page foub 7aE i,.ILY tfrTvTZl Thurmlny Apr BRINGING By George McMai..,$ If any segment of the Spine UP FATHER " in an armormal position (subluxation) pmstirr it produced on lh nerve trur.kt at ihn Point anJ UKMc dollop. T.HtAD l.tACChrCK T. TWO AT TalmDUMM' TaHtAKT T.UHCJ T.UVtK T.JTOi4CH T.JMAU 1XTUTINE T.KIDtCYS T.loitU T.ArrCNDIX 1.0VAMU 1 M.ADOLII ? UNIT All. 1T Chiropractor d. a. McMillan Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR Patho-Neurometer Service. Open Evenings Rooms fi & 7, Exchanjre It-lark Phone C91 HOSIERY for SPRING in all the new shades Utility $1.1)0 to $2.50 Chiffon $2.2." "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Ho 327. Dr. Alexander Smith Rlock Phone 575 DENTIST MILK From Rulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones G!fi and G.77 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributintr. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnituni Moving. DrJ.R.Gosse DENTIST HelRerson Rlock X-Rny Service. Open Evenings Phone C8C. ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to or der. in our shop as low as ....... . $50 223 Sixth Street i jO THi?! ITS VERY MiU5i"Sj oAKI - X HE rn AMU SO FtEFREbH - NEW ADMIRAL IN ATLANTIC mu in iu:i:t iiimmi srrrnuts mii lIUMtY C(MMM)l:it SIXCB I94 LONDON, April 7. (Canadian Press). Vice-admiral Sir Hubert Brand -will take over the command of the Atlantic Fleet this summer. He succeeds Admiral Sir Henry P. Oliver, commander-in-chief of the Atlantic Fleet since 1924. Sir Henry Oliver In August will have completed the full tenure of three years as Commander-in-chief of the Atlantic Fleet. He has been in continuous employment for many years, and has pro bably had a more varied experience of administrative posts, staff service, and executive commands than any other ad mlral on the active list. As a captain, he was head of the Navigation School, Naval Assistant to the First Sea Lord, and (when war broke out) Director of : Naval Intelligence. From November. I 1914, to the beginning of 1818 he was ' Chief of the War Staff, and Mr. Chur- , chill. Lord Fisher, and others have borne testimony to his services In this post. lr Henry commanded a battle-cruiser.. squadron In the Frand Fleet in 1918-19, 1 with hi flag In the Repulse, and In i 1919-20 was Vice-Admiral commanding j the Reserve Fleet. Then, for four years, I from 1920 to 1924, he was Second Sea Lord charged with responsibility for i naval personnel during a dlff leut time of j retrenchment. It Is expected that Ad miral Oliver, who was 62 years of age ' In January, will return to the Admiralty later in trie year as First J Sea Lord. hen the resignation of Lord Beatty. now deferred at the request of the First Lora, may De accepted. - Srr, Hubert Brand has been at the Admiralty since March, 1925, and was appointed Second Sea Lord from the post Df Naval Secretary to Mr. Brldgeman on the death of Vlce-Admlral Culme-Seymour. When the war broke out he was at Tokyo as Naval Attache, and In 1915- 16 was Naval Assistant to the Second Sea Lord. On Admiral Beatty being appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Fleet, Commodore Brand, as he then was, took tip the duty cf Captain of the Fleet on the Admiral's Staff In the Queen Elizabeth. For about four years after the war he was in command of His Majesty's yarhts, and he Is now an Extra Naval Equerry to tlie King. In 1922-24 he was In command of the First Cruiser Squadron, and made the voyage round the world. Vlce-Admlral Brand will be 57 on May 20. His appointment to the Atlantic Fleet will al most coincide with the entry Into seN vice with the Fleet of some of the first pout-war vessels, among them the battleships Nelson and Rodney. Auto 120 MILES ON TWO GALLONS OF fiAS Mnrt Instantly lin. Any Weatder, OMAHA.,' Neb. An astounding new" Invention now makes it possible for autos to run 120 miles on two gals, of gas. Besides the miraculous gasoline mileage, Qulckstart starts the coldest motor Instantly In any weather. It also removes and prevents carbon, eliminates spark plug troubles, saves oil and re pairs and lengthens life of motor. Many users report 40 to 60 miles on one gal Ion of, gas beside unfailing Instant starting of motor. The Inventor wants agents and guarantees travelling expenses and liberal drawing account to exclusive distributors. Chance to make (50.00 to 1400.00 a week guaranteed. Free sample to agents. Write Quick- vtrat Mfg. Co., Dept .Station C, Omaha Neb., m 5emd rrwo CASES OPT INDIGESTION Gas on Stomach Caused Severe Pafns Mrs. C. F. WlNfc'-, K.B. Xo. 1, Glen Riven, fak.. writes: "For years my Mert m Buffered from evere pains ami ny from imperfect diffes-tion. He dieted and used artificial tligextsnts hut all to no avail. At last X got him a bottle of LONDON, April 7. (Canadian Press) The passing of the Royal Titles Bill, w hereunder the titles of His Majesty and of Parliament are changed to conform with views presented by the Imperial Conference, necessitates the provision of a new Oreat Seal, the specific emblem of Toyal authority. Any docu ment to which the Oreat Seal, is attached Is the instrument by which the will of the Sovereign Is declared, such as Proclamations summoning Parliament, charters to towns, treaties with foreign' powers, credentials to ambassadors, patents of nobility, and appointments of Colonial governors. Green sealing-wax is used if the Instrument is of a permanent character. red or yellow in the case of documentsJ of limited duration. The Seal is not Impressed on the document Itself but attached to It by a silken cord, and la formed In a die composed of two heavy silver discs hinged together so as to form a mould. In size it Is nearly three Inches across ami a qurtr-lneh thick. The Lord Chancellor is responsible for the safety of the Oreat Seal, or rather of the moulds, and keeps theni In a secret safe whose whereabouts is supposed to be known only to himself, though history records the fact that dur ing the reign of George III. burglars carried It off from the premises of Lord Thurlow, then Lord Chancellor. This Is the only occasion on which a Great Seal is known, to have been permanently lost. The Sing himself may leave oreat Britain without Imperiling the Constitution, but if (the , Lord Chancellor wants to go abroad elaborate arrangements nave to be made for appointing a commission of responsible people to look after the Seal, ---- OWW.,iNnFw,u.tSv,ci.l-e. xVM il T-J1 Ui b..i.. 4 I I IIP I Rich appetizing hot WON IN SWEEPSTAKE: NOW HE'S FLAT BUST Tight? Thousand Hollar Didn't Troll It iis right Vmrs LONDON. April 7 (Canadian Press).- Emll Russ, lately residing at Heme Biy paid ten rupees USs. 4d. for a ticket In the Calcutta Sweep, and won 15.800, The other day he appeared far his examination In bankruptcy, eight yean after be had made his big win He bwesMJ.VOO and admlti that he had slnoe lived, at the rate of nearly 12.000 a year. 1K SPORT CHAT and he had not taken the whole bottle Individual cups for the members of before he vu ffreatlr relieved. The severe rtomaeh attacks ceasod, there was no more gas on the stomach, and he could eat anything he wished." Put up only by The T. klilburn Co, limited, Toronto, Out NEW GREAT SEAL IS NOW NECESSARY 'T Conform IVIth View' liuiert;il Conference testants does not cover every country expected to send entrants, but particu lars of some of the contestants from about 13. countries, including Great Britain, are available. Great Britain win send at least 100 athletes. CO swimmers'. IB cyclists. 8 gymnasts, 44 oarsmen. 7 wrestlers and 20 weight-lifters, a total entry of 257. Hungary Lp reposes to send 80 competitors for various events; Estonia about 50 com petitors and LetUand a football team in addition to five competitors In llgh athletic sports, four cyclist, five wrestlers. Jive weight lifters, four boxers ud five Pentathlon marksmen. Finland will send ISO competitors including a football team. Rumania will send en trants for U games put not tor the hockey events,, and Oecbo-Slovakle -will send 10 cyclists. 10 athletes, six tennis players, six , boxers, twenty, swimmers, sixteen fencers, eight gymnasts and nine horstmeri with la number Mot offi cials tor each sport as well as a rcpre sentatlve contingent for Oraeco-Roman wrestling and -weight lifting competi- When a new Oreat Sear 1 made the ttont, yachting and rowing events. old undergoes a process called "demask-Ink." The King in the presence of the Privy Council, gives the old one a gentle blow with a hammer and It then becomes the property of the, Lord the Grand Terminal Club Billiard team, winners of the city billiard champlon-Milp for the season 1926-27. are now on display in. the window of John Bulger. The cups are suitably Inscribed with the names -of various members of the team and make an attractive display. The members of the team, each oi which will be the proud owner of otte of the trophies, are: F. Zleman. J. Mc Lean. Dm Hosklns. C. Balagno, W. Stuart. ODonnell, H. Corbett and R. Howe. Jk Preliminary Information on the nroh able entries in jthe Olympic Oames to E stegcdln Amsterdam next summer (10S81 shows that large numbers of contestants, from practically every country will again gather U battle for .he Olympic tlUes Within Holland alone, well over 100 contestants In various events, exclusive of numerous om-ciala, have already signified they will compete. 3t"hee"- Include 16 bdxers. 12 horsemen, jilth IS horses. 10 tennis players' and nine persons for each 8 metre yacht entry; eight for each 6 metre yacht entry and three for each 12 foot yawl -entry. In addition some 30 yacht racing officials. 30 boxing officials. .20 -horse, racing officials and 10 tennis officials 'will be present. So far information on probable con From Oermany will go 400 represents lives, including 30 or 40 football play ers. 10 tennis ployers. 15 fencers and 4 women fencers. 12 horsemen. 40 swim mers, 10 weight-lifters, five wrestlers, 16 boxers -and 18 cyclists, total of All right back there?" called the J94 active competitors, with as many. or conductor from the front of the car. more officials. Italy will send 200 re-"Hold on." cried a feminine voice, j presentatlves Including officials, while "Walt until I get my clothes on." Japan will participate. Switzerland has The entire earful of passengers cran- officially decided on at least a hockey ed their necks to look. A girl got on team. One hundred end fifty will re- wlth a basket of laundry. present BrarU, Inclusive of officials. Quaker Oats Supplies energy you need for busy morning hours. Start every day with this delicious; balanced food. You'll not tire of it. Scaled Cartons Only in' V anted! For SaleT For Rent - - mm ? DAILY NEWS. CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in dance. No Advertisement" taken for fr than 50c . . , WANTED WANTED FOR CASH. MODERN HOUSE or Bungalow, fairly clone In. No agents. Apply stating price and location to Box 34, Dally News office. 42 WANTED SECOND HAND OAK DINING table and chairs with brown leather seat. Apply P.O. Box 147. city. 3 AGENTS WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint local representatives $21 weekly average and expenses, and commission besides. Experience unnecessary. Wrlte for particulars. Winston Co., Toronto. FOIt SALE GILL NETTERS, TROLLERS AND Launch Owners. You are Invited to visit rarker-s garage. Third Avenue East, to see tn operation the Ford Marine Motor, the lowest priced dependable 14 h.p. motor on the market. It's wide range of frprrd. ex-ceptlonsl flexibility, economical operation and low priced replscenwnt parts, place It In a claw by tUeil. 8. E. PARKER. LTD. Ford Dealers FOR SALE. LOTS 1 At 2. BLOCK 20. Section 6. Finest double corne on Sixth Avenue, located only one block from the Booth School. Ideal grade tor bunding purpose. May be bad on your own terms as 1 need the money. Small monthly payments would be accepted. Box St, Dally News office. 84 FOR BALE, SUITE OF SOLID SPAN. is mahogany chairs, upholstered In neat Spanish leather: Imported from Eurpoe. Will sell at a fair price. This class of goods goes up In value, as It Is very rare. A. MacKenzle. Furniture. Phone 775. 80 FOR SALE.- -LOTS 28 AND 29. BLOCK 1. Sec ton 2, on Graham Avenue. Taxes paid until June 30. SO by CO feet cleared. Owner will sell for tGSOOO cash. Phone Blue 128. 92 FOR 8 ALE. ENGLISH COTTAOE piano: Vlctrola: Axmlnster carpet: ho uw hold furniture. Phone Blue 719. OPPORTUNITY I IS 0 A MONTH NOW buys your future homeslte. Walker's Music Store, FOR SALE. SOLID OAK DAVENPORT, almost new. Phone Oreen 347. 84 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE WILL BE HELD ON Saturday, April 9, at 3.30 pjn. at S44 Summit Ave. (entrance -east aide oil oai ooraen street) consisting of: beds, springs and juattresses. r Con-goltim ruga, rratge.viatchen table and llnojeuro. All these articles have been in use only two weeks. Also boater, bureau, Mortis chair, Yukon bed, pictures, etc. Phtlpott. Evltt tt Co.. Ltd., Auctioneers. 83 Belgium will send entsants In almost every branch of sport on the calendar. having already selected 30 rowers. 8 boxers. 10 cyclists. 6 fencing teams. IS athletes. 40 hockey players, 20 loot- bullers, S wrestlers. 7 catch-a-catch can entrants, I weight lifters, 10 swim mers, and 9 horsemen, a total of 100 contestants. The first game In the finals for th Stanley Cup, emblematic of the Proles slonal hockey championship of the world, will be played tonliht betwin the Ottawa Senators and the Boston Bruins with the betting favoring Ot-tuwa to win the series. Anyox has been advised that Mondav Tuesday and Wednesday of next week will -not be suitable dates for - names Uiere With the Maple Leafs as Terrace iiugn ucucioi aieom are. due to piny' In .c vii. n jucmiuy ingiu. The serins may not be held now vntV the second week afU Euster, Juck Dclnney, the Canadian llght-hcavywelght champion of the world, has slgimd a contract with Tex Rlckard to engage in three r.iatclie this year, one of which wlll .be In defense of nls title, . In the long run, proHperlty depends upon hard and efficient work, fairly but not excessively paid for. JIKMSTrmilMi HEMSTITCHING FICXJTINO SCAUOP-lng Dollar 8tore Phone Red 334. ALCTIONKL'It NOnCE" OF BALK. LET OS ALL OO to that sale on the 14th at 3 pin Place and Itemised list later. O F. Brine Auctioneer FOIt KENT- NICE LARGE ROOM TO RENT IN private bom, suitable for ssmtieom. Good location. 733 Fifth Awnue West. Phone Black Sll. FOR RENT. . POUR ROOM Eli FLAT with ranee. S1SXW Apply Mm. K. E. Blrnle, Haaelton. BC. MODERN SEVEN HOOM IKMHHB FOR Rent at IM Fifth Avenue. West Itrane Red 930. U FIVE ROOMED FLAT FOR RENT IN Wallace Btoek: mm furnKwe. Phone Black 183. 80 FOR RENT- FURNISHED APARTMENT by the day. week or meattt. Vbone Red-607. tf FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply MusaaBem Grocery. Phone IS. FOR RENT SEVEN ROOMED MODERN house Phone Oreen 733. 84 ROOMS TO RENT PHONE 678. IIOAICI) BOARD. THE INLANDER. Seoond Avenue Phmi 117 LOST please return to Dally News office. IIK.W TV rtltlOK Uarcetnac lUnlonra-Scalp TrrataMBt MRS. I. MUIII 87 Third Avenue By Appointment Phone 087, lleMMinly A- (Sagnnii. nlelors 144 Third Avenue Plione lllark III tt 3b IOST -BUNCH OP KEYS. FINDER DOMINION IIKMTIKr tAciitvir: Furniture of all kku hiMsght. mid or exchanged. UPIIOI-STEKLNO FURNITURE nEPAlntNa: UPHOL. terlng or all kinds Chesterfields recovered and- mad to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreed 803 G. M. HUNT. WOOD A. lACn . U Seal Covfv Mixed Wood Blocks pj load MOO. Kindling-, per land A0 Furnace Wood, per Inad anno Delivered. Halt Herring Phone Ituu k 4f, RESTAURANTS tmoii r.ATH cm: Mrs Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. (l llonif 4'nokrd Mmln. Phone Black 700 nigh lxw liw TAXI riione fi7 Taxi (Call Georjre, Paul or Hust Six and Seven PassenRcr Stiitle- liakera at your disposal any time. KOSS HltOS. POOL ROOM Meeker Rlock. f A crow from Empr.". Hotel) Low P KINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 i 4 . 4. .4. Tin iiHitw. .trim, 4;62 a.m. 18:11 p.m. 11 :30 am. , 83:30 p.m. ntiii.w, Ai'ini, x 6:60 a.m. 10:44 p.m. 12:45 p.m. HATI HIIAV, Apitli, 1 . 7fl0 'im, 21:00 p.m. 0:68 jn. 14:00 p.m. I 19 0 tt. 10.7 " 40 UJS " 18.3 ft. 15.9 " 0.0 " ie.8 ft,: 15.0 " 10.8 " l.8 " Atttclei Lou anj Found,4t MAIL MHEDULE OtlT-4HIMI lor lite r.s.t Mondays, Wednesdays and Ulv. Close Ta Vsnromer Bandars Tuesdays ia Thatvdsy Saturday Aprtl 12. 23 ... First das mall Is also Cc ; v Vancouver on Mondays. Wei::riji Saturday by CNJL trains. To Anjo and litre Arm- Sundays tvruuriKMjs X. ll To Stewart and Premier- Sdsday Saturdays To ft. Plmpaon and Ns Rltitpss l mraiiri .... I t o Alstka (VIM April a. 18. 39 . la tftirrrt ( hsriu4lr Aprtl 9. 33 IN.COUISil trnm the l-a.t Tuedsys, Tbursdsy and 8; at trnm Vanevater Sundays Wednesdays . Thuradsyt Saturdays April 8. 18. M . . Irm tnjiiu mu4 Hire trn- Tumdsya Thursdays Meosri awd rreml- Tucsdsys OUnfllTI :V I ront ft. MmpwHi and s Kir, rag Saturdays I toot Alaska points AprU J 2.23 lrM (oern Caarlolle Aprtl 7. 21 luX COUJITIOX" AM Orahsm Atlln Aves. t- 1st Ave. At tlh 81, I 6th Ave Fulton St. 8th Ave, A Thompson t HUi tt Sherbrooke Aves. Ilth Ate At Cunrad Pv l 6th Ave. ft Ilayt Cove ! 1 etb Ac Jltys Cove Circle ' 8th Ave. As Cotton St. r ' 5th Ave. & McBrlde Bt I - 1 rwv. ikjti. limp. ... rTT. uoi. wnan ... . mi . ., ... . I 11 , 1 m, nin - O TJ. Station 2nd Ave. A 2nd 8t" i'. 3rd Ave A Fulton 8t ' 3rd Art & 8th St Sunday collection same tt Pa ' days only. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS t'nr Van, -outer SoaHay s prince Charici Tuesday as Calais Tliurtday- as prince Cr ir Saturday-a. Cardrna " as. Princess frs April 12- us. Princrns Mn- v Aprtl 32 a. Prlncem M:, from Vamiiuter Sunday as. Calais . Wednesday ss. Pr Geor-s Thursday et. Cardena Saturday ea Princess Bi " as. Prince Chsn April 8 ss. Princess April 18 as. Princess Miir April 29 as. Princes Marv riir Port Pinipson and Nas" Klver-1iuridj -as. Cardena . I film port lmpn and Naas Itltrr-Saturday Cardena l'ir Anjtx Sunday as. Catala B Wednesday as, Prince Oeor: I riii Any Tuesday as. Catala Thursday s, Prince Oeorge Tor MrHUrt Sunday a. Catala ... Saturday as. prince Charle It inn Mrunrt Sunday s. Prince Charles . Tuesday--4. Catala ... Inr (tiern Cliu riot ten-April 0 s. Prince John April 23 as, Prince John I I mn ((ueen I'lisrlul trft April 7 as, Prince Jolin Alnka April 8 as. Princess Mary April isas. Princes Mary April 20 as. Prlnoess Mary . I'rom Alaska April 13 as. Princess Mary . April 22 ss, Princes Mary