Tuesday, May 17, 1927 BULGER'S Eye Glass Service ninstakfnj effort, baned upon scientific knowledge of the construction of the eye and its relative functions with respect .to the other ' parts of the human organisation. Troper examination and production of the necessary ' lenses to insure correct comfortable vision. That constitutes oiir Kye-Glass Service. I THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK Neglected Eyes NEfiLECT Is doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This Is so self evident that It seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are Kivinjc trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyeslxht through neglect Is the most Inexcusable. DON'T lose health and efficiency through neglect. Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist nnd Optician Room 3 Smith Block I'hone 763 (lETS BE PREPARED tOO. DEAR ear MISS SPRING- WITH COAL FOR OR ,5HES A FlCKlfc iHlno Witt I ) r m f- When Miss Spring gives us promise of merry sunshine-she sometimes keeps us waiting at the church in a cold drizzly rain.- Just like a woman to change her mind. Don't; depend on Spring to keep you. warm our coal is much more reliable. Take no chances but give us your order today. NANA1MO - 'WELLINGTON and McLEOI) KIVUH SOOTLKSS Albert & McCaffery Phones 110 nnd 117 MILK From Hulkley Valley FKESII MILK AND Willi-PING CJtEAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones G5G and 657 Dr.J.R.Gosse DENTIST llelgenuin Mock X-llny Service. Open I'hone 686. SMELTER TOWN IS DESCRIBED MORU TO HF.K IV ANYOX THAN OX ,HtHIUE WHICH PRESENTS little for pleasant j REFLECTION I "3 There Is more to see In Anyox than1 appears on the surface writ J, A. Shank's In the Vancouver Sunday Pro vince. In fact, the surface to a great extent offer yery little for pleasanj re flection. Vegetation Is seriously hinder ed by the smelter fumes, which really preclude Anyox from ever being luiown as a "beauty spot." But the town, on the other hand, looks sinewy and strong;' brown and rugged like the huge moun tains of ore that yearly pass through the smelter's fiery portals. Let me attempt to describe this lit tle city 'way up on Observatory Inlet, where the Oranby Company Is turning the raw products of nature into the pnctals that go to build battleships and key rlngi, automobiles and dish- puns. The fires of the smelter, I am told, are never permitted to go out. ; That alone Is an Interesting feature. Anyox rises from the waterfront like many other towns on this western coast. The streets are paved with four Inch plank. They are wide enough for two autos to pass and still leave room for pedestrians. The homes ex-, cept very few, look much alike In! design and color. They are small cot tages built of undressed lumber, stained brown and finished with white trim-1 mlngs. Even the more pretentious' mansions favor the same colors In ex-! Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 1BG5 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, HOW-IIOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL .Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIHUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting i QAithe . service I industry V 1 Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Engines Made in the following sites: MARINE 20 h.p. 2 cyl. 180 h.p. 6 eyL 40 h.p. 4 cyl. 240 h.p. 4 cyl. 60 h.p. 3 cyl. 360 h.p. 6 cyl. 80 h.p. 4 cyl. 480 h.p. 4 cyl. 120 h.p. 6 cyl. 600 h.p. 5 cyl. 120 h.p. 4 cyl. 720 h.p. 6 cyl. STATIONARY 40 h.p. 1 cyl. 240 h p. 4 cyl. 60 h.p. 1 cyU 360 h.p. 6 cyl. 80 h.p. 2 cyl. 480 h.p. 4 cyl. 120 h p. 2 cyl. 600 h.p. 5 cyl 180 h.p 3 eyL 720 h.p. 6 cyl. We alto manufacture Type 'Y" Horizontal Oil Engines in 10, IS, 20 and 25 h.p. tires and Type "Z" Kerosene Engines in 2, 3, and 6 h.p. sires. r37i CANADIAN rait auks -Morse COMVAtCflmittd rt BEATTY ST.. VANCOUVER. B.C. , eet tenor painting, which Indicates there tUWooUn building Is occupied by the must be a reason. The most substan-' -""""" Bank 'of Commerce, being a TIMiSKK SALE X 897G. There will oflernl for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 2GUi day of May. 1327. In the office of the Forest Ringer. Hazelton. B.C.. the Licence Xuavo, to cut 250.000 lineal I eet -of Ctdar Poles and Piling on' an area situated on the south bank of the Ultegunya Klver. North of Harelton, Cassiar District. Three (31 years will be allowed for removal of timber. 'Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars of the Unlet forester, Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT" PRINCE RWTHT "ELECTORAL DISTRICT MACKENZIE ELECTORAL DISTRICT NOTICE Is hereby given that I shall, ou Monday, the 10th day of May, 1927. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the Courthouse. Prince Rupert, hold a slttlne of the Court of Revision for the purpose of revising the lists of i on Act Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C.. mis nn day of April, 1927. NORMAN A. WATT. 114 Registrar of Voters. LAND ACT. NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Lsnd Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate at Massett Indian Village No. 1. TAKE NOTICE that The Mawett Can-ners, Ltd.. of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Canners. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at this post planted at the northwest corner of our site at Uassett. B.C.: thence southerly 3 chains; thence easterly 3.25 chains, more or less; thence northerly 3 chains; thence westerly 3.25 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing one acre, more or less. THE MASSETT CANNERS, LTD. Applicant. Per P. Lorenren, Agent. Djite;Apj;n2927. CERTIFICATE OF IMPKOVE- j MENTp C IRON pUKE FRACTION, Mineral claim. Lot No. 2340. situate In Queen Charlotte Mining Division. Prince Rupert district, locutrd on Louise Island. TAKE NOTICE that I. Alex KoKers. of Lockeport, B.C.. Free Miner's Certificate No. 27948 C. Intend to apply to the I Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements for the purpose of obtain- Inn a crown grant of the above claim. ! And further take notice that action. 'mHi-r section 85 of the "Mineral Act" linust be commenced before the issu ance of men cerinicaie oi improvements. . .., Dated this inn cay oi reoruarj, imi. red brick with white trimmings. The new public school, too, is a very fine structure. Anyox also has a high SClKJOl. COMPANY .TOWN" The business section such as thi company's office, the company's store, police headquarters and the government liquor store, are located at the whsrf. Anyox is what is known as a "com pany town"; all the enterprises in It are controlled by the Granby Consoli dated Mining. Smelting & Power Co, Ltd. Hundreds of these small cattages,' as described, fill Uie several streets that climb up from the wharf. . The houses described lands: Commencing at post planted 30 chains east of northwest Lot 08, Range 3. Coast District; thence . north S chalns to low water mark; theuct, east ju chains', thence south 5 chains; thence west 10 chains, to point ot commence ment, and containing 5 acres, more or eM' OOSSE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED, NOTICE Applicant Per II. Moorehouse. Dated 2nd April. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO i.i:.si: LAND. In Ranse 3. Coast Land District, Land Recordlnz District of Prince Rupert. inH fcltuat nn tm onnth chnr rt Rvnns alia nwuw. i Arm. u.n, - ' TAKE NOTICE that Qosse Packing Co. Ltd., of 325 Howe St., Vancouver. U.C., occupation Fish Packers. Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing at n post planted about 3 chains distant In an easterly direction from northeast corner Lot 740. Range 3; thence south 10 chains; thence west 15 chains; thence north to shore; thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres., more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant, Per Chas. L. Robert, Agent. D.-ited April 7. 1027. ' Under and by virtue of the provisions of Section 28 ot the "Mineral Act," notice is hereby given Messrs. Malcolm Bmyth, Edmund Langts. Harold Hansen and Albert Moore, that there Is swing o the underslened for Assessment Work performed on the Cordllla Group of mineral Claims. Princess Royal Island, Skeena Mining Division, the aum of .)uj.bh, ana mai unless suia persons ynjr their proportionate share of the cost of such Assessment, together with all costs of advertising, etc., to ths undersigned a, uuieaaie, n o., on or Deiore Nay is, 1027. anDllcatton will bt made to the Oold Commissioner, Prlnc Rupert, B.C., o nave their respective interests in me ereln mentioned Minim a roup at Mineral Claims- vested In the underlie led. DAVIU UUltUll.UA. jacob roau. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVE smelter, with Its huge pots and vats lDto which rushes the liquid fire of molten metal. The fumes that come through the open furnace doors 'are -.lining to- newcomer", though men' who work orJ the Job don't seem to be, disturbed by the all-pervading odor that tickles cne's nostrils. A few x-1 ceptlonal positions in the smelter, how- . ever, jtall "for masks to be worn over, the mouth and nose. PROCESS OF (ITERATION In the process of operation, the ori ginal ore after going through the fur-nece comes out In two separate red-hot streams. One- Is called the "matte," which means the metal; the other stream Is named "slag," being lng the discard or refuse. Slag, up to to has been found of little value. e. the.j, dote; if; It:ls predicted, however, that slag will some, day toe & useful commodity, possibly along the lines of j-oacT building. The "matte" goes on Into converters and eventually is piled up In great slabs of about 500 pounds each, ready to be shipped to Tacoma or New York for the filial process of extracting the gold and silver from the copper. The "matte" Is carefully weighed, and the accuracy of the weighing machine is worthy of note. The scales are trolled by electricity, and even a postage stamp,' the smelter men claim, can be accurately weighed on It. - j Anyox is situated about ninety-five 'miles north of Prince Rupert on Obser-jvatory Inlet, a waterway that branches I off from the Portland Canal at the 'point where the NaiiS River meets salt; water. contini oi s rum Hidden Creek mine, the source that feeds the blazing appetite of the smelter furnaces, is also owned and .operated by the Oranby Company fthdj is near Anyux. m yrvpi-nj ist-xr-puted to be the largest producing cbp. per mine In the British Empire. Offi cial records give the following story of mine and smelter: i The original claims of the Hidden Creek mine were located by Naas River Indians. The first real attempt to work them on a commercial basis was made toy the late W. K. Rodgers and his associates. In 1910 the claims were purchased by Uie Oranby Company; work was commenced immediately and has continued practically ever since.; There have been 100,805 feet or nlue-j teen and one-half miles of diamond drilling done on the claims, and at the present time there are approximately' nine miles of underground workings.! The mine has a shipping capacity of 1 3.000 tons per day, and has shipped in ore company property and are rented the first seven years 8.209.811 tons of to the various workers who keep the gigantic enterprises of mine and smeller In constant operation. The company store is well stocked and appears to be a very busy institution. But the )lg thing in Anyox 'is the riMrrihpd lands: LAND ACT notk'k ok intention to ath.v to i.ka.m: link. voters ior me saia aiecwiraj uairicia. i fid of hearing and determining any j In Range 4, Coast Land District. Land and all objections to the retention of (Recording District of Prince Rupert, any name on the said lists, or to the and situate in vicinity of Captain's Cove, registration as a voter of any applicant i Pitt Island. BO. . . lor reKisirnuon; ana ior me owicr uui-i ouuva vv .......... poes set forth in the "Provincial flee-1 Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver. U.V., occupation run racierj, iuu to apply ior a lease oi inc loiiuwiug Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1253. Range 4; thence north 5 chains; thence east 15 chains; thence south to northeast corner Lot 1253; thence westerly 'along shore to point of -commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant Per Chas. L. Roberts. Agent. Dated April 7. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTK'K OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO i.i:.sk laxn. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate 30 chains east of northwest corner of Lot G8. Range 3, Coast District. TAKs) NOTICE that Oosse Packing ComDanv. Limited, of Vancouver, occu- ! patton Fish Canners. intends to apply ior permission to lease the following ore. with an average copper content ot 1.04 per cent, and a.: few cents per ton precious metal content. Work was commenced on the erec tion of a smelter In 1912. It was com pleted and In operation on Marcn ie, 1914, and with the "exception of two rhort rerlods, the molten metal from the furnaces has flowed continuously to this date. , There are four furnaces, each thirty feet long, and five convenors. During seven years' operation, that Is 1914 to 1921",' there has been treated 8.185,348 tons of ore. which produced 183.C6.681 pounds of copper. Transportation Is provided by means of six miles Of railroad, equipped with even locomotives and seventy-five cars; 9,000.000 tons of ore and other material was hauled between March, 1914, and June. 1921. Power Is produced In two power- sta tions, one waU-r and one steam, tne two plants have a combined production Cf 10,000 horeepower. MINK ANII SMKl.TI'lt There are two towns, one at the ft! mine and one at the smelter; all the. buildings are modern in every respect, having hecemmodatton Tor a population of 2.500. The general store carries an up-to-date stock, which Is sold as near cost as possible. The company hospi tal contains eighteen beds and a stall consisting of two doctors. a surgical nurse, three graouiet .nurses, oraeny, cook and' janitor, The opera dog-room and equipment Is equal to' any In the country. At the present time there arc about 1200 ehmloved. lnaklni! a ouyroll of 1180,000 per month. 'Supplies pur chased each month amount to about 1123.000. Operations for some time past have been conducted with a mini mum crew, but the foregoing data gives some Idea of the money distributed for wages and supplies of the Oranby Company, and also a taint outline of brown-tinted, but mighty Industrious. Anyox. Oue enthusiastic local poet once wrote: The site Is grand, one wants no more Of Switrerlond's or 'famed Pike's Peak; For here Is all there Is to seek, With shapely hills andsbays galore That loom': surjerb'i!Ey'.'An,'?'f'a shore. "Ut the auk Kitchen Help You.' 4 PorK Beans Reans cooked ed" Pork perfectly perfectly Pr,lme, 'Approvr'l Ap ; SaOce'! 'Cnaai dellciouil A rnost popular, economical dish IRKS, W. CLARK. LiuUUd - MonUssJ FASHION-CRAFT BETTER VALUES QKP (OUR KNOCK OUT") WORSTEDS jOeorge Murray, Ottawa, .and Oeorge It. Warwick. Toronto, comprised a party oi prominent Eastenurs which arrived In the city by train yesterday afternoon nnd sailed by the midnight boat for Vsnoouver. The anniversary of the Independence of Norway was wlebruttd with a whist drive and social In the Helgersdn njock last night. Prize winners at cards weir Mrs. W. Adams, Mrs. A. R. Phillips, P. E. Wermlg and Nels Robinson. . A motorboat engine was won by Charles Balaeno and H. E. Ross carried off a bit; king salmon. v iioi ll oiu.m: 'I'm taking reducing exercises, Rob trt." said Mrs. Wlnkley. "I wish you could Induce the house hold expenses to Join you," responded her harassed husband.--Houston Trans cript. - - V Hr.-oj Iff Value that's changing the clothes buying habit of thousands of Canadians In. developing and producing these $34.50 OKO worsted suits Fashion -Craft shattered the idea that good tailoring and style cannot be achieved at a popular price. Their immense volume as Canada's greatest producers changed all this 1 The suits are here Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert MAY I!. 1917. There are big political doings In Vancouver. Plugging at the recent provincial election Is alleged as west as unexplained checks given by Pacific Oreat Eastern officials to members of the government. Lieut. Col, Sir Douglas C. Cameron, K.CM.a,, former lieutenant-governor Of Manitoba: W. P. Illnton. Winnipeg;' Big sizes Small sizes All sizes BRYANT & GREER "Clothes Shop for Men" Sixth Street Ranadian National Qftc Largeft Railway Syftem in America Steamship and Train Service 8.U1JM1S from PKIXCK IH'PEItT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA.' KKATTI.B. each Till IIMUY and SUM1AY. 11.00 p.m. For ANYOX , WBI)NKSIAY, 10.00 p.m. For STEWART SATtRHAV. 10.00 p.m. SJU PRINCE " JOHN for VANCOUVER l OIIIJJN CIUKI.OTTK I.H- i'LANIw. 'fortnightly.-i PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT Each MONOAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11.30 a.m. for PRINCE OEORC1R. EDMONTON. WINMPKO. all points Eastern Canada, United States. . SEE- CANADA IN CANADA'R Jl'lllLEE VEAR 107 - I0S7. ACIENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Etpress for Money Orders, Foreign Cheques, etc., also for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 028 THIRD AYR PRINCE RUPERT. Phone I0 saMPH!?4iBH iaBiBUC""siH Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher $2,00 per tiny Let us know the day you want it I Kaien Hardware Co. Phone S