55 She Waim TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall,, Servtc with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime floor, for hire. Stand; Enhnnge Iluildlnjc NKW SODA FOUNTAIN. MATT VIDIiCK. Prop. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the least I'hone 457. 4 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XVII., No. 82. ritlNCE RUPERT, B,C THURSDAY. APRIL 7, 1027 Circuit Uoo 1500 Bales 423 Price Five Ont V-.. ".., . to.? ..v.j.-e GRAIN SHIPPING HERE ACTIVE AGAIN mbmmTwimmAsM Great Britain -Does Not Intend to be Driven Out of China, Sir Austen "I I? I -J J t tanaia siaiemem or poucy accompanies the r M' t J itieigu jrjimatoi a uci.iuiuttu1 iau country is willing to meet new conditions I'.NDON. April 7 Until IJritnin has no intention of being ut tr China, Sir Austen Chamberlain, foreign secretary, tear yesterday during a debate In the House of Commons . i hinesc situation in which he reiterated the government' IU- declared that Great Mritain would pursue a policy of a: and adjustment of it old tiosition in China to meet the ; nations of the Chinese people and conditions of the country irogresscd. "but," he said "Great Dritaln is not prepared tied out of China nor arc we prepared to withdraw our NEW FISHERY PATROL BOAT to li l.ti-.tii metma H TtlWH IMllilD I liOM Mil Til TO Tills lilsTHKT ; be W All. auprrlAtaadtnt eugUi-.J' Uwlnhn rtshertea. returri .'. after having tnada a de-ut the entire aeaat between la . Vancouver Inspecting boat. .? tor fishery patrol charter a .nouaMmeftt of tbe eo-' ta wttl be made In about at on the bala of Mr. my two weeks trip from the aourae of whahb fust ibtemedlaU potnU, Mr. - .ta ibe Mty on Bunds y aboard ' i.rnlal palsol boat MHra being tranaf erred from the i lb tfcu fishery district h) wUt be the large, on inline patrol boat In District be used this aeawn In patrol Naaa Rlttr and Queen Char-iv She u 63 fret long and '-! with a 60 pp. Gardiner en- VANCOUVER IS LOANED MONEY "HI! Wl.lOV liOI.UMI' (JltMII IIV IKII'M; 01" COMMON TO tiMi-u;ii; Ti:uMi..i. I( 11.11 ll CTTAWA. April 7. Third reading waa r in tlir llouae of Common, yeater-i f tcuioon to a bill authorizing an iiul loan of H .000,000 to the ' couvtr Doard of Harbor Oarunla. Thin money, or such part of It a be lKIrd. la to I uacd to com-Die couvuuVtton ot terminal facll-" in Vancouver harbor and to con-Ud uch additional facilities aa may be necessary to properly equip the fan The work will be principally to of ' itttnte grain shipping. Tlic money will be secured with dc brn i urea Issued, bj .tho Vancourw H bt;: Board aa grants are md periodic t.. uXn application of the board. LOST LIVES IN CRASH OF PLANE iiiii:.H or 1-Ii.ot Kinv.tnu nkiikii AMI A, M'lll.l.i:it lOfMli WITH Hl:i ( K;il Mill IS CAI.I- rou.M.v MODESTO, AprllV 7. When a Paelfie Air Transport plane crashed on Batur- dny while flying from Fresiw to San Francisco, Edward Neher, pilot, and A, Bchaller, a company offlclal, were killed It wna learned esterday when the wrecked machine and the dead men re found near the San Joaquin Illver Neher was a will known Seattle flyer. Chamberlain Announces I . I I i w i . nallonsls from Shanghai and up-coun-' U7 pUces or alio thrm to be treated a though they had no rtgnt to that which U theirs by treaty and a though wea or Britishers were of no account the British government. Regarding tbe British pttltj wtatott he averted vu unchanged. Sir Austen dc claed that It was ewrntlal that, befort the policy could be carried further Oreat Britain muit know what was t tbe attitude of the mponslbli "" uttereak ot two weeks ago. sm ATIon ttoitE 8IIANOIIAI. April 1 "The altiutkm ffoalnc ore ateadlly" aald a mire-Sea rrport recetred from Hankow today, ttlotoui antl.forolKn outbreak hate onirred there over the rekend and from all account, little eitort I belrtc made to check ttiem. Roulana. Oerm.ru and Japanese are rapldljr Irae-Inf the dlairtct The Soviet consul general called on the Nonteglan conotl.general. dean ol the eonaular corpa here, and announced that. If the Soviet embaaay In Shanghai waa raided aa ere the bulldlnjta attached to the Soviet emhtMy in Pekln Wednesday, he -uld hold the Norwegian coruular body rrapontlblc. ritiiMir.it, or t iiina III. 'KIN". Ill 0.T IEKINO. April r -Cmbarraa-alng clrcumalancca. which, for nonie time hare threatened hlru till a crtala. rtaulted today In the resignation of Dr. Wellington Koo. aa Premier of China. Political obtrrvcra look for tome momentous developments In the mttter of oliootlng a turcesnor. Koo la a northern jrmpth!wr and an antl-DolthcvUt. ' DISTRICT GOVERNOR VISITS LOCAL CLUB Jaiiir IWII) of l I or lu AiMrrwil TrliH-f Kii-ril Uilar'iii Tml.iy James Dcatty of Victoria, district gomnor of noury tiuos, was inc tpcskrr today at the weekly luncheon the local club Mr. Dcatty gave an Interesting address dealing with the wcrk of Rotary In various, parts of the world and more particularly In the district over which he has Jurisdiction. President C. H. Orme. on bcnalf or the locsl club, welcomed Mr, Deattyand thanked him for his inspiring address. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Did. Asked Wheat . . 1.45 B.C. Sliver 1.63 'T.38 ' Dunwell 1ST Olacler Independence . .00 " .00 Msrmot .10 13 3.16 3.30 Premier Silver Crest .... .06 U 07U Coast Copper .. 30.3 31.00 8unloch 1.13 1.15 C.N.n, steamer Prince John, CapUin .. . j... v,ia -v-lnff from E, MSDDS, is nun - Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Island point. 1 f mitnn a w-s AM! I I HH IM A kll I liuiviiiLiuvnuw TO cape flight; h int. Midi n s ritri.t in: to um-. Ml.ltt ltL OIUMTION OtKK ! uoiti: t LONDON. April 7. -The Air Ministry baa aAnounccd details of the eecond ft tela I Itoytl Air Force flight from Jairo to the Cape, begun by four ftttrey-Napier aeroplai.es from Hellopolu Aerodrom. Cairo, on March 30. The flight to regarded as a prelude to the iperaUon of commercial aircraft over a Jalro-Oape air route. The RAT. flight personnel la: Au Commodore C. R. Samson (In cemmand nd pilot of, the (leading machine I: Iquadren-Leadcr R. S. Mtra-ell I pilot i; rilght-LleuUnant. S. d! Mtcdnald ''pilot); Pljln -Officer. D. L. O. Bett (pilot): ntghl-Ueutenant. J. Blackford (navigator). Two flight sergeante and a leading aircraftman. The machines are scheduled to meet ntght acot north to meet them by toe South Afrtcatr Air rorcC'at Klsumu on April S. lom KMuoiu the com Mned flight wUl fly to Nairobi for three days' army co-operation work with the jrd rungs Arncan nines. Tbe night southwards will be continued on April 10. The planes wUl leave Pretoria on May B and to be back In Cairo on May 33. WILfCLEAN UP CHICAGO tiiMiomts mil, hit mi i:i. as .tT AS MIOi:s IH UN I I'," AN-Mll .N( l:s M.WOU "IUO I1ILI." 1IIOMPMIN (IIICAliO, April 7. "llilnijo ganctrr are C"lnc 10 hit tlu gratrl a tat llielr lm-i will hum up," drilarrd -Itli IHII-Tlinmxtii aim rlrrtrd. mni or on TnriUy a lie )rrrrl l laUe otrr the nlUcr on April IS. ."The real exit' for gunmen, crook anil tlk-ii men will be among the (r( lcn hr will lung up after Inauguration he ilrrUreil. TlionipNoii ilrnlr he will lie a Krputillraii ranillilale for president next )rnr, OetiiM'rat liolillng rlilr otllrrs lire irrpiiriiig to Irate linnirtllstrly, ThompMiii Imtlng Himouiirrtl that hr Mould mike a rlrun nnrrp of the Opposition, KILLED IN MUDSLIDE AT BRITANNIA BEACH IniHKriil t'ollrilrt. Complrtrl.v llurlnl. Oniil Olhrro Had Narrow Km-u r BRITANNIA BEACH. April 7. Com pletely burled uhder a mudslide in the mines near here. Innocents Colledet, a foreigner, was dead when rescue work crs reached him. Throe companions. two of whom were encased In mud up to their necks, were brought to safety. TATTOO WINS CRAVEN STAKES AT NEWMARKET ApperruM) ii lid Son und llrlr Mre .second mid Third In Ills r.nglMi Rare Today NEWMARKET. April 7. Tattoo won the Craven Stakea here this afternoon, defeating Appecronsi by two lengths. Son and Heir was third of the sixteen horses which ran. Mr. and Mrs. A. Qulnton are leaving on the steamer Prince' Oeorge tonight for Vancouver en route to Boston. TItnOKE OP THE ORAND TURK, eiieruJied with pearls, at Sumboul. It u the wonderful throne of Bultan Abmoi 111. siuducd w.'.b precious oe. one ol the treasures of the Tvrfc'b cr.uit. now m exhibition by order ot the present government In the aeragllo of the sultan. ANUlHtK LLfcMlUlv -JL AT FORT 'WILLIAM DESTROYED BY FIRE FORT WILLIAM, April 7 - The WUey. Law elevator containing 30,000 buithels ot -het was destroyed by fire last . night with a loss of 1100.000 This Is the second disastrous elevator , fire which has occurred here during the 1 present season. Tories Are So Ravenous and Rapacious for Power They'd Do Anything for ItPattullo VANCOUVER, April 7. Speaking as the guest of the South Vancouver Federal Liberal Association, Hon. T. I), Pattullo, minister of lands, last night told his audience something of the administration of the present government and declared that the Conservative Opposition "is quite so ravenous nnd repacious for office tht they would not hesitate to ruin me and my family or ruin you and your families to get into office." After defining the principles of Liberalism and decrying Jthe attitude of the Opposition in striving to create distrust of the administration In the minds of the elec-; of the province on a firm basts and tors, Mr. Pattullo asld that the govern-: created confidence whereby British and ment was going along In a very or- Amerlesn capital was commencing to derly manner, having placed the credit - come Into the country. Local Railway Director Gives Home Town Boost in Interview Given Out While Enroute West WINNIPEG, April 7. A minimum of six million bushels of wheat will have passed through the elevator at Prince Rupert by the end of its first year's operation, according to Fred G. Dawson, n director of the Canadian National Railways, who passed through Winnipeg yesterday on his way home to Prince Rupert. Five million bushels have been handled by the elevator already, said Mn Dawson, most of it being shipped to European markets, although the original thought was that tho elevator would serve the Oriental trade. Mr. Dawson had a good word to say for the new Scandinavian Immigrants who are being sent to the : be extended when the three years agree-Trlnce Rupert district to engage In the ment Is concluded, fishing Industry. He stated that they The development of timothy seed were adapting themselves quickly to j raising In the Bulkley and Ncchako conditions and were proving fine fishermen. Their physique. and willingness to work also fitted them for the lum. berlng Industry, he said, and added that the northern section ot British Colum-bit could use large numbers of this type of Immigrant. OTHER INDl'STRIES Commenting upon the fishing Industry Mr. Dawson stated that the closed tea-son for halibut which has been In effect from November 15 to February 15 fcr the 'past two years haa helped the Industry and that many people on the const are hopeful that the law will JOHNBUCEEY DIES IN SOUTH Stt KXTV-IOl It Vt: All OLD IRISHMAN III ILT AND OIVNKII CANADIAN Ml NlinV III ILDINIi t on .SEVERAL KARA L The deith osiurred at St. Joseph's Hospital. Victoria, latt week of J?hn M. Buckley, a former resident of Prince 2upert. He was eventy.four years of kge and wai a native of Cork. Ireland. Interment lock place on Monday In Ross Bay cemetery, folliwtn; a rvlce ri si Mary's Roman Catholic Cliurth. Vlct-rla Wert, Rev. Father Wcxxl offl- :iatln;. j The late Mr. Buckley built and owned for several years the buildln; on f:xth V'enue West bearing h!s name which or. a.ns the Cansd'tn Laundry by rhich concern It was acquliei a fe n since which time Mr. Back'ey ldcd li- Vlc rla. Ills death was ot unex cied. locsl tc'iutliitsacrs rn-4 bcn advUed recently of his !ri :us Illness. B.C. IS READY FOR PENSIONS I'lllJIKK OLIVER MIIHIES I r.DEUAI. AITIIOKITIIS Ol TKOVINtL-S MILLlNOMSS VANf-tir-m-ApfTTT. rremlrr Oliirr announced here lat hlghi that. Iwrorr lie Irft Irtorla oa IVedueMlajr alleriwxin. he had kIjiim! a letter to Ottawa nullfjtnr the federal gotrrnntrnt of the willing-nr ii f the ItrltKh Columbia rut-ernmrnt to rn-ornite In thr Old Ajr lriiloni, Art and stating that the pnttliirr wa rmdy to start at any time. The drifter sold cm lands. Vaileyfdtstrlcts was commented upon by Mr. Dawscn who said that last year farmers In those districts raised 3S0 tons of seed which sold for 1160' per ton, the buyers supplying the sacks. Efforts are now being made to seek a market for this seed In New Zealand. He also said that the establishment of an abattoir at Prince Rupert was proving beneficial to. the farmers. Mr. Dawson said that business men of Prince Rupert were looking forward to aeelng a large pulp and paper plant established there soon. Negotiations towards this end wro now tn progress. prince Within Next Fortnight Three More Freighters to Load Wheat at Port OTTER POOL COMING ON MONDAY SEDGE POOL DUE ON APRIL 13 WITH KOFUKU MARU FOLLOWING FIVE DAYS LATER With three vessels due to load grain at Prince Rupert within tbe next two weeks, there will be another period of considerable activity at the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator which has been fairly quiet during the past month or so. The first boat now coming on is the British freighter Otter Pool which is due Saturday night according to word received at the elevator this morning. This Vessel has been lined en rpute and will be ready to start loading on Monday morning. She will take some 270,000 bushels to the United Kingdom or continent from which direction she la coin':.. - - Tbe second boat, first announcement if the chartering of which Is made to day, will be the Sedge Pool due on April 15. She wUl take a similar cargo .o. that of the Otter Pool. Both vessels irt owned by Roper ii Co. Tbe third zrain ship will be tbe K" Line fre'shter Kofuku which Is now due on April 30 and which wUl also take a full carzo to the United KtoE - dem or continent. EXPECTS MOKK IMIATH Joseph Bennett, manager of the elevator, stated thla morning that he expected to have at least one more boat here In addition to these mentioned be fore tbe present shipping season ends. There may be even more than one at the end of tbS month or In May. Mr. Bennett atated that there was 700.000 bushels of wheat In storage here today, with considerable more en-route. NEW lint NStVK K TO HAVE i;0VT. CONTROL FREDERICTON, April 7.-yBy a vot of 37 to 30, the provincial legislature last night passed a motion for the Introduction of a bill to put New Brunswick In the list cf Canadian provinces which have abandoned prohibition for government control and ssle of liquor. STILL NEGOTIATING FOR LADIES' BASKET BALLSERIES HERE The executive of the Prince Rupert basketball association haa asked Anyox to play the Maple Leafs here on April 19 snd 30 for the Mllburne Cup, emblematic of the ladles championship of Northern British Columbia. If the team from Anyox li unable to come to the city for the series at that time It Is doubtful If the series will be played for some time. MEETING TO SET HUNTING SEASONS (ill 11 w Conservation Hourtl Will Assrm'ilr at Vancoiiirr Next Week liulrr M. H. Jjrksoii. K.C. VICTORIA, April 7. To fix the open seasons for game shooting In British Columbia this year, the game conserva tion board, under M. B. Jackson. K.C. will meet In Vancouver. AprU 13 and 13, It Is announced here. At the meeting. April 13. sportsmen and others Interested tn the conservation of game will be heard. It Is expected that many game enthusiasts will appear to give their views on the proper open seasona. for big game' and other game animals. FISH ARRIVALS Only two American boats sold hail-but catches here this morning. They were the National which sold M.000 pounds to the 'Booth Fisheries sj, 13.5c and 7c and the Murla which disposed of 14.000 pounds to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. for 13.3c and 6c. , i 'Advertise In the Dally News. rupert DID BREWERS PAY POLICE? - KOVAL commission INVESTIOATINO ! CCSTOMs HEARS Tills I'OIJ flltST TIME IN TORONTO CONTRADICTORY EVIDENCE London Brewer Denies What Probe Auditor Drrlarrs lie Told Him TORONTO. April 7. For the first time In the history of the royal commission Investigating the customs csme an Intimation yesterday that money had been 'paid to the provincial police by a brewing company. In the witness bcx, A E. Nash, auditor for the commission, asserted that Edmund Burke, manager of the Labatt Brewing Co. of London, Ontario, explained certain entries standing on the books to him saying that they were payments made to the provincial police. Other small payments, Nash stated Burke told him, were made to customs officials. Just a short time previous to the X.aU evidence. Burke, from the- same witness box denied that tbe Labatt ccmpeny haa ever paid money to police officers or customs officials. WOMAN INDICTED MURDER CHARGE MRS. M.MDE MilNTVRE, ALU'.OEH KILLER Of IIIM1AND, SO HYSTERICAL SHE COl I.D NOT I'l.KAl) VANCOUVER, AprU 7. The Grand Jury at the Supreme Court Assizes here yesterday before Mr. Justice P. A. McDonald returned a true bill against Mrs. Maude Mclntyre who Is charged with murdering her husband, James Edward Mclntyre. In a 'room of the Argflus Hotel last December. When the, trial opened, the woman was in such a hysterical condition tiiat she was unable to plead, her counsel entering 'he format plea of not guilty when the charge was read. It was intimated by counsel that self-defence, would be pleaded. The trial Is likely to conclude tonight BOXING CHAMP'S FATHER GASSED t KED .MOIItl.W l Ol'NI) DEAD AIIOIRII IMI.IT IN IIAKIIOR TWENTY MILES IliOM POUT ANtlEl.ES' PORT ANQELES. Washington. AprU 7. Fred .Morgan, stepfsther of Tod Mor-gsn. the Junior lightweight boxing champion ot the world, was yesterday found dead In a gasboat on which he had slept overnight In a harbor twenty miles west ot here. He had apparently , been suffocated by gasoline fumes from the exhaust. The boxer son called oil a bout for the Junior lightweight title . with Vic Toley at Vancouver on April 33 owing to his father's desth 1