25 TAXI and!! Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime Sland; Exchange iJuildlng MATT VIDECK, I'rop. Vol, XVII., No. 115. LIBERA TAX RATE SET FOR CITY EDITORIAL THEFT NOT CRIME IN THIS CASK ALL WILL LIKELY A(iREE i Just recently there was an am- itrur play put on at the West- holme which illustrated that failing to tell the truth Is not always wrong. Now it is aimed to show that stealing In not always wrong. The following verses by Walt ..I. I.... I. ..I 41...C! I., I.. .Mason urn biuicii uuk men is in the public Interest and everyone is agreej that the verse is so good that it is itself a justification for the crime: In Shabbylown In Shabbytown they do not care 1 f 1. -I. 1.. ' 1..... it inings iook seeuj ever) -wiierv. They have no pep, they've lost their grip, they simply sit around .ind vf i in envy's tones of Glossy- ville. the shining vlllaire on the hill, Oh, Shabbytown is punk and gray, and it shows symptoms of decay, and strangers passing through remark, "it surely dates hack to the Ark." Clean up, plant up. paint up manes men irown along the streets of Shabbytown. I dll III 1IUI1IL inunLn 1IU U WI'LUI in thin hum villain? down at heel: . . 1 1 A t f 1. II T - ... n""ip ... - i n i n vn are aiwuva Lrunm uuw i. :,rt m,tltnr vrrr ir Shuhliiinwn. It always irives my soul a l L : 1 1 1 I i i fi l ......ii uiriii wnpn i arrivp in iti i.mvvuic. pride in making things k k clean and blight, and in their laior take o'elight They're lavish with the helpful paint, selecting colors chaste or quaint, and decorating every shack; thus warding off decay's attack, and making all the buildings look like buildings read of in the book. And strangers when they see the town say, "Here we'll come ancf settle down, and raise us nineteen kids apiece, and live and die as slick as grease," while Shabbytown is prone and dead. INVESTIGATING UOtltll TO IIOI.ll XITTIM! IN I'KIM'E HI I'liKT ON tr:lMl.Y NKNT WEEK VICTORIA, May 17. The boord In chnrae of the enforcement of a universal minimum wage law Is to hold a meeting it Prince Rupert on May 35, which Is Wednesday of next week, to Investigate the wages paid all male workers In Br!!.ih Columhla. The board, which U headed bv J. D. McNivcn, deputy minister of labor, will ir;uti?e for similar mcetlnss 'through- muI the province later with both employ ee and employee. Thct are prellmln " to the extension of the law to all branehci of Industry. WERE ATTACKED BY 40 STOKERS! "iinkm: iu'siieii Winn: oitheks WHEN Mill WAS AT HOCK AT h.N I'llltKO SAN PEDRO, May17- Forty Chinese lokers rushed, six white officers on the Dollar liner President Wtlwn yesterday. They, attacked with knives and axes as the vessel lay alongside the dock but ere quelled. BRITISH REPRESENTATIVE AT HANKOW RECALLED r-EKINO, May 17. Basil Newtoa, re presentative at Hankow of the British minuter to China It Is understood hai been recalled. This la interpreted as gesture of the British Government cf approval of the southern Nationalist unent under Eugene Chen, JLskJ Fifty Mill Tax Rate Was PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MAY QUEBEC AT SECRET SESSION OF Night but No Definite Agreement Reached with the Railway Company IN1EICIOU INDIANS I'ltOTEKT AOAINKT totem imi: WOKK Tlie Klireucla Ind iuiw of Skct-na Crowing have sent a strongly worded protest to Ottawa, against the work that Is now being carried on there of preserving the totem peku. They have taken the grouud that thehe tribal memorials are of sacred nature and not to be tampered with and they further claim that the work la being carried out without their consent. Calling 8. W. Taylor, lceat tmrrlscr. Into conference with them, the natives held a mass meeting last Saturday nlgtit at the home of Martha Morgan, woman chief, at Skeena Crossing when a resolution for submission to Ottawa was passed. 4- WERE TRAPPED INSIDE WHEN BOILER BURST HALIFAX. May 17. - four workmen were trapped Inside the boiler room of the Canadian Government steamer Canadian Carrier by the explosion of a boiler followed by a fire. They struggl:d to safety through a manhole but were terribly burned and are In a serious condition. ' ,; Little damage was done to the vessel by the explosion. navigat1on6pens yukon territory llrsl llout l.ell Uikr I IliirRe lJi"t Mglil ami l'aMMl lotvn lUg Kalmoii Navigation has cpened m the rivers of Yukon territory, according to" the Government TeloTnphs report. The first bjat left lower Lc Barge last night and passed down the Big Salmon River this morning. Tho mall launch from Yukon Crcmlng pasu'd down Coffee Creek this morning. It is reported that there la another Ice Jam between there and Stewart River. Weather continues, warm, im " momctcr readings this momlivg at eight o'clock being: Prlucc Riipert.--Cloiidy. calm, temperature. 45. Terrace --Rain, calm, temp. 45. Rowiwooil Rain, calm, temp. 41. Alyaiish- Rain, culm, temp, 40. Alice Arm- Rain, calm. temp. 47. Anycx Main, calm, temp. 41. Stewart- Rain, calm, temp. 44. Harcl'ton Rum. calm, temp. 50. Telegraph Creek Cloudy, calm, temp. 42. Hums Lake Cloudy, calm, temp, su, Whitehorec -Clear, calm, temp. 53. Dawson -Cloudy, north wind, temp. 41. EIGHT DEATHS ARE RESULT OF PANIC BELGRADE, May 17 Eight death were reported today from tho provinces In panics resulting from eomc earth trc-mors experienced In Jugo Slavla during tho pnst two days. During the first day of loading up to last night, 15T.0O0 bushels of grain was poured into, the British steamer Queen-moor loading at the local elevator for the United Kingdom or continent. The iveisel will taks a total cargo oi aooux 204,000 bushels and 11 is now expecieu. she will get away on Thursday. Motorshlp tanker Ollnda arrived In port during the night with oil for the Union Oil Oo.'s local tanks. Northern and FRIKCE SWEEP Secret meeting of city amount of public business, including change in sewer plans Just before midnight last night, which statute set as the limit' of time by which its decision must be made, the city council settled on CO mills as the tax rate for the year 1327. The fixing of the mill rale wa3 contingent on the nature of the taration agreement with the Canadian National Hallways and it was 1 0-10 before the fin.tl offer of the company was received by wire from YVmtiipeg. There wns considerable discussion on the matters in jucsUon which the mayor flatly refused to have heard in public, threatening to adjourn the meeting to his private office before the single representative of the press, who wa In attendance. retired from the chamber. The ccunell started consideration of the rate bylaw following the transaction of other business coming fccforo the body. 3. W. Taylor, appearing for the railway company, announced that the company would consider a flat rate of S3 .000. taxation on alt Its property In cluding the dry dock and exclusive of; lenses. One point was not clear In ru Set Last council deals with large OLIVER HAD OPERATION IS larllllA ItKUAlNIMi NTUI.OTII ,.NI IX KXIEIXIAT SI'lltlTH n,rr u rrMlnlnr Mrrntlli rauldl.r afler an operation lit llorlicMrr, .Minn. Ir. Hubert. Oliver, vin of the Pre-mlrr, state tlut I lie uitlrnl I' la evrllrut lrlti. BASEBALL DUEL IS , BEIKG FOUGHT TODAY rltw mJ 17.- -A duel" of champions between the wiimersf the world's crown In 193J and 192tf, Is -on today In the National League with, 6t. IauIs Cardinals again In second place and the Pittsburg Pirates back In third. National League St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 1. Pittsburg 5, Brookyn 0. Others rain. American l.eiijiie Boston 3, Chicago 5. New York 6. Detroit 3., Philadelphia 10, St. Louis S. I.KAIil K .STANDINGS Instructions. oweverflSIjJals.,- vHTOItl.V -Mar""!" J. rrrmirr- tnat oemg as lo wncmer wie qpm- psny's offer Of 5.ooo was exclusive or Inclusive of dry dock debenture tax. Hj had sent another wire to Winnipeg to cJear up Uuit point and le expected a reply momentarily. The council then aajournea iroin to iu.ou w wi receipt of the desired Information. On resumption pf the session. Mr. Taylor stated that he had received a I rcnlr to his wire. The scj.ooo offer of the railway company covered all pro-1 -t inrlnrtinff the r!nr dock, excluxlvel of leases, but Including the dry dock j Th h manmum UVt.TUkUl " " the company was prepared to offer. After Mr. Taylor had ictlred. Mayor Newton suggested that the council fd-Journ downstairs to consider tho matter. Aid. Perry and Aid. Jos. Greer saw no reason for .a private session but the mayor persisted In his request. A division threatened but the air was cleared when the only representative of the public, a Dally News reporter, quit the chamber. The session then continued In the council chamber. At the close of the meeting at mid night. It -was announced that the council had tleclJcd to repeal tho sewer bylaw and submit a rew ten year bylaw about July or August, making the first payment of Interest due ln Febr uary 1928, work io proceed therealter, the trcasirrcr to alter the advertisement calling for tenders for bonds from 83. ooo to 53.OO0; that the city solicitor had been Instructed to discontinue nJl litigation against tho railway company wWhdrawlhfi the appeal now Ini the courts: that a bylaw Imposing a rate of 50 mills had been finally reconsidered and adopted, and that tho city solicitor had been Inrtructcd to take up further iHI.'allallons with the Cnnatflan' Nation al Railways offering to submit an agreement whereby It would pay 65.0O0 annually In taxation exclusive of leases and Its share of the dry dock debenturo tax and local Improvements. It was announced that tho decision urrlved a was voted In favor of by Aid. Jos. Greer. Aid. Tinker. Aid. P. .ft. Llnrcy. Aid. Terry and Aid. Brown' with Mayor Newton. Aid W. J. Greer and Aid. Laracu against. Aid. StcplKns w not present. The toUil mill rate of 60 Is subdivided Into 10 mills providing for general expenditure during the year 1037: 11 for schools, and 20 special levy covering In terest and redemption on bonded Inclcbt ' I cdncss. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked Wheat 1.50H Coast Copper 11.25 11.50 Dunwelt 1.37 1.40 Olacicr .08 W .0014 Gladstone ; 34 U .30 Independence ..OBVi .08 V Indian .00 .07V4 U ft V. 09 .10i Porter Idaho .17 Sunloch SO .05 Niittonai W. . U Pet IB 0 .607 15 10 .600 13 10 .565 ' ..... 13 - 10 .545 ..... J3ai. L -Ml is .4oa ! IHV 17 .391 7'Y 10 .310 New York St. Louis . Pittsburg . Philadelphia Chicago , . Dostoh . . . Brcoklyn . Cincinnati American New York 10" B .704 Chicago 17 13 .5Bl Philadelphia 15' 13 .539 Detroit I' ,13 .480 Cleveland 13 14 .483 St. Louis 11 14 .410 Washington U 14 .440 Boston 8 17 J30 iiiit444t444Ttt lOKMKIl IIIUrlMI - ritC.MIKK .MENTIONS I v . t '.Si ritOIIIIIITION , NEW YORK, May 17,J. Ram-ray Macdonald, former premier pf Great Britain who has been touring the United (State. stated today that tic resents, his fellow countrymen sneering at American effort at prohibition. He said that the law was an effort to keep the people decent. . TWELVE CHINESE ARE ARRESTED IN VICTORIA ' VICTORIA, May 17. Twelve Chinese were arrested here during a raid, on a gaming house following a running fight with the police. Eighteen escaped. Accounts up to May 13 totalling 8. - Newspaper 17, 1927 MONSTKH PASSENGER PLANE miraculously escaped destruction during a storm when the motors went dead. A full complement of passengers were on board, and when the plane headed for the ground death seemed certain. Instead of striking the ground with full force, however, the downward flight was broken by the heavy trees of the forest over which it was flying and which gave it a slanting and gradual descent Liberals Sweep Quebec at Provincial Election t.' 0 Vehnai EXT SEcMES :liOL?T 12 SEATS. WlTIi CONSEljyA-TIVES HO(.UIN(f ONLY TEN IN THE NEW HOUSE r ti . MONTREAL, May 17. Liberals were returned to power by .ail' overwhelming majority. Legislature will be: Liberals 72, Independent Liberals 2, Conservatives 10. Premier Taschereau and his entire cabinet are re-elected. .'Th'e election in Gaspc riding on May 23 may possibly add an-other.'aeat to. the Liberal quota. 11 ..1. ... r-. A. .1.1 . TJie Liberals nave gained 14 Indtpdndcnts .two from Liberals, a ' m -.WIRELESS rtEPOUT S a.m. DIOBY ISLAND Cloudy, calm: bar-J .meter. 2038; temperature. 45; seal smooth: 8 p.m. spoke steamer Anyox, towing barge Lord Templeton, Lady- smith for Aryox. 103 miles from Anyox; 7.45 aan. spoke steamer Catala, left Wales Island southbound. DEAD TREE POINT Overcast, calm: barometer. 29.58; temperature. 48; sea rmooth. BULL HARBOR - - Part cloudy, fresh northwest wind; barometer. 20.80: temperature, 45: sea moderate; 8 pjn. spoke tug Cape Scott, abeam Egg Island, southbound; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Gray, Rose Harbor for Nanalmo, abeam PUie Island; 8 p.m. spoke mofcrshlp Ollnda, Vancouver for Prince Rupert. 50 miles from Prince Rupert; 8 pjn. spoke motcrshlp Norro. KetclUkan for Seattle, 383 miles frcm Seattle; 8 am. spoke tug St. faith In Loughborough Inlet south bound; 8 a m. spoke tanker Ulehmund, left Ocean Falls for Port Angeles. .VlMIII DIOBY ISLAND Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.04; temperature. .51; sea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT Overcast, light touthcast wind; barometer. 29.50; tem- Iieraturc 50; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR- Part cloudy, fresh northwest wind; barometer. 29.80; tern- perature, 50; sea moderate. French President King George in England Today; Mutual Expressions of Regard " LONDON. May 17. King gue of France and Foreign Minister Uriand who are paying him four-day visit, with all the pomp oi pre-war days, the lirst day of the visit wits a busy one, culminating with attendance in the evening at a brilliant state banquet in their honor. Toasts were exchanged in French. King George, in proposing the toast to the visitors, said: "Much remains yet to be done but as our two countries helped each other and united their forces during the war, so will they continue to work tozether In the cause of peace." - Replying to the toast President Doumergue declared: 'Tomorrow as to- day we will continue to unite an our 100.05 were passed for payment by the efforts for defense, consolidation and or-city council last nlghti ' ganlzlng for peace with a view to assur- PROVINCE ' Gaining at least eight seats the at yesterday's election In Quebec The probable standing of the new seats irom uonservauves anu me and the Conservatives two from r 'trAiv One of the features of the election is. the hetter showing the government made lit Montreal where the Premier appealed ' for votes on the ground that the province should not be governed by the rural vote. , Arthur Sauve, leader of the opposition. declared during the campaign that be would be returned either as Premier or as a back bencher. He has been reelected but whether he will now resign the lcidorthlp of the Conservative mln-crj.;- U a matter that Is being canvassed. U.S. MARINES WERE KILLED SEVENTEEN SAIII TO HAVE I(ST I.HE.S IN Ciasil WITH NICAUA (HANS MEXICO CITY. May 17 Pedro Zeptxm representative here of the Liberal Nle- araguan Government, announces that he Is advised that 17 United States marines and 25 Liberals had been kill ed at La Par. Nicaragua. In a clash when the marines attempted to disarm the Liberals ! J. A. Morris, local broker, returned to jthc city on tho Catala tills morning after a business trip to Stewart. is Guest of George received President Doumer - a lng Europe an era of order and prosperity, thus saving the, world from any return of a fearful conflagration." Advertise In the Dally News. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the; least. I'hone 457. I'rire Five Cents COUNCIL INTERIOR MINES mm:im; and mi.vku ru miouimi ri WELL STATES IV. X. IIMlltlS WHO IS IN TOWN The steady continuation cf work on the Silver Cup and Sunrise silver mines oa ths Nine Mllo Mountain result in the general, appearance of tin properties increasing In promise according to W. S. CDuko'') Harris, pioneer llazelton mining man. who Is a business is:r In town for a couple of days j-om the Interior. At the Silver' Cup a 3,300 foot tram-, way lrcm mine to road Is being '.built i and, on its completion about July 15, steady shipments of high grade ore will I be instituted. Duke Harris Is personally in charge of operations at this pro-! perty where about ten men are em ployed. At the Sunrise, Al Harris, a brother of Duke. Is In charge of development operations on a property which looks like a first class milting proposition. Seven men are employed at this mine. Mr. Harris reports a large gang .of men working for the provincial department cf public works on the reconditioning of ths thirteen mile road from Haietton to Nine Mile. TWENTY LOST IN BIG FLOOD TOWN OF .MELVILLE li.OODKD IM.MK-DIATKI.V WHEN LEVEE OI' UIVEIt IlKOKE NTV ORLEANS. May 17. Relief workers In the Inundated areas of Big Bend and Bayou des Glalscs section report approximately a total of twenty dead in the Louisiana flood. The main levoe of the Atchafaiaya River broke tn tfAlvllTst tK1 mnrnlncr inrl with v.w .w v... 9 in fifteen minutes there was five feet of 'er In town. OPERATION ON JOSEPH SANKEY l-IMSONEi: TAKEN UtOM JAIL TO HOSPITAL AM) CONIUTION SEItlOlS VANCOUVER. May 17. Suffering from tubercular glar.-cis In the thvat, Jotcph Sinkey. convicted murderer of Miss Lor-elta ChlshDlm, whose case Is under appeal to the supreme court of Canada, has ( been removed from Okalla prison to the General Hospital where he will undergo jan operation. Ills condition Is reported io oe serious. TRAPPING DISPUTE AIYANSH INDIANS EASILY ADJUSTED AIYANSH, Naas River. May 17. -kocal Indians have had a dispute among them-elves as to trapping rights and Dominion Constable a. Ncwnham was sent from Klncollth to adjust matters. White trappers were not involved In the dispute, their trap lines being located well away from those of the natives. NOTE OF PROTEST BY SOVIET GOVERNMENT AT RAID IN LONDON MOSCOW. May 17. -A note from the i Soviet Government protesting against ith - raid a ssvlet House- in London ! haa been sent to the" Britlslr obvernmen by acting" foreign minister LltvInoXf. AN AFTERMATH OF PRINCE RUPERT CASE VANCOUVER, May 17. following Judgment of Mr. Justice Gregory which reduced the assessment of the Canadian National Railways property In the city of Prince Rupert the company's counsel asked the Judge to specify the parcels in question.