5" December 14, 1927 following i of few of the many articles c have which make suitable Xmas DAI), MOTHER, AND THE REST AM) FIUEXDS Gifts VMILY t n 'miter these are only a few as we are showing the i.lii.v of Christmas (lift Suifgestions we have ever had unr inspection. You are cordially invited to cone in your gift for her or him. FOR THE MI3N s ;i Tie, from ..ii..'f W$l.r.o i-'ancy Sox. ton i f.K .il t$l.5l Kelt Slipitera, special, for .......;'." $1.50 fiii.' i?ool leather Slippers, felt lined, up to . . .yjJM In avy. warm Dressing Gown, packed in fancy boxes, 'roni $.00 to .$15.00 FOR TIIK LADIES l i P. rs. from , SUM to .SUM) 1,; .it tfil Scars, white with black, boxed in pretty gift- ' I""- $it5 u. ( liine Scarves, from f2.85 to $3.50 nulit v Knitted Silk Vests for $1.13 i . from $tm. to ifOjm jnvvm. for $8.75 . Slip, shadow-proof, flnr $Jl.fiO ,,-si.rtment of Ladies' Fancy Outers, from LV to Sl.-S i Handkerchief, from , ftOf to 92.50 . uc ( hine Handkerchiefs, from U5e to !."? each and HandltniM, from $1.75 to $10.00 licxrs of Stationery always make nica gifts. We have tn t n.m (i5f to $1 JVO per box ! Anns, Jkimi 7Af to $1.50 i .m- make a iiuu gift, from -. . $1.00 to $U.75 ,).'( assortment of Gift Novelties in attractive boxes. FOR THE CHILDREN Sweaters, from $1.50 to :i.75 ' .:' felt Slippers in ull sizes, and the price is right. . assortment of Toys. Sleeping Dolls, Baby Dolls, etc. Jabour Bros., Ltd. I'hone 61") 3rtl Avenue and 7th St. Something Mew ft'' iiave- sold Tl'KKNU' Wash Cloths for years and you ur'i-d tlictii with the greutest satisfaction. P'or this ' -n.;,, Wf h.t" them puked in Sets in specially decorated .-. ma.iing an extremely charming and useful gift. VL UKMT SETS " i;" 4'; 4 - ) Turknit TbwI -' Turknit Wash Cloths Kdged in Pink or Blue in decorated box ...... $1.75 r Turk nt t Wash Cloths, Assorted Colons, in fancy Christmas Gift Box .k"..-$2iOU ''I'KRXIT HAHY SET Turknit Ualy Wash Cloth Turknit Baby Towel Turknit Teething Bib Edged in 1'ink Tir BJue $1.75 Qrmi yfic Pioneer Druggists THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?t200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST HltEAM'AST POOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Co'' forage (X IM I'rince Hupert. H.C. THE GIKT THAT LASTS Give Furniture This Christmas says Santa Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd A venue "FUKXITUKE OF DISTINCTION" I'hone 121 aiecuaf. Wi pju. Korcona UUVU1 UI1U 1 LlOUilUi I I! BC. Itodenakera. Ptoses tl Dentist. Dr. J. R Ohm. PSe Sefl CosJ; Tm. Tsikva coal la the beat mined '".Pi Xrt it . tw ymm irissii. Canasnan JaUfti U work brtnt Mora, tl monthly general ,y. December 14 t Pur select too of chocolate and smokinf, nmtnm. Pedsrsl Neva Oo Third sad Pulton, tf Orey Wloker Baby buoy In good catutltioa Jor sal. Beaaeneble can be asm at Unas? Davles. 4 Hyde Traaafer ion agents tor AN Alberta ootlasi and Pembina Pecrleaf. Tbeae eoals are uader cover, dost buy water, buy eoal. 112 a ton can you bast M U Hon T. D. Pattullo, minuter or land and member of the leglalature for Prlnre Rupert, return, aouth on the Prince Runsrt Mday morning to Victoria after having apent tbe paat week In the city. Announelat the opening of Um Zenith Cafe tlau at. Regla) Third Avenue, on Thts4ay morning. Well cooked mesas and the finest food available at Maaauble prtoaa. AU White bttp. "0ur euatam solicited. During tbe nigbt the lowest ther mometer iSHIlim waa IS degrees above ero. according to report made at tbe Lngby bland me teoro logical atatton this morning. Arrival of anow tbla morning gave promise of relief from the recent cold enap. Aid. Brown urged at the meeting of tbe twepttsl board laat night that a light ahould be placed in the lane be tween the nuraee home and hospital for the convenience of nurses seating ictweeu the two buildings. The matter waa referred to the bouse committee jrlth power to set. Mr. aad Mrs. O. C. Anenesu, who were recently married in the city, the bride having formerly been Mlaa Agnes Oration, returned on tbe Prince Rupert this morning from s honeymoon trip south and wUl visit here tor a few dsya before proceeding to Premier where they will make their home. H. O. Crewe, pioneer resident of the city and for the pajt aeveral year with the city engineering department, will van' PrVniy "mtrrnljig aboard the PjeUc: Rupert for Vancouver en route to' New Westminster where be plans to Hart In oustawja. Mra. Crewe and daughter are ilready tfl residence In the sooth. ,' During tbe month of November hospital collection totalled S4.7s4.3a with Jlsbtirssmetrts of S4..704.4S leaving a .ittrplua of S48 81 according to report made at the meeting of the board laat -light by Aid. Q. P. Tinker, chairman if the finance committee There were 1331 hospital days at a cost of S3.44 ler hospital day. While there are not sn exceptionally large number of patients, work In the hospital just now Is nevertbeleM heavy according to report made by Mlaa Jean Harrison. R.N.. lady superintendent, at the board meeting laat night. There are s number of cssss of. burns which require considerable sttsntasn on the part of the nursing staff. We hsve just received anotHsr lovely ot of fur coats, consisting of inuakrat. alfaktn. French seal. Hudson seal. Persian Lamb snd Orey Krtmmer Lamb These are all In the iatsst style, and from now until Chrtstssss we are making a special offer of one third off tbe selling price. Do not miss this opportunity of getting s tov!y coat at a reasonable price W. Oksktbloorri. Seconf Avenue. tf It was sugeeated by Director H. B. Rochester .eft the meatln? of the hosp!-sl board last night that the bell rrxls-sr on the women's floor .created con--ildersMe dlst'irbance to patients and hat It should M moved from its pre sent location In a.; corridor to the diet kitchen Palling, that s buzaer should be Installed to replace the bell or a Hght system put In. The matter was left to the bouse committee for Investigation snd action. The next trip of the Gansdlsft Pacific Steamer Princess Mary hsa been ar ranged as a Special Christmas Sailing and will leave Prince Rupert on tbe fterncou of December 31.. arriving In Vancouver on December 33 In time for naasengers to make connect. Sons wltb steamers tor Vancouver bland porta. Seattle snd other destinations in the vicinity. Passengers desiring to travel via Canadian Pacific ahould make early rervatssnS tor there will be a heavy lift of bqlkkty.teSS'Serr from Almka and )f VyWeip Phon;- J!1 or call nt C. v ickPt offlre on Third .veniT 29H 4. 4- ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Play by United Church Ladles. Docember 15 Moose Clir.s'.niH.- Tir. December IS Csnsta.au U":o:: Xm ... Tit. D SKI. El!;':- !:ip-yohr Du'.i.'. Juuu.iry 20 A ...i.. 1.'.,. ! Ji l'.r . I , THE DAILY NEWS Carefully Sorted TIIK family bundle in immediately Mirted in our plant into its different fabrics and colorings. In this way we are. able to use the proper wash room formula for each kind of material in your washing, l'osnihly this is one of the main reasons why laundry-washed clothe', lat The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian Laundry Dry and Cleaners I'hone 8 Skating dully. 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. tl Have you bought your ticket for the Bk fur coat? 39 Oct the Big 4 babitl t When thlntlng of a Taxi, phone 4 tf Moose Boots 1 lor mesabers and Invited guests. Tonight St 8 JO. Tito's store will resssin etro until 10 o'afock every mgtot-bMJ s Christmas 394 Variety dance in tbe Elk's home to nsjht. Atalsjaag 7sc kA '-soe. An evening of reel fun. "Priendly Village' at the United Church. Thursday. December IS at 8.1S prompt. Tickets Me. 393 J. M. Hoar, who Is Interested In mining in the Terrace dtatiict, arrived from Seattle on the Prince Rupert this morning. H. A. MoLeon, city engineer, returned ;o the city on the Prince Rupert, this morning from s brief vacation ' trip to Vancouver. W. D. Chrtatlsen, manage of Laqastte 3skery. returned to the dty on the Prince Rupert this morning from s :rlb south. I Mr. snd Mrs. QeorgsuMses returnee, o the city on tbe Prinze Hupert this .aornlng from a brief ftstveymoon trip o Vancouver. . if Tbe Variety Dance on Wednesday in the Slk's Home Is for the purpose of spreading s little joy sad happiness this Christmas. Will you help? 392 John W. Allen, marine superintendent or . the Dominion Plsheries. arrived on the. 'Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver, being here duties. oncometer Christmas Cheer Gvess. eh0(T knows Hut Its home Is their beet filling station: but some are VrlUujut a efl filled home this Xmas. Attend the Elks Variety Dance. Wednesday, Decem ber 14. 2ET2 - C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, Ospt. D. Donald, arrived at 11:43 thla morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Palls and will sail -at 10 o'clock tonight for Stewart and Anyox. returning here at 6 o'clock Sunday morning to sail at 9 ajn. on her return south. The regular monthly meeting or the board of director.- of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Aisoclstlon book place last evening In the hospital. . Those present were J. H. Thompson, president. Aid. a P. Tinker. C. It.- Hosklns, Aid. W. M Brown. W. C. OseiMrd. Aid. W. J. Greer and H B. Rochester, directors: M m Jean Harrison. R.N.. lady supertn-ai.(i: t. and H. W. Birch, managing m mtary. In acknowledgment of many kind-news shown him by the burses and staff Jonepli McPhKj of Butcdale te- cnitly v!'.:piet h buck to tbe local hospital iiu h he K.ud in an accompany-inn letter. "Siiriik: make a Sunday dinner for an :f .' as properly cooked ' T.ii- prc.-i : :.!::. n announced at the meeting of the hospit.il board last niht it I'ein reported tl,.i: the manusing 'cret.i!'. hud in. nil' due at'knowtcdf;' Zenith Ctfe. the place to lt every body 'i pocket. U OddfeUow'a and Rebeksa'S Obrtatmaa Tree. Tueaday. December 31, at 4 P-m. Tite'a atore will remain epea until 10 j'ctork every night until ChrUSmaa. 394 Game and bear what Miss Skinning has to aay about men. in "Ftteadly ViDace." The Udlss' Music Club la foMbBC Its Ghftetinea recital thla afterntKm in the, Japeneae Mlaaton Hall. Wesnea of Mooseneart Lagtoa meeting on Thimaty. December It. SeMtssn of offleers. All membera rtqaested to attend. 399 Dr. Jamea. resident mining eagineer for thU dlttrlet. aad Mra. Jamas arrived from Vancouver on the. Prince Rupert thla morning. Mr. aad Mra. William OrMtskstaank aad young eon returned to the city on tae Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Winnipeg. The movement of prairie farasera on holiday trips to tbe Pacific Ooaat commencing. It bring aeveeal visitors from Alberts, etaekatehewan and Mini tohs weekly. Mr. and Mra. O. Wanabo arrived la the city an theBelllngham this morn ing from Ketchikan and left by this morning's train on a vacation trip to Chicago Mr. Wanabo waa formerly ngent for the Deep Seta Fishermen's Union at Ketchikan. The tea and sale of home cooking held yesterday afternoon by the Presby terian Ladies' Aid at tbe home of Mrs. L. W. Patmore. Dor den Street, was s I very successful affair both aoelauy and financially. Mrs. McRobble aad Mra. Watson were In charge of the home -xwklng table. Nomination of ofneers for the year 1928 took place at the regular monthly business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club In tbe Commodore Cafe to. lay. The election will take place early In January. Other .business pertaining to the affairs of the' dub wss discussed at the meeting which was presided over by E. A. Mann, president. It was reported that about $100 waa cleared a a result of a recent dance In aid of the Morse Creek sksting rthk project. On application of Milton Oonsales. defence counsel, who stated that his client was ill. adjournment waa allowed -,hts morning by Magistrate McClymont In the case of Ben Self, who Is charged with being the keeper of a common gsm'.ng house at the Grand Terminal Club, until Saturday morning. Chargea against several alleged frequenters are also sdteumed tilltll' that time. On suggestion of E. F. Jones, city solicitor appearing for the prosecution, a doctor's certificate will be required on Saturday fshoujd Mr. Self be unable to appear TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 44 LOST. A WATERMAN'S EVERSHAHP pencil between Big Four and United Church on Tuesday. Dec. 13. Finder please return to C.NJl. Superintendent's office. 394 FOR SALE. SECONDHAND HOOVER Electric Sweeper In good condition See Kalen Hardware. tf NAVIGABLE WATERS' I'KOTEC- TI0N ACT. Keil-nl statute of f'oiiatla. Chapter 11.1 BRITISH COLUMBIA flSHINO ii PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. HERE BY GIVES NOTICE that It has under Section 7 of the said Act deposited with roe Minister 01 rUDiic worss at Ottawa and In the office of the Registrar of Land Titles at Vancouver. British Col umbia, a description of the site and plana of a cannery, cannery wharf and perquisites thereto, proposed to be built on the lands covered with water front ing on Lot 1295 and Lot 1485. Ranite 3. Coast District. In the Province of British Columbia, which said Lots are situate at Johnson Channel in the said Province. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- of one month from the date of filratlon he first publication of thla notice. British Columbia Fishing & Packing Company Limited will, under Section 7 of we said Act. apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office In the Cltv of Ottawa for aDDroval of the said site sod plans and for leave to construct the asm cannery, cannery-' Wharf and perquisites thereto. u.mi.u at Vancouver. B.C.. this lath day of November. 1937 JAMES II. LAWSON. 1318 Standard Bank Bldg.. 510 Hastings St. W . Vancouver. B.C. Solicitor for the said Company. NUTICK LAND ACT. tIP INTENTION TO TO LEASE L.NI APPLY In Prince Rupert Land Recording District and situate on the southwest corner of an unnamed bay on the aouth bank of Port Chanal. Graham Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Arthur Robertson, of Massett, B.C.. occupation a lumberman. Intends to apply for a lease of the lollowlng described lands: - Commencing at a poet planted about one chain westerly from the mouth of an unnamed creek flowing Into an unnamed bay on the aouth bank of Port Chanal. Graham Island. Oueen Charlotte Islands. Province of British Columtilat wence 1 cnams southerly; thenoe 10 chains easterly: thence 4 thslna northerly to the shoreline: thence following the shoreline to point of commencement, and containing 3 acres, more or leas. (Signed) A. ROBERTSON. Applicant. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Esssd by SANTAL NIIDY B sure te est Uis Qsnulns Look for ins word "sUOV Bum by all druisists vxr.y. tttrer gj-.l,'"" 'W , IJJL .UJ,-. ' I I Do Your Christmas Shopping Early and in Comfort THE ACME'S ANNUAL Temptation Sale Offers the Biggest Bargains in B.C. QC M IJ 111 en s Suits IN PURE WOOL TWEEDS But noi ull sixes in tins lot FOR QUICK SALE on Wednesday and Thursday Only Temptation Sale Price Acme :: Per suit importers No C.O.D; Orders Strictly Cash No Charge Accounts Mail Orders Forwarded Express Prepaid t wont be long now TILL CHRISTMAS The wise shopper shops early! Our complete stock of Hardware offers a range of Gifts that are both beautiful and useful. We invite you to call and inspect our specially selected stock of Christmas Gifts! Aluminum Roasters Waterless Cookers Cocktail Shakers Tea Pots Coffee Pots Pyrex Ware Silverware Electric Curling Irons Hair Dryers Percolators Waffle Irons , : Egg Beaters Toasters Carving Sets, etc. Let Your Christmas Gifts be the Useful Kind! STORK'S HARDWARE P. an ad ian National Cllie Largcfl Railway Syftem in America STEAMSHIP AND Sailings from I'lUNCE KITKKT for and Intermediate points, each For STKWAKT and ANYOX. each For NOUTII and s()l Til Ql EEN C TAssEMiKIt TRAINS I, Each .MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and (ilOKCE. EDMONTON. WINNIl' States. TRAIN SERVICE VANCOlVEIt. VICTORIA, SEATTLE. HtlD.tV. 9.00 SJn. WEDNESDAY. 10.00 pjn. IIAItl.OTTE ISLANDS, Fortnightly. HAVE I'lUNCE KLTEKT SATLKDAY at 11.30 ajn. for I'lUNCE EU, all points Eastern Canada, United AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express fr Money Orders, Foreign Cheques. t aiMt lor jour next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. SIS THIMD WE.. I'KINCE Kl'PEKT. Phone Z6 BURGESS Flashlights and Batteries 1 Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 1 Roasting Pans : Carving Sets Three Piece Carving Sets, from $5.00 to $10.00 set Boasting Pans covered or open, made from Sheet Iron. Aluminum Ware or Enamel Ware, from H.lp to $0.75 each Mail Orders Carefully Filled Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue. Prince Rupert 1 mi BfcsafiaHllij