nmroday April 7, 1027 A Reliable Silver Polish Our Silwr 1'olish I guaranteed not to scratch the 'irnft surface and will take rtfr the worst kind of tarnish without much effort- Put up in Kin" Jars at "!::. you kc enough to last n -pur or more. Also good for Cut Glass and Mirrors in v rlFAVELLERS S.THC stoke wnn thc cuka THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS COLO C.VJR.TAJNJ ANO BIANKET5 V,t LAUNDER.. AT PRICtS THAT.MAKE foucs poDeri. u THF old weather flair is up. Ser.d your blanket! to us. Send vcur rurtains too. We'll do them u;, to look -like new. We are ertain that we can please you. Our service is riirht and so are .ur prices. Pioneer Laundry I'hone 118 Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtless th? ' -xit ( most of the ills that at'fijf humanity. This ts so w'f evident that it seem- hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are pMnjr trouble, have them attended o and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect 1" the most inexcusable. DO NT lose health and efficiency through ncgletV Come and seel Fred Joudry Keglslered Optometrist and Optician Hoom 3 Smith lllock Phone 7f3 rJACKFR0ST,HRE5Yt)URJA7. OUic COAU Willi tu n in-; JUSTLIKIiTHli Two's company three's a crowd. When you are entertaining Miss Spring you don't want to have Jack Frost hanging around. We'll send you around a ton of our coal that will show the old rascal the way nut. Call us. Albert & McCaffery NANAIMO WELLINGTON and MiLKOI) KIVEK SOOTLESS In Lump, Egg, Stove- and Nut rhoncH 11C and 117. CANADASENDS iSETTLERS DON'T GOLD TO U.S. NEED SYMPATHY tii.i. nv rut Tin: hkuiemt ex-'cnjc. ohkiai' IfMITKK TO THAT Ol VTKV WASHINGTON, DC. Aprt! 7.-(Can-adlan Prea). Canada .continue, to be by far the' biggest exporter.of, sola to the United SUU-. In January the rh tot.i ,h. k.- ,.. LONDON April 7 The Initltute ot Journal lata hat received only two application, for a Scholarahlp which entitle a woman of between 30 and SO to go to Canada for a year training a. a achool teacher with a Job worth at lean 2&0 a year at the end of It. Not a alngle appHcatlon ha. been re- celved for an Au.trallan acholanhlp en utling aon of a journallat to a free paruK to Auatrafla and two year. (arm training lhtae acholarahtp. were placed' at the i!. Advent tn th DallT New. GOVKItXMKNT I.K1UOK ACT.1 ' tttend to apply to the Lkjuur Controt . 1 oard for a Itcenre m reapect to prcmlae i , elng part of the building known a j I laMett Inlet Hotel alluate at Port ! leroenu. Queen Charlotte Idanda. Pro. ! mce of Bntiah Columbia, upon th ; and. d.vrlbrd a Uit Fir iS). Block I cny-four i4t. Subdivltion of Lot Seven , undred and (orty-ix 14. Porti Vment Townalte. lea Thirty-three (Ml I leet from front to rear on wt aide ot aid Lot. a. ahoa-n on a registered map ' r plan depoMUd tn the land Regutry : iflice at the City of Prince Rupert, in, AHVIkKM (MNAMANM t atti:ni to tiikik MOIIIOAUKh SOMK EXAMPLES own HIWK'TOfn a-.ii ..... . Domln.on . $38,000,000 ot th 62.Juf "t: " :r;T" .tr-" 000.000 which Mm. In,, ... . ' 1" T .""" w ' winsoian - iiiuu m Winnipeg at tne rat .... -j-.oi aoout j.opo a week. It U not uni Jf0 40 hr " th W i Reaction from lnm.i-rf a . Z ' ""uiging in phrawi which teud to , " "J OI th IlltM knm oil " " "' iCanada had to tmu-h m , .... " " -'" necessarily be almost poverty stricken. . , tJ rSr. 2 P- .uper.ntend 'IV. " t of the Canadian National Land , . , told received from Canada tn the la.t Settlement Association, native barn " - ow Canadian! would be better advised to domestic requirement, in that county. Wnd to their own mortgage, and not f ' COunlriM ,re """'to wa.te sympathy upon the nw dimculty -,"!.ltm,e In obuinin, enou8h gold to oom.r. Mr iW ..v. build up their balance. In the Unite; of the aetUera are well .upplled wlthf " w vwv kih rfknr Ul nrt that ta-hora tr. h6.a ' bl France In January wa. acquired by th French government from citizen. I who have U-en boarding gold. Chile and Japan lo were building up bal-iancea here TTiey aent .5)00.000 In gold in January. ONLY ONE WANTS ATTRACTIVE PRIZE naa larming experience, they are pur- ctx.lng farm, and not dolus It on the liiAUlUueut plan. A typtcal example, Mr. Fwr tt( 1 tliut of Peter UUowkL a Pole, wba with hU wife. aon.. aona-la-Iaw. their aim and children, totalling w family grvup of four men. four women and eighteen children, arrived In Winnipeg two day. ago. Yeaterday they paid fur two aectlqn. of land near Invermay, aakatcbewan. where they will take up farming and tbey U1U have about $0000 tn ready eaah with which to pun-hat Impietncnta and to ealahllab themaelvea. IUOVI 1'Mll.lt TtllX A aecond example quoted by Mr. rnr la that of the family of A. Sun-' din. ten la all. from Mlnnrasta. who lve rellnqulahed their farm holding. I In the UnlUd Bute. and. through the eSorta of the ooioniutlon department of the Canadian National Rail m ay at St. Paul, have Uken up land at Quill Saskatchewan. In addition to li,poaal or the Itwtltute of Journall.u lbn $M.ooo capital, tbl. fanuly by the Fellowahip of the Brltiah Em- tU auppjjtd alth fanning material pire Exhibition In recognition of Ute htuX already aent thrre carkud. of help. Kiten by the Pre, to lu work. uipment to their new home. Thi Include, tracton. binder. threahlng ! machine. . three automobiles and a number of hone Two of the boy. iaurnt th winter at Quill Lake and j.olirt: or .irri.irATlOV IOK IttTK have already cut more than 10.000 feet j I K :N( i; j0f jumbrr to be ud for dwelling, aud ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on barn. I he 9th day of Awll next the underaitned i . BALTIC HURTS SCOTCH TRADE o MMii:it riitu: to i:un ijv-l (Aumivh itmi.otitv be Province of Brltiah Columbia, and' . umbered 1079. for th aale of bm by LONDON. April 7 -Emigration la at he glaa. or by the ojien bottle for con. prraent taking a heavy'toll of forratry Tt mnfCrt. DC, thl.Wer. " H l. no longer 1th da of March. 1M7. itioaalble to earn a living wage in WARREN SCOTT. B L. TINOIJET. Applicant. fIOVEHXMENT LIQUOR ACT.' oii(i: tn- Am.irATio iok rnv m:t io !KNitK or iiit.k I l.HKMK Uiductry Once upon time thc Umber trade i wa. one of th aUplc tndu.trle of the country- A large proportion or tne pit-prop, uaed In ScottUh. Eugllah and Wrbh mine, cam from the Highland, and the exDort trade a not to be NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on uepled. But nowaday timber can ' the. leth day ol April next, the under, actually be ahlpped from the Baltic Beer Ucnte Numbtx CTJ and Iwml la Fngllah pltbeada for le money than reopect of premlea being part of a build- )t tta be aent by rail from the north mg known aa "Central Hotel." altuat at the corner of Flrrt Avenue ndlof 8coUa-. .-, Seventh Street. City ot Print Rupert, la The price of Highland pit-prop wood the Province of Brlllan Columbia, upon UxwA t tri, colliery today 1 30. uVSi ' ut of thi. sum the raUw.y iin in Block Ten HOi. Section On camnanle. uke 17. 6d. per ton for car- AL-. .H.,Pu.?,.n?r7JllKnS;Br5 rUge. leaving th. timber merchant only jBrftl.h Columbia, from Prter Black to lJ. 6d. per ton to cover hi. working Central HoteL Limited, of the CUy of and the nurchaae Price paid to of Br,t"'!, Ct"' W"1 the landlord for the ajandlng timber, ! na-rrn at Prince RUDert. B.C- thU SUUed woodnen In many caaea at I igth day of March. 1927. 1 CENTRAL HOTEL. LIMITED. I Applicant and TritnaTeree. IN ritOIIATE. i in thi: MTitr.Mi: rot iit or iiimtiii COM Mlllt In the Matter of the "Admlnlatratlon Art"; and In the Matter ot the Eatate of Paul Oerhard Ludm-lg. Dereanrd. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by Older of HU Honor F. McB. Young, th 4th day of April 1827. I was appointed Admlnlatra-u'r of the estate of Paul Oerhard Lud-wig dereawd. and all parties having I . . Intl slttttllAall LIIP II IU EJIIILB KIF IiriTUI I th present time are earuliig only t3 for a week of 60 hours and over lea tbn a laborer, wage In the majority of other trade. TAKING CANADIAN STAMPS FOR U.S. AIR MAIL SERVICE WA6HINOTON, DC. paynient In Canadian April 7.Pr atamp of the required to furnish aam. properly vert-1 special fee of 10 cent for the United flea, i" mi vr"'r '" Btate air man service wiu oe arraugm thU date ana ' .V for Canadians U there 1 anv demand rktnte are required to par the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN ALLEN WATT. Official Admlnl.trator. Prlnoe Rupert, B.C. ; Dnted the 6th day ot April. AX). 1M7. i HANKHLllTCV ACT. i-HTlTr' or U'M. MORGAN. I.OfKE-POKT. ' . A TIIOKISKO ASMtiNOU I Tender will be received by the under-iHied I up to and Including April Ut 'on the tock of William klorgsn. ' Aligned, in store at I-ockeport, B.C.. eonslsUng of arocerlet. Hardware, Drup Jnd Inventory of Stock, may Drygood. !"r. ',".j ttis underalcned or for the aervlce. Dlscuulng Informally the extension of the VS. air mall to Canadian mall matter. Postraaater.Qn eral New Uted that he aaw no reason why Canada could not be given some araiigement whereby Canadian (tamps could he ued for the extra 10 rent postage on matter to be trsnaporled by air. At present, while the ordinary paatage of tso centa ran be prepaid In Canadian atamp, It la necessary to buy United State, stamp to prejny the extra fee. It 1 understood that Can adlan authortllca have not asked for iLUrtlon Viucouver. SO. Hlghe.t or be oUUlurd here aa sTTv tender not necemrlly epieu. ALEX. A. CONNON. Trustee, Prlnr Rupert. B C. I" WATnirN0TICK. I NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that HI ol Ittnnatir the Lleutenant-Oovemor fLriU.n ColumbU. by and with .the ad. ?lce of III Executive Council, ha. been ,P,T1IAT thrvaUon of th. unr.cord-'ed waters of Browiil River and Me-1 wnlJht Preek trlbUtirlc Of FVwtslI ' uiulaUr ot Unit. No figure could 1 to the number ot letters being aent by people In Canada by the alt moil route- which now oper alea from coast to coast lu the United States and la said to have from one to two day ordinary ixwUl route. IIOTII. AltlllVAlJi Prince It ii pert Ous M. White. BeattU: Cyril Mller aud R. E. Prophy, Toronto; U. O. Wat kin. W. A. Pullen, A. O. Mollatt and J, B. Woodworth, Vancouver: Jame H Bentty and J. D. Luurle, Victoria. Cr ntrul J. M, IluuU-r, Buckley Bay. TBS DUTY HEWii PAGE F1YB "tffyou doril smoke Winchesters , its because you haven't "'tried them DRESSES A Party Dres. Regular $45.00. Sale price $1 RAINCOAT SPECIAL Regular 14.50. Sale price . . fl.lo One only ENGLISH CRAVENETTE COATS Fur lined. Regular $27.50.. Sale price J-"o PR1NG COAT In Tricotine. Latest model. Regu-uar $33.75. Salo price . . $:!2.5 NEW SPRING COAT Poiret Twill. Regular $27.50. Sale price ljM.I." FANCY TWEED COATS The latest- Regular $19.50. Sale price $1-1.75 FANCY ALL WOOL TWEEDS "Prince of Wales." Regular $27.50. Sale price .fl.5 I10YISH SUITS All latest novelty tweeds. Regular $21.50. Sale price $15.45 Enire Stock of. BrandxNew Goods Makes This Sale Unique SAVE THE POKER HANDS HATS N Lot 1 Regular up to $G.50. Sale price $1.!5 TAILORED WAISTS Regular $3.95. Sale price . . .$'2.15 PETER'S ORIGINAL HIGH RLOO.M RAYON VESTS Regular $25. Sale price ... $1,45 HEAVY SILK NIGHTGOWNS A real opportunity. Regular $7.50. Sale price $-1.1)5 FINE SILK HOSE All silk from top to toe. Regular ' $1.95. Sale price U"t SILK HOSE In Drown only. Regular $1.50 er pair. Sale price, 2 pairs for 75 IMPORTED ENGLISH HEAVY SILK HOSE Regular $3.50. Sale price .. $1.25 SILK SCARVES A beautiful collection, hand painted with heavy fringe. Regular $7.50. Sale price $1.15 Winchester a mild - Wended Giqarette ho k The Selling Sensation NEVER of a decade before such an opportunity to buy at less than cost, up-to-the-minute Ladies' Wear. Prices are irresist-able and the range of selection equal to that carried in many a Vancouver Emporium at prices Van couver has never attempted. When I say you have the bargain huying opportunity of a lifetime, I speak from experience, covering comparisons of VfisT value from Winnipeg to Vancouver. Your op- portunity is HERE. Sincerely yours, Mrrrliandlslng Specialist FANCY SILK GARTERS Regular $1.50. Sale price .... 45e NAVY RLUE TAILORED SUITS Regular $45.00. Sale price . . $22.50 GIRLS COATS In Fancy Tweeds. Sizes from 10 to 1G. Regular up to $19.50. Sale price $8.!)5 HATS Lot 2. New Spring styles. Regular up to $10.0). Sale price . . $:W)5 LADIES' THREE-TONE DRESSES Chiffon, Crepe, New York model. Regular $27.50. Sale price $18.50 HATS Lot 2. Latest creations for Spring. Regular up to $12.00. Sale price P $1.05 NAVY RLUE DRESS Heavy Georgette Crepe, latest model. Regular $:55,00. Sale price $22.50 SPRING COAT A beautiful fur-trimmed, lined with heavy Canton Crepe. Regular $45.00. Sale price $2!).50 $20,000 Sale J. BENT Third Avenue Third Avenue Now You Can Save and Buy Spring Goods at Less Than Cost ,1 i i . , i ifliHHsVaasaasslaaaassaBBBs