E-ave Money Boston Grill 1 Mil ne ! . yry way to buy the I"0'M1 t.'ifl'Donfli'nt , sUDS'-'ioe J ' ,,-e it delivered duly of course you jt :oi shorter period. 68 and have tt de niln i s f the International Fisheries Commission, here tour (..ntcrence with local halibut fishermen which will take i tm...t ...i ii ii? lit. report tnat a longer cioseu season on itauuui wui uu the commission in Ketchikan on Saturday afternoon at There were about one hundred insraons in attendance . t. --f A. 1 It Al. I f Ki tiikan meeting anu unanimity oi views iratureu me khi- wii- urged that the present close season or three montns .. . i . i iL n irnnFNT IS PREVENTED Mr and Mr P W Seventh Avenue East Lowe iloim Sixth Avenue .isMiiK on a sled. p- i trom down t.i side i.ii.fdlately In front of ,-.fnt hlttWK tlie boy. nr to the rlKh' over-ditch As It was. the Mime scratches and mix-up. his sleigh being ';u The car. Dodge damaged. Including the v ndowa. nltltmnnn rt ELECTED M.P. '.it nil flniuiniirild lil A lmiwt Two to One in Enj,lish Election ,n:rnM w..- ai . -rrniinLeMi ive-ffn w be able to write M.P. after :n .the having been eleoted Sat- i tue 8outlieud-on-Sea bye-e!ec ..met two to one over her next .1- The vote stood : C Iveagh 31.221 111 Ki ll. 11.913 91T 477 tintcss Mid she hoped the agt-.ainst the so-called flapper vote w go on the acrapheap. f 'Milliliter was born on Saturday xi. November 19. at the Prince 1'UlILiC MEETINCt l'ublic Meetlnir will be On Tuesday, NoyemleiC2, at " K P.m.. in the Moose Hall, ; a e.:ond public meeting will ' e held to deal with the sal- mon industry. As these matters are of vi- tat importance to Prince Bu- T tttlf 1 1 ... 1 may i nope uotn meei- MIL'S Will ho In.ml.. c-viwi, , iviayor. submitted at Ketchikan, as a means of conservation, was that halibut fishing should be stopped altogether ou banks where chickens and other small eiaea predominate 'ii,il : .- IT. .11 4 Monday. November 21, at 9 o'clock, to deal with the hali- but situation. Tt . .1 all if rnmmiiiiiinn ti.loViia 4 r Sf tit t - xiMiiiinoiuii w lauvj.Of i. v vws. . j T ler with ail engU'iteUUn the T J. halibut induaf It la thought that the views expressed by the Ketchikan fishermen may not rninrM. entirely with the feeling here. slouers this mormug o u wi-. conference tonight would open at 7.8 lb the Moose Hall and not at 9 o'clock a originally announced due to an error. MEMORIAL TABLET ON FOUNDING OF CAPITAL OF B.C. CROWN COLONY NEW WESTMINSTER. Nov. 21. On a spot on the banks of the Praser at Sapperton near New Westminster where the Royal Engineers pitched their camp in 1868 a memorial cairn and tamei commemorative of- the establishment of iVMtmiiniH th first caoltal of the crown colony of British Columbia, was unveiled Saturday under the auspices of the New Westminster post of the Native Sons aud NatlveDaughters. LIVED ON CLAMS FOR SIX DAYS ON PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND KETCHIKAN, Nov. 21- C Ellefeen. 56 years of age. was picked up by a passing vessel and brought here Satur day after being shipwrecked six asj" on Prince of Wale Island. During hi enforced stay the temperature wa below freeelng and Ellefeen subsisted on clams while walking the beach In search of habitation. SPENT THE NIGHT GROUSE MOUNTAIN NORTH VANCOUVER. Nov 21 Three boys. Earl McLaren. 16. James naroy. 18: and William Clark, le, speni n i night In a shack on urouae umuwiu having got lost In snow and heavy returned at 3 mm. Another party r o'clock this morning. VANCOUVEK i:.CIIAN(JE Bin MMsoun Coast Copper Cork Province Dumvell George Copper Gladstone Independence . . Indian L. and t. Lucky Jim Porter Idaho ! Richmond . ; '-'. Bid Asxed .25 14.50 18.00 .10V4 .Ui .17 .18 1.85 .15 .17 .04 W .00 06 .00 53' 4 57 26 .11 .11'- FIGHT SEEN ON THE ICE Canadicns Tie With Montreal After Ten Minutes Ovfir- time Saturday MOVTItKAI.. Nov. SI. The Cana-illrns of Montreal URrd a l)lul battle against .Montreal In a Na-tlnnal ugiir hwkej (tiune Suliir-ilay, ten minutes nertinie fallhtg to brink i ilrHillwk. The CMnuillens hail the edge on the game ulilrh rmled I In 1- Miliums? nml Martin llurke prinetl ftahj niltltiites. Uplne filled the .lilies of the Injured Murenx uil-mlrulily. .Mimni uml .Minlha were rinrsl Sl. mrh for u fight I" ableli ni.ot of the iiiemliers of the o-IHi-lng teams tiMik irt. Monro Mured for the Maroons In the se- THREE KILLED IN esscl Now on Iteef to Come Here us 1'art of the Salvage Contract I Part of tbc undertaking In connection with the salvag of the wrecked MMir.cr Cuula wtli be to place the ' vessel safely on the dry dock at Pruice Ruperi it wai announced by H;o:d wrtually all boat owners and captains who attended the Brown. general manager of u Union UWWWU JW MM!., VWUV.B W MW . ... who- pi and through the city on the OastMUn last xdfht enrouie to the seene of the stranding on an Inspection trip Once the vassal la safely delivered to thr dry dock here, ahc will be duly Inspected by ttflweenutivea of toe yard on the eoMt which will bid on . the repair Job. In the eaee of a aueceeeful salvage Job not being carried out. Mr. Brown stated that the company bad plans already under way for the buUdlng of a shin to reolace the Calais The com- . --. . .k- if... inanv would have to maintain its ser IV Bf uuinwv uuk nitm . niwv wa - . .... I .. . . M..IU MUMim j f ' thi m.gu - Sixth Avenue cnajige M, accan)p.nM on 1 10 tlK doelU8 of U" trlHarto to W. J., McLaren, for- , mmd at aome risk to his, Jo.u, P. lbcock T, rr of Montro rbeotland. who P of Prd Lowe siou-T of U.tl TL? uWned d supervised the touUmtvg, .,e-ed an accident ysVer- InUnssMopsl J-" C' ,fUd of thVoat?., wIlTie returning am.th , t.ie corner of Hath ! w. A. Pound, director of Hoherle. for Vnmoum u Oamosun too-J iriwri Btreet which nun-. in teoeeai iwwkwwv. ft,r.w(m c: attended with much rr. suits for LeMer Ortmble. 1 .! a MutherweU. oiwef Inspector, of, Insbertea for British Ooiumbia. reached! the city from Ketchikan on the hvher-, lea patrol steamer Malaepina yesterday, j afternoon, while Dr W P Thompson, j (director of Investigations aud also aj member of the commission, arrived last i 1 night cm the schooner Dorothy, i It wa snnounced by the eommla-, oiiil iierlMl. and -loliet for the CUi-uillens In the third. Ottawa broke Into the win colli inn on saturil). rreilerl-kon. M-oreil two of IWs-tnn's giwls. making lli.st.iii ii. Detroit 3. The win for Ti.ri.nti er Chleugo was un liii.reUe affair, the score emllng four to t i the Toronto rink. following were the Mores Mlimlav: Krtrolt S. Huston 5. Montreal I. (anailiens 1. I'ltlshiirg I. Ottawa 3. Clilcugo "J. Toronto I. Miuilav's (lame New York Hangers 2, New York American I. Two Were Struck by Train and the Other by an Automobile SEATTLE, Nov. 21. Three persons were kuled ana a score lnjurcu. jjru- Kahltr ftal!v twnn OVr the PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'MNCE UL'PERT. UC, MOJ.!'AY. NOVEMBER 21. 1927 STRIKERS ARE KIL Sir Henry W. Thornton, Chairman and President. Canadian National Itailnays. photographed at Montreal on his departure for Mexico to inspect the .Mexican government railways. Topley Consolidated Will Ship Ore Within Twenty Days Says Frank H. Taylor The Topley Consolidated Mining Company expects to be shipping ore within twenty days according to Frank II. Taylor, who arrived in the city last night on the steamer Camosun and left for his home at Smithers this morning. Speaking of the present prospects of the company, Mr. Taylor said they would work fifteen men all winter and as soon as the water was all out of the mine a competent engineer would be engaged to give them expert advice as to how next to proceed. Thoir finances were in good shape and they had the ore. He was particularly pleased with the outlook. Mr. Taylor said he was the man who brought Captain J. J. O'Brien into the-district and put through the deals for the King Tut and Victory groups of properties on Hudson Bay Mountain. Contracts had already been let for 700 feet of tunnelling on these properties and Mr. O'Brien was bent on pushing development. Alaska Canners Would Close 120 Fish Traps Next Season But Extend the Seining Areas SEATTLE. November 21. The committee representing the Alaska canners on Saturday presented to Henry O'Malley, United States commissioner of fisheries, a plan for reduction of fishing iJ-' ! ....... In onnDiotKlorn Alaatcn iipyt vpnr. Trip ill an would eliminate II, IU W . - - ...... ' " " - I " approximately 120 of the 544 salmon traps in operation this year. Mr. O'Malley, in taking the proposal under advisement, said new regulations would be issued in December. The packers' plan provides for extension of the area in which trap operations are prohibited. At the same time, O'Malley said, week-end. !te propeeal aarentlyr.would extend t,. M,.rf.h si assistarit eltv trea-icope of 'selno fishing bjr allowing, "" r 1 . , In .MWUB lS H-hlnVl urer. and his mother were killed wheneemers h an automobile In which they were riding was struck by a train. Robert Harris was killed when struck by an auto. HAMILTON BEAT QUEEN'S IN RUGBY SEMI-FINALS KINGSTON. Nov 21 - Hamilton defeated Queen's 21 to 6. winutug the Dominion rujby scim-lluals 8u'-uru.iy. traps are prohibited the The committee assured me." O'Malley said, "that their plan attempted to take care of the independent trap situation. Of course many at the Independent traps would have to be eliminated." The committee pveseiMthf the plan Included H. B. Frleie of the Nakat Pack-Iur Co.. Augut Bushman of the Deep 8c Fisheries, ("lwles Burkhardt. and John ailber: of -In- Alaska Consolidated t. sic enwai; e Petersburg Pack- ln Do., and Qllbert Skinner ot .the j-Sunny Point Packing Co. PRESIDENT OF BANK DIES AT MONTREAL MONTREAL, Nov. 21. George 8. Campbell. 76 years of age. of Halifax. Dresldent of the Bank of Nova Scotia. j died here today of heart failure. Advertise Id thf Dally News. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, tor hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat for the least I'hone 457. Pri.-e Five Cnt IN COLORADO ETCHIKAN FISHERMEN ASK SHORTER HALIBUT SEASON longer Closed Season Halibut is Advocated Ketchikan Fishermen , , l'ropo.-ed That Hanks Where Only Chicken Are Taken Should !e Closed Altogether CATALA WILL BE DELIVERED PRINCE RUPERT . W. W. Strikers Killed and Others Wounded ! in Conflict with Police l , Strikers Swarmed on to Mine Troperty This Morning and Refused to Heed Command to Halt IiRVVKR: Colorado. November 21. Four I.W.W. strikers were killed and more than a score wounded this morning when state police ' opened fire at Columbine Mine of the Rocky Mountain Company In : Northern Colorado. 1 The Colorado National Guard has been called out and martial ' law declared in Northern Colorado. A number of the state police ' were injured. The state police turned a hall of bullets into the strikers after ! a hand-to-hand fight in which the officers were overwhelmed by a ! larsv liUi-.ber of sinkers, wao warmea- on t; the mine poverty, sfnortng the ' comiuuiids u halt. j Oi e of the injured was a woman dressed as a nia.i Disturbances broke out In 8outheru ' Colorado but there were no casualties. ' Six of the strikers arc said to be dying In Longmont Hospital j KEARNS CASE , NON-SUITED Tex Kickard Called Lawyer a Contemptible Liar Wheij Accused pf Hoast M'.W.lltK. NJ.. Nov. 21. ('lurges oT attempted tampering with Justice on the part of Hempsev ami lllckaril l.rouKht to an end Jack Kearns' third of a million dollar action against Hem prey In the siiH-rlor court here today. Itoth sides agreed to eikl the c;im-J)V a oliiutary suit when JmUe liun.ti.n said the onlv alternatie would he a mistrial. The court was thrown Into uproar I. Kickard. who mi reented the remarks of Kettrns' counsel that the promoter had boasted of li.iv-Ing the case "In the bag' tlult he called .the lawyer a "contemptible liar" In open court. COUNSEL IN SANKEY CASE NOW IN CITY A. M. Johnson. K.C.. Crown Prosecutor, and J. E. Iliril, for Defence. Arrived last Msht A. M. Johnson, K.C. ot Victoria and J.' Edward Bird of Vancouver, who will be opposing counsel In the Sankey murder case at the session of the Su preme' Court Assizes in the city this week, arrived from the south on the Camosun last night and. duAng the next couple of days intervening before the opening of court, will consult with witnesses and otherwise make preparations for the trial. Mr. Johnson will prosecute while Mr. Bird will appear on behalf of the accused. DECKER LAKE MAN IS SENT DOWN BY JUDGE AT SMITHERS Sentenced to ten months' Imprison ment at Okalta by Judge F. McB. Young in County Court at Smltljers on a sta tutory chane. Ed. Paauette oi uecxer LOW PRICES FOR HALIBUT Saturday's Offerings Finally Sell and Second Exchange Session Required for Todays' , , Halibut boat which would not ae-1 cept prices offered at the morning session ot the FUU Exchange on Saturday. ifiM u fallows in the sfternoan: 4 8Kki. 20.00rrpoutcUBojluyPlCJ' 10.8c and 6c. Resolute. 32.000 pounds: Attu, 43.000 pounds: Kanaga. 27.000 poundi: and .'ortlcck. 38.000 pounds, Canadian Pish 3c Cold Storage Co.. 10.6e and SC. Senator. 21.000 pounds. Booth - Fisher-. 10.6c and 6c. Albatross, 60.0000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries. 10.8c and 6c. Wave. 8,000 pounds. Canadian Fish tt Gold Storage Co.. 11.2c and ,6c. The Northern cleared for Seattle with 16.000 pounds. TOKAY'S SALES The following boats would not accept 10c and 6c this morning and. at a second session ot the Fi&h Exchange, wld as follows: Helgeland. 20.000 pounds, Royal Fish Co.. 10.4c and 6e. Gladstone. 30.C00 pounds. Royal Fish Co., 10.6c an d6c. Irene, 32,000 pounds, Booth Fisheries. 10.2c and 6c. Alurla, 32.000 pounds, Canadian Fish ii Cold Storage Co.. 10c and M. Dorothy. 30.000 pounds, Atlin Fisher- .es. 10.3c and 6c. The Grant, with 47.000 pounds, re fused the prevailing price and, went on to Seattle. Following the advent of the close season, there are still two American vessels the sale of whoee catches has not been announced. All Canadian vessels are now In. BENNETT TAKES OVER OFFICE Will Also be House Lender When Session Opens Early In New Year OTTAWO. Nov. 21. Hon. H. B. Bennett, who was elected leader of the Conservative party at the 'Winnipeg convention, arrived today from Calgary and formally assumed the leadership of the party. Mr. Bennett will replace Hon. Hugh Lake was brought to the city on last I Outhrle as house leader when the House night's train by Provincial Constable Q. of .-Commons resumes session early In A. Wyman of Hazelton "and will be the new year. taken south later In the week. L. W. Patmore appeared for the orown In this case with Milton Gonzales for the EARL CATHCART DIED: FORMER WIFE IS ILL LONDON. Nov. 21. Earl Cathcart. former husLand ot Vera, Countess path-cart, died Saturday. Countess Cathcart, who was divorced in 1022. Is seriously 111 of heart affection. She took a relapse on hearing thr new." The co-respondent In the U.xorcv t.ui v.i. the Earl of C.'a'.ea. ROUGH RIDERS ARE CHAMPIONS Kegina Heals University of B.C. at Kugby Nineteen PoinU to Nothing VANCOUVER. Not. 21 The Regln Rough Riders won the Canadian Rugby championship of Western Canada Saturday by defeating the University of British Columbia by a score of nine-'.cuii pj;i.' i'j uuUUus.