Sa le of Boots and Shoes Men's, Ladies' and Children's We have just received h targe Shipment of Footwear, In M.-nx. Ladlea. Hoys' und Children') I loot m nnd Shoe. They include the most up-to-date lines for Spring and Summer wear. You will he HtirpriM'd at the quality of then; I toot k und Shoes, manufactured by lending makers of fine footwear. We are plating them in our Ills Sale, and are offering them at cost l,; -t There are plenty of hles und widths. We mut real- 2 tiuicKly on thin shipment jih wc are in need of the money. blowing are n.fcw of the many Harjrnin Prices. Therein-many inrf. You sate money hy purchasing. .MEN'S SI I oris : .-a Tan and Drown IIooIm. nil i7.ei. Hetf. price 7.G0. ali (iriie line Drew IiooU all U-g. price ftl.60 . I'i'ife )? I.IJ Kl -IIlillK HOOTS : , Rubber Hip HooU. u, , price $3.76. Sole ... sr,Air, HOYS' SHOES ( line of Royi' good i 1 knther Hoot. Keff. , . s , 50. Sale price, .7r tM)L'nVfiut Afin smuts A . .Uo havi- a gremt mi i;! or Men' and Boy' W .m.i Underwear, in com-. : inn., or in ShlrU and vm : CleaririK at (Jrcat Reductions . ., Hiti tntent of Lumber : hirU. IU9. fl. On . i .S.H . Men' Fancy Flannel tni;. all urea, to be .tared at fi'l.ur, ' t . " MEN'S SOCKS I'-.ttbn Sock. Reg. Sale priC, .2 pair for 'Mf ! Sock. Keg. 40c. i e. wr pair ?Et 1 a r to ctutoBr; v airy k full line of nnd Uu" Sock, l ie. Collar. Cap, all at ltarcaln Price. Third Au-nuc. LADIES' SHOES Ladles' Fancy Talent Oxford, latuat tylcs. Reg. price. fC.00. Sale price s:uir. Ladle' fine Patent Oxford. Ki'ff. H i to $5.00. Sale priee $2.1)5 1UJIIBKR HOOTS Idtdiex' Rubber Boot, bet nuike. Re.. $.1.50. To clear at Sli.P.) CHILD'S SLIPPERS Children' Patent Slipper, with Ntrap. Reg. $2.75. Rale priee $UM ItHHKBU HOOTS Child' KulKr Boot. Reg. Irice $2.50. Sale price SiMU LADIES' II03B Udle' Silk Iloe, 2 pair for "" (only 2 pair to a customer) EXTRA SPBCIAL VALUES Imported English Turkih Towels. Rep. ic. Sale price, per niir .Vr Iriah Linen-finished Handkerchiefs fC only to a customer). Sate price a .for iV Ifllow Sltpa Sale price U'c Flannelette Hlankcta, prey. Ker. $2.60. Sale price J? 1 . RAINCOATS . ment of Fnrlifa Rubberised Tweed Rainroat. RuiUble for Spring or Fall Top Coat. Thce arrived a little late Regular value flS.OO. We are Merificinff the at $5.1)5 A 'v rtilnc space doe nt permit u to enumerate the r ;n I 'uins in our lar-je aborted twk of Men's, Indies'. L: . and Children '- wear. Hut we muM have the cash. So j arc of ferine you these barRains ,hal never u. 'Vi in Prince Ruicrt. Do not forget the goods arc all MONTREAL IMPORTERS J. H, Miller, Proprietor. The OXaMj Store Emergencies! When such tilings as rnruitH.iw.i. I 'ip'.heria. Flu or Fever futen their deadly fang on the human ytem cjuirk action i etwential. No time then to dicuB "I urealls" or "diet" what you want in a good doctor. He know the way out If there i a way. And stand-ing behind your doctor with a fust, accurate prescription service are the three graduate pharmacist at Orme. Prompt deliveries by cydUt messenger. ORMES LTD. The Pioneer Druggists 'ird Avenue and 6th Street Three Registered I'liannacUU Phones 82 nnd 200 Ralvunized Tubs in four hIzim. $1.1:5 to to Infant' Ruths pluln and decorated. $11.25 to $U;0 Easy Vacuum Electric Washing Machine $1 -J 0.00 to $INtUu Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. r3 Third AvVnue Vrin KuVi'rt Local ami Personal Arthur'i Taxi. Phone 878. 1C UVdcruken. plioue 41, Mum rrliiilli llkr nrw ut MiArlliufn Miiw trf. tl liGtt'the.Bie 4 hsbltt When thlnktns phone 4. tl jpprtp 'Mw ri-liiillt llkr nrw ut Artluir'n Klnir stirr. "5 Milton Oonjiale left on the itenmer Prince Ucorgc last night for Anyox on u brief buMiuM trip. Mr and Mri. Oeorgr McAtce of CJcorKdown are leaving for Vancouver On the atcamer Prince George tonight. Paaengeri leaving for Anyox on the steamer Prince George last night Included Mr. Andrews, Mr. Keller and T. Green. O. W. Pcudlcton. of fhe Pendleton Gold Mining company of Atlin Is aaUing on the Prince Ocorge tonight en route 10 Seattle. Mi r wbtat drive and dance in MKe 11.11. friday, April 8. Premutation of whutt league eupa. Card start at bjo prompt. W. A. Pull.n. who arrived la the ettjr yesterday from Vancouver, win return south tonight. Mr. Pullcn Is now engaged In fish reduction buslneaa on Vancouver Island. Cspt B. L. Johnson, head of thej shipping firm of B. L. Johnson-Waltoc Co.. IU arrive in Vsactmver about tr-.. ' mlsMle of the month after a businetui trip to Oreat Britain. CIMr H.iiiur( In Mir (imrrmir (iriirral on Miturtla). Arll Hi. Tlckrls SI.S3. may lr lull Iroiii the Majiir and Aldrrmrn ir from Ormr Uuillrtl. No iraU Uuruntrrd llrr the 13th. U service to Prince 'Rupert and Anyox. the George going onto the a-eek-entf run to Prince Rupert and Stewart In place oi the Prince Charisa. The Prtnot Ru-nrrt sailed via Anyox where she will take on freight. Applications are being oallrd by Is 3 D ill Han. William Sloan, minister of mlnea. lor the position of resident mining en-Rlneer In this district vscated by O. A. Clothier, who la transferred to Nanalmo. It Is reported that a number of mining engineers of outstanding ability slid reputation have aubmltted their names for consideration In last Saturday's Vancouver Province appeared a picture of Mr Ckrthler together with a tribute to his ability ANNOUNt'KM KNTS HooplWI Auxiliary Tea In 8k, AtulrvV llooiiis. April 8. inks' Mlnalrel Show. AprU 13. CmmxI Friday evening. Musical mono logue. "An Etenlng of tlkm," tU the lUptlst Church. Dattodll Ball Eaater Monday. Augllouu April 19. Teu und &ilr of Work. St. Ocorge's Dny Celebration. April 21 Elks' Balloon Dunce. April 22. Tenuis Club Ball, Friday. April 29. Established 1923. Office Hours: . a.m. to G Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST Ethan;c lllock. Phone 109 I J. E. Dalrymple. one of the early and . well known Orand Trunk o metal, and! Atlantic ooast. Mrs. T. A. Drtlor who has been netting her brother and slster-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. Oharlea Suabrrg. 185C GsfhOt Avenue East, tor the past few monttis, returned yesterday to her home In ' Bault Ste. Msrte. In Tuenday's payer. Ian error waa irutde hn the name Mia. I Butler was used instead of Mis. Detkir jln the report of a party given In her honor by Mr. and Mra. Sunberg. THE DAILY HEWS 1 keth& 1 nmwsm Direct at an arrcw tpetd thft great all-ltl trains to the Mid- Weit. South and East. Union Pacific is your logical route to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. laiormatloa aatf burfitlssi t iiIimi Mallim, (rattle III:.. l .mrth A ,r urrw s oocssiy wiu oe posipanea Monday April 11 at 8 pja. uii:i.i.ih i:i:iout. until Mr. and Mra. H. A. Breen and child. 625 Plfth Avenue Baat. win sail tonight on the Prince Oaorsr far Vancouver and New Westminster where they wUl spend tax otct few weeks visiting with ablatives and frteno. Members of the general committee having In hand the reception to the Governor-General are herewith reminded that there will be a meeting of the committee In the Council Chamber to morrow evening at 8 o'clock. , 8 a.m. DiOST ISLAND. Cloudy. lm; buro-mctar 2SjB1: tam&fraCure, 30: sea amooth: 8 pjn apoke motorahlp Apex, Anaeortea for Ketchikan; 608 miles from Anacortea; B&O p.m. spoke steamer Alaska, left Wraofdl for Ketchikan at 7 pin.: B.2J pjn. spoke steamer Curacao. Bltka for Ketchikan. 170 miles from Ketchikan, DSAD TREE POINT Hall, overcast, calm: barometer. 29.30. temperature. 40: aea smooth. BlU. HARBOR -Cloudy, light south-; west wtud. bnromeur. 2D .64; temperature DS; ei rough; 8 p.m. spake steam er Canadian Coaster. Powell River for Ocean Falls. 85 miles from Ocean Falls: B p.m spoke steamer Rochelle, Van couver for Port Alice, S miles north of Oapc Scott: 8 pjn. spoke steamer Forest King. Anarortes for Ketchikan. 400 miles from Ketchikan: 8 pm. spoke Charlotte Islands: 8 p.m. spoke steamer Catala left Hardy Bay. southbound: B p.m steamer Oardena crossing Queen Charlotte Sound, northbound; 8 am launch Mac and Mac sheltering at Bull Harbor; 8 a.m. spoke .tug Cape Scott towing barge Black Wolf, abeam North Island, northbound. ;. NOON',r-&: DIGBY lsiANDlouJJgjllght 8X. wind; baromctef "29.73; temperature, 39; e smooth. DEAD TREE POINT Hall, calm: barometer 29.38: temperature 42: oca smooth. BULL HARBOR- Sleet, light west wind; barometer, 20.08; temperature 38; sea rough. on mi: mm: oitiii: n.iiT First- diUi: Aitythlngv,behIndT Sovoud Drunk: no WILL TRY NEW RIGHT RECORD TO ATTEMPT Tltir ITtOM ENULANO TO INDIA WITIIOfT STOP LONDON, April 7. A British attempt to set up a new "record" for a non-stop flight is to be made by the Royal Air Force some' time In Msy. and a standard day bomber Is now being prepared for the task. The object la to fly 4.000 miles with a stop. No official statement has been made upon the subject, nor has the route officially been disclosed, but the prewnt air route of the Brttlah Umpire Is to the East, and all the long non-stop flights have been made In this direction. The lost, and ao far the "re- cord' non-stop flight was that of Lieutenant Costes and Captain RIgnot two French airmen who, last October flew from Paris to Jatk. In Persia, distance of 3.390 miles, in 32 hours. It H obvious, therefore, that to beat that flight a distance of at least 4.000 miles must be aimed at, and In fact, another COO miles on from J ask would bring an airman to Karachi and India. It la generally understood that Fllght-Lleutenant C. R. Carr, DJ.C. at pre sent on the staff of 'the Air Defences I of Oreat Britain and stationed at U ; bridge la to be the pilot, while Flight Lieutenant L. E. M. Olllman, also on I the me staff for Air Navigation duties will be the navigator. TRAIN ROBBED NEAR J0L1ET, ILLINOIS , Ti Armril Mrwnrrr (r Away with Culi herurltlm Vulurd at flu.uiw CHICAGO, April 7. Two armed rob- bcrs held up an express meaxenger onj the Chicago-Alton Hallway train near; Jollet last night and escaped with cash: securities estimated at $20,000. I Th Amrirn althiit hrwt Murlft Reserve seaU for Elks' Minstrel show 1 a catch of 14.000 pounds here to- at Onnes' Drug Store. The tram, due from the east today at more recently vlee-president of the 8.30. will arrive on time Oaoadlan National BaUwars la charge , of traffic, who realgned from the raH-l St. Andrew's Society Scottish dance ,wsjrscrvloe rectnUy. baa bean appointed ! in IjODJC. Hall, Friday. April 8. 82 praaldeot of the Canada Ooal Co.. a; . new Canadian concern with activities i Elks' Minstrels coming to the West- Joke an everything. Royal Purple Tea, sale of work and home cooking tomorrow Friday. In Elks' Club room from 3 to 8. HmiotHrlilng l!nlnr tran-IrrtrU from lArltsngr ISImk,' bark to the Ix.lUr Htaer. riinr JCrd 311. The steamer Eastholm ts coming up the coast with a cargo ot supplies for the new cannery at Klemtu and other CUM, steamer Prtnre, Rupert, under l packtng plants In local waters, command of Cspt. D. Donald, sailed j . r light last night for Vancouver, where j On aecouni of the Scottish Dance in she will Uke the place of the Prince the I ODE 1UH on Friday night, the George next Monday on the mid-week I regular monthly meeting of St. An " The vessel wss formerly the I 1 uuu(, juucina uui was j i - built at Seattle during the winter and thUi Is her first call here since. LAND ACT Skeena Land District. District of Queeu Charlotte Islands. ' TAKE NOTICE that sixty days after . .w. . tk... ., , Idate. 1 intend to apply to th Chlet cjhtouu 1 rum urai w " " w . Commissioner of Lands for a licence to ti (prospect for coal and petroleum over C40 acres of land bounded as lollowa: Commencing at a pott planted at the southwest corner of Section 36, Town ship 3, Orabam Island, and marked -AJ O.'s southwest corner"; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains: thence west 80 chains: thence south 80 chains to point of commencement, being Section 30, Township 3. Graham Island. B.C. , A. J. OORUON. . i " i - . r Locator. Dtro Dx-fmrHT 17 18a IN PK011ATE. in the m i-kiimi: cm kt or ijui i iii I'tiLl .MIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of August B. Norlln. deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 28th day of March. AD. 1827. I s appointed administrator of the estate of August B. Norlln. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 18th day of April, AX). 1827. and all partlwi indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Hupcrt, B.C. Dated the 28th day of March. A.D. 1827. IN PKOIIATE. IN THE M TltK.Mi: t'Ot'KT OF ISUITIMI (-OLI.MIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and lu the Matter of the Estate of Helurltu Fr inch, Decrased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU. Honor. F. McB. Young, the 28th day of March AD. 1827. I was appointed Administrator i with Will annexed) of the estate of Helnrlch Fcrsch, Deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are nrreuy requirco. to turuisn ame. properly verified, to me on or before the 30th day of April, A.D. 1827. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their inoxDieuueas to nie ionnwiin. NORMAN A. WATT. orflclal Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 30 tti day ut March, AD. 1817. IN PKOIIATE IN Till; M I KIMt: tot KT OF llltlllMI ')!. I MI11A lu the Matter ot the Administration Act; and lu the Matter or the Estate of Fred Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 8th day of March. A.D. 1927. I was appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of Fred Nelson. deceased, and all parties having claims acriliuit the aalrl Estate are hercbv rcauir- staamer Standard Service, Port Wella for cd to furnish same, properly verified, to Ketdhlkan. 223 miles from Ketchikan; I mc on or before the 21st day of April, v . Ian tfl'lT nr4 nil naM Al IndnKt ne4 thai 8 pjn. spoke tug St Faith. 5 mile '.',. ttre rfaulrca . Mv the amount norttl of Addedbrook. bound for Queen ' of their Indebtedness to me forthwith NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 21st day ot March, A.Da-1927 IN PROBATE, ix thc m pukmI: cm ut or iuutimi COLUMBIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter ot the Estate of Joseph F. Bowman. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Mis Honor. F. McB. Young, the 24th day of February, A.D. 1927. I was appointed. lilmlnliFMln, nf th. Mfat. tf 3nAtTH F. Bowman, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, pro- Serly verified, to me on or before the .1th dsy of March. AD. 1927. and all names Indebted to the estate are re- to py the amount ot their In 3utred ebtcdnrss to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, orflclal Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Ditrd "Jw 24h dsy of February, A.D 1927. PA THREE THE LABEL IS RED AND WHITE ItlMks creamy It taste creasajr It la creamy The Service DEMAND XSCT rJ3 Which Makes the Milk in this Tin so Good realizes that cood evaporated milk must start CARNATION at the farm. So Carnation condenseries are located only in districts where dairying reaches its highest level. To aid dairymen tfcerc the Carnation Field Force a body of men whose sole job is to see that the dairymen who supply Carnation with milk, supply the best milk in tie world. This is but one of the many features which make Carnation Milk so good but one of the many reasons why Carnation adds creaminess to coffee, fruits, cereals and makes all cooking so delicious. Carnation is just pure, whole milk, evaporated, to double richness and made safe by sterilization. Diluted, it gives superior results in all cooking. Undiluted, it takes the place of cream at one-third cream cost. Order from your grocer several tins or a case of 48 tins. Send for a free copy of Mary Blake's Cook Book. Address CarHtil'um Hilt Products Company Limited, Ayltmr, Out. t Carnation Milk "From Contented Cows" Produced in Canada TWO SIZES TALL AND SMALL! "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST IIKEAK1 AST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & GM Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, H.C. The Sovereign Life Assurance Co. of Canada The annual report for 1926 presents a notable record of consistent progress. The Assets show a larjre Increase and Letter than a 40 per cent increase'over 1925 total of new business written. For For particulars particulars as as to rates, etc., see G. P. Tinker - Second Street UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Nulling from Prince Rupert. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, ttaanson Hay, Alert Hay. etc. Tuesday, 3 Fur VANCOt'VKK. VICTORIA. Ilutedale, Alert llay. etc., Saturday 9 a.m. For PORT MMI'HON, ALICE ARM. ANYOX. STEM ART, Wales Mand. Sun-da r, 8 pjn. For N River Poluts and Port HIihommi. Thursday p.m. 13 ud Aenue. K. M. SMITH. AgcnL Prince Rupert. U.C.