f AGE SIX Fiskrmen Brfxr ; y'ur next engine, mms and ce us shout IThe Gardner M 1 Semi-Diesel Engine ! the moat satisfactory on the market. Governor has con- j trol at all speeds, making it most suitable for halibut boats. Sizes 12 u.p. to 300 h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine the most modern designed and best built 4 cycle engine in Canada. Sizes from 6-8 h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and heavy duty. Ward Electric AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. Phone 680 Cow Bay Prince Rupert, B.C. BIG : OFFERS in Canned Fruits Here is what you need, something good for the holidays. The prices on the following are the lowest we ever quoted on the famous Gold Cross Brand products: Gold Cross Peaches, 2's, 4 cans for U."f Gold Cross Pears, 2Vi's 3 cans for $1.15 Gold Cross, Pears, 2's, 3 cans for 8."r Gold Cross Apricots, 2Va's, 3 cans for 91.4i" Gold Cross Apricots, 2's, 3 cans for ...... $1.00 Gold Cross Prunes, Greengage, 21i's, 4 cans for Oof Gold Cross Raspberries, 3 cans for .51.00 Gold Cross Strawberries, 3 cans for $1.00 Gold Cross Cherries, 3 cans for $1.00 Gold Cross Blackberries, 4 cans for 0."r Gold Cross, Loganberries, .4 cans for . Gold Cross Jams and Jellies, 48, each 7."f Try this brand, we are fure you will be satisfied, the quality is guaranteed. Mussal'em Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 18 and Phone 84 Trappers ! Are you getting enough for your tur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannoWill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St Telephone 657. NOMINATIONS BY GYRO CLUB The Prince Rupert Oyro Club loaf 'nude nominations as follows for 19M office bearera: For President F. E. BahertP C. C !Uk,t.g..)3fHrh 1 M filfiftallT 1". iWi'ltam ortMlulMMk. r'riitg'"nr"' "TlWWk JfT' rarqtMf. WIBtaM Cnrikahuik$M?lIa McLachlan. R. V. O. LeWne. W W Wat:. O R T1U. O. A. Balfour. U A Hunter and L. W. Waugh Por "Treasurer M IX JJcLachtau. w W. Watt. D. P. Stork Norm Prluglc Or J. Gosae. Dr L V Kergm. O A MeUUlan. W J Neleou Harold Mc-Ewen. A. L Holtby. E C Bayliss. F E Rotxttson. A. R Nkcboli and C. W KlrkendaU. i For DSreetars D. A Balfour. R. V. O. I LePine. R. F. MeNsughton D. P. Stork. A. R. Ktenols. Morrta Blott. O A. Mc Millan. O R. TUe. C. P. Balagno. Dr. L. W Kergln. M. M. McLachlan. C. E. Starr and L- W. Wsugh. M. A. BurbaHk. district engineer for the Canadian National Railway, waa elected a member of the club. GENERAL ALDERSON DIED IN ENGLAND LONDON. Dec 1.--Ueut -Oen. Edwin Alfred Alderaou. commander of the tint Canadian d I Vinton in the Great War. d'ed at Lowestoft this morning. He aa born in 1853. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Fred Joudry sailed laat night bf the Camosun for Namu en route to the Bella Coola dlatrlct. Prof. H. Aubrey Price sailed laat night by the Camosun for Vancouver on a holiday trip. He was accompanied by hU alater. Mra. Matbeteon. Mr. Kate Robinson. Klttmaat store- keeper, after a visit In the tit jr. sailed by the Camosun last night for Butedale whence she will proceed home. Oeorge Keep of the Investigation de partment of the Canadian National RaUwayi arrived In the city on laat night's train from Prince George. A. Watt. CNJl. divisional master ; mechanic, reached the city on last night's train from Prince Oeorge. re turning to the Interior thla morning CUB. steamer Prince John. Capt. E. Mabbe. Is epected on Friday from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Island ITnia morning the vessel was in Sklde- gate Inlet. Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook of the Anglican Church mission boat Northern Cross, which wUl .be tied up at Oaland for the next couple of months, will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for Mice Arm where he will conduct er- Bu .BBBBHK lSBMfriV Christmas Suggestions Chritma Stocking from ."f to ijwi.00 Christmas Crackers and Bon Cons from :Mr to 91..0 box Christmas Chocolates from ."0r to .$7-0 box Ginger Wine, Old Port and Somoro Canada Dry (linger Ale, per box : Fancy Tea in fancy canisters, each $1.00 All Nuts, including Chestnuts and Pecans. Figs and Dates and CherrieB and Cluster Raisins. All Peels, including Pineapple, Jap Oranges and New Navels just arrived. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Dates In packages, reg. 25c, selling 2 packages for li"? Almond Icing, GOc packages, Vs lb., for :w All our Candy must be sold, so ask us to give you a special price on any of the Fancy Poxes, Ga nongs and Pattersons. B.C. Butchers & Grocers limited Phones 15 and 571 ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low QCff Aft as VOUtUU I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street sock asajsmstas issh: HWI ,henneM THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday. De: , JKccp This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia vices next Sunday While the Northern Cross Is tied up. Canon Rushbrook la ! making headquarters at Port Eaalngton. Morris Blott. manager of Edward Llp-Tf (Prtntv Rupert i Ltd. returned to .he c:ty on th. Priiy e Rupert this morning from a months holiday trip UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Cash and Carry Grocery Cur. Fulton St. and Sixth Ave. BUY YOUK (JROCERIES II EKE AND SAVE YOUK CENTS FOB XMAS We can give you still lower prices by using coppers Granulated Sugar, 10 lb. for 7:tr Canned Milk, tails, per tin.. lie Boiled 0,at, in bulk, per lb... Pastry Flour, 10's ? Libby's Sauerkrout, large tins IOC Ilienz Tomato Soup, large tins IOC Hienz Tomato Soup, small tins llip Sliced Pineapple, 2's, tin Local Fresh Eggs, per doz... Fresh Firsts, per doz. (HiC Pullets, per doz .-)( Salt Pork Backs, per lb Bacon, sliced i."r In piece Picnic Hams, Circle S cure, lb Old Ginger Wine, 50c bottle for :50f Fancy Biscuits, from to 10? Koyal Crown-Soap, carton . . Sunlight Soap, carton 21 Salted Sodas, in bulk, per lb. 2 Swansdown Cake Flour, pkge. ir,r Puffed Wheat MO Puffed Bice Tillson's Health Bran 21? Chind'jQats, any kind OrangTfSWajemon Peel, per lb. St e rl i n uJifitt, ti tipper bottle I Of C ow-an'sfOecoa. VVs Jlc Brunswick Sardines, 3 tins for l!)e THE PRICES ON THE LAST LIST STILL APPLY All our Groceries are Cheap, ask us. Orders up to $3.00 Delivered Free Phone 301 eAHtKXEtiYiri m The Safest Spirit in all Emergencies It Handy THREE STAR which took him to Eastern Canada and the United States . a. . Mrs. J. A. Mann JWd an the Prince Rupert tlrts numm5 Ihgn Seattle and will be the. guest for the coming montl cf her daughter. Mrs. Howard WhlU 415 Fifth Avenue East. . - t, It Is officially reported thla morning that within the las. 34 hours seventeen cars of wheat arrived at the local elevator and 200 can are mow on the division moving thti way. William Ware of Vancouver, manager of the fur department of the Hudson Bay Co.. who has been on one of hla periodical business trips through the central Interior, arrlvad In the clfy on laat night's train. IIOTII. AKIilVAI.S. Irincr ItUM-rt A. D. Batllle. city: 8. Holland and Wlluam Wttfe. Vancouver; W. Uiing. VlctorU; Rev. W F. Rushbrook. Port Qeslrjgton; A. Watt. CUR: Oeorge Keep. Prince George. Centrul O. Bardal. C.N.R.; Andrew Oray. Reglna; Rudolf Bannyer. Longhead; Mr. and Mrs. O. Wanabao, Ketchikan: E. Vesttn, J. Johnson. K. Tornbtom and James aJck, Government Koad. fatoy 8. D. Balmaln. Butedale: J. A. Flem ing and E. Chyber. Prtne Rupert; O. Anderson and J. E. Kline. C.N .It. John Watklns. Stewart MATRIMONIAL AGENCY IS SUGGESTED FOR CHURCH OF ENGLAND LONDON. rv 14 -'Sooner or laUT the Church of England will have to establish a matrimonial agency In connection with emigration." declares Lleut.-Gen. Sir George MacMunn. "When I suggested this to a meeting land Act .VOTICE OF IXTKXTION TO .tl'IXY TO t.r..E I.AM1 In the Queen Charlotte Islands. Graham Island Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the west side of Rennell Harbor at the Head of Rennell Sound. Queen Charlotte Island. Province of Brltuth Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that, nrltlah Columbia Pishing d Packing Company Limited of miiivuiri. oxi.. occupation eaimon manners, intends u apply for a lease ot the following dewrlherf lands: Commencing at a post planted on the .iiurc uj a creek cauea rwin ruver; thence 4 chains west; thence twenty-one chains north: thence 4 chains east; thence following oontour of chore line to place of commencement, and con- tai'i,'",g 1. ' mora or less. B.C FISHINC; & PACKINO CO LTD. Applicant. M M Englfch. Agent UaMKl Ot..,.,. ..x-in. i OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS ii still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B. Miller, Proprietor of Bishops the other day they laughed but I am quite serious " KISS IS MEANS OF SMUGGLING DOPE NEW YORK. Dec 14 A wir-. klui tn her husband Is the favorite method of smuggling narcotics into prisons, sala josepn i". nsnman. former Inspector o rtceral prisons, itpeaklng before the World Conference on Narootlc Education "This is one of many Ingenious methods of smuggling drugs to prisoners.' be said. "A wife's kiss through the bar-' dees not arouse the suspicions of the prison officials, and she is able to pass from her lips to thce ot her husband small packet containing . the stuff." VOOI III (KAMI AUK THRIVING The wood buffalo in .Ihelr natural habitat in Wood Buffaiai&rk near Forli Smith. N.W.T.. conUuOeTiS thrive an multlnlv TKa hiitfrfn. TCTOi. r.f. .nv iMMVr wumt range within Albert ivyBntermlxl 1 T.l fjt'VU " UUII1U jucceaalve seaeons sine' 1925 from Wainwright Park. Alberta. WIIKUK TALC IS .MINKI The centre of the talc mining Industry in Canada is Madoc. In Hastings country. Ontario. though smaller amounts of talc and soaps tone have also been produced from deposits In the EasUi n Townships. Quebec; in Leeds '.ouiiiy and on Eaxle lake. Ontario: in I'-.'. CUtiujij... dud m liy.a SLutu. Weekend Specials Only a few more days until rhristm, to do your Christmas shopping Stocks ar- n.m clerks have plenty of time to give you the U-m r , tehtMn. Combination Special 40 lb. Vegetables .... 91.00 as follows: 15 lb. Terrace Turnips 16 lb. U.C. No. 1 Carrots , 6 lb. Hard Cooking OartoM v 5 lb. Dlood Red Reels Ruy your Xmas Apples now VrapxI Jonathans, 160 COHRt Per bwc Si.tr.) Half box Jswisve OrsnKss, pr box 91.00 Krsry box rpsekwd (ao bad Florida Grsps Fruit, 2 for , Larx Ripe Bananas, 2 lbs. Comb Hoeoy, per section ISOf PROVISIONS The UaUor .Msrkot has advanced. We are still MliiaK our Bulk Butter, the ibest obtainable at S lb. for .Sl.ir. Ijcal Fresh grs. per dot. T." Lard in 2 lb. Bricks, each :p Cottage Rolls, Pealateal cure Ier lb tlOViC Ajax Hams, whole, per lb. :i'f Half Ham, per lb. .'Ktttr Ayreshire Back Bacon. Pea-meal cure, machine sliced. lb :Wr Limburger Cheese, jars U.f Lrookfield Loaf Cheese, reft 45c lb., 2V lb. cat . . HU? Fresh Killed Roasting Chickens From the Interior Average it lbs. each. Per lb. V2? XMAS LINKS Table Figs, 2 cuts for . . :rr Per 10 lb. box ... . 91.15 Mixed Nuts (No. 1 mixture) contains Califoraia Walnuts, new Uraiels. Almonds and Filberts, per lb. :wc 3 lbs 91.00 Mixed Nuts (with Peanuts), per lb 'ITtt Xmas Stockings, '2T,f to 91.-" Xmas Crackers, .0f to .S'J.i!.' Glace Fruits, assorted, 'a lb. pkge (MC Crystallized Cherries, 1 lb. Pkge , Sot1 Crystallized Ginger, lb. .W Preserved Ginger, jar. . IOC Large boxes California Cluster Raisin-. each . . .SI-'O (5ROC8RY spi n Shelled Walu . :v.u Howes Almond i pared red Un , TiJr laiws Hiaev M, ., TJbtst Weston's Fruii ., fruit aad Ui , . Genoa. Ch.-n aad Valencia i . I, Sagrroe Cooknu t . New pack, , rived. Qualit bettar. Malkifi's Tea in i (a practical Xn,. each Classic Clean He, I, PrMe Washing I'", phire., each Hprias Clothe- I Coniblnatlefl Canned Foi. Special 1 lane tins . si.oii 1 Un Quaker V, 1 tin Baaicn A i 1 Un fiasign lv 1 Un Nabob Ci : . . !. This la the t.u . we have etn You got SUM) van,-Limit IS to e . . Van Csoap's Ti n per Un k Calirary Dry tint" do?.. Sis." Cut Miced Pet-1. . 2.V Spanish Cluster K. r,(n Sugar CHsp special. 8 for 2.V LrtaJt 12 to eac Combination ( anne T u table Spctl; 2 Una Quaker S.. ret. tOc tin Una Nabob I'm:.; 30c Un 2 Uns Quaker Tim reg. 26c tin 2 tins Choice M reg. 60c Un 2 Uns Corn on Un 2 Uns Hillsdnl. reg. 40c Un Reg. $.!.' m Special ... JAM SPECIAL Slrawberr'. '" Black Currat.t apple or Rlat k Oaly 60 pails ;, prim Combination Special 1 only 6 strinK K' and 6 Bars K.i for a or 5 Barx Sui;'. Soap for UIO - till 35c and 10c Rupert Table Supply :i Phones: WESTHOLME THEATRi WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, 7 and 9 pmj u 1M) ds. Nights" "LOIS WILSON, SAM HARDY. LOUIS JOHN BARTEI PHILIP: STRANGE, DUNN ntLW" BARBARA STANWICK and others MERMAID COMEDY--IUGH SEA BLUES" AESOP'S FILM FABLES Admission FTTW .SI Advertise in "The Daily News a a