{| Time) 174 tee fer! 10.5 fee 6.1 fee 18.2 ynurve) ander t t PR gee pram nape xtreme right) Brig. J. E. C. Pang ee i NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBLA’s NEWSPAPER Published at Canada’s Most Strategic Pacific Port—"P /ince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest” VOL. XLI, No. 261 Trees s > ‘ , SAP ET teiemmee ie: srempcmmmmae ? 7 7. “ « C re than 600 troops sailed from Quebec in the first draft of soldiers of Canada’s 27th Infantry Brigade in Germany A group is shown man of Toronto, Left to right Sprung, Ottawa, new officer commanding Ist Canadian Infantry Battal- Toronto * pany night ved last inder It Was erday lied by kere, who mplete lendent ment isn't rd but year com Cpl. A, Bell, Kimberly, B.C ain Loading Record — ely at City Docks Rupert Elevator Plays Big Part in Canada Shipping record is believed to have been when 406,000 bushels of barley Aluminum Company of Canada holds of the Lake Minnewanka leafs Tie First Place With Hawks TORONTO «

— Toronto Maple Leafs moved into first- place tie in the National Hockey League last night by plunking fopr goals past shaky Chuck Rayner for a 4-1 decision over last-place Rangers and Pte. J. J. Julian, Shuben- (CP from National Defence) CBC PRESENTATION Kitimat Story To be Aired Friday. Night The story of Kitimat, its his- tory and the development of the will be toid on the air tomorrow night when CBC trans-Canada (network presents “The Kitimat Story” at 9 p.m The three-quarter hour feat- ure marks the beginning of a series of documentary broadcasts of British Columbia industrial development This show is being carried by | CBC's Bill Herbert. The story of Prince Rupert is scheduled to be broadcast soon on the Same series. CBC's Bob Harlow recent- ly visited the city to write the show PRICE FIVE CENTS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1952 Lands M | i | i In Tweed T} | i } j toe ico Accused Of Combines | Report Made Public After 4-Year Probe OTTAWA Virtually the en- tire $50,000,000 fine paper induts- j try in Canada is accused of op- ; erating an Illegal price-fixing combine, in a report made public today by Justice Minister Garsén. Forty-four companies — seven paper-making mills and 37 mer- chant companies spread from! fie Vancouver to Halifax are named in the report by Combines Com- missioner T. D. MacDonald pre-/ pared after four years of inves- | tigation. MacDonald alleged the com- panies used “loyalty” discounts 7 4 and other means to restrict ! competition and combined in | 7 ohe or more groups to main- | 7 ” tain prices at fixed levels | TAME SEAGULL—A two-year-old gull, named Old Dick, is playing ee to the public in- | it smart on the Halifax waterfront. Tossing fear to the winds, he gets fed by fishcutters and young anglers. Billy Brewster offers a small fish to the bird whose brown feathers will turn to the grey-white plumage of a mature gull] next year. (CP Photo) He suggested tariffs on imports | be cut as one way of infusing} new competition into the in-} dustry, which allegediy hadi? or another for the last 17 years. | DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 inister Lashes Liberals smuir Park-Alcan Deal -‘Eyesore Monument Caused by Flooding - Socreds to Estimate Clearing Cost ‘Before It's Too Late’ Removal of the merchantable timber from the Tweedsmuir Park area now being flooded by the Aluminum Company of Canada “would never elim- inate an eyesore that will stand as a monument to the callousness and thoughtlessness of the former B.C. Government.” ee bd a ; Robert Muir Park area wo about ee oma wh rsd 25 million dollars and it will be and forests in the Social Credit UP to the government to decide Government, who arrived here Whether to spend that kind of yesterday from an inspection Money thgre or use it for seme tour of the area which will be | °ther benefit to the . under water in four years. | He pointed out, however, However, said Mr. Sommers, that whatever the cost the the government hopes to send present government is not in “competent engineers to the site) a position now to spend money to try to estimate cost of clear-| on any new project. _ the timber before it is toO; pe will make a report to the ate.” | Legislature when it convenes in TIME FACTOR | February and, it will be He admitted that time is his recommendations that against the government in any government acts. ® ene to semere. 2 eer ee > coon his govern- cause water ment reduced the stumpage a from the Nechako River by the royalties to the statutory Ao muons ornent oe Republicans Gain Congress Garson said he will seek legal | advice before deciding whether | to launch court prosecutions! against the accused 4 Fine papers include paper us . ss cai ’ . onda '® ot - in publishing books, magazines; WASHINGTON (CP)—The United States Con- wr adil aes . ‘ : ‘ 6 It dove not lachide noaeeint | gress has returned to Republican control by a margin Those dleged having been it |< thin that president-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower volved infclide Barherertite or ° ~ r Vancouver Ltd.. Coast Paper Lid ; probably will depend upon bipartisan: support “to Columbia Paper Co. Ltd. and} nyt throug r¢ is icies Smith, Davidson and Wright | P ugh eer af hi policies. While the General was win- Ltd., all of Vancouver ning with a landslide vote Tues-/| recently-constructed Kenney imum a few weeks ago to try 'Dam is rising daily and by the|/to induce milimen to cut the e . * jend of J , Ootsa Lake, | timbe oe Iso. endea Control With Thin Ma rgin lot fe iar lanes in Sip aree,|t0 mieiion ~ ade oe |is expected to have risen at) mills so they could expand their | least 10 feet. |operations but there is no stat- | Eventually Eutsuk, Ootsa,|ute which will permit the gov | Thatsa, and Whitesail lakes will|ermment to do this.” ‘ become one body of water flow-| The minister said that when ing westward to. a. multi fon|the estimated 350,000 acres of |dollar tunnel now being con-/ Tweedsmuir Pat loge, We | structed out of Kemano to take/of trees will protrude the water to the coast to power|water “forming an e | Alcan’s giant power plant. a monument to the Liberal gov- The B.C. Cabinet day, his supporters fought bit- terly for seats in the 83rd Con- gress Catch 100 Daily i | 000 buahe 1 bu s lo more bushels itof this port WAS ember from The victory Leafs ‘15 points and a with Chicago Biack Hawks on top of the six- team league, The defeat left Rangers with only one victory in 12 games The vice ;enson started gave tie oLner the re- Rangers also lost the ser after of left-winger Herb Dick- before the. game even Dickenson was caught sum~jin the left eye with a puck dur- 28,\ing the pre-game warm up and was taken to hospital r Many years. thet nber Russ Objects To U.S. Naval “Defence Zone 1 Maru Wed she he i Ru for MOSCOW (CP) Russia WEATHERMAN Says Changes ° Synopsis Skies were clear over most of eC ion ¢ B.C. last night and many local ities reported the lowest tem- peratures so far this fall. Among VICTORIA © The cabinet has passed an order-in-council } Smelt Fishing Autumn Sport For Quebecers By BERTRAND THIBAULT Complete Senate returns gave | Canadren Freea Reere. Weir the Republicans 48 seats and} QUEBEC—Windows of homes the Democrats 47 |in Quebec's Lower Town light up | before dawn at this time of year. Eight congressional races | went into the vete-by-vote | counting, with at least three | of them dependent upon ab- | sentee ballots, ; In some close races defeated | candidates have indicated they may contest the outconie Mr. Sommers told of visiting the Kenney Dam and of a trip to, Ootsa Lake where home owners are being advised to leave. Houses now vacant have been marked with a huge white “A” to indicate they have béen abandoned. They will be ‘destroyed before the | water reaches them. He criticized the last govern- ment for “failing, at any time jto discuss the timber situation {with ‘any of the technical ad- | visers in the forestry department ernment.” He admitted time is against the government now in making a survey of the exact amount of merchantable timber or its re- moval before the water rises-to the 140-foot level estima’ hy Alcan engineers. rae “Everyone realizes a certain price must be paid for progress, but as far as this t is concerned there will never be as tragic an error commi as has been done at Tweedsmuir Park. ~ removing one of the main ob them were Vancouver with 32;| wacies jn British Columbia's Kimberley and Prince George! much-criticized Elections Act with 14 and Kamloops and The obstacle. one which caused Revelstoke with 23 two applications for judicial re Clouds and showers are fore-|counts in Vancouver-Burrard east for the north coast today) and Vancouver-Point Grey to be a weak disturbance moves disallowed after the June elec in from the Pacific. It is ex-| tion, required returning officer pected that clouds from this) to return ballots to their original system will blanket the northern | envelopes and seal them after interior tonight and hold tem-/| completion of counting peratures above those of last Under the alternative voting night system, this Was found to be im In the south, some increase in practical so the government has now ruled that ballots do not cloudiness is looked for but gen- . : have to go back in their original CONTROL HOUSE |The smelt fishing season is in|®"4 I'd say the biame should The Democrats held a 49-47) tui) swing | fall entirely on the shoulders edge in the 82nd Congress One has to get up early for a of the former minister of lands Republicans Tuesday won 220] place on the old damp wharves, #"d forests (E. T. Kenney) who seats in the House of Represen-| where hundreds line up for hours| "Ow is the House Leader of the tatives, two more than neces-| to fill their wicker baskets with| Liberal Party.” sary for control. Democrats took | a g00d catch INIQUITOUS 206 | Early-morning travellers, ae “The contract that was ex- Meanwhile Gen. Dwight Eisen-|ers with lunch boxes, and the) ecuted with Alcan was an in-: hower began a .0-day vacation|smelt fishermen carrying their|iquitous thing as far as B.C. today with a date for golf. }gear crowd downtown buses. was concerned and the flooding The president-elect put aside| Smelt fishing hasn't the sports-|of parts of Tweedsmulr Park “My trip was to see if we can do something reasonable and economically sound before it is too late.” Socred Lands Minister Visits Cellulose Mill — ire about in the viditional will be iving dally Mr. Mills he pe Commis- | graim @€x- ir ending perational Rupert indl- je achieve- al the crop of Can- 4.5 million re exported 0-bushel li- busy nesday night gave notice refuses to recognize as legal the United States naval defensive | in Korean waters She said the. U.S. naval orde: of Sept. 27 was an extension of the 1950 blockade which violated freedom of seas The announcement was in a note delivered in Washington and broadcast by Moscow radio The note called the order a ‘new agressive act” and said {Russia put full responsibility for the “consequences” on the U.S.) government : The order objected to was ap-! parently a routine announce-~| iment by Gen. Mark Clark, UN commander, on Sept. 27, that the “sea defence zone” was be- jing established in South Korean zone eat e that time] lands een finished | waters, particularly around is- on which war prisoners loading | are held, to “eliminate infiltra- ‘tion of enemy agents.” RAL LABORATORY LAUN edsmuir Floodin Flooding of tire situation now is being con-| ismuir Park, Alcan devel- ‘e a breeding ‘iM DAK} weakened into the en- ducted by the Federal forest insect laboratory on behalf of the Provincial government, Officials fear that the bark-| beetles will be attracted to the flood-weakened trees in the park, as they are to timber ! erally the weather will continue |.) velopes for the moment numerous, ™&n’s thrill of trout fishing in| and adjacent lands will remain unny with quite chilly tem- oie aie returning officer | Pressing problems | the nearby Laurentian mountain|as a monument to the former peratures overnight | simply has to seal ail ballots! Eisenhower flew to Agusta, | WKes camel cs eseeeaee pratt tartan laa y ; seal =: Sigg en s S : years. Forecast Te oe ee Ga., oe ~ York yesterday. every year “The people of this province Cloudy. today and Friday. A eae all rejected ballots in . - On their way to the wharves, | who still think in terms of Lib- few showers in the northern)” $ fishermen meet enthusiasts Of|eralism should remind them- mrt tones. Chet derteda te ucation night fishing, equipped with lan-| selves of the tragedy that is night and tomorrow. Little House Dean ar we — my after! happening to Ootsa Lake.” change in temperature. Wind r rg t Se 2 roy —_ Mr. Sommers, principal of four southeast 15 in the worthem Dies at Home eet nas ines Se: i € siX-/ elementary, schools in Castlegar part this morning, otherwise : : i i : , for 17 years until his election light. Low tonight and high to-| , WASHINGTON ™ —— Adoipl'| VICTORIA —No new formula| eight hooks on one line ‘The| 2st June, sald that as far as ‘ an? Sabath, ' 0 j od - ! a morrow at Port Hardy 42 and - oa for sharing education costs re-| little fish are so plentiful that this government can gather, 48; Sandspit 38 and 52; Prince Rupert 35 and 50 Airlines Men Strike NEW YORK @—Three hund- red United Airlines flight engin- eers struck late today in the United States, Hawaii and Eur- ope CHES INVESTIGATION weakened by other causes. If this is the case, and the beetle broods are able to sur- vive under such wet conditions, | there is a real danger of their | eventual spread to the green healthy timber at the peri- meter of the flooded area, States House of Representatives died early today The 86-year-old Illinois Con- gressman Was re-elected Tuesday ito the ‘house seat he had’ held since March, 1907. Sabath was a Democrat sulted from a six-party confer- ence held Wednesday in Premier W. A.C. Bennett's office, But delegates said they were satisfied the government now |“is fully appraised of ‘all angles of the problem” and were hope- ful that a solution would be | worked out eventually. | ssicaessea eats ssc HOCKEY SCORES Tacoma 4, New Westminster + Saskatchewan 1, Seattle 6 The conference was called by| OSHL Penticton 2, Kelowna 3 Vernon 1, Kamloops 7. | Education Minister Tilly Ralston | who has been studying briefs on { the subject since she took office Aug. 1. * Plots have been established in; droctonus and g May Breed Damaging Beetles ips beetles is /100 fish in a day or a night is about average. Well stocked with worms, enthusiasts spend usually up to eight hours at a stretch Smelts are more plentiful this fall than last, say old timers This is encouraging for the fish- }ermen since the season lasts only | through October and November. Returning home, fishermen stop at nearby grocery stores and sell their “surplus” catch. They get about 25 cents a dozen. Stores Sell them at 30 cents a pound. Back home the little siivery fish are cleaned for deep butter frying. Fresh smelts have a mild flavor all their own, Clergyman Heads Synod British Columbia’s minister of mines, lands and forests, Hon. R. E. Sommers, today paid a visit to the Columbia Cellulose Company mill on Watson Island. On a fact-finding trip through northern B.C., he leaves tonight for Vancouver to take part in the distribution of seedling trees to school children and then will head for the Columbia. and Similkameen constituencies to speak in support of the Social there are approximately 30 mil-| Greait ciate in by-elec- lion board feet of merchantable | tions. timber in the area to be flooded.| He expressed confidence that “Tt must be remembered) pis party standard-bearers will though that while estimates| win handily have ranged from 28 to 35 mil-| He said Premier Bennett, Edu- lion feet, the figures were! cation Minister, Mrs. Tilly Rol- | reached only after a CUrSOrYicton and Agriculture Minister | Survey by Alcan, forestry ser-|Kiernan also will speak im the vices and milling interests.” | ridings. COSTLY METHOD The 41-year-old minister, who spent his vacations working for the B.C. Forest Service in the Kootenays, said that from facts Mr. Sommers drove here from, Prince George after attending the PGE celebration and said he thought the highway from Ter- race to Prince Rupert was “reas- se 4 the lodgepole pine-spruce stands | present,” an official said. on the edge of Ootsa Lake, As the | said. : flooding progresses, they will be} “If these potentially destruc-|ian Church, Chilliwack, Tuesday re-examined periodically. | tive insects increase due to the|night was elected by acclama- “It was determined from trap }fiooding, they will be capabie of; (ion as moderator of the British} trees felled near the plots that causing great damage to! the | Columbia Synod of the Presby- an epidemic population of den-| adjacent green timber.” terian Church. VANCOUVER @ — Rev. J. E. Beigelo, 35, of Cook's Presbyter- he has gathered he estimates|onably good,” but that the road chic timber tina Wh Teer te ee Sabre Jets, MiGs in Air Battle SEOUL @—United States Sabre jets and Commynist MIG-15s clashed today in four air battles deep in northwest Korea. The Fifth Air Force said its airmen shot down one Red jet and damaged four. ‘ The flare-up of air fighting came as-grould battles along the 155-mile front tapered off to patrol skirmishes.’