PAGE SIX government 0 Lanada guarantees 1 A usjge IO YEARS OLD Tlladc in Canada 95 years This advertisement is not published or displayed by the IJ(Uor Con 1 1 ol Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. ADVANCE! Owing to the advance in the Wholesale Price of the High Quality Ingredients contained in Dr. Jliddleton's Food Products the 'retail prices will advance on April 5. Wholewheat, Oatmeal-Fruit, Ginger and Sugar Cookies will retail at 2 for 85c, and Macaroons at 2 for 45e. Present prices are: Macaroons, per pkg 20c Whole Wheat Cookies, pkg. 15c Oatmeal Fruit Cookies, pkg. :.. i5C Ginger Cookies, pkg. ... 15c Sugar Cookies, pkg. 15c Pancake Flour, pkg. ... 25c Whole Grain Cereal, pkg. 10c Ironized Wholewheat Flour, 4I)'s $3.00 Ironized Wholewheat Flour, 24's $1.63 Ironized Wholewheat Flour, '10's 70c Although the advance is very small we think it is worth while to stock up before the 15th. MUSSALLEM'S -1 2:i-4 1 7 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 Phone 84 A GOOD INVESTMENT There is no safer investment and none that will pay larger dividends than accurately fitted glases. They'll stop you worrying and start you wondering how you ever got along without them. Our Optical Service is the best by test-jiot the best becaTiKe the busiest but the busiest because the best. Lowest Prices. Expert Ser- A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 31!) Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. OOD j jutn l ine, ix'tiar, iwrcn and Spruce Per double load ...... $6.50 Per single load $3.50 Per sack , 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered All classes of Coal at dealers' prices. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE UUV BOTTLES CONVENTION OF TEACHERS HERE IS r.tVOKKIt 1IV LOCAL I'KII A(il)(ll(! UOnV DKLKOATES TO VANCOl). .MFETIMl Altt: NAMEH 'The Prince Rupert Teachers' Assocla Uoa, a branch or th British Columbia Teachers' Iteration, held It regular monthly meeting last night with a good attendance of members and Miss Blanche Macponald, president. In the chair miss MacDonald and Miss E. A. Mer cer were named delegates to the pro vinelal convention which will be held In Vancouver during the Easter holl days. The Idea of a local convention was discussed and the Association went on record as favoring one to be held In Prince Rupert some time In the fall. The South Atlln Teachers' Federation and teachers of the Skeena Valley would probably be Included In such a gathering. Week-end Specials No. 1 Terrace Spuds, per 100 lb. sack $1,J3 COO lb. Terrace Turnips, C lbs, for 25c The next rood turnips we set will be much higher. 5,000 tins Pacific Milk, ier tin 10c Limit, ten tins to each customer. Good only for Wednesday, Thurs day and I-nday. 500'dozen B.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs o dozen for ...... 93c Guaranteed strictly fresh. Pcamealed Back Ifacon, machine sliced, per lb 13e f.An tt... r.. .. .1 tf r 1. 1. . Campbell's Pork and Iieans, full size tins, special, 3 for ... . -10c JIalkin's Best Bed Currant Jelly, 4 lb. tin, iecial C9c Combination Special ii for ."iOf Lot 1 1 jar Li buy's Prepared Mustard 1 jar Sour Mixed Pickles 1 bottle S.B. Sauce. Lot 2 1 jar Chow Pickles 1 bottle Smith's Catsup 1 bottle Worcester Sauce Lot 3 1 jar Orange Marmalade 1 jar Chow Pickles 1 jar Libby's Mustard. Hot Cross Buns per dozen Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 and 211 TO BE HERE FRIDAY MfXrrl CPJt. steamer Princess Mary .arrive tomorrow from the south en route to Alaika on her last trip of the Mason.! ' being replaced when she returns to Van. couver by the steamer Princess Alice which has teen overhauled during the winter. The Princess Alice will now nave hot and cold water in each state room and has also had a new dance NOTICE Under and bv virtue of the nrorinior.- of Section 28 of the "Mineral Art- no. lice Is hereby elveu Messrs. Malcolm B.C ... i . auwic. Llia i. C il owing. Cash and Carry Grocery Fullitn and Sixth Avenue C.O.D. Orders of $3.00 delivered free. Special Sale For one week only, commencing Monday, April 1th. California Prunes, 80-1)0, selected stock, regular VZ'Ac per lb. 11 lb. $1.35, for 93c Malkin's Best Baking Powder, 5 lb. tin value $1.75. for . . . $1.33: Orange Marmalade, 4 lb. tin, regular value 75c, for 53c Jelly Powders, value 10c, 12 pkgs. for 70c Sterling Catsup Ten cases of this Catsup have just arrived and regularly sells for 25c per bottle. This week, to clear, 4 bottles for 55c Boyal Crown Soap, 15 cases to sell. Begular price for carton of C bars, 30c. Our price this week 22'2C Malkin's Best Tea and Coffee. Begular price for Tea, cr lb. 75c.; Coffee, per lb. 70c; take 1 lb. of each for $1.25 2 lb. pkg. Tea, regular $1.85, this week for $1.55 JAM! JAM! JAM! Malkln's Best Pure Jam, 4 lb. tin Strawberry, Peach, Cherry or Plum, why pay 80c or 90c per tin? This week, 2 tins for$l;35 THE DAILY NEW! Thursday, Aprq 7 15,? Service fir All and moderate sized accounts SMALL as well as large ones are welcomed by die Dank of" Montreal. The. service of this Bank is adapted to all and the quality of that service is the same wherever and whenever it is rendered. BANK OF MONTREAL i-l! 'ml D. w ma, wuiuj jism.-b, jresn siock, j nnilTrrpn 111 nir in per ib 23cirmntcM maki ja Pure Strained Honey, 12 oz. jar, sjecial 29c mm Established l8l7 sm Total Assets in excess of i 710.000. 000 Us- " C I'ATEKSON. Manager. I'rince Kupert Branch: floor put In for the tourist season. Later In the f-eason the Princess Charlotte and Princess Lou 1m wUl be add- I ed to the Alaska service which promises flM HCP I ACT TDID nU 'ear to urPM Im1 year' heavy I travel. Market Prices Msrket prices are as follows: , Pure Compound o ine undersigned for Assessment Work ' I IMI penormea on the CordlUa nroun of Mineral Claims. Princess Royal Island. 'Skeena Mining Division, the cum of prevailing here today LAKU W 25c 20c LtiOs B.C. pullcU j.., 3 Jo BC. 'fresh, firsts 40c frekh. extras' 45c bmyth. Edmund Langls. Harold Hansen: Local new laid 60c Halibut. Ib. 20c Sulniou, coitoe, 4iien S 23c - 1393.88. and that unless said nersona sir1 Smoked klDters. The idea that Hot Cross Buns .Sch SSS!Uuil Ib 15c are a one day a vear 1 seller lu Is Cl er-if avertuing. etc.. to the undersigned i 8m0ked black ,b- "ii- . '. Ac !" ? a Butedale. BC on or h-fnr. Kf. 19 Plnn.n h.rtrtl-. Ih on- roneous. Good Hot Cross Bunsii927. aoDiication win be made to th ,.,. . ... will sell any time Order a dozen Ool1 Ccmmissioner. Prince Rupert. B.C.. . I '"L". ecu unj unit. UIUCI u UUiCll , .n-. i..:. .w. EjLTn salt herrlntr 3 tnr 91. It,' 1 , i ' w ...... . ... f-. w- Ul .11C. " ...... MIS weeK! .rn mentioned Mining Oroup of Salt codfish fllleU. lb 30c a V-i a r t f 1 1 1 a . -r k m Mineral Mineral r1 ak i m r At 4 w . .MriAl L,l';KlJlt,iM r,,.rf- luc uuuw- Boneless salt cod bricks, lb. I)in Pork Chops, lean, per lb. 33c Choice Pork Steaks, per lb. . . 33c I Shoulder Boast Pork, per lb. 23c ; Buthenian Sausage, per lb. . . 30c Larjre English Boloirna, per lb. 23c Fresh and Smoked Fish a Specialty Try our Smoked Cod Fillets, or Smoked Salnjpn, jer lb 23c Quaker Cake Flour, pkjr 30c (A new line worthy of a trial) Spring Clothes Pins, G dozen 23c Brasno Polish, per tin 23c Leslie Shaker Salt. 2 for 23c Canned Catsup. 2 lb. tin 13c Sliced Pineapple, 2 lb. tin 13c Lombard Plums, 2 lb. tin ... 15c Labrador Salt Herrings, :5 for 23c New Boquefort Cheese, per lb. 73c Cheese Sna, special per pkjr. 23c This is a small salted biscuit Glory Brand Salmon, 's, 4 tins for 23c Pcamealed Cottage Bolls, average A to C lb. each, special per lb. 23c Thi is fresh stock, boneless and the biggest value in smoked meats obtainable. Ginger Snaps, jer Ib 19c e sell over 100 lbs. per week and our stock is fresh and crisp. Keep a few in the house for any occasion. FKUITS AND VEGETABLES Large Bipe Bananas, 2'lbs. for 33c Sunkist Oranges, 3 dozen for $1.00 Winesaps or Yellow Newton Apples, 3 lbs. , . . 23c California Grapefruit, 3 for. 23c Head Lettuce, each 15c Fresh Spinach, tier lb 15c California Celery 23c, 33c and 40c Freh Tomatoes, Green Onions, Asparagus, Rhubarb, New Car-rots, Cauliflower, Cukes, etc DAVID CORDUXA. JACOB KOSKI. 20c MEATS Fowl, No. 1. lb. 85c Roasting chicken, lb. 4Sc Ham, sliced, first 'grade (5c Ham, whole, flr&t grade 42c Ham, picnic lb 21c Cottage rolls, lb 35c Bucon. back, sliced 60c Bacon, aide 40c to 55c Pork, dry salt 35o Ayrshire bcou,,lb 35c Veal, Shoulder ......... 25c Veal, loin 40c Veal. leg 40c Pork, shoulder ...K.. ...... 28c Pork, loin r.'...'s.... 40c Pork, leg 40c Beef, pot roast 12V4C to 18c Beef, boiling 10c to 12c . Beef, steak 25c to 40c 'Beef .roost, prime rib 30c (Lamb, chops V 50c Lamb, shoulder 35c ! Mutton, leg 40c Lamb, leg 48o Mutton, chops 400 Mutton shoulder , 800 nun tit Brookfleld, Shamrock and Woodland. lb 60c E.CX).. lb 60c Capital. 2nd grade. 2 lbs 66c Prascr Valley, lb 65c New Zealand, lb. 65c tllEbSE Ontario aollds 80c BUlton, lb 85c Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat 85c Napoleon Llmbergcr 70c Roquefort .'. .- 75c Swifts' Buttercup, lb 4&c Oorgonzola. lb 76c McLaren'! Cream, Jars .... 45c and 85c Oruycre , 45c Golden Loaf, lb. ., 46c 81'OAR White, per 100 87.75 Yellow, per 100 8735 FLOUR Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat .... 82.05 Pantry flour, 10's C5o Pastry flour, 4s 820 VEULTAULES Beets, lbs 260 luO lbs. r,. 82.76 B.C. Carrots, lb. 4o 100 lbs 8333 Rutebagaa, 6 lbs. 25c 1 f Ik. mm PotatcH, 1C0 lta..$tKS.i..v....MJ SAYS SETTLERS BEING DUMPED Mils. K It. COX, "HUMAN POLITICIAN (IF MHiril," MAKi:S CIIAIUILS IN VICTOIIIA TALE OF WOE VICTORIA. April 7. Immigrants from England and other places. Id tnevtMs of northern British Columbia are suffering, with their families, on the verge of ctarvatlon and almost 'being frui-.en by the long severe winter because they have not proper clothing and shelter, according to charges made, here against Immigration official and orgau Izatlons by Mrs. E. R. Cox, of Hazclton. known as the woman politician of the north, country. She is the niece of Uie late Captain PiUIlp Hanklit, who was governor of mis coumry ai me tune oi ixmiracra Hon. She is the official Interpreter In the' north for the Supreme Court of Appeal and speaks four native dlslecU She came down for the Sunkey murder appeal. AMI MTAUVIMi "We have had to keep several families of these poor immigrants through the winter." Mrs. Cox said. "What else could you do?" The poor people have been helpleis there and atanrlng. We have had to do It every winter recently. And alnoe I arrived here I have received word that a lot more immigrants are arriving and are being dumped there. These people should be placed to gether iu a town where they can be look ed after. When the natives of the north find It hard to make living, how can you expect thee helpless. Inexperi enced people from London and other cities to eke out an existence) About an acre Is all they can handle and tbey can't plant garden to ke-p tbem wive alive, let alone rake surplus pro duce to market. Beside, tome of tlx- land tbey are put out on U o bad that they cant eveu raluc a racket on it. : KNINU UlCOVd KIMl "The wrong kind of peopte are be ing sent Into this northern country It Is not fair to the Immigrants them- selves. Not only are the transportation difficulties serious, but evan if the rhould raise anything, the tnarketa of the big cities are far away and the shipping coots ao high that they could not make anything." rr riioiiMi: or ituiriMi colimum DEPARTMENT OF LANDS IOItlT IIUANCIl TENDERS wUl be received by the undersigned up to 5 'pan. Monday. ADrll eleveuth for repair and reconditioning MuiM.ii wyiuv rir. uiuncn may ov inspected on pontoon at Prince Rupert Dry Dock. Plans and specification may De examined at the office cf the District Forester. Court House. Prince Rupert. Delivery to be guaranteed on or before loth 'June. 1927. Lowest or any tender not Geeensarlly accepted. R. E. ALLEN. District Forester. Prince Rupert. 7th April. 1B27. 8 TIMI1EK SALE X7138 There will be offered for sale by Public Auction at office of District Forester. Prince Rupert, at 12 o'clock noon on April 9. 1927. the Licence XI458 to cut 1 .295.UO0 feet board measure of spruce, hemlock, balsam and cedar saw-logs, comprising five areas la River Bight. CJt. 4. 1'rovlded anyone unable to atlcud the auction In person may submit a aealed tender to be opened at the hour of. auction and treated, as one bid. One ill year will be allowed for re-lnnva.1 of this timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. (JUEEN CHAKLOTTE DIVISION LAND TAKE NOTICE that 11. F. Leonard, of Portland. Ore., phynlclsn, Intend to apply to the Minuter of Ijuius for licence to prospect for coal, pctralsum and natural gs over and under the following described land, situate on Sklde-gate Inlet. Oraham Uland: Commencing at a pout planted at the northwest corner of Section '80, Town-ship 1; thence 00 chains east: thence 80 chains south: thence B0 chains west: thence 80 chains north, to point of commencement. Located March 14, 1927. It. F. UtONARI). A. J. OORDON, AgCllt. QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that 11. F. Leonard, of Portland, Ore., physician. InUnds to apply to the Minister of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal, petroleum and natural gas over and under the following described landi, situate on Bkldc-gate Inlet. Graham Inland: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Section 25, Township 3: thence 80 chains west; thence 80 chains south; thence 80 chains ct. thence 80 chains north, to point of commencement. Loctttvd March 14. 1027. 11. F. LEONARD. A, J, OORDON. Agent QUEEN CHAHLOTTE DIVISION LAND TAKE NOTICE that 11. F. Leonard, of Portland, Ore. physician. Intends to apply to the Minister of Lands for a llcenoe to prospect for coal, petroleum and natural gas over and under the following described lands, situate on Sklde gate Inlet, Oraham Island: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of Section 31, Township 1; thence 80 chains east; thence 80 chains north; thence 80 chain west; thence 80 chains south, to point of com mencement. Located March 14, 1927. H, F. LEONARD. A. J. UORUON, AiCUl. zmt 8p 23 is a-important- If you cannot nurse bahy use" Eagte Brund, which hat raised more healthy hottlc-frJ hahics than all other form of infant foods combined. It la absolutely pure, uniform In quality and atrength, easily digested and has been endorsed by doctor since 1857. Write for frt-dinj chart and Baby Wrlfare Book, containing Information every mother should have. Both are free. Add run Tit Borden Co. Limited VANCOUVER EAGLE B RAM) (CONDENSED MILK ) THE ACME is the H d(uarlt-rx fur Quality Clothing FOIl MEN AND HOYS SI I HIT WAISTS A new line Is junt In! Thcjv itrc Ideal for wear w two-plri-e suit in the warmer vrutither. And the jriri- 'em too, with u tomboy klrt And don't they look una-In various colon. From M IJOVS I1ALLOON PANTS Just the thlnjr for Spring wear. All pure wool mau in the newest shade and patterns. From JS-.7." HOYS" UNDEKWEAIt St. lUrjrarefs Combinationh. Kmc JoJijfth. with sleeves, in white and natural. SHciaI. per t.ult ... $ Acme Importers Third Aenue. I'honc t. l ii i WESTHOLME THEATRE TONKiHT ONLY, 7 nnd 9 p.m. Doris Kenyon In "Mismates 99 WAKNUK IIAXTEK. I'HILO .MtCll.LOU(;il. CIIAKLliS ' .MUIlltAY, C'YKIL MSU, MA 13 ALLISON, and othen. PACIFICJ kSll4Ti (0MI3DY-"II0MI3 SCOUTS" Ni. 1. ALSOl'S 1'ILM I A1IL13S AdmlHslon (CANADIAN! 32c and 10c Canadian Pacific Railway 51 B. C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rimert Tu KeUhlkuil, tVrunxtll, Jlllli-u u. Mtaswav Vnrll K IH l! M,.v II n -in "" Ju' Tu uncourr, Vlctorlu. heattlfApril j, & ,J "Uy ' ' ','"' I'KIN'CCHS IlKATKICF For Ilutrdale, East llrlla llrlla. Ocran Falls" K,., il.,. . CaiupbeU lUvrr. and Vancouver tVr'y h.tir'dar" il IJM,, Atrncy for .11 Steamship Llnea. ul lnrorm.(lol rotu . .X' Cl OKCHAKU.-flriirral Airnt Corner ot 4tb Street sua Jrd Aveuuel rJlnce llupert. B.C.