PAGE SIX SPECIALS Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for Just Arrived 35c White San '.Soap, 23 for' $1.00 (This is a good buy) Wool Soap, 13 for ... . $1.00 P. & G. Naptha Soap, .14 for $1.00 Pels Naptha Soap, per box 85c Classic Soap, 17 for . . $1.00 5-String Brooms 50c ' Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. JP-I23 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18. Phone 81 Prince Kupert, ILC Our' Glasses FIT and look well OUK It EPA IK DEPARTMENT is equipped for accuracy and service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. a new shipment of J SILK KNIT One and two piece . Dresses in all the latest shades, in-eluding Chenile Red, and Etack trimmed with White. Sites from 36 to 44. tf Prices $12.50 and $1.".)0 BENT'S . LADIES' ItEADY-TO-WEAU Third Avenue REMEMBER For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. It. Miller Proprietor WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, HIrch and Spruce Per double load $6.50 Per .single load ...... $3.50 Per sack , . 50c Firelighters, 18 for $1.00 delivered All classes of Coal at dealers' prices. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES SOCCER LEAGUE OPENSSHORTLY I LXKtTTIVK MLKTINO LAST NICIIT NAMES TEAM IOH ll.l.MK WITH I'ATKIl lAX AMI NETS. STl'AKT MIIEM) KITE With a game Intervening tomorrow evening, between teams representing the city and H.M.OS. Patrician, the local football season will open on May 23 commencing with the Stuart Benefit Shield series, It was decided at a meeting of the executive of the Prince Rupert Football Association In the city police court room last night. The following players were selected to take the city's banner on the Held In the game with HJI.C.S. Patrician: Goal, Splro Gurvlch; backs. Brick Skinner and Sammy Ersklne: half backs, George Hill, Sam Currie (captain), and George Mitchell; forwards, C. J. Norrlng-ton, Percy Tinker. A. Dickens, George Howe and J. S. Wilson; resedVes, Pat; Doherty and P. Russell. It was decided to Invite G. S. Russell to referee the game. The schedule for the Stuart Shield was ret as follows, wins, draws and losses WATER NOTICE MVKKSION AMI USE TAKE NOTICE that Oossc Packlne Company. Limited, whose address Ii Van couvcr. B.C., will apply Tor a licence to take and use 250.000 callons of water oui 01 unnamea stream which nows nor-tlierly and drains Into Green Inlet about 30 chains east of northwest corner ol lot 68. Range 3. Coast District. The waier win De diverted from the stream at a point about 200 feet from mouth and will be used tor domestic and com. merclal purposes upon the land described m application to lease oy applicants. This notice was posted on the ground on the 2nd day of April. 1327. A copyfl ut mis uouce sna an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" win De mea in the ouice of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objectlom to the application mav be filed' with thf said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B.C., within thirty days after the first appearance' of thl notice In a local jiewsDaner. Th Hald ol the first publication pf this notice Is UOSSE PACKING COMPANY. LIMITED. Applicant. By II. V. Morehouse. Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS (WESTEIIX UE(ilUS) SEALED TENDERS will be received t the office of the Chief Engineer. Winni peg, unui twelve o'clock noon. Wednesday, May 25th. 1027, for replacing elghi wooden culverts with reinforced concrete pipe culverts, at various points on the Tete Jaune and Fraser Subdivisions and construction of two reinforced con crete dox curvens at Miles 77.6 and 74.9. Fiuer Subdivision. Plans, specifications and form of em- tract may be seen and form of tender oDiainea at tne oiriccs or Chief Engineer, Winnipeg, District Engineer. Vancouver, and Edmonton. Acttnz District Enirliwr Victoria, Dlvi-jon LigLieer. Prince Ru pert, ana uaigary. Tenders will not in? considered unlo made on form suonlied hv th Riiinrav Company aid accompanied bv an ac cepted cheque on a chartered bank equal w live ixr nut oi wie value or the work, parable to the order of the TiMiiinr Canadian National Railways. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A. KINGSLAND, General Manager. Winnipeg. Man, May 11th. 1297. 115 LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LA Nil I lilt INTll'STKIAL PI ItPOSES In Prince ,-RuDert Land Rririitn District of Prince RUpert. and s'tuate at Scwcll Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kellev Lolnir Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation iimrjer Merchants, intend-' to applv for a lease of the following described lands: Commenclne at a nost nlanteH nnrnt. Imately 8 chains south 20 demo t of the northeast corner of Lot 472. Sewcll inici, Moresoy island; thence follow-lrut tlie shore Hue In an easteriv. south. erly and southwesterly direction to Its iiiirrnrciion wim me eastern boundary of Lot 472; thence north 10. chains. more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing 20 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for . , Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. DatPd J 23th April. 1927. Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton St. YOUR $1.00 IS WORTH $1.23 BY BUYINC FOR CASH HERE Mnl kin's Best Pure Plum Jam. - lb. tin 15c Malkin's Best Puru Strawberry Jam, tin 70c Malkin's Best Tea, 1 lb. pkg., per u , b.c The above prices are until the present stock is sold Flour, any variety, 49 lb. . . ,$2.03 Milk by the case a a mm Mr to decide the winner. .MAV 23 Orand Terminals vs. Regiment. 26 Moose vs. Grand Terminals. 31 Moose vs. Regiment. JIWK 3 Regiment vs. Grand Terminals. 6 Grand Terminate vs. Moose. 0 Regiment vs. Moose. These present at the meeting were: R. M. Wlnslow. president of the assocla- ticn; P. J. Fuller, vice-president; Fred Wcrmlg, secretary; C. J. Norrington. delegate for the Regiment; A. E. Dickens, Mooe; Ben Self, Grand Terminals: W. W. C. O'Neill, representing the Junior League. ORATIONOF" A CANADIAN BOY SIXTEEN' VEAIt OI.II SON OF III'.V (JAKIAX PARENTS WIN'S pltlZE IN SASKATCHEWAN' The prize In oratory for the province of Saskatchewan was awarded to Julius Pozsar, sixteen year old son of Hungar lan parents residing there. Here It Is: THE ORATION" With the enthusiasm of a united people we this year celebrate our coun try's Diamond Jubilee. As we celebrate we turn tack the Inspiring pages of Canadian history and we find that her LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANO Hilt INIIl'g TUIAL Pl'ltPOsEK In Prince Rupert Land Recording r let of Prince Rupert, and situate at acweu iniei, moresoy island, queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kellev Lo22lni Company Limited, ol Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease or the following described lancU: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 470 Sewell Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands; thence north 80 chains: thence est 90 chains. more or, less, to shore; thence following the shore line in a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 190 acres, more or less. JUaiii-ll DUUULA3 WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION" TO APPLY TO LEASE t OKES1IOKE. In Prince Rupert land Recordlnz District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte lsianas. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Loselnn Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, intend! to apply lor a lease of the followlne described foreshore: Commenclne at a nlanted mnrai. Imately one-half mile south 30detr. east of the mouth of the Tassoo River, Mores- 07 uiana. Queen Charlotte Islands: thence following the high water mark In a northwesterly, westerly and southwesterly direction for a distance of one and one-half miles: thence In an easteriv direction to the point of commencement. sua containing iou screw, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Acting as Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 30th April. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO" APPLY TO LEASE LA Ml Milt INIII'STKIAL ITKPOSES III Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Morctby Island, Queen Charlotte Island.. TAKE NOTICE 'that Kellev ItmKnv Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to appiy jor a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 471, Scwcll Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Island, north, 31.43 chains; thence east 81.17 chains: thence In a southwesterly direction, folowtng the 'shore line to Vlic point of commencement, and containing -30 serfs, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for , . ,. . Kellejf Logging Co. Ltd. $3.50 !...'. " " " . 7 " T . . Terrace Spuds, per sack .... $1.73 m 1 "ft, 5VJ V& J ,,V"VllT 0F Malkin's Best Honey, 4 lb. tin 70c Peas, Corn and Tomatoes, G tins for 83c Our Best Bulk Tea, per lb. .. COc Our Best Fresh Ground Coffee 50c Capitol Butter, per lb 15c Any variety Butler, 2 lb. for 93c BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter of the Companies Act being Chapter 38 of the Revised Chapters of British .Columbia, 1824, and . In the Matter of the Dolta Copper Company Limited (N.P.L.) ' TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made before the presiding Judge in Chamber nt tha rn. ti... Toilet Rolls, 22 for $1.00 llnc Rupert. British Columbia, on Matches 45c value for ..... . 33c K iff liS?"',, tresh Whipping Cream Vi pint . 20c " clock in the forenoon for an ' I Cirri t tTTV Itt Inn tha Every Customer must be satisfied piny fobi restored tothe Register or Orders of $3,00 delivered C.O.D. : SP".1, ln Province of British Columbia, n the office of the Registrar Phono l none JU nni I 1 0f Companies, Victoria, B C. S. B. ADAMS - - Manager 1 dated at Prince Rupert this 19th i day J of April. A.D. 1927. WILLIAMS, MANSON it OONZALES, Solicitors for the Delta Copper Compiny (N.P.L) THE DAILY NEWS SBl onporridcfe Mode in Canada by the makers ""'v of Settle's tiil fixxl record Is the record studded with the diamonds of courage, perseverance and persistency. "In 18G7 a little body of statesmen now known as the Fathers of Confeder ation, assembled. There were 34 of them, children of vlctof and vanquish cd, met to consider how best to pro. mote the welfare of their fellow sub ccts of British North America. "The Fathers of Confederation dreamed a wonderful dream of uniting the colonists lu a Jaud stretching from ocean to ocean. The autumn leaves were stiU falling the great old city when the statesmen parted, but they had done their work and done It well, INIOX OF EAST, VI EST "The Imperial Parliament passed the British North America Act which united the four provinces and gave birth to the Dominion of Canada. Then com menced the work of uniting the East with the West with bauds of steel. Des pite the difficulties encountered the work was pushed forward with such energy and completed with such rapid ity that It astonfshed the world. Now Jiere are nine provinces and three ter ritories linked together from .sea to sea. "Bleak prairies and wilderness gave away almost overnight to flourishing farms, gardens and orchards. Unparal lelled prosperity Is everywhere In evl deuce. Witness Canada's progress In alt fields. Fresh promise gives rise to fresh Inspirations. Canada's success Is a natural and necessary outcome of her Immense resources, system of govern ment, and the wpnderful spirit of her people and the Importance she has al ways attached to thoroughness In edu cation. Her cede of jaws stands as a .rustworthy Bentinel to safeguard life and liberty. Her grandeur has proved an Inspiration of world famous paint Ings. poetry and song. World author ities view Canada as a land with a glorious past but a still more glorious future ' Immigrants from dUIerent countries. speaking different languages, joined with six million and together with them break, Into one united chorus 'O, Canada we stand, orr guard for thee." the bonds of love draw ever closer and :lotcr. It Is our proud .boast that the polscnuus breath of political doctrine is utterly false to the God-given prin ciple transmitted to us as a legacy by the Fathers of Confederation. WAR TESTEII CAN'AIIIAN SPIRIT But the great Canadian spirit was to have lu baptism of blood when the youth of the country. In defence ol liberty and Justice, loving Canada sprang to arms. The flower of the nation's manhood left behind them home, relatives und friends to face the horrors of war on foreign field to battle la defence of liberty. Justice and freedom. When disaster threatened the Allied armies In the face of deadly gat the Canadian l(ne held fast. At Ypres, Mons, Vlmy Ridge. Passchaendale. Arras, on the battlefields Canadians proved themselves. Sixty thousand fell on the field of battle, martrys to a righteous cause. The undying deeds of Canada's dying soldiers will ever bo named iu letters of gold. "The whole world loves, respects and admires Canada, prosperous In peace, valorous in war. With one of her sons elected president of the League of Nations we are proud of the position Canada now holds as a sister nation of Great Britain. Surely hearts would overflow with gratitude to .a generous Ood wIkj has caused the little seed sown CO years ago to bloom Into the producst flower In the British Empire. Let this be our wish, our hope, our prayer God save our King and Heaven bless the Maple Leaf for ever.' ", SOCk HOUR SPENT WITH ST. ANDREW'S Program Olvrn .trier Itugular lliolnrv, -Meeting of s.K-lelj Lut Night At the regular monthly meeting of the St. Andrew's Society, held in the rooms last evening, the usual routine ibuslncn' took place, ' It was decided, to continue "thes second half of the carpet toowllng league during the summer months. After the business meeting was over, a social hour was spent when Rev. J, R. Frlzcll, honorary chaplain for the society, gave a short, address. Those contributing to the program were Chas. Taylor, A, Connon, B. Ferguson, D. Olen-nle, vand W. Vaughan Davlen, the latter, also officiating at the piano. Refreshments were served by the house committee. J. Ferguson and D. Flnlayson. CITY MAY YET HAVESURPLUS Kit V DOCK AltltEAKS HI I.I. .MAKE Ml IKUENCK KETWEEN OAIN UU HKHl'IT THIS Ytait Fifty .mills on the total' assessment of J3.0C2.239 with a rpeclal levy on the assessment of $393,200 on the dry dock for debenture debt will yield $359,073.3J according to figures complied at the cMy treasurer's office today following the setting of the mill rate by the city council last night. Adding to the estlm ated revenue from general account for the year of 108,200 from trade licenses poll taics. police cptlrj fines, liquor and psrl-mucuel profits, motor licenses, government school grants, etc., the total revenue will be $327,275.95 while ex penditures for the year are estimated at (338.123.33. This would leave a deficit ct $8,849.38 but the council h claiming over 110.000 In arrears of taxes from the dry dock which, II received, would more than balance the judget on the right side of the ledger The estimated Ky expenditure for tlie year Is classified as follows: EST I M AI Ell EX PEN HIT I' II KH General administration $45,341.55 Engineering Administration . . 5.500.00 Health Dept. 15,000.00 Board of Works 27.5C0.00 Maintenance Sewers 5,000,00 Special relief a.000.00 Fire Protection maliti . 4.500.00 Fire department 16,750.00 Police DcpL :,. ISkMO.', Schools 74.02J.OP Fire Hydrants (water) 2.000.00 Street Lighting 8.700.00 Public Library 3.000.00 Debenture Debt 107.208.78 330.12J.33 ESTIMATE!! UE EM E Ilcvcuue. exclusive of dry dock ar rears. Is estimated as follows: Trade Licenses .' 10500.00 Poll Taxes ; 3.200.00 Burial Permits 50000 Police Court Flees 10.000.00 Dog Taxes 800.00 Soldiers' Housing Admin C00.O0 Liquor Profits 0.000 00 Motor Llceascs 0.200.00 Perl Mutuel Taxes 2.800.00 Miscellaneous Receipts 1,000 00 Tax Sale Casts 1.500.00 Light Dept. 3 gross earnings 3.100.00 Penalties Imposed on Taxes. . . 2.0O0.00 Government School Grants. . . 10.000 00 Water Mains 1,250.00 GarUage 2,750.00 Total, general account 68,200.00 Taxation 259,07555 Total $327,275.05 Miss Vvette Desroslcrs, who has been visiting with her grandmother. Mrs. 1! Curtln, 8C3 Borden Street, will leave by tomorrow morning's train on her return to her home In Saskatoon. ' MAIL CONTHACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster Oeneral. will be received at ! Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 40th June. 1927. for the convevance of KM Majesty's Malls, on a proposed Contract for a period not exceeding four years as required times per week on the routs between Prince Rupert and Railway Station (C.N.R.), and Wharves (ON.K -.. r. n r. , . . . . . ... .. . ! u auu KmiAicr oi aiaus ue-1 vween itanway station ana Wharves, u.jj. oo.. and c.P.R.) from the Postmaster General's pleasure. Printed notices containing further Information as to conditions or propoied Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office of Prince Rupert, B.C., and at the otfP of 'he District Superintendent of Postal Service, Vancouver, B.C. J. F. MURRAY, District Superintendent of Postal Service. District Superintendent's Office, Vancouver, BO, April 20. 1937. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AI'I'LV 10 LEASE HIKESIIOKE. In Prince Rupert Land Recorrilntt District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Lognlng Company Limited, of Vancouver, lie occupation Timber Merchants, Intrndi to apply for a leaso of the followlne described forehore: - Commencing at a prt planted approx- -. ..a . luauu. squill, urgrees east! i rum me norcneasi corner of Lot 472, ucv, utj uiana; inencc following the high water mark In an catt erly, southerly and southwesterly direction to Its intersection with the easteriv boundary of Lot 472: then southerly and easterly to the northwest corner of 8.T.L. 6215 P.: thence In a northwesterly direction to the; point of commencement and containing 45 acres, more or lesi JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON! . Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd Dated 23th April. 1927. v LAND ACT. .NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE FOUESIIOUE. In Prince Rupert Laud Recortllne District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island. w Queen 11 Charlotte' Island. . ' TAKE NOTICE that Kelley LoKeine Company Limited, of Vancouver n ri occupation Timber Merchants, intends n mi ui me iollowlnc described foreshore: wing Commencing at a pert planted at the southeast corner of Lot 471 Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands: thence in a northeasterly dircc tlon, following the high water mark to the southeast corner of Lot 4C9; thencs In a southwesterly direction in th. !Zl of commencement, and containing no acres, more or leu. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd DaUd B3th April, 1837? Velvet mm 1 1 1 - "HI I -ice vream PHONE, 758 ANNOUNCEMENT This new company makei; It.i bow to the ciiizei, oi Fn Bupert. Our aim is to make the best icu enjam po:- rile, ti . the purest ingredients and under the most nanitary cor.-i; V, We cater to parties, danced and banquets, asnuri;iK irm't o livery at any hour, and solicit a trial order or cjr -"Velvet Ice Cream." Our plant is the largest and n its kind in Northern U.C., and we Invite your in ' Corner 3rd Ave. and 2nd Street. .(). x jgv WESTHOLME THEATRE TONICHT ONLY, 7 and U p.m. HOOT GIBSON In "The Texas Streak" IJLANCHK MKIIAITKV and stronir cat co.mi:dv "siurs .mv cousi.v INTEItNATlONAL NKWJ? Admission 33c and 10c Penman's Pure Silk Full Fashioned HOSE TilK FINEST I'UKB SILK. - I'it like a skin in all latest shade '. $2.50 per pair H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. l'honc 0. 3r, Au-.and 1 ultn Contentment Strive each day to conduct yuur life in Thought, Deed, Word and Action that you will be held In Wh eAeem by your fell"' ne" They hold your reward, ' f" $ Honesty, Truth, W Skill and Judgment Dr. Maguire "The man who known" OVER OILMES , . Always Open. phone 525. Lady AwlIH I