ft Save Money Boston Grill ) :ezp-' "v buy tlie N3 3 10 subscribe by the n,; ; '. ,; $ have a delivered duly j n;i!lre.v. Ot course you U r.oe for aliortcr period. 98 nii have it d- .- i 'oday w Ml. N" 202 1ARNIA. Dec. 14. -- Engineer W. H. dn-r. and brakeman O. Van Hornt Of - city were killed and d"bris from ,:i cars strewn over a wide are. nlitht when a fast freight plowed the rear end of another freight : d a result of a broken draw-bar 1 here on the C.N R main line. OREGON FISHING PLANT IS BURNED I'OSkjiERO. Ore.. Dec1. 14. A .fire umUnif in the nlant of the Coast Wheat .-'.,.- h... M th, Anderson i B.C. Sllv OLD MAN BURNED IN LULU ISLAND FIRE tv ,r , 1 - mm COMMUNIS! . . .. , . VICTOBIA. Dec. 14. Breaking 1U SHANGHAI, December 11. The Nationalists to-mooring t height of a noting day recaptured the city of Canton from the Communists i norther gai a . ... Victoria Tug i o i ii t .! Ownpaiiy who had taken it Sunday and set up a peoples council )hirbor ttlC alonji Soviet lines. It is estimated that three thousand Chinese were killed during the fighting. The Nationalists, after an enveloping attack last CAT LA AND CONVOY LEWE FOR VANCOUVER In relict hikI I'omoy Made IIwmI I'ro-irr Iturlng Mght on Voyage Miuth Aii-nrdlns In Hlrelewt ltrxr! In tow of the atcamer Salvage King. Uulon steamer Catala. with donkey en- ginoa belching forth smoke to keep the 1 Dooming water down, cleared at JJO yesterday afternoon for Vancouver where It Is planned. If toe veaoel reaohe there solely, to have permanent repairs ....a. th Hurrard dry dock. It la expected that the derelict and her oon voy wUI arrive at Vaneotiver on rn-day As far aa could be learned from wfreleaa report, good progress had been made during the night with no diffi culties experienced Officers of the steamer Prince Rupert arriving shortly before noon today from the south, report having pasbed the j Balvage King and Catala at 5 o'clock this mornim? off Warke Island near Butedale. 100 miles south of Prince Rupert. The Catala had a alight list but wss reported to be riding well. She waa at the end of Xhe Salvage Kings towllne. At 11.60 this morning, sceordlng to wlrele.- report, the Salvage King and Catala were in Mllbank Sound. PRESENTATION MADE TO MRS. W. F. PRICE The todies of the First Baptist Church stormed the home of their pastor. Rv. W. F. Price, last evening. A presentation waa made to Mrs. Price to show their appreciation o( ner ser vices in the wcrk of the Church. There were several gift amongst others being beautiful China tea service. The . . .... evening was spent pieaanuy. swell Price suitably acknowledged the gut. VANCOUVEU EXCHANUK '-kiiiit Company and destroyed four Dig Missouri ... r five waterfront residences causlnx a Coast Copper .. - ot 126.000. A score of fishing Cork Province were destroyed. Dunwell Ocorne Copper Gladstone Independence L. and L , Premier j porter Idaho VANCOUVER. Dec 14 John Forster. guvercrest .... of uise. was burned to death , Silversmith ' ' WM.-a destr .yd hi lionn- on Sunloi h Bid. Asied ilWJlAS ! JO ISM' .13.60 , M .1014 20 .21 2.30 .15'!, .18', .007, .07 .09 J09'a 3.34 2.36 3i 37' i MV .70 73 1.M RAILWAY SILK ROBBERY WIIIKI.KNS UKPOKT. S a. in. barje u owned by tbt drifted seres the Into the tern of the freighter Nootkv moored at the end of one of Um O P R. piers. The barge truck wilb sufficient ftree to puncture one of the NootkVs steel plate above ni"ht. regained the city except police headquarters where I the wtriin. subsequently it was . , -ac 'i l l i. driven around the frelghter'a atern by C:ommunist forces, aided by Russians, arc holding the wlnd &nd lt Uy ln lb ,M of yu vessel until captured and taken In tow The Chinese navy, which seems not to have joined jh mm rr,ved on tn oane .... . . .i .. i 'ii. i.i - -l fHn.M t ter daybreak. the Keels, rnKeu me ininu wiin cignti-cn pummcis uum the gunboats and with machine guns. Wholesale executions of Reds followed the Nationalist reoccupation of Canton. Most of the missionaries and other inhabitants had loft the citv before its recapture, they having all taken refuge at Hong Kong, which is easily reached by river vtMtnr.ru T hmisnnf fit Chinese relUCCCS also lieu in inc Iricndly protection of the British flag at Hong Kong and Kovkloon. BIGD1VIDEND FOR SMELTER (tmsoliduled t'orapan.v Pay 20 Per Cent for Year Directors Announced MONTREAL. Dec. 14 A meeting ol ' ixmrd of directors of the (i Smelting and Mining Company de- r?tt tlu- usual divtaend ot five per i.t and live dolUra bonus per share, i.uiking h total for the, year of ten per : ni dividend and ton dollars bonus. W L MaVUicws was elected vloe-pre-cli'iit in place of C. R. Hosiner and S. 0 BUyloik was also appointed a vtoe-' 1 rcNidem Ii w.it. statrd at the meeting toat there c c no uuvild flocks of metal and the !' liimnary esttmute would Indicate that line ol Hie drop In metsl prloss th ii'-. would ni t be far short of hurt FAST FREIGHT IN COLLISION Plowed Into, Kenr End of Another 1 reight Stalled on Line at Snrnia PROVED UNSUCCESSFUL Our f Mm Va shut but Wui t'urrlnl Awnr by ,111s ('iimnUjii,. Vli .i r -'v.. LANQIIAnNE. Penna.. Dec. 14 When fifteen rotfect attempted to hold up the Reading Railroad train here yesterday, as reported yeaterday. an effort was made to get away with silk valued at 1300.000 but the men were driven off after a gun fight with the trainmen before they could cart away any of the loot. One of the robbers who was ahct by the conductor, wa carried away by his companions. NORWEGIANS ENJOY PLEASANT EVENING tirtrrn New Mrinbrrx Join I. Iff Erlrkvm MM-lrty lit Merlins lat Nlglit The Lief Erlckson Norwegian Society held a very enjoyable meeting In Met- ropole Hall when fifteen new members Joined the society. Jock Selvlg presided and th prcgram was of an Informal nature. Following the music and speeches, refreshment were nerved and a danoe followed which broke up about two o'clock. MORE GOLD SHIPPED ENGLAND TODAY FROM signee. CITYOFNEW YORK NEW YORK. Dec. 14. Gold valued at 7,500,000 was withdrawn from the New York Federal Reserve bank vaults yes terday for shipment to England today. The National City Bank as the con DICJBY ISLAND. Light snow, calm: barometer, 2023; temperature. 24; seal smooth. DEAD TREE POINT Snowing, northwest mind; barometer, 30.08; temperature. 21: sea rough. HULL HARBOR. Cloudy, calm: baro meter. 30.24; temperature, 20; light NOON' DIG BY ISLAND. Snowing, strong southeast wind; barometer. 30.20; tem perature. 30; sea obscured: 11930 am steaiBfjJJjfJncei Rupert passed ln north bound. DEADTREE POINT. Raining, strong soutneilil1 wind; 'barometer, 30.06: tem perature, "36C sen rough: 930 aan steamer Prince John passed Dead Tree Point northbound. BULL HARBOR. Snowing, southeast wind; barometer, 3058 perature, 28; sea moderate: 11.50 ajn. spoke steamer Salvage King, towing Catala. ln Mllbank Sound, southbound. B. A. Moon. R. C. Hardle and C Mathelton were amoiK passengers sail Ine last night on the Camosua to British Ship Shear Mount, Due T.ntxhl, Will 1-oad Full for IJ.K.C'oniinent To load a full cargo of grain at the Alberta Wheat PoJ'a Prince Rupert ele vator, the British freighter Sheaf Mcunt la due tonight from the Orient. Oa.pt. Larry Thmvwm of the Federal Pilots of British Columbia la otf to Tripe Maud to meot the vessel. The Sheaf Muunt. announcement of who-e charter was made only thla morning. will ke the sixth vessel of the season to lJad wheat eargq at Prince Rupert. Slu Is already lined but will have to fcf funilgat.d before shfc starts loading. A typ-csl British 0Vg ship, the Sheaf Mcuut belotij to the SUsf Steam Shipping C . Ltd. ot QngWd (W. A. 3jutr it Co.. iuanagtrM..ad. Newcastle is her port of reltry. B.h was built ln lffll a the elevator. The "K" line Japanese ahlp Ohio Maru. due -on Saturaay from -the Orient, win be the seventh vessel of the seawn here BRIDLEPATH UP MOUNTAIN Survey to he Made- by Government Engineer and Work May be Done Soon The iiirUiin of builclli's u bridle patli from the new lilcbwuy on Kalrii lolunil to I lie lop of Mount Oliirifltl oterliHiklng Prince Kuiert wa. incut limed at the . inert lug of the road iniml(lf with lion. T. i. Pattullo jrfterdiiv aflernmm ami the member primilMil ; to hate the pnitlmial enslm-er lot-ate a mule unil reirt on the priiliable ot. Hie tity prmldln; help In t-iiiiiieetlnn ul)h the work. The mailer w briiiiclit up by S. K. Parker, who akril Mr. Pattullo If he thought the girrnnient hoiiIiI hear half the -ot of the nork provided the (-111-. rem raleil Ihe otlirr half. Mr. Pattullo Kihl he looked with Krcat fat or on till Miieine which he liail alna.m had In mind, lie thought the help might be ghrn ami the irolnrial engineer would locate the trail uud site- an e-tlniate of -ot. Ilonrtrr. he did not think tlie x-oplc uoiilil he oatlvflrd until they had an uiitoiiioblle road to jlie inoiintiilii lop. He thought there hum our of Ihe llnrtt tlewn lie knew from the lop. Advertise In The Dally News PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE UtTEKT. IU '.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1927 S ROUTED FROM TO HE lVITHI.Ti:i VICTORIA. Dec. ! Order have been received from Ottawa by Captain John n. Maepberean. deputy wreck eommlaetcaiat. to hold an Investigation on both the CaUla and Prince upcrt atranding. the' Prince -Rupert InveaUga-tton wUI be held at Vaemiver r-n December IS. and the Oatala when ahe arrive in tow or te Salvage King. It la underatood that the aeaeaaor wlU be Captain Wellington Bell and C. R. Stewart. . LINDBERGH HAS LANDED SAFELY by W. Doxlwrd & S.to Ltd.. and has - a gross tonnage Of. &IX and net. ! WASHIKOTON. Dec. 14. - Colonel She 1 4 JO fet JH kMth 1" beam ! Undberg. who left here sh.-rUy after riocn yesterday, was reported 80 mile and S5' 3" depth. j It waa eipected this .ming that the from Mexico City at noon, eastern tune. fifth ship of the season. 3.S. Atoderby, ; toaay. h.m had her oroooner changed at the ! MEXICO CITY. Dec. 14 dry dock, would g; o berth tomorrow i 1 :! 4. Hon. 1 Failure of Lindbergh to arrive or be seen by scouts Is as using anxiety. MEXICO. CITY. Doc. 14. Lindbergh landed safely here at 2.39 this after noon. ST.. LAWRENCE FISHING SEASON ENDS BADLY Iliad Weather Played Havoc Ultn me Catch in No ember and AtrriiEe QUEBEC. Dec. It. The presence of porpoises ln the St. Lawrence fishing waters and the bad weather of the month -of November have played havoo wltn fishing in the province of Quebec during the present -year. Although final figures are net yet available. J.. A. Bel-lisle, superintendent of fish and; game in this province, declared In an Interview that the catch will bet lower Oils year than normally. During the summer, it was reported that the whole of the codftshlng district on the north shore of the St. Law rence River was Infested with hundred and thousand of porpoises and that fishermen were unable to catch any fish. Previously fishing had been hindered by porpoises ln this region, but this year the porpoHea had been more numerous and had stayed In the waters longer than usual. This, with the bad weather of November, will result ln the fishing business j being much, lower this year than usual. OXFORD WON SOCCER ! AGAINST CAMBRIDGE I LONDON. Dec. 14. Oxford University won the Inter-unlverslty soccer match i against Cambridge today at Stamford Bridge by a score of six goals to two. Alaska Places Restrictions on Salmon Fishing in Waters of Territory Especially on Traps WASHINGTON, December 1.. Sharp restrictions on salmon fishing in Alaskan waters were announced here yesterday by the commerce department of the federal Government, the new regulations to come into effect January 1. Traps are prohibited in all waters of southeastern Alaska except 118 limited places in Prince William Sound area and except 25 other places. In Bristol Bay area all commercial salmon fishing is restricted to four places Nusshagak, Kzingchak, Nanknek, Egigik and'Ugishlk districts. "tiuucu "m Kwrf.'WfwHijWjjjj, Commercial fishing is. prohlolUd from The season for rpmoerctaj salmon 6 pjn. July 23. to 6 a jn '.August 8, Traps are prohibited along Behrlng ; days earlier than in 1827. Sea coast from the northern boundary J Fishing ln the Behrlng River area is fresh j of the salmon area to Cape Senlavlnjnot permitted after 6 ajn. on August ttn. land Point rvreniv. nuu auuiig yinc-iiu. tlcally the whole coast of Unimak Island. Further restrictions are-, placed on the use of traps m Shukmalgan Islands. All the eastern shores of Kodlak Is- plained the object ot the meeting and a general dlaeusslsn tallowed, ln the course of which Mr. Pattullo said there waa really very little to announce. The government would continue the work as rapidly as finance would allow. He an ticipated that the bridge across Gallo way Rapid would be built this year and the recunnalaaanc completed to decide definitely what rout would be taken He though an airplane would be avail able ln the spring for the purpose and Mr. Whittaker would continue hi wwrx on lsnd. Th minister explained thai every dls trtct haVtW -read rablemi .nd al4wefe WEATHER AFFECTS CRIME DECLARES MRS. EMMA 'GOLDMAN TORONTO. Dec. 14. Emma Gcldman, speaking under the auspices of the Workmen's Circle of America, said: "Temperature and atmosphere are seen by many as contributing .factors to crime. Women are more susceptible to weather ln flue noes than men. The num ber ct arreats recorded show thatr they Increased ln number a the barometer went down, and that low humidity accompanied excessive assault, and high humidity exercised a restraining effect." RAILWAY CHANGES fishing in Copper River area open fl,ye , lM,f , McCiitclieoi. of Vanomrr Ap- poliitt-M llltlslonal Freight Agent at Ottawa VANCOUVSR. Dec. 14. Lome . Mc- Measures also are to be taken for the Cutcheon. foreign freight agent of the protection of herring, shrimp, clam j Canadian National Railway at Vancou-and crab fisheries ot Alaska New reg- ver. ha been appointed divisional ulatloos dislgned to reduce the area ln freight agent at Ottawa He will te r-whlch fish may be caught during 1928 1 placed here by E. C. Spalding, assistant land from Ugak Bay to Klstuhuyak ' and reduce the effectiveness of catching ; to the General Freight Manager at Van- Buy inclusive are now closed to traps, devices ln the waters of the territory ' Montreal, the change being effective i T r- !" ' " M ..tltli":' 'r.ij; i " !' .I't:' ' Ja: !..: 1 Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Prn:e Kive nt CANTON TAX REDUCTION AND LARGER APPROPRIATIONS COMING City from Communists but Few Hold Out at Police Barracks - faa wsses rata riwr "ront uifi eighteen NOOTKA RAMMED BY pounders ana machine suns and DRIFTING BARGE IN thousands slain HARBOR AT VICTORIA ANOTHERGRAIN fri:?"" Taxes WiB Be Reduced Ol MAUINK AtC lliKNTS VESSELCOMING: and Expenditures More Generous in Year 1928 T. I). Pattullo Told Koad Committee it Was Planned to Huild llridge Across (Jalloway Kapids and Complete Survey ' That taxe will probably be reduced during the coining year and that more generous apiiropriationa will be made to public works o r.iiii nr Ka muutii hunvnnt condition of the nrovincral finan- .. ca n 1 v. v. 1 v. i' ' " ce, wag the most interetinjr statement made yesterday afternoon to the civic road committte which met Hon. T. D. Pattullo, minister of lands, and member for the district, in the city council chamber yesterday afternoon. Alderman Joe Greer presiding. The meeting wa9 callod more particularly for the purpose of pressing on the minister the desire of the people for speed in the c.nstrujtxn of the highway between this city and Terrace. Alderman Oreer ex- CANAD1ENS WIN GREAT VICTORY Heat Detroit Six Coals to One in Hockey (iame at Montreal Last Nignt MONTREAL. Dec. 14. The Canadiens save an impressive display of speed, ln the big hockey game here last night defeating Detroit with a score of alx goals.. Loj ou. This give them a three clamoring -for money- V which -to game lean, in tne internationarseciion build. Trie amoUlit ' ' 'available' ' was and oe point more than the New York baeed oh two tfirng. the needs- of tbe Hangers wha lead the American aectlon country and the ability of the govern- a result of defeating Boston last raent ta borrow money without Impair- night. lng the credit of the province. This j The New York Americans won In a bad to be decided by .ae government very close game with Ottawa in which after considering every phase of the pro- overtime had to be played, penalties blem. That was the reason la was lm- .against the senators proving fatal. Doeslble to make definite promlres. Haw- I Score last evening were as .follows: ever, he anticipated mat conaiuons would be favorable and that a fairly generous vote would be made for the highway. Asked as to the work on Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. Pattullo said be thought the vote of last year would j complete the road from Port Clements to Hell. A good deal of the old road from Tlell to Skidgate would have to be rebuilt as lt was In bad condition. It was originally made for horse traffic and the advent of the automobile had cut Jt up badly. He expected to get it lit z'-oti shape the coming year. P. Phillip, chief engineer for tbe provincial government. Is expected Thursday. Mr. Pattullo said. He wished the road committee had met while Mr. Phil lip was here as then he might possibly have given them more details of the Information on hand In connection with the road. However, he assured the committee that he was Just as much inter ested in the progress of the road as any one and he wculd press it forward a rapidly as possible. Those present ln addition to Alderman Otreer were George Casey, R. B. Rochester. Hsrry L:ive. H. F. Pullen. Mayor Newton. E. E. Parker and Sid Macdonald. Ottawa 1. Mew York Americans 2. Detroit l, Montreal Cahadlehi 6. Few York Rangera 3. Boston 2. SEARCH FAILS FIND STEAMER Kamloops, With Crew of 22. Probably Lost on Lake Superior in Blizzard PORT ARTHUR. Ont.. Due. It. Systematic search of the rugged coast of Lake Superior ha stalled to produce any trace of the missing freighter Kam loops with a crew of 20 men and two women cooks, which was last sighted during the height of last week's blizzard off Whltefish. Marine men express little hope for the safety ot the vessel and believe she ha foundered. WRECKED CREW IS AT SEATTLE SEATTLE. Dec 14. Steamship Ala meda brought the passengers and most of the crew of the wrecked North western here yesterday from Campbell River and will sail Saturday for Alaska after dupHcatuig the Northwestern" freight. Captain Livingston and a few members of the crew are still on the Northwestern and lt Is- reported that there Is a (sir chance that salvage of the vessel may be successful. SALVATION ARMY NOT ENCOURAGED TO BRING MIGRANTS TO CANADA WINNIPEO. Dec 14. The Salvation Army in England concentrated on emigration work to Australia rather titan to Canada because the department ot immigration at Ottawa ts lied to cooperate, according to Commissioner E. J. IHgglns. second in command at the International headquarter. In London on .its arrival here last night. Douglas Nelson ot the Big Bay Lumber Co. staff at Georgetown left on this morning s train for Toronto oa a noli