It PAGE TWO 7 HE' AIL! N2W3 omBimiaiidBeUcrBreX PURITy FLOUR The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing' Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month j.....$1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and thq United States, in advance, per year $G.O0 To all' other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. .DAILY EDITION. FREE! to all children Thursday, April 7. 1927 BANK OF MONTREAL BUSINESS SUMMARY. The advent, of springtime, with the Reason far more advanced than is usual, has stimulated mercantile and agricultural activity and gives promise of a more satisfactory retail trade than is realized when the season is late, says the Bank of Montreal's monthly business summary- Resumption of inland navigation will bring to mar-ket a large portion of the grain crop still in More at western points, and in this connection it is noteworthy that the stock of wheat in Canada on March 12 was very slightly less than at the same date a year ago. Mining operations will also be expedited with the 'coming of spring. During the month a number of financial and commercial corporations have published their annual statements, and, with few exceptions, these show a satisfactory increase, both in volume of business and in net profits. The latest available bank statement is the month of Januarji and an examination of the figures indicates a fairly general prosperity throughout the country. Note circulation fell off materially during that month, as Is customary, but makes not unfavorable comparison with a year ago, while notice deposits rose nearly $9,000,000 in January and upwards of $G5,000,-000 on the year. So with current loans, for while these fell off somewhat in January, as is not unusual, they are $93,000,000 higher than twelve months ago. Shipments of gold have been made to New York, the discount on Canadian money making the operation profitable. The movement should be regarded as an ordinary banking transaction, and it may be added that the story recently current that the export of goldrom Canada had been prohibited was promptly the mimsterrof finance: 7 " ' . . Carloadings continue to show higher figures and ha"ve been larger during the month in respect of grain, coal and general merchandise. Bank debits in February showed substantial increase over last year. , Immigration prospects, which were distinctly better at the opening of the year,: bid fair to be fully, realized. Already many settlers are arriving from Great 'Britain and Scandinavian countries, and when the movement is in full swing a. month or more hence, there is reason to believe that it will exceed any movement in recent years. ' TREND OF FOREIGN - TRADE IS RISING. The trend of foreign trade remains unch'anged, imports steadily rising, while exports decline. The Jotal foreign trade of Canada in February $153,240,000, was $5,180,000 less than in the corresponding month a year ago, and while the aggregate trade for the eleven months at $2,066,827,000 shows an increase of $37,500,000, the whole of the gain is on the import side of the account, which is larger by $94,000,000. There is indeed still a fairly substantial favprable balance of trade on the eleven months period, namely, $226,000,000, ,but it is $150,000,000 less than in the eleven monthsof the preceding year. , , An'inrident of some interest is the further remission of income taxes by increasing the age of exemption for children from 18 to'lit. years; announced by the minister of finance. Commodity prices remain quite steady, little variation being shown. According to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, the index jiumber of wholesale prices was slightly lower last month at 150.1 as compared with 150.6 for January and 1C2.2 for February, 1926. This stability te'nds to remove the speculative element from business and to that extent is helpful. A feature of the month has been the placing of large orders for rolling stock by the two major railway systems, which are both building and buying equipment in preparation for traffic growth. These orders have increased the activity in the ironvand steel industries, already busy owing to the larpe amount of structural work and equiment Installation under way in various parts of the country. A firm. tone has prevailed in the bond market, which otherwise has been featureless. Stock prices as a whole have moved Into higher levels. Painting Book "A Trip to Coffee I-amP with.' ONE POUND TIN 01' MALKIN'S 11EST COFFEE IM( CASH PHIZES BEE YOUR f.ItdCEU The V. II. iMalkln Co. Limited, Vancouver, H.C. !MANY SETTLERS REACH WINNIPEG .AKCKST flKOI'P THIS VKA It OAMK VKSTr.lttAV-!SKi;Kl.! PltOSI'F.I'TS FOIt rilll.KUKN WTWKTPOTI InHI 1 lol r.. . . . . nt.t-.t- 1 . . . K'vup dm libit uurn setuers w men t wtstern Canada this' year arrived In Winnipeg yesterday afternoon over the lines or the Canadian National Railways! from Hallfa- The party numbered i About sixty-five families, the head of which, In almost aU Instances. Is an ' .experienced fanner. A second large party from the British I Isles, 350 In number, arrived over the National Ines this morning. Members of both parties will be distributed throughout western Canada, a few being destined for British Columbia. 'Indicative of the type of settler comprising this party is J. L. P. Edwards ad his family from Liverpool. Mr. Edwards Is accompanied by his wife and four girls and two boys, ranging In age from ten to 23 years. Like himself, the boys are experienced farmers. One . of the girls Is an experienced typist, another Is a milliner and the third Is an expert chemist. This family will nettle near Edmonton. "Are you acquainted with farming methods?" Mr. Edwards was asked by a reporter at the Union station. "The last thing I did before leaving for the boat was to milk twelve cows," he said. "I have been farming for more than fifteen years and as far as I ' was concerned there was no reason why I should leave England. But there was nothing ahead for my boys or my girls. Plenty of tears were shed when we left the old farm. but none of us has any Intention of going back to England to live again. Even with all the snow we have seen. Canada looks good enough to us." ' Tlll'.llt SKCOXII Tltir This is the second trip of Mr. Ed. wards and his wife to Canada. Twenty five years ago they made a moneymoon trip from Monteral to Vancouver and , back. I A second example is that of L. H. Hunter of County Down, Ireland, who j-wlll take up farming near Reglna. He brings with htm four boys and four girls, the .oldest of which Is 33 and I the youngest an Infant In arms. Like 'Mr. Edwards, he has .been a farnier all ihls life and has given up a comfort -'able living ,ln Ireland In order to pro vide ior nil i&muy ine luture. ne considered, they lacked overseas. 'SUCCESSFUL TEA , AND SALE CLOSED WITH CARD PARTY In spite of unfavorable weather, the spring tea and sale yesterday by the Ladies' Auxiliary to St. Andrew's Society was a very successful affair, financial returns being even more satisfactory than might have been anticipated. The day's festivities closed with a I whist drive and the drawing for the raffles last night. ; At twelve tables of cards, the winners were as follows: ladles' first. Mrs. Jack. Ratchford; ladles' consolation, Mrs. D, C. Stuart: men's first, Duncan Munro; men's consolation, Mrs. W. Murray. The raffle winners were as follows: Wicker chair. David McMeekln; rug, Dorothy Christie: cups and saucers, W. Anderson; tea cloth, Mrs. J. Iladdon; doll. Miss Mary Thompson; tea. Miss Jean Beattle. The committee In charge of the evening's proceedings, during which refreshments were served consisted of. Mrs. Howard 8 teen, convener, Mrs. Charles Taylor and Mrs. Bert Cameron. "j. S. Irvine, president of St. Andrew's Society acted as master of ceremonies and Howard Steen presided at the door. OLD TIME SHIPS RACE TO ENGLAND TIIIKTKKN' K.UI.1M1 VI'.KKLH OS WAV flTII OAHOOKh OK WIIKAT LONDON. April 7. Thirteen old-time ships, under full sail, are on their way to the United Kingdom from Australia with cargoes of wheat. The skippers are making a race for It. It may be the last time these old wind-jammers will race across the world. The 13 ships, which have an average tonnage ot 300 and are scattered over .all parts of the ocean, are: Archibald j Russell; Hougomont; Herzogln Cecllle; O race Harwar; Klloran; Lawhlll; Fontanel Mozart, and Pavel (Finnish); 'prels: Oustav and Llsbeth (Oermany); and. C D. Pedersen (Bwedlah.) I I A hundred days Is considered good 'sailing, but If the wind-Jammer uoin, ground Cape Horn the trip may take 130 or 140 days. The Favell, which Is the smallest of the sailing ships (2.220 tons), was the first to leave Australia. She sailed n January 3, aud will not reiajh Eng land until April, The Herzogln. Clcllle (4 .000 tons) made an exceptionally good ;)dssog out to Australia In ballast. There are only two British sailing ships of any atza In commission. They, are the Oarth Pool and the William Mitchell. Both are on the Australian run. Two other famous British windjammers, Ui Klliualll and tlw Monk barns, have just passed out, The Kll-mallle is being broken up, and .the Monkbarns has gone to Bpaln destined to be a depot Bhlp for a whaling UNITED STATES TARIFF PROBLEM W ITH OPINION IIV1IF.I, MAV UK AYYKWAItll (iCCSTlOV T WASHINGTON I WASHINGTON,: D.C., i April 7 B 1 Cans-tan. Presa)f-Innc&tlous are thel Old Ouard leaders In the House and) Senate will attempt to block any effort! next session revise the tariff. While) they have not formally declared such J an Intention, there are a number of factors In the situation which will1 undoubtedly Impel them to prvenf revision If they can do so. j One factor is the denunciation of existing high rates by farm leaders' In and out of Congress who are aroused by the veto of the McN'ary-Haugen bUl. These farm leaders are threatening when the tariff Is again revised to join In farcing downward a number of high schedules .on manufactured articles such as are most used by the farmer. If the., western republican, or any considerable group of them unite with the democrats to lower rates they can lower trtem, and thus put up to the president a bill which he would be called on to sign or veto, and which would emtfarrass him. The democratic notional committee Is sending out literature hitting at the high schedules and forcing the Issue to the front. This U another reason why the high tariff leaders In the republican membership of Congress would like to '.tt the question rest. Moreover, there Is a sort of superstition among the republicans that It Is unwise to revise the tariff just before i presidential election. The theory Is that the country will have luauraclenl time to find out how the new law actually works and that the voters on the strength of first Impressions may run amuck -and smite the party In power. One might suppose that 11 a majority of the Bouse membership were In favot of tariff revision they would force It on Congress. As Is -well-known, tariff bills must originate in the House. In practice, they originate In the ways and means committee. The majority ol the ways and means commltUe are high tariff men and the House republican organization U high tariff In sentiment. This putt the tariff element In a position where It can block revision unless the sentiment In the House 1 extremely strong for it, and that sentiment can be organised so a to force action. At present, activity Is being displayed In ways and -means circles lu getting ready for tax revision and If this la put to the front It will Increase the difficulty of bringing aboJt tariff re-vision. It wttl be argued by the opponents of revision that there Is not time in one Jesslon to overhaul both the tsx rates and the tariff rates. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert . ru 1 1. ii; Two unsuccessful attentats have been made In the past two days to pull the ! steamer Prince Rupert off Cenn Island where she recently stranded. A registry has been opened at the office of O. M. Manson, United States Consul In Prince Rupert, for the accommodation of all American citizens who wish to proceed to the United j States for military service. Maxwell Smith, of Burnaby, succeeds William Manson, former ML.A.. as superintendent of the Agricultural Credits Commission. Donald Crerar. formerly with the I railway offices, here. Is ln Prance,, whwl ;he Is serving with. theVtlllery. The death of William McPherson In Vancouver ,ls announced Deceased was in charge 'of the ' Alllorti '"Bay cannery last season. Over 250,000 pounds of halibut were sold this morning, the price averaging around ten cents. The machinery of the Hydro-Electrie plant at Port Edward has been moved lo the city and will be shipped to Vancouver on the steamer Prince Albert. In Jasper National Park. Alberta, there are about 640 miles of standard Became So Weak Could Hardly Stand fv Wm T1 TnmaVs.l, All. j Tf riles: "Last tpting I had a lonf SeU of sickness and became w weak I euuld kardlv stand. I eould hot , ilsm at night as the least little noise j would wake me up. I tried blood toniu 1 and other nerve pllli, but they did lu ' no good, and I was getting worse. I I wrote my mother about niy eon-I ditlon, and she sent m three Uim of After the first tnz I waa feeling much lettrr, no I kej'l on until I had iwd the thri-e boxes, ajd now 1 tml as well as ever I did when I waa a young girl." 'l'rice Site, a box at all dealers, or mailed dirwt on reoeipt 'of price hj Th T, Milium Co., limited, Toronto, . slv." -'. HisVjsIssh i;i " rtiirf ffriif Ail i .sHHsarws rails, by which tourists may visit the outlying scenic attractions. NAVIGAHJ.E WATEIt PKOTEC-j ' ' TION ACT, U.M.C. rH.YPFKK IIS. MA8SETT CANNERsTLIMITED, herebi jive notice that It hat. under Section Seven of said Act. deposited with the Ululster of Public Works at Ottawa, and jU the office of the District RegUtrar oi the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert. BC, a de-tcription of the itte and plans of the wharf and pier proposed to be built on he Masiett Indian Reserve, Number One. on Oraham Island. Provlnre ot gritlKh Columbia. AND take notice that After the expiration ot one month from date of the ilm publication or this -notice. Maaaett Canners Limited will, udder Section Seven of said Act. Apply to the Minister it Public Works at his office In the. Jity'.of Ottawa, ior approval -of site and plant, and for .leave to construct aald vharf and. pier. , DATED at Prince Rupert this 30th I oar of February. 1827. i MASSETT (JANKERS. LIMITED, By its Solicitors. Williams. VUtuoO it Gonzales Land act. NOTICK OP ;!KTKNTIOV TO .WTI.V Tl Pi'ltt H l)t: MMi. In Prince, Rupert Land Recording Dis-.lct of Prince Rupert, and situate 30 chalni east of1 northwest corner of Lot Jt. Range 8, Coast District. TAKK NOTICK that Ooaw Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver, occupation run .Canners, Intends to apply .or permisalsn 'to purchase the tollowlny described lands; ' Commencing .'at a pot planted 30 -halm east Of northwest Ut 08, Ilaiige ). Coast District; thence .north, S .chatni to low vater"mark; the rice east- 1C chains: thence 'south. .8 .ch)ni, .thence west 10 chains. "to point f 'commencement, and cotitalnlug :y acrs, more or1 OOSSE PACKINQ COMPANY -' LIMITED. L ' ; Applicant Per. H. Moorchoue: Duted and AprtU'TI , NOTICK 'OF INTflVrlON TO 'APPLY TO I'l ItCll i!: t.AMt. In Prince Rup-n;uuid Recording' District of Prince RUpertrand situate 30 chains east of northwest corner of Lot 08. Range 3. Coast. District. TAKE NOTICE .itnat aose Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, occupation Fish Canners, Intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a pmt planted 30 chains east of northwest Lot 08, Range 3, Coast District; thence south S chain, thence east 10 chains; thence north 6 chains; thence west 10 chains to point ot commencement, and containing t acres, more or less, r OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant Per H. Maoreliouse Dated April 2, 1027. NAVIGAIJLE WATERS PHOTE( TION ACT. K.M.C. tllAITt:i( lift William J. Crawford hereby glvei no tlce he has. under Section 7 Of the said Act. deposited with 'the Minister ol Public Works at Ottawa, and in the .office of the District Registrar ot the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, B.C., a description ot the site and the plans of wharf proponed to be built lnx the Portland Canal on Lot 4607. District of Casslar. And take notice that after the expira tlon of one month from the date of pub. llcatlun of this notice William J. Craw-turd will under Bectlon 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Worlui at his office In the city' of Ottawa for approval of the site and plana, and for leave to construct the said wharf. Dated at Stewart, B.C.. this 3rd day of March, J937. 7" W. J. CRAWFORD. Thursday Aprl) , H QasterBreakfast Premium Bacon the perfect dih SWIFT'S well befitting so distinguished an occasion. Here is Bacon incomparable in its distinctive .tenderness, fine flavour and uniform goodness. Serve "Premium" for Easter and you'll serve it all ' year around-. Order from your Grocer or Butcher Swift Canadian Co. Limited, Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Mapire Over Ormes CROWN, BRIDGE and PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH Phone 525. IJy nn Expert. Sunday Appointment. Oprn Enlne. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Agents for Lady smith -Wellington AA't' Peerless Coal Main Office now nt -.111 Second Avenue (lift ween 2nd nnd 3rd filreeth) Phone your orders to Phone 15 Canadian National Iht Largefl Railway Sylcm'in America Steamship and Train Service NAIMNOH from PKIM'K KI Ii:rtT fur VAM orVMt, VIC'TOUIA. M:TTI.F.. eiich Till lltlV and HI NDAY ll.mi, i . fur AN VOX WUIMIMlAY, I0.IM p.m. For MTF.WAHT HATt'KIIA Y, HUM! ii.iii. S.S. ritlNCi; JOHN for VANCOIIVIJI I la OIIF.N (111 AKI.OT'1 11 IN' I.ANIIH, fort nlrlttlT. ' PAHHi:tn:t' tkainh i.i:avk piumcu ufpckt Kuril MONIIAY, WF.IINFMM V anil HATIMHV nt II, Wain, for PKINt'l! til (llttlL. LJIMONTON. UlNNIfMl, all iminU Eastern Canada, Diirtrrt Males. . Hi:K CANADA IN CANADA' JCMMX VIIAU IROT-llliT. Alf;NCY All OCKAN HTFAMSIIir LINHN. Use Cunaillaii Natliidnl Firrit lor M.Miry Orders, Foreign Cheques, etc, alu for your next shipment, FITY TICKI'.T Oi riCi;, m Tllllll) AVr, I'ltlNCF IHIPI'IIT, rimne tuu