PAGE FOUR mm tins advertisement is not piililislicd or ilispl.-iyeil hy the Liquor Control Hoard or by the linverrunenl of llrilisli Columbia BLANKET Special During the month of May we will give a special rate on all Blankets. Single lilanket, each . . fKif Double .Blanket, each .. 50f Blankets washed- without shrinking and returned nice and fluffy. GIVE US A TRIAL Pioneer Laundry (1921) Ltd. Phone - 118 Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Wax 327. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Pa.i1 Rnnrt finrt f!tivAl We Specialize in 1'Idno and Furnituns Moving;. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge, Every Varment tried on be fore finishing. 223 Sixth Street THE DAILY MEWS Tuesday Ma, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM; v.lwt AT'l THE I DO. BUT WHAT THAT5 A FINE PRESENT FROr-l THE RAJ AM -WHAT AM .1 GOMNA OO. vyrTH THAT SPORT CHAT ii I Local fans will likely get their last basketball of the seaaon tonight when the city plays 11. UCS. Patrician. The sailors, who we hope wUl have their lad legs following their arrival this afternoon, ar ah unknown quantity and that should tend to make things more Interesting. The Prince Rupert team will be selected from Ed. Smith, captain; George Mitchell, Poll Howard. Vic Menzies, Mike Budenlch, Stan Moran, Will Lamble and A. Slocomb. As a curtain raiser there will be a match between the Junior League Stars and Colts and a dance and novelty revue will wind up the; even- tug's proceedings. Port Simpson is planning a big two-! do. V jtAlfthfitlj-m Va Ifaa Ol .llt I . Include track, field and water eppru as well aa baseball and football engage ments and a boxing tournament. The K. Boyd Young shield for baseball, now held by the Y.P.E.A., will be competed for as well aa a silver cup for football which the Y.P.E.A. also holds at the present time. The Victoria Day cup for relay race, now held by the X.P.E.A. will also be competed for and. In the realm of water sports, a contest will toe held for the boat race cup which Is now In possession of the mission boat Northern Cross. Othe revents will Include the outboard motor boat race for a cup, one mile road race for the committee cup, 220 yard race for silver cup and a llght-'heavyweight boxing tournament for a. gold medal. The committee list in charge of the dav in. eludes N. W. Lawson, chairman; Alfred Wily. secretary; H. A. Wesley, treas ; uren Ed. Wesley, Fred Dudoward ' aAd 'James Wesley, Judges; D. Musgrave and I Joseph McKay, starters: T. Gosnell. clerk of the course, and P. M. Wells, .announcer. The people of the neigh- boring vUIage are expecting some Prince itupertites to be in attendance. The Smithers baseball team will Journey to Burns Lake on May 24 where they will play a team from that town. Following the game the railway town squad will take the field against a Vanderhoof team. The latter town is reported to have a snappy aggregation and two good games should result. Smith rs will have the majority of. last year's regulars bock In the line-up and will attempt to repeat past successful seasons on the diamond. Weekly work outs are being held. The fourth annual field day by the Northern Interior Club of Klsplox was held on May 10 and carried over to the next day. It was a great success and the natives are well pleased, The crowd was made up of nearly all the people In ttie Klsplox, natives from Kltwanga, Nash. Skeena Crossing, Carnaby and Hazelton, as well 'as a big bunch of whites from Hazelton. The first day was taken up with a football game for a silver cup. It was won by Hazelton IndlaiisJwho nlayed with Skeena Cross ing. A Duiiiiall gams lof aMlver ctiji was won by Glen Vowel) against K1 plox, the winners pluylug Hazeltoil In dlans and, the latter winning, thus holding the cup for this year. The, field sports were all held, on the second day. The Important event was the five mile race which was won by John Crosby of, Kltplox who put up a fine race. The fat man's race went to Geo, Benson, sr., and In the old man's race James Proctor was second. An effort Is being made by those In- FLIT KILLS MOTHS and their larvae does not' stain IHACIME AMV ONE UKIN- acRO.nU A.K1 -iji ki EM ANl VEUU'. -E.T"b GET BACK TO Tfc- MOTEU1 MATTER VilTH IT? 1 THOUCHT VOO KfslEW ALU) ABOUT r-iACHlNe.RV! Headache' Made Her So Sick She Could Not Work Us Lola White, Cape Bald, N.B, write: "I suffered severely, for a long time, with a bad headache. It would ache and ache until it mad m so sick I could not work at all. A friend recommended . . : J . " "a. ftr few bottle of thi mealein I feel that I cannot recommend it too highly to (01 those who suffer from headach of any kind." For the rast 48 yeart B.B.B. ha been put up only by Th T. Mllburn Co., LimiUd, Toronto, Ont terested In baseball In Prince George to organize a city league of three teams, and there is a prospect that the plait will be carried through. The Interior city has always had a lot of good ball latent, but the distances hare been so great that It has been found Impos sible to bring in outside teams for games. This also forced the playing of games on Sunday, to fit In with the train service. As a result the ball game was put Into competition with the call to out-of-doors to the various summer resorts, and Interest In the game waned. There are a number of good ball plajr- tri in the cltj this year. Some of them are newcomers and others are boys who have been develcsed in the Junior teams. If the plan can be carried out it would mean the formation of three teams, and for the most part the game would be twilight contests. BURNS LAKE The erection of a 33 by 28 foot power house at the Taltapln mine. In the Babines, has been completed", a 62 h.p delsel engine has been fixed on a cement foundation, and compresnura are set up and ready for business. Drifting operations are about to start on ore which is believed to be very rlch Twelve men are on the payroll at the mine while seventeen have been em ployed during the past couple of months hauling In supplies. Charles S. Anderson, who has been located 1ft the Bablne country northeast Burns Lake for the past fourteen years or more, has been successful in taming three pair of marten, which are now In brood, and twelve pair of mink The marten are doing particularly well and If. Is probable that this is th-first time toey nave been tept in captivity 1th such favorable . results. Mr. An- ttersoa also has extensive., mineral hold Ings. There were several police court caM In the district last week. Elmer Erk lund was dismissed on a charge of purchasing liquor pit other than his own permit: two boys, charged with stealing gaskets from box cars at Decker1 Lake, were let go with a reprl rnand; Mrs. Dolly Fordhwn was fined 50 at Francois Lake for; having un sealed liquor In "her possession; Ernest Nelson was fined 30 for obstructing police officer, and Otto Lundberg was assessed 50 for drunkenness as well as being Interdicted. Mrs. T. O. Martin has arrived from Derby, England, and Is visiting with her son, T. G. Martin. Miss Olive Nourse has left here to attend High School in Prince George. Q. B. Stanton and Ronald Prewer were elected members of the Burns Lake and District Board of Trade at a meeting held last week at Francois Lake. Mrs. C. V. Harrison of Wistaria 1 visiting with Mr. arid -Mr. P. J. Carroll at Decker Lake. A quiet wedding took place at the Anglican rectory last Wednesday when Rev. J: H. Kerr united In marriage Miss Edith Funnell and Verne Taylor. Both are well known residents of the UnchlT.slley where they have taken up residence. Harry lllcliolls of Uncha Valley mt GOOD " "YOU rAVc- CAQUN&r, ' xl y -rri 6 1927 ir mt-l FiAnme SfcAvict, Inc. 'vJlth a serious accident which may per manently Impair his eyesight as a result of a premature blast while lie was clearing land near Ms home. T. a. Martin, forest ranger here for some years, has been appointed assistant district forester with headquarters at Williams Lake and will leave lm-inediately with Mrs. Martin and family, la take up the new post which is in the way of a distinct promotion. Mr. ! Martin has been president of the local branch of the Canadian Legion andj treasurer of the Community Hall As-1 sociatlon. His successor here wUl be Waiter N. Campbell of Fort Fraser. Andy Anderson met with an accident .ast week and Is -now confined to his home with a broken nose. ' NEW HAZELTON National Hospital Day was most successfully Observed at the Hazelton Hospital last Thursday. There was a baseball game between Hazelton whites and Hazelton Indians, which the latter won 13 to 6; Inspection of the hospital and nurses' home, serving of refreshments, liaby show, concert and dance. The Hudson Bay Co. Is proceeding with the erection of store at Kit-wanga which will have many of the features of an old post. The store ill be surrounded by a stockade. Mrs. C-ll. Sawle entertained at three tables of bridge on Tuesday night. Prize winners were Miss Richardson and J. D. Boulding. Mrs. Craig, until recently matron and rausekeeper at the Francois Lake bos- )1U1, has tajken charge of ,Dr. Wrlnch's wuse succeeding Mrs. BIrnle who has rone to reopen her summer camp at .dke Kathlyn. Work, has, been started on the con-' tinuation of the main highway from Skee'na Crossing toward Terrace. Etflll Sargent, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Sargent, was knocked down by a car ast Thurwlay and the. front wheel passed over his body. He was badly bnilxed and a rib was fractured. Wilfrid Young has suffered from not her attack of his old trouble and Is a patient In the Hazelton Hospital. Charles R. Oilbert of Terrace was. visitor here at the first of last week and went on to Vanderhoof. Arthur Wrinch, who Is employed at the DuUile mine, was home for a brief visit last Thursday. Olof Hanson, Austin Ooodenough and Major M. A. Burbank were visitors here last 'Thursday. . , Ret. and Mr. George 'Turpln and Mr Norman Kllpatflck wev vlitoTi from Smlthers at lUnJtoit diirlhg : . week end. Mr. and Mrf jWph1 ftpltzel of Cam by were visitor Irt Hazelton on Thur clay. The gardens it several stations on the line are now In shape for planting and a few have already been planted. The railway company ha had a lot of good work done cutting the new growth of hush. The provincial department of public wmm BBBV.BBBSlBHasl MBVaBBBHSBBBBBBBBBBBBl lJrV IUI.LJ IM.ilfA limit! 'ML!! Thu advertisement ll not published or duptaued bu D Liquor Gut rot Board a bu th Government of Dritiih CoiumbU. FULU OPTiGER AN TlCE Ub "THAT" CET STRANDED V anted For Sale) F6r Rent t I l IT K. t -NA. f DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for let than 50c WANTED WANTED. PARTNER WITH SOME capital and acquainted with naviga tion and halibut fishing. Box 41., Dally News office. 116 ' WANTED. HOUSEWORK, WASHINO. Cleaning by the hour. Phone Oreen 283. 118 WANTED. YOUNG OIRL FOR UOHT housework. Phone Black 003. 110 SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN COOK WANTS WORK IN sntell camp. Apply Box 41, Dully News Office. 116 FOR RENT FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. J Apply Muusallem Grocery. Phone 18.1 ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IP desired. Phone Black 120. PIANO FOR RENT J 00 A MONTH. Walker' Music Store. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 78. BOARD tt BOARD. THE INLANDER. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. works has received word to burn all lashings along the highways. This will remove one of the most dangerous fire hazards. Mrs. James 8toynoff of Dorreen was the guest of Mrs. It. Thornton on Thursday. She Is now spending a few days with Mr. Marshall at Two Mile. Hugh Harris returned here on Thurs day after spending a week or so In the Topley dUtrict. He Is going to take trip down the river to visit milting operations at Cedarvale. Usk and Ter race. . VANDERHOOF The Vanderhoof Board of Trade Is asking the village commissioner to erect a temporary fence around the scmetery. poles and plies being already jn the ground. A'. E. Rlchardsupervlsor of the Dom inion government illustration stations, recommends that alfalfa, having now stood the test of four winters on the local lllstratlon farm, can be safely recommended, for this district and should find a place' on .every .farm. ArranffemenL have hn mari fn- twff . inwreV fhIUe toe setlj ' in -the Neirhako 'Valley.' one In the Manes dt. trfct and the other near Fort Fraser. Mr. hd Mr. C. r. Osborne and three children from Burnley. England, will settle near Fort ftT while Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nairn and five children will go on the R. J. Fearnley property at Mapes, Mrs. R. M. Taylor, Miss Ruth Moore Clifford Roberts and William Tlmmk were confirmed here by Archbishop De Pcnclef last week. Last Thursday evening the home of Theo Pelletler in the Hulatt-Mapes ,dls trlct was completely destroyed by fire, The damage Is estimated at approxl. mately 1500. On account of the serious condition of his leg from wounds received In the ureal war, jonn r. Leeds has returned to the military ho-pltal it Vancouver, being accompanied to the coast by his brother, Ouy. Luke Norman ha returned from . trip to England, having spent the win-ter at his Ijome in Herefordshire. He was accorryunted on hi return by Bertram Wilson and Ronald Salmon who have gone with aim Into the Mud River country. Donald Mitchell ha returned her. from a trip to Vancouver. roV.KKRVIMI TALK, "Cella Chatterton ami I are not or. speaking terms. "Never mind, dear. It won't hurt either of you to rest up a little." Bo, ton Transcript. AdvertIM in th DUy Ntwi FOR SALE irj roith m:n Just few days left now. In which to make your bid for this car that Is going to the highest bidder, on May 23. Somebody may pick up this cur at a bargain. Why not you? Put In your sealed bid at P.tUKKH'S (ItK.Uli; Third Avenue. FIVE TUBE NEUTRODYNE 8ET. LOUD talker, head sets, comfJete. for sale, or exchange for small pteamre boat. Phone Red 400. Post office box I&54, Prince Rupert. 116 FOR SALE- BEDDfNO OUT PLANTS, all varieties, rated In our own greenhouse. Prince Rupert Floral Shop. Brighten up your home with flower. FOR SALE. 8IX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post office block. I3.2oo.00. Apply P.O. Box 378. US FOR SALE. 180 ACRES LAND ON Up per Skeena. 11.200.00. Apply Box 43, Dally New Office. 118 FOR RENT. SEVEN ROOM MODERN house and four roomed furnished flat. Phone Oreen '735. 118 OPPORTUNITY! 5D0 A MONTH NOW buy your future hometite. Walker' Music Store. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa dopulos and Mtrrto, 839 Third Ave. Phone 646. tf AUCTIONEER NOTICE TO THE PUBLICI ON AC, count of the late Spring In Alberta the land lot being yet fit to seed, the sale a advertised of the residence and residential site on AUln Avenue will be postponed until Thursday. May 26 at 230. This Is a speculation worth Jooklng Into. a. P Brine. Phone 774. IHtl;SHKI(i EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. FOR- merlv r.f Nw vv . . - - - "I . K .. U MIUIVIIWU. Mrs. C. 8m!th. DrexeJ Rooms. 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. dominion rniMTt-Ki: r.triitsir. Orwiiirily A (lagnon, prnprlelnr 144 Third Avenue Ttmne llUek 411 Furniture of all sorts bought, sold or Exchanged. Low High Low Itfe'i Low UI'IIOI-STERINO FURNITURE REPAIRING; UPIIOL-ttering of alt klndi Chsaterflelda recovered and made to order. All work gusrantrrd. Phone Green 603. a. M. HUNT. RESTAURANTS OOOIl K.TH CAFE Mrs. Unger. Proprietress. Third Avenue. Next o. W. "V. A. iiMMl Home Cooked Mesla. Phone Black 700 TAXI Phone 67 Tnxl rfCall George, iaul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude bakers at your disposal any time, ROSS RROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Ulotk. (Across from Empress Hotel) Ivv High l RINCE RUPERT TIDES MHIlMi.slnV, .MAY IX .. . .. 1:60 am. 31.01 ft. 14JI p.m. 18.8 " 8:30 a m, 3.3 " 20:26 pjn. 7.0 " Till USIl.W, MAY l 3:28 4n. 20.0 ft. 15:32 p.m. ,100 " 0:13 am. 3.4 " 21:04 p.m. 8.4 " ntlllAV, MAV 20 3:02 am. 20.4 ft. 16:18 pin. 17.4 " 9:64 a nt. 3.7 " 31:47 pm, 0.0" TMKlkl V., QJ (CT JV ' ij ii raTaTaTaTaTaV' .-tm" .x . :ir -v raw -J Artklej Loitanj round,4 .MAIL SCHEDULE IllT-OO.Stl Yttt I ne ;t Mondays, Wedneadava and a., . iiimiqirr-. ,. Tuesdavs ... Thursday . . ! flAtlirrlftW . - Ill May 13. 24 , First class mill la also dnutch Vancouver on Mondajt. Wednad... ., eaiuraay oj cn.r. trains. To .tnjot ami Alkr Arm a. . r. .1. w. ,M Wednesdays m To Mewart anil I'rrmlrr Sunday Saturdays i$tl Tn I't. Mlmpwn and Nw llmpi- Thursday To AU'ka Point May B, 20. 80 u Tit )uern fliarlotlr May 7. 21 !i lN- OMIM) rrum the Kant Tuesdavs. Thursday and Sundina trura anrjuirr-. Sunday ..a Wednesdays ItJi . . . . Thursdays Saturday 105. May 9, 20. 30 ('rum Anjo and .tike Ara-Tueadayt I Thptrdav .. (' tn From Mewart and Prealw- Tuesdays Sundays IP from Pt. Hlmrwon and Na Iir. f ! Saturdays From Alks pnlnl May 13. 24 u from ((iieen riisrlotle May 8, 19 11 IK IX nill.MTIHM ia n Graham it Atltn Av lit Ave. tt 8th St 6th Ave. Fulton 8t 8th Ave. 8i Thompson 11th A Hherbrooke Avu. llth Ave. tt Conrad 8t. 6th Av. A Hsys Cove 6th St Hayi Cove Clrde 8th Ave. it Cotton St Jth Ave. A McBrlde 8t Prov. Govt Bldgt. Prov. Oov. Wharf CTJ1. Wharf O.T.P. Station 2nd Ave. tt 2nd 8t, 3rd Ave. tt Fulton St. 3rd Ave. & 6th 8t. IN 3 3 in ti IS WV ..Ml) I! mil I' 1111 10 " STEAMSHIP MOYEHESB rnr Vanrouver . .. , Sunday ss. Prinre iieor- (-Tuesday as. Catal Thursday rnnre Kup"-Saturday C.rden. ; - as, pnncesj Mav 2f s. Al a" I'rum VHHner .u Sunday -ss. Cataw ","- w Wednesday -ss. nr. nop"! Thursday . Crl'na Saturday -m. rrlwt" Saturday-. Prince Oeorjf My 20 -. Prineess AH lor fort Slmr"" n'1 N,M ) Thursday-. cXat From 1'f.rt Slnin "' M .. V Saturday- as. Crdena for Anjo f Sunday "wl ,-, ii : Wednesday w. Prince nP Initit Anym - Tuesday -). Catal ". ' .y Thursday--. Wnf - For Slewsrl Bunday-s. Ctla Saturday-. Prince Oeorg From Mew art . Sunday-i. Prinre aeorgr ratals Fnro.ririrn.3ri.i!f- My 21 rriiiv"-lYont'TJhri'rr'rrilrlnttf- May J9..M. Prince John For Alaska May 20-. Princes. All May 30-as. Princess Alice From Alaka May 24-ss. lrnre Allc C.N.R. TRAINS For I lie i:ut . g,t(A na Mondays, Wednesday" il nn ajfi. I mm Hie frUt -,1 Sundays, Tttewlay n1 3.30 p.m. r . iot- ... i'