowlag, S. wind, temperature 10. Stewart Kiver. Cloudy, calm. IS brio Dawson -Cloudy, calm. 18 below t ; i t -tj . SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAILING FOR SOUTH In order to accommodate those desiring to go south for Christmas, Canadian National Steamships announce that the as. "Prince Rupert" wttl sal) southbound Thursday. December 33. at p.m. instead ot on the regular schedule Friday morning. Thla boat win arrive Vancouver 900 ajn. Saturday. Docembes 34. 'making eonnecUons with beets and trains far Victoria nd Seattle. In order to perform this servlre. thai steamer will sail for Anyox and Htewsri at 4TJ0 pm Wednesday, December 21 instead of the usual sailing hour of 1040 pjn.. returnlrai from the North, arriving here 7.00 pm. Thursday. December 33. Accommodation on southboaiul sailing ta fast being taken up. and It in usjgaated those going South, make reeervatinna early at City Ticket Office. Third Avenue Phone 200. 298 Motorshlp Anderson. weon. this cargo j Belltngham. (pt. J. E. a ttaht Doa Brawn, ltl: Jbak Jadso. aea; ted. Toung. ta 1 Ik DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c Man in the Moon THE Prlnee Rtafiert orah." submitted of the halibut COLD STORAGE BEATS GROTTO IN BILLIARDS lltutl TttHriuiiMtti lUlf of KraMUt Oold Starage 4 Maple Ltato 4 Orotto 4 Orand Terminals . . 4 Oyvo Ohsb 4 M arrived in jiort' all 7 o'clock 'rer net- mornlnr fruin iKetiwuai wfW ffil ft; . 4 consisting!6 neerload-oTl 'wlal frozen fish for transshipment East over rti 'i TJntionai Railways soothes SMOKERS COUGH safely lM-i Mtlit at llrM (lose AfUlr dafaatod Orotto hi an wife says gate score of MT U Us i lira, two. ingh by Oeone Waagh. first Orosto. ladivldual Iowa: WW wsyjaaU. May 1CS.1 snythias faaay wat be' shot on afgM n Chisf apattar. ITS a won nor to ma that Mayer Thompsoa Of ObsBBgo alien the Xkg-i" Mwm Y aookeat-sa qjajatga Wauaa lOrotun i. sua ta whs final I f ixsute of the tint half of the The winners wa three as am and Cold the run the were aa foi-17J W. H BAndy Murray. SdO J. Hsnniaa. ni. Angus Msetsaaald C L Toungman. ICO: Jack Maf. : League standings to date are a PUyed Total r. WIS lams (MsWi 1 Ben Self iQ.T.I I V. a. Pyle (O.X) 4 D. Brown OroMoi 4 O. Howe (M1..J 4 A- Wum ICJSJ 4 VA j. Nelson -(ae .... 4 1. HUlman tCJS.) 4 Ool. McMordie (MX.) .... 4 O. Waugh lOroato) 4 Macdonald 1CJ.1 4 W It. Long 8. 4 J Beasley (O.T.) t C. Younymaa (O.) 1 Jl tO. A. Waadltad idC . . 4 C. Balagna (0. 4 MM iMtiuiti AL Atnitnm M. MeLaealaa IMX.t , S IN Joan Briefer (CJ1.) 3 U. Judge (Orottat 4 W. E. WUUscroft (O.t.i. . 3 j. llsmUhso (MX.) 4 J Andrews (O.T.) t J. Brown (O.l 1 P. Steman (O.T.i j a. Kaue (O.T.I B. Morgan IOS I 4 J. Andrews (QT 1 4 Q. P. Tinker (Q.C.) R. Young (Orotto 1 am ltd m m ti Tfl TBI 7T1 7M m M MM 073 4 5at 410 fol- Aver. Ml aoo 1M lad in 17 iU las tat iss 1M ta 117 17 M4 us 14 J7 m m it ice iaa iw 1M 14 141 IBS " ... I, I SPORT CHAT i La 1 n SPORT The perplexing problem of tie eon-ttsts hat raised a Ium in hist -issume iaiafaircleir OrvMerrhi!rAeMnroi to eliminate the increasing number of no -decision games President Charts C. Olapp of the Canadian-American Hookey league suggests s wMaf net aa a means of combating draw son testa, and proposes to present his view to the National Hockey league rules ossamit-tee. With a view of ap-eeaag up the aport, changes were made before the opening of the current season. erfrlTy for a shorter stick, dearease la goal pads and a forward pass rule ta the defensive cone. Nevertheless, tie contests aava as apparent aa ever. If not more to. the National league virtually half In the games played so far this season have resulted In draws. Of 43. If bnve ended In no verdicts despite 10-cutr..ite overtime periods. During the fMrt quarter of the Canadian -American circuit, there have been nine tie games. President Clapp believes a more satisfactory contest would develop by the use of a T 4 thaK proiefsylons base! may see another controversy Mieh as that which shook the game before the present major-minor league, aaaord was reached is seen when the National Association of Professional Baseball Clubs orders five of its members to discontinue their modified draft agreement with the majors. The American Association, the International League, tor Pacific Coast League, the Three-f League and the Western League were ordered to discontinue the modified draft Immediately, fourteen leagues votlnii :ive 0:1 the resolution and five no Those whirh voted ofrnmm the re?hi-lon were the Pacific Coast Leufcue. ALg FOR facial Ov nano at' saraw atcCT xkt' nr.';'. Phi.n. Ml H01S1 aix H'XN M : did conl. a &JIjft3 ( .,. . raided. f'e .. Uood soiul;-. ranawd. KIR RtST lent '.',. phisti: Day RENT - ;. week or moi MOU8H FOR KI BATH App:- V IOBT D:llK ' ples Cluf; retur: rw.. Article, Lwttal round,&c J "U I OK Ki T A, 1 i-T Ml I1KT Vitim J. K. ln. (lO SI:' ' or ni: ' Teams v" Two bos' ' I'bene M. EXCH Wk SV.n Wit ftM'OMl n n boueht an Cash ' I'M'.tlXIHI I n-i A tUH' S.n Tbleit A- r fWRITM- .1.' Chesterfield suites. Burryroor. rem. wnlaut lamps 'i;jholsi' blanbeis kun' hester mats assortment of r: a. MrKrv7ir. rrnMT'ur. ' rhiMi, gveri IMIII U THE IXtl.l Ml gse ir Chrfn..' ajothinr (-1, onr. " !' jCHIMNKV II. i, 7.l'MKi:ll Ornersl"' M.m Purnsrw and S' p. -Chlmiii-' F remetery P!"'- ' Phone Red 343 1 " IIOMIMOV IIKMTlKi: s. ni:wu nw-- r ": 144 Tl. 1 We Buy. Sell Phnne W.irk ' MIT 1 re LAND A T Tt;M'IO-v I 10 11 tt; ' ' " in RBV 6 I. WHp Btice-t "il thetiy end of TeleKrap: KTAKE NOTICE Mm' of Victoria. B.C osra, intend t , nuMhsse the loin OoaunenclnK hwest conir. ra: Whence afi caains north. mor mark: thence sm' water mack to " ment. and contain.-" laastat J H 11 p rt"t! ' t 1" Dated Dscstnber 1'-' if the Three -I Leai;'" Western A-Mississippi gu. Uie Valley I' tier the associimoi. the American Actional I.eagiK' ;,if r he Three-1 I.e -' :' Wumie m . " ration ,M'!