ela -p & @Ceir Pee Oey ee Ne Cee ™ SSIFIED ADS fe TODAY'S STOCKS RR PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER BLACKWOOD on ameccan Mondera. | ae Gels 3 | Ip | Bralorne a 485 Lynx sterinaees 1! STHE THIN I . YEADLINE FOR CI ASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS : _ : m fh. tert sais _ $$ _—_ - Cariboo Quartz 1.40 McLeod Cockshutt 245 aa ee : . Congress 05 Moneta 38 ’ if} 2USI S PERSONA oMaMa"aMaeMe nate Me teeta Meee See” = lassified Rates “ LY PiC e Cronin Basins = ——— = FIRST AD Mae : 3 mm day pre-| MAGAZINE n 1240 Kuucycles Giant ascot ay Noranda 74.25 Ulésure iime 4:30 pam. day pre-| MAGAZINES, ir Nees Indian Mines 07 Louvicourt 1g? i vious to publication pattie iB: RADI Did ss a ren “ - Pioneer 2.10 Pickle Crow BA Glassified, 5 cents per word re NEARLY everybi - Subject to Change) By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Pre ane Border 15 Petrol Oli & Gas 140” imsertion; minimum charge ov : i ‘ : Radi waco Peseaig : ’ eents BUSINESS RENTAI One Over-Bid on Four-Card ne ae a =~ or hourn | j ‘Atinas 80 went > rs : ficayy | ett a aaa SSNS s. 3 y . eeves Mat u 3.6 Sherrit Gordon wuaets . Notices, 50 cents; IDEAL Third Ave ocation an Suit Not Always Practical Sheep Creek 1.20 Steep Rock | = th inks, Des th Bast it ~premis aunt PM aa Silbak Premief 29 Sil! M ' | Paneral Not , Marriage i nanula ure y or ‘ rp : 1.38 g . . , * Sliver 2 t f ee ae : Y tora us ; Those extremists who believe in a One over one) Vananda 03 a sob SS niet retnik qakint ppy 1 , » | ‘ale | Salmon Gold 02%, | Sweet Grass Oils | 3 £2.00. a low nta ail response on any four-card suit, no matter how we ak,| Spud Valley 04 Odiden Manitou Special Display double pric i vcliitl provi : . ‘ 3 . Bo we \pproximately 00 1 cac N would have responded one spade on Mr, Dale’s hand. | Silver Standard 18 t Appl t irmst ; P nM. .*. 4) . ' . ‘ | Western Uranium re) ANNOUNCEMENTS creas Faia hin heir theory is that partner might have four spades,’ gy. IT PAYS ( 3( ve ( 5— too, in which case spades would be a good playable | A P Con ic TO ADVERTISE been, ~ : ae apie t almont : ' Ganat Legion Bazaar, HELP WANTED—FEMAL! trump suit, ny C&E».. 11.25 Novem ° WANTED — Experience } But there are Gisacvanenee paenn re = "S /? é WANTEI sper re ; ‘ y opinion, when vou hold North Mercu 23 u sin 44 y A Gas i . y kee pe erk for Constructi ; . bineae tin a ‘ie. Dale) Okalta 3.26 c he es Novembe : ny Anas: SROs dcnallvetanaatestiy > a $542 | Pacific Pete 10.76 stong ‘ i 1a i) t i Wild 2 , turn u a sont tena . » Cath I Baza N ees I Dard yest trump suit, un DA o 2 Royal Canadian 20 ss ve é himself can and; ce ‘ TORONTO FOR YOUR ROCK Ht John F. L. Hun “LOD I I b WANTEI i d it. True, when you bid Vrs. Keen) (My. Abel) Athona 15 AND CONCRETE WORK ‘ ll anal + +o Sige eit ars —n . | aoe . ' - t, partner , . i es i ‘ HIROPRAGty bef2 Say fot weal it, partner will : a Aumaque i4 EVERY JOB GUARANTEED . ps t e you di uble raise ‘ > eae 8 Beattle Dusquesne 35 10:36-} } she LOST AND FOUND . ny as four card CK ‘ c-Q7 Beveourt 110 We Pour Cement For Less No® 1 : : ee t But he can properi south Buffalo Canadian 19 hone Blue 939 94 } oO ( i i i nele raise with Mr, Meek) Consol. Smeiters 32.00 Phan 8 ‘ : : SA K ¢ niin 94 paeseneneeneeeiiaen hone Blue 44 jue¢ n Or King i—K Q@J876 Conwes 5 will be sorry D Denalda 47 PRECISION SAW FILING | setter 2} ag! 2 ae Se aust aoe = Lawn Mowers Sharpened FRED E DOWD — R Phor Al there 1lso the prospect Wr er as East Sullivan 6.85 i OPTOMPYes . f ; ” Be , . f partner barging into three no P NY Pam Giant ¥ellowknife * 150 | 215 lst Ave. W. + ie ounting r u (reas ‘ H Al, I Ge ms L sau ne - Phone 909 ’ Pre n I ir, Noven £eOCUUNTANTS nably enou have at least Hardrock 10M Phone Blue 9 er 27 ‘ . : } bid suit. When | gu The careless play ; Harricana wr P oO Box 72) Open Priday Pedal _ PUBLIC ACOCOUNTANY, incon ‘ } saiaials sttle off five or : ot thie nein’ end ‘f Heva oes bi . cg ’ e Ba ; I : pe stist s @G Mur} bh es : imps at us point and i ; N : ~ spuaba ; Stone R tty i ' i ny iit, partne: tha you're through Shipping and General scmsiecibiitiaitaias saunas HA KIND OF STUFF IN BED ) RO! Fr ey Pedicure - Manicure |WANTED T esetanas oe Se TO READIN nome EVERY NIGHT rr iw. GIVE YOU CULTURE ) ; Corns, callouses, ingrown toe-| house, unfurnished, Phone | hy nee ome ‘ SOA ES ») iY nails, massage. For appoint-| 664, 9a.m. to 5 p.m (265p) | } ome ee. & > mm J ments (also evenings) phone | | be : ets Blue 249 or Blue 192. Mrs. E.| FOR RENT ; “re asmussen, 654 4t », East. | =— | 7 be Rasmussen, 654 4th Ave (280 | FOR RENT—1-ton panel truck | a Be casi | Saturdays, .phone Blue 216) ; oF Flectrolux (Can) Ltd. Green 960 | anytime. (262) | iis — Sales — Service ney ‘ : Hee EY dei ee ere oo |FOR RENT — Housekeeping e t ’ es = | OOM. 221 1st Street. (262p) ns - me GALLEY CAFE, formerly Len-|FOR RENT—-Light housekeep- is advertisement is not published or displayed by | el aS th nard’s Third Ave., a place vo| ing room. Phone Green 894 } the Liquor Control Boord or by the Government | : eat good food, (268) (263p) of Braish Columbia Lu | i Ne er * ot :